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Star Falls (MysteriousD x Applepoisoneer)

"Oh boy," Jackie laughed, wrapping her arms around Marco's shoulders. "what comes next in the plans?" She gave him a long, drawn-out kiss on the cheek.

Star, still holding Dipper's hand, pulled him along into town. Venders sold their goods on the street and greeted her as she passed, all the while curiously checking out the new boy she'd brought along with them. "So, this is, of course, the town that I kind of grew up in. There's not quite as much cool stuff going on here right now, but here's the castle, and over there is the forest that sort of separates us from the monster villages." She paused and turned to face him, noting its importance. "It's not as much of a big deal now, since I'm trying to get monsters and Mewmans to live more...peacefully, but it used to be that monsters who crossed it were chased out of town, or worse." She stopped and stared into the threes for a while without speaking, before grasping Dipper by the hand and pulling him along again. "But we'll check out the castle first."

Bea took another sip of water, already starting to feel a little hot under the collar. She just hoped her body temp would adjust. "Wow, it's almost exactly how I pictured it. But that castle is still beautiful!" She told him brightly.
Marco kissed Jackie as he laid down on the sofa with her. "Well, we'll probably clean up and then just chill with each other," he told her with a smile on his face. "Last time people didn't clean up, they banned people from the room for weeks," he added.

Dipper was looking around at all the places and knew he would be wanting to come back alot more, especially with everyone else. He could already picture Grunkle Stan trying to pull a fast one while Grunkle Ford would write down everything.

He then noted what she said in regards to the monster villages. He saw her stare at it. He knew that stare; it was a serious stare of someone looking back at the stuff in their life. Dipper knew that stare because he sometimes saw it in himself.

Dipper squeezed her hand in a show of support before they went to the castle. "I guess there was a lot of conflict, huh? I mean, alot of strange beings also live in Gravity Falls, and the rest fo the world, but most are pretty okay. The gnomes are jerks though and so are the herd of unicorns there," he noted. Apparently, it turns out that herd was actually exiled to the falls by the rest of the herds worldwide for being "total buzzkills," as one put it.

"Yeah, ready for the tour?" Tom told her with a smile as he let look around a bit in the Underworld. "The castle here is actually under the castle of the Butterfly," he aded with a smile on his face.
Jackie cuddled in close. "Well, it should't take too long. We barely unpacked anything."

"There's two...uh, breeds, of unicorn around here." Star explained, walking Dipper along as she spoke. "There's the Ponyhead community, which is actually named for their royal family. And there are the Warnicorns, who're conjurations...I think that's how my mom explained it anyway. I don't think we've got any gnomes, but Jarvus is a pretty small guy. He might know better than I do." She led him accross the drawbridge and into the castle, where several of the royal guard were standing watch.

"Hi guys! This is Dipper, he's with me." She cheered and passed them by. The guards looked at each other, then back at her and went back to watching the door. The main hall was full of suits of armor and portraits, general decorations. But a loud crash brought Star's attention to the next hall. She looked to her companion and dashed forward. "What's going on?" She panted.

King River was swatting at something flying about with an axe. The massive chandalier that had once been the centerpiece of the hall had crashed and bits of golden chain and chrystal littered the floor.

River stopped in mid-strike, and turned his focus to his daughter. "Don't tell your mother about that. I'll fix it. But for now, there's a Flittish in the castle! Quick, see if you can't zap it down!"

"What's a Flittish?"

"It's a rare kind of bug-like pixie." He explained while swinging at it." They fetch a high price on the black market when they're adults like this, but if you let them into your home, they'll lay eggs and soil everything!"

"Wow," Bea gasped, taking in the beauty of the castle. "Your family and hers must go back a long time then?"
Dipper smiled as he was listening to what Star was saying, resisting the urge to start jotting down everything about that. He was just happy getting to see all of this wonder and awe. However, mroe than a few people noted that Dipper and Star were still holding hands while they were going around. Dipper looked at the guards. He was nowhere near as nervous as he used to be, having developed his courage from when he was a pre-teen. However, he kept up with Star, shock on his own face on hearing on everything that was going on.

He looked ipressed at the man that was Star's dad truing to use an axe on that.

Dipper knew that if Mabel was here, she'd probably try and use the grappling hook she had to try and find them.

Hearing about the Flittish, he couldn't help but start writing stuff down or such. "Is there anything they like or such we could use to trap them?" Dipper asked curiously.


"Yeah, we do, as far as I know. We have been trying to patch things up, especially with the monsters. Since my family is actually connected to monsters, more tend to settle down here. It's pretty all right," Tom notes as he was making sure that Bea was all right and not undergoing any dehydration or such
"They lick the dye out of clothing." River panted, letting his axe fall to his side and rubbing the small of his back. "They love fine silks because it's easier to get the dye out. Which means we should keep an eye on your mother's wardrobe. They might also go after the tapestries in the great hall, but it might be harder for them to get a good meal out of those."

Star noticed Dipper taking notes and smiled. He reminded her more and more of Marco, and it rang very clear why the two of them were friends. She bet both did well in class. The princess shook herself out of her thoughts and tried to focus on the problem at hand. "Oh no! If mom finds spots in her court gowns, she might literally kill you!"

"I know!" River agreed spastically. "That's why we must act quickly."

Bea cleared her throat a little and sipped the last of her water. Things were getting a little warmer than she'd liked, but she didn't want to leave yet. Not before she'd seen a little more of the Underworld. "So, with all the monster judging going on above ground, what has your Kingdom been doing about them here?" She asked, trying not to make the question sound as pointed as it could have.
"Wait, what about clothing that has a lot of color?" Dipper said as he was writing eevrything down in his journal. Grunkle Ford gave it to him so he could write his own notes. It had the golden pinetree on it along with a shooting star, since the journals would be a work of both Dipper and Mabel (Mabel usually wrote her addendums to Dipper's notes though. However, here, he began wondering if he could something of his sister's as bait. That and that by using a good trap, they could get them before any damge was done.

"Would using some clothing with a lot of color be something they'd go to? Is there a spell to get their attention? How strong are they?" Dipper couldn't help but start asking questions nd taking notes, all in order to better help them out.


"Well, we've been trying to settle some of them that wanna be done here, well here. Of course, the others prefer to be above ground," Tom explains to her as he was seeing her begin to sweat a bit from the heat. "We namely take care of the lava and lost souls here, so the monsters here tend to be the types with abilities related," he adds to her.

"I wanna try something," he tells her before he begans channeling some fire before making a swirl. "When I was with Marco and he was doing his science homework, he said about how heat works so maybe..." he said and Bea would feel cooler... because all the heat was being gathered to Tom's hands instead of going to her.
"Whoa, whoa, slow down my boy." River laughed, looking a little relieved already. "They tend to like brighter colors, more in, pastel? Pumpkin, if you might go and find something colorful and perhaps silk, we can set a trap. Perhaps that will draw their attention enough to trap them without killing them.

"Okay. I think I've got something that would work." Star run like a shot for her bedroom, leaving River and Dipper standing in the corridor.

"Well now, who might you be?" River asked, eyeing him a little suspiciously now that a plan had been made. Despite his daughter's furious protests that she and Marco weren't going to happen, River still held out hope. The pair had been through so much together, even without Star around. But this new young man at least showed some promise. More than a few other suitors Star could've brought home.

While it wasn't an instant cure-all, Bea did feel very relieved. "Wow, that's amazing. But are you sure you're okay with pulling it in like that? I mean, does it take a lot of concentration?"
Dipper was writing notes down while trying to look around for what could work as a trap for this. He figured if they were little critters and such, maybe dropping some sort of container and such on them would work. However, that would require sacrificing the article of clothing and Dipper figured that wouldn't be too god. However, he figured instead that maybe something suction-based could work, like a vacuum. Have them come in range of it and just suck them into a container that they cannot break out of.

However, Dipper was snapped from his train of thought as he faced River. "Oh! My name is Dipper. Dipper Pines. I'm Marco's dormmate and Star's new friend," Dipper said as he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "It's nice to meet you, sir. Erm, your highness," Dipper said as he realized he was in frotn fo royalty and while he and his sister weren't afraid to combat authority, they were still respectful.


"Well, it does take a bit of focus, but I am pretty good at it," Tom said, not able to help but show off a bit. He was capabe of taking large amounts of the heat and so he wasn't bothered by it. His dad wasn;t either, despite being a mewman. However, he wondered if it would be possible for her to get better endurance against the heat and so on. "But yeah, I guess as an outsider, what could be done to better help and improve the Underworld?" Tom asked Bea.
River stroked his magnificent mustache and narrowed his eyes at the young man, but then he smiled. "New friend, eh?" He chuckled, seeming to find something conspiratorial about it, and winked. "Well, you seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and goodness knows she'll need more of those around as time goes by. Just be careful. Butterfly women are very, very stubborn. And then of course, she has me as a father. So that's a double-dose." He began to laugh and slapped Dipper on the back a bit roughly. "She'll keep you on your toes, that's for sure."

Star returned with a very bright yellow gown speckled in blue flowers. "I don't think I'll ever wear this again. I haven't since....Geez, I can't even remember. So, if those hungry little buggers eat it, it won't be the end of the world."

"Right then." River nodded, taking the garment from his daughter and fetching a spear from one of the ornamental suits of armor along the wall. "We'll put it up here, so they'll see it, and we'll catch them as they're feeding." He hung the dress from the ruins of the chandalier mount and stepped back. "Honey, do you think you could magic us up a jar of some kind? A decently sized one, like for pickles?"

"Why don't we just use a pickle jar?"

"Well... Your mother had a craving and I'm not sure we even have the jar leftl\ to us."

"That woman does love her pickles."

Bea chuckled and shrugged. "Air conditioning?" She stepped around him to stand closer while being out of direct contact with the swirl of fire. "I don't think there's really anything you can do. It's just the envirnment. I'll just have to suck it up and bring more water next time. Maybe some ice or something. But, why don't we keep going with the tour? I'm sure I'll be fine."
Dipper smiled at the compliment that River gave him before he noted the word choice that he said describing Star and so on. "I bet she weill. But I dealt with alot of crazy stuff. My sister is just as fun-loving and excitable as Star, my great-uncle or rather grunkle, always has a trick up his sleeve and my other grunkle loves doing experiments. So I've always lvied a life full of adventure and danger, since 12," Dipper told River with a bit fo a smile on his face. He couldn't help but laugh when he got the slap on the back. It kind of reminded him of Manly Dan.

Dipper then turned at the gown that Star for them. When he was seeing the plan made, he was getting excited at the thought of seeing more magic.

"I'm actually thinking maybe we use some sort of sleeping gas and then scoop them up. Unless we made the jar big enough to hold the dress and have ample room for them to fly in, along with a way to seal the lid in quickly," Dipper said to them as he was making notes still, his mind racing fast.


"True, though we do have in the castle. Though there was something Marco told me about some story where the underworld had ice ot something," Tom asked her, alluding to the Divine Comedy. He heard bits of pieces, but he couldn't remember the name of it. He did find the idea fascinating and he wondered if Bea knew about it.

They then arrived at the palace. "Ready to enter?" he asked her with a smile.
"Ooh, sleeping gas is a good idea!" Star cheered, preparing a spell in her mind.

"Oh yes, I hadn't thought of that." River agreed, continuing to stroke his beard thoughtfully. "You know, I've watched my wife use magic all our lives together, and yet I still can't seem to think of things magically. It's a puzzle." The thought seemed to roll off his shoulders and he shrugged. "Oh well! Ready when you are, pumpkin!"

"Star stood poised, aiming at the garment until she saw little flickers of movement around it, like tricks of the light. "Slumber fog!" She shouted, and a pleasant, blue swirl of fog, dappled with twinkling stars came spewing out of her wand. The Flittishes fell like hail stones and rested unconcious on the floor.

"Well done everyone. Now, lets get them collected and make sure there are none missing. There should be about 12 of them." The king yawned, and shook the sleep from his eyes.

Star wobbled on her feet, but slapped herself across the face. "I'm awake! I'm awake."

"I think he was probably talking about the center of hell in Dante's Divine Comedy." She explained, following him as he issued her into the castle. "See, there are a ton of rings around hell for different types of things Dante figured were sinful, and at the center of it all was Satan, who was always half frozen up to his waist in ice. How he managed to stay frozen with the rest of hell on fire is probably one of the strangest parts of that book. And there were a lot of strange parts in that book." Bea was always excited to share what she knew of literature, especailly with people whom had the same appreciation for it that she had. Though Tom didn't seem like the bookish type, she might at least have some movies in common. And if now, they were sometimes more effective than the printed page.
Dipper smiled at hearing Star compliment him on his good idea before he saw Star use her magic. He stood in awe he saw her use her wand. She was a real-lfie magical girl and he was already having so many questions on who could use the wand and how and so on. However, he then saw that they were getting sleepy. Dipper meanwhile had take a step back to keep himself from the fog. When he saw Star wobbling, he went over to her to make sure she wouldn't fall.

He looked over the 12 unconscious little pixies and went through his knapsack. "It looks we could probably fit them in my water bottle," Dipper said as he carefully shoved the little pixie creatures inside. "Where should I put them? Outside? Or could you make a portal to their habitat?" Dipper asked Star.


Tom meanwhile was infascination as he was hearing Bea talk about the book. "I guess I found it interesting, the idea that in the ultimate part of the underworld, there was ice. The again, Marco also mentioned not all of the place was hot, that there were dust and whirlwidns and other parts," Tom said, thinking more on what he mentioned on the book. Seeing her excited look however made Tom happy. "Tell me more then. I'd like to hear more," he said with his own excited look.
"Actually, I'll take them off your hands." River reached out and gently took the bottle from Dipper. "You've been a great help, young man. I thank you." He seemed almost stoic for a minute before slapping Dipper on the back again and letting out a jovial, "Come back and see us any time.", and taking his leave.

Star knew her father was fairly easy to please, but she wondered what would have happened if her mother had met him first. She didn't have time to wonder long, as her mother poked her large, elaborate hairstyle from around the corner. She seemed to be a little hesitant to enter the space where the Flittish had been, but as soon as her husband had left with them, she stepped into plain sight. She wore her usual gown in varying shades of blue, and straightened it, as though unconsciously checking to make sure it was all still there.

"I told your father no more exotic creatures in the castle." She muttered before fully recognizing that Star had company. "Oh, please excuse me. I didn't know you had a guest."

"Oh, yeah! This is Dipper Pines. Dipper, this is my mom." She stopped and thought a minute, watching her mom's face shift a few times before continuing. "Oh, right... This is my mom, Queen Moon Butterfly."

"Very pleased to meet you, Dipper." She smiled politely and offered him her hand.

As they walked together, Bea resisted the urge to skip a little. "Well, the first thing you should know is that it was written by a man who was...well, religious seems like an understatement. So, it's pretty heavy handed. There seem to be a lot of biomes in the underworld; deserts, forests, lava lakes, and at the center of it all is just this big empty cavern with a half-frozen satan in it. The main character, Dante, is guided through all of them by, angel Virgil. He's the one who does most of the preaching in this thing." They passed into the interior, and Bea was greeted by a wave of relief. It wasn't as cold as she would have personally enjoyed, but damn was it better than being outside.
Dipper laughed a bit again when River slapped his back. It really did remind him of Manly Dan in a way, although River was a fair bit more jolly to say the least. However, Dipper's train of thought was soon interrupted by another voice, this time a feminine one. He turned to see that it was Star's mother. He was a bit surprised given that she looked a bit old, though he wondered if it was just her hair color actually being naturally like that along with the stress of being a ruler.

"Don't blame Mr. River. They were apparently just a pests that he was working to get rid of," Dipper said to Moon. When Star confirmed that she was indeed her mother and thus the Queen, Dipper gave a bow of respect to Moon. "It's pleased to meet you too, your highness," he told her with an awkward smile. "I'm a new friend of Star and I really wanted to see Mewni," he told her with an eager smile.


Tom stood in fascination and joy in being with Bea. He hadn't felt this happy with someone since he as first with Star, but it was even more so fascinating and wonderful here. He heard her talk about how some of the stuff worked and so on in the story. "So there were like different levels and such based on the bad stuff that they did?" Tom asked her, intrigued. He would take the throne in some years and learning how to shake things up and expand while making changes would help out the Lucitor Kingdom alot.
Queen Moon's expression whent from vexed to amused very smoothly. "Mr. River..." She chuckled. "Well, I'm very pleased to see that Star has a new friend that might keep her out of trouble."

"Hey!" Star shouted indignantly.

"Oh, you know I'm only teasing. I think you've grown up quite a bit since the... earlier unpleasantness."

"You mean, Eclipsa?"

"Yes! That unpleasantness." She turned her attention back to Dipper. "Tell me, do ou like history?" Moon looked hopeful, but Star let out a little moan.

"But that underworld is kind of differenly functional." Bea continued, speaking as she passed through the dungeon-like halls with burning wall sconces. "I don't know that you could set it up exactly the same here. You'd have to find a different way to organize." She looked directly into his face and smiled. "I'm sure you already have some great ideas."
Dipper couldn't help but chuckle at what Moon said in regards to Star. "Oh not really. My sister and I have been dealing with all sorts of weirdness since we were kids," Dipper responded to her with a smile on his face before he wondered who Eclipsa was. He made a note to ask Star aboute it at a later time. However, he was then offered an opportunity to learn some more history. However, looking to Star, he decided not to go for it... for now.

"I love history! But I already promised Star for the tour around her, but I woul love to know more about the history at another time," Dipper said with a big dorky smile on his face.


"Well, I mean, I definitely tried making big changes to stuff before," Tom said, laughing a bit nervously with a mild blush, remembering all the changes he made to the Blood Moon Ball those years ago, all to impress Star. However, he also knew those changes were for the better and to help out the Kingdom. Traditions are nice, but if they did not have much purpose for being there... well, why keep it? Especially if it was based on some bad stuff.

"Yeah, but I would also love to hear your ideas since I still don't know that much on life on Earth," he tells her, smiling upon seeing her smile and even blushing at how pretty he found it.
Moon caught sight of a very relieved Star from the corner of her eye and smiled warmly. "Alright then, perhaps you and Star might join me for lunch after your tour. I hope you haven't eaten already? I know the hours are a little different between here and Earth?"

"I think it was kind of snacks for dinner." Star thought aloud. "Maybe if we're hungry enough by the time I've run him around Mewni." She grabbed him by the wrist and practically ripped him along. "Bye Mom, thanks!" The princess tugged him down the hall to a staircase and down several flights of stairs, not stopping until she hit the bottom. "Phew! That was close!"

Bea nodded, taking it all in. She wasn't sure what she'd expected from a Prince of the Underworld, but she didn't think Tom was it. He didn't seem especially confident around her, like there was something he was still working out. She wondered what it could be; she hadn't thought she'd done anything to make herself hard to read. Perhaps he might become more confident the further along they got.

"Well, I'd be happy to introduce you to a few things, but admittedly, I've only seen a fraction of the Earth myself." She cast her small, blue-grey eyes at the vaulted ceilin. "It's kind of funny actually, there are some people on E
Before Dipper could respond to the offer that Moon offered, Dipper felt Star grab his hand and began dragging him along going down several staircases. During the time, her hand end up slipping into his and Dipper couldn't help but hold onto it. "Why? What's the matter?" Dipper asked her, wondering why she had a reaction in regards to her not wanting to be with her mom. However, he then realized that they were in a different part of the castle.

"Where are we?" Dipper asked Star.

"Well, I would still learn more," Tom told her with a smile and a slight blush on his face. He was becoming more comfortable being with Bea as he was spending time with her.
"We're close to the castle basement." Star panted, just a little out of breath. "Look, my mom is great, and I love her, but she can get kind of... intesne without realizing it. My dad says it's a Butterfly thing, but I don't see it. Anyway, before you know it, she'd be interrogating you and doing all kinds of weird...mind...test thingies!" She sighed. "Just, I don't know, give it some more time before you have tea with her."


"Great." Bea laughed. "And with the ability to hop in and out of dimensions, you can basically teleport. You wouldn't even need to worry about planes or passports. You could get around the world in 80 minutes!" She sighed and smiled a little sadly. "Magic is so cool."
Dipper couldn't help but chuckle a bit at what Star said in regards ti being intense. "Well, it's probably her just trying to look out for you," Dipper told her with a smile. "What do you have here in the castle basement?" Dipper asked her as he was looking around, trying to change the subject to help Star ease up. All the while, he was still holding onto her hand, despite not fully realizing it. Perhaps it was because it felt natural.

"I'm sure it'll be all right," Dipper said, giving her a smile. As he looked at Star, he couldn't help but admit how pretty she was. Like an atheltic yet sparkly sort of pretty. He couldn't explain it.


"Yeah, Star told me how you don't have magic there on Earth, at least normal ones. Marco did mention in a text that Dipper said he knew about Earth magic," Tom said before he noted she had on that sad sort of smile. "Something on your mind?" Tom asked her while walking through the castle and he'd be letting her look all over the palace he called home.
However, he was also leading her through the palace to the front of some large black-colored doors.

"I'm sorry for springing this up on you so suddenly, but uh... I wanna introduce you to my parents," Tom told her with a smile as he wondered what his parents would think about her and vice versa.
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"The laundry!" She cheered before realizing how unimpressive it sounded. "Well, okay, it's cooler than it sounds. C'mon, I'll show you." She continued to guide him by the hand toward a large door with shots leading to carts on either side of it. The carts themselves were full of clothes, and there was a lone man sorting through each cart by color. Star cleared her throat. The man turned to face her, and saluted.

"Hail Princess!"

"Dipper, this is Sir Lavabo." She leaned into him. "He's kind of my favorite knight on staff here."

Sir Lavabo visably blushed under the helmet he was wearing and bowed. "I have recieved the dress used to trap the fishes!"


"Yes! Those!" He held up the garment and indicated a few spots on the gown. "The color have started to bleed here and here, and it looks as thought the color is completely gone from this floral piece. It may require a complete replication, as I am not sure I can save the existing garment." He seemed defeated, as though he were a doctor admitting there was nothing he could do.

"Oh! That's okay, Sir Lavabo. I used that gown because I don't care about it anymore. But thank you for all your hard work."

The man practically glowed with pride at her recognition, then stowed the dress in a seperate bag.

She realized her expression had faultered. "Oh no! It's nothing. It''s kind of stupid." She shook her head "What else did you want to show me?" She asked, trying to change the subject.
"Wait, what?" Dipper said with a half-smile upon hearing about them being in the laundry. He was looking at the big area filled with clothes and it reminded him on how Mabel had alot more clothes than him because of her sweater skills. Granted, she would do her laundry and even make a game out of it by using hand-cranked washing machines as to not waste water and electricity.

"Nice to meet you," Dipper said with a smile as he bowed back to the laundry knight. He wondered why they would need a knigjt, but his long experience with the total abusrdity of the stuff he saw meant that there was definitely a good reason for it.

"Wow, there's alot of clothes here. I wonder what Sir Lavabo would think of y sister. She loves knitting sweaters," Dipper noted as he was making some notes and looking around.

"You can talk to me about anything that's bothering you," Tom told her as he looked at her. "I mean, I kinda know what it's like not fitting in. My parents are an odd couple, but they're so happy together and I was able to get my life be good even though I'm kinda of a monster that looks like a Mewman. My skills aren't as much magic as just stuff I'm born with, not like the spells Star can do," he said to her, opening up to her.
"Hmm, I don't know." Star shrugged. "Maybe they'd compare techniques? I'm not sure if he's a knitter, but I would be willing to bet gold he does. I think he might fix socks... But yeah, you're sister's cool. So, most people probably like her." She grinned and took his hand. "C'mon, I'll show you the rest."

She looked at him a little hopelessly. "I guess I just feel at a disadvantage around here." She admitted. "Everyone else seems to have some kind magical power or special ability. I know it sounds really petty! I guess I just feel like a tag along." Bea had stopped and cast her eyes up to the swirling mist dancing along the ceiling of the castle. She had to look at anything but Tom, or she'd never get it out.
"Yeah, though she tends to get carried away alot, but she does mean well," Dipper said with a chuckle. "She was always good with people skills and I wasn't much that social when I was younger. Even after my adventures in Gravity Falls, Wendy was my first real friend and the others were friends of friends. Mabel's BFFs, Candy and Greta were also my friends, but through her. I mean, I get along with Mabel's boyfriend, Mermando... and Greta's boyfriend whenever he's around, but he's usually pretty busy in Austria," Dipper noted before he realized he was rambling a bit. However, he happily grabbed her hand and followed her around.

"I guess I kinda worry if people like me for me," Dipper somewhat sheepishly confessed to her as he reflected on everything. However, he felt very comfortable disclosing all of this to Star.


Tom looked at her as he was hearing her confessing how she felt. He then went to embrace her. He did not know why, but it felt right. Like it was the right thing to do. But not just that, but because he wanted to as well. "You don't magic or such to be special. Back when I was younger, I used to wonder what made Marco so special that Star wanted to be with him, but he was special in his own way. He's a good person. And looking back at you humans, you all have done alot of progress with your technology and so on. Heck, most of of everyone my age think Earth is really cool and that humans are really lucky," he explained to her as he looked at her in the eyes. "And you are special too. I just met you... but there's something special about you. I don't think alot of people could accept this stuff and even embrace it," he told her with a comforting smile.
Star stopped abruptly, causing Dipper to bump into her. She turned, still holding his hand and looked him in the face. "I've only met your and your sister once, and I liked both of you. But you guys are waaaaay different people. And I like you for the person that you are. I mean, maybe I don't know a whole lot, but the stuff I do know, I don't feel like I have to dumb down for you. And that makes me feel like I can talk to you." She smiled and continued walking. "I hope that helps."

The corner of her mouth raised in a little half smile. "I didn't think I'd get to embrace it literally so soon." She snickered and momentarily tightened her grasp on him before stepping back. It was hard not to laugh at his consistant use of the word "special", but she could tell he really meant what he was saying. As great as technology was, she wished there was some way she could learn magic as well.
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