The Prince (Comments Welcome)

Sorry to those of you that are waiting on responses from me, my muse is being VERY fickle. You'll get replies eventually, once I have energy. These final projects are draining as all hell.
Aaand we're (mostly) done for the semester! If you haven't gotten a reply by Friday, poke me please. I don't want to miss anyone! I'm also updating my schedule to reflect when I'll be on for the summer!
Hey there all, some brief updates on my life.

My scholarship for college dropped me this semester. Fortunately I have other aid that will pay my tuition and the like, so I'll be fine financially, but emotionally, I'm a bit thrown. I've always been the 'honors student' type, and so having that stripped from me is rough on my self-image, particularly when it's already rather low.

That aside, the semester is over, so I'm back here more often, and very glad to have this outlet. I'm having some trouble focusing and remembering things recently, however, so if I forget you, PLEASE shoot me a message.

I'm missing HeyThereLittleBear, and hoping everything's okay on her end, since she's been out for a couple weeks. I know she was going through a tough time. Perhaps still is.

And finally, I've hesitantly bumped my request threads, because looking through the Female Requests has been almost totally fruitless, save for one or two that looked a bit interesting, though I have yet to hear back. Still, I don't often get GOOD replies from my requests either. We shall see, however. Can't get good ones if you don't bump!
I'm loving this transition to Zenforo! I'm trying to decide whether to decomission my journal and just use posts on my profile instead...
That's a good point @Sigr, I do like having my first post with all my roleplays and schedule and everything - even if it's a bit out of date. I don't think that's something I could reliably recreate if I decommissioned my journal and tried to use my profile.

And I think I like having a journal thread too. :) Gives me a 'home'.
Replies and such are delayed due to real life being interesting and complicated! Not bad, just interesting. I'm still here though, and you'll still get replies. :)
I know I'm not around as often, but hello everyone! HeyThereLittleBear wants me to tell you she says hi and sends her love to all of you!
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