The Prince (Comments Welcome)

Sep 19, 2016
Kansas City
Welcome to the Journal of Machiavelli!

Herein lies a record of all current roleplays, followed by all future posts giving updates regarding availability, vacations, hiatuses, cravings, thoughts, ideas, and other clutter.

Green Titles are currently running roleplays! As long as OOC chat or roleplays continue, the roleplay will be marked in green.
Orange Titles are roleplays that I haven't heard from in 14+ days.
Red Titles are roleplays that I haven't heard from in a month, at which point I consider them closed, or have been closed through mutual decision with my partner.

Risky Rebellion - Izzy325 - LINK
The Fan and the Domme - FavoredFox - LINK
The Lady's Pet - HeyThereLittleBear - LINK
Gifted - MessedupRP - PM
Just What the Doctor Ordered - DuxT - PM
Dead Men Walking - Iko - PM
To Go Down in History - Candyluv93 - PM
Fall of Eden - SwordDippedInInk - PM
In Cold Blood - MercuryRisen - LINK
Distrust & Intentions - Prodigious Masterpiece - LINK
Pushing the Envelope - Sigr - LINK
Outside the Chat Room - HeyThereLittleBear - LINK
Where the Veins Lead - HeyThereLittleBear - LINK
Affairs of the Court - LusciousLollies - PM
Queen Bee / Bad Boy - Prodigious Masterpiece - PM
Currently ACCEPTING new roleplays​


What follows is a typical week for me, though online times may vary given my erratic schedule. All times are EST/EDT (Indianapolis, IN). furthermore, I'll post on this journal when I know what nights I'll be on late during the summer. My job requires me to have some late nights, so I'll notify you all when those are going to be.

  • Saturdays: Online time varies, likely offline during the evenings with brief checks during the day
  • Sundays: Online roughly 1pm to 6pm. May be online at other times, will vary.
  • Mondays: Online periodically through the day. Varied availability
  • Tuesdays: Online periodically through the day. Varied availability
  • Wednesdays: Offline from 10am to 12pm. Other times may vary.
  • Thursdays: Online 1pm to 5pm, other times will vary.
  • Fridays: Offline from 1pm to 11pm. May be online after.
Well hello handsome.

Glad to see you join us in journals :heart:
Sorry I haven't replied to many of my roleplays, my muse has been fickle these last few days. Everyone *should* get a reply tonight, during my graveyard shift (midnight to 8am, Indiana time)
I likely posted after you made this, but hello darlin'. ;) You owe me a reply.
It's been a rough last two weeks or so, and I'm tired as all hell, but I'm still here.

A note to all of you playing with one of my submissive male characters - my switchiness has struck, and I'm in a dominant mood right now. Please bear with me while I ride it out, I promise I'll get you replies. Nothing personal, and I promise - I'm more submissive than dominant, so I'll be back soon enough.

Everyone else, you're probably playing either with a dominant who is going to be extra enthusiastic, or with a switch, and your replies will likely be unaffected. My muse is fickle.
Hello all those that read this!

It seems like now is the time where shit has hit the fan, at least for most of my partners! Take your time, all of you, but I eagerly (patiently, but eagerly) await your return.

In other news, my life is rather stressful. My girlfriend is struggling through a particularly bad bout of her depression, I'm doing my best to keep mine from slowing my life down (mine typically doesn't lead to self-destruction, but mostly makes it difficult to continue doing normal things), and I'm trying to keep my academics from losing me my scholarship. The latter should be easy enough, as long as I get one particular grade up. Nonetheless, it's anxiety inducing. I'm also waiting to hear back from internship opportunities, but so far, just radio silence.

Anyway! I'll be here, and excited to write!
Reworked dominant thread just a tad, by which I mean I tinkered with the kinks list to make it a bit more obvious what I wanted right now and added a plot. Really into anything with an eager to please submissive. Or dominant.

On a personal level, I'm having a really hard time with the sexual aspect of my relationship and the sexual dynamic I have with my partner. That may or may not affect my writing here, but right now it's looking like anything with romance and desire between the characters will get my fullest attention, whereas anything with roughness and non-con as a focus will definitely be a side note.

For those of you interested in my personal life, click the spoiler for the full expression of my emotional state.
I've been in my current relationship for three years as of last October. For the first four months, her physical desire for me was evident and intense. We started having sex about five to six months in (we were 18-ish at the time, so it made sense), and the desire ran pretty high. Then we went off to college, were LDR for a while, and the desires died down a lot. She has depression and anxiety, reducing her already pretty low sex drive, and is on birth control, which fucks with her hormones. The short of it is that I don't ever feel like sex is something she wants. I don't feel desired. I don't ever feel like she wants to have sex with me, more like it's something she's doing for me to keep me around. I hate it. Beyond that, there are sexual experiences I want to have in life that I can't because of our relationship.

That said, I do love her. Besides this issue, our relationship is pretty great. I don't want this to break us apart, but I can't see any way for me to get what I desire sexually without hurting her emotionally so badly that it fucks over everything else.

So that's where I'm at.
I can completely understand how you feel and I want you to know that you're not alone. Sex isn't everything in a relationship but when it isn't there and all of the other feelings are, I can understand it putting a strain on everything else. It hurts to have someone go from desiring you intensely to absolutely nothing and it's a strain not only on your emotions but your self-worth.

A discussion about it is going to be hard but it needs to be had. You need to let her know how you feel and let her know that you dont want pity sex. I've been on the receiving end of pity sex and that is worse to your self-esteem and self-worth than anything else. This isn't just about not damaging her, but about not damaging you as well.

You need to discuss with her your want for intimacy and try to find things that will spark it back. If you think it can be salvaged, salvage it. But don't sacrifice yourself if you think the relationship is doomed.
HeyThereLittleBear said:
I can completely understand how you feel and I want you to know that you're not alone. Sex isn't everything in a relationship but when it isn't there and all of the other feelings are, I can understand it putting a strain on everything else. It hurts to have someone go from desiring you intensely to absolutely nothing and it's a strain not only on your emotions but your self-worth.

A discussion about it is going to be hard but it needs to be had. You need to let her know how you feel and let her know that you dont want pity sex. I've been on the receiving end of pity sex and that is worse to your self-esteem and self-worth than anything else. This isn't just about not damaging her, but about not damaging you as well.

You need to discuss with her your want for intimacy and try to find things that will spark it back. If you think it can be salvaged, salvage it. But don't sacrifice yourself if you think the relationship is doomed.
Firstly, I really appreciate your response and thoughts. :) Also know that our roleplay is one of the ones I'm feeling most into at the moment, whether due to this or just in general.

I don't think the relationship is doomed, ultimately, because she's made it very clear in the past that she's willing to do a lot of things to salvage the relationship when we've had troubles. It's also my first serious relationship, and so I have some selfish thoughts of not being able to have sexual experiences that I'm curious about. There's that aspect of the issue as well, though I'm trying not to let myself be affected by what might have been, y'know?

I've slept since writing that last post and have thought on a few things that might help, just to encourage intimacy and desire again between us, so I'm going to talk through those ideas with her in the near future.

The larger underlying problem, however, is that I'm a passive, self-sacrificing, non-confrontational person. But I don't see that changing anytime soon.
Machiavelli said:
HeyThereLittleBear said:
I can completely understand how you feel and I want you to know that you're not alone. Sex isn't everything in a relationship but when it isn't there and all of the other feelings are, I can understand it putting a strain on everything else. It hurts to have someone go from desiring you intensely to absolutely nothing and it's a strain not only on your emotions but your self-worth.

A discussion about it is going to be hard but it needs to be had. You need to let her know how you feel and let her know that you dont want pity sex. I've been on the receiving end of pity sex and that is worse to your self-esteem and self-worth than anything else. This isn't just about not damaging her, but about not damaging you as well.

You need to discuss with her your want for intimacy and try to find things that will spark it back. If you think it can be salvaged, salvage it. But don't sacrifice yourself if you think the relationship is doomed.
Firstly, I really appreciate your response and thoughts. :) Also know that our roleplay is one of the ones I'm feeling most into at the moment, whether due to this or just in general.

I don't think the relationship is doomed, ultimately, because she's made it very clear in the past that she's willing to do a lot of things to salvage the relationship when we've had troubles. It's also my first serious relationship, and so I have some selfish thoughts of not being able to have sexual experiences that I'm curious about. There's that aspect of the issue as well, though I'm trying not to let myself be affected by what might have been, y'know?

I've slept since writing that last post and have thought on a few things that might help, just to encourage intimacy and desire again between us, so I'm going to talk through those ideas with her in the near future.

The larger underlying problem, however, is that I'm a passive, self-sacrificing, non-confrontational person. But I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Again, totally understood here. I, too, deal with the feeling that I won't be able to experience the sexual side of things. In all truth, I've only had sex with 1 man. I've only given a blowjob to 2 men. Everything else has only been women (which still only raises the number to 2 people for sex), or has just been me beating my meat like I'm a butcher.

Role-playing can be a nice relief for you when you don't have anything else so I never want you to feel alone in enjoying the sexual aspects of role-play. It's something that can take you away from a shitty situation. I use it as an escape because my life is devoid of pretty much all of what I crave - sex, romance, intimacy, etc.

I have the same issues that you do of not being sexually compatible with people I'm interested in, whether they just don't want me or they just aren't close enough to satisfy my needs. It's a struggle. It really is. And it hits your self-esteem like a damn rock. But coming from someone in the same boat as you, I'm positive you can get through this. You are a strong and capable person. And if nothing else, I'm here for you in moments when you need someone to help you through the dark times.

You aren't alone. :heart:
HeyThereLittleBear said:
Machiavelli said:
HeyThereLittleBear said:
I can completely understand how you feel and I want you to know that you're not alone. Sex isn't everything in a relationship but when it isn't there and all of the other feelings are, I can understand it putting a strain on everything else. It hurts to have someone go from desiring you intensely to absolutely nothing and it's a strain not only on your emotions but your self-worth.

A discussion about it is going to be hard but it needs to be had. You need to let her know how you feel and let her know that you dont want pity sex. I've been on the receiving end of pity sex and that is worse to your self-esteem and self-worth than anything else. This isn't just about not damaging her, but about not damaging you as well.

You need to discuss with her your want for intimacy and try to find things that will spark it back. If you think it can be salvaged, salvage it. But don't sacrifice yourself if you think the relationship is doomed.
Firstly, I really appreciate your response and thoughts. :) Also know that our roleplay is one of the ones I'm feeling most into at the moment, whether due to this or just in general.

I don't think the relationship is doomed, ultimately, because she's made it very clear in the past that she's willing to do a lot of things to salvage the relationship when we've had troubles. It's also my first serious relationship, and so I have some selfish thoughts of not being able to have sexual experiences that I'm curious about. There's that aspect of the issue as well, though I'm trying not to let myself be affected by what might have been, y'know?

I've slept since writing that last post and have thought on a few things that might help, just to encourage intimacy and desire again between us, so I'm going to talk through those ideas with her in the near future.

The larger underlying problem, however, is that I'm a passive, self-sacrificing, non-confrontational person. But I don't see that changing anytime soon.

Again, totally understood here. I, too, deal with the feeling that I won't be able to experience the sexual side of things. In all truth, I've only had sex with 1 man. I've only given a blowjob to 2 men. Everything else has only been women (which still only raises the number to 2 people for sex), or has just been me beating my meat like I'm a butcher.

Role-playing can be a nice relief for you when you don't have anything else so I never want you to feel alone in enjoying the sexual aspects of role-play. It's something that can take you away from a shitty situation. I use it as an escape because my life is devoid of pretty much all of what I crave - sex, romance, intimacy, etc.

I have the same issues that you do of not being sexually compatible with people I'm interested in, whether they just don't want me or they just aren't close enough to satisfy my needs. It's a struggle. It really is. And it hits your self-esteem like a damn rock. But coming from someone in the same boat as you, I'm positive you can get through this. You are a strong and capable person. And if nothing else, I'm here for you in moments when you need someone to help you through the dark times.

You aren't alone. :heart:

I really appreciate all your love and support! :) :heart: Thanks for being here for me and sharing your own stories - it really does help to know that I'm not alone. And you're right, roleplaying is a great release, and I think that's why I love it so much. It lets me play roles and parts I don't get to normally, and it's a nice way of satisfying those cravings.

Thank you again. :)

(Also, replied! :p )
Away at a conference for the weekend! I may not get replies out until very late at night, or perhaps not at all until Sunday. Next week starts Spring Break, so my normal schedule will not be in place! If anyone is near Eastern Michigan University, I'll be in your neck of the woods this weekend!
My conference is over as of now, and so replies should be heading out over the next few days! Except Bear, who I adore so much, she gets her replies tonight. :)
I'm back home from the conference and ready to get back into roleplaying per usual! I'm also on spring break, so some days I'll be very free to write, and others, not so much!
My muse is really really fickle these last two days, so sorry to everyone who's waiting on a reply from me. I haven't abandoned you, just in a weird place. I'll get you a reply within the week, no doubt!
Good afternoon, everyone.

As you may know, we are approaching the end of the semester, and as I am (THANK GOD - one more year) approaching the end of my time here in university, my finals and final projects are exponentially harder than I'm prepared for. That said, one of two things will happen:

OPTION 1 - I will spend the next 2-3 weeks with minimal replies and responses, as I will be working hard.

OPTION 2 - I will be here all the time while I'm supposed to be studying or writing scripts, as I will be hardly working.

Either way, thank you for understanding!
You'll do fine, keep the hard work and it will be over sooner than expected, you can do it!
Thank you! Your encouragement is wildly appreciated. :) And for those of you whose writing holds a very special place in my heart (that's you Sigr, Bear, Andronica, Merc), you'll likely still get pretty regular posts because I can't keep myself away. We'll call it necessary writing breaks.
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