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Star Falls (MysteriousD x Applepoisoneer)

Dipper bumped into Star before he looked at her, her staring at him in the eye. He looked surprise at what she said to her. It felt... wonderful. He felt very happy that someone said something like that. "It does. I guess with Mabel always been the popular one, I was in the shadow," he confessed with a sheepish smile before he continued walking with her, though he couldn't help but squeeze her hand. "I mean, you both like alot of stuff, but she's never been that big in exploring mysterious or stuff like this, though she always tagged along with me to help," Dipper said. "You're incredible too. You're a magical princess and from what I just saw, you're an awesome one," he added with a smile.


Tom blushed brighter when he felt Bea hug him tighter before she stepped back. "Sorry if I came off like a dork," Tom said as he was surprised at how comfortable he was around Bea. "But if you really wanna know magic, maybe Star knows something," he adds to her before he checked the watch Marc gave him a couple birthdays ago. "Oh yeah... um... wanna meet my parents?" Tom offered to her as he recalled they were standing outside the throne room.
"Aw, thank you!" She beamed, leading him to the guards' quarters. "So, this is where all the knights hang out. I kinda try not to come down here too much. There's a lot of...conflicting personalities." A few in particular made her wrinkle her nose at the idea, but no tour of the castle would be complete without it. Poking her head in the hall, she saw a handful of burly men and women in varying states of armored readiness. She stepped aside and let him in to observe, putting on a neutral face while doing so.

"Oh!" She flushed a bright red. "I mean...I'd love to but I'm...I mean, I don't think I'm dressed..." She trailed off, turning her gaze away. Of course they were his parents, and he walked about in a state of casual dress. But this was his house and he could do that. But they were also royalty, and she didn't want her first impression to be a poor one. "I mean, if you think it wouldn't make a bad first impression?" She offered, seeing that he actually seemed excited to introduce them.
"Wait, what do you made by that?" Dipper asked her before she led them into the room full of knights. He was making some notes and so on. Already though, he noticed one of the female knights was looking at him. She had red hair, green eyes and a bit of a surly look. "What's her problem?" Dipper asked out loud before one of the knights answered. "That's Higgs. She and the Princess don't get along much. Though that's no reason to not see us again, Princess," the knight said before another swooped up Star.

"After all, we were the ones who raised you!" the other one said. "Wait, what?" Dipper asked, a little bemused. "Well, the King and Queen asked us to babysit the Princess when she was a baby," he said. He had a scar on his face. "Sir Scarsguard," he said using his free hand to shake Dipper's own.


"Of course not! My dad can be pretty tense, but that's only because of the job. When it's me and friends, he's actually pretty all right," Tom told her with a smile. "I will gotta say. My mom is pretty surprising to look at, but she's very nice when you get to know her," he told her with a smile. "So, you ready?" he asked her.
Star couldn't help but gigle as she was picked up, but her expression drooped. "I know I should have come to see you guys more often. But after that whole thing with Eclipsa and me being Queen for like, a month while we found my mom..." She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I guess I just wanted to forget about this place for a while, and that included you. I'm sorry." She threw an arm around Sir Scarsguard's head and neck while he still had her on his shoulder. "Oh, and this is my friend Dipper. I'm showing him around. She wasn't sure why she felt the need to introduce him, but something about the heartfelt confession followed by a casual introduction made her laugh.

"Well," Bea began a touch nervously. "If you think it's okay, than I'm all for it." She folded her hands in front of her, but not before reaching one up to make sure that her hair was straight in it's ponytail and her skirt was wrinkle free. Maybe she was being overly cautious, but she really liked Tom, and she wanted to have the easiest time seeing him as she could. And to her, that meant being liked by the denizens of the Underworld, especially his parents.
Most of the older knights hugged Star in response, just being very happy to see her once more. "So, you're the Princess' new companion? Have you fought in any great and epic battles?" One knight asked Dipper. Dipper couldn't help but chuckle and laugh. "Yeah. My sister and I along with our family and friends saved the universe from an evil psychotic demon back when we were 12... so like 6 years ago," Dipper said, not able to believe how much time has past and how much they did since Weirdmageddon.

"Verily, it appears you have chosen wisely, Princess. Perhaps he is someone you are considering by your side?" another knight said, this one with a smirk on her face, implying a potential relationship between the two.


Tom smiled at her as he grabbed her hand and squeezed it softly before he led them to the door. Over there were his parents, who were looking more than a bit interested in their son's new companion. The King, Dave Lucitor, was sitting there. He initially had a very tense and intimidating look before he softened to a more curious and soft look upon seeing it was just his son and his companion. He looked very human like or rather Mewman-like.

Meanwhile, the Queen, Wrathmelior Lucitor, was a gigantic demoness with red skin , large horns, three eyes and so on. She had on a more relaxed and friendly look, with her gaining a bit of an excited look when she saw her son with a new lady friend.

"All rising! King Dave Lucitor and Queen Wrathmelior Lucitor!" one of the servants aid while Tom bowed. "Mother... Father... this is my new friend, Bea. Bea, these are my parents," Tom told her.
Star flushed a little and shook her head. "Uh...I mean, we're totally friends, but we kinda just met like, earlier today. She looked to Dipper and smiled sheepishly. "I am looking forward to seeing you in a fight though. It should be fun."


She wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do at the time, but Bea followed her instincts and dropped a very graceful curtsey. "Very pleased to meet your majesties." The words did not come out quite as gracefully as the curtsey, but they were at least clear enough to be heard.
Dipper also blushed at the comment that the knight made though when he looked to Star, he didn't exactly have any idea of denials in mind. They were gettng along nicely and so on, but it would be pretty wild to say for them to form a relationship, especially since if it would elad to him marrying her and becoming king... but... did he mind that idea...?

However, he also smiled back at her sheepishly. "Yeah. I learned how to fight from my Grunkles. Mainly boxing though so I don't know how to use weapons. I do have something to make my ounches more powerful though," Dipper said, thinking of the Gnome Battle Cuffs he got back when he was 12. They made his punches more powerful and allowed him to punch stuff he wouldn't be able to punch with his bare hands.

"Where should we go now?" Dipper asked, not wanting to disrupt any events or practices the knights were occupied with.


"It's a pleasure to meet you," Dave said as he and his wife bowed upon seeing the curtsey of Bea. "It's been a while since we saw Tom had a lady friend," Wrathmelior said before she chuckled with a smile on her face. It was certainly surprising seeing her son with someone and they seem to be already pretty close. "What brings you here, Bea?" she asked Bea.
"Ooh, why not the warnicorn stables!" Star clapped her hands in tiny little taps. "They're great. I can summon a kind of Warnicorn, but it's not quite the same. C'mon!" Grabbing him by the hand she continued pulling him along.

"Oh, I asked Tom to show me around the Underworld." Bea replied with a smile.
"Warnicorn? Like, war unicorns?" Dipper said with a bemused look. However, he couldn't help but smile at seeing her excitement before he was then dragged with her toward the stables. He was enjoying holding hands with her and it just felt right with him. "There is a herd of unicorns in Gravity Falls, but they're kinda jerks," Dipper confessed, remembering how his sister dealt with them and then Dipper actually meeting them the next year. Though at the same, they also made fair criticisms to Mabel, something even she would admit when older. However, given Star, he figured these unicorns would be better.
"Well, we certainly do not have as much interesting sights as above, but we are happy you are enjoying your time here," Wrathmelior said with a smile while Dave was also looking at her. "What is that you would wanna do when you are older?" Dave asked her with an analytical look.
Star pulled him along until they hit a pastoral, fenced in grassy field. "So, these warnicorns are more like the sword-horse kind. They're naturally occurring and can't talk the way that mine can when I summon them. But I think they've got eh...better temperaments." From seemingly out of nowhere, she pulled a piece of butterscotch candy from behind her back and held it out to the lazily grazing warnicorns. One of the massive horses trotted over and dipped its head to take the candy. The giant, blade-like horn nearly caught star in the face, but she didn't seem affected at all.
A sort of job interview switch flipped on in Bea's mind. She knew King Lucitor was looking for something, though it was a crazed leap to think Tom was interested in her that way already. Though she supposed he might not have introduced her to them if he weren't expecting this. She thought a moment and cleared her throat. "Well, currently I'm in school studying literature and Theatre. But aside from leaving me well read, that has a lot of other practical applications." She wondered if it was a mistake to mention what she was studying first. Neither of them was an especially secure path to financial success. At least, according to most people on Earth. "With the set of skills I have, I'm hoping to get into a profession that allows for creative expression and a need for communication."

She sighed inwardly, knowing it was the best she could have done under short notice.
"Wait, what?" Dipper asked her, wondering what she meant by them being sword horses. However, he would get his answer when he saw Star pull out a piece of butterscotch candy and then one of the large horses with a blade-like horn appearing. "Oh wow..." Dipper said as he was cautiously near them and he was looking at them. He was wrting some info about these guys that he could.

"Can I get closer?" Dipper asked Star.
King and Queen Lucitor sat up when they saw Bea change posture. While the two always would ask this question to the lady friends of Tom, she was the first one that looked pretty serious about approaching the whole thing. However, he couldn't help but appreciate her seriousness. Perhaps she could be the one after all.

"Well, well, that was unexpected, but in a pleasant way. You seem to be a serious and determined young woman. The arts are an important thing to study after all. What else do you know?" King Dave asked, looking more interested and with a smile on his face.
Star's grin spread over her entire face. "Do you wanna ride one?" She leaned toward him, almost poking him with the little devil horns on her headband.

"Well, that's a very broad question, your highness." Bea smiled, feeling much more confident in her ability to speak now that they had complimented her so well. She didn't let it give her a swelled head, but proceeded brightly. "I'd like to think I know a lot of things. Most importantly, how to communicate. I think being able to read the room and figure out how to get your point across is one of the most important skills a person can have."
"Uh sure. I mean, if they're okay with it," Dipper said as he saw her big smile and couldn't help but smile back.


"Well, that's definitely a skill that we are quite aware of and we find quite important. After all, royalty have alot of responsability," King Dave said with a smile. "Yes, especially since our little Tommy would always have a temper, even if he cooled down as he got older," Queen Wrathmelior said teasingly, causing Tom to blush. "Mommmm," he muttered. "So we're hoping whatever lucky girl he ends up with will be able ti better communicate when he cannot," she added, winking at Bea.
"Great!" Star hopped the fence and mounted one of the warnicorns bareback, and was about ready to ride off when something occurred to her. "Oh Fairydust! Have you ever ridden a horse before?" She slipped down off the steed's back a little ungracefully, but brushed herself off and stood.

Bea tried not to laugh, but couldn't help cracking a smile. "Well, I have to admit, I've got a bit of a temper too. But there's something about being around people who're a little more...hotheaded than I am that cools me off. I think it has something to do with my parents being...uh, shall we say...the least diplomatic people in existence."
Dipper couldn't help but smile at her unique curse word or such. "Yeah, I have before admittingly, but it has been a while," Dipper explained to her. The last time was when he once rode one when he visited the baron in Austria. Despite it, he wasn't that good at it. "So maybe I could ride with you," he suggested to her shyly.


"Yes though Tom has always been the more hot-headed around it, so perhaps someone to cool him down would help," Dave said with a smile on his face before he looked adoringly as his beloved and larger demon wife. "What else do you like doing besides focusing on reading and so on? What do you think about magic?" Wrathmelior asked Bea.
"Totally! But let me go get a saddle." She dashes off and returns very quickly with a heavy leather saddle. She fit the girthbelt and tightened it appropriately. "Okay, I'll get up first and then... and then you can sit behind me." A touch of color brushed her cheeks, but she turned away and pulled herself up onto the horse.
That did it. A heavy desire and longing crept into her eyes before Bea answered the question. She managed to retain total neutrality in her voice. "I have a great deal of interest in magic. But I'm afraid I have no aptitude for it. I've never been taught."
Dipper saw her go off and return with a saddle before putting it on the warnicorn. His own blush appear at the fact that he would be very close to her. Said blush intensified when he got on behind her. "I should probably hold on to you, right?" Dipper said a bit shyly.
Dave and Wrathmelior both noticed it. The desire for her to learn magic. "Well, from the little we have learned, it appears humans can perform magic, though that was with the magic wand of the Butterflies. It could be possible to do some magic, though admittingly, our abilities are also different. Tom for example can perform curses onto people and other abilities that could count as magic," Dave said as he was thinking. "It might be possible for you to learn that, but we would have no idea how to go about that," he added.

"Though Star could access the Realm of Magic. Maybe Bea could awaken magical abilities if she was exposed there momentarily," Wrathmelior suggested though Tom looked shocked. "Yeah, maybe, but that place is a bit messed up," Tom said, remembering how troublesome it was. "Also, I don't know if Marco doing magic was normal or if it was because of the demon arm bit," Tom noted. He did turn to Bea with a smiel. "We could try and figure out how you could learn magic," he assured her with a smile.
"Uh...yeah. Yeah! Just, uh, y'know around the waist. Or whateer. That should be fine." Star tried to smile through her awkwardness, but it just made the grin appear unhinged. She waited for Dipper to take hold and give the warnicorn a little kick. It reared up high, and star held on with her legs as it took off running across the Butterfly estate. Star's hair blew in the wind, which was normally a sensation she loved. But it didn't take long for her to realize it might've been better to tie it up, so that it didn't hit Dipper in the face.

"I'm willing to study whatever magical literature you have." Bea practically shouted. But she stopped and recaptured her passions. "Uh, if you think that would help. Otherwise, I'm content with watching and learning that way. Especially considering I've only just gotten here."
Dipper smiled back at her awkwardly, but he hasd a veyr noticeable blush. Once he was on, he had his arms around her waist and held on while they were riding.

It was faster and much different from a normal horse. "Oh wow, this is incredible," Dipper said, unable to contain a woop of excitement while they were ridning on the warnicorn.


Dave and Wrathmelior both smiled. They found her excitement very endearing. "Do not worry on restraining yourself. Yes we are royalty, but we also are people with our own moments of exciteability," Wrathmeilor said with a smile. "Even my dear husband often cuts loose despite being Mr. Intense," she said with a giggle.
Star turned her head a little to see him grinning, and it made her feel so much better. She steered the warnicorn toward a little obstacle course. "Hold on tight." She lead the steed to jump a few of the hurtles

"Oh? What is it that energizes you, your highness?" Bea was curious to know what kind of hobbies a monarch of the underworld might have.
Dipper held onto Star tighter, blushing a bit at the embrace he was having with the pretty princess. "Oh wow, this is amazing," Dipper said as he was holding onto her and they were moving fast. "You're really good at this." he told her with a smile.


"Well, we all like to go meet together and meet up sometimes, especially as our kids are growing up and taking more responsabilities," Dave said with a chuckle. "I've been practicing magic so I can shrink myself to a smaller size," Wrathmelior commented.
"I used to do this all the time as a kid. It feels great doing it again. Oh, here's the best part! Hold on!" The warnicorn reached the top of a hill that appeared to drop off into a massive cliff. But before they plummeted to their death, star waved her wand and a massive rainbow slide connected the hill top to the valley below. The warnicorn slid down the slide, trying to catch it's footing before reaching the bottom. Even it was panting a little.
"Wasn't that fun?" Star giggled.
.. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................

"That sounds delightful." Bea replied She glanced over at Tom, just to see what he thought.
Dipper holds onto Star even tigher when she told him to hang on. He saw her create the raibvow slide with pure magic as they were sliding down. Dipper couldn't help but whoop in excitement at the experience of it all. This was something wonderful and miraculous.

"That was amazing! You're amazing! Oh my gosh! I wanna see more and learn more!" Dipper said excitedly, feeling like he was 12 again discovering the secrets of Gravity Falls for the first time.

"Yeah, I have been doing more and more to take up the reigns, even if politics can be a pain to deal with," Tom said with an embarassed chuckle.
Star thought a minute. "I'm not totally sure what to do next...uh, well what kind of stuff do you want to learn?"

"Maybe I could shadow you one of these days while you do stuff for the Kingdom?" Bea offered a little nervously. "I mean, if you don't think that would annoy you?"
“Well, what else would you wanna show me? Maybe some more magic?” Dipper admitted with a sheepish smile, shy at his outburst.


“That would actually be very pleasant!” Tom said out loud with a goofy smile.
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