Pushing the Envelope [Machiavelli & Sigr]

Sep 19, 2016
Kansas City
Nicholas Dearden had never really been much of a romantic. He was shorter, smaller, with ruffled hair and a rather shy personality. He'd never been one of those guys who could approach a girl and give her his number or hit on her, and so his experiences has been limited to the girls who would approach him. He wasn't a virgin, exactly, but he definitely wasn't a ladies man. Perhaps that was why he'd let his friend Emilie, or Emil as she preferred, set him up on this blind date. He obviously didn't have the courage to approach a girl on his own, so he might as well let his friend help him out.

This shyness hadn't just affected his relationship preferences. Sexually, he'd discovered that the kind of women that approached him first were often the kind who weren't afraid to go after what they wanted, and he loved that in a sexual context too. And, given his small stature, they were typically bigger than he was in most ways, letting them push him around, pin him down... and he loved it.

But recently he'd been out of the dating pool, until he'd showed up in this small diner for this blind date. He'd entertained himself with video games, other nerdy friends and board games, and indulged his secret perversions with kinky porn. He also frequented the bookstore where Emil worked, reading his way through science fiction novels, fantasy novels, and history books. Admittedly, the owner of that bookstore was also sexy as all hell, and going was a nice excuse to enjoy the view. He'd found a content place in his life, despite feeling, well. Alone. He'd pushed that away though, trying to just be happy with himself. And he was, mostly. If he could get past his nerves.

But then Emil had insisted that he get out and expand horizons, trying to get out of his shell. Nicholas wasn't exactly sure how well that was going to work, but he trusted his friend, and so he agreed.

And that was how he found himself waiting at a table in this diner. He'd insisted to Emil that the date not be anything too intense, nothing that would put too much pressure on him. He wasn't sure he could have made himself go if it had been a super formal date. Still, he was wearing a nice button down shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves, revealing the curling black ink on his arms in the patterns of creeping vines that climbed all the way up to his collarbone. His bright green eyes watched for anyone who seemed like they were looking for their date, and his fingers brushed through brown hair nervously, teeth biting at his lip.
Amanda Keoghan walked into the diner nervous, facing the unknown. She usually wasn't an adventurous person, content withing the physical and mental limits of her bookstore. That place she loved didn't just offer a shelter where she could conduct business calmly, but also allowed her to hoard and peddle certain kinds of kinky fiction without remorse. Not that it was a huge part of her business, almost unnoticeable in volume, but she found pleasing to be able to get other people closer to their cravings. The only bad part about it all was that it didn't get her anywhere near to fulfilling her fantasies, but a girl could dream, she wasn't that old yet.

The diner was the kind of place nice and nostalgic enough to gave a first date an innocent teenage vibe without having the stakes or the stuffy feel of an elegant restaurant. At least with that Emil had managed to nail it, as it was her fault that the blind date was even happening. "What did I accept this..." Amanda sighed for herself, eyeing the place...


"A blind date? Me?" Amanda had asked surprised a couple of days ago. "I thought you liked this job, do you want to get fired?" she asked to Emilia, or Emil as she liked to be addressed. It was an odd choice, but Emil wasn't quite the norm, and maybe that's why Amanda and her were so friendly.

"I can see it in your eyes, you need it" Emil answered. "And we have known each other for a while, you know I don't disappoint" she insisted.

"You are serious. You really want to get fired" Amanda said, joking but still shocked. It was true though that Emil didn't disappoint, from the day she had hired her not only was a hardworking woman but also had a sense of humor. Emil was also aware of boundaries, as she had never commented on Amanda's... tastes even when she was almost drooling with certain kinds of books. Both of them were aware of the other being aware, but the topic never came out.

"Shush" Emil said, tapping Amanda's lips with her index finger a couple times. They had been really grown friendly in those months. "Just leave it to me, I'll text you the details..."


Amanda couldn't believe her eyes when her gaze settled on a known face. A quick straightening of her simple flowery dress served to calm her anxiety, although now it suddenly felt like a too adventurous choice, even if it went below her knees. It could be a coincidence? Yes, that was it, one of her clients, that cute hipster looking guy was just there by sheer luck. A quick look at a nearby window served to make sure that her red wavy hair was perfectly fine. Maybe her date didn't arrive yet, but she should at least greet that client or it would be weird if she ignored him.

"Hi, what a coincidence" Amanda said with a smile as she reached Nicholas' table. She knew him from the shop, but with the nerves about the blind date she was drawing a blank about his name, so she paused. Adjusting her glasses, Amanda's hazel eyes sparkled with a hint of curiosity. "It's weird seeing people outside the usual environment, right?" she commented, glancing around in case her blind date signaled her.
Nicholas looked up as someone approached his table, and stifled a small sound of surprise as he recognized young woman from the bookstore that Emil worked at. Eyes wide, he managed to keep everything except a small gasp from escaping his lips as he straightened slightly. Blinking, trying to get ahold of himself, he managed a quick, shy smile.

"Oh, uh." He stammered slightly, eyes flicking up to hers before darting away. "H-hi! Yeah, yes... yes it is! I've never seen you outside the bookstore before. What're you doing here?" He managed to get out, biting his lip softly. "I'm Nicholas. But you can call me Nick if you want, it's easier." He said, trying to manage a friendly demeanor and keep from being totally awkward. After all, it was kinda weird meeting a cute girl you know while waiting for a blind date to arrive. "I come to your bookstore from time to time... My friend Emil works for you. In fact, it's kinda her fault I'm here at all-" He froze, and gears turned in his head as pieces fell into place.

Then, as if he was struck by lightning, his eyes widen and fixed on her again. "Wait, wait..." He muttered, suddenly realizing that she, this cute redhead, could quite easily be his blind date. It would make a certain amount of sense, what with Emil working for her and all. "Did Emil set you up on a blind date with... me?" He asked quietly, cheeks slightly flushed, trying to avoid eye contact. Then, as if realizing that such surprise and hesitation could be wrongly interpreted, he quickly backpedaled. "No no, not that I'm disappointed, I've always though you were cute- I mean, if you are my date I-" He took a pause, blushing and embarrassed, teeth biting his lip nervously before he shifted and looked back over at her, almost apologetic.

"Sorry, I'm... not very comfortable talking to people I find attractive." he said, his voice almost a whisper as he tried to avoid looking directly at her. This was always how it went. He made a fool of himself within a minute of meeting his date, and even if the rest of the night was okay, her first impression of his was as a fumbling dork. It'd worked out okay a few times, but most girls didn't actually want that in a guy.

At least now he could tell Emil 'I told you so' - he didn't get that honor very often.
"I was looking for someone" Amanda plainly stated as an answer to his curiosity, busier chasing his elusive emerald eyes, noticing a cute small nibbling of his own lip. She had definitely startled him, maybe he didn't expect to meet someone he knew there, herself even less? Maybe he was up to something private he didn't want anyone knowing. Was he in the closet and awaiting a male date or was it something else? Entertained by looking for explanations to his cutesy behavior, Amanda was aware that she was just fantasizing, specially when he just introduced himself. It was just surprise, that was all.

"Amanda" she introduced herself, finding slightly amusing how he didn't get up or offered a handshake with his introduction. She had really caught him surprised or was it something else? "It's nice putting a name to the face, Nick" she added in the most mellow tone she could manage, trying to make him feel comfortable. "Oh, I noticed" she chimed in when Nick seemed to feel necessary to explain that he came to her store, as if she somehow didn't know it already, but it was when he mentioned Emil that both of them paused. "Wait, did she-" Amanda hushed, her attention returning from scanning the dinner back to Nick's green eyes, finding them staring at her.

Nick asked the question Amanda had in her mind, as she realized slightly later than him what had been Emil's plan. Nick's eyes soon dodged hers once more, was he disappointed? No, judging by his red cheeks it was embarrassment what caused it. Amanda's mind was racing, Emil knew Nick from way before she hired her, so it was likely that she had a better grasp on who could he like than what kind of man did Amanda like. But given that the playful Emilia did know or at least had a notion of what kinds of books Amanda liked...

"It seems I am, Emil did really trick us" she said, Nick's stuttering interrupting her train of thought. So he found her cute, he had found her cute for a while now. Without awaiting for a gesture it wouldn't come from the seemingly embarrassed man, Amanda sat on the table herself without help, sitting straight in a neutral position. Without saying a thing as her mind raced at the possibilities, Nick was filling the silence with more of his self doubting spiel, unknowingly endearing himself to Amanda more and more.

Leaning forward over the table, Amanda reached for one of Nick's arms, her fingers dancing over one of his tattoos before reaching his hand. "Don't be sorry, Nick" she said, grasping his hand, making sure she had his full attention. "It seems that Emil is more keen that I give her credit for, lets give our common friend a chance for the evening" she said, slightly tightening her grip over Nick's hand twice before letting him go. "I hope that you like books, or I'll feel guilty if you only came to my shop because you find me attractive" she said, wanting to poke some fun at Nick's expense, sizing up his reaction, eagerly curious about if Emil's intuition about them together was right.
"Amanda." he repeated, that smile flicking across his face. "It's nice to meet you." He added with brief eye contact and the smallest smile. Surprisingly enough, she didn't seem to mind his flustered nature, and the expression on her face was one of slight amusement. Perhaps Emil had chosen wisely. He had known her for the last few years, since they had shared an apartment for a year or so in college and become friends of their literary interests. Emil was also just a fun, social person in general - he was fairly certain that she couldn't have handled not being friends with someone she knew.

Her hand touched his arm, fingers trailing over the ink under his skin, and he stilled, surprised. Her hand slid down to grasp his, and he let out a slow breath as she spoke, letting himself calm down and not get overrun with emotion. Biting his lip a little bit, he managed a small smile, eyes darting back up to hers. "Emil does tend to be pretty good at these sorts of things." He admitted quietly, and then the smile grew a little more as she squeezed his hand gently. Her next words made his eyes widen for a moment before he realized she was teasing him, and the smile that had faltered slightly returned, though his eyes ran from hers again as he blushed.

"I do! I mean... I didn't come only because I thought you were cute." He said, the stammering dying a little bit as she sat down with him, relaxing a little bit as the situation became more manageable. "I really like to read. Little bits of everything, though science fiction and fantasy are my first loves. I've read through Tolkien, Paolini, RR Martin, Lovecraft..." His words faded out, but his eyes and face lit up with a brief enthusiasm, the light someone gets when they talk about something they enjoy. "Your store has lots of books I haven't read, so. I like it." He paused, biting his lip again, unsure if it would be weird to comment that getting to see her was still the best part of going to her store. "What kinds of things do you read, being the owner of a bookstore?" He asked, trying to make conversation, since they had at least this thing in common.

He wasn't about to admit that he also appreciated her bookstore's selection of more adult novels - few bookstores carried any kind of erotica beyond the typical fare of overly sappy romance or poorly written smut. He'd even found a few where the woman took a dominant role, and he had, embarrassed and a little flushed, purchased those too - he was certain Emil knew what kind of books they were, but she never mentioned it. Fortunately, Amanda had never been the one to check him out when he'd bought that kind of thing - that would be something he could never live down.
Amanda felt very tempted to tease Nick, perhaps to milk a few compliments more from him, but she didn't want to scare him away before they even had dinner, so she could as well rein herself back and prevent her fantasies from taking hold. The situation made her wonder how much did Emil know, both about her and about Nick, so she decided to go out of her way and match them in a blind date. Did the cheerful Emilia take a read of the books Amanda specially ordered? Was that what changed to sort out such a date? Even if Nick's stammering calmed, he was still doing that cute thing with his lip, so perhaps he leaned a bit that way? He sure wasn't a dominant male, that much she knew, but that didn't mean he was submissive, perhaps he was just shy.

"I got the bookstore from my grandfather when he passed four years ago" Amanda said. "I loved it since I was very little, as it seemed a magical place with books without end" she commented, her hazel eyes lost in remembrance. The topic of her business always made her a bit mushy. "I always asked how many books they were, and he always answered 'more than you'll be able to read' because that made me a bit mad and swear that I'd read them all" Amanda smiled, even if with a tinge of sadness, her face reflected her fondness for those moments. "But that wasn't what you asked" Amanda said, her eyes returning to Nick, to the present, her red hair bouncing a bit as she slightly shook her head. "I normally don't stick to something in particular, as I jump from genre to genre, book to book, although the shop bites into my time" she commented, the main reason she had hired Emil for. The bookstore wasn't the only thing her grandfather left her, so since she was quite well off she could afford those kinds of whims.

"I must confess that there is a genre I find myself returning to, over and over again" Amanda disclosed. It wasn't exactly a secret as those books were on her shop to be bought after all, and it wasn't like she was embarrassed about what she liked. It could be odd admitting it to someone she barely knew, but it had nothing to do with feeling bad about what she liked. Maybe Amanda lacked... practical application of those things that intrigued her so much, but wasn't ashamed of liking them in the first place. She leaned over the table, closer to Nick, most for looking his expression up close when she talked than the need to keep it a secret. "Erotica" she just said, retreating back into her seat, the tip of her tongue showing between her teeth like a mischievous girl.

Before she could elaborate, a waitress brought them water and the menus to look at, offering a small pause, some respite. As she retreated to let them think, Amanda wasn't done with her fun. "You should try some, or you'll be missing in a whole genre of fun" she commented, as she had never ringed him for any books of that kind. "Any allergies or particular dislikes?" she asked, taking a gaze at the menu. Amanda wondered how far her back and forth with Nick could go, would it be too much that she ordered for him? It would seem odd, but it could be a way to size him up, to see how he reacted to being taken care of in a mostly harmless environment.
Despite his shyness, Nick didn't move his eyes from her as she spoke, attentive and listening to her story. It may not have been directly the question he'd asked of her, but if his gaze held anything, it was certainly interest. She leaned in toward him, as if sharing a secret, and instinctively he leaed in as well, briefly distracted by the view of her pretty face so near. Her answer, however, startled him - he hadn't expected her to be so outright about something like that. He blushed fully, biting his lip once more in what was clearly a tell-tale nervous tick, albeit an attractive one. His eyes widened, flicking from hers to the table, then briefly back up again, just in time to catch the playful expression on her face and the teasing tip of her tongue, which only made him flush a little deeper.

Then the waitress appeared, startling him a little bit, though he quietly and politely thanked her for the water before taking a long, slow sip of it as the menu was placed before him. Evidently intent on keeping him off-guard, she added another comment about the erotica before instantly following it with a different question entirely. "Ahh.. um. No?" He said, a slight tone of uncertainty in his voice as he answered, quite clearly thrown off by the query. Was she... going to order for him? That was certainly unexpected, but definitely not... unwelcome. In fact, it was rather hot. Maybe Emilia did have some idea of what kind of girl he'd be into. There was only really one way to find out. His eyes sliding away from her, his hands tucked down into his lap as if he were hiding a little bit, he decided to force himself to be a little more brave.

"I've... I've read a little." he said quietly, chewing on his lip once more. "When I've found books that... that look interesting." He admitted, but any and all bravery ended there as his blush returned and his eyes dropped to the menu before him, almost attempting to hide behind it now, his heart pounding slightly as he shifted in his seat. After a moment, his bright eyes jumped back up to her, as if reading her reaction, nervous as he almost squirmed in his seat.
"Oh?" Amanda looked amused at Nick's quiet confession, so he was interested in erotica as well, a fact that made her question once more how much did Emil knew about both of them. "I have a lot of... interesting books in my shop but I never noticed you near them" she acknowledged, suspecting the reason for it. "You don't have to be shy about what you like. Not with me. I won't judge" she stated. Maybe it was too much, but it wasn't exactly an unreasonable imposition nor an order at all. All that Amanda did was offer safety, offer a space that he probably lacked even with Emil where he could feel better with who he was. After all, the bookstore were her domains and she could do as she wanted. Not that Amanda expected for Nick to confess an unending torrent of kinks and desires, she just wanted him to be comfortable even if he said nothing.

As the waitress came back before she could continue, Amanda thought she could as well order instead of asking for more time. Nick didn't say much about her odd question about allergies, so she proceeded with her plan of ordering for the two of them. "I'll have the pasta and chicken breast dish with spicy cheese sauce..." Amanda announced, instantly getting the attention of the waitress. The diner had a nice selection of hearty American dishes that were a peculiar mix and match of sensibilities, more oriented towards offering a comfy, tasty and filling experience than an elegant or sophisticated one. Wondering about what excessive dessert the place could have, Amanda pushed the thought back, ordering for Nick before the waitress could even look at him. "He'll have the prime rib steak with the usual garnish" she said, as the waitress took note before walking away.

Perhaps it was too much for him, but that she didn't know. It was better to serve Nick something big and that way learn about his appetite than falling short, as she knew better than to judge someone's appetite by their physical appearance. "You looked hungry to me" was all she offered as an explanation for her decision, and even then her smile made clear that there was a playfulness to it. "Were where we..." she mused, although she was perfectly aware of that. "Oh yes, erotica" she announced with delight. "I like how it can meld with other genres and have horror, fantasy, sci-fi... although romance tends to be the most popular one, I guess it's natural" she commented on that embarrassing topic as any other book fan would, lacking shyness.
Nicholas blushed a tiny little bit as she looked amused at him, and smiled a little as she said he didn't have to be shy about this kind of thing. "I appreciate that." he said quietly. "I... I'm been trying to be more brave anyway, so... I'll do my best!" He said, the smile still on his lips, a small tone of pleased determination hinting in his voice. "Feel free to... ask me things you're curious about... Even they make me blush." he added, squirming a little in his seat, but his eyes stayed on hers for a second longer than before. She'd made a good first impression on him - he liked her, aside from the physical attraction he'd already felt. She was nice and playful and teasing, and-

As the waitress appeared, he suddenly realized he hadn't looked at the menu, and his eyes widened for a moment as panic flashed through him. Then, Amanda just smoothly moved from ordering for herself to ordering for him and he blushed pink again, gaze dropping to the table for a moment. She gave him a playful smile and commented on him looking hungry, and he returned a small smile of his own again. "I am." He confirmed. "Thank you." His voice was quiet, but it was rather clear from the tone and the small smile on his lips that he liked that she had taken charge of the moment and saved him embarrassment. And, of course, he secretly liked the fact that she took control and didn't mind caring for him. There was something exciting about letting her take the moment and just going along with what she had in mind.

She returned to their original topic, and Nicholas forced himself to take a deep breath and relax into this topic as much as he could. Obviously she loved erotica and the topic, and so he wanted to let the conversation go as easily as he could. Taking her words in stride. He nodded slightly. "I clearly need to read more, I've never read any science fiction erotica." he said shyly, shifting a little in his seat. Clearly, what she lacked in shyness, he made up for. "What kinds particularly interest you?" He asked, wanting to keep the conversation moving. And, despite himself, he liked this topic - it gave an easy way to explore sexuality without just... talking about it.
Seeing Nick smile and say that he'd do his best made Amanda's heart skip a beat, but she managed to order their food just fine even if he was being incredibly cute. How he stammered, how he squirmed on his seat... if Amanda had any less self control, she would be clutching the table until her knuckles were white to prevent her just grabbing him and taking him home. Emil really deserved a raise, maybe even more free days... providing Amanda herself wouldn't be too busy. Nick seemed pleased with her choices when ordering, even with the fact she ordered for the both of them apparently, as Amanda slowly learned to read his sometimes well hidden, other times painfully transparent expressions.

"You haven't?" Amanda asked surprised, welcoming that Nick had came back to the embarrassing topic without being encouraged to. "Not even one little fan fiction here and there? The good ones are lovely, although I guess that depends on the fandom" she said, usually preferring fictions on original settings but enjoying her share of fan made ones with canon characters as well. "You could start there, slowly" Amanda suggested. "Look around the Internet for a couple about some science fiction universe you like, providing it's not too obscure, and you can test if you like the idea of sci-fi laced with a few lewd moments" she commented, inciting Nick to explore on his own, to discover what was out there.

"My favorite ones are more grounded I think" Amanda started to answer, taking a sip from her water. She leaned slightly closer, as she gestured with her right arm while talking, her left one rested on the table, her thumb slowly circling around her fingers. Amanda's body language invited the touch, although she didn't demand it, not yet, as she was interested on the talk and didn't want to push Nick too fast. "Slice of life kind of stuff, sometimes more believable than others" she continued. "It's a bit like being invited into someone else's private life, like peeking into those moments that everyone has and yet never shows" Amanda tried to explain, finding a good way to do it.

"Look around, at them for example" Amanda subtly gestured with her eyes at a younger couple two tables to their right. He was a high school jock, complete with varsity jacket, while she was an attractive yet quite demure girl, conservatively dressed. "What's the story there? She's not a cheerleader for sure, and yet there they are... where will they go later? What will they do?" Amanda wondered, her smile getting a mischievous quality. "Or our waitress, she's certainly young and attractive. Does she have plans with someone after work? Does she earn enough here or has she other work aside? Maybe as a cam girl..." she suddenly suggested. "I'm just making things up on the go, but I hope that you can see the point, right? They are real people as us, and like us they have their own private secret sides to explore..." she briefly giggled, unable for once to control how much fun she was having.

Amanda had the feeling that Nick was probing her for particular kinks, either because he was growing bolder and bolder or as a way to confirm the suspicions that both of them probably had: Emil was a genius.
She talked about reading smutty fan fictions, as if encouraging his exploration of the matter - it was something that he found surprisingly endearing. It was nice to have a conversation with someone where he felt he could talk through things like this and hear honest thoughts and be safe from judgement. So far, she was living up to her promise to be nonjudgmental when it came to their discussions.

Nick noticed her hand on the table, Only a short distance from his, and had to wonder if she was encouraging him to take it. Her fingers played together as he considered it, but held back for the moment, instead focusing on her words. While she spoke about her preferences, his eyes watched her, delighting in how she saw the world and looked at people, seeing not just what they expressed to the world, but also what secrets might lurk beneath the surface. As she indicated the couple, his eyes darted to them, then to the waitress, a little flush heating his cheeks again as he briefly considered that the attractive young woman who had just taken their order might spend some nights posing and playing with herself in front of a camera. Thoroughly flustered, he pulled his attention back to her.

Still blushing, he bit his lip, considering. Working up some courage, and surprised that he had any left, he reached out just a few more inches and brushed his fingers over hers. He didn't take her hand or anything so direct, just initiating a little contact. With a small shy smile, eyes darting to hers, then away, he shifted in his seat, leaning forward a bit himself. She giggled, and he couldn't help but smile, loving how much fun and excitement she exuded. Riding that little thrill, he pushed himself to make a little leap once more.

"If... if you were going to guess about me... about my secret side..." He said, flushing and stammering a bit, clearly hesitant about asking this sort of thing, but wildly curious now. "What would to come up with?" He finished quietly, squirming once more, but his fingers brushed over hers again, not retreating.

Nick was already thoroughly surprised with himself. He'd taken far more risks, pushed himself far further than ever before. It was definitely helpful that his company for the evening was so relaxed. God, he owed Emil so much, even if this date went no further - though he secretly hoped it would go much, much further. Amanda just had this air about her that seemingly made him able to take a few more risks than he normally would, this attractive, comfortable control over the situation that made him feel like he could take those little risks without fear of what would happen.

That, and her control over the moment and everything sent little shivers down his spine.
Amanda gladly accepted Nick's caresses and shy touches, as his hand grazed her own. It felt amazing to see how he responded to her invitation, hesitant and embarrassed, but willing to risk, willing to try. Oh, the things she wanted to do with that man. The things she wanted to do to that man. But as wonderful it was, she had never done anything like that before, so she could mess it, something that scared her. Even then, Amanda did her best to hide any trace of hesitation or fear, and instead accepted his approach with glee, drinking his every scattered and stuttered word. "Your secret side?" she mused, delighted seeing how Nick could be reserved, but also how he seemed to be eager to play the game, even if the rules were yet to be defined.

"You dress as smart as you look" Amanda started to talk, wanting to be bold, to get personal, but doubtful about how much could she say without making him retreat. "You like to express yourself with those tattoos... but it's a passive message that gets you looked at. Read like a book" she continued, her hand climbing a bit up his, as she leaned closer and her fingertips danced on his ink. "But it's also a disguise, no, an armor" she corrected, a bit nervous. "A heavy one that you can't get rid of by yourself" Amanda's breathing grew a bit unsteady, faster, excited by the anticipation. "An armor that-" she stopped, as the waitress appeared with their food.

"Pasta and chicken breast. Prime rib" the waitress announced in an overly neutral tone that evidenced that she had watched the encounter escalate, maybe even waited a few seconds before even talking.

"Ah, of course, looks delicious" Amanda soon came back to her senses and leaned back, breaking contact with Nick. She made a mental note of tipping the waitress nicely for the trouble and the elegant service, not to mention the rudeness of using her to fuel her lewd example. It was true though that the food looked fantastic, although it broke her rhythm. Maybe it was welcome, earning Nick some respite so he could rest from her assault and Amanda too, so she could try to calm down a bit and not botch this.
Her open, subtle responses to his touch did not go unnoticed, and his eyes managed to stay on her fairly steadily as she mused over him, their eyes playing a little game of dancing around each other. A small smile curled at his lips as she mentioned him dressing as smart as he looked, and it curled upward even more as she mentioned his tattoos, her fingers tracing the ink lightly, the gentle touch of her hand making him want to shiver with a strange sensation. As Amanda continued to examine him, it was a little refreshing for him to not be the nervous one for a moment, and he gave her that little smile, encouraging her.

Then the food arrived, and Nicholas turned to look at the waitress as she presented their plates. Instantly remembering the postulations of his date, he flushed a little, eyes sliding away from the woman to the plate. "Thank you." He said softly, eyes flicking back up to her before sliding the plate to him a little bit. Amanda's analysis had only made him a little uncomfortable - he had asked for it, and really, she hadn't expressed anything he didn't really know. Well...

"You're right at least about the first part." He said quietly, unfolding his napkin and placing it neatly in his lap. "It's... it's easier for me to express myself in my tattoos. I'd much rather be read passively than have to... well, than have to put myself out there." He admitted, not that it was really anything she hadn't already guessed. He left the rest of her assumptions unaddressed, mostly because he wasn't sure about their accuracy. He didn't pretend to be totally self-aware in any sense.

Picking up his knife and fork with careful precision, he cut into the meat before him. It was a far better meal that he was used to, quite honestly. He was a freelance graphic designer, a job that he enjoyed, but did not exactly pay terribly well. Still, it afforded him a small, cozy apartment and enough to eat regularly, though nothing like prime rib. As such, he ate slowly, savoring the flavor before him, and he couldn't stifle a small moan at the taste. "Delicious." He commented softly after a few bites, giving her a quick, shy smile. "I can't remember the last time I had meat like this." he added quietly, taking a slow sip from his water.

As the dinner had gone on, he could slowly feel himself relaxing. He was still nervous, but Amanda, despite her teasing nature, seemed to put him at ease in a way that most dates never had. Something about her simply screamed acceptance. And while Nicholas wasn't about to burst out and lay himself bare for her just yet, he was relaxing.

Though if she had told him to literally bare himself to her, he wasn't sure he'd have the willpower to say no to that.
Amanda sure enjoyed her hearty pasta with chicken breast, as she always did like that kind of somewhat heavy and savory dishes, but her eyes were busier watching Nick eat than on her own plate. He didn't seem accustomed to that kind of thing, but instead of wolfing it down he was taking his time, enjoying every moment. "I can't remember when I had such a nice dinner either" Amanda said, holding her breath a bit when Nick said the word 'meat', although her recreation didn't come precisely from the food, but from the company and the anticipation. Pampering Nick with food he probably couldn't afford was just a small pleasure, something to build anticipation for things to come if everything went right.

A moment of comfortable silence crowned the table, as they kept eating calmly, although Amanda's pace was somewhat voracious, letting their eyes do the talking. Seeing Nick elegantly handle his food with that gentle touch of him was mesmerizing, specially since the more comfortable he seemed to be, the better Amanda felt about how things were going. She still had to restrain herself, not push Nick too much too soon, even if years and years of fantasies that suddenly could be at her reach piled in her mind, struggling to take priority.

"I think it's my turn" Amanda broke the silence, being deliberately opaque with her words. She slightly leaned on the table once more, her flowery dress smooth in some parts and taut on others as it reflected the curves it was supposed to hide. The posture while she played and ate the few remains of her dish gave Nick a hint of cleavage, almost in defiance to see if he ogled. "What do you think it's my secret side?" she wondered, curious to see him answer. "Don't be afraid to ask if you can't guess" she added, in case Nick struggled she wanted to give him an out if he didn't dare to venture into voicing what he thought she liked.
Nicholas enjoyed the comfortable silence, their eyes dancing with each other, almost playfully dueling over their food. As she mentioned it being her turn, his eyes darted up to hers, and his eyebrow quirked up in a silent question. But in comparison to just a little while ago, he didn't seem quite as nervous or startled by her. She leaned forward, and with an almost audible click his eyes flicked down to her chest before they snapped back up to to her eyes. In that moment, there was a little smile that played across his lips - he knew she was teasing him, and he didn't mind playing right back to her with his eyes and his gaze. Even still, he kept himself from staring during a polite dinner.

"Your secret side?" He said softly, setting down his utensils for a brief moment to consider her. "Well... You're clearly more... dominant... than I am. More sure of yourself." He said, eyes darting away from hers, flushing a little. "I think you know what you like and what you want. And you're not afraid to go after it." He added in a hushed tone, biting his lip. His eyes came back up to hers and he gave her a shy smile. "Am I about right? That's certainly my best guess." He questioned, taking a long sip of his water.

He was curious of her, and he wanted to know more. He wanted to know that secret side of her as well. She was attractive, and she obviously liked to play with him so far, her teasing, flirtatious manner making him flush and bite at his lip. Something about this little pairing was exciting and different than things he'd experienced before. Still, he was nervous, unsure. She was a delight so far, and he was worried that somehow his nerves would get the better of him. His eyes returned to her for a moment.

"I suppose... I might also guess that... you like to be in charge. To have your partner... give themselves over to you. Whether that be normal... sex... or something more..." He couldn't complete his thought, now flushed more deeply than before, his eyes only holding hers for a long moment more before fleeing away.
Amanda enjoyed how Nick resisted the temptation, despite catching a glimpse of her flesh, behaving like a gentleman. She had made him smile, so it was clear that he understood to some degree what was going on, the play, the dance. His words caught her unaware though, as she didn't expect for him to voice it so clearly, although he added that she was sure of herself afterwards, like some kind of fleeting afterthought, but her mind was still latched on how his lips formed the word.


As he took pause to take a sip of water, Amanda managed to stop delighting herself over the idea and managed to react properly. How much should she allow for the fantasy to be true? On one hand her cravings demanded for a position of power, but said position wasn't just taken, it was given. And thus, she couldn't really be dishonest with him, as she needed his absolute trust if things were going to happen her way. "I wouldn't say I'm not afraid of going after what I want... as I have to admit that I haven't really got all that much dating experience" she said, sincere but vague. "Not many men enjoy how I am so I'm glad you seem to do so" Amanda added.

But Nick was on a bold streak and far from done, as he looked back at her and started talking again, sounding a bit more wary, unsure. Amanda's face brightened with a wide smile, a hint of blush and amused sparkles in her eyes. Nick had stopped beating around the bush and said it so. Not only he dared to guess correctly and also used the sex word, but he seemed to be partially playful as well, leaving plenty of space for her to fill, reeling Amanda in with his lovely fleeting attitude. Nick was now really blushed and elusive, so Amanda waited a moment before continuing, both allowing him some respite as well as calming herself a bit.

"You did nail it, I like what you mentioned. In fiction and in reality" Amanda admitted. Her right feet abandoned her simple, comfortable shoe and caressed Nick's lower leg briefly before returning back. "I'm intrigued by both parts, be it the normal sex" she said, almost a tempting hiss. "And of course that... something more you talked about" her lips pursed in a small smile. If Nick could act boldly despite how shy he was, she owed him to be more forward as well. "Do you have appetite for more?" she asked, not even looking at the now empty plates of food, taking a small pause while she licked her plump lips in a gesture that was anything but subtle.

"Because I already know what I want for dessert."
Yes, Nick had indeed been far bolder tonight than he could ever remember. Something about he had put him at ease, particularly how open and gentle she had been given his blundering shyness at the beginning of their night together. Still, he was hesitant, though evidently pleased with her reaction, a small smile still on his lips. As she mentioned not having a lot of dating experience, he nodded slightly.

"Nor do I." he admitted quietly. "I... tend to be too shy..." He added, though quickly realizing that hardly needed explaining. "But yes... I don't like taking the lead in dating, so it's... nice when my partner does." He said, then quickly flushed, eyes wide. "Oh, not that you're my partner or anything, it's a first date and I'm going to stop talking now...." he rambled, blushing deeply as he realized that, once more, he was losing control of his mouth and becoming tangled in his own words. He almost jumped as her foot caressed his leg, but despite the flush on his cheeks and the jump, his leg shifted against her foot slightly, as if pressing back against the touch.

Then she asked about his appetite, licking her lips in such a way that made him wonder if she was actually talking about food, and the though made him so flustered that he bit his lip and blushed deeply again to the point where he could only nod yes ever so slightly, his eyes darting briefly up to hers. He was so very hesitant...

But also so very curious as to what 'dessert' meant to her.
"No, I'm not your partner" Amanda commented, loving the back and forth with Nick and how her suggestive allusions made him fluster. "Yet" she added, "but there is no need to hurry. As sweet as you are, I'm craving some chocolate" she gave some space to Nick, as not only she wanted to indulge in her sweet tooth, but she didn't want to go too fast, for both their sakes. If she was to take the initiative, to be at the lead, she had to be responsible, to measure her acts. She loved the idea of being in charge of course, but it also required for her to keep as cold a head as she could manage, something that at that moment with that lovely man in front of her wasn't specially easy.

As summoned by her cravings, the waitress came when Amanda established eye contact with her. "Do you still have the special chocolate cup? Then we'd love one with a couple of spoons, thank you" she ordered, wanting to share the oversized chocolate sundae with Nick. Unless she had underestimated his appetite she would probably end up eating way more than him, but it would be a pleasure to share, and not only the dessert. It didn't take long for the juggernaut of ice cream to appear, stuffed with several chunks of chocolate, covered with whipped cream, syrup and sprinkles, several nuts appearing here and there. Once more it was made obvious that Amanda wasn't just interested in the sin of lust, but also gluttony, as her eyes sparkled at the sight of the excessive dessert.

Amanda took one spoon and handed the other to Nick, wanting to share the indulgent dish in an almost childish delight. She stuffed herself with a few spoonfuls of the chocolate extravagance, her face illuminating with pleasure. "It's so gooooood..." she whispered. A few bites more got lost between her plump lips before she talked again. "Oh, you got yourself dirty" she noticed, leaning forward to fish a stray sprinkle from Nick's cheek, taking it with a single fingertip before putting it in her mouth. "So-" she continued, giving the gesture no importance. "This has been lovely, and a great surprise. Must definitely thank Emil for this" Amanda said.

"But I don't want the night to end with the dinner" she confessed. "I don't want to rush things, I want to earn your trust along the way" Amanda continued, looking serious yet gentle. "But I want to take you home" she added, tender but firm. "We have been alone for too long as to waste this chance" she noted.
Her little addition of the word 'yet' was all it took to make him smile a little bit more. When it turned out that she truly did mean dessert, his flush died down a little, letting him relax a little more as the massive sundae was delivered before them. They indulged together, and he found something particularly delightful about how she simply let herself be and let herself want what she wanted without unnecessary restraint. It was... refreshing.

As she commented quietly on how good the cold ice cream was, he nodded, smiling a bit more, spooning his own taste of the sweet, rich dessert into his mouth. As she reached across the table, teasing him a bit about being dirty and plucking a sprinkle from his cheek and bringing it to her lips, he flushed a little, not-so-secretly enjoying the attention. "I'm glad you've enjoyed it as much as I have." he said, his smile growing a little more fully now. He hadn't been on a date this enjoyable, pleasant, and successful... basically ever! It was a delightful change of pace, and she was right - Emil definitely deserved an award.

Amanda continued, and his eyes widened as she mentioned wanting to take him home. She was right about being alone, and he nodded slightly, shyly at first, and then more confidently. "I would like that. I don't want to rush things either, but... I like you, and I'd love to spend more time with you. And you're right - I've never had a date this nice, so why let it end so soon?" He added, that smile flashing across his lips again as he picked up his napkin and made sure to clean off any stray chocolate that had managed to miss his mouth. Then he took out his wallet - he'd already planned to pay for the date, so even if she stopped him, he'd at least contribute to the tip for the waitress. Of course, he was still getting used to Amanda, so it was hard to read what she had in mind. Even so, he suspected she would object to him paying, even if he was more than willing to do so. That just seemed her style.

A nervous excitement bloomed in his stomach. While he had so many fantasies and ideas of what he'd like, he was still nervous. She had said that she would earn his trust, and so he knew she wouldn't just jump into anything intensely wild without care to him, which was a comfort. That said, he was curious to see what she had in mind, even if it was simply more time together.
Full of chocolate goodness, Amanda leaned back on her seat with a satisfied smile on her face, looking lovingly at Nick as he pulled out his wallet. "Don't" she just said, her voice steady but without a hint of harshness, sounding compelling as she straightened up on her chair. "I will take care of that" Amanda soon added, handling a small purse that dangled from the back of her chair. She wanted to make things easier for him, but she didn't want to impose too much. There was a line between feeling taken care of and feeling humiliated, so she had to tread carefully and not come out too strong yet. "I ordered our food after all" she added, offering a bit of an excuse even if it didn't feel specially needed.

Once the nuances of the check were dealt with and the waitress received an appropriate tip, Amanda didn't hesitate and took Nick by his hand, guiding him out of the restaurant. A complicit look was shared, as she enjoyed leading him around while feeling his feedback in every little squeeze his hand did. It was warm and firm, yet had a delicate quality, an elegance to it that almost betrayed Nick's creative soul. Amanda held back a shiver, anticipation and fantasies driving her crazy as she tried to keep a steady step. She was still holding hands with Nick and walking by his side, or perhaps it was more like he was walking by hers, as she managed to keep a slow stride.

The night was a hint cooler than expected, so Amanda's flowery dress felt a bit too thin on her, making the woman lean closer to Nick in search of a refuge from the night breeze. "We aren't too far, I'm sure the area feels familiar" Amanda commented, as the restaurant wasn't that far from her bookstore, so the neighborhood had to be known to Nick. "I moved to the apartment just above the shop" she shared, a fact that it was most convenient but wasn't the only small secret she kept even from Emil, at least for now. The reality was that her grandfather had left her the whole five storied building, so just the rents of those apartments afforded her a comfortable enough life as to not having to worry about how well the bookstore did. "Some days I'm tempted to install a fireman pole and just slide down to the shop" she joked, her wide smile making another return.

In a matter of minutes, maybe short ones lost in conversation or long ones burdened by impatience, they did arrive to her bookstore, or at least the door besides it. Releasing Nick's hand, Amanda fished for her keys in the purse, opening the door to the building and starting to walk upstairs to her apartment. The place was nice and properly taken care of even if not new, a classic design apparent in every corner. It wasn't a big building, but it still allowed two sizeable apartments per floor, with hers being the one just above the bookstore as she said. "Come on, welcome to my place" she invited, almost dragging Nick in.
Nicholas gave her a small smile as she told him not to pay, and he pulled a few dollars out of it nonetheless. "The least I can do is help you with the tip." He said, his eyes dancing up to hers almost flirtatiously, as if daring her to make any kind of scandalous comment or joke with his words.

She took his hand and his fingers slipped into hers without hesitation, a gentle but firm touch as she led the way down the streets. She stepped toward him, the cool air raising goosebumps on her arm as it brushed against him. He took care to turn his body, shielding her from the cool breeze a little as she leaned into him. "Above the shop?" He commented, and chuckled a little bit as she commented about a fireman's pole. "I imagine that does make life easier for you when it comes to getting up for work." He said, nodding slightly. "I actually live just a little ways down the street, a short walk." He said, pointing down the golden-lit street where another apartment building sat across from a park.

As she opened the door, he stepped into the building with a small smile on his lips, looking around the building's interior. "This is nice!" He said quietly, fingers running over the wooden railing of the stairs as she led the way to her apartment in question. "It's very classic. I think I would have guessed that for you." He mused in a soft tone, more to himself than anything else. He could see why she liked this place, what with the familiar atmosphere of her store and the closeness. The building felt warm, both in temperature and just in mood, and as he looked over to her - beautiful, comfortable, at ease in her domain - he could see her just settle into comfort.

She opened the door and pulled him in with an excited vigor, pulling a small startled sound from his lips with a laugh of surprise. "Oh thank you!" He chuckled, clearly more comfortable around her after these few times of severe awkwardness at the beginning of their night. Still, he was blushed a little, trying to find his feet in the strange situation. After all, he hadn't been brought home by a girl in.... well. Too long.

Despite being more comfortable, however, he found himself flushed a little bit, wondering what the two of them would... do.
How he dared to make some puns with those green eyes gleaming playfully, how honest his laugh sounded when she joked, his natural admiration for beautiful things... was Amanda falling hard for Nick? It was something warm, a heat inside her that didn't felt exactly like lust, but it was fueled by it. Maybe it was just how they matched or her hopes of that relationship lasting more than just one night, just one fortunate encounter. For that, she had to be careful, even if it was an uphill struggle. Amanda's entrance gave view to a sizeable room, partly a small practical kitchen that soon gave way to an open living room, luminous as it hogged many of the building's front windows. It was mostly tidy, although it soon showed that Amanda's plans didn't include bringing anyone to her home that night, so Nick could consider himself lucky. A couple of dirty dishes piled on the sink, and even if the living room itself wasn't very messy, there was a corner that was pure chaos.

"Ah... sorry..." Amanda excused herself, realizing now that she didn't think of that. In a corner there was a proof of her greatest hobby beyond literature. Over a few newspaper pages on the floor lied a half reconstructed old chair that seemed to be midway restoration, still lacking a paint job and upholstering the seat. "I'm a bit handy, so I like making and restoring things, specially old furniture" she confessed, opening her world a bit to Nick. "Most of what you see has gone through my hands one way or another" she commented, unable to restrain herself and sounding proud, as her living room was even older looking that the building itself. Sure, modern commodities plagued the place, including a sizeable flat television, but everything was hidden or enhanced to make it blend with a room that otherwise could look as a strange mix and match from past ages.

From that main space, closed doors at both sides guarded the rest of the house, hidden for the time being. Amanda held herself back, enjoying to watch Nick look around at her house, but there was bound to be a moment when she couldn't help herself no more. "It took me months to work on this couch" Amanda explained, still dragging Nick around by his hand, giving him the tour of the place as they were close to the big furniture that ruled the living room. It was a couch that could comfortably hold about five people, an island of relaxation that was home to more than half a dozen cushions, unequally spread over it's surface. "It's so soft, here-" she said, gently pushing him down.

As soon as Nick was sitting down facing her, Amanda straddled his lap, leaning forward managing to avoid clashing with his nose or glasses as she planted those hungry plump lips on his. Her assault was tender yet had an underlining of restrained passion, as bottled up feelings and fantasies pushed her to do more, to go further. Amanda's flowery dress rode a bit up her milky thighs given her posture, her generous breasts pressed against his chest as she chased Nick's tongue into his mouth with her own. A sloppy french kiss wasn't into her plans a few seconds ago, but plans didn't amount to much when she wanted to taste him at all costs.

Intense and wet, yet somewhat brief, Amanda managed to lean back off him, breaking the passionate assault. "Did you like it as much as I did?" she asked, softly panting, face flushed, looking at him to gauge his reaction, judging how far should she go, how much should she do to him.
Nicholas delighted in the opportunity to view her home, and the eagerness at which she showed it off to him. As she mentioned her work with the furniture, his eyes lit up a little bit, a small smile on his face. "Really? I was never very good at that sort of thing - I'm more of the artsy type - painting, drawing, design." He said, turning to look at her, eyes bright. "Maybe we can combine our talents at some point." He mused, his eyes briefly sliding away from her, as if a bunch of ideas had suddenly grabbed his focus away from him, causing him to forget where he was. She too had a spark of creativity, and it was nice to have a little something to imagine them doing together. Well, aside from the less pure and clean thoughts that ran through his head, bringing a little blush to his cheeks.

Fortunately, she pulled him toward the couch, which broke his trance, and he let her gently push him down onto the soft surface. She was right, it was quite soft - then she straddled him, her pale thighs pressed against him, her body warm against his, breasts molding to the flat lines of his chest. Then she kissed him.

Her kiss surprised him, and he gasped - which of course was only beneficial to her intent, her tongue chasing his into his mouth. Once his surprise faded, he kissed back, tongue moving softly and gently back against hers. The kiss was short, but left him breathless, hot, and flushed, hips squirming a little as the heated arousal stirred within him. His eyes opened to hers before darting away as she asked that question quietly. His cheeks were now deeply flushed, his hands sliding up to rest on her thighs - shy, but wanting to touch. Wanting to feel her more.

"Y..yes..." He breathed, not even able to put into words how much he enjoyed that moment, how much he loved how she had kissed him, made the move. There was something so delicious about being chased. Not that he was playing very hard to get. His eyes teasingly flicked back to hers, then away, shy once more, straying into territory that he was less sure of himself in. "You... don't have to stop... I'll stop you if I get uncomfortable." He whispered softly, wanting to give her some freedom to lead on without too much worry, but also wanting to make sure he had a way out - despite this lovely, bubbly warmth in him, a mixture of desire, pleasure, and a strange contentment, he wasn't ready to just jump into the deep end with her.

But a bit of playing and exploring, that could be fun.

And, the other part of him wanted to ask her to kiss him again, touch him again, make him feel that hot thrill once more, but he was far too shy for that. Far to shy to openly ask or beg this beautiful woman to kiss him again. And again and again.

His hips shifted some, leaning up, his nose brushing softly against hers, as if a physical invitation for her to kiss him once more.
Amanda could get lost on those shiny emeralds as they looked at her, every breath of Nick's confirmation of pleasure caressing her face with a hint of chocolate. Enjoying the shy and gentle touch of his hands on her thighs, Amanda leaned a bit more on him for support, squeezing their bodies together a bit more, as she wanted to have her hands free. Free to brush through that somewhat unruly hair of his, free to caress his handsome face, to pick up his chin and force Nick to face her, to surrender his lips to her will. Amanda nodded as he surrendered a little bit more of control, feeling him shuffle under her weight, get closer as a needy boy. After a cute and small bump, nose to nose, glasses against glasses, Amanda grabbed her own and left them on the coffee table behind her. She just needed them to help seeing from afar, and getting away from Nick wasn't on her plans that night. He could keep his or remove them as he saw fit, she didn't mind now that she was free to explore.

A gentle nibble on his lower lip was her first move, as Amanda teased Nick with a second kiss that wasn't yet happening. She licked his lips with the tip of her tongue, she leaned in to peck along his neck until she could tug a bit on his earlobe, then back again as she breathed in his aroma, his restrained excitement. "Put out your tongue" Amanda voiced, not quite an order, not exactly a request, as it echoed as something that just should be. Pleased with Nick's bold reaction, his proclivity to be playful despite his shyness, Amanda smiled, giggled and feasted on his every gesture. Taking his tongue in her mouth, this time she was the one that invited him in, even if it was to play on her turf, her conditions. The pace was relaxed, even if it betrayed a restrained want for more, and as Amanda tried everything she had dreamed of when it came to kissing, her hands cupped Nick's face to keep him in check. Tongues danced, teeth were licked, and as Amanda backed off once more, a thin thread of saliva bridged them, falling on her chin as her breathing grew restless.

Taking Nick's hands on her own, Amanda's small gasps and huffs turned into a sharp moan as she planted them on top of her covered breasts. It wasn't just that he left Nick there to squeeze them, as the sensation was yet dulled, it was the notion of making that man cup her boobs. "They are big, I know you noticed..." she whispered, as he had caught Nick looking more than once, even if it wasn't completely his fault as she had been tempting him. Amanda's hands caressed the tattoos on his forearms, before continuing their way up to his face. While her left hand returned to delight with his hair, the other was playing with his lips. Amanda cupped his face gently, resting her right hand on his jawline, as her thumb brushed his lips. "Suck on it, bite and nibble on it as you would on them" she instructed, putting her thumb into his mouth, feeling no need to explain what was she referring to as he had his hands on them.
She nibbled at his lower lip after removing her glasses, and he expected her to kiss him again, his lips parting in a soft gasp at the feeling of her teeth scraping over his lip. But she was just teasing him, a soft sound escaping him as her tongue swept over his lips, a little shudder running through his body. His arousal was building as she played with him, beginning to make a physical appearance in the bulge between his legs, certainly large enough and hard enough for her to notice, what with how closely and intently their bodies were pressed together. he flushed a deep pink, realizing exactly how obvious it was that he was soooo turned on, his hips squirming a little bit - naturally, that didn't really help the situation.

She kissed ever so lightly along his neck until her lips and teeth found his earlobe and tugged on it, causing him to gasp and moan a little bit, surprised by the sensation - he'd never realized his ears were so strangely sensitive.

Put out your tongue. She instructed, and his eyes darted to hers. Her words weren't hard, like an order, but nor was it phrased like a question or request. Slowly, obediently, he did so, and her lips moved back toward his, taking his tongue into her mouth in a hot, slow, intense kiss, one bubbling with a latent intensity, a burning want for more, despite their restraint. After all - this was only the first date. They couldn't get too carried away. Still, Nick wasn't sure he would be able to stop her. Not sure he wanted to. Her hands on his cheeks kept him gently in place and he let himself moan openly into the kiss, every bit of desire evident in that soft sound.

He was gasping softly as she pulled away, practically kissed senseless, and her hands guided his to her breasts. He made a soft humming sound of approval, nodding a little shyly as she teasingly accused him of 'noticing'. He didn't grope her roughly, instead letting his hands caress over the covered curves, exploring slowly and softly around the very shape of her. One of her hands ruffled into his hair, another sensation that he found he loved, the other cupping his cheek once more, thumb brushing against his lips.

Her neck instruction made him blush furiously, pink and flustered. Still, he found that his arousal throbbed, and he was more than happy to appease her. His tongue rolled out to lick at her thumb gently, guide it between his lips as if lapping at a nipple and suckling at it. His tongue swirled around the digit as his teeth nibbled lightly, keeping his eyes on hers as he did so, fighting to keep from blushing even more deeply. He suckled a little more deeply, a little more roughly, tongue playing over her skin as his blush died slowly and he just let himself go in the moment.

The deliciously hot, sexual moment.
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