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Penal Labor (Poppy)

Aang spent a few minutes clearing this arrangement with the guards. They were uncertain about this, but ultimately Aang was their boss. No sense in protesting his decision. Arranging a boat was a much easier task, with the ferryman not caring who he was ferrying so long as he still got paid at the end of the day.

Having gotten this worked out, Aang made his way back to Azula's home. "There's a port town a short sail away from here. Big enough, but you might get caught out if you're just... yourself. You might want to wear a hood or something." Then again, who would believe that the imprisoned fire nation princess was walking out and about with the Avatar?
Once the Avatar had returned to her, she had made herself look presentable for the public. Azula had slipped back into the sleeves of her robe, re-tying the sash. She checked her reflection in the mirror, wondering how she would look once she was heavy with child. The imprisoned woman didn't have much longer to think things over before his return.

"I understand. You garner enough attention on your own." Azula seemed to accept the terms, going to her wardrobe to retrieve a long cloak with a hood, in a dark brown color. It was intended for the colder months on the island, but for going incognito, it would work perfectly. "I wouldn't want to cause much of a scene." Regardless, she still held out a faint hope that those who wished for herself and her father to regain their former position in life would catch a glimpse of her. Perhaps that would give them the necessary inspiration to attempt to free her.
"Alright, well stay close to me," Aang replied. It didn't sound like any sort of warning. No 'don't try to run away' type threats. Rather there seemed to be some hints of paternal affection in his tone, an instinctual desire to protect the mother of his child. Pregnancy had a tendency to disrupt the chakras in a person's body, meaning that even a mistress of fire would have a hard time once her pregnancy had progressed enough.

Aang offered a strong arm to the cloaked cutie, leading Azula along to the modest ferry. Once they had boarded the engine was loaded with a fresh batch of coal, a belch of steam screaming from the whistle on top. The boat rocked as it pulled away from the dock, the heavy paddles powering it forward as it steadily combed from the island and closer to the mainland. It would be a few minutes, but they would make good time.

It was either this or wake Appa up, and the sky-bison could be cantankerous if disturbed from his evening nap.
Azula was willing to comply with the simple demand. It didn't sound negotiable, to be honest. But there was something in her that made her want to stick close to him regardless. The conflicting feelings of wanting her former life, and beginning to accept her new life felt like a battle inside of her. Not to mention, she never thought she could be attracted to the Avatar. But, with that cock of his, who wouldn't be?

She took the offered arm, going to step into the ferry. As it spurted the smoke into the air, Azula felt a bit at home. Coal power was standard for the Fire Nation. The Princess sat close to Aang, not letting go of his hand.

The ride was quick, as promised, Azula feeling only a little ill from the waves. The ferry docked, and the pair were able to walk on dry land, something that she was incredibly thankful for.
The town was indeed rather large, as would be expected of a trading port. The docks they landed on were mostly populated by traders and longshoremen getting set for a nighttime voyage, while a few of the neighbouring structures had closed up for the evening. From the base of the docks one could see the towns buildings progressing up along a hillside, tiered to provide all manner of services. There was even a park visible from the docks.

"So... What do you want to do?" Aang asked, giving the princess a faint smile. "I mean, this is your treat, so I'll go along with what you want." Within reason at least, but he was going with the assumption she knew as much. He wasn't about to take part in any nighttime robbery, or club someone to death for her amusement.
"I'm not familiar with this town....although it stinks of fish here." Azula noted that since she became pregnant, she could smell things much better. And in times like this, it wasn't always a good thing. "Is there a restaurant we could visit? A play? I have been craving Fire Nation food....mmm...charred beef." The Fire bender closed her eyes at the memory of eating such dishes, looking extremely satisfied.
"Dinner it is," Aang replied. The community of this village was a blend of old Water Tribe explorers who had settled here decades ago, and Fire Nation traders who had let their families and families of their employees settle here for the sake of ease. As such there were hints of both cultures dotted all around the streets. Aang was sure he could find a Fire Nation eatery somewhere here.

Still, it struck him as odd that this wasn't a date. Either Azula was lying, or she really was just that hungry. As Aang led on with the mother-to-be on his arm, he eventually spied a large wooden structure with puffs of steam coming from the iron piped protruding from the roof. "Chitsang's Smoke House... how about this place?" Aang asked, pointing to the printed menu positioned beside the front door.
Azula found the hood of the cloak to he very annoying, but didn't take it down, knowing it was part of the agreement. But the way how it obstructed her view was aggravating. The manner in which Aang lead her around was honestly charming. To any casual viewer, they appeared to be a couple. She had never been lead around in such a manner her entire life, instead having been the one who bossed people around.

She stopped when he did, fiddling with the ring on her finger that kept her bending suppressed. She pursed her painted lips, having put on light make up that day to see Aang. "Well, I suppose if nowhere else will do." The menu that she glanced over was what she would consider peasant food at best, but it was exactly the sort of thing she was craving right then. "But, what will you eat? There's not too much in the way of vegetables...." Her regal voice sounded doubtful, something that was odd for her. Not to mention showing concern for another person.
Aang nodded and took the time to glance at the menu again. "Well, they have fish. Fish is fine." The teachings of the oldest airbenders tended to disparage eating anything living that went through the air, or crawled along the ground. But fish were ultimately fine. Living on those mountainside temples was difficult, with the monks needing to grow a large number of plants and fish from many of the streams that lined the mountains.

He led the way inside, trying to be casual. The burly owner at the counter noticed him quickly and approached. "Weeell, the famous avatar himself! Been a while since you were in town. Who's your friend? Doesn't look like a Water Tribe girl to me," the bearded man remarked.

"She's," Aang hesitated visibly, wondering how best to describe her. A relative? No, he was the last of his kind. "My girlfriend," Aang blurted.

"Oh? Well, guess I'd better get you two a good table in that case." He grinned broadly and led the way to the series of booths that lined the back wall. Most were empty, and fortunately they were able to get one near the window, giving them a view of the seaside.
As Azula listened to Aang speak to the owner of the resteraunt, she glanced around, taking it all in. The smell of the food was driving her crazy. Being in the prison, and now her new home, she had been deprived of her cuisine. The fire bender didn't think she would have missed it so much, but with the smells coming from this place, it made her ravenous. She turned her head as Aang called her by her new title, happy for the hood. At least it could conceal the flush on her cheeks.

'Girlfriend....?' Azula thought, repeating the phrase in her head. 'Well, not that I mind it. Better than being nothing more than a whore for him.'

Once they were seated, she adjusted the cape, showing a little more of her face to Aang. It was a rather secluded part of the restaurant, so it would be fine. And should the help get too close, she could always slide it back over.

"You know, one day, it will get out about me being at the island....will it be so easy to keep me hidden then?" She inquired, looking over the menu they had been left with.
As he examined the menu, Aang glanced over the top toward Azula. It was true, the news would get out somehow. Especially around the time Azula gave birth. He'd asked the prison to keep it quiet, but... nothing lasted forever. "I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. I don't really want to keep you a secret but... there are a lot of people who'd want to hurt you. I doubt they'd succeed, but... it's still a risk I don't want to take."

He was also hoping that, by that point, the princess would have changed. He could see glimpses of it, the hints of a kinder woman buried under the occasional imperialist sneer. When she was found out, he was hoping she'd shun any people who wanted to make a dictator of her. "It's fine for now though. This has been nice so far, I wouldn't mind spending more time with you like this."
"Well, perhaps if in time, I gain the privileged of using my fire bending again...." Azula trailed off. Deep down inside, she knew that no one would ever trust her that much again. Not that she elicited much trust in this state. But, a caged tigercow could be handled. A loose one would put a village in fear of it's cabbage supply. Tigercows were infamous for their hunger regarding the leafy green vegetable.

At the mention of someone wanting to hurt her, reflexively, a hand went down to her small belly. Azula had to worry about more than just herself now. And even if she agreed to breed herself out for the benefit of the Avatar, they were still her children as well. And she wouldn't let anything happen to her brood.

"....never mind it. I do like being out like this. Are there plays here?" She had always been a fan of the theater troupe on Ember island, a habit she inherited from her mother.
At the mention of plays, Aang shuddered ever so slightly. He thought back to his own trip to Ember Island, and the demeaning play the players had put on about him and his friends. It was fire nation propaganda, so of course the enemy of the Fire Lord was bound to be portrayed in a horrible way... he thought them casting him as a girl was a step too far though.

"I saw a theater the last time I came out here," he admitted, nodding firmly. "Didn't go in personally, but if you want to take a show then I don't mind taking you to one." Aang paused briefly as the server approached, taking the time to place an order for some grilled fish.
Azula ensured that the server wouldn't see her face, before placing her own order. From everything she ordered, it sounded like she was planning on eating half of the menu. The server furiously scribbled the order on the pad before leaving to put it in and retrieve their drinks.

"Everything just sounds so good here....smells even better." Azula wasn't apologetic about how much she was planning on eating. After all she was eating for two now. "And yes I would like to take in a play. That would be nice." She paused, licking her lips before continuing to speak. "But honestly, for now, this is enough. Easy enough to pretend that I'm not a prisoner, out on a date with my boyfriend." She cocked her head to the side, sounding a bit sarcastic.
Aang shrugged. "It's not ideal, but it has to be better than being stuck in a concrete cell, right?" Her order was a big one, but Aang made no comment on it. He could be naive, but even he knew better than to remark on how much a girl ate. Besides, Toph ate like a horse and she had been half Azula's height back in the day. So this didn't come off as particularly surprising to him.

"To be honest, I never expected us to do anything like this. Even back when we first struck this deal of ours." he had thought it would be a matter of just business, but Aang found he quite liked Azula's company. Something about her really got him invested. "But it's... rather nice. Or at least, I hope you think so too."
""Well, you're not wrong." Living in a prison certainly hadn't been in her life plan. It wasn't nearly as luxurious as the palatial residence that was to become hers upon her coronation as Fire Lord. That had been what she had been prepared for in life. The server returned with their drinks, Azula having taken hot green tea. The server poured the first glasses, leaving the kettle for them to do their own refills.

"It is pleasant enough." She agreed, having never been on anything that could resemble a date in her life. Afterall, she was certain that her father would choose her a husband. Someone who would be meek and quiet, to sit in the background while she ruled the Fire Nation. "Do you come here often....not this resteraunt, but to this city?"
"From time to time," Aang admitted. "We usually do a little trading around here, since it's the closest settlement to the island. Appa's getting on in years, so he can't make big journeys these days. And the younger sky bison we found are too young and wild to manage it. So for now we kind of just rely on the steam boat for any journeys," he explained.

He took up the second cup and took a modest sip, feeling the brewed leaves soothe his nerves. He had never been much for tea, but it was a social occasion. "But... well, when the young bison have grown and been changed, I... wouldn't mind going further with you, if that's what you want," Aang suggested.
Azula listened to Aang speak of his faithful sky bison. Her lips curled into a smile. Honestly, she had always wanted a pet. But her father viewed animals as filthy creatures, unfit to inhabit the same space as Fire Nation royalty. So, it did not come to pass. But Aang, with his position, had what seemed to be infinite possibilities. And freedom.

“Appa and Momo have always seemed to be faithful creatures…” Azula spoke words of praise for his animal companions. In truth, it was the nicest thing she had ever said for anything that the Avatar personally cared for. “....I was a bit jealous, to be honest. Of Appa. Riding a sky bison, feeling the wind in your hair…” She paused, with a brief, sharp laugh. “Or in your case, the lack of hair. But, I would like that. To take a ride on a sky bison.”
"Well, I did have hair once... I didn't get the hype personally," Aang remarked. Though it had been handy for blending in. Hid the tattoos and what not. "Still, I wouldn't mind taking you for a ride if that's what you want. Give it a few months and Umba will be big enough to start flying people around," he explained. Making Azula happy... truth be told he would have thought nothing but his death would manage that, but it seemed she had her sweet side.

He paused as their orders arrived, with Azula's larger servings being left on the server's cart for her to go through at her leisure. Aang plucked up his plate of grilled fish and ate at a slow pace, managing to be quite mannerly.
Azula paused, attempting to imagine Aang with a full head of hair. Perhaps he had it before he disappeared, so long ago. But as he was a monk, it was hard to imagine such. “You having hair….that’s something I’d like to see. Did you have it in the past, or use it to help disguise yourself? In a few months, I’ll be heavily pregnant. Twins tend to occur frequently in the Fire Nation. I would prefer not to birth twins with my first pregnancy, but I suppose that’s out of my hands. Being in the air, seemingly weightless will be a treat.”

Azula sat back, allowing what trays that could be sat on the table to be placed before her. She thanked the server, before digging in. She didn’t fly through the food like an uncultured beast, but it was obvious that she was ravenous. Vegetables just weren’t as filling, and she didn’t care for fish. “This is really good….” She took another bite, swallowing her food, before remembering her manners. “Thank you.” Azula daintily stacked a pile of plates up, in order to make more room.
"It was back when your brother shot me in the back. I was in a coma for a few weeks, and I didn't have the chance to shave... by that point, we were already deep in Fire Nation territory, so this," Aang tapped the arrow on his forehead "Would have stuck out a little." Still, Katara had said he was handsome with hair... he'd probably have to consider grow it back at some point.

He sat back to watch as Azula went through her food like a hungry dog, her manners very nearly faltering whenever her hunger shone through. He supposed if this was what she liked, he'd have to go ahead and get more meat delivered to her home. Particularly with her children on the way. Having finished his fish, Aang sighed happily and reclined in his seat, patiently waiting for Azula as she enjoyed her meal.
“Well, I suppose that makes sense.” Azula had to give credit where it was due. After all, her soldiers were looking for a bald boy, with blue arrows. Not seeing those obvious traits would not make it was to find him. It didn’t help that the artist who drew their wanted posters was less than skilled at correctly illustrating the Avatar group’s appearances. “It was very clever of you to keep the hair, instead of getting rid of it.”

Azula noted that he had finished his meal, but she wasn’t about to stop eating on his account. Most women would be too shy to eat like this, even if they hadn’t eaten for days. But Azula somehow maintained a vague sense of dignity as she continued to eat. In the end, she managed to clean all of her plates, feeling quite satiated. At least, for food.

“There’s something else I’ve been wanting to talk to you about, Aang.” She sounded quite serious. “Ever since I found out that I was with child….well, I haven’t been able to stop touching myself.” Azula didn’t even flush for a second, not embarrassed by this at all. “I’m very...aroused.”
For a slender and athletically minded girl, Azula ate like a beast. It was admirable, in a strange way, and Aang had to wonder if she had always been that way or if it stemmed from her pregnancy. Regardless he said nothing and focused on the matter at hand: Him being on a date with a former enemy who was now carrying his child. Definitely a strange sentence.

He listened carefully, swallowing as Azula brought up an issue that had been plaguing her as of late. "O-oh?" She was quite blunt, for as personal as the matter was. "W-well I've er... I've read in medical scrolls that pregnancy can uh... do that," he remarked. Not always, but if a woman was naturally inclined to liking sex... well, the effect would follow her through the process, even stronger.

"If you... need my help, I really wouldn't mind offering it," he said. Sex with a pregnant woman? Was that possible? Well, Aang supposed it had to be, if one was more gentle than normal. He'd really need to look into that...
“Yes, I suppose it shouldn’t be much of a surprise, to still feel so much desire…” Azula thought of Aang’s monster cock, a smile on her face. That was certainly a reason to be drawn to him, even if they were once sworn enemies. But even she could see, as much as she hated to admit, the flaws of the Fire Nation. If it wouldn’t have been for Ozai, perhaps her life could have been different. She could have been a soft, kind child who focused more on the arts than war. But, there was no changing the past now.

“We will simply have to make do about it.” She nodded resolutely. Even if this was supposed to be solely for the act of procreation, the firebender couldn’t help about how she felt towards the Avatar. “Although….how are you going to tell Katara of this?” It was odd for her not to use a disparaging name for the woman who was to become his wife. “She could be jealous….not being with child while I am.” A part of her wanted to see the waterbender, to rub her swollen belly in her face.

She seemed satisfied with the meal, sighing. “So much better than prison food….”
"Well she uh..." the mention of Katara made him swallow hard. Whenever he realised there were two women in his life, the notion sent a chill of excitement and fear racing through him. He supposed most men would be thrilled in his position, but with these two particular women likely to try destroying each other. "Well we've... been trying but it hasn't taken as quickly as it has with you."

Then again, he had done it with Azula with some frequency.

Once Azula was sated, Aang took some heavy coins from a pouch on his belt and paid their tab. Rising to his feet he held a hand out for Azula to take, managing a faint smile. "So, you still want to take in a show?" He couldn't guarantee anything good, but this was her night.
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