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That's What I Like (1x1 w/ Mr.Aznable)

He panted. "W-We never got.. A donation for that~" he said. He looked and chat was going a mile a minute.
She shook her head and reached to the computer to cut the stream before she went back to sucking him off, tossing off the mask haphazardly.
He arched hard and yowled her name loudly as he bust again, his cum so hot and sweet. She felt like she could choke him down for hours.
"H-Holy shit baby..~ What do you wish of me~? Anything at all~" he said, sitting up on the bed and just watching her.
He gripped her hips and pulled her closer. "Poor baby~ Miss having me all to yourself~?" He asked as he reached for the plug.
He moaned lowly as he watched her, moving her onto her back and beginning to grind his stubs against her clit with a low purr.
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