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The Body Swap (Zennarionxblakkatt07)

His eyes widened as he heard his own voice and slowly looked back, seeing his own body in front of him, his eyes widened. "J-Janet?!" He asked her.
"Yes Tyler it's me." She sighed. "Just great. See what your curiousness has gotten us into?"
He rolled his eyes as he heard her words. He looked at his old wolf furry body. "Listen... We have to make that thing swap us back again, i don't want to be you for the rest of my life!" He told her.
"I sure as hell don't want to be you for the rest of my life. Who knows what girls you've been with?" she shuddered at the thought
He rolled his eyes as he heard this. "None so far..." He stopped. "Are you wearing a thong?" He asked her while he watched her.
"Seeing as you're currently in my body shouldn't the question be are you wearing a thong?" She smirked
He rolled his eyes as he heard her words. "Is your old body wearing a thong?" He then asked her in an annoyed tone. Why couldn't she just answer the question right away?
"Does it feel like you have a wedgie up the ass? If so, then it's a yes." She shook her head in disappointment in her brother
He rolled his eyes as he heard her words. "Great... A thong... Anyways... Just press that damn button!" He told her.
((Maybe she accidentally pushes it to the floor and it breaks? x3))
She rolled her eyes and reached up to try to press the button on the machine. Her or well his hand groping for the machine but not quite reaching the required button
"Come onnnn! Press that body so i can get my old body back!" He told her as he saw how she was having troubles with the machine.
"Can you shut up so I can focus on finding the thing?" Her hand moved more and more on the machine but to their knowledge it was also pushing the machine over until suddenly it fell and broke. She gasped. "I hope that wasn't....."
His eyes widened as he saw how the machine now fell to the floor and broke into hundred of small pieces. "Don't tell me that you just broke it... Because i don't want to be you until dad comes home in 2 weeks..." He told her while he watched her.
His eyes widened as he heard her words. "You don't think he would leave us like this... Forever... Do you?" He asked her.
"Who knows? He technically has the power to do so. After all, we weren't supposed to be down here in the first place."
"But... I don't want to live the rest of my life as you! As a weak female!" He told her while he looked up at her, now feeling how the fox tail was wagging behind of him.
"Oh that is SO sexist. Just because I'm a woman, I'm automatically weak, huh? When we get our bodies back, remind me to beat your ass. Believe me I can beat your ass."
He just laughed as he heard her words, before he crossed his arms under his chest. "Believe me... This weak body wouldn't even be able to beat a cat!" He told her in a cold tone.
She smirked. "You didn't know Mom had me take all kinds of self-defense classes, did you?"
"Should i care about that?" He asked her while he watched her. "Listen... I don't think now is the best time to argue... But we some how have to find something to do until mom and dad gets home you know?" He asked her while he looked up at her.
"Guess you're right. But I'll tell you something, remember that one fight you saw at the gym where a masked girl named Lady Foxx beat that guy that's bigger than you? Well think about it." she winked before getting up, clumsily since she wasn't used to her brother's body
He rolled his eyes. "And you don't think i could have beaten him?" He asked her in a cold tone, before he got up and followed her. "So what should we do now?" He asked her as a soft sigh escaped his lips. "I mean... I don't want to go around and do girl things... So perhaps just another swim in the pool?" He asked.
"You'll have to do girl things at some point if we don't get switched back before we have to go around our friends. But for now a swim will work."
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