"Precinct 5 was assaulted tonight, we need to find who is responsible." The police captain said. "8 officers were unaccounted for, lets find them and bring them home."
At a road block, the cops saw a van approaching and they stopped the van. As the cops checked the ID of the driver, the other passenger was escorted by a motorcycle cop to the rear of the van where the man opened the rear door. The cop saw several large orcs inside and he was grabbed and dragged into the van.
The cop checking the ID saw that the driver was wanted for some questioning and as he exited the car, he suddenly saw that the other cops were missing. "Hey guys, where are..." He saw the driver approaching and drew his gun. "Freeze! Stop moving. Put your..." From behind, a hand grabbed his gun and another hand covered his mouth. A 7ft tall orc disarmed him and tightened the grip on his neck and the cop went limp.
These were mercenaries coming into town.
"Perhaps we should not go into peacebar..." An old sergeant said. "This is a no gun zone."
"You heard the captain said... We need to find the kidnapped officers." A fat cop replied. "What if he is in there?"
2 SWAT vans arrived at peacebar and the other cops surrounded it. The area was secured and the boss orc was questioned by the detectives and interestingly, things were resolved peacefully and there was 2 new suspects which were elves.
"Things seemed more complex now." The sergeant said.
A motorcycle cop spotted a car driving by with an Elf couple and he called in for backup and stopped the car. The elf saw a motorcycle cop approaching with his gun drawn and as the cop arrived at he car, when the backup police arrived, the elf gestured and the cop choked and collapsed.
The elves sped off and there was a police chase.