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A Purrfect Couple~ (Stonetribe x Frogger)

With his head tilted in confusion and a blank-ish look on his face, Yoshi watched as poor Amaya squirmed and squeaked while trying to explain herself to Emily. At first he was worried that she had become upset again and needed him to help cheer her up, though before he long he could tell that this wasn't quite like earlier. He couldn't quite place his finger on it. She was, bothered, to be sure. However she didn't seem to be experiencing any genuine sadness, just a great deal of chagrin and grief, nothing so much as to be seriously worried over. Rather she was actually, really really cute this way!

Emily's own reaction mostly confirmed his suspicion as she merely playfully laughed at their embarrassed friend's moderate discomfort before half apologizing for doing so. He found himself giggling alongside her a little, not quite understanding why it was funny but was amused nonetheless. "Eheh It's alright Amaya-chan, Emily-chan is just playing around." He chimed in, joining the two in a sort of group hug as he leaned into Amaya a little. When they agreed to head back to their room, he merely nodded in agreement and began to follow them. "It's a good thing that you showed up though Emily-chan. Me and Amaya-chan weren't entirely sure what exactly to do about, uh well me heh..."
“Really? Well, it doesn’t really surprise me. If I was in her shoes, I wouldn’t know what to do, either.” Emily laughed a little under her breath, keeping an arm around Amaya-chan’s shoulders so she can’t escape… not them, or this conversation. “I think… the first thing that we need to do is buy him a decent wardrobe. Don’t get me wrong, Amaya-chan, your clothes look pretty good on him… but I think it’s sort of obvious that he’s wearing… well, you know.” Emily flashed her friend a cheeky smile, only earning another blush and a nervous little laugh. “Let’s head on back to the dorm so I can change, get into something a bit more comfortable, and we’ll go from there. Okay, guys?”

It sounds like a good idea. Why Amaya didn’t think of it sooner, she has no idea. The tips of her ears burning at this point in time, she fell into an awkward silence. Of course it did not last very long. Emily pulled her in a bit tighter against her side, nearly grinning from ear to ear. “I can also pick out a few cute outfits for this one here,” Emily-chan chirped, more than a little pleased with the idea. “I’ve been trying to get this girl to show off some of her assets, to get out there and date somebody for once, but does she listen? No! Not one bit! I mean, isn’t she cute, Yoshi-chan?” Emily stepped back just enough to wave her hands up and down, to indicate her friend. “Don’t you think some boy will find her pretty?” Amaya blushed darkly, trying to hide her face behind her hands.
"Ah, do you think so?" He asked, examining and pulling a little at the collar of Amaya's sweatshirt that he was currently wearing. "I suppose I wouldn't want to be using Amaya-chan's clothes in case that she needs them after all. This one feels a little too warm too. It's really comfortable though!" He looked back over at Emily with a cheery grin. "If we go to get my own clothes, you'll help me find some really comfortable ones right?" It sounded like his interest in the idea of clothes shopping was already starting to excite the young neko boy, though really he was just very happy to be spending time with both Amaya and Emily.

His smile only widened when Emily playfully brought Amaya to attention again, quite enjoying her fun and teasing antics. "Aha, yeah that sounds like a lot of fun!' He said happily, raising his closed hands a little in excitement. He couldn't help but join in the fun as Emily sort of presented Amaya to him. "Yeah I do! I think that Amaya-chan is very cute!" He stepped forward and took Amaya's hands in his, unintentionally preventing the shy girl from hiding her face. "Don't you want to look cute for boys Amaya? I'd love to see you in even cuter clothes! Won't you please?" More worried about having fun, he hadn't considered if his showing interest in whether Amaya was cute or not would perhaps both Emily whom they'd only just now cleared up their misunderstanding,
In an instant, the tips of her ears went red. Amaya shuffled within Emily-chan’s grasp, finding her feet fascinating all of a sudden. “Do you… even know what ‘cute’ means?” she could not help but sigh. It was in that moment she realized how hot her face was, how… awkward she feels in the face of this conversation. Her hands held captive in his, Amaya could not hide… and it is not as though she can avoid answering. A blush swept over her features anew, painting her pale features a warm rosy pink. It was right about then that Amaya found the courage she needs to meet the boy’s eyes, dark green looking deeply into his… as if trying to find answers to questions she can’t seem to ask.

Emily couldn’t help choking back a laugh. Oh, this is just too much fun-! Of course she can’t exactly interrupt the moment, not… just… yet…

“Y-Yoshi-chan, I… I have no problem helping you find clothes,” Amaya replied on the most awkward laugh, blushing even darker before his eyes. “I just… I do not know… if I want to look cute… especially for boys. I-I mean, it would just… bring more attention to me, and I do not think… I am very comfortable with that…” Amaya nibbled on her lip, eyes falling to look at… well, at nothing in particular. “I… I have… trouble… being with other people, as it is…” she went on to point out, even if it is sort of redundant. “B-Besides, there is no way… I can be cute…” A shy smile on her lips now, Amaya squeezed his hands gently before pulling them away. “L-Let us just… head on back to the dorm, okay?” Amaya twisted to lead the way, though she cannot help but think over their conversation.
Yoshi kept the same warm and assuring smile as he patiently waited for Amaya's long and awkward reply to finish. Once she did, she quickly turned away and resumed walking towards the trio's dorm room. The young neko boy was quick to catch up to her, walking by her side as he continued to speak. "Aha, of course I know what cute means! At least, I think I do.. And I definitely think that you're cute Amaya-chan! Though you have a point about bringing attention to yourself, I'd hate for you to actually feel uncomfortable. Hmmm, maybe you can just look cute for me? You're fine if it's just me right?" He glanced over at her to observe her reaction, unaware of kind of intimacy that his statement about looking cute just for him entailed.

A moment later, they finally arrived at their destination. Yoshi was quick to hop onto Amaya's bed, stretching a little before laying on his stomach whilst propping his head up with his hands. Facing the two girls he idly and slowly kicked his feet, an indication of his now playful and excited mood akin to a kitten waving its tail back and forth. "Okay then Emily-chan! What should our first course of action be?" He said eagerly, clearly thinking of this more as play time than actually making progress towards sorting this whole mess out.
"I-I-I, aah..."

Amaya looked at him helplessly… her heart beating entirely too fast, and… of course, he has no idea why she is blushing like she is. Does he know the concept of embarrassment? Of… arousal, and attraction? No, of course not. All he knows is that what they did earlier felt good… had felt really good… and nothing else. ‘Embarrassment’ is not part of his vocabulary. Amaya let her eyes drop, her fingers curl into the hem of her oversized sweater. “I-I-I do not know…” she found the words to say, though she could not bring herself to speak any louder than a whisper. “I just…” Why?! Why does she need to be cute? Is it a requirement to be socially acceptable in college? In life? Lost for words, Amaya let out a sigh and decided not to pursue the issue any further.

In the safety of their room, Emily-chan laughed at his antics before plopping down onto the bed next to him. “Well… first things first, I’m changing out of these clothes,” she told him, slinging an arm over him. “And once I’m through, we’ll head into town and buy you something to wear. We can even have lunch out, but we’d have to be quick, since Amaya-chan has classes later.” A light blush still painting her features, Amaya shuffled between her feet nervously, just to brush threads of hair behind an ear. Emily hopped back up with her hands raised high, rolling her shoulders to get rid of all her aches and pains. “I’m going to hide in the bathroom. I know you’ve seen everything already… but I don’t want you to see me now, with your boy parts,” Emily teased, digging through her drawers before disappearing.
"Ah, okay then!" He replied happily. Of course, he didn't actually know what she meant by boy parts and such, he just merely didn't question it. He was much more interested in going shopping with them after all. He turned his attention back to Amaya, who still seemed to shaking off her earlier embarrassment. "Eheh see? This is all I wanted! For the three of us to just spend time together and have fun, just like before. Nothing could be better than this, right?" He playfully rolled over onto his back and gazed up at her, inadvertently gazing at her breasts from this angle without really noticing. "Hey Amaya-chan, if we buy you cute clothes, would you like them to be like? Oh and what kind of clothes do you think would look good on me?" He asked curiously, obviously not having any sort of handle on the concept of fashion.
"I-I am not too worried about buying myself cute clothes!" Amaya protested with a weak smile, even going so far as to wave her hands in front of her, as though that can brush aside any… awkward elements of this conversation. Of course, it did nothing to… conceal the fact she is blushing darkly… so darkly, her face may very well be melting off. “I… I would not know… what… what looks cute on me, and what… does not…” Amaya continued on, stuttering over her words and looking anywhere but at the young man curled up on her bed like it is no big deal. “A-As for what sort of clothes will look good on you… I have no idea. I… I will have to see what are… the… options? I guess?” Looking for help, Amaya turned her attention to Emily-chan… who was grinning from ear to ear at this point. “What? I’m not rescuing you,” Emily-chan replied to the desperate look written all over the poor girl’s face. “You’ve gotten yourself into this mess, you can get yourself out of it.”

“Mess? What mess?”

“Anyway~!” Emily-chan clapped her hands together, just to pull out a suitcase she had thrown onto the bed a little bit ago. “I hate to tell you this, Yoshi-chan… but you’re going to either close your eyes, or get out. I know you’ve seen me naked as a kitten, only… you’re a boy now, and I’m not having any of that.” Amaya had to hide her smile behind her hand, knowing fully well that she will soon get the questions she has been receiving most of the day.
He giggled a little as he watched poor Amaya squirm and squeak as he asked her about what sorts of outfits would look cute on her. He wasn't sure why, but seeing her like this was very endearing to the neko boy. It made him smile and blush a little himself, filling him with a warm feeling. He wanted to see more of this side of her. This cute and embarrassed and stuttering side. When she looked over to Emily for help, he too turned his attention towards her. Unfortunately for Amaya though, Emily was also quite enjoying her little struggle and left her to fend for herself from the young kitty's questions.

"Okay then Emily-chan, I can do that!" He said as he sat up and closed his eyes, turning around for good measure. As he waited for Emily to finish changing clothes, he continued with his inquiries about Amaya and cute clothes. "You know more about cute clothes than Amaya-chan, right Emily-chan? What do you think would look good on her and me? I think that you'll have to help us both pick some out, because I'm starting to think that Amaya won't be able to on her own."
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Emily pulled her shirt up and over her head, a river of fiery red cascading down the length of her back once that was done. “Of course!” she laughed, just to start working on the second half of her ensemble. “I’ve had a lot of experience, I guess you can say. It’s part of the reason why I’m here. I want to start my own fashion line, but in order to do that, I’ve got to earn a business degree. Of course, looking at numbers all day give me a dreadful headache,” Emily explained on a sigh, this time twisting to open her suitcase. Inside was nestled pinks, greens, blues and purples, all vibrant and lovely in their silken splendor.

“Hm… What will look good on her and you?” Emily has always wanted to get her hands on Amaya-chan, to get her out of those oversized sweaters and flaunt that natural beauty she has…

A finger tapping her chin, Emily thought it over while she considered the options presented before her. “I think… for you, Yoshi-chan, a casual look will be best. You’re cute, and you don’t want to… overwhelm anybody with an overdone sense of style. I think you need to stick with jeans, but instead of plain shirts, go with…” A hand gesturing to compensate for her lack of words, Emily decided now was as good of a time as any to pull on a pretty purple shirt, one that happens to dip a little low in the front. “I’ll have to look around and see what they have available, and whatever catches your eye. I don’t want you to wear anything you don’t want to wear.”

What can she say about Amaya-chan, though-? No matter what she puts on her, she’s bound to look simply adorable!

“I think… Amaya-chan can wear cute things,” Emily decided after a minute or so, now buttoning her jeans. It’s a casual outfit, yes, but it’s perfectly acceptable for a trip to the mall. Besides. Designer jeans look good, regardless! “I know her favorite thing to wear happens to be that jacket of hers, with the cat ears on the hood. If I can get her into some skirts to show off her legs, I’d be ecstatic… and I think some shirts that show the tops of her shoulders will look nice, too. Again, I’ll have to see what the mall has. I know I have high standards,” Emily said on a soft laugh, picking up a brush to run through her hair.

“Okay, Yoshi-chan. You can open your eyes now.”
Yoshi let out a giddy "Alrighty!" when Emily gave him the okay to look at her again. Rather than turn around, he merely allowed himself to fall backwards, playfully looking at the two girls upside down while lying on his back again. "That uh, sounds really great Emily-chan!" He said, trying his best to sound like he understand at least some of what she explained to him when truthfully, and perhaps somewhat obviously, most of what she said was lost on the naive neko-boy. Of course, that fact did nothing to diminish the amount of fun he was having with the two. "What do you think about that Amaya-chan? Wearing a skirt and showing off your legs? That sounds good to you, right?"

Rolling over back onto his stomach, he turned his head back towards Emily and tilted it to the side. "Um, what is a skirt by the way? And does Amaya want to show off her legs?" He merely stared at the two as he awaited a response, a charming cat like smile adorning his face as his tail occasionally swayed from side to side.
“Why does it feel like you two are… plotting against me?” Amaya asked on a sigh, just to plop down on the bed next to Yoshi-chan. A hand lifted to deal with the issue of a few golden threads tickling her cheek. “I… do not like the idea of wearing a shirt,” she had to admit, “but then again, I do not care to wear much of anything that shows off… much of anything, really.” Do either of them know her? Just the thought of eyes on her… looking at her, admiring her or judging her, makes her stomach flip. Amaya rubbed her hands together to try and get rid of the idea, and instead offered them a shy smile. “A skirt? Ah… How do I explain this? Um… I am wearing jeans right now,” Amaya decided to start off with. “Shorts are the same, only… instead of going to all the way down to your ankle, it ends anywhere from your thigh to your knee.” Amaya pointed at the various places on her leg to get her point across.

Emily smirked before giving way to laughter, shaking her head. “A skirt is somewhere along the same lines as shorts, but instead of the fabric… holding onto your legs, it clings to your hips. I’ll have to show you,” she teased with a playful wink. “Are you two ready to rock and roll? I’m tired from all the traveling I’ve done, and much as I love to shop… I’d like to get back before it gets too late. You feel me?” Amaya laughed softly, rising and twisting around to help Yoshi-chan up. “Let us get going, then. I want to get you… more comfy clothes than mine,” she told him with a pink blush spreading over her features.
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