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Calm Before the Storm OOC Chatter

I’m going to hold off on posting until Sev’s in the medical bay. Otherwise, it’ll just be variations in “Sev bleeds some more”. Unless you want me to describe the Imperial pursuit, that is.
The only Imperial Speeder at the ship should be Kara's, the original two Troopers are off chasing our prodigal passengers.

KC - I'm thinking Kara will recruit Lars to ditch the stolen speeder, well technically stolen speeder #2. If that works for you.
How do you mean, Lea? You mean hide the speeder Kara came in on? If she asks him if he wants to "hide the speeder," he may misinterpret.
kckolbe said:
How do you mean, Lea? You mean hide the speeder Kara came in on? If she asks him if he wants to "hide the speeder," he may misinterpret.

OMG Someone's mind is really in the gutter 'Hide the Speeder' LOL!

I was more thinking of Lars driving the stolen speeder to another spot and Kara bringing them both back. So they don't connect the dots. We might play hide the speeder later!
Definitely doable, though Kam would be the better pilot unless she has a reason to keep him at the ship.
No fancy flying just ditching the speeder, I'm thinking they are like driving cars for us. Kam will need to get the ship ready to go, I would think.
TheCorsair said:
Meanwhile, Sev will take care of ruining the upholstery.


I bet Sev hasn't stained the inside of a speeder since he was a young man. Also, fair point, Lea, I'm down.
How does the comlink work? I suppose we ought to have some common knowledge of it. Is it basically voice? Can others here or is there an ear bud or something like that? Text? I don't know what is canon but if someone could define it for our purposes, that would help.

I'm wondering specifically if Kam opens his comlink, who else hears it, just Lars on the ship or the whole crew?
Technically speaking, comlinks are like space cell phones.

Here- educate yourself!
Thanks, the question remains though, who was Kam pulling into the conversation when he used his comlink? Lars, the whole crew, Imperial 911?
Honestly, I coulda posted over the weekend, but was getting mixed signals as to what was desired, so just stayed back
I feel like we are moving at a pretty good pace. Fun so far and I think it will get better.
And I have just set things up for Sev to learn that he is flat broke and massively in debt. Like, “get the Falcon out of debt to Jabba” in debt.

Also, there is a group of Stormtroopers looking at a satchel containing a selection of precious stones and metals and contemplating reporting that they didn’t find any personal effects at the crash site. Not hugely important to the plot, but still.

Incidentally, I’m thinking that the real Iantho Halfri should show up at some point. Maybe he’s helping our crime lord launder money, or something like. But if he does, I propose this as his appearance.
TheCorsair said:
Incidentally, I’m thinking that the real Iantho Halfri should show up at some point. Maybe he’s helping our crime lord launder money, or something like. But if he does, I propose this as his appearance.
I am really into this idea. Either as part of the mob boss' crew, or as an individual seeking payback against Sev. (Or perhaps both motivations get intertwined, after the crew hits the crime boss?)

Alythra's ideas for Sev to pay off his debt.
Sev: Right there?
Aly: Over a little more.
Sev: Here?
Aly: Yeah, that's the spot. Harder, though.
Sev: It's pretty slippery.
Aly: Keep going up and down, you'll get it done.
And when you're done scrubbing the floor, you can get the walls.
-Bonus aside-
Sev: Why did I have to be shirtless again?
Aly: Didn't want you messing up that swanky jacket, of course!
So how 'deluxe' of accommodations would the the Lucky Hand actually have? Would our passenger have her own shower or more of a communal one shared with the crew? Though the realistic side of me thinks we are more talking sponge baths in space to conserve water, which could be fun as well. It is a freighter after all not a cruise ship. A communal shower might make things a little more interesting and be a happy medium, but I'm not sure it fits in with transporting a diplomat around unless she is on a bit of a budget.
LeaT said:
So how 'deluxe' of accommodations would the the Lucky Hand actually have? Would our passenger have her own shower or more of a communal one shared with the crew? Though the realistic side of me thinks we are more talking sponge baths in space to conserve water, which could be fun as well. It is a freighter after all not a cruise ship. A communal shower might make things a little more interesting and be a happy medium, but I'm not sure it fits in with transporting a diplomat around unless she is on a bit of a budget.
Yeha I think I was imagining more of a sonic model, though perhaps it could be a dual function, allowing for water when the ship is hooked up to a water line. Which it would be in port, since it's refueling. But hey, sponge baths could be fun too.

As far as single occupancy or communal, I suppose that depends on the group mood. I know Soran mentioned not being into threesomes, so perhaps single occupanacy would be better. And do we want a short scene between them (broad strokes, could fit in the main narrative, like the earlier scene with Aly and Sev) or a longer, more drawn scene, requiring its own thread?
And now we're starship designers. :p

Honestly, I hadn't thought about this myself. A dual-functioning, sonic shower does sound like an interesting idea, for sure. As for max occupancy... Despite my not being into threesomes (or more), a communal shower might be the best fit for the ship. Dynamic-class freighters aren't very large- perhaps smaller than a YT-1300- so there wouldn't be much room.
Sorry to get into the weeds of details but I was curious before writing a 'brief' shower scene. I'm thinking one along the lines described here:

Probably closest to the Captain's quarters but accessible to the crew. Looks to me like it is big enough for a two some or a very cozy three!

I am perfectly happy to settle for the occasional sponge bath in deep space though. I just don't find 'sonic' refreshing or sexy and I think it is Star Trek technology!
@Soran: Is it MFM threesomes you avoid? Is a FMF a different story? Just curious for future reference. I was half expecting the Captain was going to pull rank on Jiljoo for the shower tour.
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