Pushing the Envelope [Machiavelli & Sigr]

Amanda was so focused on Nick's face, on his every expression of flustered pleasure after she kissed him, on those small shy nods he made when his hands were on her breasts, that she was oblivious to everything else, including the growing hardness below her. Nick's gentle hands on her curves made her shiver, even if she was still dressed, maybe precisely that was the reason. Amanda wanted more and more, but when Nick followed her instructions the moment gave her pause. He was completely blushed and yet he followed through, lapping at her thumb with delicate attention, small grazes of his teeth while his green eyes kept Amanda unable to look away.

As Nick's ease raised and he felt more and more comfortable, Amanda got lost in the moment, almost feeling on his desperately hard nipples the same attention that he was giving her finger, as they poked through bra and dress, as his hands kept cupping her boobs. "Yes-" she cooed, nodding as Nick brought her thumb deeper, her imagination fueling lewd thoughts, erotic fantasies. She shifted over his lap, aroused and wanting more, when she finally noticed the bulge on Nick's pants, pushing hard against her even if restrained. "Ah-" Amanda stopped, this time she was the one blushing deeply as she was aware of what had been going on, as she probably ground her hips more than once against him without notice.

Taking her thumb out of Nick's voice with a wet pop, Amanda backed off slowly, getting up from her straddling position and straightening her disheveled dress, riding up on the bottom and taut over her boobs at the top. Her eyes wandered to Nick's groin unavoidably, but soon darted to his face, not wanting to stare and add to the problem at hand. "That was crazy... but I'm aware that if we go too fast I won't be able to control myself" she confessed, allowing Nick to see another side of her secret self. "There are many things I want to do with you... but you are so precious that I don't want to scare you away" she added, lending one hand to help Nick get up from the couch. "For a moment I was tempted to ask you to sleep with me, just sleep, but I'm afraid that I wouldn't be able to resist the temptation so it's better if you go back to your apartment" she said, struggling a bit, but adamant about the issue.

"I still loved every moment of this crazy blind date, don't get me wrong" Amanda smiled, "and I don't want it to be the last" she sighed, planting a small peck on his lips, a charming and lovely gesture compared with how she was behaving just seconds ago. "I hope you feel the same" she wished, helping Nick to the door. "Don't be a stranger, you know where to find me" she teased him, not wanting to get him out of her apartment, but needing Nick away from her if she was to restrain herself. She would do better on future dates now that she wasn't caught by surprise, but at that moment she was just overwhelmed by the presence that man that seemed to fulfill her every desire.

Once Nick was out, Amanda leaned against the closed door, sighing in relief. Covering her face with her hands, it took a few seconds for her to calm down and not chase him out and ride him in the very apartment hallway if needed be. She could still feel his heat on her breasts, and unable to restrain herself she sucked the same thumb he had been tending to. "Hahh... wait-" Amanda moaned, releasing his thumb and looking down. Rising her dress, she took a hand between her thighs, noticing how damp she was, her plain white panties almost stuck to her. "Whoa... time for a shower... and something else" she whispered, removing her flowery dress as she headed for her room.
Nicholas was just as lost in the moment as she was, his hands and fingers wandering over her clothed curves, his thumbs brushing the hardened nipples even as he fantasized about worshiping them as he did the thumb in his mouth. Amanda rocked slightly on his lap, hips grinding pleasurably, soft little sounds coming from her, as well as a soft 'yes' in a tone that could have made him melt. He groaned quietly around her digit, flicking his tongue over the tip.

She blushed deeply then, realizing his arousal as she shifted, and her flush was mirrored on his face. Still even as she withdrew her thumb from his mouth with a lewd, wet sound, his tongue darted out to lap at it one last time, almost playful.

She dismounted him, straightening out her dress as her eyes wandered him, lingering briefly on the bulge between his legs. He couldn't help but notice that attention, which made him blush a little more but also aroused him to no end. he could see the heated desire in her eyes, but also the struggling restraint to not go any further tonight.

He nodded at her words, understanding despite his arousal. "I enjoyed it as well." he said with another small, shy smile. "Definitely not the last." he agreed, his eyes flicking up to hers, warm with lingering desire. He let her help him to the door, and smiled again at the sweet, quick kiss she gave him.

He made his way home through the cool night, a small smile on his lips as he stepped through the doors of his apartment building. As he entered the elevator, his phone buzzed quietly in his pocket and he fished it out, seeing a text from Emil.

Soooo? How did it go?~

The smile remained on his lips as he typed a response, poking the button for the third floor.

It was wonderful. If I weren't so happy with how well it went, I'd be mad at you for being so sneaky. He responded, and tucked his phone back into his pocket, opening the door to his apartment.

It was a small, modest room, with two windows that looked out to the street. In the main room was a desk along one wall, set up with design equipment and notes, clearly his work area. A television sat in front of the windows, and a couch faced it, back to the kitchen area. A small hallway led to bathroom and bedroom on the left, and a laundry area was down the hall to the right. The walls were decorated with various frames of modern, geometric artwork, some with his initials in the corner, some gifts from friends.

He'd originally intended to get some work done on a project for a client after that date, but as he sat down at his computer, he knew that his time was going to be spent in a completely different manner - he had this craving to satisfy now...

Nicholas tried to be patient, he really did. But by the second day after their date, he found himself thinking over that night again and again, and just itching to see her again, to explore the potential here even further. Given the day of the week, he knew Emil wasn't working, so he shrugged on a comfortable jacket over a light shirt and decided that a visit to the bookstore was appropriate.

He was halfway there before he realized that he had NO idea what to ask her to. A second date, obviously but what? What did he enjoy? Thankfully, it dawned on him - the metro art museum. It was easily his favorite place, just blocks from the university that he had studied at, and he'd gone there to study and work several times. There was even an exhibit about furniture design through history that Amanda might enjoy as well! Relieved, he entered the bookstore with a little more confidence.

Feeling daring, and maybe even a little flirtatious, he glanced over at the desk, seeing that it was empty. Amanda must be somewhere else in the shop, helping another customer. He darted shyly into one of the aisles, sneaking back to where he knew the erotic fiction was kept. Glancing over the titles and covers, he found one that featured a clothed woman pushing a half-nude man down onto the bed, a pair of handcuffs held by the loop with one of her fingers. He shivered slightly, blushing as he read the summary on the back cover. Yep, yep, that sounded.... Yes, that would do.

Looking back down the aisle and seeing that Amanda was back at the desk, he carefully made his way toward her, making sure she was alone there before he approached. Despite his brief daring moves and this flirty act he was about to begin, he was embarrassed about it still. He set the book down on the counter, his emerald eyes dancing up to hers as a blush ran over his cheeks and a smile curled at his lips.

"Hello again." he said quietly. "I hear you're supposed to wait a while before asking for a second date... But I'm too curious and eager to be that patient. Would you... like to go with me to the art museum? Perhaps for an even or a day this week? It's my favorite place in the city and they have this display of historical furniture design that you might like and-" He quickly realized he was rambling and stopped, flushing, but that small smile still on his face. He was flustered and shy, but he knew she was into him, and he actions had already displayed that she rather liked how he got all bothered and worked up, so he wasn't quite as worried about it.

Then he remembered the book he had set on the counter and he shifted a little, shyly looking away as her eyes dropped to it.

Oh, if only his daring confidence would last more than a few moments...
The morning after the date the bookstore opened late, as Amanda overslept after her nightly activities and it was only when Emil called her that she managed to wake up. Other than having to endure Emil's smirk when Amanda thanked her for having such an insight, as she refused to share the details of the date, it was a pretty uneventful day beyond a few moments of awkward daydreaming. It wouldn't be until the day after that when things got enticing once more.

Amanda had just dealt with a client and was standing behind the counter, this time wearing a casual outfit that on her was quite something. The jean leggings were stuck to her legs, hugging her every generous curve in denim blue, while a neat looking high neck white blouse that would look demure on anyone else seemed somewhat perverse taut over her bountiful breasts. Hints of a baby blue bra appeared here and there through the mostly opaque blouse depending on her posture, but she looked mostly professional, as it was nigh impossible to hide her physique.

"Welcome to Keoghan's Bookstore-" Amanda started with her usual welcoming spiel when she heard a client approaching the counter, her eyes otherwise busy in the accounting books, but it was cut short as she noticed the lewd cover of the novel. Raising her face, she took delight on Nick's happy visage, those beautiful green eyes contrasting with the healthy crimson on his cheeks. Even if it was their second encounter since they were on romantic terms, it was delightful to see him acting shy. Amanda let Nick run his mouth with a smile, enthused at how he dared to come there with a plan, even if he was fumbling on his own words. With her eyes back to the book for a moment, it was a message as clear as the day whose sunlight filtered through the store windows.

Without even saying a word, Amanda walked around the counter on her white flat shoes until she was next to Nick without the wooden obstacle between them. "We are dating" Amanda stated, once again no question in there. "Let me show you how to greet someone you are dating" she said, leaning closer for a quick but sweet peck on his lips. "And I love the museum idea, haven't been there in a long time and that exposition you talked about sounded interesting" she continued. "I'm also eager to know more about your interests, like your favorite place and..." Amanda paused, "other stuff" she said, putting the book on a bag and giving it to him. "Consider it a gift since I love the museum idea" she said, not ringing it.

"I have to sort out a few things around here yet" Amanda confessed, accounting to be done. "But I'll be free and closing in like an hour, pick me up then?" she asked. Amanda thought of going upstairs to her apartment and changing, but her casual outfit seemed a decent match for an amusing museum visit, as she didn't want to overplay her hand.
Nicholas's eyes widened as she came around the counter, surprised. But she said they were dating and he flushed, eyes sliding away. He didn't know that she was already so interested in him that she'd consider them actually dating. Actually... involved. The idea made him happy and he swelled inside a little bit. She gave him a quick kiss and he took the brief moment to return the kiss, as short and sweet as it was. She looked enticing, and for a moment he fantasized about being underneath her again, her kissing him hard and intensely.

He was drawn back to the present as she spoke, and her words made him smile, eyes flicking back to hers. He blushed a little more as she tucked the book into a bag, telling him it was a gift. "Thank you." he said almost shyly, knowing from the way she said 'other stuff' and how she'd looked at the book, she'd noticed his not-so-subtle flirtation. At her request, he nodded, giving her a flash of a pleased smile. "Sure! I can come back in an hour or so!" He said eagerly, a bright smile on his lips. "I can go start my new book until then." He said, eyes looking playfully over his glasses at her, the smile changing to a tiny, playful smirk. Then he blushed a little. "Can... Can I kiss you goodbye until then?" He said, leaning into her slightly, his green gaze lingering on her lips for a moment.

An hour later, Nick was waiting in front of the bookstore, dressed in a clean white button-down shirt and black pants, nothing overly fancy, but clean and proper. He had indeed spent some of that hour reading his new book, which had mostly left him a bit flustered, which, given Amanda's past reactions to his blush and his shy manner, she would take advantage of and enjoy. Biting his lip a little bit, he leaned against the lamp-post outside the bookstore patiently.
Amanda loved Nicholas' bratty side, how he sometimes managed to get over that adorable shyness of his and tried to keep up with her, it was just too cute. The fact that he was trying to give her ideas through the book he had chosen it wasn't subtle, but it had a boyish charm to it. "An hour it is then" she voiced, entertained by how Nick was about to fantasize as he started the book. "It's a good choice, it has a few interesting scenes I like" Amanda added, having of course already read it. "I do expect that the first thing you do each time we met and the last one we do when we part is to kiss me" was Amanda's answer to his endearing question. More of an expectation than an instruction, so Nick knew that such a thing was what she liked and going for it would have him in her good side.

Letting him take the initiative, Amanda kissed Nick back, another short and sweet peck that was just what she liked to do, a taste of things to come. Waving him goodbye after having a small taste, Amanda wondered how fast a reader he was, and how enticing some of the moments of the book were. Before fantasies took her over from doing the accounting job she needed to do, a delivery man knocked at the door before entering with a couple of boxes in a small trolley. "I wasn't expecting books today..." she frowned, getting to sign the paperwork and thanking the man before he went away. Then she noticed, it wasn't books what those couple of boxes contained.

Eyes wide opening, Amanda turned the door sign to "closed" and locked the door, taking the boxes to the back of the house. The day before, loving how the date a couple of days ago had gone, she decided to go with the scouts motto and be prepared, even if it was probably excessive on her part. Amanda had went through the website catalog of a sex shop and started to click on things, trapped in the most embarrassing shopping spree ever. It was a surprise that the delivery arrived so soon, but that was just perfect. With a childish giggle, Amanda rummaged thought the obscene contents of the boxes with delight until she found what she was looking for. "Oh yes, the finish is worth the extra bucks..." she muttered, holding the cold metal in her hands.

Remembering that she had work to do, Amanda stashed the coveted object in her black purse and went to the front of the shop again, dealing with the pending paperwork she had. She was tight on time, but she managed to end it before the hour passed, so the only thing she had to do was to get out, close shop properly and met Nicholas, who was already there, waiting for her. Of course, in her hurried mind she didn't remember the wide open boxes in the back of the shop or that it was Emil's turn to open the next day, as the only thing she had in mind was her date with Nick. "Ready!" Amanda cheered, once the shop was locked and she was ready to receive another one of those sweet short kisses before getting to the museum.
As Amanda stepped out of the bookstore and approached, Nicholas smiled, stepping toward her. He leaned in to give her another soft kiss, his lips brushing sweetly against hers before he leaned back, eyes looking to hers with a bright excitement. "Good! Let's go then." he said softly, a sweet little smile on his lips.

He led her to the small black car he drove, fishing keys out of his pocket. He didn't drive often, but the art museum wasn't as close as the restaurant, so it was rather necessary. He held the door for her as she got in, and closed it behind her before slipping into the driver's seat. The car was not new, but was clean and cozy, smelling slightly of mint and free of clutter. As they pulled out onto the roads, Nicholas let himself talk a bit more. She'd wanted to know more about him, after all.

"I used to come to the art museum all the time during college. It was always a great place to come for inspiration. Even if I did mostly electronic design, it's weird how completely different art can inspire things. I once did a website design based on a kimono." He said, drumming his fingers absently on the steering wheel. In the background to his voice, the radio played soft classical music, obviously what he'd been listening to before picking her up, and he'd forgotten about it entirely. "Even just seeing the furniture in your apartment gives me some interesting structural ideas... Though that was hardly the most memorable thing." He said, a small smile and small blush teasing across his face as he pulled off the street and into the parking lot of the museum.

Pushing the car into park, his eyes returned to her once more, a bright look in them, and excitement that had replaced the nervous tension that had overwhelmed him at the start of their last date. He was sinking into more comfort with her, knowing a little better what to expect, and being more comfortable about being himself for her. With her.

And it helped that she seemed totally enthused with who he was, and what he liked. So enthused, in fact, that she'd begun to play off it. He was bright enough to notice how her instructions that he should kiss her sounded suspiciously like a rule - not that he minded in the least.

"Shall we?" He asked softly.
Amanda's heart fluttered, as she liked what she was experiencing. Nick didn't just made good with the new custom of gently kissing her as a greeting, but she could see that his shyness didn't get in the way when it mattered, as he was able to push through. One thing was that she had the initiative, but another entirely that he would be just a wallflower. Accepted the old fashioned gesture of opening the door for her with a pleased smile, and enjoyed how clean and cozy his car was. One thing was that the ride was somewhat humble even if it kind of suited his cute self, Amanda didn't care about that, but having a dirty car would be a bad sign that she was glad they avoided. He was also in a talkative mood, sharing things about himself, as Amanda listened with rapt attention.

"That had to be challenging" Amanda commented about the kimono, "but I'm also sure the result was wonderful" she added. "I can fend for myself with tech, or at least most of the time, but of course I'm not that savvy. Maybe I should get a webpage for the bookstore, now just has a Facebook thing" she shrugged, soon smiling to Nick's commentary. "You certainly absorb ideas at a wonderful pace" she complimented, tapping his thigh, when he talked about her apartment and what went on there. "I don't know how far you got, but I hope you are liking the book" Amanda teased. "Keep being a sweetheart and I'm sure we can find a way to make some memories today as well" she finished as they reached the place, wondering how his apartment looked like.

The more time they spent together, the more comfortable Nick seemed to be in Amanda's eyes. Of course he was still shy, of course he was still both handsome and cute at the same time, but now he wasn't as much as a nervous mess. That notion made her pleased that she didn't push him too far, and also eager to try more things with him, as he was trusting her more and more. "Oh yeah, I'm eager to know your favorite place through your eyes" she answered. Amanda didn't take his hand as she'd usually do, knowing that this was his place to boast, so instead she just offered hers. Not only she craved the touch, but she wanted him to guide through the museum not only by voice, but also physically, holding hands.
He took her hand gently, his touch soft and unassuming as usual, letting her continue the contact or slip away as she pleased. He squirmed a little as she brought up the book. "Far enough to work me up a little." He admitted quietly, a soft blush on his cheeks that quickly deepened as she teased him with the possibility of making more memories today. "I could always design a website for you..." He offered hesitantly, unsure how she'd feel about him doing a project for her. "After all, I'm sure you can come up with some way to return the favor."

Having picked up on her unspoken cue to lead her through, given that she'd offered him her hand, he did so, leading her through the glass sliding doors into the museum proper. The lobby was open, with a glass staircase that reached up four floors, their balconies looking into the air of the lobby. Hanging from the ceiling hung hundreds of colorful paper cranes, carefully designed to create a perfect wave through the air, as well as a rainbow from one end to the other.

"My favorite kind of art," Nicholas commented, looking up at the cranes, "is the kind that takes something simple, like a origami crane, and takes it further. Like your furniture. Structurally, a chair is simple. But there's so much more that can be done, which makes the difference between a simple chair on the porch of a cabin or the elegant dining chair in a palace." He gave her a glance, small smile on his lips, a bright look of pleasure and excitement in his eyes.

"Come on, my favorite exhibit is here on the first floor, then we can go find that exhibit about the historical furniture!" He said, tugging her hand gently as he led the way toward a hall. Turning through an archway, he led her into a large open room, where small speakers hung from colorful wires on the ceiling, in what appeared to be a web of electronics jumbled together. Silently, he pulled her to the center of the room with a gentle touch. "There's more than meets the eye here." He said quietly, and touched his finger to her plush lips, urging her to stay quiet.

And as they stood in the room, each speaker began making a different sound from all around them, until it sounded like a full forest surrounding the couple. rushing water behind them, birds above them, leaves rustling in the air. Nicholas just stood there for a long moment, a small smile on his face as he looked out into the white room and up at the speakers, the mess of wires that produced the beautiful auditory illusion. Then he slowly turned back to her as the sounds faded, eyes alight.
"Oh, you making a website for the bookstore would be lovely, I'm sure we can work on it sometime" Amanda said, smiling warmly. "And I'd pay your rates, it would be weird not to, but that can wait. Lets leave work aside" she nodded, wanting to just enjoy the date, even if that talk had been innocent enough and harmless. "Ah-" Amanda was momentarily wordless, guided by Nick into a glass wonder with a sky full of color. The glassy surfaces played with the colors of the cranes as they slowly moved with the air, and the vivid wave itself created a rainbow flag that felt both mesmerizing and welcoming. Amanda felt represented, as she wasn't just focused on men, even if Nick was the object of her undivided attention at the moment.

His kind voice took Amanda out of her reverie, separating her eyes from the ceiling to look at him. The cranes were beautiful, but looking at his expression while he framed them with his words was even better, Amanda's hazel eyes locked on him. "I'm glad you liked what I do, but it's more of a hobby than anything else, I didn't give it so much thought..." she admitted. At the end of the day, Amanda was someone that could appreciate art, that could understand it and work with it, but Nick was the artist of the two, and she admired him for that. She could peddle, enjoy, critique or even restore works of art, but Nick could create them.

Amanda almost shared that thought with him, but she was a bit reserved and let his enthusiasm guide her further into the place, to his favorite exhibit. She just nodded, drinking in his almost childlike wonder, starting to get infected with it, curious about where he was taking her. Entering a room that could seem some kind of industrial art exhibit despite the colorful take on it, Amanda looked around for meaning. "More-?" she uttered, before Nick boldly hushed her with a finger, that intimate moment making her flush a bit. Nodding to him, still feeling his tender touch on her lips, Amanda stood silent, waiting.

As the first sound echoed, Amanda unconsciously tightened her grip on Nick's hand for a moment, returning to normal after the surprise. Amanda smiled in understanding, closing her eyes and letting the place transport her to a forest. The effect was so well constructed that the only reminder of her situation was that hand to hand contact with Nick, and as far as Amanda was concerned, he could as well be guiding her through a forest. Once the sounds faded, Amanda opened her eyes to find a beaming Nick looking at her, his eyes so bright that her heart skipped a beat. Not wanting to break the magic of the moment, Amanda leaned closer. "It was wonderful, magical" she whispered on his ear, kissing his cheek briefly as she leaned back to her position. "Thank you" she added, slightly touched by the moment, as she could see how important that was for Nick and how enthusiastically he shared it with her.
Nick enjoyed being the one to make Amanda flush for once, his fingertip delicate on her lips. Her hand clenched briefly in his at the sounds, and he enjoyed the smile that crossed her face, drinking it in. When the auditory illusion finished, she leaned in to whisper in his ear, a movement that made him squirm a little - a little motion that conveyed a little bit of pleasure from the simple contact as she kissed his cheek. "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll admit the experience is somewhat enhanced by being shared with you." he said quietly, that small smile flickering across his lips again.

Fingers gently tugging on hers, they started back out toward the museum, taking a longer route back toward the stairwells. This route led them through an exhibit on the evolution of digital art, which Nicholas showed some interest in, though he corrected a few of the claims made by several plaques under his breath, where he thought Amanda couldn't hear. After all, that was his expertise - the use of technology to produce unforgettable works of artistic mastery.

The next area brought them through painted and sketched works, which Nicholas mused over for several long moments, enjoying each and every piece. At one, a particularly well-done sketch of an attractive young woman, he paused, eyes dancing almost playfully over to Amanda, as if assessing her, working over how he'd sketch her, commit her beauty to paper. His hand squeezed lightly in hers.

"I don't want to be too forward." He said softly, knowing that such a worry was a little absurd at this point, but a tad nervous anyway. "But if you're okay with it... I'd love to sketch you sometime. You're beautiful, and I'd really like to... I don't know, capture that? Does that make sense?" He said, his eyes darting shyly away, flushed and a little self-conscious of his question.
"My pleasure" Amanda smiled back as Nick said that the overall experience was better with company, as she obviously felt the same. Guided by her date, she followed him into a quite interesting exhibit about the evolution of the digital art. It was enriching and formative, specially since she had Nick by her side to nitpick and correct some not quite precise information here and there. Amanda said nothing about being able to hear him in the otherwise silent gallery, as she didn't want to interrupt him nor make Nick close on himself. It was also a playful pleasure to hear things she wasn't supposed to, specially since it entailed a couple of things:

First, Nick felt in her presence comfortable enough to whisper corrections as he was alone in the place, something that was proof that he was slowly getting accustomed to having her around without exploding into a flushed mess. Second, it showed that not only Nick was a capable and knowledgeable artist, but also had a voice of his own despite his shyness with women or personal kinks, something Amanda valued. It was a lovely experience even if it escaped Amanda's more traditional scope, but they soon moved into a more familiar and old fashioned territory.

There Amanda felt more at ease, even if she wasn't very discerning of plastic arts as the written word was her focus, those were more easily decipherable than an exhibit over the digital medium itself. A bit more relaxed, since she wasn't as alert as before to grasp everything or listen to Nick's whispered corrections, Amanda just absorbed the feeling of the works there. A wonderfully done sketch of a woman seemed to give Nick pause, food for thought, so even if Amanda was still looking at the art, she could still see from the corner of her eye that Nick was checking on her. Before she could jokingly call him about his stare, it turned out that he had plans of his own.

"Oh, that already sounds promising" Amanda smiled when Nick voiced his worries about being too forward. "Oh! It would be my pleasure! I already want to see what kind of art you can make, so being the subject of one of your pieces would be wonderful" she agreed, her mind already racing, imagining the moment. "I'm wondering how you'll want me to pose" she said, enjoying the interplay even if she had no intention to be just a passive model herself. "Loving this" she leaned in for a quick peck, just a whim.

"Now, where is the furniture exhibit you talked about?" she inquired, curious. Amanda wasn't in a hurry, as she was loving it, but her wishes and urges sometimes made her appear a bit anxious, like an eager child.
Nick flushed a little bit as she commented on his 'being too forward', pleased that she wasn't worried about what might be considered 'moving too fast' or the like. After all, this was only their second date, but they'd already established a bit of a dynamic between them. He smiled a broad smile as she agreed, wanting to see his art, and a soft, pleased laugh escaped him as she commented about posing. "Oh, I have some ideas." He said softly, eyes bright, a little mischievous. As he became more comfortable with her, he was finding it was so easy to be a bit playful with her, even if she could make him blush - not that it was hard to fluster him.

Besides, if she were to fill a dominant role for him, he couldn't just be a nice, obedient submissive all the time - they'd miss out on all kinds of fun opportunities. Part of him balked at that thought, suddenly so unsure of what their little dynamic was. Clearly they'd both teased around the idea that she was to be the one holding the reins of their relationship, but still... even with his not-so-subtle book hint, he wasn't sure how far she would want to take that. Hell, he wasn't sure how far he wanted it! It was untested waters, and he'd never really considered it a remote possibility in reality until he'd met her. Even then, he wondered if it was too good to be true.

He really really owed Emil one.

Her quick, brief kiss brought him back to the moment, and he blushed a little, wondering if she knew what was going on in his mind. Her two little words brought the smile back to his face. "I'm glad. I'm loving being able to share it with you!" He said softly, the smile now just resting passively on his lips, just content and happy with the company. As she inquired about the furniture exhibit, he nodded, glancing at a nearby sign next to the stairwell.

"Looks like it's on the next floor up. Shall we?" He said, hand squeezing lightly in hers.
Amanda returned the squeeze, wondering what the furniture exhibit looked like and soon took into the stairs, this time with her guiding ahead. It seemed that being in charge came naturally to her, so she didn't even give it a second thought. The position up the stairs also gave Nick a first row seat to admire her denim covered bottoms, although it didn't last much as they soon reached destination. "Whoa... look at this..." Amanda admired as soon as the arrived at the exhibit. A long line of chairs welcomed you, a row that started with some pretty garish Egyptian and Greek ones with way too much gold, soon moving into medieval, Renaissance, Jacobean, colonial... with the end of it being full of chairs from the 20th century, be them Bauhaus, Art Deco or more modern ones.

A sign that appeared along the place informed the visitors that even if the furniture looked like that, they were just modern made faithful reproductions, so it was an exhibit to be touched and enjoyed in a tactile way. There still were real older furniture pieces behind glass further down, but some collections were touchable, and touch she did. "Doesn't this look wonderful?" Amanda said enthused, getting close to a peacock chair. "Maybe not super comfortable though..." she said, testing it a bit. As they moved on, Amanda looked like a kid in a candy store, specially as they reached a point where they showed a small collection of writing desks, all of them reproductions. "Someone did an amazing job with these" she gasped, going around, admiring, touching and staring at every detail. "They look the real deal, I'd have trouble separating them from an authentic one if they had the usual tear and wear of the ages" she admitted, hovering over a few ones from centuries ago.

What mesmerized her was one of the exhibit rooms further on. "I can't believe it... what are the odds..." she whispered, at the sight of a bed with a canopy. It was a huge wooden construct that had more material on it that many small boats. The posts on the four sides had engravings in the shape of roses, while a whole garden of them appeared in the headboard. The plaque next to it marked it as a reconstruction based on an old drawing from the Elizabethan era, and the whole construct had Amanda completely in shock. "Ah, sorry..." she apologized, touching it every detail. "It's just that... I... ahem" she appeared somewhat flustered.

"I based my own bed in the same drawing from the same book, and it looks awfully close" Amanda admitted. It had been the work of more than a year, the most challenging piece she ever made, but it was oh so worth it. That way Amanda didn't have just a sturdy and well made bed that could hold whatever, but also a wonderfully regal one. "The linens and such are different of course" she shared, "and I made mine bigger than this one" she said, as that was just made according to the age while hers was longer and wider than a double. "But it's still a surprise" she nodded, remembering something. "Oh, I'll show it to you another day, promise" she pledged with a smile.
Nicholas definitely took the moment to enjoy that wonderful view he'd been offered for a moment, a small smile on his lips as he did so. He had no doubt that she was totally aware of what she was showing off to him, and somehow, that made it better. Instantly she seemed enthralled with the exhibit, moving to look at the various constructed pieces and admire them individually, her fingers running over them in much the same way that she had touched him that night in her apartment. He shivered just a little remembering that, just a little nervously excited for anything similar to that. Would she want to explore that further after this date? He wasn't sure, but he was certain that he'd enjoyed the date thus far, and that they certainly seemed to mesh well together.

They paused at the writing desks, and Nick admired them too, in his own way. His own desks had always been sleek, modern affairs, often steel and glass, intended to be functional places to work and design, places to do art, not art themselves. While he liked the minimalist nature of his own workspace, he took a moment to admire these pieces, wondering what might have been written or drawn on desks of a similar nature. Even as he wondered, his fingertips ran over their surface delicately.

His eyes watched Amanda, and how clearly enthralled and excited she was about this exhibit, how the light in her eyes flicked from detail to detail, piece to piece. When they entered a large area, where a bed dominated the scene, her eyes widened and she seemed overcome with surprise and awe. As she explained her fascination and excitement, he nodded, smiling. I'll look forward to seeing your version then. I'm sure it's just as well done as this version." He paused to give her a small smile, eyes sparkling a little. "You know what they say, bigger is always better." He said, and a quick wink before his eyes ran away, a little pinkness on his face.

"It's an amazing piece, jokes aside. I can't imagine the amount of work and material it takes to produce this..." He mused, fingers running along one of the poles. "It must have cost you a fortune to make!" he said, astounded, but impressed by her dedication to her hobby.
"It did take more than a year and a hefty sum to make, yes" Amanda admitted after giggling with Nick's joke. "Between salvaging parts of old beds, ordering fitting parts that I needed, the bedclothes and canopy itself..." she remembered, as it wasn't that long ago, shortly after her grandfather left her the building and the bookstore. "It was more than a year of work, but so worth it" she sighed. "I was comfortable sleeping in a futon in the meantime, but I don't miss it" she admitted, as she needed the bedroom space to work on it and had to sleep in the living room for a long while. "You certainly will see it one of these days" Amanda said, stopping with the reminiscing and coming back to the teasing. "Not today though" she warned, without much more information.

Amanda kept looking at the exhibit, a lovely one indeed that was worth it just for one of the sections themselves, but all together it had been wonderful. She had plenty of ideas for furniture now, although she was going to have to pace a little bit, as she had to tend to the bookstore and Nick. Her... boyfriend, right? There was no other word for it, he was no special friend or any other euphemism one wanted to use. They were on the second date after a very heated making out on the first one, and if things went right she had naughty plans for that one as well, so boyfriend was the word, even if she felt weird thinking about it.

"Unless there is something else you want to show me" Amanda commented after a while, thinking that she had teased him enough after implying that they weren't going to her apartment with the bed commentary. "I think I want you to show me your apartment" she announced, testing if Nick was comfortable enough to let her step in his life in that way. It wasn't like they were going to live together overnight, but as it had been a biggest step than expected letting him in her place the other day, she wanted to see if he was ready to do the same. The promise of further lewd moments sure had to be dangling as a tempting carrot in front of his face, but she didn't want to force it. She knew how important was the personal space for someone that lived alone, specially if they were somewhat shy.

"We can grab dinner on the way, don't expect me to cook as I don't know anything about that" she proposed, confessing one of her weak points. Amanda felt comfortable with Nick, so if he preferred to go to her place for the time being she was fine with it. She had in mind to push him to certain things that sounded risque at least, so the more comfortable he felt with his environment, the better.
Nick wasn't sure if disappointed was the right word, whens he said he wasn't seeing her bed today. To be quite honest, he hadn't really set expectations for their physical intimacy and how far it would go, since she so clearly was willing to set those boundaries for him. It was nice, quite honestly, to have someone else make that kind of decision. In a world where the males in heterosexual relationships were expected to set the pace, it was soooo refreshing to be able to follow her steps through the beginning of this relationship.

And it was a relationship, wasn't it? There was a definite attraction, and meeting of minds and emotions that linked them already. Yes, he was already content to call them a couple.

She mentioned going back to his apartment and his eyes widened. He hadn't expected that. Still, as the surprise faded from his eyes, there was a little nervousness and excitement, but no fear. He was more than happy to share his own space with her. "Sure!" He said softly but quickly, smiling a little. He laughed openly at her comment about cooking, eyes sparkling. "We can certainly get something on the way, though I do have some skill in the kitchen. You can leave the cooking and cleaning to me, I'm a regular housewife." He said playfully, squeezing her hand slightly. It was clear he found his cleanliness and culinary abilities a source of pride, and even his tone implied that he was perfectly content with those duties.

"Besides, working from home gives me plenty of time there, and I like my space organized." He added as they walked back out of the museum, back to his car and started to make their way home. "I'm afraid it's not as big of a place as yours, but it is on the corner of the building, so we do have some extra privacy and a great view."
His open wide emeralds clearly reflected Nick's surprise, but Amanda pleasantly watched how it faded into his lovely brand of eagerness, that mixture of nervousness and excitation that tempted her so much. "Thank you" her lips formed without a sound as he welcomed her surely but softly, not wanting to interrupt him, that wonderful and honest laugh when she confessed her inability to cook enveloping her like a warm hug. It was perfect that he felt confident enough, comfortable enough to show that her amusing admissions of flaws were funny. Maybe the Nick of the other day could be afraid or messing things up, but the one from that day wasn't, he seemed to feel sure enough of himself to be playful around Amanda without a second thought, or so it felt in her eyes.

"You can cook?" Amanda asked, surprised. That was amazing news and a perk she didn't quite expect, but found it incredible none the less. As he talked about his place and habits Amanda looked mesmerized, as everything new she learned about Nick only made her like him more and more, and the small bit about privacy made her giggle a bit, sitting on the car comfortably. "So... do you think we can skip on the takeout then?" Amanda wondered. "It's been an awesome day but... if you could make dinner for us it would be even better" she suggested. "Nothing too complicated, just do your best" she added, really wanting Nick to cook for her, to see him at work in his own place, for him to be comfortable with her intruding. "I think it's time for me to see my boyfriend's place" she said, knowing that the word could catch him unaware, but she wanted to give him that much at least, making him bonded to her, safe with her, knowing that this was a real thing even if it had just begun and she wasn't going away.

"You had me at the neat place with great views, but the privacy thing was a welcome plus" she said with a sly smile, letting him guide her to his place as he did through the museum, allowing Nick to set a pace he felt comfortable with.
He nodded as she commented on him cooking, clearly surprised. As she asked if they could skip the takeout, he gave another small smile as he slipped into his car. "I think I can manage something." He said softly, turning the key until the car lept to life. She said the word 'boyfriend' and his head turned to her, a little smile on his face. "I think I like that word." He said quietly, turning back to look at the road with a softly pleased expression, guiding them through traffic.

It took only a few minutes to arrive back at his apartment building, a newer construction itself. Nicholas pulled the car into park, stepping out, only to offer Amanda his arm as he guided her to the glass doors. Typing in a quick passcode, the doors slid open before them, and they were soon on an elevator, headed up.

They stopped on the fifth floor, just one shy from the top of the building, and Nicholas walked her to the end of the hallway where he paused, snagging the keys out of his pocket and fidgeting with the door lock for a moment. The building was clean but mostly unremarkable, clearly the landlord wasn't concerned about fostering community or overdecoration, though Nick had never minded. After all, he could personalize his space as he pleased.

And as he opened the door, it was very clear that he had. The apartment itself was painted a dull white, with the clean kitchen in shades of steel and black. However, along those walls were countless art pieces. They were arranged abstractly, but in such a deliberate manner that they clearly had though behind them. The glass and steel desk he worked from faced the double windows along one wall, looking out to the city, a computer sitting on top of it, the monitor displaying slow waves of color as it hummed. The other exterior wall had another set of windows, right behind the comfortable, but unremarkable couch, facing a small television that looked rarely used, given that it wasn't even plugged in. To the right, a small hallway shot off from the main room, leading back to a bedroom and bathroom.

Hanging his keys on a hook by the door, Nicholas moved to the kitchen, humming quietly. "Would you like anything to drink? Water, soda, wine?" He offered, briefly eyeing the small selection of wines in a wine rack above his fridge. As she decided, he began moving around the kitchen, looking through the pantry as he mused over the options for food. "Feel free to make yourself at home!" He added with a flash of a smile her way. "If you want to raid my bookshelves for something to read while I cook, go for it." He offered, gesturing to the half-wall that separated the kitchen and living area, where a series of small bookshelves were partially hidden behind an armchair, worn and comfortable, quite clearly Nicholas's preferred reading spot - the new book sat neatly on top of one of the shelves.

"You had pasta on our first date, but would you mind having that again? Chicken Parmesan, perhaps? With some assorted vegetables and a good wine?" He suggested.
Nick didn't shrink, fidget or look elsewhere when Amanda voiced that he was her boyfriend, as old fashioned as it may sound, but he smiled at her and acknowledged liking how it sounded. Guided by him, it was amusing starting to see how even their living places differed, his building a modern creation with passwords instead of keys, sliding doors that opened silently and shiny elevators that took them though that practical place. Once Nick opened the door to his place, it was clear that the inside differed from the outside, and yet it still looked nothing like her apartment. It was clean, minimalist and modern, specially compared to the hodgepodge of fabrics and woods Amanda's place was. It looked slick and yet not empty nor cluttered, as Nick had made sure that art of his devotion dressed the walls, telling a story that Amanda couldn't grasp just yet, showing that despite how functional it looked, the place had soul.

"It looks nothing like my place" Amanda admired. "And yet I love it, it's so... you" she said, falling short on words for once. Nick in the meantime was making sure she didn't feel like an intruder, playing the perfect host and offering her a drink, making her feel a bit conscious of how she behaved when they were at her place. "Wine, thank you" she said, nodding, slowly getting accustomed to the vibe. As Nick gave her free reign over the place, Amanda felt more at ease, regaining her confidence and returning to her usual self. Walking around she admired the little details here and there that betrayed that as a lived in place, and not a catalog apartment, when Nick asked her about dinner. "Sounds mouth watering, I'm a girl that likes what she likes, don't mind a repeat of something good" she smiled, once again playful. "And books can wait, they aren't going anywhere" she added.

"I think I'll watch you cook, I love how you move your hands with a purpose" Amanda complimented, declaring her intentions. The woman moved around, almost predatory even if it was just to reach the offered glass of wine, brushing Nick's fingers in the process. "Nice" she said after a sip, looking at him. "Go on, don't mind me" she gestured with her free hand, enjoying the show. As Nick cooked, her mind raced. She didn't know when and where, as details could be changed at the moment as she controlled her passion, keeping it under wraps, but she knew then and there what she wanted to do with Nick that night. Amanda found herself smiling at the opportune arrival of the packages and the little thing she had stored in her purse, now left in Nick's desk.
As she entered his space, looking over the decor and the small area, he had to smile a little bit as she commented on how well it fit him. He'd lived here for a year now, ever since graduating, and he'd had time to make it his own. Some of the art covering the walls was his, some not. It varied in topic and style as well - there were rough, pencil sketches of women in the nude, all tastefully done, but also in a peculiar style that was very Nicholas - none of them were posed traditionally, but instead striking figures of power and confidence instead of soft sensuality. It was a subtle reflection of his preferences, perhaps. There were 3D digital models that he'd rendered and framed as well, mostly abstract forms, but also a few figures and even large landscapes that had taken him hours to design.

Pulling a bottle down off the wine rack, he grabbed the corkscrew from a drawer. With almost practiced ease, he opened the wine, the muscles in his forearms briefly obvious as the wine opened with a resounding pop. Two wine glasses were produced out of another cabinet, and he poured them each some of the ruby liquid.

He gave her a flash of a smile. "Sure!" He said softly, blushing a little at the compliment and the slightly subtle flirt about knowing what she likes. Preparing a pot of water, he began to bring it to a boil, mixing some garlic salt in to season the noodles some while he set about making the pasta sauce. He handled knives carefully as he sliced up vegetables, a look of focus on his face as he moved about. As with most work Nicholas did, everything seemed thought out and carefully decided, nothing rushed or done on a whim. Soon enough, the smell of garlic and butter and pasta had filled the room as he stirred the sauce, taking a small taste before nodding, satisfied.

Carrying the wine bottle out to the small dining table, he began to set that surface for their dinner, producing two white pasta bowls from one of the shelves, laying out forks and napkins for the both of them. Once he had drained the pasta of the excess water, the pots of noodles and sauce made their way to the table as well, shortly joined by the bowl of steamed vegetables and a smaller bowl of shredded cheese. He pulled a pan from the oven, two breaded chicken breasts upon it, and brought to the table as well.

Then his attention focused back on his... girlfriend, an idea he was still getting used to, and he held out a chair for her. "Dinner is served, madam!" He said playfully, giving a small but noticeable wink.
Amanda said nothing during the cooking, focused on drinking the views of Nick cooking as she drank the glass of wine, savoring every bit. How organized and tidy he was, no move wasted, everything that he didn't need anymore he moved out of the way. It was somewhat amusing that she didn't even bother asking about where the cutlery was so she could set up the table, instead letting Nick do everything for her. Amanda had to be honest though, even if it was somewhat hot, such move wasn't a willfully domineering decision, but more result of a slip of her manners, as she hadn't seen herself in such a situation in a long time. Nick didn't seem to mind though, as he looked entertained and wanting to play, even when he called her for dinner.

Sitting on the offered chair, Amanda waited until he sat down as well, taking in the smells and looks of what he cooked. "Oooh" she admired, honestly, eager to taste the food, but also wanting to make conversation now that Nick was free from cooking duties. "I love the art, landscapes, abstract ones..." Amanda prepared him from the question. "I can safely guess that at least the pencil sketches are yours, if not all of them" she commented, pausing for a moment to enjoy the food. "Mmmh-" Amanda softly moaned with a mouthful of pasta. "You are very talented in many fields, I can see that now" she sincerely praised, as the food was amazing.

"So, coming back to the art, when you said you wanted to draw me" Amanda returned to her topic of interest, testing the waters. "It was naked, right?" she said, wanting to see how he reacted, if he just acknowledged it or he went as far as to imagine her like that. Her left hand toyed over one of the buttons of her white blouse, while the right one kept at the food, she enjoyed being a tease. Unable to restrain herself, Amanda giggled, enjoying the mutual understanding between them, the complicity of their play, even if they were still starting. "The food is seriously wonderful, I mean it" Amanda returned briefly to a more comfortable topic, but she wouldn't last long there.

"I'm enjoying our second date a lot, you opened your world to me and I loved that" Amanda talked, plain and honest. "First you shared your favorite place with me, a truly wonderful experience" she continued. "And now you open your house and cook for me" Amanda paused for her sake for once, as she was really falling for Nick at a speed that gave her vertigo for a moment. She wasn't so lucky, was she? Had she finally found someone for her? Could she be what he wanted? Amanda swallowed any doubts with wine. She had to be strong, decided, for the both of them. "So I'd say that you got us an ideal second date. What happens after dinner is up to me, the dessert if you will" Amanda reassured, her left hand reaching for his and giving it a squeeze.
Nick clearly had no qualms about serving her in this fashion, as even when she was seated at the table, he delivered the food to her plate, topping off her wine glass with just a little more of the crimson liquid. He nodded at her assumption about the pencil sketches, a small smile crossing his lips. "Yeah, it's one of the few physical arts that I enjoy and am good at." He said, glancing over at them. "They're from a figure drawing course I took in college, and I enjoyed them so much I kept them. Wanted to do something different than the typical nude figures." He said, clearly aware of their variation from the norm.

As she questioned his plan to draw her, he flushed as she so candidly asked if he'd intended for it to be a nude drawing. His cheeks pink, he nodded quickly, taking a sip of wine to steady himself a little, eyes flicking down to her body, then to her fingers toying with the button of her blouse. "Y-yes." He managed. "If you're so willing." He added hastily, a little spark of excitement under the nervousness in his gaze. "I think it would make for a particularly stunning sketch." He said softly, eyes dancing back up to hers. As she turned her focus back to the food, his smile grew, eyes happy. "I'm glad!" He said cheerfully, eating away at his own meal.

"I'm glad I could provide an ideal date - I did my best to come up with something that might interest us both and let us get to know each other better." He explained unnecessarily. As she mentioned 'dessert' he flushed again, taking her hand as it slid over his. Whether that was what she meant or not (though it likely was), his mind went to all kinds of wildly scandalous places in the moment. Then, deciding to join in the flirtation once more, he swallowed his nerves.

"I think we both know that's how I'd like it anyway." he said, picking up his wine glass to take another long sip. Then, standing, he began to move the dishes to the dishwasher and sink, out of the way and out of sight until he ran them through. While he was tantalized by the suggested activities, he knew she'd wait for him to be finished keeping his apartment tidy - she'd seemed to appreciate that aspect of him.

Once satisfied with the table's clean condition, and having settled his nerves, he clicked the kitchen light off and returned to sit across from her, sipping at the last bit of his wine.

"Ready for dessert?"
Nick acknowledging out loud that they both knew that he liked her being in charge during 'dessert' sent a shiver thought Amanda's spine, painting a silly smile on her face as he picked up the dishes. How he restrained himself and wanted to keep his apartment tidy even with such an offer on the horizon aroused Amanda, having to contain her eagerness to begin with their proper first encounter that wasn't an improvised making out session. "I know I am, you made me built an appetite" she said, approaching Nick and planting a couple of small playful pecks on his lips.

"But I have to make sure, are you?" she asked. "We aren't doing anything too... wild tonight, but if sometime things go too fast remember a couple of things" she said, looking at his wonderful green eyes with a surprisingly serious expression. "If you want things to slow down or to be more gentle because you need time to accustom, say 'yellow' and I'll give you time" she said, caressing his precious face. "That way you warn me and we can talk it out or whatever you need before saying 'green' to me" Amanda explained. He was probably aware of such technicalities and common language if he was somewhat interested in those kinks, but communication was crucial. "If for any reason whatsoever you want to stop, just say 'red' and things will end" she noted, hoping that it was never needed. "Now, if you have it clear..." her expression softened again, a sultry smile on her face as she landed one peck more on his lips before taking a couple steps back.

As if it was no big deal, even if the warm tone on her face betrayed a mixture of excitement and embarrassment, Amanda took hands to the top button of her blouse. One by one, giving it no importance and keeping her hazel eyes on Nick all the time, Amanda unbuttoned the blouse, soon removing it and leaving it folded on a chair. Her baby blue satin bra kept her ample breasts tucked together in a wonderful cleavage, sitting atop of a soft and cute pale belly. Her hands went to the front clasp of her tight garment, soon releasing her tits from it's restriction, allowing Nick to see them in all their glory as she left the bra with the blouse. As big as they seemed clothed and hanging deliciously from her torso, Amanda's breasts showed a wide areola almost as pale as the rest and curiously cute and small nipples on top. Line markings of the taut underwear gave a clue about the creamy softness of her flesh, but she was far from done.

With her breasts hanging, truly a forbidden and tempting fruit, Amanda leaned to get rid of her bottoms, dragging both jean leggings and baby blue panties in one motion. Stepping out of her white flat shoes, she peeled her pants soon enough, leaving then with the rest of her discarded outfit and rising straight up, making her flesh bounce. Her hips were a temple that supported all her femineity, there on display to be worshiped at. Once again her panties had left slight markings on her soft waist, and her removed tight clothes had made her fiery red pubic hair to appear matted, a small tuft above her pale slit. Still looking straight at Nick, drinking his every expression, Amanda broke the silence for the first time since her performance started.

"Your turn" said, waving a finger in a circle, eager to see him in all his naked glory.
He smiled as she so easily said that she'd built up an appetite, and he knew she wasn't referring to a hunger for more food. No, clearly he'd satisfied that, now it was time for a different satisfaction. She pecked kisses across his lips and he smiled into them, happily receiving her affections. She began to lay out some little communication rules, things he'd read before but never realized he might use one day. Flushing a little, more from excitement than anything else, he nodded quickly, knowing that words would only make him stutter, but his smile didn't falter, even with his blush rising. Clearly ready, if nervous.

She stepped back, however, and his nerves turned into humming excitement as she began to undress, clearly putting on a little show for him. He noticed her own little flush and it made him smile, his eyes wandering her soft, pale skin almost playfully, dancing back up to her eyes. He could feel the slow, growing tension of arousal as she removed her bra, and he instantly wanted to take her cute, perky nipples between his lips and play his tongue over them. Worship her lovely chest with kisses, and kiss across her soft stomach. A soft moan escaped him, quiet, anticipatory, and he closed his mouth, trying not to drool like an idiot in front of this goddess.

He watched every motion as she continued to undress, his arousal growing, a bulge obvious in the front of his pants, not that she hadn't noticed it once before. She soon stood, fully nude, and his eyes lingered briefly on the tuft of red hair above her slit, and without even thinking his tongue slid briefly over his lips as he bit his lower, eyes warm with desire and clearly fantasizing.

Brought back to the moment - the very very nice moment - by her words, his eyes shot back up to her own and he blushed deeply, but nodded. His hands went to his shirt, starting at the top and unbuttoning downward. He revealed his collarbones, where the tattooed vines intertwined and melded together before crawling down his arms, and then his chest, a bit muscular and defined, down to his abdomen, where some muscle once again gave him a bit of definition. Still, he was a small guy, as made obvious as he placed his shirt on the couch, his ribcage pressing against his skin as he moved. He unbuttoned his pants, glancing over at her and shivering a bit with anticipation, eyes meeting hers in search of encouragement there.

Pulling them down, he left on his boxers, black and clingy, practically molded to the large erection that there was no hiding. His shoes and socks came with those pants, placed over by the couch as well before his eyes moved to her again, fingers hooked in the waistband of his underwear. With a smooth motion, he pulled them down, revealing himself. His length sprang free, well-endowed but not absurd, uncircumcised, with neatly trimmed pubic hair above it. Clearly he kept himself neat, his heavy balls clean and the hair trimmed short. A small trail of small hairs connected that trimmed pubic area with his abdomen.

Blushing deeply, but quite obviously aroused, he stepped forward, in front of her, holding his arms out a little, as if on display. "Like what you see?" He asked quietly, shy but curious. Working up his confidence again, he gave her a playful little smile. "I think it's rather obvious how excited you make me..." He teased, shifting a little, in inadvertently causing his erection to bod slightly with the movement of his body.
Amanda took that her nudity would arouse Nick for granted, so seeing him bulge wasn't a surprise even if it was more than welcome and made her smile. What she didn't expect was despite he was able to stay still his focus shattering so far as to let escape a soft moan or for his tongue to lick his lips. It was tempting to put that tongue to use, but Amanda wanted to stick to her plan and that wasn't included in that night's menu. There would be a time to let him worship her form, but before that she wanted to test the waters when it came to surrendering some control to her. Amanda's mind soon drifted away from future plans and possibilities to focus at the moment, since after a straight stare and a wonderful blush that contrasted with those green eyes, Nick started to undress.

Seeing the rest of his tattoo was like the wonderful and enticing wrapper on a long wished Christmas gift, as soon her hazel eyes moved lower and lower as Nick uncovered more and more of him. A familiar warmth started to beat from her insides at the sight of Nick's lean and slightly muscular body, as Amanda couldn't see the moment to get her hands on him, brush her finger past that tight flesh, those collarbones and ribs. As he unbuttoned his pants, Amanda had trouble noticing his eyes on her, just gulping in anticipation and slightly nodding without even being aware. His shapely legs were attractive for sure, but since she now could see his bulge against those tight boxers Amanda had trouble noticing anything else. Her mouth opened slightly, gasping a bit in anticipation with her eyes glued on his groin, holding her breath as Nick's fingers hooked the waistband.

"Ah-" Amanda finally exhaled the air, her eyes tracing Nick's whole generous length that looked oh so good on his lean body. That she was going to touch it soon enough made Amanda bit her lower lip as she took in every small detail, from the cute foreskin to the unavoidably neat pubic hair. Being that neatly trimmed was pure Nick, but Amanda also found the ant trail to his navel highly endearing, wanting to see if it was as soft to the touch as it looked. "A lot" Amanda answered, her breasts bouncing in a heavy sigh, managing to recover a normal breathing pattern, controlling her agitation. "It is obvious, you make me feel wanted" she whispered.

Approaching Nick in the nude allowed him to see how her flesh rippled, her abundance showed more enthralling than before, a confidence and power echoing from that rotund form. "Stay still" she said, the first instruction since they were naked, as she circled around him in an inspection so close that just the slightest of moves would make their bodies brush together. Amanda got her purse from where she left it, and walked back to Nick until she stood behind him, seemingly retrieving something from there and leaving the purse aside. "Put your hands behind your back" she instructed, a phrase familiar enough. Was she going to-

The cold, hard touch of steel. The mechanical rattle of them closing on his wrists. The restraining yet not tight enough binding of a couple of cuffs around Nick's wrists, now forced to keep them together behind his back. Amanda gasped of pleasure, almost having trouble to believe what she was doing, resting her sideways head for a moment on Nick's back, listening to his heartbeat. She just gave him time, wanting him to get accustomed to the feel before proceeding, making sure he was fine with that and didn't want to utter yellow or red. In the meantime Amanda delighted herself with not only the sight of that lean back, but also those very fine and very tight buttocks Nick had.
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