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Wishing upon a star (pods6827 and MMRS)

Another tentacle appeared from the waves, and snuck behind Steven. It remained motionless, just right behind his knees.

Then a third tentacle appeared, and rushed right at Steven, hitting him squarely on the chest, forcing him backwards and tripping on the tentacle that had moved behind him.

While the tentacles holding (and gagging) Ariel and Moana remained motionless, a few more tentacles emerged from the surface, pointing at Steven and seeming to quiver with laughter.
Landing on his behind with a large splash, Steven glared at the tentacles and began to get back to his feet when his hand brushed over something beneath the water. From the feel of it it was a medium-sized shell, and one with a sharp point on it too. Picking it up he lunged towards the nearest tentacle, hoping that it'd be too distracted by the mocking 'laughter' to avoid his attack as he swung the shell against it's base.
Offshore, there was a loud screech of pain, as blue blood squirted from where Steven managed to severe one of the tentacles. The tentacles holding (and muzzling) Ariel and Moana lashed about, tossing both girls further offshore (and incidentally ripping off their skirts, living them only in tops and bikini briefs). Both girls began swimming back toward the beach, but the tentacles ignored them, all zeroing in on Steven.
Steven grinned when he saw that he'd succeeded in doing some damage, and even more so when he saw Moana and Ariel get dropped by their tentacles (though he cringed a little at the way they dropped; hopefully they hadn't been harmed by the fall). His grin faltered when he saw that all of the tentacles were now 'looking' at him. Thinking quickly he started moving away from where the two women were swimming, hoping to give them a little time to get back to shore, his shell raised threateningly in case any of them got too close.
All the tentacles surrounded Steven, feinting from every direction.

All but two. Two tentacles scooped up Ariel and Moana, wrapping around their waists and again, carrying the out to sea. The two women, exhausted from their interrupted escape, hung limply and silently in the tentacles' grasp.
Seeing the two tentacles going back to pick up Moana and Ariel once more, Steven clutched his shell and made a decision. He quickly charged forward, doing his best to avoid the ones surrounding him (and attacking any that got too close to him) as he made his way towards the women.
Amazingly, Steven managed to dodge all the tentacles grabbing at him. And once again, the tentacles holding Moana and Ariel tossed the two women aside, as they turned their attention toward Steven. And in the process, the tentacles accidentally ripped off the tops of the two women, leaving the clad only in their bikini bottoms as they again fell into the water.
Seeing Moana and Ariel's tops falling down to the water, and the breasts that had been covered, brought a crimson blush to Steven's face. The two women were certainly gifted in that regard he thought before shaking his head. This was not the time to perv out.

Launching himself forward Steven swam as fast as he could towards the two women, hoping that at the very least he could protect them from being flung by the tentacles any more.
The tentacles rejoiced, since Steven had entered their medium of choice, i.e., the ocean. One tentacle grabbed a kicking leg and pulled Steven under, while the others converged on him. Unfortunately (for the tentacles), the tentacle that had grabbed Steven was a little too exuberant, and tossed Steven back to the beach, where the rest of the (now irate) tentacles converged on him.

Meanwhile, Moana and Ariel were yet again plucked out of the water, each with their own tentacle wrapped around her waist, and each being yet again hauled out to deeper waters.
Steven struggled in the grip of the tentacles, fighting like hell to get free of them just before being flung back onto the beach with a thud, skidding across the sand before coming to a stop.

Scrambling back to his feet Steven looked up just in time to see the two women being hauled away from the shore. "Oi! Let them go you overgrown plate of calamari!" While he was still pretty much stuck on the beach he started striking the ones close to him with his shell.
As the two women were hauled further out to sea, the tentacles on the shore had learned their lesson. They surrounded Steven, and those in front of him stayed just out of reach of the shell, while those behind him imitated 'wet towels', taking turns to 'snap' his backside.
While the stinging of his backside was starting to hurt, to Steven that was nothing compared to being able to do nothing but watch as Moana and Ariel were being dragged out to sea. Tired of not being able to do anything he tried to grab one of the tentacles behind him as it came close to him, attacking it with his shell before it could pull away from him once more.
Steven both succeeded and failed. He failed in being able to attack the tentacle with the shell in his hand, but succeeded in throwing the tentacles' timing off. The end result was that the tentacles found themselves bouncing around Steven like the proverbial hacky sack. This provided great fun and entertainment for all the tentacles. The two tentacles who were carrying Ariel and Moana out to see saw all this and, deciding they wanted to get in on the fun, dropped the two women. In doing so, they inadvertently stripped the two women of their last bit of cover, revealing a thing red strip of pubic hair between Ariel's legs, and a darker, narrow strip between Moana's. Both completely nude women fell into the ocean, as the two remaining tentacles joined the game of 'Steven hacky sack.'
While being used by a hacky sack probably wasn't the worst thing to be done to a person by some tentacles, Steven still didn't particularly enjoy it. So he did his best to escape from their clutches, pushing off one of them just before it could toss him to the side and going in a different direction, closer to the shore. Getting back up he started rushing towards the two women, hoping to rescue them before they sank too far beneath the waves.
One of the tentacles grabbed Steven, tossed him in the air, and again the tentacles started tossing him around, though now it was more like a game of volleyball, with the tentacles forming two teams.

Meanwhile, Moana and Ariel emerged on the beach, tired, nude but unharmed.
Seeing that Ariel and Moana had washed back up on the shore, Steven realized that since the tentacles had been focusing on playing around with him they seemed to have forgotten about the two princesses! Hoping to himself that the women would be able to wake up and get further away from the shore, Steven started doing his best to distract them further; pushing off of them to make them put more effort into trying to catch him, clinging to another to make them have to force him off, and so on.
The tentacles seemed to enjoy the increase difficulty that Steven's attempts presented, but then seemed to get bored. After ten more minutes of bouncing him around, they unceremoniously dumped him on the sand, and disappeared into the surf. The collection of lights that they had formed from disappeared back into the ocean.
Steven landed on the beach with a dull thud, slowly raising his head off of the sand as the tentacles went back into the water. "Yeah that's right," he mumbled, shakily getting to his feet, "Run away...Ow!" He winced as one of the bruises starting to form on his skin twinged in pain.

The young man started walking over to Moana and Ariel, limping slightly as he went. He did his best to avert his eyes from their nude bodies, instead starting to carry them away from the shore in case the tentacles came back.
Moana remained asleep as Steven carried her off the beach, but Ariel came suddenly awake in his arms.

"Where's the squid?" she said, almost leaping out of his arms, her head jerking around.
"It went back into the ocean," Steven replied, still carrying her towards where he'd placed Moana. "Thankfully it didn't get the chance to take you two away." Once they were both safely away from the shore he looked back out there. "...What was that thing?" He asked under his breath, wondering if it was something that the Interloper had sent.
"A giant squid," Ariel answered. "A rare breed. It uses its bioluminescence as part of its hunting techniques. They're easily distracted, but it sure did act strangely, even for one of its kind," Ariel mused.

Moana chose that moment to start waking up. As she sat up she shook her head, trying to get her orientation. She first looked at Steven and smiled. "We owe you our lives, I think." She then looked at Ariel and her eyes went wide.

"Ariel, you're naked!" Moana then looked down at her own body and gasped, "I'm naked!" Moana scrambled, crossing her legs, and trying to use her arms, hands and sitting position to cover her exposed body parts.
"Yeah, the squid's thrashing tore off your clothes," Steven said, looking away slightly. Though he hadn't been trying to look, he'd gotten an eyeful while he'd carried the ladies back from the shoreline, enough to see that they had nothing to be ashamed of. "I can try to find if your clothes washed up on the beach if you like?"
"That may be a lost cause," Ariel said, as she also used her hands and arms to cover herself. But unlike Moana, she didn't seem to be as adamant as covering herself. "Hey, it's late, everyone is asleep, and Steven's seen everything anyway," she added as she dropped her hands and arms.

"Ariel!" Moana replied, aghast.

"What?" Ariel said, reaching out her hand to help Moana up. "If it was broad daylight, and everyone was around, I'd be mortified. But everyone is asleep, it's dark, and nobody has to know. Beside, Steven saved our lives," Ariel added in a tone that said the last sentence made everything all right.

With a certain amount of reluctance, Moana let Ariel pull her up. Moana kept herself uncovered, but was clearly uncomfortable.

"And I think we owe Steven a hug for saving us, don't you?" Ariel asked Moana.

"W-w-w-what?" was Moana's only response.

"Wouldn't you like a hug, Steven?" Ariel asked.
Steven's eyes widened as Ariel dropped her arms, her attempts at covering herself having been fairly ineffective to begin with. Then she pulled Moana up and he couldn't help but notice that the two were a bit curvier than the artists at Disney had made them look. Part of him wondered if that was one of the differences the fairies had mentioned, but before he could dwell on that Ariel spoke again.

"Well I wouldn't say no to a hug," Steven said, careful to keep his eyes above their necks (to only some success, as his eyes would occasionally start to drift downwards before coming back up), "But if you don't want to then I understand."
"Of course we want to," Ariel said and, before Moana could say or do anything to indicate the contrary, she literally threw her and Moana and herself so that both of them had their arms around Steven with their bodies pressed against him.

"And you're allowed to hug us back," Ariel added.
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