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Star Falls (MysteriousD x Applepoisoneer)

((OOC: All righty! Thank you!))

"Hey Star!" Marco said as he embraced his BFF. "I told you about them. Rmemeber, the Mystery twins?" Marco said. He was surprised by everything the twins went through in the weird little town of Gravity Towns and he told Star all about it. Especially since she thought there wasn't much magic here on Earth.

Tom gave an awkward smile as he shook Bea's hand. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Tom, Prince of the Lucitor Kingdom," Tom told her with a bit of an awkward smile. He was a bit self-conscious whenever he was on Earth, namely because of the horns and the third eye and what not.

"So Tom, this is Dipper and Mabel!" Marco said as Tom shook their hands to introdiuce them with one anohter. Tom couldn't help but smile at seeing Bea. She was nice to say the least.
Bra smiled and was about to ask a question, when Dipper and Mabel were introduced.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! You guys are really a Prince and a princess?" Mabel bounced up and down a little and grinned. Her braces had come off years ago, and despite being able to have Carmel again, she missed them a little. Not the way they felt, but the look she had with them. But not gettg caught in the screen door was also a plus.

"Yep. Princess of Mewny. It's a pretty sweet deal, most of the time. But I am in no hurry to be Queen." Star laughed.
((Sorry this took too long))

"Oh wow, I mean, i figured there were other dimensions and worlds and such, but its kinda a surprise," Dipper noted. Their Grunkle Ford was the only one who actually been to a few alternate dimensions and worlds, but with the gate gone, none of them had the opportunites to do so.

"How did you get here?" Dipper asked though Marco smiled as he twirled his scissors. "Magic scissors. Hekapoo is the only one who can make them and if you wanna get some, you're gonna need to work for them," Marco confessed, reminded of how much work it was to get them.

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked, wondering if Star would answer.
Star thought about the best way to explain the ordeal that Marco had to go through, but figured that was a story Marco should tell. "Hm, well... Basically, it was a 30-year-long game of tag for Marco. You either have to be in a position of real power, like on the Magical C omission, or have done something like, world-savingy-great. So, yeah, they're not easy to get."

"Wow, that's incredible!" Mabel cheered. "I mean, we kind of saved the world...sort of. There was this whole dream demon thing, and he wrecked our town, but couldn't get out to wreck the rest of the world. But you better believe he was workin' on it! So, we stopped him before he could get to the rest of the world." She nodded in self-satisfaction.

Bea groaned and ran her palm down her face. "Am I really the only one in the room who hasn't done anything cool or magical?"
"I wonder if they know about Bill Cipher," Dipper asked his sister, both of them not able to resist shivering a bit. While they were both relieved that he was gone, they were still more than a little scared at the thought of the monsterous being coming back to raze hell.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with that. After everything, I'm kinda looking forward to some peace," Tom told Bea with a smile and putting a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Grunkle Ford would be happy to get a pair," Dipper noted, wondering if he should try getting a pair. "Yeah, but it took me 30 years to get it... then again, I was only like 14 or 15, and you already did more than I did back then," Marco couldn't help but laugh at what an odd group they all had.

He and Dipper began serving refreshments.
Mabel thought about it for a bit before shaking her head. "I think Bill might've been our own little slice of hell. I think Grunkle Ford said he wrecked his own dimension a while before any of us even existed, or something like that. Maybe they could've seen him in another one though?"

"Bill Cipher?" Star asked, thinking very hard. "Mm, nope. That doesn't ring a bell. But I do remember someone talking about a collapsed dimension that you're supposed to avoid at all costs. Maybe that's the one he wrecked?" She shrugged. But her thought process was entirely derailed at being handed a bowl of puppy chow mix; powdered sugar over chex mix and candies. She dug right in with the greatest enthusiasm.

Mabel was handed a bowl and did the same. "This girl's got the right idea!" She cheered, thrusting her face into the bowl.

Bea's face reddened slightly under the demon boy's hand. "How do you feel about mint chocolate?" She asked after clearing her throat. "I baked these for the party." She held out a tiny paper plate with a rectangular brownie on it and smiled invitingly.
"Well, maybe your mom and dad know? They're Queen and King," Dipper asked Star as he saw her thinking. However, he was distracted by seeing his sister and Star begin consuming the bowl of overly sugary goodness quite ravenously and he couldn't help but laugh a bit.

Marc just squeezed Jackie's hand as he was enjoying being here with her and all their friends.

"Uh, never really ahd it alot, so I don't know," Tom said before he smiled at Bea and took the minty brownie and bit it. "Oh wow, that's good," Tom said with a smile.
"This was a great idea." Jackie whispered in Marco's ear. Look how much fun everyone is having."

Star licked her lips approvingly at the puppy chow and grinned at Mabel and Dipper. "My mom should totally know, at least about the fact that there's a collapsed dimension. See, I found out from Glosserick, who also taught her. He's kinda this little blue man who lives inside our family's ancient spellbook."

As she made the explanation, Star's face began to droop and lose its genuinely happy appearance. But she shook it off and smiled, though not as giddily as before. "But yeah, I'll ask her when I see her next and get back to you. I'm sure this won't be the only time we hang out. Right?"

"Mint and chocolate are my two favorite flavors, but I know they're not everyone's cup of tea. The other pan was plain brownies, in case no one liked them." Bea knew she was just making somewhat awkward small talk, but for some reason, she found it increasingly difficult to come up with conversation topics. Well, the reasons she was coming up with were all dimensional and somewhat cosmetic.

"I know it's a meandering topic, " she began, deciding not to let the small talk get the best of her. "but what sort of books do you like? If you enjoy reading at all."
"Yeah, and I'm thinking we might have set some people up," Marco whispered in Jackie's ear with a response as he saw Dipper looking at Star with more than interest along with the mild blushes Tom and Bre had with one another.

Dipper noted that Star looked bothered when she mentioend Glossaryck, so he figured he shouldn't ask about it. "Yeah, I'd like to hang out more. I mean, this is the first I'm talking to someone from another world and I wana know more," Dipper said, excited about wanting to learn more about her world.

"I uh... I don't read all that much. I've been focusing alot on helping out my subjects. I still try and hang out with Marco and such, but he was busy with high schools," Tom said with a bit of awkwardness. Despite having come a very long way, this girl was flustering him. Maybe it was also that she was a stranger or something?

He did smile seeing at Dipper and Star get along though. He remembered talking with Marco about Dipper and was surprised to her that he was alot like him and Marco.
^Oh, I'd love to take you on a tour sometime! I've lived in the castle my whole life, and I'm still finding new fun stuff to do." She thought with her finger under her chin. "Hmmm, and there's a couple other oplaces you guys might like....some of them might be kind of tricky..."

"Oooh, that sounds like an adventure!" Mabel cheered and failed her arms.

"Really?" Bea's interest peeked, and she leaned in. "What kind of responsibilities do you have as a prince? What's your kingdom like?"
"Oh cool! That would be fun to see," Dipper said, having a smile at the thought of being given a tour of a strange new world alongside Star. He figured it would be a lot of fun doing his own journals on all of this to help people in the long run.

"Well, my family rules the Underworld, so it's kinda a spooky place," Tom said, a little nervous that someone was being so interested in him. It was actually really nice to have someone be considered in him. "My mom's a demon and my dad's a mewman," he added, a blush growing on his face.
"That is unbearably cool!" Bea blurted, but cleared her throat and smoothed her composure. "I mean... I like places people typically claim as 'spooky'." She paused and thought about her next question. "But, how well do you enjoy it there? Is ruling the damned something you want to do? Or something you feel you have to do?" She caught up with her line of questioning and blushed. "I'm sorry... I didnt mean to get so personal. You don't have to answer if you'd rather not."

"Totally!" Star cheered, stuffing her cheeks with more snacks. "So, what do you guys like doing for funzies? I mean, I know most everyone else here, but what about you and your sister? It must be pretty crazy being twins, right? Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Can you like, read each other's minds? " The Mewman princess was on the edge of her metaphorical seat.
Tom blushed at seeing Bea blurt out what she thought in excitement, but he got a dorky smile, feelign immensely flattered. "It's pretty cool and such. We have alot of things like Prickly Plains, the Mountain of Boom, the Dock of Unending Torment, and the Lake of Fire," Tom was talking to her about it though he felt a little bit embarassed.

"I mean, it's kinda hard to say. I never really thought about doing anything different, but I like taking care of my subjects and it's also one of the few things we can be aggro and not go too overboard at it," Tom confessed it.

"Is that one of the places we'll be visiting?" Dipper asked Star, overheating Tom share a bit of the Underworld where he ruled.

"Well, we're both in college so we do school stuff. Beyond that, Mabel likes doing arts and crafts," Dipper says before Mabel looked excited. "Kinda, but we're different. Also, Dipper loves solving mysteries! He's really smart," she said. Mabel had grown significantly, being less likely to tease or poke fun at her brother while both did more to have fun in one another's activities.
"All of that sounds pretty amazing." Bea smiled. "Except for the lake of fire. I might stay away from that. I'm kind of a huge loser when it comes to heat. I think I'd rather freeze than burn."

"Yeah, you defiantly wast to dress light when you go down there, but there are a lot of places are super fun!" Star thought for a bit and continued excitedly. "Like, there's this beach where a ton of demons and sometimes other warriors go to just chill and fight. It's tons of fun."

"Woohoo! Beach party!" Mabel shouted, and she and Star each threw a high five.

"It would be kinda cool to check it out. I'm sure if I just brought some water or something I'd be fine." Bea shrugged.
"It is pretty warm there, but you kinda get used to it. Granted, we have been changing things in the Underworld to kinda be more diverse," Tom explained to Bea, smiling back at her with his own smile.

The group was just laughing at how well Mabel and Star were clicking with one another, with Dipper laughing especialy at it.

"Yeah, but it is pretty good and it's busy," Tom explained before Dipper turned to Star. "What other stuff is there in Mewni?" Dipper asked them as he saw everyone helping themselves to snacks.
"Uh..." Star had to really think about what to bring up. She'd lived there nearly her entire life and had seen much of her home dimension, but couldn't think of much that didn't require explanation. "Well, you already heard about the Lucitor kingdom, then there's the Spiderbite kingdom on the edge of the forest, there's the pigeon kingdom...let's avoid that one...and there's the Ponyheads. I mean, there are a ton of dimensions out there besides Mewni with a lot of cool stuff in them. We've just gotta check'em out one step at a time."

"There's a kingdom that's just pigeons?" Mabel asked eagerly, and couldn't help but laugh.

"I think I'll skip that visit." Bea muttered, looking a bit grossed out.
"Oh wow," Dipper said as he got a big excited smile on his face and he was writing some of the stuff down, all for stuff to do later and explore with Star. "I wonder what else is there. Is getting some of those scissors really that hard?" Dipper asked Star.

"Yeah, but they're not that bad," Tom told Beat with a smile. "There are weirder places to be around. I learned that back when I got my scissors," Marco added as he looked at the scissors he had.
"Well, would either of you guys mind if we went on just a teeny-tiny tour?" Star asked, giving Jackie her best puppy dog eyes.

Jackie looked really unsure for a moment before her smile broke through. "Well, all we had planned were just some board games. So, anything goes, right?" She shrugged at Marco, silently passing the final say on to him.

"Well tonight just got more interesting. " Bea folded her arms in front of her and nodded in satisfaction.
"Well, it all depends on who wants to go where," Marco said before he whispered in his girlfriend's ear how his roommate had a potential crush on Star. And as such, he wanted to go and push it, especially since Star has been looking for someone.

"Uhh Mabel, think you're getting a messege from Candy," Dipper noted as she saw Mabel's phone jingle. When Mabel would pick it up, it was requesting her help. How fortituous.

"Well, maybe Dipper can go with Star and Bea can go with Tom," Marco suggested
Mabel looked a little disappointed, until she picked up her phone and realized Dipper was right. It was Candy, and she sounded upset. With a big waved of her arm, she left the room.

"Gee," Bea snickered. " What convent pairings. It must be fate." She hoped Tom wouldn't take any kind of offense at her sarcasm. It wasn't as though she didn't want to go with Tom. Quite the contrary. But it was pretty obvious Marco and Jackie were shipping them, and it was funny.

"She seems nice." Star twittered nervously. "But yeah, where should we go...? Oh! You like history stuff right? I could show you my family history rooms! There's one for warriors on my dad's side that's got a lot of cool weapons. And there's one inside my wand where you can.. " she paused and went a little pale. "Forget about that one. It's not really...accurate anymore."
Dipper saw Mabel head out and hoped everything would be okay. Though it could be that Candy was dealing with academic troubles. She was going into a challenging field and Mabel and Greta would often go to support or comfort her when she was getting very stressed.

So it was now the six of them, three guys and three gals. Tom blushed a bit at hearing what Bea said in regards to that. Unlike Bea though, Dipper was not aware of what Marco and Jackie were planning on doing ith them.

Dipper turned to Star and noted something was bothering her. "Hey look, if there's something the matter, I'd like to help you," Dipper offered to her with a smile.

"Well, I suppose I'll take Bea on the tour then," Tom noted before Marco cut him up a portal for them to cross to.
"Aw, you're super swet." Star's smile covered her entire face as she embraced the pine tree-hatted lad. "There are some things that'll just...have to work themselves out. But we can still totally go see the rest of Mewni. Or, y'know, at least a good chunk of it today. Right?

Bea couldn't help but hop up and down a little like an excited jack rabbit. "Underworld adventure!" She squeaked, before realizing that she'd lost her cool, and tried to smooth her composure. She cleared her throat and smiled. "Sorry, just excited to see it."
Dipper blushed a bright shade of red when he felt Star embrace him. He got hugs from his sister often and on occasions Wendy, Candy, Gret and even Pacifica one time, but this was somethign different. However, it felt warm and nice being complimented like that.

"Look, if there's anything I learned from what my sister and I from our adventure 5 years ago, it's that you need to trust your friends and family to resolve the issues. My family had some secrets that we worked out ebcause we worked together," Dipper explaining, recalling the discovery of Grunkle Ford along with his and Stan's reunion with their grandfather Sherman Pines.

Tom blushed a bit when he saw Bea jump and down excitedly. "It's cool. I like getting excited too. I used to be kinda sour back when I was younger. Of course, Marco helped me out alot," Tom admitted. "You ready to go?" he asked.
"Aw, thanks Dipper." Star smiled, breaking the hug but retaining a friendly hand on his shoulder. "I know I just met you today, but I feel like we're going to get along like chips and cheese." Her smile grew wider, and the gloom in her eyes faded. It was clear that the old star was back. "Now, let's go!" She slashed through the air with her scissors A gleaming blue portal opened, and without warning, Star pulled Dipper through by his wrist.

Once on the other side, he would see that they stood outside a large castle in the midst of (what he would consider) a fantasy village. "Welcome to Mewni!" She shouted, shooting fireworks into the daytime sky with her wand. Clearly, she was having fun showing someone completely new around.

"I am," Bea nodded, but thought better of it after just a second. "Oh wait!" She took one of the plastic cups to the kitchen and filled it with cold water. While she knew it might not be enough to keep her going for a long tour, she figured it would keep her on her feet long enough to get the feel of the place. "Okay, ready now. Sorry." Bea had watched Star and Marcco leave, and expected that the two of them might leave in a similar fashion..
Dipper smiled at seeign Star smile at him with an appreciative look. She was really nice and he wondered what it'd be like if he met her sooner. It would certtainly be pretty amazing. He the saw her scissors create a portal before she grasped his hand and they went in.

During the trip, his hand slipped into hers as she presented to him to Mewni. He was in awe as he looked at this brand new world around. "Oh wow, this is amazing," Dipper told her with an excited look. He felt like he was 12 again, looking into the mysteries of Gravity Falls.

Tom saw Bea drink some of the cold water and he smiled at her before he saw Dipper and Star go. "We'll pick you up later," Marco told Tom with a smile before he saw the two enter into the Underworld. "Looks like it's the two of us now," Marco told Jackie with a smile.

The Underworld was your traditional standard underworld of lava and such though the two were in front of a very large castle, the castle of the Lucitors.
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