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Star Falls (MysteriousD x Applepoisoneer)

"Hey Star! How ya been, girlfriend?" Jackie laughed, lying in bed on her stomach. Bea glanced over when she spoke and saw that she was on her phone, and went back to what she was doing.

Neither Bea nor Jackie had a real problem with speaking loudly unless the other was trying to sleep, as neither really registered how loud their voices got. Both had family members who were a little hard of hearing, and Bea had been in Theatre through high school and up into college. As far as they were concerned, they'd try and be polite, but it was more up to others to say something if they thought the speaking volume was too high. It was just one of the many things they agreed upon when first meeting each other.

"Hey, so Marco and I were talking about having a party up here for fall break, since it's not actually long enough to go home over. Do you think you could make it?" A long pause. "...Awesome sauce! I've got some people I can't wait for you to meet... Yeah, I think Marco's inviting him too. Way-cool. I'll see you this weekend. Okay...Okay...sweet. Take care, girl. Bye!"

She hung up the phone and rolled over on her back. "Oh man," she sighed. "that Star would totally talk my ear off if I let her, but she's super cool. I can't wait til you meet her."

Bea turned her body toward her room mate and smiled. "She sounds like it. I mean, being able to just instantly use mangic would be cool all on its own, but you said she'd be a queen of her own country someday? That's amazing! I'd kill to rule my own kingdom." The blonde rested her elbow on her desk and leaned on it.

"I think if you'd asked her like, two years ago, she might've just let you rule it for her." Jackie laughed. "But I think, now that she's on the Monster Rights kick, she's got more of a reason to want to rule."

"Monster rights?"

"Yeah. I guess Star's people...uh, Mewmans? Really had it out for Monsters, and visa-versa, for like centuries. And Star's trying to do some civil rights magic and fix it so they get along more peacefully."

"Wow!" Bea leaned forward. "That's incredibly cool. I still want her kingdom though." The pair laughed, and Jackie suggested they go and meet Marco for dinner in the cafeteria.
"Okay, so I guess that's everything for today," Dipper said as he couldn't help but smile awkwardly as he saw how time flew. Dipper Pines had become a fine young man since he, Mabel and the rest of his family helped save the world from a manicial demon back in 2012. Since then, not much has happened though. The twins would return every year to Gravity Falls for Christmas and for summer to see all their old friends and be with them.

Things had changed. It started with Thompson going to college and thus having the group of friends eventually spend less time. Robbie and Tambry were still together while Nate and Lee still hung out and worked at the theater and it kinda left Wendy to gravitate more toward the Pines family. Despite this, she has remained single and Mabel's attempts at trying to get Dipper and Wendy more so then did not achieve much. However, Dipper end up spending his high school years in a relationship with Pacifica. It was a loving one though with its ups and down. The two parted on amiable terms since around high school graduation, they realized they wanted different things. Pacifica wanted to restore her family name and could only do so while remianing in high society while Dipper was still keen on exploring the supernatural. Pacifica did have her fairshare of adventures with the Pines clan, but she never got into it like they did, just enough so she knew what to predict the Falls would throw at her. Dipper meanwhile wasn't sure on whether he wanted to live in Gravity Falls (since he was still wondering what to do in life) and his exasperation with the many wealthy socialites he interacted with as Pacifica's date tested his patience (the only one Dipper got along with was Marius von Fundshauser, the young baron that Grenda met back at the Northwest manor years ago and who she was engaged with. He even taught Dipper how to fence along with some German when he and Mabel visited Grenda and him in Austria)

As for Mabel, she was going to the same university for numerous reasons though sticking with her brother and the unviersity being near a beach was one of them. Namely to see her long time boyfriend, Mermando. In their second summer of the Falls, it turns out the Manatee princess Mermando got forcibly engaged to was poached and he escaped, looking for the twins to help. This let Mabel and him rekindle their relationship and through the use of an item Ford found, Mermando could spend some time up on the surface or Mabel in the water (which she indulged in that summer where the whole town became transformed into monsters.)

Dipper went to the university to study archaeology and see more of the mystic world. He got paired with Marco and it wasn't long before they got along alot. Both were cautious young men who wanted to prove themselves to the world and when Dipper saw a bit of magic, well it just wnet further as the two guys exchanged stories of their inane lives and activities. Marco himself liked having a true guy friend like this. While his best friend was still Star, he liked having a guy to talk guy stuff with, especially since most of his other friends were girls. The relationship between him and Star became platonic and eventually he got together again with Jackie Lynn Thomas, who would even join them on their adventures.

Dipper would actually get to meet Jackie for the first time along with her roommate when they would get dinner at the cafeteria. "Yeah, I figure you'd have alot of questions, but given how many I asked you the first couple of days, that makes sense. So what's Mabel doing here?" Marco asked as they were heading to the cafeteria, exiting their dorm room. "Art teacher. She'd be really good at it," Dipper said.
Jackie and Bea took their trays to the table closest to the kitchen. The place was practically deserted, given that midterms were about to start. Not to mention they were serving fish tacos for dinner, and despite the fact that it wasn't too bad, attendance always seemed to drop whenever seafood was involved. The girls had been absorbed in a conversation about who had the harder midterm when Jackie spotted Marco.

"Hey Diaz!" She called as she waved him over. As he approached, she landed a quick peck on the cheek. Nothing embarrassingly intimate, just a casual kiss. "Who's your friend?"

Bea raised her head and smiled at the approaching pain. "Oh, hey! Aren't you in my science-fiction literature course?" She asked Dipper. She thought perhaps she'd seen him there a few times, and even though she'd remembered him speaking in class, but couldn't quite be sure.
"Oh man, it's Fish Friday, huh? I get alot og people don't like seafood, but there's still other stuff like pastas plus the sandwich bar and the pizza bar," Dipper noted to Marco as they saw the cafeteria was not that occupied. "Yeah, though it is also midterm season. Granted, we're both smart guys so we don't have to worry too much," Marco responded to his roomie with a smile before he saw his girlfriend.

He smiled and returned the kiss to Jackie. They've been together for a few years now going steady. "Oh! Can't believe I haven't introduced him. Jackie, this is Dipper, my roommate. He's the guy I told you about," Marco told her, in regards to the twins that Marco told her about that went on the crazy Star-like adventures they wenr through.

"Yeah, I'm Dipper. You're Bea, right?" Dipper said as he shook his classmate's hand. Science fiction ltierature course was one of his electives on his path to becoming an archaeologist. It would be a long road, but money wasn't an issue. The fact he got scholarships anyway ended up meaning he only had to pay for things like his dormroom and groceries. Mabel came over a few times a week to cook for him and Marco and to keep up with them.

"How was midterms for everyone?" Marco asked them.
"Well, most of them have been going pretty well." Jackie explained as she took a forkful of rice. "But I can't keep up with all the books I'm supposed to have read for this test. I mean, I don't mind reading, but not when it's like, a book a week!" She sighed and scooped up some more rice. "Thankfully I have my human cliff's notes here," She threw an arm around Bea.

"It pays off." Bea laughed. "My stupid entry-level math class is absolutely destroying me. I can write you a poem in perfect Villanelle format, but when you start dropping letters into math, no thanks. So, Jackie's been pretty helpful."

The skateboarder shrugged. "I just really love physics. So I guess my math improved around it. No big."

"Pfft! No big, she says." Bea laughed and sipped at the coffee she'd gotten from the machine.
"Yeah, though I uusally finish the book in like two days. Thought I love reading," Dipper said with a sheepish smile at the two before he and Marco couldn't help at what Bea was saying.

"I remember that. Everyone was surprised you did well in physics though since I told you to look into physics when doing your sports, you improved alot," Marco responded to his girlfriend, smiling at her.

"Anyway, I heard Marco say there was some sort of party or thing that you have been wanting to do?" Dipper asked the two ladies.
"Oh yeah!" Jackie remembered brightly. "So, since fall break isn't long enough to really go and do anything, we figured it'd be cool to have a little room party. Nothin' too crazy, just some snacks and some games or a movie. Bea's got a pretty sick horror movie collection. "

Bea beamed proudly. "I do like the classics. And, y'know, the cult classics. I just can't stand the hi garbage Hollywood churns out these days. "

"Whoa, calm down." Jackie said with mockingly serious tones. "Next thing you know, you'll be telling us you only had to pay a nickel to get in."

Bra put on a pretty convincing old lady voice. "Your darn right it was a nickel! But they still charged fifty cents for popcorn. Highway robbery, it was!"
"Yeah though horror movies aren't as fun after you dealt with a bunch of crazy stuff," Marco said, recalling how Jackie helped him and Star out more often with a bunch of the crazy adventures in Mewni, especially some of the rough stuff that would follow for them.

"Yeah I know what you mean, but some of the cheesy B-movies are fun," Dipper told his roommate with empathy before both guys were laughing at Jackie and Bea discussing their stuff.

"Well, sure! I'd like to invite Mabel. She'd love an opportunity to have a party. She'd also probaby be inviting her friends," Dipper added with a smile. "Of course, you can invite some people too! Anyone in mind, Jackie?" Marco asked his girlfriend.
Jackie thought about it for a bit. "Well, let's see... You guys, Bea, Star, whoever Mabel's inviting....Did you want to invite Jana? Star might bring some people too." Her naturally pretty face went a little sour. "Probably Ponyhead. Maybe Kelly."

"Dang, this is going to be a bigger party than I thought. Also, who or what is Ponyhead?" Bea asked, expecting a strange answer.

Jackie sighed. "She's one of Star's best frineds but she's...kind of hard to deal with sometimes. I never say anything because I love Star, and I know she's important to her, but I really hope she just leaves her behind this time." She turned to Marco. "What about you? Anyone you can think of? I feel like we're missing somebody."
"She's a big floating unicorn head with the personality of a valley girl," Marco agreed with Jackie said while he was looking through his phone. "Star said she's actually only bringing Tom with her. She says that he needs the break," Marco read the text messege.

"Ohp, Mabel says she herself is just coming. Her friends are busy," Dipper responded back as he looked at his Oranj smartphone. "I guess that is everyone that is coming then?" Dipper asked them all with a smile on his face.
"Awesome! Keepin' it low-key sounds nice for a change." Jackie smiled, resting an affectionate hand over Marco's free one. "I've only heard Star mention Tom a couple times, kind of a roller coaster. But if she's bringing him, he must be cool."

"Mabel..." Bea thought. "Hey, Dipper? Is your sister an art major or minor? I think maybe I've seen some of her work up in the hall with the 2D drawing stuff. It's pretty...what I'm going to call Kawaii-surreal. It's pretty cute."
Marco smiled at feeling Jackie's hand over his and he turned his hand over to squeeze hers. "Yeah he's all right. He's been doing better and he has been relaxing a bit. In a way, he kinda remiains me of you, Dipper, though you don't have a temper problem and you're nicer than him," Marco told Dipper in a complimentary tone, causing Dipper to chuckle a bit.

"Art minor. She's trying to become an art teacher. She is good at drawing and kaing alot of pretty but weird looking stuff," Dipper responded to Bea. "She doesn't have the patience for much art history stuff and she's good qith kids, hence why she is balancing to become an art teacher. Though she could also be a home ec one," Dipper added with a smile on his face.

"What time is the party?" Dipper asked.
Jackie couldn't help but laugh a little at Marco's comparison. She knew a little more about Tom than she did Dipper, but most of it had come from Star, and it varied between good and resentful. "It's this weekend, and I told Star to get here around 5. So, we'll see what time she actually shows up." The blonde shrugged. "It could be 3:30, it could be 6. Who knows. Maybe she'll bring some of those..Goblin Dogs? They were pretty gnarly, but there's something about'em that's really great."

"Are they made of Goblin?" Bea asked hesitantly. "Or do Goblins just make them?"

"Gross! Goblins just make and sell them, Dude." She laughed, clutching her stomach with the force of it.
"All right, so we should probably get ready to prepare," Marco told Jackie as he went up to her to kiss her cheek, hppy to be with her. "We got to set up tables and seats, some of the games and of course the refreshments," Marco told Jackie with a smile.

"Yeah, so where are we holding the party? In one of our rooms or in one of the dorm empty rooms?" Dipper asked them. He was curious on meeting Star, based on everything he heard Marco say about her and such.
"Whoa, chill Diaz." Jackie laughed teasingly. "It's a casual party for like, seven people. Although, we should totally come up with some stuff to do. Do you guys have any ideas?"

"Ooh! Ooh!" Bea waved her arm emphatically. "What if we cooked up a game of D&D& more D 3.5! It's like the original, but with a away less math."
"Yeah, but you know me. Safety Boy," Marco sid with a smile. He came to embrace that term on who he was when he realized he shouldn't be afraid of he was. He was reckless and trying to be daring back when he was starting out with Star. It was like he was becoming an adrenaline junkie.

Of course, once he got with Jackie, he toned it down and such.

"Yeah, but would we have enough time for a game of that?" Dipper asked her. The D&D&+D as it was knownw as sitll popular, but things had to be simplified to make it easer. "Maybe Star could bring some things?" he asked with a smiel.
"Hey, I fell in love with Safety Boy. He's my favorite superhero. " Jackie laughed, giving him another quick peck on the cheek. She turned to address Dipper. "Star has some cool stuff, but the last time she brought a party game, we all almost died. So...maybe just some Crabs Adjust Humidity?"

"Ooh, I do love that game." Bea added.

The group cleaned up the area where they were sitting and walked back to the dormitories through the cool night, continuing to mull the idea of what they might play.

(OOC: Sorry, I've somehow managed to be concurrently busy and sick at the same time.. I'm kind of dragging myself along at this point, but I feel like you've waited long enough.)
"And your're my dream girl," Marco told Jackie with a smile as he let his hand squeeze hers. He admitted he was stuck between her and Star those years ago, but in the end, he chose her. Ironically, the one who forced sense into him were his two old friends who he hadn't seen in a while. Apparently, the two got drunk (on a dare) and they had alot to say to him and Star.

Alot of stinging words were said.

But none of them wrong.

He was happ on where he was now. "Oh man, that sounds crazy. THen again, so did the time I played D&D&+D back with my grunkle years ago," he said with a laugh, remmebering that weird infinite-sided die.

As they were all walking back, they were all thinkign and talking. "What time did you see they would arrive?" Dipper asked Bea and Jackie.
"Like, around five or six." Jackie shrugged, having already forgotten the exact time she'd specified. "Anyway, Star will probably show up on her own time. Especially since Marco's not around to enforce punctuality." She playfully elbowed him and laughed heartily.

"And she's going to be a Queen?" Be asked, unable to help raising an eyebrow.

"Well, her hearts in a good place. She's just kind of scatterbrained."

(Do you want to do a time skip or did you have more to add?)
"We,, it is about five now," Dipper said as he looked at his watch. Marco laughed alongside his girlfriend as he squeezed her hand. "Yeah, but Tom has been the type to trying to do punctuality," Marco added.

"Oh man, being a Queen... Well, as long as she doesn't have to do arranged marriages," Dipper said, recalling how and Mabel though that her summer love, Mermando, would be doomed to marry a manatee... until she got poached. That causes a fair bit of problems, but it all worked out and manatees have repopulated to where they're not endangered or even threatened or vulnerable anymore.

"I'm sure Star will do fine. And she'll find someone who will help her out," Marco told Bea with a smile.

(We should do a timeskip.)
Anticipation built and days passed, until it was time to start setting up for the party. Jackie and Bea staked their claim to the common room early so that no one could push them out before it was time. They carried in stacks of boxes of both food and board games. Bea had even baked a few trays of brownies for the occasion. They started to set up the snack table and move a few things around to make the room more comfortable.

"I really can't wait for you to meet everybody." Jackie smiled as she checked her phone to keep track of who was on their way. "I think you'll have a lot of fun."

"I bet. They sound like a cool group.
Dipper was carrying several snack boxes while his sister Mabel was carrying a few jugs of her Mabel Juice Ver 3.0, a healthier and tastier version of her Mabel Juice she made back in her youth.

"Hey everyone, how is it going?" Marco asked as he was placing the table in the center for the snacks along with some other things. "When would everyone arrive?" Dipper asked Jackie as he was setting the snacks down on the table.
As if on cue, a dimensional rift opened up in the middle of the room. Blue swirling light radiated from it's center, as did the point of a pair of scissors. Bea stared in awe, as she'd never seen anything like it. Even though Jackie had mentioned that this was how the Princess traveled, Bea wasn't prepared for it.

"Hey guys!" A perky, cheerful blonde poked her head out of the portal and slid the rest of her body out. She held a small box and grinned. "I brought Kitten Donuts, and a Tom!" She gestured to the portal, where it was expected someone else might come out.

"Alright!" Jackie cheered. "Now this party can really get started. She paused. "What's a kitten donut?"

Star opened the box to reveal some very delicious-looking doughnuts with uncanny kitten faces on them. They began to meow in faint, adorable whispers.

"Aw, they're adorable!" Bea cooed before she realized they were meant to be food. "How do you eat them?"
By the time they finished setting up, they saw the duo of a Prince and Princess coming out of the portal. Dipper and Marco turned to see them. Marco went to embrace his friend, Tom while Dipper took the time to see who was it all there.

With Star, Dipper's first reaction was he found her cute. Her initial bubbly energy reminded him of Mabel yet she was a bit more restrained than he was and carried herself with more responsability. Yet her spiked boots and relaxed pose reminded him a bit of Wendy, reminding him of the rough and rebellious girl who was one of his closest friends.

He then turned to see Tom. From what he got, he and Tom would get along all right, both being perfectionists who liked doing things their own way and despire the prince's odd appearance, he did seem warm and friendly.

"Uh hi, everyone. My name is Dipper and that's my sister Mabel," Dipper said, introducing himself to the new guests who arrived.
(OOC: I can take Mabel if you don't want to move her around anymore?)

"Oh yeah, we probably should've introduced people first. Oops." Jackie giggled. "Well, like he said, he's Dipper, Marco's room mate. And this is my room mate Bea." Since he'd already introduced his sister, Jackie figured that about covered what she knew of Mabel, and thus left her out of the introduction sequence.

"Nice to meet you." Bea offered her hand to the taller, blonde princess, who promptly took it and pulled the two into a hug. Despite it being a little awkward, it made Bea laugh and she hugged her back. "Jackie's told me a ton of cool stuff about you."

"Aw, that's super sweet." Star stepped back to examine the other girl. "She's told me some pretty cool stuff about you too." Her attention then turned to Dipper and Mabel. "Uh..but I don't think she's mentioned you guys yet. Sorry."

"I kind of just met them recently. But they both seem pretty cool."

"Totally! Any friend of Marco's is a friend of mine."

Bea turned her attention to Tom, noticing that he hadn't really been properly introduced. She offered him her hand, thinking perhaps he might just shake it rather than pulling them into an embrace. Though she couldn't say she would have minded. "Hi. Pleased to meet you too,I'm sure." She smiled invitingly.
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