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King and the Hunter (Lunarwolf and Ezralora)

He took up a hand of snow before vanishing for the briefest of moments and appeared in front of her. After which he blew the powdered snow into her face, it glittered with a touch of magic, as he cast a sleep spell on it. If she breathed in the smallest amount of it, she would feel the urge to just fall into a deep sleep. If he was successful he dust off his coat before rolling his shoulder a little, as if he could feel the dislocation she had. "She is certainly an interesting figure. Get her inside and but the restraint bands on her arms, goodness i do not want her to go around slaughtering half the population." He said to the other demons with a grin on his face.
Allison heard what he said before darkness over came her and she fell to the ground. the two demons nodded their heads and the hauled her up before looking at him "do you want her placed in one of the guest rooms or do you want her in your room? Also do you want her clothes changed?" the men would strip her of her weapons so that she couldn't hurt anyone but they wanted to know if the king had anything he wanted done to her
He seemed to be in a world of his own for a moment as he stared forward over the icy plain. "Hmm what?" Looking over at them he tilted his head before waving his hand. "Yes Guest room, and... why not she's in a different place and should be dressed appropriately." He added before a small grin moved over his face, "I will leave you to that though, i'm not one to chose for style." He stated and looked down himself. He would stay in his human form for a little bit longer before returning to his demonic form.
the male nodded his head and took her to one of the guests rooms once they had the bands on her the maids stripped her of her clothing and put her in to a red silk dress that left little to the imagination up top but went all the way to the floor. it would be some time before Allison woke up and when she did she would see the dress and possible freak out over it
Solomon made his way into the main room of the castle, though that would be an understatement and looked up at the skeleton mounted over the throne. It was a large ebony boned skeleton of something with large wings spread out over the wall. "Oh Lucifer you were intriguing but... i see why you didn't want someone else to take this boring job." He muttered and took his coat off, letting the fabric drape over the throne as he showed his shirt and waist coat. He moved to the piano in the room, sitting on the small stool and began to play. It was one of the few things that actually kept his interest in this place. Ruling was easy once you had established the rules, and Hell was easier than most. Power was respected and the King had to be feared. It had been a few weeks since he killed someone as an example, maybe he should do that at some point.... "Stop thinking about it Solomon and continue on." He muttered to himself and pressed the next key to continue the song.
while he was playing the piano the servants kept watch on Allison and when she showed signs of waking up one of them headed to alert the king so that her knew his guest was waking up incase he wished to be there to see her wake. the servant was nervous about going and telling the king since not many people would risk interrupting the male but she figured she didn't have a choice in the matter as he needed to know. when she reached the room she gently knocked and waited to be told to enter the room
The sound of the piano came to a stop and he let out a slight sigh of agitation before rising and closing the lid of the keys. Moving towards the door he placed his hand on the brass handle and tugged it open. Hearing the news he gave a nod and was soon enough making his way down to her room, hands behind his back as he walked. Once he got to her room he went to step inside and see if she was awake, though he was certain he'd be made aware of that fact very, very quickly.
and in fact her was since in the time it took him to get to the room she was in Allison had fully woken up and when he walked in to the room a lamp that had been in the room came flying at him. it was obvious that she was pissed and the fact that she had woken up in different clothes pissed her off even more since she knew she hadn't changed her clothes. Allison glared at him "send me home now" Allison had another lap in her hands and was more then ready to send it flying as well
As if he rehearsed it, he stepped to the side and ducked in a smooth movement before turning on his heels as the lamp crashed onto the door. He looked at her as she was wielding another lamp, as though she were going to crack his head with it. "First off, no why would i do that when i have you right where i want you?" He asked her with a slight chuckle and slipped his hands neatly into his pocket. "As for the dress that wasn't my choice by the way and you'll have a change eventually. For now though this is your home."
"no I want to go home now this is not where I live and I don't care if this is where you want me you have no say over what I do" Allison picked up something else that was near her and threw it at him. she had tried to move to attack him but the bands on her arms had burned when she had tried so tossing things at him was all she could do at the moment even though she really wanted to kill the male
Letting the object hit him, the wooden statue of a dog smacked onto the side of his head, causing him to flinch a little in reaction to it. Rubbing the side of his head he shook his head, "I have no say over what you do.." He repeated with a wide smile, as if mocking her. "Then by all means, disappear, leave this place. Go on right in front of me go. Oh wait that's right you can't, and if i have no say over you, then what." He stepped forward towards her and grabbed her wrist to hold her hand and stop her from hitting him again. "What makes you think you have any say over me."
since he had only grabbed one wrist Allison was able to use her free hand to slam the other lamp in to his head "take the damn braces off and I will" Allison didn't like that he had a hold of of her wrist and was making it so that she couldn't move that hand. Allison tugged on her Arm to trying to get her wrist free of his grip
He snapped his head to the side as the lamp cracked onto the side of his head, though it wasn't enough to make him let go of her wrist. The lamp causing him to look away from her, he began to chuckle as she said she could. "If.... that's a pretty big if there." He told her, "No i quite like you like this." He moved his hand up and patted her head like she was a dog and then snapped his hand from her wrist. "So enjoy your time here, and stop being so hot headed."
"Then as i said by all means make you're way out of here. No one here will help you, and i suppose i don't have to say much to you... but no one here is going to help you get away from this place." He said and rested his hands into his pockets. "Plus i'm sure you dear old daddy will want to see you and have a few words."
Allison held her arm up "you know it would be easier if you removed these nice little bands" when she heard him mention her father she preceded to kick him in the balls with as much force as she could master. while she was doing be best to beat the living shit out of him a male walked in and handed the king a form from her uncle he was proposing marriage between her and the king this would bind her to the demon realm for the rest of eternity.
Solomon swerved to the side, avoiding the kick that would have hurt. "Hey calm down now." He said more as a warning than anything and looked over his shoulder to take the form. "Oh... well isn't that interesting.." He mused to himself and walked closer to the door before looking over his shoulder at her, his splattered green eyes flicking over her form as he looked back to the paper in his hand.
"I will not calm down I want to go home NOW" Allison didn't like that she couldn't leave because of the damn bands on her arms and when she got the chance she was going to do everything in her power to kill this man. Allison's eyes flicked to the paper he was holding but wasn't overly concerned with it since she didn't know what was on it. since she was still back by the bed the advisor looked at his king "what shall I reply with sire?"
Solomon pondered this for a while as he glanced down at the paper in his hand. Reading it once more over, he passed it back to the advisor before closing his hands together behind his back. "Tell him i'll consider it for now, but in the meantime i'm not taking anyone... just yet." He muttered before glancing over at Allison. "You're free to walk round, but do be careful. There are some untrustworthy people around this place." With that he turned and headed out the door, his chuckle was hard to miss as he began to walk away.
"yea your the worst one" Allison growled at him when he walked out f the room. she then dropped on to the bed in the room. Allison didn't know what was going on or why he had been looking at her funny. Allison was also curious as to what the other male had meant by uncle as far as she knew she had no family after her mother had passed.
Solomon shook his head for a moment before sitting down outside, the biting cold of Hell. Looking over the pale greenish landscape he rested his hands upon the railing as he glanced down towards the paper again. Was it worth letting her see her father, it would stop her at least from trying to be so high and mighty. Shaking his head he moved towards one of the servants and told them to take Allison to the prison, where the demons that had irritated him or actually committed a crime were tossed to. The hole, within the hole. "Just.. make sure she doesn't break anything.."
"my lord you killed her father over a year ago why would I take her to the dungeons?" the male couldn't understand why the king was so hesitant to choose a bride, let alone why he was keeping a half breed in one of the better rooms of the castle.
"Oh i did didn't i." He muttered and gave a slight chuckle, "You know how it is, so many faces all of them just seem to blend into one it seems. Just take her to see her uncle at least then." He came to a stop and lifted his head a little before looking over his shoulder at the male. "There is nothing that says i'm not allowed to have a pet is there?"
"her uncle refuses to see her and as for having a pet sadly there is, but if you give me a little time I think I can find a loophole but I would suggest just marrying the female as you will have better control over her, you know the castle is special but it is more so then not being able to be destroyed. the castle answers to the king and his queen, however, let's say you married her and you didn't want her to leave the grounds you can make it so and the castle will prevent her from stepping outside the castle walls. if you want her dressed in a revealing manner when in your room but covered when not the castle can make sure that is how she is dressed" Drake went into more detail about how the castle worked for him and what all he could do with it.
"I know what the castle can do." He snapped, showing a brief moment the creature that could tear apart Hell twice over if it gave him the chance. It was but for a moment though, and he quickly calmed down. "Hehe, i will think about it... give me a day as this is not something to be rushed into." He muttered before moving his hand through the air as his coat moved into his hand and he donned it. "I'll be heading back to Earth though for a moment. I just want to make a reminder, that i have no intention of leaving them alone."
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