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Penal Labor (Poppy)

“You need to work harder in your task.” Azula was acting like his advisor, finishing her cup of tea. “If not, you won’t be able to see the rise of the airbenders in your lifetime. It could take what children you will have generations if not.” But, a part of her felt cocky, proud to have Aang’s child before the woman that would become his wife.

She took his arm, adjusting her hood to ensure that her face was well hidden. Aang’s dinner partner had garnered some interest in the restaurant, people wondering exactly who the cloaked figure that dined with the Avatar was. “Well, as this is quite impromptu, we’ll simply have to take what it showing.” Azula nodded, going to leave the restaurant with Aang and take to the streets with him. She glanced up to look to him, a slight smile forming on her lips. In the gathering twilight, he certainly did cut a handsome figure.
Azula had a point, but then she so often did. For all her faults she was usually a rather wise young woman, having served as a military leader and tactician during the war. But Aang was sure, once Katara learned of Azula's pregnancy, that she was going to ensure that she wound up getting knocked up too. No way she'd let Azula take too strong a lead against her.

Aang led on toward the theater house, a large building that stood out due to the neighbouring houses having been moved back from it. The heavy wooden walls reached quite high, while they were decorated with posters of varying ages that described the shows currently on in the theater. "Hm..." the monk led his date toward the freshest looking posters, examining the freshest posters and reading the titles aloud. With how the building was laid out, there were three plays active at a given time.

"Nezha- The Third Lotus Prince... Much Ado About Some Some Things... The Importance of Being Thoughtless... I feel like I'm missing a joke," Aang remarked to himself.
“Honestly, this theater house seems like a joke. It pales in comparison to the ones in Capi-” Azula cut herself off. She wasn’t behaving very nicely, for someone out on a date. She cleared her throat, doing her best to play at being demure. “....there is certainly a joke here.”

She straightened up to look at the posters, pressing her lips together before pointing to the poster for the Lotus Prince. It seemed as if it would be a tear-jerker drama, and that was something she could go for right then. “That one. Have you seen it before?” She hadn’t, and hoped he had not seen it yet either. It would be nice to experience it for the first time, together.
"I'm showing my age, but Monk Gyatso got the book the play was based on after it was published," Aang remarked. He smiled faintly at the memories... He thought often about his old mentor. More often than not it was with regret, thinking back on how he hadn't been there when the old man had died, taking a whole Fire Nation platoon with him. He didn't know what was worse: The knowledge that he had fled before everyone he knew was massacred, or the knowledge that he would have died too had he been there.

He put the thought aside for now, not wanting to dwell on depressing matters.

"But I never read it, so this'll be all new to me!" Aang took Azula's hand and led the way to the front entrance. The ticket vendor, quickly recognising him, was kind enough to give the tickets at a discounted rate. Aang smiled faintly and led on toward the first theater. The torches were still lit, giving them plenty of light to find some available seats for the oncoming show.
Azula half smiled at the information that Aang shared with her. Honestly, she had heard of the book, but never read it. She considered herself a voracious reader, but it was hard to keep up considering all the books that was in the Imperial Library. She could have read a different book every day for the rest of her life, and would still need about three life cycles to even put a sizeable dent into the collection.

“Well, it will be a new experience for the pair of us.” She nodded, flushing as he took her hand. The manner in which Aang was treating her was sweet, making her feel like more of a human and less of a prisoner. It was a brisk walk to the first theater, Azula directing Aang to the back row, the torch light the only thing illuminating the area. Due to the day of the week, the theater was very sparsely filled. This filled her mind up with a devious plan, but for now, she would wait for the torches to be extinguished.
It didn't take long for the play to get underway, detailing the fictional life of Nezha- his birth as a formless ball of flesh that rapidly grew into a young man of mythical origin. Aang seemed quite enthused, leaning in as the story began to detail Nezha's clash with the dragon king of the eastern seas, Ao Kuang. Small wonder the story had been popular, but it was surprising that the stage design was so ornate.

Aang leaned back in the comfy chairs of the theater, giving Azula a sideways glance. "For a port town theater, this is all rather nice. I've heard that the owner is rather passionate about plays," the monk said. He'd definitely have to consider coming back here in the future...
Azula found the story interesting, but watching Aang become so engaged in the story was something else. Since the theater was so dark and desolate, with the torches having been put out, she felt safe enough to lower her hood. The actors on the stage certainly couldn’t see who was in the audience, thanks in part to the torches that lined the bottom of the stage to illuminate them.

“It is something else.” The princess admitted, a hand going to wander to his thigh, and then to his crotch. She started to softly caress his flaccid member through his bottoms, wanting to tease him to full hardness. “But then again….so is this.” She squeezed his cock, a teasing smile on her red lips.
Aang smiled, glad that she was enjoying herself. But that happiness soon faltered just a tad as her hand met his thigh, seeming to almost instinctively find his cock through the fabric. He swallowed hard in surprised but otherwise didn't dissuade her, mainly dealing with the shock of her daring motion. He supposed he shouldn't have been totally surprised, given how brazen Azula was at everything else.

He gave a soft sigh of pleasure, trying to keep himself quiet. It didn't take much teasing for the fiery princess to get him fully hard, the length of his meat straining in the loose fabric of his trousers. "You... r-really want to do that here?" He wasn't moving to stop her, but he was still dealing with the sheer shock.
Azula could hear his soft sigh, and that only served to heighten her arousal. Ever since she had gotten pregnant, she seemed to be constantly turned on. She found herself having to masturbate at least once a day, sometimes more. And as Aang wasn’t able to provide her with relief every day, she had to jump on it when the chance presented itself.

“Well, this isn’t exactly what I want to do.” She revealed, getting to her feet and quickly re-positioning herself to kneel between his legs. Her pale hands withdrew his full cock, continuing to stroke him and bringing the tip closer to her mouth. Her warm breath washed over it, savoring the scent.

“This is more like it.” Azula dragged her tongue from the tip to the base, starting to suck on his balls while looking up to his face. She was planning on teasing him and sucking him during the remainder of the play. But if she could help it, the formerly fearsome foe wasn’t going to allow him to cum. They would need to find a dark alley as soon as they play let out if he really wanted to relieve himself.
Aang's eyes widened further as his former enemy languidly knelt between his legs, sliding his trousers down until his weighty member was exposed and in her grasp. He glanced from side to side and breathed a sigh of relief to see nobody in the same row of them, but that same sigh soon caught in his throat as the princess' full lips met his heavy balls.

The Avatar quickly brought his left hand up to his mouth and bit firmly down on his knuckles to muffle himself, his eyelashes fluttering as Azula skilfully sucked his balls. Right about now he couldn't even focus on the play, though fortunately he could at least tell that they had entered into the final act.
Azula loved seeing Aang’s reactions, and how vulnerable he was in this very moment. She wanted him to become addicted to her mouth, and be unable to go even a day without having to engage in lewd acts with her. While the Water Tribe believed that allowing a partner into this ass was the ultimate proof of love, in the Fire Nation it was instead oral stimulation that was believed to be proof of one’s feelings.

After all, if he became obsessed with her, perhaps it would be easier to manipulate him to get what she wanted. If she couldn’t rule the world, why not the island that she was forced to live on? It would be easy to control the pair if she used her skills just the right way. Katara would also have to be pleased if she was going to take control of her as well.

She lashed her tongue up and down his cock, but refused to take him into her wet maw fully. Her skilled tongue was like hot fire, leaving a trail of her spittle. Azula would pop the tip in once in awhile to gather the pre cum up, but she also allowed plenty of his natural lubrication to drip down to help her pump her hand up and down the shaft. She varied her speed, in order to keep him in a constant state of flux. If his breathing ever became too ragged, the prisoner would back off some, and move instead to suck his swollen balls again. For the duration of the final act, this would be his experience.
It had to be said that Azula was an artist whenever she put her mind to something, her sharp analytical mind giving her the tools to acutely approach a situation with a keen level of control. She wanted to tease him without making him cum, and by the spirits that was just how it was going to go down. And in public, he couldn't even really bring himself to ask her to go all the way on this.

He felt as if he was going to pop as the performers gave their final bow, their performance bookended with another display of Ao Kuang's ornately designed body being flown over the stage again. The applause of the audience drowned out a weary sigh from Aang as he glanced down to the teasing princess. "You really are evil," he flatly told her.
As the performers bowed, she withdrew from his cock, moving to lift the hood of her cloak back into position. The smile on her lips was very obvious, her lipstick now mostly gone, smeared all over his painfully hardened member. Azula slid back into her seat, applauding the performers.

“Well, I suppose if you would like your situation to be addressed sooner rather than later, perhaps we can find an alley?” The temptress suggested, a flirting tone in her voice. “Or, perhaps you’d like to save it up? I teased you so much, I can only imagine how much seed is in your balls right now. I’m certain that if you could keep from bursting and get back to the island, you would certainly succeed in breeding your water bender.”
When Azula presented the dilemma to him, he gave an annoyed grunt. She had a point... with how riled she had got him, the volume of his release would no doubt be far more copious than usual. And if it was, then no doubt he could knock Katara up in one go. It would certainly save him some trouble.

"You are the worst," Aang said with some strain in his voice. He gave a sigh and rose up, tucking his dick back into place in the process. "Guess I've got a long trip ahead." Azula had changed, he could tell that much even if she wouldn't admit it... but she definitely still had that black streak in her.
“Good then. It’s settled. I don’t want to have to deal with your jilted lover when she finds out that I beat her to first place possibly, when it comes to bearing an air bender.” She had a rather twisted smile on her face as she adjusted the hood of the cape. She did so very much hope to beat Katara in this race. And if she didn’t beat her in having the first air bender, she would defeat the woman in having the most of Aang’s children. After all, Katara could come and go as she pleased. The fire bender had nothing better to do than to spend her time breeding and eating on the island she was bound to now.

“Well, the sooner we get back to the Island, the quicker you don’t have to endure such agony…” Azula hesitated, looking to the monk. “Have you came yet today? If you haven’t, I can only imagine the amount of seed you’re going to spew…”
The trip back to the island was some kind of agony. He felt the churning in his loins, the pressure and the desperate need that words couldn't entirely convey. He wanted nothing more than to pin Azula against the side of the ship. But he couldn't. He understood full well how important it would be that Katara got to have his children, and that he couldn't afford to let the waterbender fall behind.

He said goodnight to Azula at the guest house and casually made for the main temple at the heart of the island. His pace was quick, each step marked with the kind of desperation expected of a man set to blow. Aang breathed a small sigh of relief as he entered the main temple, panting slightly from the exertion of the evening's events.
Katara was a woman of very little patience. And the fact that her fiancee, the Avatar, had disappeared for the bulk of the day was certainly annoying. And to top that off, when she went to speak with one of the many guards they were granted now that they were home to a prisoner, she earn a shocking revelation. Aang had left the island, via the ferry, with the prisoner! This left Katara enraged, having spent the evening in such a way.

The tanned water bender had done her best to calm her temper before Aang would return. But she had a list of questions to ask him. She tried to meditate, even tried to practice her advanced waterbending….but there was nothing that could bring her peace. Nothing other than perhaps packing Azula up into a crate and send her packing back to the jail that was her former home. She hadn’t even been asked before Aang brought that woman to their home! Katara had given the Avatar the cold shoulder treatment for some time, something she was considered an expert at.

Even when Aang revealed the reason why she was there, it didn’t help her rage one bit. In fact, it made it worse that evening. To think, he was foolish enough to fall into her trap! All Azula needed was to leave the jail, and manipulate her way back into power. She doubted that the ring she wore really limited her firebending. Aang was right, of course. Katara alone wouldn’t be enough to replenish the Air benders. And who knew if their children would even have the gift? But that didn’t stop her feelings from being hurt.

The Water Tribe she was from engaged in polygamy, something Katara wasn’t against. But she would be dammed if the other woman would be Azula! Poor Momo was hiding in fear, as she had spent the better part of the day pacing and raging. Of course, when the afternoon turned to night, the cool air didn’t help her rage at all. Time was making it worse.

Upon Aang’s return, Katara had been listening intently for his familiar footsteps. She hopped up to her feet, having been writing a letter to Toph. Of course, Toph would need someone to read it to her, but it was the thought that count. She strode to the main foyer of the temple, arms crossed under her nearly flat bust.

“Just where have you been?!” Katara suppressed an eye twitch.
Katara was, for the most part, an exceptionally kind and motherly woman. In some regards she had been the mother to half her village. Not in a literal sense of course, but with all the men of her tribe off to war and all the women taking up their work, Katara had been the one on hand to look after their kids. It made her a rather kind and patient woman... but also, when triggered, her temper was something to fear.

Aang swallowed hard, focusing on some old nomadic meditation techniques to keep his mind calm and impassive. "I was... paying a visit to Azula, and she requested a trip off the island. She's been on good behaviour for a month, so I thought she'd earned it," Aang said. Which was true. While no doubt an opportunist, Azula had the keen sense to be the model prisoner in the meantime.

"I know I should have said something, but she was looking in me in... you know, that way. And I'm terrible at saying no to people."
“You really did take her off the island.” Katara sighed, deflating some. “Aang, you know she’s a snakebadger. And all she’s doing is biding her time. When she sees the best situation for her, that’s when she’ll strike. And honestly….” Her voice cracked slightly, as she swallowed what felt like a lump in her throat from being so worried.

“What if some of her insane supporters figure out where she is. Spies on us. Try to take Azula to put her on the Fire throne. Now, imagine you are in public having to handle this. You have to think of the casualties….and the things they could do to you.” She shook her head, not wanting to think of her love dying for a stupid person like Azula.

“Just….please, be more cautious. Take guards, just….” The dark skinned girl seemed to have gotten things off her chest, and seem to relax a bit. “Be safe. That’s all.” She walked up to him, placing her hand gently on a side of his face. This was the Avatar. Her Avatar. The silly boy who saved the world. The diligent leader that would see the world be healed. All she wanted to do was grow old with him, and watch over their inevitable grandchildren.
Aang frowned. She had a point, there were a fair few loyalists out there who thought that only Azula had any right to sit on the Fire Nation throne. The same sorts of people that thought the genocide of one group of people, and the attempted genocide of another, were wholly justified. And who most likely weren't in the country during Azula's brief and crazy tenure in the job which had been awful for everyone around her.

"I know, I know... I'll be careful, promise," he told her. After some time he settled his hands over Katara's own. "I really appreciate you worrying about me. Still, I do owe you for making you worry," he said. Aang leaned in and let their lips meet, starting off in a truly chaste manner before letting his tongue probe in.
Katara pushed away from him, obviously flustered. Even if she wanted to kiss her fiancee, there was more that needed to be handled. “And to top it off….one of her guards let slip about her condition. She’s pregnant, Aang.” She looked away from her lover, pain obvious on her tanned features. While she wasn’t royal by any means, she had a sort of regal bearing to her.

“She’s pregnant….” She brought her blue eyes up to look to him directly. “And I’m not. Can’t you see how that makes me feel?” Katara’s voice was full of emotion. “So. There’s only going to be one way to make it up to me. You better fill me with child soon. Because if Azula beats me in giving you enough heirs….let’s just say that the Avatar might meet an early and tragic demise.” Katara smiled sweetly, but her threat was very well. After all, bloodbending wasn’t her preferred method of bending, but if it had to be done…
Aang tensed slightly as he heard this. Whoever the guard with the loose lips was, he'd likely be looking for a job soon... or at least be getting some stern disciplinary action taken against him. Talking about Azula to anyone was something they weren't supposed to do, given the risk of crazy people hearing about her current living arrangements and looking to put her back on the throne.

"Well... I think today might be the day," Aang said, smiling slightly. He wasn't going to go into detail on specifically why, of course. It had likely only been bad luck keeping her from getting pregnant, as they were both in perfect health, so he was sure enough time and effort would secure this for her. "I'll go for as long as it takes... or as long as you can handle it," he challenged, grinning as he breezed past the waterbender, making for their expansive and well decorated bedroom.
At Aang’s saucy words, Katara couldn’t help the smile that was on her face. She understood the need for Azula. And besides, this was probably the best thing that the former Fire bender could do in order to repay her debt to the world. In order to keep balance in the world, the people needed airbenders. And with any luck, Katara and Azula would be the ones to help fill the air temples.

The brown skinned woman followed Aang to their bedroom, a spring in her step. It was large, spacious and clean. Due to the pair having to spend so much time outside of their home, the bedroom looked more like one for appearances than actual use. There was a tall dresser with their clothing in it, and a spacious bed. Early in their relationship, they would find that a large bed better suited their needs. It seemed that they would practice their bending motions in their sleep, probably due to having to be so mindful of them throughout the day. It wasn’t out of the ordinary to find themselves completely turned around on the bed or even hanging off of it.

Upon entering the bedroom, she pressed herself against her fiance, needy lips finding his own as her hand went down to stroke his covered cock. She pulled away from his lips, going to lick and nibble his ear. “If you don’t end tonight completely emptied inside of won’t be leaving this room for the next week.” Katara wasn’t about to fall behind to Azula.
Aang swallowed hard at her challenge. He knew full well that Katara had a bit of a drive to her, an eagerness that few women could readily compete with. If she said he wouldn't be leaving for a whole week, he could very well believe her. "Don't worry. I'll be sure to go until we're both nice and satisfied," he said, kissing Katara on the forehead before removing the sash that covered his upper body.

Aang dropped his trousers quickly, his heavy cock about half hard from Katara's teasing, and residual excitement from Azula getting him so worked up on the trip to the island. The monk moved to the bed and took a seat on the bed, getting comfortable as he examined his spouse. "So ah... you wanna get straight to it? If impregnation is the name of the game, I think I'm set to go all in," Aang said.
Katara took in the sight of the Avatar’s massive cock, a look of pure bliss on her face. After everything they had been through, living with Aang on an island was like a dream come true. Ever since the first day they met so many years ago, she felt a connection to him. She couldn’t picture her life any other way. A hand was on her hip as she watched the airbender take a seat on the edge of the bed. She was proud to be able to call Aang her husband. And the thought of having to share him with a woman like Azula filled her with a drive to outperform the royal prisoner.

“Wow look to be in a pretty bad way.” Katara walked over to him, using the tip of her index finger to press against the tip of his weeping cock. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen your balls so...swollen.” It was easy to surmise that he had not blown a load yet for the day, and was looking forward to breeding with her love.

She began to undress, removing the garments that marked her as a member of the water tribe. Katara gyrated her hips as she proceeded to give him a little strip tease to help get his engine going. Unlike Azula, Katara’s breasts were bigger now and she had to unwrap the chest binding that helped to keep them tucked away. She groaned in relief as the last of the bandages dripped down her nude body, her clothing hanging at her waist. The tanned girl proceeded to remove her sash, which made the clothing now pool at her feet, shimmying out of her underwear as well.

“You’re right about that. You look like you’re about to blow.” Katara admitted as she approached him, swinging her hips from side to side. She proceeded to wrap her arms around Aang’s neck, sealing her lips to his as she swung up onto his lap. Her tanned skin against his pale flesh was quite an exotic sight. She didn’t slip his cock into her yet, wanting to tease him. The waterbender positioned his member so that she could slip her wet slit up and down the length, never letting him pop inside of her warm folds for even a moment.

“Well? How’s this?” Katara inquired, wanting to blow whatever slutty antics that Azula was up to out of the water. After all, she loved Aang. Something that the deposed Fire Lord didn’t feel towards the air bender. Azula was starting to experience a shift in her emotions regarding Aang, but she still wasn’t too certain.

“Beg for my body….make me believe that you’re sorry for knocking up your mistress before your wife.” Katara’s blue eyes looked down to him.
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