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Penal Labor (Poppy)


Sep 28, 2013
It had been a few years since Ozai's threat had been extinguished, and much of that time had been spent trying to restore some semblance of balance to the world. It was a lot to ask of a teenager, but it was Aang's celestial duty and he did it gladly. For the most part, he was doing a good job.

It was no easy task, trying to do diplomacy and working to undo a hundred years of damage started through Sozin's war. Even with Zuko's help he always had to think on his feet, working to learn mountains of history and politics. But he was doing well, and had even come up with a great plan to help unify the nations. Some kind of great 'melting pot' city, where people of all creeds could be accepted.

A pipe dream for now, of course, but Aang thought it had real potential.

Still, it wasn't all cookies and rainbows. The loss of his people weighed heavily on him, and he couldn't every forget that if he died, that would be the end of the airbenders. Katara consoled him, assuring him that they would have a few children and that some of them were bound to be airbenders.

He wanted to believe her. Katara usually was good at reassuring him, but in this case... it was hard not to be a little doubtful.

And now to compound issues, he had to deal with this 'invitation' from Azula of all people. Zuko might have loathed his sister, but she was family at the end of the day, and he had made sure to get her stationed in a humane prison. And for the most part she had been a model prisoner, raising no fuss during her incarceration. So why now? Why request him out of the blue like this?

Part of him didn't want to know. Wanted to just ignore the invite and leave Azula to serve her sentence. But he couldn't. Not with Azula being... herself. She could have had some scheme cooked up, some horrible trap laid out. If he didn't do this, there was no telling what would befall him.

So that was why, on what was meant to be a sunny and cheery day, he found himself walking down a stone hallway alongside a burly and heavily armoured guard. "You oughta be careful of this one Avatar Aang," the guard remarked. "She hasn't caused trouble in a while, but she's still dangerous. We got a soul-stone ring on her finger to suppress her firebending, but there's no telling what tricks she might have."

"I'll be fine," Aang assured him. The Avatar was dressed well, as he so often was. The top half of his orange robe was draped over his right shoulder, leaving the left exposed. His trousers were black and baggy, leading to a pair of heavy leather boots. Though years had passed, Aang was still trim and fleet in proportions.

He waited by the door as the guard unlocked Azula's furnished cell, and strode in carefully once it was open.
Azula, the former Fire Lord, found that she had too much free time on her hands. Mostly due to being in prison. She did her best to keep track of time as to how long she had spent looking at the same four walls, but it was beginning to be hard. The dark haired beauty knew, what with how her brother looked on his rare visits, that some time had to pass for him to mature the way he had. Her hair was now long, and kept free, hanging in waves down to the small of her back.

For a good period of time, right after her incarceration, she was forced to wear a straight jacket. That was entirely too humiliating, and while her mind was slipping, she was certainly humbled. While her cell was furnished, much more than most, it was still spartan compared to her former palatial residence. She had a bed, a low desk on the floor and a chair to spend some of her time in. The Princess had a few books, which were occasionally replaced, and as much paper and ink as she wished for.

Thanks to what access to comforts she even had, she passed much of her time writing. Unfortunately, most of her writings were confiscated, to be studied by doctors to see if her sanity could be in question again. But, at least her letters were delivered, or so she hoped. Certainly, after being thoroughly analyzed. She knew her father was still alive, and somewhere in the same compound that she was in, but she was allowed absolutely no contact. So all things considered, she lived a very solitary life.

At the sound of her door opening, she looked up, hoping she appeared composed enough. But honestly, underneath her exterior, she was still host to some unstable thoughts. She was dressed in a simple red robe, maid of the most plain material that could be sourced. Azula was tired of this. Tired of the bland food, isolation and even the damn ring on her finger that suppressed her bending. She knew she was destined for more in life, the thing was how to ensure that she got it.

“Ahhh….so the Avatar has managed to grace me with his presence.” Azula spoke, her voice haughty and condescending. It seemed, upon first glance, that nothing had changed. “I must have sent that letter….what? Three months ago? Is your schedule truly so busy?” She had enough time to sit in the chair and arrange herself, fingers running through her long hair that pooled into her lap.
She might not have had the same regal attire from when they first met, but it seemed Azula's attitude hadn't changed much since she was put away. He didn't know whether or not he should have been surprised by that. "Thanks to your father and grandfather, yes it is," Aang remarked. The Earth Kingdom was definitely displeased by the damage that had been inflicted upon them for the last hundred years, and trying to appease them was a lengthy process.

The young monk felt the door close behind him, and maintained his awareness of how far away it was as he strode into the room. "Why did you call me out here? I would have thought I was the last person you wanted to see." Aang hadn't been the one that had her put away, or even the one who beat her, but it was hunting him that put her down this path in the first place. Whatever the case, he was hoping to get this business dealt with quickly.

Aang eyed the ring on her finger, and felt some relief for that at least.
In truth, Azula cared not for the damage that the Fire Nation caused to the Earth Kingdom. But, if it meant Aang would stay around and entertain her request, she could try to look apologetic. Her golden eyes glanced to the side at his words, and most people could take the look that crossed her face as being sorry. The Princess toyed with the ring on her finger, a nervous habit. The ring was sealed to her, thanks to some chi magic.

“Actually, I believe we can help each other out. Give you what you want, and be rewarded in the process.” Azula’s gazed shifted back to the Air bender, unflinching. “Let’s both be honest here…you're the last Air bender, unless another has popped out of the ice?” She didn’t allow there to be much of a pause, before continuing. Being forward was the best way to get out of here.

“I want lodging more fit to my…status in life.” Azula revealed her desires. “I want to see the sunset, for one. It’s not right to keep someone like this, away from the sun. I’m not expecting a palace, but something befitting my heritage and the role I am willing to take on for you. Avatar, I am offering you a chance to further your lineage with me. And while I imagine you’re still with that Water bender….history books know that Fire and Air benders tend to produce children benders. I’m certain you’ll have one or two with your wife, but certainly, not enough to start another air temple.”
Aang waited patiently near the door, trying to puzzle out Azula's intentions as she spoke. Could she have set something up while incarcerated? Coerced one of the guards to do something on the outside for her? It was as Aang was considering this that Azula made her pitch, an offer that would have made him spew water if he'd been drinking any. "W-what?!" the monk quickly said.

Some part of his mind wanted to quickly agree with the suggestion. He was desperate, for one thing. If he didn't secure his lineage soon, then who know what could happen to him? And deep down he had always found Azula attractive...

"I can't just... let you out of here," Aang replied, knowing that he easily could if he wanted to. People had a hard time denying requests from him for all he'd done. He folded his arms, leaning back against the door. "And besides, I don't think there's any way Katara would be on board with the idea." Then again, he wondered to himself, Azula or no Azula this offer was for a good cause. Unless Azula had a trick up her sleeve...
"I fully understand your concern." Azula was all business, speaking of this as if it were nothing more than a business transaction. She folded her hands together, making sure the ring that kept her powers sealed was visible. A visual reminder of how she could be controlled and compliant. The scheming woman wanted to make sure Aang remembered such. "However, I wouldn't expect freedom outside of this estate to be on house arrest. That would suffice. You could even have guards, if you like. Chain my legs together....whatever it takes."

She licked her lips, going to address his concern with his beloved. "If I'm not mistaken, the Water Tribe tends to practice polygamy. Something that I don't personally put much stock in, but it is a way to keep warm when you're freezing." Azula laughed at her own words briefly before training her eyes back on Aang. "Or, why tell her? It's not like she has to know."

The deposed Princess didn't want to give the Avatar much time to think negatively on her words, instead going to appeal to his innate desire to have more air benders. "And besides, having two women to bear your heirs would be much more beneficial. You're the Avatar. Dangerous situations seem to just appear around would be a shame for air bending to die out with you. Should something happen. Of course, I hope you live a long life." Azula didn't really mean the last part, but she needed to make certain that the Avatar would understand the gravity of his situation.
Aang frowned. Well, that was true. While Katara only had one mother, her dad had made sure she had her share of aunts. And the air nomads had hardly been prudes. Monogamy seemed a strange idea to them. But still, this was Azula. There were snakes more trustworthy. "House arrest huh?" Aang asked, cocking his head a little at the notion. "Well... that might work." Not that he'd just bend over.

"But I have some stipulations. There are gonna be guards watching your villa, just to make sure you don't try to escape. And if you're sending mail, they're going to check it." He didn't doubt there were some royalists out there who would like to see Azula on Zuko's throne. The cute monk pondered this for a moment and snapped his fingers. "And one more thing. I want to know how genuine you are. So... we have sex right here. Like a... security deposit."
Azula smiled. It seemed that Aang was moved by her words. Pretty soon, she would indeed be in a place befitting her heritage. And when it came to her personal correspondence, that was something she could manage later. After all, she had been sending coded letters for quite some time. There were indeed royalists who wanted to see her back in power, viewing Zuko as a soft and inefficient ruler. The Fire Nation craved war, and she was more than willing to provide it for them.

"Right here?" The dark haired beauty stood up from her chair. "Well, if you insist." With a single fluid motion, she undid the sash that was sewn into he robe, to keep her from hanging herself in her cell. It pooled on the ground at her feet, revealing her pale flesh. She wore no bra or underwear. Sometimes, she seduced her guards into fucking her, in order to receive contraband. In those situations, it was best not to wear too much under wear, as the business had to be done quickly.

"Well, let's not dawdle. Come, Avatar. Let's see if I can bear you an air bender." She approached him, hips swaying from side to side as she walked like an invitation. She was by no means unattractive, with modest breasts and a generous bottom. Her pale skin was a stark contrast to Katara's tanned flesh.
Oh. She actually did it. Aang blinked for a moment, inspecting the modest curves of her breasts, the shapely hips that could no doubt birth more than a few children. He'd met Zuko's mother, so it seemed Azula was taking after her in that regard. He swallowed hard. Aang was willing to bet she had earned a few favours this way, explaining how well groomed she managed to be for a war criminal.

"F-fine," the monk replied, trying to seem undaunted. Honestly he'd expected her to back down, for this to be some bluff on her part. All the same he kept his guard up, slipping his sash off his shoulder and stepping from his boots. He undressed quickly enough, dropping his trousers to reveal a surprisingly long and thick shaft. Seemed he was more than equipped to produce some heirs, sporting a thick shaft and a set of heavy swinging balls.

"Might as well be comfortable for this... is the bed any good?" he asked, approaching the former princess.
Azula watched the Avatar strip before her, licking her lips subconsciously when she saw his cock on display. Honestly, if she would have known he was so blessed, she would have approached him sooner regarding this proposition. He seemed more than a little awkward, a smile on her lips. She certainly had the upper hand when it came to sexual experience, of that she was certain.

"Honestly, the bed is about as comfortable as the floor....but sit on the bed." Azula met him mid-stride, going to push him gently onto the bed. "Now, sit still while you enjoy someone with refinement, unlike your water barbarian." She had no plans to kiss him or provide any foreplay, instead wanting to get down to business. As she approached him, she found that her own nethers were growing wet with anticipation.

She got on the bed, and positioned herself to take his massive length inside of her. Azula's back arched as she panted, finding Aang to have the largest cock she'd ever been with. Even bigger than her father's. The fire bender wriggled herself, fully sheathing the member inside of her. She felt like she was about to burst, but she needed to keep going. His balls bounced against her bottom, sighing in contentment.
Aang heaved a small sigh and resisted the urge to scold her for calling Katara a 'barbarian.' It wouldn't do much good to try and correct her, few things would change Azula's worldview. For now he decided to focus on the task at hand, his cheeks growing a tad pinker as the second most dangerous enemy he'd ever known mounted him. His first time with Katara had been enjoyable and exciting, but there was an edge to all this that only added to the pleasure.

Still, he made sure not to get too invested. Just in case Azula had another plan on hand, or some hidden weapon she planned on using.

One thing that immediately became clear was the immense heat wrapped around his cock, making him gasp sharply by the time she'd fully engulfed him. He'd heard talk that Fire Nation girls were hot as hell, but he didn't think people meant that literally. Aang's left hand gripped Azula's corresponding breast, his right hand hooking under her backside to get a good feel for it too.

Damnit... Aang really hated to admit it, but the woman mounting him was drop dead gorgeous like this.
She set the pace, lifting her bottom up and slipping off the cock so much that just the tip was inside of her. Azula then sent her bottom crashing down onto his cock, forcing his swollen balls to swing. One of her small hands went down to stroke his balls, coaxing them to get bigger.

"Ahhhh.....Avatar, when is the last time you took the time to cum? Or has the Fire Nation kept you too busy from being able to attend to your base needs?" She inquired of him, leaning close and whispering into his ear. Azula bit his ear, every bit the hellion he was worried she would be. "Your thick cock is delicious...." Her inner most walls were hot and thick, wrapping around his shaft and not wanting to let go.

Her lips trailed down from his ears, going to his neck and beginning to suck and bite down. She was going to leave marks that would be quite hard for Aang to explain away from Katara. It was as if she was marking him as her own, painted nails dragging down his back.
Katara had been a virgin, but ultimately had more knowledge going in than Aang had. Sexuality was often incorporated into water tribe healing, giving her some intimate knowledge. Azula, in contrast, had that knowledge and practical experience that left the monk very much on the defensive. And with each nibble on his neck it became a little harder to focus on the fact that this girl had once hunted him for sport.

He shivered, his heavy balls tense in her grasp as he felt the entirely of his cock briefly getting thicker. "Has this been... on your mind for a while?" Aang asked, leaning into Azula's embrace until Azula's bust was quashed to his taut chest. A few more jerks of Azula's hips had even her cervix spreading, the peak of his impressive shaft probing into her womb.

Both of his hands snapped around sharply, fingers sinking into the plush cheeks of Azula's ass, stroking with a keen experimental interest.
She breathed in his scent, finding him to be incredibly intoxicating in this moment. Truth be told, she had thought of this pretty soon after her incarceration. She just had to be patient and bide her time, allow enough time to pass to seem complacent. But if she couldn't be treated like a Queen of the Fire Nation, she could at least earn respect as the woman who birthed the new generation of air benders. If anything, she could rule Aang with her body, in order to get her way.

"Perhaps....I've dreamed of your cock ravaging my noble womb, filling me with your seed....." Azula breathed in his ear, before returning to nibbling on it, nails drawing blood as she continued to pump herself faster on his cock. She plated her feet on the edge of the bed to help give her some leverage.
Aang winced at the sudden pain, feeling Azula's manicured nails sinking into his back just above the briar of burnt scar tissue her brother had given him. Time hadn't done much to fade it. "That so...? You're a strange woman Azula," Aang idly remarked. Though, thinking back, he had wondered if the princess wanted to do more than kill him. Given the chance, she probably would have kept him for herself.

Right about now, that didn't seem like the worst prospect in the world. Spirits, he was really doing this... Well, Azula was true to her word on this part.

A harsh groan left him, feeling Azula's last downward stroke push him past his limit. The young monk's cock pulsed inside her, each throb signalling a burst of thick and rich cum that lanced out to fill her womb. He panted hotly against her, burying his face in the crook of Azula's neck as the intense surges of cum gradually subsided. It seemed, barring divine intervention, that Azula would soon be carrying her first airbender.

Her grandfather would have burst a vein if he had any idea what she was up to now...
Make up was one of the items that were forbidden to her there. But, it was easy to suck a guard off and be rewarded a solitary, small bottle of red polish. And it was certainly worth it. Personal care items were invaluable to the girl. helping her to feel her best and have the confidence to pull off such a scheme. It wasn't as nice as having servants give you a manicure, but a girl had to do what a girl had to do.

She purred, whispering in his ear. "I might be a strange woman....but you're cumming inside this strange woman." She laughed lightly. Honestly, she wouldn't have killed the Avatar. That had been the folly of her Grandfather and Father. Instead, she would have kept him, and ensured that his line would have continued. However, she would have assigned one of her cohorts to the task. Ty Lee would have been a good girl to breed with him.

As Aang came inside of her, Azula was far from her own orgasm. She was too busy calculating, ensuring that she stayed close, so he blew his load right inside of her womb. It would be highly likely that she would bear his first child, before Katara. Her hand reached behind her to stroke his ball sack, attempting to coax the last bit out. While that had been fun, it was merely a business transaction at this moment. And one that she determined to stay on top of.

The fire bender slid off of his cock, her pussy leaking his seed. She stepped over to her robe that had fallen onto the floor, picking it up. But as she did so, she was certain to give him a good view of her backside. From where he sat, he could see the seed leaking out of her, running down her leg. Azula picked it up, slipping it on, completely casual. She turned her head to look to him, not closing her robes.

"Well? Was that a decent deposit?" Azula stroked her lower belly, as if encouraging the seed to take hold. "You certainly...made an impression."
Aang caught his breath slowly, and it took him a few moments to snap back to reality. He had just fucked Azula, the thought alone nearly making his head spin. Perhaps worst of all was the simple fact that he had enjoyed it. Immensely. Aang swallowed hard and moved to stand, his heavy shaft wobbling in the process. He was about half hard, looking as if he could get it up again easily.

Seemed he had a good deal of stamina to hand.

"Well, a deal's a deal. But I can't just snap my fingers and walk you out of here, there's paperwork and stuff that needs signing." He moved to his trousers and slid them up swiftly, feeling a little more secure now that the princess couldn't just jump his bones again. "Katara and I live on a temple on a small island, and the guest house should do well for your house arrest. Please don't fight with Katara if you guys run into each other."

Somehow, he had a feeling those two would go at it eventually...
“A guest house?” Azula sounded incredulous. This was not what she had in mind. Not to mention, being on an island. “I hope it is spacious enough….if you plan on needing a place to house our children to be.” She walked back over to her chair, seemingly as cold as ever. Azula took a seat, wrapping her robe around herself. She looked greatly displeased with this new knowledge, sighing and looking back to him. Tucking some ebony hair behind her ear, her sharp eyes softened slightly. “Is there at least a garden?”

Being in the gardens at the Capital City palace was some of her happiest memories. Like the time that she ignited a royal flower on fire, an early show of her bending prowess. In reality, she just wanted the attention of her mother, which was typically lavished upon her brother. Instead, the brat tattled on her, and she ended up burning his bottom as punishment. Azula couldn’t understand, as a young child, why her mother would favor Zuko over her. She was by all accounts, smarter and more skilled. Shouldn’t she be the one who her mother doted on? She hoped that she could end up being a much more fair mother than her own, and showing proper love to the children that deserved it.

But, the cogs in her mind were already turning. Perhaps, if she bore him a child before Katara, she could gain preferential treatment. It was well known, that in the history of the Fire Nation, many rulers formed harems. The only thing that kept her father from doing so was his desire to only create superior children with a direct descendant of an Avatar. And in history, the concubines who granted the Fire Lord children, always lived comfortable lives. Eventually even enjoying elevated status, as their children may become the next ruler or war generals.
All in all it took about two weeks to get everything sorted. The reason Aang gave for this change was twofold: Stating that he believed Azula had repaid a good deal of her debt to society, and that the air nomads preferred rehabilitation to incarceration. On some level, the latter half was true. If Zuko could change, surely Azula could too. And Aang genuinely wanted to believe that such was the case if she was going to be carrying his children.

Still, he felt uneasy. While he had guards monitoring her, there was a continuous doubt in his mind that made him feel as if he was being played. Azula was a chessmaster, after all.

Describing her home as a 'guest house' was rather modest. Most would envy her new two story abode, each room spacious with all the facilities a person could need. Much of the furnishings were supplied already but, if she so wished, Azula could always make a request to her guards for something new provided it wasn't too frivolous. The seaside view from her new home, looking out from the edge of the island, was also quite a treat. True to his word, there was even a large back garden that Azula could tend to.

Given how busy his schedule had been, he hadn't been able to visit much in the short time Azula had been here; But ultimately Aang knew he would have to put his money where his mouth was about helping Azula being a better person. And if she was going to be a mother to his children, it'd be weird if they didn't have some kind of relationship. He made his way down the modest hill leading to the back of her estate.
In between the time it took for her to be transferred to her new seaside prison, along with the short amount of time the Avatar spent away from her, she began to feel a bit ill in the morning. She remembered her mother, Ursa, suffering the same malady when she was pregnant with Zuko. But until she was showing, she had to assume that she was not pregnant yet. Her moon cycle had always been spotty at best, something the Palace doctors blamed on her unbalanced yin. She didn’t put much stock into their words then, and the prisoner wouldn’t start to now, as well.

The housing situation wasn’t as upsetting as she thought it would be, and the garden was pleasant. Of course, it was nothing compared to the grand gardens in Capital City. But, a girl had to adjust. She always hated water before, but now, it acted as an informal guard around her. In time, she hoped she could find some joy from the sea. But day in and day out, with her isolation, it simply reminded her that she was there against her will. The guards were nothing short of courteous, but they were still there to do their job. And Azula’s snake-like personality was legendary, so they were careful to keep their distance. The ring that prevented her bending was still chi bound to her, in order to keep her obedient.

Azula dressed in the simple robes that were given to her, but at least they were still in the red hues. As a treat, the sash she wore was as golden as her eyes, and no longer sewn in. She was in the garden, seated and examining her flowers. After all, in her garden, she ensured that they grew to only appease her. Much of the flora here was foreign to her, but it was no less enjoyable.

As he approached the gardens, it was easy to sense his approach. Even if her bending was inhibited, it was still possible for her to sense someone with significant abilities, like Aang. Her hair was still loose around her, but much more maintained. “So, you finally visited. Has your woman become too frigid?”
Aang sighed faintly. Somehow he knew that was what Azula would bring up. "No, it's nothing like that," Aang replied. Though Katara was hardly thrilled by current events, she could at least understand (on some level) why Aang had gone along with this. For now though it would be best to keep the two girls away from each other. "I just wanted to visit and see how you're doing," he said.

It was strange really. For a girl who had spent much of her life dealing with people with ulterior motives, Aang was actually genuine. On some level he wanted to be kind to her and get to know her, because there had to be a good person in there somewhere. He hoped so, at any rate.

Aang took a seat across from her, examining the well groomed flowers she had been tending to. "Well... I know this isn't a palace or anything like that. But I hope you at least like it here. Is there anything else you need?" he asked.
Azula looked over her shoulder to him, a look of confusion on her face. Honestly, very few people in her life were ever worried about her. Even if her brother came and visited her during her time in solitary confinement, it still felt forced. As if he were going through the motions, due to being siblings. But with Aang, the man certainly didn't have to show up and treat her to any kindness. There certainly had been some guards she pleasured that had done nothing for her in return. But the Avatar had done precisely as he promised, giving her better living quarters and a faint sense of freedom.

She hesitated, one of her hands going to toy with a bloom that was too close to her. That one would have to be dealt with, later. "This is....better than expected." The Princess wasn't about to profusely thank him, but she figured she should give credit where it was due. "I never....liked the sea before. But isn't as bad." It was hard for her articulate how peaceful the waves were at night, when she attempted to fall asleep, hoping that he could understand her.
"It took me a little while to get used to it too. Every where else feels weird to sleep in most places when you've grown up in the mountains," the monk replied, managing a small smile. "But with how much travelling I had to do, I got used to sleeping anywhere. The ocean's pretty nice, and the climate here is usually good." It got chilly in the winter, but it was a small price to pay for how good it was otherwise year round.

After a moment he glanced back to the former princess. "Still... this has gotta be a big adjustment for you. And I imagine your prison guards weren't the nicest, most chatty guys around." Though Azula could really make them sing. "Can't promise I'll always be available, but if you're gonna carry my children... it'd make sense to get to know you better, right? So, if you ever want to talk or anything, I'll try and be there for you," he offered.
"It certainly isn't as grand as Capital City....and it is a bit chilly." Azula hated to admit, making casual conversation. She wanted to let him know that she thought she could be with child after their one tryst, but she wanted to be certain that she was heavy with child before letting him know. And if she had to spend the remainder of her days on this god forsaken island, she had best make the most of it. One day, she might even have to talk to Katara. She felt a perverse satisfaction, knowing that the woman was fuming. While Water Tribes tended to have multiple partners, she supposed it was a bit different for Aang to choose a woman who wanted him dead a few years ago.

"I appreciate you attempts to connect." Her voice sounded colder than she intended, but a soft smile was on the edge of her lips. "And besides, if you don't visit me frequently to take advantage of your rights to breed me, how can you plan to re-start your clan?"
Aang laughed nervously. She was all business, as ever, and he couldn't help but be disarmed by how blunt she was. Yes, that was the truth at the heart of this. Aang needed to revive his people and Azula was sick of being in a tiny cell, so this arrangement was ultimately a blessing for the both of them. He'd be lying if he said he didn't want more.

"Speaking of..." Aang said, clearing his throat. "It's been a while since we did it... I know it wouldn't be instant or anything, but have you felt any side effects or anything?" the monk asked. He was sure she must have been, given how much he had cum inside her. And the prison doctor had been clear in stating that Azula was certainly fertile, as would be expected of a royal. Still, he had to wonder.
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