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A Purrfect Couple~ (Stonetribe x Frogger)

Amaya's shoulders stiffened, heat rising to her face all over again. "Ah... sort of? Yes?" she struggled to get out, past the embarrassment, past the heat licking at the tips of her ears. Oh. Boy. Not only does she have to teach him, say, how to count, how to tie his shoes... but also about modesty. Lovely! A hand going over her face, pulling at the skin, Amaya gazed at her open closet... looking at all the colors on display. How is she going to survive all this? It was one thing to be hiding a kitten in her dorm room... but it's another thing entirely to hide a teenage boy! Emily-chan already claims more than half of the room, as it is... but to squeeze three people between these walls? Yikes! "E-Excellent!" Amaya chirped, twirling around to face him.

"Now then. Ah... How big are your feet?" More than likely, none of her shoes will fit him. Amaya frowned, just to run a hand through her hair. Several pieces of gold tumbled forward, tickling the girl's pale cheeks. "I'd... let you borrow a pair of my shoes, but... well..." Her words trailing off, disintegrating, Amaya bit the corner of her lip. "Maybe I can give you a pair of slippers? It might look funny, but... hey, it's all we got." A shrug rolling through her shoulders, Amaya went to dig under the bed. Not unlike him, she was in a position where her butt is in the air... only, she was wearing clothes, when he was not. "Here we go!" The slippers are old, and ratty, since he likes to... used to paw at the bunny ears, however... it will work, at least for the time being. "You need to always have something on your feet when you're outside, so nothing bad happens. It is really easy for... well, anything to go down." Amaya emerged from underneath the bed, offering him the slippers. "Here. Try these on."
Yoshi couldn't help but notice how Amaya's face kept turning red again and again. Did that always happen? He couldn't quite recall from when he was a kitten, but it might have just been him not paying much attention. He didn't quite understand what it was about, but she sure looked cute doing it! He let out a cheery giggle and said to her. "Eheh, I'm glad that you're not sad anymore Amaya-chan, but you're still acting sort of funny." He tilted his head again when she asked him how big his feet were. "Hmm, I guess this big?" He said as he sat on the bed and held his legs up to show her, obviously not knowing about the concept of shoe size. He shrugged seeing Amaya so unsure about what he could use. "Don't worry Amaya-chan, I'll be fine with anything that you give me."

He didn't know why, but when he saw her bent over searching under the bed for some appropriate footwear that he could use, Yoshi felt a strange feeling inside of him. His stomach felt fluttery, and though he didn't realize it he began to blush a little bit as well. It wasn't a bad sensation though, it was rather nice. He didn't have much time to think about it anymore as she soon turned her attention back to him, handing him the worn out slippers. He nodded in response to what she told him, making sure to remember to wear something on his feet when going outside. "Okay then!" He said as he attempted to put them on. Thankfully, it was much more simple than the shirt and pants so he was able to do it fairly easily, though he did still look silly while he was figuring it out.

He hopped of the bed, giving his clothed self a once over in the mirror before turning back to her. "How does this look Amaya-chan? Do you think this will be enough? Because I'm super hungry now ha ha!"
“It looks okay,” Amaya had to admit, “not great, but it will work for now.” Nobody will give him a second glance in this outfit, but that is perfectly fine; it is not as though he is trying to draw attention. If anything, the exact opposite. “I will have to go take you shopping later. I don’t think your stomach can wait any longer. I can hear it grumbling all the way over here.” A soft, teasing laugh perfuming the air, she moved in to brush her hands over his chest. It required everything Amaya had not to notice how… slender he is, and yet, there is a quiet strength to his shoulders… to his arms. “Don’t worry, I plan on feeding you sometime today. I just… I need to make something clear, Yoshi-chan.” Amaya looked up at him then, her eyes a thousand shades of green, broken by strands of gold.

“You need to… keep quiet, okay? I don’t know what to… tell people, so I don’t want anyone to ask questions. Does that make any sense?” A small frown pulling at her lips, Amaya went over the words in her head, hands still resting on his chest. “Talk only to me for right now. Please… Please, please, please… don’t go up to every person that… happens to stroll on past, introduce yourself… any of it. I can’t… I need you to stay right next to me, hold my hand, and just…” Amaya shifted nervously from one foot to the other, tendrils of hair brushing against a pale cheek. “Yoshi-chan? Do you understand where I’m going with this?” Biting her lip, Amaya gazed up at him for a long moment before pulling away. “A-Anyway… I’ve got to get dressed, too… so I need you to turn around, okay? It was okay before, but I, um… I can’t have you watching me.”

Another laugh leaving her lips, this one rich in embarrassment, Amaya offered him a smile. “Come on. Turn around,” she told him again, lifting a hand to twirl a finger, so that there is no confusion whatsoever. “I am not going out in my PJs. Not today.” Amaya giggled in the back of her throat, her other hand brushing hair from her eyes.
"Yay!" Yoshi cheered to Amaya's approval. It was true, he was dressed enough to not draw too much attention. But though his tail rested hidden somewhat uncomfortably in one his pant legs, his black cat ears were still on full display. It was still a stark upgrade to walking about naked of course. If anyone were to ask it could easily, albeit perhaps just a little awkwardly, be explained as one of those cutesy cat ears headbands. He giggled some more, eager to grab a bite to eat, the sooner the better. "Yeah let's get going!" He said excitedly. Before that though, she went on to address a different issue.

Before his little transformation, Yoshi was quite a friendly and sociable kitten. He would happily and vocally greet new faces he was introduced to. And it was becoming apparent that this hadn't changed a bit now that he was a young man. "Oh really? O-Okay, I can do that." He was somewhat disappointed by what she asked of him and wanted to protest. However he could tell that she was actually very serious about this, so it must have been pretty important. He trusted her more than anyone after all.

He didn't have much time to ponder it any further before she requested that he turn around. He tilted his head and asked. "Me too? Okay, but why is watching someone change in and out of clothes a big deal? Will the clothes like not work right if someone sees?" He shrugged, figuring that it must have been a human thing before turning around and sitting cross legged on the floor, playfully flicking his tail as he awaited for her to get ready.
Amaya bent her head, arms reaching up and over to pull off the oversized shirt she wore to bed last night. At five foot four, she is a small, petite girl, not at all curvy or sexy or… desirable like other girls her age. No, if anything, she is, as everyone always told her, 'cute’. Her skin is ivory, just with a hint of rose along her cheeks when embarrassment strikes, and her eyes are 'childlike’, 'innocent’. Amaya stole a glance at him, to make sure his back is turned, and then twisted to grab a medieval torture device, also known as a bra. How is she going to explain? Not only is it just plain… embarrassing, but there are other reasons why.

"I need to stop by the library after breakfast,” Amaya said on a sigh, fighting with the tiny hooks. “I have no idea how to explain things to you, Yoshi-chan.” No, wait; does he know how to read? Oh no. Most likely not. Yet another thing to add to the growing list of that which she has to teach him. “Um… No, the clothes will work just fine, even if you do see. Ah… I just…” Lost for words, Amaya bent to slip her shorts off. As short as she is, her legs are still nice to look at, somewhat long and slender. “You were a kitten, so… it was okay to go around without any clothes on,” Amaya began with, even if it is mortifying.

Bright pink at this point, Amaya fetched her jeans to yank on. “I know this might sound weird, but… I am modest. It is a big deal to me. I do not feel comfortable naked in front of anyone… and… it is very intimate. I do not take off my clothes in front of just anyone. One day, I, ah… I will… but it will be for a boy I like, you know?” Amaya laughed awkwardly under her breath, already digging through her closet for a shirt. “I do not know if you have any idea what sex is, but I would like to save that conversation for another day.” Taking out a dark purple shirt, Amaya went to pull that on over her head.
Yoshi sat on the floor with his back to her as Amaya tried her best to explain why people seeing each other without any clothes on was an issue or why wearing clothes at all was a thing for that matter. None of it made a lick of sense to him though, not for now at least. Figuring out how to help him understand these sorts of things would be quite a challenge for the poor girl. If they could somehow explain and convince their situation to Emily, then perhaps she could help lend a hand in all this teaching. It seemed like a rather daunting task for just one college student!

One thing about what she said did stick out however. Forgetting to check whether it was okay for him to turn around or not, he did so anyways. Luckily for him, (and even more lucky for her) she was already decent. Crawling up to her on all fours, he stood up and placed his hands on her shoulders. He certainly was a rather touchy feely guy. "Ehh? Don't be silly Amaya-chan. I'm a boy and you like me more than almost anyone! It should be okay for me to see you without anything on then, right?"

He closed his eyes and shrugged, letting out a sigh. "I guess it must be another human thing. This is cool and all but also confusing." Shaking his head and grabbed onto her arm and gently tugged her towards the door. "So are you ready or not? I wanna go eat some yummy human food already!" He said playfully, becoming a bit impatient now.
“Y-Yes! I like you!” Amaya confessed, the words lingering in the air long after the fact. Her eyes blinked up at him, twin pools that are neither emerald or jade, but something in-between, and her face is red once again, even the tips of her ears. “I love you, Yoshi-chan,” she repeated, albeit slowly, as to let the words sink in. “I do not like you… that way, though. It is really hard to explain, since… you know next to nothing about being human, but… you know how… someday… once you find the right cat… the next step is having kittens? It is sort of the same thing for me. For us. I… Ugh…” A groan broke the sentence apart, left the remnants of it crumbling on the floor.

This is just too hard to explain! Maybe Emily-chan can help teach him the ways of the world… that is, once they convince her this is the small black kitten she loved and nurtured. Amaya drew in a deep breath to steady herself, and allowed herself to be tugged along. “Alright, alright. Yes. I am ready. We can go now,” Amaya told him on the softest of laughs, the notes dancing over the skin of his ear as she stepped forward to take the lead. “You must be starving half to death, if you are this antsy to be fed.”

Amaya gently pulled her arm away, just to take his hand. “You are not to let go, okay?” she told him somewhat firmly. “And remember what I told you: do not go up to strangers or talk to anyone. I mean it. You can look around, but that is it.” Worry pulling at the corners of her lips, Amaya began to lead him down the hallway, past the several doors leading off to other rooms.
Yoshi giggled out loud at Amaya's comically flustered reaction, not realizing the nature of what his question entailed. It wasn't uncommon for her to get like this when he was a kitten after all, so to him she was just being her cute and silly self. He wasn't sure why she was contradicting herself on how she loved him, but he did at least know that she had a vastly better grasp on these things than he did. He certainly knew that she didn't actually disliked him, and that was all that matters. It also seemed like pressing the subject any further would actually start to bother her, so he was content to leave it at that.

He was indeed very eager to get some breakfast, though it wasn't just because he was hungry. That was a big part of it of course, he had always been quite a big eater for such a tiny kitten. However, he was also very curious to just leave the dorm room itself. Pets weren't allowed on campus after all, so naturally he was confined to the room's relatively small space. Which wasn't bad in anyway either. Maybe if he were a dog he would have disliked being cooped up like that, but as a cat he was more than fine with the cozy environment. However, he would always wonder what else there was to see beyond that door.

Yoshi nodded his head in response. "Don't talk to anyone, got it!" Once they entered the hallway, his head seemed to start moving non-stop as he tried to examine every little detail that stuck out to him. Surely enough, they passed by a few people before long. Thankfully for her though, the former kitten was able to resist saying hi to every new face he saw.
Please keep quiet. Please. Every beat of her heart a plea, a prayer sent to… no one in particular, Amaya had a smile plastered on her face, and every so often, she dipped her head in greeting. Not to anyone she believes to be a friend, but rather… those that just so happen to be living down the hall. “This way,” she whispered, stealing a glance over her shoulder at the boy following her… the kitten that has turned into a human after passing away only a week ago. It is still disorienting. How did this happen? How is it even possible? Yoshi-chan has already proven he is who he says he is, but… still… it is just… confusing.

Amaya led him down the stairs, careful not to go too fast, or else risk tripping over her feet and breaking her face… or something just as silly. Breathe. Forcing oxygen to reach her aching lungs, Amaya let out a sigh of relief once they went out the front door. It is warm out, just as she predicted. In fact, it feels good after being inside, assaulted by the air conditioning relentlessly. All the tension bleeding from the girl’s body, Amaya twisted about to face him with a radiant smile. “You were so good!” she chirped, reaching out to take his hands. “You kept quiet, just like I asked you!” Really pleased, Amaya jumped to give him a hug, and, laughing, even went so far as to give him a kiss on the cheek.

“How about I treat you to something special for breakfast? No, better yet! I am going to let you pick out whatever you want to try. How does that sound?” Amaya laughed and, taking his hand again, turning to lead the way all over again. “Now… over there is the student center,” she told him, pointing to a building just off to their left. “It is where everyone goes if they want to… hang out, have fun.” Amaya looked over at him to see his reaction, pleased to share her world with him. All this time, she has had to hide him in her dorm room… but now, he can go out, see all there is to see. A smile spread from ear to ear, light pink spreading over her features.
Yoshi was overjoyed at seeing how proud and pleased she was by his behavior. With his eyes closed, he gave her a big dumb goofy grin as he chuckled out loud whilst scratching the back of his head. Be it kitten or human, he utterly adored being praised by Amaya like this. "Aww it wasn't so hard! I can at least do that much." He gloated to her. That being said, he definitely hoped that not speaking to anyone other than Amaya wouldn't become a rule that he'd always have to follow. As much as he loved her, he wanted to be able to socialize and get know all kinds of other types of people.

His eyes glistened at her proposition. "Whoa, really!? Whatever and however much I want? That sounds awesome!" Now it was his turn to give her a hug, wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling up against her face. For a moment, he was even letting out a soft purring sound that she could faintly but clearly hear. He pulled away and looked over in the direction that she was pointing. "Hang out and have fun huh?" he repeated. "That sounds pretty neat, should we go there after breakfast?"

Before she could answer though, his stomach growled rather loudly. Looking down at his belly and then back up to her he gave another chuckle. "Eheh, after breakfast of course. I'm too hungry to do anything else! So which way do we go to get some food? I wanna see what kind of people foods that I can choose from!"
“Oh!” Amaya did not expect to get a hug… but she is not one to complain. As a shy introvert, it is rare she receives any sort of attention, especially of… this variety. Her heart feeling… warm, and fluttering inside her chest, Amaya brought both hands up, the palms resting gently on the middle of his back. A tiny smile graced the girl’s lips. “My silly little kitten…” she breathed next to his ear. “I swear, what am I going to do with you?” A soft chuckle bubbling up her throat, slipping free, Amaya did not realize he was purring, not until she was pulling away. “Yes, I know. It will not be until after breakfast. I understand.”

An eye closed to give him a playful wink, Amaya reached out to take his hand again. Her fingers wove in-between his. “Do not worry, Yoshi-chan. I know you want to go up to everyone, to talk and… but for right now, let us stay quiet. I need to figure out a good story for why you are here.” Dark green eyes glanced at him from over her shoulder, a shy smile curving her lips once again. “Once we have things figured out… and… once I have taught you everything you need to know, then…” Amaya dipped her head, letting her words trail off. To be honest, it terrifies her that he might do exactly that. What if he ends up being popular, and ends up forgetting all about her?

Her heart aching at the idea, it was not long before they were standing in front of two sets of doors. The cafeteria is nothing fancy, nothing to boast about… just lines of tables on either side, and up against the far wall, three restaurants offering different choices. “A-Alright,” Amaya-chan spoke up, putting on her best smile. “Which one do you want to eat at?” It was then that she realized that she was still holding onto his hand… and so, to save him any embarrassment, went to let go. A nervous hand brushed threads of hair behind an ear. “I personally recommend the restaurant in the middle,” she told him with a small nod. “It is really yummy… but again, it is up to you.”
Yoshi giggled a little at her affectionate words, truly nothing made him happier than simply seeing Amaya herself being happy. It was also nice how she didn't seem to mind his lack of understanding for the concept of personal space. Because to anyone witnessing their interactions in public so far, from their holding hands to their freely hugging, well a pet and owner relationship probably wouldn't be the first one that would come to mind. A kitten like him would be oblivious to something like that, but for a timid girl like her, seeing someone getting the wrong idea could easily be quite an embarrassment!

She seemed to have read his mind when she assured him that he would eventually be able to socialize with other people. And though he was keen at picking up on his owner's change in emotions, her brief worrying of him forgetting about her was a bit too subtle for even him to notice. What he said next might have helped her be at ease anyways though. "Ah that's okay Amaya-chan, I can wait! I'm just glad to know that I'll be able to make friends at all. Besides, it'll always be better to spend time with you than with any other friends I meet!"

As they entered the cafeteria, the aroma of prepared meals filled the air and nearly instantly made Yoshi drool a little. "Oh wow! It smells so good in here!" He chimed before turning to her again. Despite his previous excitement over being allowed to choose whatever he wanted, he acted on his first instinct to follow Amaya's advice. "Really? Alright then, let's go to that one!" He exclaimed as he eagerly pulled her along by the arm as he hurried on up. Looking up at the menu of delicious looking meals, the young kitten was overcome with a fit of gluttony. "Which one should I get Amaya? Choose one for me! No no, choose two, three of them! I'm so hungry and it looks so yummy!"
Amaya broke down into giggling, a pleased sort of smile pulling at the corners of her lips. It is so… refreshing, seeing him so excited about the things that she herself are accustomed to. At first, she found herself in awe of the college, because it was so different from her high school, from the life she imagined for herself… but now, not so much. In his eyes, though, everything is new, everything is a new experience. “I know, I know. It does smell good in here, doesn’t it?” Amaya had a hand rest on his back, gently rubbing as he devoured the menu not he himself, but with his eyes. Once again, laughter threatened to escape her.

“I swear, I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.” In an act of affection and familiarity, Amaya had her head rest against his shoulder, an arm linking around one of his. Tendrils of gold fell forward, the subtle scent of floral and musk perfuming the air. “I think… Yoshi-chan needs to try one thing at a time, or else his tummy is going to hurt. Ah, sir?” Amaya smiled at the man behind the counter, only to be met with surprise. Never, in all his time here, has he seen her smile like that. “Do you care if we have two of the meal with eggs? And bacon?”

Their fingers linking, hers in-between his, Amaya gently pulled him away from the counter. “Now, it is going to take a few minutes to put together, so we have to be patient. Here. Are you thirsty?” Amaya could not help but smile, guiding him to a line of machines lined up against the wall. Many give the option of soda… however, she is not interested. “Now. I want you to try something.” Not letting go of his hand, Amaya retrieved a plastic cup. “It may come as a bit of a shock… because it is cold, but trust me: it is really good.” It is a frozen orange drink she has come to love. It may very well be because of it that she rarely is sick. Amaya smiled at him, taking a sip herself to demonstrate. “Do you want to try?”
Yoshi was quite touchy feely himself certainly, but it seemed that Amaya was quickly beginning to return such behavior towards him on her own accord. If they didn't look like a couple before, the certainly did now with her leaning against him, linking her arm with his, and even holding hands with their fingers entwined. He tilted his head to the side at her warning. "Hmmm, tummy aches are certainly no good. Well that's okay Amaya-chan, I can wait a bit longer!"

He followed her over to the vending machine, nodding in response to her question. As he watched her insert some yen and push a button, a mundane operation to most people, he was quite possibly more fascinated by the machine than the drink she offered him! In this brand new world to him, it certainly didn't take much to capture his attention. Shifting his focus to the drink, he took it in his hands and mimicked her by taking a sip. "Woah!" He giddily exclaimed. "It tastes really sweet! I like it! It's way better than water!" He looked to her with renewed excitement in his eyes. "So I get to drink people drinks now as well? That's awesome Amaya-chan!"
“Yes. Yes,” Amaya told him, the words dissolving into laughter. “You get to drink whatever is at hand. Now, I’m not going to let you drink very much soda… because, well, it is not good to drink a lot of caffeine, but I think you get my point.” Amaya could not resist moving in closer, or tapping him playfully on the nose, like she used to do when he was a curious kitten. Not very much has changed, it seems. Yes, he is human, and very cute at that… but he is still just as curious as he was before.

A hand brushing threads of hair behind an ear, Amaya glanced over to check and see if their breakfast is ready. “Alright. Ah…” Amaya clapped her hands together, reluctant to leave him alone, even if it is going to be only a minute or two. “I am… going to get our food real quick. How about you pick out a table for us?” she threw out there as a suggestion. “I like to sit by the window,” Amaya continued on with a playful wink. “All of the tables by the windows offer a great view.” Normally, she reads a book while she eats… but that is not going to happen, not today. Most likely? Not ever again. Hm. “Try to find a table no one is sitting at already,” Amaya warned as she twisted away.
He tilted his head curiously a little. Naturally, Yoshi didn't have the faintest idea about what things like soda and caffeine were. However, he was more than willing to put his trust in Amaya. In this particular case, it was definitely for the best too. He was already an energetic and excitable guy, and the combination of sugar and caffeine offered by soda likely wouldn't mix well with that. He giggled as she booped his nose like that, doing it to her as well. "Okay Amaya-chan, whatever you say!"

His black cat ears perked up when she told him to go pick out a table for them while she went and fetched their food. "Oh, okay. I can probably do that!" He told her. Truthfully though, she wasn't alone in feeling reluctant. He too felt just a little uneasy leaving her side, even if was just for a brief moment. That wouldn't deter him however, as any doubt was easily outweighed by the prospect of helping her, even for such a task as trivial as picking out a table. Turning around, he scanned the cafeteria for available tables and immediately spotted a free one right next to a window. He quickly hurried over and plopped himself down, claiming his and Amaya's "turf".

"Huh, that wasn't hard at all.." He muttered, somehow expecting more to it. He then merely waited obediently, quietly observing the people eating around him.
Amaya did not expect him to boop her nose right back, or else… she would not be blushing like she is. Why-?! This is only her cute little black kitten, one that has miraculously turned into a human overnight… not a… a…! Both hands rubbing at her burning face, Amaya shook her head before going to the counter. It seems that their food has just finished up. Yoshi-chan will love that, poor thing. He must be starving half to death. Amaya giggled under her breath, already anticipating the expression of excitement, of glee and hunger that is bound to cross his face.

“Here… we… are…” Amaya chirped, putting one tray down in front of him, the other across from the feline boy. “Now. Do not eat too fast, or else your tummy will go… topsy-turvy. And trust me, you do not want that to happen.” Dark green eyes sparkling, Amaya tapped him on the nose before taking the seat by the window, across from him. A quick glance outside brought a bright smile to her face. “Oh! You picked the table with the best view of the courtyard!” she was pleased to find, again blushing pink. “I like to sit here and read in the mornings, before classes. I cannot believe you picked out the seat yourself.” Amaya chuckled, shaking her head and brushing a few threads of hair behind an ear.

Breakfast is grilled fish, rice, miso soup and Japanese pickles, her favorite. “Itadakimasu,” Amaya spoke up, clapping her hands together twice before picking up her chopsticks. Oh. Wait. He does not know how to use them… Uh oh. Amaya bit the corner of her lip, glancing up at him through her bangs.
Yoshi's ears perked up when he heard her approaching the table, quickly shifting his attention from people watching to Amaya watching. His eye's went wide and sparkled with excitement as she placed the tray of food in front of him. So much yummy people food! The appetizing aroma by itself was enough to make the neko boy's mouth nearly water. He only half heard her warning about not eating too fast, as his mind could hardly think of anything other than gobbling up the delicious looking meal before him. She quickly got his full attention when she praised him for picking out her favorite spot though, as her praise was easily his favorite thing to receive, beating out even food by a large margin. "Ah, really? That's great Amaya-chan! Let's sit here together everyday then!" He told her, already quite accustomed to the idea.

Her concerns about his ability to operate chop sticks were not unfounded however. By the time she had glanced up, he was already digging in. His first instinct was to merely lower his head and chow down like he would as a kitten eating out of his food bowl. However, with this new body of his, it felt much more natural to use his hands to aid him in devouring his food. He went straight for the grilled fish, taking several bites out of it while also helping himself to some of the rice. Even with him using his hands, he still managed to make a bit of a mess as he ate, happily unaware of his poor table manners.
Oh. Oh no. Amaya fought not to laugh, because… well, she should have seen this coming, but never, in a thousand years, could she have thought to bear witness to this. Of course, a hand did have to come up, as to hide the smile struggling to break free. “Yoshi-chan?” Amaya spoke up, reaching out a hand and placing it gently over his. “This… needs work.” Alright, that is a vast understatement, but suffice to say… Amaya bit the corner of her lip, not sure how -or where- to begin. “Here,” Amaya told him next, not unkindly, her lips under the persuasion of a quirky smile. “See these?” Taking his hand into hers, Amaya placed the chopsticks between his fingers, positioning them just so. “We use these to eat, so food does not go… everywhere,” Amaya informed him with the smallest of laughs. Amusement sparkled in emerald green. “You would much rather eat the food, rather than have it get all over the table, now, would you not?” A small tilt of the head was quick to follow.

“Now. Take it slowly, but… do what I do.” It is a game of ‘Monkey See, Monkey Do’, but the principal shall still apply. Maybe, just maybe… Yoshi-chan can get the hang of it. Amaya cut through the fish, lifting it up to her mouth. “You try.” Her lips curled into an understanding smile, gentle and warm. “And for the rice, you do it this way.” Amaya picked up a clump of rice between her chopsticks, eating it as well. Out of some… instinct she could not put a name to, Amaya lifted up another, offering it to him. “See? It is easy, once you figure out how to use these.” A soft laugh slipped free, a smile again pulling at her lips, meant for his eyes and his eyes only.
Well, at the very least the two of them weren't attracting any sort of attention. Not yet anyways. Though Yoshi was quite focused on eating the delicious food on his plate, he would still take notice of Amaya's polite objection. "Mhmm?" He hummed, still chewing a mouthful as he peeked up at her. There were a few grains of rice sticking around his mouth, of course he couldn't have been any more oblivious to that fact. He at least swallowed before speaking up rather than talking with his mouth full. "What's wrong Amaya-chan?" He asked, unsure what she meant. Nevertheless, he payed close attention so that he might understand whatever it was she had to teach him. "Oh, that's really cool! You picked it up without even touching it!" He said as he observed her using the chopsticks, impressed by what was a normally very mundane skill.

As she held up the rice to him, he instinctively leaned forward and chomped it without a second thought. "Okay then, lemme try!' he said in a chipper tone. Picking up the chop sticks, he fiddled with them for a moment as tried to hold them correctly. It was rather difficult for the neko boy though, his brow furrowed as he tried to concentrate. He eventually settled for a just barely passable imitation of what she showed him. "Okay okay, like this Amaya-chan?" He asked as he pinched a particularly small bit of rice. It wasn't too bad of a first attempt, considering he had only been human for less than a day after all.
“Yes,” Amaya replied on the most insubstantial of laughs, amused at his assessment. Of course, being that he is so new to being human… everything she does is amazing from his prospective. “I did pick it up without touching it… so… how about you try? Hm?” It is easy, once one gets the hang of it. All it requires is practice. Amaya kept an eye on him, her smile one of affection. “Yes, I think you have it,” Amaya told him, not entirely surprised he is having difficulty. It is to be expected, after all. A week ago, Yoshi-chan was a small black kitten… and now, he is a teenage boy. “Definitely not bad. All it takes is practice. You are doing great!” Amaya could not help but giggle at the look of deep concentration, eyes sparkling like a pair of emeralds. A hand lifted to tuck a few tendrils of hair behind an ear, her gaze shifting away… only to find dark blue eyes looking over her way.

Huh? Taken by surprise, Amaya immediately looked away, light pink painting her pale features. Every so often -more frequently than she cares to admit- she will find this one boy looking at her… and they share a class. It appears that they prefer to eat lunch at about the same time. Amaya is not entirely sure what to make of it, being she has not even spoken to him, but she is hoping against hope it will quit sometime soon. He makes her nervous. “Ah… Anyway…” Amaya forced herself to blurt out, as to distract herself, “I plan on telling Emily-chan about you once she is back later today… but… is there anything you want to do in the meantime? While we are waiting?”
Yoshi surely appreciated the light hearted giggles and encouragement from her, likely not realizing how amusing it was watching him using chopsticks for the first time. He looked up at her with a big dumb smile. "Heh, thanks Amaya-chan! I'll be sure to keep practicing so that I can get as good at it as you are." He continued to do his best at opperating the two wooden sticks, not noticing her gaze wandering to see the pair of eyes that were seemingly observing them. When she spoke up again though, he did notice a slight hint of distress and unease. He wasn't clever enough to deduce what it could be obviously, so he thought that it would probably be fine to brush it off. More importantly, he was much more interested in what she said.

"Oh, so we can tell Emily-chan then? That's great! Do you have any ideas on how we can explain what happened to her though?" He remembered what she said about how that part would be tricky, so he wanted to be able to help with it. He was then reminded of what he saw on the way over to the cafeteria. "Oh, can you show me the student center? You said you would, didn't you? I wanna go check that out with you!"
How are they going to tell Emily-chan, though? Amaya bit the corner of her lip, nibbling on the flesh until the pink darkened to that of a rosy red. “I… I want to tell her, because it is not right to keep it from her… to lie, but… I just have no idea how to tell her,” she told him on a sigh, now tilting her head and bringing one of her hands up to pinch the bridge of her nose. “Emily-chan… is not going to believe us. Not at first. It is… pretty unbelievable,” Amaya continued on a thready laugh, shaking her head back and forth. “It is the reason I asked all the questions before. I honestly could not believe it. I do need to figure out a way to break it to her… gently…” Amaya went to lean back in her seat, not in the mood to eat any longer. In fact, most of her breakfast is left untouched.

Deep in thought, it was a long moment or two before she realized that he asked her a question. Amaya jolted out of her reverie, looking to him once again. “Oh. Ah… Sure? I did say I would, I just did not expect you to ask during breakfast,” she told him on yet another laugh. “We can visit the student center after breakfast, or later, whichever you prefer. I do not mind.” If they go right after breakfast, it would give her a little time to consider just what, exactly, to tell Emily-chan. Much as she loves the girl, she is almost halfway tempted to omit the truth, if only a little. Amaya is not good with confrontations.
He could see that she was still unsure about the idea of telling Emily about their predicament, being one of the things that even he could at least somewhat understand. "Oh, it's kind of a big deal isn't it?" He said, signaling a somewhat limited understanding of what she was trying to convey. He wasn't sure if he could add anything substantial. "Well.. What if we convince her the same way I did to convince you? You asked me questions that only I could know, so why don't we just have her ask me things like that too? There have been lots of times in the room where it was just me and her after all!" It seemed like a good idea to him at least, and was likely the best he could come up with considering his limited understanding of things. It wasn't at all very subtle like Amaya would have liked though.

His smile returned to him when she agreed to go to take him to see the student center. "Oh really? That's great! Thanks so much Amaya-chan!" But when she presented the option to go after breakfast or later, he was prompted to look down at her own unfinished meal. Licking his lips, he realized that he was still quite hungry for more delicious human food. "But umm, aren't you going to finish your breakfast Amaya-chan? If not then could, could I have it?" He looked up at her with eyes that were utterly comedic in how deadly serious they were.
“It is,” Amaya replied on a soft laugh, only serving to shake her head. “You have to understand, Yoshi-chan: I had trouble believing you… Imagine how Emily-chan might feel, once she hears your story.” A hand rose as to cradle her chin in the palm, elbow resting on top of the table. “I had difficulty believing it, for I love you dearly, and it broke my heart when you… slipped away. Emily-chan cares about you, but not nearly as much as I. It will be… difficult to convince her.” A sigh leaving her lips, Amaya looked to her kitten, that is now a teenager, no fur or paws in sight. “Hm? Oh. I suppose it could work again. It did work for me, so… I see no reason why we cannot try it again.” Amaya gave him a small smile, one that is affectionate and warm, meant for his eyes and his eyes only. “It is not a bad idea.”

In the blink of an eye, the conversation shifted from one serious subject to another… or at least, serious to a certain someone. It required… every bit of willpower Amaya had not to burst out laughing at the serious look he was giving her, or to make some sort of expression that will portray her innermost feelings. “I do not plan on finishing my breakfast, no,” Amaya told him, somehow or another. “I have lost my appetite. If you are still hungry, though… you are more than welcome to have what is left. I do not mind.” Amaya pushed the tray towards him, in doing so, giving him permission to eat what she has no desire to eat herself.
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