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Penal Labor (Poppy)

It was hard not to feel a strong pang of yearning just from the simple act of Katara undressing. Water tribe women had long been a source of exotic desire to people of all nations, always able to draw eyes and turn heads. And the airbenders, known for being rather more prim and reserved, would easily lust over a water tribe woman. Particularly one as shamelessly alluring as Katara was.

Aang swallowed hard as Katara slid into his lap, teasing him with a steady grinding motion that was like torture after all the teasing he had been through earlier. But Aang supposed it was somewhat deserved on his end.

Knocking up his mistress was no doubt going to rub Katara the wrong way after all.

"I..." Aang trailed into a breathy groan, closing his eyes as he fought tooth and nail to keep himself from bursting. It certainly wouldn't earn him much favour if he came here and now, not when Katara clearly wanted what he had stored up for her. "Please Katara," Aang breathed, settling his hands on Katara's plump bosom and giving her heavy caramel mounds a squeeze. "I know I've strayed, but I love you so much. And nothing would feel better than driving you wild right now."
Katara tossed her head back as he took her breasts in his hands, adoring the attention he was paying to her. It was true, what with his position in life, that they didn’t have much time for each other as of late. So this was certainly something that was needed between them. In a way, Azula needed to be thanked for not draining the Avatar while out and about on their date. She had helped to ensure that the couple was having quality time together.

“It’s easy for you to apologize right now...when what you want is so near…” Katara wasn’t about to give in easily, wanting to tease him until she felt like she had gotten her revenge for his transgressions. Honestly, if he had taken a Mistress, it wouldn’t have bothered her in the least. It simply ruffled her feathers that he had chosen Azula, and even had the nerve to bring her to their home. But deep in her heart, she knew that the world needed airbenders once again. And there was no way she could birth enough children for Aang alone to try to restart the nomadic clan. After all, they had an equally good chance of having a water bender child or even a non bender.

She continued to move her needy cunt up and down his shaft, her juices lubricating his huge cock. With a smile on her face, she knew that he had about had enough. Katara knew her lover’s tell tale signs as to when he was soon to cum. Raising herself completely off his lap, she dipped just his tip inside of her, dark lips spreading easily to reveal her pink folds. A satisfied moan left her mouth as just his tip filled her entrance.

“Is that better? Don’t you move or thrust.” Katara advised, still wanting to punish him. “It’s up to me as to how much to put inside of me….once I have you all the way in, then I want you to fuck me. All night long. I want to be so filled with your seed that there will be no doubt that it will take root.” With a smile to her lover, she allowed just an inch or two of his massive length inside of her, certain to work her muscles and tighten herself around his rod.
First Azula teasing him and now this... it was easy to think Katara was just a sweet girl, and she was most of the time. But she had a bit of a mean streak when the need arose, and she was definitely making full use of it now that she had her lover where she wanted him. Right about now Aang definitely didn't want to make her mad...

The monk winced slightly as just the first few inches of his shaft were slid inside, where Katara distinctly forbade him from moving. It was an uphill battle not to give into reflexes, but he managed. Aang bit his bottom lip and clenched his right fist, focusing on the mental image of being frozen in an ice berg to keep himself in check. "If that's... what you want," Aang said in between heated breaths.

Well, it wasn't the first time she had wanted him for an expansive amount of time. Though back then he hadn't already been teased to hell and back by an equally beautiful woman...
Typically, seeing Aang in any sort of discomfort would have caused his lover to want to find and eradicate the source. But considering that she was the one in control of it, and it was happening thanks to his own choices, she didn’t feel so bad. Truth was, there was something exhilarating about taking charge and showing Aang what he had been missing out on. It was too easy to make the excuse of working over and over again, driving a wedge between the couple that had been trying for a child for at least a year. Her heart was pounding as she looked down to him, making certain to slow her pace down, wanting him to beg for her sweet cunt.

“Look at you….” She reached down to stroke the side of his face, tanned flesh clashing against his own pallid tone. “Make me believe that you’re sorry...and I’ll fuck you until you can’t produce another drop of cum.” Katara smiled wickedly down to Aang, hoping to hear his sweet voice soon. Doing things so slow to torture him was driving her wild, and it was all she could do to keep herself from slamming her cunt all the way down onto his hard member.
Aang bit his bottom lip. He was a master of many meditative techniques, with such refined control of his own chi that few people could really compare unless they dedicated their lives to such practices. And even with such a keen and sharp meditative ability, Aang was finding himself quite on edge from Katara's continuous teasing. He panted hotly, his left eye shut as she caressed his cheek.

"I..." Aang's mouth had gone dry, his pale cheeks turning pink from the slew of desire and embarrassment rising within him. "I really am s-sorry," he assured her in between soft pants of breath. "You kn-know I love you so m-much, ever s-since you got me out of that iceberg. N-no matter w-what comes in the future, y-you're the woman I'll always love with every f-fiber of my being," the monk breathlessly said.
Katara looked down to her lover, the only man she had ever desired in her life. Her brother always thought that she might run off with Zuko, but she couldn’t ever see a future with the Fire Lord. Aang had been the one she struggled with in order to create a better world for both benders and non-benders alike. She smiled sweetly to him as he apologized, finally feeling that he had been suitably apologetic.

“It’s okay, husband...I’ll take care of you now…” The tanned woman reassured him, leaning down to deeply kiss him while putting more of her weight on her knees and angling her hips some. This allowed her to control her movements, beginning to pump her wet cunt up and down the length of Aang’s shaft like a machine. Katara excelled in dedication versus Azula, and would be pregnant by the time the night was over.

Her wet lips slapped against his heavy and full balls, breasts pushing against his chest and adding to the sensation as she didn’t pull back from the kiss. She was moving herself so fast and hard on his cock that the bed was shaking thanks to her efforts. Her tongue danced with his, wanting Aang to know that without words, she forgave him. In the end, she could forgive him for anything. As long as she remained his wife in the end.
'Oh thank you sweet spirits,' the young man thought to himself. On some level he was certain Katara would forgive him, though it was certainly rare for Aang to do anything that actually warranted him needing forgiveness. So it was rare to find himself like this. But Katara was ultimately as merciful as she was beautiful. Their lips met, and Aang felt his pulse spike in delight as her warmth embraced him.

Now she was done teasing him, her hips sliding up and down at an impressive rate as she relentlessly rode the Avatar, pulling breathy and muffled moans and groans from him. He had almost forgotten how passionate Katara could be when she got going, but the sugary sweet young woman definitely had the kind of fiery passion often attributed to her people. It just took a bit of coaxing to bring it to the forefront.

Aang let their lips part, his head soon dipping in and catching Katara's left nipple. He gave her a few small suckles, his teeth gripping and then tugging the coffee coloured nub. Strong hands slid down, finding Katara's lush caramel rear and giving it an excited squeeze, groping her with a newfound vigor.
The water bender was happy that Aang seemed to be so relieved when she started to slide her cunt up and down his shaft. She wanted him to moan and groan louder, hoping Azula would hear it from her own small home and become jealous. The fire bender was nothing more than a prisoner, and her very presence here was due to the fact that she was willing to allow the Avatar to breed her. The thought of the haughty woman being used for nothing more than child bearing gave Katara a sick sense of satisfaction. Azula thought she could rule the world, and now she would only rule over children.

When his lips found her breast and began to suckle, a fresh wave of juices splashed from her slit, giving her the extra lubrication she desperately needed. Pumping herself up and down Aang’s cock felt like heaven, her arms wrapping around his bald head as she arched her back. Thanks to all of the teasing she did, her body was extra sensitive. When he would nip at her dark nubs, she couldn’t hold on any longer.

“Cummingggggg!” Katara was unable to string together an entire sentence at this point, too overcome by the raw pleasure of their fucking. Her innermost walls were flexing and quivering, trying to get him to release his seed inside of her. The tanned woman had no idea how Azula had been preparing him for this, and that his balls were so loaded with cum. There would be no doubt that when he came inside of her, she would certainly become pregnant. She tossed her head back as she lost herself in the ecstasy, still continuing to pump herself up and down the impressive shaft of the Avatar.
When it came down to it, Aang was a bit of a softie. Making people happy was just something he was naturally good at, and few things made him happier than seeing satisfaction and ecstasy strobe through Katara's expression. The way she mewled and moaned for him, culminating in the walls of her pussy clamping around his intruding cock, it was the kind of mental image he knew he'd always treasure.

But ultimately, the rush of tightness was enough to remind him of how much ungodly teasing he had gone through. And having Katara cum for him was enough to make that dam burst. His toned body shivered, a white light pulsating through his tattoos for a few seconds before Aang slumped back in the bed with a powerful groan. His release was far stronger than anything she had gotten from him before, powerful jets of his seed lancing out at a continuous rate that seemed to barely slow down.

Aang's eyes rolled back in his head, feeling as if his legs were turning into jelly as one hell of an orgasm rocked him. The volume was so excessive that it left Katara's stomach slightly rounded in the aftermath, as if the healer were already in the early stages of pregnancy. As the sensations subsided he laid back, panting powerfully as sweat slicked his pale skin. "Tha... that was... that was a lot more than I was expecting..."
Katara could feel her husband empty his balls inside of her, the familiar warmth filling her up and spreading across her body. Just the feeling of his hot seed inside of her gave her such a sense of contentment. She could feel her lower abdomen stretch, her body doing its best to accommodate the amount of cum inside of her. Even more of his seed splashed out of her, but with his thick cock inside of her, it acted as a sort of plug to help keep it all in.

Even when he fell back onto the bed, she didn’t move from her collapsed position. Katara was fairly certain that this was what Nirvana had to feel like. She laughed lightly as he made mention of how much he came, nuzzling into his neck and kissing it as well. The tanned woman was completely different from the angry woman that he had came home to. Katara was satisfied, and fairly certain that with how full of cum she was, she was bound to get pregnant.

“I’ll say….” She pulled away from him, sitting straight up, his cock shifting deeper inside of her by doing so. One hand ran over her lower stomach, caressing the bulge. “Look at how much you filled me up. You really were pent up...I shouldn’t have teased you so much. I’m sorry.”
"It's okay, I kind of deserved it," the young man replied, giving a half-hearted shrug in his tired state. "I must have made you feel pretty bad by giving attention to Azula, and I'm sorry about that. B-but from now on I'm gonna try my best to give you more attention from now on." Though it seemed clear that Azula would make it a good deal harder to divide his time evenly.

Still, lying here like this, it made it clear that there was a major difference between Azula and Katara. She nuzzled him affectionately, her warmth radiating against him. While Azula, in turn, was only now starting to warm up to him post-coitus. "Kind of hurts though... should we call it a night?"
Katara nodded as he spoke, happy that he apologized as well. After all, any relationship was about give and take. And knowing when to say you’re sorry. She didn’t budge from her position, keeping his cock housed nice and snug inside of her. It was obvious that at least for the small period he needed to recover, she had no intention of allowing him to pull out.

“I know...Azula is important. For the Air benders to spread again. But, when she’s pregnant and I’m ought to be here every moment of the day ensuring that I’m going to be with child soon.” The tanned woman sounded determined. “It’s a little humiliating for your Mistress to be pregnant before I am...and if she manages to give you more children than I can, I’m going to personally tie you to this bed until I come back on top. That’s a promise.” She sounded quite serious, nodding and folding her arms under her chest.

“You must be joking...there’s no way you get to call it a night already. Not until you pass out, dick inside of me.” The dark haired water bender sounded resolute, not willing to show her beloved mercy husband on the subject. In order to drive the point home, she leaned down and pressed her lips to his before he could disagree. Katara was already starting to pump her pussy up and down the length of his cock again, using his first load as lubrication. It was making quite the erotic sound, as she churned his cum inside of her.
"I figured that'd be the case..." Aang replied. Then again he supposed there was some strong appeal to the idea of being at Katara's mercy. She would make for a hell of a mother, having already acted as one in the past, but she was equally unparalleled as a wife. He settled beneath her, making a soft shivering noise as Katara nonchalantly dragged herself along the column of his cock, keeping him hard and snug inside her.

"Oh boy..." the monk breathlessly said. Something told him he'd look like a raisin by the time the two of them were done here, but a promise was a promise. He was in it for the long haul until Katara was totally sated with him. Or until he passed out, whichever came first...
Just as she vowed, Katara was certain to have his prick buried inside of her as he passed out from sheer exhaustion. The water bender had lost count of how many times they had came together, looking down to her husband. She did her best to push loose strands of hair from her sweaty face with the back of her hand, her heart swelling with adoration for the savior of the world beneath her. So many people saw him as an incredible figure, but she could remember the young man frozen in ice. And how a chance encounter changed the fate of her world.

She leaned down, kissing him lightly before turning her head and resting it on his bare chest. With one arm reaching blindly behind of her, she eventually seized the blanket and pulled it over them. The tanned woman wasn’t about to slide herself off his prick, using it as a plug to help keep all of his seed inside of her body. She wasn’t about to allow another day to pass without a child inside of her. With a heavy sigh, she slipped easily into a deep sleep.

The following weeks were surprisingly hectic. There had been rumblings of a rebel Fire bender group, loyalists who wanted Ozai back on the throne. Or even Azula would do. They would overlook her insanity in order to have control of the world. Due to this, Aang would be forced to be away from home for almost a month, dealing with the issues. Katara on the other hand was left on the island, keeping away from Azula while ensuring that they only had the best guards to defeat any Loyalists who might come to rescue the despot.

Katara’s cycle arrived, and she waited with baited breath, hoping it wouldn’t show. But she was disappointed, thinking that she couldn’t be with child if she bled. The water bender had to continue carrying on as if everything were fine, feeling jealousy grow inside of her wherever she would capture a glance of Azula at a distance. The pale woman’s midsection was growing larger every day it seemed, Katara thinking bitterly from time to time that she was eating extra just to look bigger and annoy her more.

The tanned woman sent a message to her husband, practically ordering him to return home to the island so the three of them could spend some time together. Katara wanted to ball the paper up and toss it into the waste basket as she included Azula in their relationship, but there was no denying that the fire bender had earned her place thanks to carrying a possible air bender. Katara had arranged for a mini feast for the trio, to be held at Azula’s humble home.

The tension between the two as the decorations and food were prepared in teh smaller home was palpable. Azula didn’t mind her presence, mostly ignoring her. She had attempted to be friendly to the tanned woman, but was greeted by hostility. That set the fire bender to thinking, knowing that things on the island had to be hospitable for Aang to want to return home and spend time with her. So the pale woman did her best to steer clear of Katara, and limit the absent minded belly rubbing.

By the time sun streaked into the home in the setting sun, Katara looked over the spread and decorations with her hands on her hips. She felt very satisfied with how things had turned out, having all of the Avatar’s favorite foods prepared. And to top it off, she had spiked the beverage he would be having with herbs supposedly guaranteed to increase stamina. And Katara had been taking different herbs to help with fertility, wanting everything to be just right as she folded her arms and did her best to try to make small talk with Azula as they waited for the man of the hour to return home.

“Nice.” Azula spoke, realizing it came across as sarcastic. She did her best not to flinch at her tone, not wanting to display any weakness. “The thought you put into it.” The pale woman quickly added, waving a hand dismissively. “Food and decorations.”

Katara was silent for a few as the pair sat on pillows, seated at low tables spread across Azula’s main dining room. She almost couldn’t believe her ears as she heard the compliment from the fire bender. “Thanks...but I want to make something clear here, first and foremost. You don’t get any of his cum tonight. I get it all. Until I can’t take any more, then you can have whatever he’ll have left. You’re already…” Katara fell silent, clearing her throat. “I’m his wife. I need to give him the start of his air benders.”

“Well. Let’s hope for a fire bender then.” Azula smiled to Katara as she turned her head to her, looking like a sly fox. A firebender worthy of taking the throne. That would be something. But she dismissed the thought from her mind, needing to focus on the evening as they could hear footsteps approaching them.
At the rate things were going, Aang half expected the island to one day just explode and be split in half, with one area wreathed in ice while the other was set ablaze. Azula was perhaps the strongest firebender alive (by virtue of Ozai having had his bending permanently sealed away) and Katara was probably just as high in the tiers when it came to waterbenders. And on an island bordered by vast stretches of water.

If the two women came to blows, then Aang doubted even he could stop them. Power aside he doubted he could bring himself to hurt either of them. Even Azula, despite being a former enemy, he cared deeply for her and couldn't see himself raising a hand to her.

So Aang had taken to spending more time on work. Uncovering airbender heritage sites, working out political deals with Zuko and the other major powers to help ease the Fire Nation away from the memories of the war, things like that. Sex was great and all (really really great) but he had other matters to attend to. Aang was meant to be the balancing force of the planet and needed to keep plenty of plates spinning to manage that. It spared him being caught between any dagger-eyed glares between the two women, though it also left him worried that chaos could spring up in his absence.

Not that he was allowed to avoid things forever, now that Katara was very insistent that he come home. So, having finished his business with a fishing community, he had made a beeline for home. His heart was thundering for the whole trip home, his mouth dry from his nervousness. This would either be great and exciting, or it would be the night he died.

'Here lies Avatar Aang- Killed in a crossfire between a furious wife and a haughty concubine.' He supposed it meant his future incarnations wouldn't be looking to him for much guidance.

As the door slid open, Aang almost felt as if he was walking into a brick wall from all the tension in the room. The two were trying to put on an amicable front, but neither of them were friends. Aang doubted they ever would be, but he at least hoped there'd be some sort of peace between the girls over time. This though... well this was far from peace. More like a cold war.

"Smells good," Aang said, smiling sheepishly as he made his way inside. He wasn't exactly used to girls being interested in him, and now he was basically sandwiched between two. Azula liked the prospect of being an airbender mother, and the prestige that'd come from that. And Katara, well she genuinely loved him.

Aang made his way inside and knelt at his seat, a modest smile on his pale face. "So um... I was... is everything alright?" he asked, deciding to go at a slow rate and break the ice with something simple. He hoped he wouldn't die from it.
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