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Wishing upon a star (pods6827 and MMRS)

"I'm sure," he said, nodding to her as he started mentally preparing himself for his journey, "I will do what I can to stop the Interloper and try to get things back to normal." With that said, Steven stood up straight and looked at the fairies, "I'm ready to get started whenever you are."
"I wish we could tell you what to expect, Steven, but we only know there is an interloper upsetting things, and that you may be our only hope," Flora said. "If you will mount your board?"
Setting the board on the ground, Steven stood on it with one foot in front of the other, waiting for the fairies to work their magic.
"Cowabunga, dude!" Merryweather said with a giggle, waving her wand. Instantly, a giant wave appeared underneath Steven. The next thing he knew, he was riding on the upper edge of a wave over a deep blue ocean, heading directly toward a pristine, golden beach.
Eyes widening at the sight of the massive wave forming beneath his feet, Steven had barely a moment to regret not signing up for surf lessons when he'd had the chance before he was standing beneath a blue sky, the sun beating down on him as he approached a beautiful looking beach.

Not really knowing how to surf, Steven did his best to aim towards the beach without crashing, but hit something beneath the waves that sent him tumbling forward into the surf and sand. A moment later his board was brought forward by another wave, stopping next to his body as he started to stand back up.

"Well that was fun," he muttered, one hand pushing his hair back out of his face as he started to look around. "Now, I wonder where exactly I am..."
"You are on Motonui," a voice said from behind Steven.

Behind Steven were two girls looking to be in their late teens, one fair skinned with red hair, the other with olive skin and dark hair. Both were wearing traditional Polynesian garb which did nothing to hide their slender, feminine forms or their not unimpressive bust lines.

"And this seems to be a week for receiving strangers," the darker girl continued. "My new friend Ariel arrived just a few days ago," the darker girl added, gesturing toward the redhead. Ariel gave a small wave and a smile to Steven. "My name is Moana. My father is chief of this island. And you are...?"
Seeing the two women approaching him Steven quickly recognized them for who they were. It would have been nigh impossible not to recognize the two of them after all. "Hello Moana and Ariel," he said, smiling at the two of them, "My name is Steven, and I'm a wanderer from a distant land." He didn't know how much they knew about other worlds or things like that, so he figured that it'd be best to err on the side of caution on them.

"So this is Motonui then?" he asked as he took a step closer to the two. "Admittedly I haven't seen more than this beach, but it looks beautiful here."
"Oh, it is beautiful," Ariel gushed, spinning around, then looking down at her own feet and laughing.

"You'll have to forgive Ariel," Moana said, giving her friend a good natured smile. "She's...well this is all brand new to her in a way that you probably couldn't imagine. Or perhaps you could," Moana said, eyeing Steven speculatively. "Do you consort with merfolk from where you come from, Steven?"
Steven smiled at Ariel, realizing that she must be fairly new to having a bottom half that didn't end in a fish tail. Though he was a little surprised that she still had her voice. Was that one of the differences the fairies had mentioned he wondered.

"While I've never met one of the merfolk before, i've certainly heard of them," Steven said to Moana. "Are you saying that Ariel is one of them?"
"I was," Ariel responded. A slight blush came to her face as she added, "It's a little embarrassing, but I made a deal. Well, I was going to make a deal. It's not important," she shook her head, her fair skin nearly crimson now. "I was just curious for...a number of reasons...about life on land, and I was supposed...well, I was going to give up my voice temporarily, but Ursula was in the middle of everything, and there was a huge current that came through out of nowhere, and the next thing I know, I have legs, and my voice, and I washed up here. Moana found me and got me properly dressed, and here I am!" Ariel spun around again, giggling.
"Hmm, I have heard of Ursula," Steven said, stroking his chin as he smiled at the redhead, slightly amused by how her face was starting to match her hair, "It's probably a good thing that you didn't actually make that deal, though I'm glad that you're able to experience being on land now."

Pausing, he looked at Moana and smiled at her as well. "I don't suppose I could trouble you for a place to stay while I'm here? It might be some time before I'm able to figure out where I'll be going next."
"Not a problem," Moana said with a smile. "Since the heart of Te Fiti was returned two years ago, we've always had plenty to share with strangers. A visitor's arrival is always a time to rejoice and celebrate." Moana headed toward her village and added, "If you had arrived just two days ago, you would have seen a real celebration. Both Ariel and I celebrated our eighteenth birthday. Quite a coincidence, don't you think?"
"Thank you," Steven said as he followed the two women back to Moana's village. "Ah, and congratulations to you both! It's certainly quite the coincidence," though he privately thought that it probably wasn't one, though he couldn't imagine what purpose there might be for them both having the same birth date.

"It's a shame I couldn't wash up on your shores in time for the festivities, I suppose I'll have to find a good gift for each of you to make up for it," he said, smiling brightly at the two women. "After all, it's not every day that such lovely ladies turn 18."
"It was a grand celebration," Ariel gushed. "I did miss my family a little..." she allowed, "But it was a new experience, seeing the tiny sea stars from above."

"And you would not think it looking at Ariel," Moana laughed, "but she can definitely put away the popoi." Ariel turned red, but then both girls started giggling.

Soon, the girls brought Steven into the village proper. There was a lot of activity going on, but there were more than a few curious looks toward Steven, especially from the children. "We better go take you to my father," Moana told Steven. "He's the Chief."
As they walked Steven smiled at the people they were passing, not wanting to seem unfriendly to the people who were going to be putting him up for the time being. He laughed at Moana's comment, giving Ariel a wink while they continued on their way to where the Chief was. "Yeah, I should probably meet your father if I'm going to be staying here for a time."
"Do you have an idea about how long you'll want to stay?" Moana asked. "Not that anyone would rush you off, but it is one of the thing my father is likely to ask?"
"You know, I'm not sure how long I'll be staying," Steven commented, "I do have a task that I need to perform in the area so I won't be leaving until that's done at least." He paused momentarily, thinking about how long it might take to find out whether or not the Interloper would be coming for the Heart of Te Fiti. "Off the top of my head, perhaps a week? Give or take a day anyway. It all depends on how things turn out."
The meeting with the Chieftan went well. Very well. The Chief and the other elders made Steven feel welcome, and gave him a small hut on the edge of the village. They even threw a banquet in his honor, and it seemed food and drink and laughter and dance was never ending.

As the sun set and the evening of celebration continued on, Moana and Ariel took Steven to one side.

"Want to see the sea stars?" Moana asked.
Steven hadn't been particularly worried about the meeting with the chief, as if he remembered right the man had been quite a bit more calm after the end of his daughter's movie. He'd simply explained that he'd washed up on the shore and that he would need to stay for a few days while he figured out what to do next.

He'd been a little surprised by the impromptu party that had popped up but enjoyed it all the same, laughing and dancing as the hours passed.

Eventually he was pulled away by the two princesses, "Sure," Steven said as he was brought to their destination, "I'd love to join you."
The girls led him down a moonlit trail to a small secluded cove.

The cove was lit up by literally thousands, if not millions, of bioluminescent plankton.

Moana and Ariel moved ahead of Steven, holding hands as they did so.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Ariel gushed.

And in the distance, a group of luminescent dots seemed to be moving in unison.
"It certainly is," Steven commented as he looked out at the cove's brilliant lights. Of course, he thought to himself as his gaze turned to Moana and Ariel, the lights weren't the only beautiful sight he could see.

His thoughts were interrupted by something in the distance, a series of other lights that, if he wasn't wrong, were heading in their direction. Moving so that he was standing next to Ariel, Steven kept his eyes on them just in case the lights turned out to be a danger.
"Look," Ariel said, pointing to the water. At that particular moment, two clown fish, one larger than the other, leaped out of the water, then dove back in.

"Oh, that's nothing," Moana said, pointing at the night sky, where a shooting star streaked across the sky. "Make a wish."

And while eyes turned to the sky, a small group of bioluminescence dots drifted closer to the shore.
Steven watched the fish jump up from the surface with a smile on his face before Moana directed their attention up to the sky. He heard the islander's whispered words and as he watched the star shoot across the sky his only wish was that this moment could last forever.

Looking to the left Steven saw Ariel staring up as well, a look of awe on her face. Smiling, he reached out and took her hand in his as they all watched the sky.
Ariel gave Steven's hand a squeeze as she turned and gave him a smile.

And then all hell broke loose.

Two long, giant tentacles broke from the surface of the water, wrapping themselves around Moana's and Ariel's waist and pulling them off the beach (and incidentally out of Steven's grasp). Before either girl could scream, two more tentacles quickly emerged, covering their mouths, as the tentacles held them above the water, moving them from the shore.
Steven was just returning Ariel's smile when there was a great splashing noise from the ocean, and he looked up just in time to see a pair of massive tentacles pop out of the water and grab the two women! "Oi!" he called out as he rushed towards the shoreline, "Let them go!"

Charging in the direction of the nearest tentacle Steven attacked it with his fists, trying to force it to drop it's human cargo.
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