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The Body Swap (Zennarionxblakkatt07)

"Okay.... So where did you put the one you used before?" He asked her in a soft tone as he looked down. He still had to get used to the small female body he was trapped in.
She giggled. "You never heard of thong bikinis dear brother? Of course it's gonna be a thong."
He sighed as he heard this. "And where is the other part? I don't think you want me to swim top less... Am i right?" He asked her.
He sighed as he heard her words, but then nodded. "I know... I mean... Im not used to be a female you know?" He asked her as he continued to walk towards their rooms, luckily they were right beside of each other.
"Well, you'll likely need my help with my swim top anyway. Hopefully I can still manage to help you tie the strings with these big hands of yours. Where are your trunks?"
"On the floor somewhere i think... And well.. It wasn't hard for me to tie anything with those hands, so you should be able to do it as well..." He told her as he entered her room. "But can't i just have the butler help me or something?" He then asked her. "I mean, how did you do it this morning?" He asked.
"I did it myself. I'd never have the butler help. If I do have help, it's always the maid. Especially since it involves having a loose top until both sets of strings are tied properly. Is the butler how you pull your trunks on?"
He rolled his eyes as he heard this. "Nope... I do it myself... And maybe i should learn how to tie the strings... just in case dad will let us stay like this for the rest of the year..." He told her while he watched her.
"I'll call the maid if i need help... We don't want this to look suspicious... Do we?" He asked her as he entered the very... Pink female room. "Great... This is were im supposed to live until then...?" He asked himself.
"Okay, no having fun with my body bro." she entered the very masculine room. I can't believe I have to stay here She thought to herself
"Hey... Uhm... Sis... I mean bro! Where did you put the top? I can't find it!" He told her. He was already standing without anything covering his sisters breasts. He couldn't find anything in this room... It was one big mess with clothes everywhere!
Hearing her words, he sighed even more. "Great... Even more pink..." He mumbled as he got the pink top. He actually managed to get the strings tied all by himself. "Okay, im ready now!" He told her as he went back to her room.
"Well it's your fault for loving pink so much." She had picked up on the butler passing their rooms and wanted to keep the pretense up. Of course, she had changed into the swim trunks
"Well... Brother! Ready to go have some fun by the pool?" He asked her with a slight smile upon his lips. He was more than ready for a swim, the warm water would hopefully make him relax some.
"Lets go then..." He told her as he started walking down towards the pool. Feeling how the hips of the female body he was trapped in swayed while he walked made him smile a bit.
He rolled his eyes as he heard her words. "Its nothing..." He told her as he slowly slid down into the warm water, letting out a soft sigh of relief as the warm water surrounded his body.
"Sure it isn't." she chuckled as she slid in the water. Sighing in relief as the water washed over
He rolled his eyes as he heard her words. "Mmm..." He closed his eyes as he slowly moved through the water. "Feels good..." He told her.
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