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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 4) WF+GF

“I didn’t think k of what the twins are wearing since they are going to the premiere. I barely went Owen going but since he is the star of the documentary, he kind of has too.” She laughed.

“Owen gets to go because he loves you and wants to be your number two fan. I’m number one for ever and always.” She kissed his cheek. “And he’s getting better with pictures and cameras, so he might enjoy himself.” She shrugged. He liked to pose for Adri when she took pictures of him. He should be fine on the red carpet.

She yawned again. “Let’s get some sleep before your children wake up.” She told him and turned the lights off.

The next week was full of prep for Jake’s premiere, Dana’s afternoon party and Jake’s after party. Adri was there to help with whatever he needed but this was his event so she let him take the lead.

The morning of the premiere, Adri got up really early and quietly and let some decorators in to get the front room all set up for Jake. There were black and red balloon arches and a big silver balloons that’s spelled out congratulations Jake. A private chef made a nice healthy calorie low breakfast for him with strawberries and blackberries for red and black accents. She got Owen up so he could go into the bedroom and wake up daddy. This was a big day and everything was going to go smoothly!
"They need to be in pics with us here at least. We can just put one in a red onsie and one with a black one." He chuckled. "I love it. Owen is in it so its fair he gets to go. They are expecting some interviews to come in."

Jake smiled at her when she said he was his number one fan. "And I'm yours baby." Owen was doing better. "I'm sure he will be a pro and steal the show when he is there."

" children."

Jake woke up from Owen and figured Adri had something planned so he decided to skip working out and training with the day ahead. He woke up and had Owen give him a bunch of hugs and kisses before tickling him. "What's mama doing?" He asked Owen.
“Baby balloons.” Owen giggled and jumped on the bed. “Breakfast.” He added and jumped on Jake to finish his sentence.

Adri came upstairs and got Oliver since he was up and whiny. She walked into the bedroom with him and smiled at Jake and Owen. “Did you wake up daddy?” She asked Owen and moved over to Jake’s side of the bed and gave him a kiss.

“Breakfast is ready for everybody.” She said to Oliver who was trying to nurse through her shirt. “Come on O.” She said and he climbed off the bed and ran to the door. Adri gave Jake another kiss, “It’s the big day. Are you excited?” She asked him.

“Glam squad gets here in a couple hours. Nanny should get her in an hour. If you want to work out or do whatever, you can.” She told him. “But come eat breakfast first.”
"Baby balloons and breakfast?!" Jake tried to cipher the code but then when Adri walked in with Ollie, be figured that was 'baby.' Jake tickled Owen.

When Adri walked over, he kissed her back and said hi to Oliver. "Hi baby boy." He rubbed his head and gave him a kiss. "That's 'breakfast' I'm guessing we have balloons too..." He smiled.

Jake nodded and smiled. "I'm excited but also super nervous. I hope it does well. And it helps people. Ugh." He hoped he could eat. Jake got up and followed them downstairs. "I figured I'd take it easy today. But maybe a run or something may be good to get my nerves out." Jake saw the balloons in the living room. "Babe..." He smiled and wrapped his arms around Adri. "I love you. You're amazing. Thank you."
“Remind me to never tell him anything.” She said to Jake and tickled Owen’s stomach. “There is a surprise downstairs, but Owen thinks it’s for him.” She kissed Owen’s temple.

Oakley was already downstairs and peaceful in her rocker with Max keeping guard. “I’m good you like it.” She smiled and kissed him. She set Oliver down for a minute and he hated every second of it. Even when Jake picked him up he was still screaming.

She set Owen’s plate down and it was a waffle in the shape of an octagon with strawberries and black berries and UFC in white chocolate. She set it down and then put O in his high chair. She had the bottle in her other hand for Oliver.

“I figured you would appreciate it, but he would actually eat it. The chef made you an egg white omelette and I think there’s sausage and bacon and fruit salad.”

She took Ollie. “Goodness, you’re just like your father. Okay okay.” She kissed Oliver and grabbed the bottle to get him fed, which he fought at first and then he took it and ate greedily, just like his father.
Jake laughed. "He said it in code. Baby balloons and then breakfast. I had to try to cipher. Of course he thinks it's for him. You spoil him..."

He tried soothing Oliver and getting him to stop crying but he wasn't having it. He wanted food but he got it. Jake was the grumpy when hungry. He bounced with him while Adri got everything for him.

"Ooo these look good. Are those protein waffles?!" Owen dug into the waffles. Jake stole a bite of waffle and berries from Owen. "It's yummy."

He sat down at the table by Owen and started eating. "Thanks baby. You put thought into this. I appreciate it." It was nice having a chef making food. He had considered just hiring someone while he cut weight. A lot of athletes had chefs.

"It's not his fault. He's hungry...did Oak eat yet?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

Owen looked at Adri. "Mommy! Mommy! Whip cream??" He pointed to his waffling wanting whip cream on it.
“I do he deserves it.” Adri smiled. “Just like all my babies.”

Adri sat down but didn’t eat because both dresses she was wearing would show everything. So she was being good. She’d eat a few carrots later if she was feeling hungry.

“Oak ate while the people were setting up the balloons. We had some quiet time before all the boys woke up.” She smiled.

“Please? Can you say please?” She asked Owen and when she got her please she gave him some whipped cream and had a taste herself.

When Ollie was done she burped him and tried to set him in his rocker but he wasn’t having it so she rocked him instead.

“Is there anything that needs to happen before glam gets here?” She asked him. “I have a photographer coming here for family pictures since the twins are staying here. I’ll change them right before pictures. Maybe we can post one on instagram after they’re announced. Maybe.”
"You give Ollie a hard time for being hungry but baby girl has already eaten and her tummy is full, that's why she's happy." He chuckled and shook his head.

"Pweeeze!" He smiled a big smile. Jake smiled at Owen and shook his head before grabbing some coffee and adding just a bit of cream. It was sugar free so that made it easier for him to have.

Sitting back down he looked at Adri. "Nothing that needs to happen. I'd like some time with you alone but with three kids awake.. probably won't happen." He pouted. "I can take the oldest to the... p-a-r-k. To wear him out. Otherwise everyone can just do whatever." He told her. "It may be nice for me to stay busy too. I could take him and Max for a run. Or bike ride and pull him..."
She made a face at Oakley versus Oliver. “She is more patient. Just like me.” Adri smiled.

“He would like and I would like an easy nap time. If he doesn’t fight the nap, and wakes up in time, the premiere will be so much easier. We might have to leave him if he’s in a mood.” She told him and raised her hand innocently. “Take him to the park and really get him tired.”

“Can you take baby boy?” She asked. “I’ll keep her. She can do some tummy time while I get exfoliated and beautiful. Are you going to get a spray tan?” She asked teasingly.

“You can have one on three time with all the babies. Maybe take a nap with Owen.”
Jake raised an eyebrow. "You're more patient? Maybe when it comes to food but that's it. You're not that patient love." He teased.

He nodded. "We can run to the... That way he can play. Ollie will probably sleep on the run." They had the best stroller for running for that reason so it was a smooth ride for the babies. "It will give you time to do what you need to while we are gone."

"A nap for us would be nice. The after party may go late..." Jake looked at her. "I may drink a bit...are you okay driving us back after or do you want me to have Liam on stand by?" He raised an eyebrow. "We may need him so you don't punch anyone."

When Owen finished eating, Jake cleaned him up and he let him go play in the living room. "If you want me to take him, can you make sure we have stuff packed in the backpack. I'll just wear it on the run."
“I hired a driver to take us from here to the show. I think you’re going to really like the car.” She smiled. “So the after party can go as late as you want. The nanny will be here for the twins. My mom and dad are taking O. Everything is worked out.” She promised.

“My name comes before Dana’s in the credit right?” She asked. The version last night didn’t have credits yet. And while Adri was supposed to get a producer credit, she didn’t know where in the line she stood. “I mean if we are going alphabetically I should be first. But I’ll only throw punches if Dana is before me.” She shrugged. “It’s only fair.”

When Oliver got to sleep, she packed up the backpack with everything he could need for a quick trip to the park.

She took Owen upstairs to brush his teeth and get some play clothes on and ready for the park. For now he just wanted to run around and watch his cartoons.
"I didn't know we had a driver. But that makes sense. That's cool. Do I get a hint about the car?" He asked smiling. "Is it new or old?"

Jake chuckled and shrugged. "What do I get if you come first?" He teased smiling before finishing his coffee. He would need to wait a little for his breakfast to settle before going for the run. "You helped film it. Travel with me. You're listed before him cause you're in it. You're the supporting actress." He kissed her cheek.

He cleaned up his dishes before heading to change. Jake put on shorts and tshirt on. He checked the stroller was good and ready to go. "We may wait until he wakes up. Or at least a little." He patted his stomach.
“I’m not telling.” She told him.

“You eyes happy wife, which should be more than enough. And I won’t punch anyone.” She smiled and thought about it. “And I might not punch anyone. It depends on who is there.” She corrected. “This is a Dana event. He can invite who he wants.” She frowned. Which most likely meant he wanted all of his top players on attendance and everyone who had something to do with Jake. It was rare all the fighters in different weight classes got together. So Dana was abusing his limited power.

“That’s probably a good idea. Might be an hour or two. He’s in his milk coma.” She poked his belly lightly and smiled. “I’m going to get him fat like Owen was. And Oak too. I love a fat baby.” She smiled.
He studied her but couldn't figure it out. "You rented it? We don't get to keep it?" He raised an eyebrow thinking trying to study her face.

Jake raised an eyebrow. "No fighting anyone tonight. No punching anyone. I'm calling Liam. But he's been around, he deserves to go and enjoy some of it too. Another set of eyes wouldn't be a bad idea. Especially with you...But really I think we will be too busy to worry about anyone else."

He sat down on the couch and shook his head. "You want fat babies? Then you get sad when they run off the baby fat." He watched her and smiled a little. "Babe...what are you going to do with your glam to take a nap later?" Jake tossed the ball with Max when he brought it to hi m. Owen ran after Max and thought it was funny and tried to out run him but Max was always faster. "Our son is playing fetch babe..." He gave Adri a look. "I thought he got his brains from you?"
“No I didn’t buy it. You’d divorce me if I bought another car without you knowing.” She laughed.

She smiled at him, “I won’t punch anyone who can’t already take a punch.” She reasoned. “I feel like that’s fair.” She said after thinking about it for a minute. Because technically, half of the people would be able to block a punch. So if hers connected they really deserved it.

“You mean like Owen? My little biscuit roll who got bigger and taller and lost all the weight I put on him? Yes. That hurts my feelings.”

She shook her head, “I’m not taking a nap. Once glam starts, there’s no stopping. Well I can sleep when I get my make up done. But we will see. I have to get a lot done. Hair, skin, nails, makeup. You just enjoy doing nothing but putting on a suit.” She rolled her eyes. “The things I do to look good for you.”

Adria frowned, “Those brains came from his real mother. O can I take a picture of you?” Adri asked and Owen stopped and posed facing her for a few poses and then turned and looked back for a picture. “That’s all me.” She said proudly.
"I wouldn't divorce you. I probably wouldn't be too happy with you. We may need a bigger garage if we get too many more vehicles. I worked too hard to get you to marry me. I'm not divorcing you that easy baby." He kissed her cheek.

He smiled and rolled his eyes. "That's called a sucker punch if you catch them off guard though babe..." He told her. "But I love you try to stand up for me though. It's pretty sexy."

"I can't help he's the energizer bunny and doesn't stop. Plus he runs after Max constantly." He chuckled. "He was a chub though."

Jake rolled his eyes. " look good for me all the time. Even in sweats and a messy bun." He kissed her because once her make up was on, they wouldn't kiss much. "Are you getting longer nails?" He wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm gonna take advantage of those later."

Jake watched Owen and laughed. "That is all you. His energy is me." He shook his head watching Owen. After waiting a little over an hour, he got up. "Alright. I think I'm gonna get ready to go. O want to go on a run with Ollie and Dad? We will stop at the park." Owen nodded and ran to the door. "Max too?"

"Not this time buddy since we have the baby." Jake made sure Owen went to the bathroom and had water before grabbing Oliver and getting him strapped in. Owen gave Adri a kiss and then ran to the door. "Daddy gonna run."

Jake gave Adri a kiss. "Love you. We will be back later."
“No. I’m not sucker punching anybody. They’ll see my fist coming clearly.” She shrugged. “I’ll always stand up for you.” She promised and kissed him.

She smiled at him, “You’re so sweet. I’m not trying to be sexy when I’m in your clothes. I’m trying to be comfortable.” She laughed. “Do you want me to get long nails?” She asked. “I can. You want almond shape? Like a blunt point get you scratched up real good.” She winked at him.

“And his brain in Layla. Yikes.” She joked.

“Have fun bud.” She said and kissed Owen. She gave Jake a kiss, “You have fun too. I’ll see you when you get back.” She told him and smacked his butt when he turned around.

While he was gone Adri and Oakley watched some TV until the first of her glam squad came. She had to get her skin exfoliated, take a shower. The nanny was there to watch over Oakley while Adri was starting her process. By the time Jake got back, Adri was getting her finger and toe nails done.
"If you're fast enough they won't. Gotta get faster baby." He put his hands up and shadow boxed a couple times quickly. "We will work on it. But if you hit them with your rings, that will knock them out."

"That's what makes you so sexy. You don't even try. You just are in your natural state. I love it." He smiled and kissed her softly. "I do. I'd like that. I love my back and chest scratched." He smiled.

Jake chuckled and shrugged. She was living her life and they were raising a kid so she may be smart in some regards but missed out on her son's life. Jake wouldn't trade being with him for anything. "That's why we got him enrolled in school so early."

He gave Oak a kiss. "We will. Call if you need anything." He told her and went outside. The guys took off on the run. Owen loved it that daddy did all the work. Oliver enjoyed the ride but didn't get to look around like Owen could.

The park was a few miles away. When they arrived, Jake let Owen out of the stroller. "Stay where daddy can see you okay?" Owen got out a "Uh huh!" As he took of running. Jake kept the stroller moving back and forth a bit to keep Ollie happy.

They spent a good hour at the park letting Owen run and play. He was hot and sweaty coming over to Jake wanting a drink so he gave him some water. "Ready to head back and see what the girls are up to?"

"No. I play." He told Jake.

"You can play at home for a bit. Then we will lay down before we have to shower to go to daddys movie." He told him.

They headed back but Jake took the longer way back home for Owen. He was almost asleep so he kept going until they were both out. Jake got home and called Adri. "Hey...can you come get Oliver. Both are asleep." He said softly.
Adri smiled at Jake when he came into the living room. “I can’t Boo.” She said and looked at the nail polish on her toes. “Annie, can you help Jake with Oliver?” She asked the nanny and Annie set Oakley in her rocker and went to get Oliver.

She smiled when she saw Owen knocked out against Jake’s shoulder. Now the hope was that he woke up naturally in a couple hours and in a good mood.

“How was your run?” Adri asked Jake. “It looks like the park was a good time. Are you going to take a nap too? Once these go under the blue light, I’ll be done.”

She showed him her nails, “What do you think Baby? Those are real lab grown diamonds.” She told him and smiled nice and wide. “I might need this manicure for our wedding. My toes are almost done, but I have to get hair done next. Then make up. You might want to sleep in the guest bedroom so we don’t disturb you if you take a nap.”
Jake thanked Annie for helping with Oliver. He carried Owen in and rubbed his back to keep him asleep. Max ran over and Jake hushed him. He sniffed Owen's legs as his tail wagged and followed them up to Owen's room where Jake laid him down and turned the monitor on.

"It was good. Owen loves telling Ollie where everything is. Car. Points to a car. Dog. Points. Oliver just sucked on his pacifier." He shrugged. "I may lay down. Not sure I can sleep. Plus I need a shower. I don't want to get into our bed before I shower."

"I really like those baby. Those are cool." He smiled and nodded. "What happens if you lose the diamond?" He asked serious. "But you definitely need it for the wedding."

He nodded to going to the guest room. "Remind me to pull the sheets later in there. Come get me if you need me. Otherwise make sure I'm up a few hours before we need to leave?"
Adri smiled and didn’t answer when he asked about the diamond. “I love you.” She said which is all the answer he needed to hear. He wouldn’t like the real answer.

“Go take a shower and a nap love. I promise no one will let you over sleep today.” She laughed and gave him one more kiss before sending him off.

With him out of the way and most babies down for a nap, Adri fully relaxed into her glam session. Once her nails were done, her hair team came and washed and blow dried her hair. They decided to do a straight style which is why they came so early. They hade to straighten out all of her thick hair and get it slicked back into a low bun.

By the time her hair was done, Owen was up and running around her room. He wanted to sit in her lap but she didn’t want to get hair all over him so he sat with his tablet and played on the floor. When her hair was really done she sat on the floor with him and played with him until the make up team came.

“Can I have a million kisses before I put make up on?” She asked Owen and he looked at her face and then gave her multiple kisses and stopped. “Was that a million?” She asked and tickled his sides. “I want more.” He told her to say please and she said please and gave her more kisses.

“Let’s go wake up daddy. He’s really nervous about his movie. So we are going to give him a lot of love. Okay?” She kissed his hand and they went into the spare bedroom to wake up Jake.
"I'm going to nap then shower. The way I sweat when I sleep. It makes sense." He shrugged and gave her a kiss before going to the spare room to lay down. Jake had the TV on but fell asleep pretty quickly.

Jake woke up and stretched when he heard the door open. He only had his underwear on so it was good it was Owen and Adri waking him up. "Your hair looks nice. You don't have your make up done though. That means I get kisses!" He told her with a grin and sat up.

"Owen how was your nap?" He looked at Adri. "How long did he sleep?"
“No I have gotten my fill of kisses from Owen. He gave me a million kisses.” She smiled at Jake and helped Owen get on the bed. Owen crawled to Jake and gave him a millions kisses too.

“You both slept a little over two hours.” She told him. “Both twins are up and fed. I think they’re on tummy time. But you need to start getting ready. Shower, hair cut if you want one.” She told him and sat on his side of the bed.

“Oh and please eat a snack. I know they won’t have food you can eat at the theatre. I can only sneak so much in in my little bag. So eat snacks, do not put snack in your pocket. They were catch the outline when they take pictures.” She warned.

“Put them in his overnight backpack to hold you over during the movie and then you can eat what you want at the after party. Okay?”

“Can you kiss me without messing up my hair?” She asked Jake. “Because I want a million kisses from you too.”
Jake hugged him and smiled getting all of his kisses. "Thank you buddy. You are best!"

He thought about it and rubbed his head and nodded. "Yeah. I want a haircut. Nice and thin on the sides I think. Any ideas?" He asked her.

Jake laughed and nodded. "Alright. I'll eat a snack. I'll have a protein shake too. That should help a lot." He chuckled. "What if I put a banana in pocket...." He kept laughing. "I have to put my snacks in my son's bag....I shouldn't need a lot of snacks. It's not that long of a movie."

"I can kiss you without messing up your hair. It's what happens after the kissing that gets the hair messed up." He grinned and started kissing her slow and deeply.
“Well my people are here and they can give you a nice fade if you want one. But you have to get it done now before I do my make up. And we are all waiting for you to shower and get out of the bathroom, or get your stuff and use this bathroom so we can keep going.” She said.

“I mean none of us would mind seeing you naked. It’s the steam of the shower that we don’t want to mess around with now that my hair is straight.” She winked at him.

“You don’t need to put a banana in your pocket. Everyone has seen the size of your jockstrap through your tiny shorts.” She smiled.

She kissed him back and rubbed his side. “You can do that later tonight.” She promised. “Now get up and get your hair cut. Photographer gets here in ninety minutes. We leave in two hours.” She gave him a couple more deep kisses and helped Owen off the bed. She asked him if he wanted a hair cut too and since daddy was getting one, of course his mini wanted one too.

Once the boys’ hair was done and Jake was out of the shower, Adri got back in her chair and they started the make up process using all of her products, but no one would know that until launch day.

Then her team helped her in her dress and jewelry. It was one of the occasions where she wore her engagement ring and her wedding band, so she put them both on. She usually only wore the wedding band for safety.

She heard Liam arrive and then she heard Clive her photographer arrive. So the nanny had to get the babies dressed and Owen had to put his shirt on which he wasn’t feeling but he did it for a pack of smarties.

She smiled at Jake and did a little turn. “Good choice baby. You like?” She asked and recorded a few mirror vidoes and selfies of her outfit and how good her body looked.
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