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Forgotten Realms Pathfinder) Seeds of Evil: OOC

Also I am open to ties with anyone for my female cat folk unchained rogue. That is more Social focused and healthy dose of Escape artist, Disable device and perform, Craft and professions based as well.
I am perfectly fine with knowing your character as well Anla'Shok I made this guy able to know or not know as many people who wanted, being a traveling merchant means any number of people could have made nice with him at any time.
I edited my last post, I must have missed the part about us all being in two different groups.
Anla'Shok be sure to tell me anything you want my character to make I can tell you if it is possible for him just to do it or if I need to make rolls, Also he can brew up potions too for those see my spell list for anything you might want.
lilithsboy I could easilly see Baltana and Balenor coming to blows (or magic as the case may be) as he is acting very suspicious and she is fairly paranoid (particularly given the situation) - but I don't want to go down that route unless you are fine with it (inter-party conflict can be annoying all around).
Noooh, Saber! Abigail's riding a big horse! The ox-cart is Anla'shok's character, and yet to be introduced.
Bah, that's what i get for reading something in bed. I'll edit shortly.
You made a character who is suspicious/paranoid not to mention hates hags and witches with a witch in the party... I saw this one coming from the moment you introduced her, but I played the character how he would react, nightfall is coming and he is still out in the open, the night also has an odd feeling and he was once an acolyte of a moon goddess and now has a shadow patron meaning he is doubly on edge, so he is buffing himself (fortune and mage armor thus far). The laughing keeps a buff up that can only affect a particular individual once every 24 hours, and he will continue to keep it up until he feels safe.

Unfortunately, he is not the charming kind of witch and his charisma score is abysmal otherwise I would try a diplomacy check to work this out... though really the scorpion has a better chance of succeeding than he does it can't talk, the most likely outcome of such an attempt is he would force them to come to blows.

I am fine with whatever happens though you need to ask Tenshi about what he wants in this game because if this conflict does come to blows you need to understand that one of us will likely be rerolling a new character.

Actually, I wrote that and have an idea if you want to work it with me? The idea comes from the description of Cackling Hag's Blouse if you want to read up on that just try and work with me.
Yea I think it can be worked out peacefully enough - even if it came to blows I was thinking that Baltana would be obliged to use non-lethal damage - having a good alignment kindof makes killing someone because they 'annoy you and you have other issues' not properly viable - also if she could knock Balenor out with non-lethal it would likely prove to her that he is not some secret hag or other creature.

Seperately though you are actually using the cackle hex every round as a move action (rather than it just being a character trait you were playing with) - and as so for the purpose of walking down the road are moving at half speed (one move action rather than two)?

If that is right Baltana might just move to walk away (she will also respect the effort on hag hunting - adventurers can be wierd after all).
Full speed is one move action running is two. He is basically converting his standard to a move right now in order to keep it up (though I have been using noncombat rounds thus far so loosely just going for actions for roleplay and not really worried about it.) Also, he is Chaotic Neutral aligned he won't have a problem with killing someone who attacks him because he is different, non-lethal or not though he has no weapon and would use Pike to finish the job (he would slumber hex you to knock you out pike slits your throat)

But yes peaceful certainly works for me.
Well running is a special kind of movement but nothing seems to stop you from taking a move action to move up to your speed and than a standard action as a move to to move up to your speed. Which is how (if you wanted to break it into combat rounds) I would see most people walking down the road if nothing else was happening.

On killing her I suspect that plan wouldn't work with your familiars strenght penalty - 1d2-4 is 1 non-lethal, DR 4 against non-lethal means that Pike cannot hurt her unless buffed (even with the auto critical from Coup de Grace it is still 1 non-lethal).
She would than need to survive a DC 10 fort check which baring 1s failing she would pass automatically (although she would not immediately wake up so you could try that a few times).

But you probably have other tricks also.

And sure Tenshi this is why I check OOC as some players don't mind and others do (same with some DMs on both counts).
Hmm considering that was exactly what I had in mind when I made him.... You might be close. :p

(you should see the list of items I want him to eventually have... There is a reason I picked up haversack first thing)
Dancrilis --I want to call you Dani :p -- do you enjoy the molesting scenes? assuming I can defeat you in a vaugely fair fight? :)

(And hey, if I pull this right, you migth get exaclty as much or as litle moleted as you'd enjoy before being rescued by a group including a hag-hunting witch? That would be a bit of a bonding experience, right?)
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