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What Do You Fear? [randomname98766789 and Amaranthine]

Bryce was right - he really should have known that Alicia would be supportive of everything that he could ever want to do. The exception to that might be killing someone, but in a world like this even that could be something she respected, if it was meant to keep her or them safe. It wasn’t like she would be able to judge after the events at the hotel, anyways. They lived in a dangerous world surrounded by people made dangerous out of necessity, and sometimes there was no other choice. Obviously, nothing Bryce would genuinely want to do would be that extreme or violent.

“Mmm, guess it’s time for me to stop snooping through your bag,” Alicia said back to him, scrunching up her nose as she did so. “Sometimes I like to look and see if you’ve picked up any new gear, but I would hate to ruin the surprise.” Obviously, she wouldn’t want to get in the way of anything Bryce was trying to do - for her or not. She respected him and his space immensely, but she also knew that they had very little options when it came to collecting keepsakes or important items. If shit were to hit the fan now, they would want to have everything they needed close by in a single bag if at all possible. Very rarely did Alicia ever sneak peek in the first place - and those scarce moments had been in the early days, introducing herself to the main players in Bryce’s bondage gear.

“You really are the best, though,” she needed to say again - it might seem like she said that a lot, but in her eyes she never said it enough. Bryce really was the best thing that had happened to her. “I love that you’re always thinking of me, and how to make me happy. I’m going to have to come up with something really awesome to beat homemade love song kind of sap, though.”

- - - - -

The way Nick grabbed at her had a way of winding Anna up - always had and probably always would. He was the only person who had ever looked at her like she was more than something to fuck - or at least the only person that she’d somewhat believed that about since losing the naïveté that told her people had good intentions. That played a huge role in how she reacted to him - how easily she grew wet with his touch, how accepting she was of it, how quickly he could bring her to climax. Nick’s talent played a role in that too, of course.

”Almost as much as- ah,” she tried to get through a sentence only to be cut off by her own moan, barely even able to keep a thought straight in her head that didn’t revolve entirely around how Nick’s lips had felt on her breasts and the way he was making easy work of her clit. He might have a smart-ass remark to make but he was the one driving her crazy - hell, Anna felt like she was doing a half-ass job compared to him and she was putting everything her hazy mind was capable of in to making Nick truly crave her.

She couldn’t pull away from him - as he’d dared to move his head hers and gone with it, and the closer she got the more her thighs tightened around Nick’s. He could make her shake if he played his cards right, treated her slow and careful like he was now. This wasn’t the first time they’d played the teasing and build up game, and it was a damn good way to warm up to something better - especially in the moments where that something better was of the rougher variety. “As I love to have you inside of me,” she managed to finish the thought several moans later, her eyes clenching tight as her upper body spasmed- the first sign beyond her growing dampness that she was right on the edge.
It had never bothered Bryce when Alicia would snoop through his stuff. It was not like he had anything to hide from her. In fact, he loved her clingy, obsessive tendencies from Alicia. That was why he never asked her to stop. All he did was reinforce this behavior. “Well, thanks for that. I do want it to be a surprise for you.” The male whispered quietly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head. His arms tightened around her body a little more. Bryce released the guitar, setting it down onto the ground beside the bed. Even if she did find his song before he was ready to share, it would be okay.

“Thank you for saying these things, Princess. You are the best, too. You are always on my mind. Every single day. Everything I do, I am thinking about you. That is easy to do when you are attached to my hip 24/7, though.” His tone was light and teasing, showcasing how he did not mind her being around him as often as she was. He kissed the top of her head again. Then, he kissed her forehead right after that, squeezing her against his chest. “I would not have it any other way.” Bryce wanted to add this sentence to ensure Alicia understood that his observation and comment about her being by his side 24/7 was not a complaint. Bryce assumed she already knew that, though.

“I am sure you will think of something. You really do not even have to try that hard. You are amazing. I love you more than anything else in the entire world. You make me feel wonderful every moment we spend together. You do not have to try beating anything. You already do that each time you kiss me or smile at me. It just makes me want to hold you forever and never let you go.” Bryce murmured, allowing his head to rest against her shoulder from this angle as he turned his head slightly so he could kiss her neck.


Nick hoped his eyes conveyed his intentions with Anna. It was never about sex alone to him. Sex always felt like a way they could both communicate with one another. They did not always use words wisely. It was okay, though. They had such clarity when they were in the bedroom. There was never a moment of miscommunication or misunderstanding. They had each other wrapped around their finger. They knew each other’s bodies like the back of their own hand. It was wonderful. They were both already turned on so much and they had only just begun. Nick could not believe how hard he was growing in such a short time when her hand started sliding up and down his length, either.

Even though Nick had only just pulled his mouth away from her breast, he wanted to return it immediately. So, that’s what he did! His mouth went back to her left breast. He moaned softly against her nipple again. He would kiss just above her nipple and gently nip at the flesh of her chest right above her areola. Then, he would drag his tongue across her skin, looking up through his eyelashes at her, locking eyes as he started sucking on her nipple again. He always knew where Anna’s sensitive areas were. He wanted to attack them with full force! He wanted to drive her crazy with desire until she could not help herself from slipping his cock inside her.

After spending a few moments teasing her clit, he pulled his hand back just a little bit. “Well, if you love it so much, why don’t you make it happen?” He asked with a smirk, looking up into her eyes. He even started grinding against her hand, trying to encourage her. He wanted Anna to take control, to line up with his cock, to sink down on his hips. He wanted this badly and he would do damn near anything to get it. He grew quiet again, going back to kissing her as he left her clit untouched, hoping it would tease her enough to start.
Alicia moved with ease so that Bryce could put the guitar down, and then turned her body a little sideways in his lap so that she could keep her eyes tuned in on the beauty of his face. Her back was still against his chest, and she rested her temple gently against the side of Bryce’s head. There she was still in that pretty little sundress, dragging bare feet up on to the bed so they would be in her husband’s sight if he turned his head back to his right. If this wasn’t a sign that she would do absolutely anything to make him happy, nothing was. Even outside of special moments, everything that she did was about Bryce and genuinely wanting him to be the happiest man on the planet. She had never really liked dresses in the past, but just knowing how much her husband loved them made her truly want to be in them. It helped that he made her feel like she was the prettiest woman in the world - with him at her side, Alicia had nothing to feel insecure about.

“Then hold me forever,” she said to him and she wished that could be reality. She wished that they could be in college right now, having a lazy Saturday night after a long week and winding down with each other. She wished that they would have these moments in endless abundance, and know that tomorrow would still have ample opportunity to belong to only each other. Because moments like those weren’t an every day opportunity, they really did make the most of what they had. Sometimes that meant they had time for little more than curling up together at the end of a long day of travelling, but even then one would think that it was both the first and the last time they would ever touch each other with how important it was to Alicia.

It helped that Bryce enjoyed her clingy nature - but after spending years pining for him, how was she supposed to want to let him go!? Their relationship felt like a dream come true and for all Alicia knew, she would wake up in the morning and all of this would have just been a dream. Alicia sighed as Bryce leaned in to kiss her neck, and her hands rested against his arms around her as she leaned in to the touch. Once he had pulled away she was quick on the drop - she’d moved in to press a kiss to his forehead before he could get away from her. Her hands squeezed his arms gently in affection. “I’ll never be able to thank you enough for being a part of my life like this, there really is nothing better.” Alicia knew that she didn’t need to thank Bryce, but that wasn’t about to stop her. She would always voice how much he mattered to her.

- - - - -

The moan that escaped Anna’s lips as Nick pulled just slightly away from her body sounded almost pained/ How dare he when she was so close to coming undone straight in his hand, the edge so close she had been able to feel it? Nick knew what he was doing, though. It was a way of getting his own way, he seemed to know just how to ‘encourage’ her. ”Maybe I’ll have to,” she said in a soft low whisper as he hands moved away from him and she raised her hips off of his lap- one hand made easy work of the button on her shorts and between how small she was and the fact that they were about a half-size too big it was easy to shimmy those down her thighs. She had to move to get them off and braced he hand against the side of Nick’s abdomen to support herself, grabbing at the smooth skin beneath his shirt, and once she’d gotten one leg off it was easy to shove the remains of her clothes down to the other ankle, out of sight and out of mind.

It was quite the state that they both seemed to be in, half-stripped yet all the way ready for each other. It also wasn’t the first time they hadn’t cared to make each other bare - as fun as nudity was, moments like this could be even more hot. Now that Anna wasn’t trying to support herself from falling over she could go back to what she did best - touching Nick. Her other hand slipped past the open fabric of his undone button down (she would thank him for that piece of clothing later, between stealing them from him and the way he looked with the open shirt she always had been fond of a good button down) and held on to him so that she could slide her dominant hand back down to his dick.

Anna took a firm but gentle hold on the base of his length and brought her his back down on him, first sliding him between her lower lips to feel the wetness that he has caused. She gasped as she slid down along his length and the edge of the head stimulated her clit, only to bring him all the way to her entrance. The head of Nick’s cock slipped easily inside of her from how ready she was for him, and for a brief moment she was still. Her hand twisted along the length of his shaft and all the way up to where their bodies met, still teasing him. Her body was so close and yet so far away from his - close enough to get that taste of what awaited but the cards were still in her hand and Anna could play the same kind of game she had just seen him as doing.
When Alicia moved her feet into view, Bryce could not stop smiling. His eyes did lower, looking at those cute feet of hers for a moment when she stole a kiss. After that kiss, he listened to the brunette speak, which only made him happier. “You already thank me with every kiss, every word. I’ll never be able to thank you enough, either.” Likewise, Bryce knew he did not need to thank Alicia. He was going to do it anyways. “Be careful what you wish for though. I might end up finding a way to hold you forever after all.” Bryce teased, squeezing her just a bit more against his chest. “I love you.” Alicia was truly the best wife in the world. While most spouses would say that about their souse, he would challenge every single one. Alicia was a better wife. She was his better half. She helped keep him grounded.

“Oh, you are so perfect. I really do not know what I would do without you. I lost so much. My father. My mother. I don’t know anything about my sister. Without you, I would be alone. I wouldn’t know what to do. I would be a totally different person. You are my rock. You always have been.” Bryce essentially had no family left, other than Alicia. Madison had always been like a mother to him. They always got along and he was lucky that she allowed him to stay with the family. Nick and Bryce were not particularly close but they didn’t really have an issue with each other. Still, Alicia was the one he spent most of his time around. Nick was never present and Madison chased around her son every single day. So, it was tough to feel like he fully fit in outside of when he spent time with Alicia.

“And you look so damn good in that dress. I like it even better knowing that you have nothing underneath.” That was the wonderful thing about their kinky, actively sexual marriage. He doubted they were having more sex tonight. Even so, she was wearing nothing under her dress and they might still tease each other. There were so many ways they could do this. He just held her tightly now, turning so he could face her, leaning down to kiss her again, his tongue tracing her lips. “I could kiss you forever too. This is my favorite way to spend our time.” He murmured, one hand touching her face gently. He tried to get her as close to his body as possible. Bryce was serious about never letting her go.

Nick smiled slightly when Anna said she just might have to slid his cock inside her. His plan was working. Edging was not something he did too often with Anna. It just felt right in this case. He wanted to tease her back, as some playful payback for driving him crazy. Ultimately, her plan was successful. She might not have gotten him undressed as soon as she wanted, but it was only delayed by a day or two. Nick just could not resist her any longer. Bedsides, was this not the perfect setting? They were alone. The night sky was overhead without a cloud in the sky. Nick and Anna just shared a uniquely romantic dinner in the ruins of the recently burned home. There were candlelights around them. It was so romantic and so loving. Nick thought it set the stage nicely. It would have felt criminal to not take advantage of this opportunity. Anna seemed to be on the same page. They might not have been an overly sappy couple. However, they could appreciate the romantic nature or this moment. There was nothing wrong with that. Nick thought it only added to the present moment.

It felt like Nick was being given a show when Anna worked her shorts down. With each inch of flesh she began to expose, he felt his heartbeat pounding. The heat in his body and on his face was rising. Nick never got tired of seeing Anna or her body. She was so hot! She could drive him crazy just with the way her body moved. “I like where this is going.” Nick winked after she had moved her shorts all the way down. He could not wait for where this was going next. She had him exactly where she wanted him. When she wrapped her hand around his base, Nick knew where it was going. A soft moan left his lips when the tip of his cock felt just how wet her pussy felt around him. She was so turned on, just as he was. “Anna…” her name sounded more like a gasping prayer than anything else. He wanted more. No. He needed more. He just had to hope that she was not going to turn the tables on him and stop, just as he stopped with her.

“Anna, please. I need you. I need you to fuck me.” Nick was ready to beg at this point. His hands rested on her hips, trying to encourage her by pushing lightly against them, attempting to push her down. He tried raising his hips, but she did have him pinned well. Nick realized he was not in a great position for even an ounce of control. “Oh… you are playing so dirty. I can’t do anything to stop you.” Nick chuckled, trying to grind the head of his cock against her wet lips and swollen clit.
Alicia listened closely as Bryce talked about his family and how she was the only person that he truly had as his own. She understood where he was coming from. As much as she had her own family around, she was kind of in the same boat as he was. Her brother was AWOL more often than not, and ever since he had started going down the wrong path years ago her mother had cared more about him than her daughter. She got it, kind of. Besides the part where Nick didn't seem to want that kind of care... Bryce had seen it all first hand, of course. He had been more her home than her own family since long before they had gotten married and even long before the world had ended. She understood what it was like to truly feel like she only had one person in the world.

"I need you as much as you need me, Bryce," Alicia said to him. She knew that he knew how important he was to her, but there were never enough words for it. "You're what's kept me sane for years, I would have felt so alone without you there after my father died or when Nick was out doing who even knows what. You've always been my rock." Because of this, she didn't know how they had gone so long without realizing that they were meant to be.

She smiled as he reminded her that she had nothing on under the dress - he was right, of course. Alicia wouldn't mind if they ended up having some more fun with each other while they had the time, but it wasn't her first priority right now. She would never say no to any of Bryce's advances, but they had already had a new and fun moment down by the lakeside and she was more than content just snuggled up and being close to her beloved. What more could a woman want than a loving partner who met every need she could possibly have both sexually and mentally?

- - - - -

There it was - the oh so needy way Nick called for her. To her it was one of the greatest sounds in the world, being wanted to badly by him. Anna liked to see him writhing and wanting just as he liked to see from her, and there was something incredibly hot about the way he sounded when he was driven this crazy. “All’s fair in love and war,” she reminded him with a devilish smirk, holding against the way he tried to urge her hips down just long enough to hopefully make him think he was losing this battle. So close yet so far away - it was a good thing that Anna was just as in need as he was, or else she might have toyed with him a little more. She’d always loved the sight of him flustered and near spent, after all.

”But since you said please…” She was messing with him, and definitely playing dirty. Anna angled her hips just enough to line them up perfectly with the tip of Nick’s cock, and released the pressure that she was holding in her hips to keep him from getting what they both so desperately wanted just moments ago. As he started to slide in to her she let go of his length, and that hand found his cheek instead. She gasped and sighed as her body accommodated him - she didn’t need slow, she was just as worked up as he was, but there was no rush.

Her fingertips grazed along his jawline and her thumb against his cheek as she leaned in to kiss him, and her hazel eyes watched the expression on his face at the same time. Her own was soft, angel eyes and a light, toothy smile like she wasn’t acting like the devil teasing this poor boy. At least the suffering was finally paying off? As she came down on the last of the length she leaned in to kiss him once more, all passion and lust.
Bryce knew loss. Losing his sister, however, might have hurt the most. At least there was a sense of closure with the confirmed death of his two parents. His sister felt like half a world away when humanity fell. She might be alive. She might be dead. Even if she was alive, it would not have mattered much. How could they even find one another? Bryce shook that thought free from his head. Some days, Bryce felt guilty. Maybe he should have tried harder to find her. What was he going to do, though? Trek across the country? What was the likelihood of finding her? Less than one-hundredth of a percent, if that.

“It feels nice to know that I am needed. It makes me happy to hear you say that.” Bryce whispered. The validation was wonderful! Alicia always made it quite clear that she needed him. Just hearing her speak the words caused happiness to increase within him once more. He did need her and vice versa. “Well, I am going to be here for you in the future, too. I love you more than I can put into words. We are a great team. We are truly meant to be and I know that our love will only grow from this day.” He purred lowly, now starting to slide his fingers through her long hair. She was so attractive from every angle. She looked especially gorgeous from here.

“You know, as much as I do enjoy holding you in my lap, I would really appreciate the chance to play with your feet some more right now. Why don’t you just crawl over to the side a bit more so your feet can rest in my lap, so I can give you another massage? We can keep talking and kissing, though.” He explained quietly, glancing into her eyes, hoping that she would not mind it. After all, he made it a long time by just looking at her feet without touching him. Now, he was unable to resist the urge anymore.


Needy felt like a wonderful way to put how Nick felt right now. Desperate was another valid word. If she kept this up much longer, Nick was going to set aside every ounce of pride and directly beg for her to give him what he wanted. Nick was not above begging, not when it came to Anna. Plus, he knew how much she enjoyed it when he had these passionate desires for her. He would stop at nothing to earn her affection. Nick knew she could never resist him for too awfully long. At the same time, she had incredible willpower when she put her mind to something. Nick knew he would have to work for this.

Even though Anna might have been smirking at his expense, that look in her eyes had a profound impact on him once more. He just groaned again. It sounded like agony, even though he was truly desiring her, truly needing her to give him what he wanted. Nick did not know how long that would take. Once Nick was truly on the edge, about to lose his mind in the throes of desire, she finally gave him what he wanted. Nick moaned so loud that he thought the entire ranch might have heard of him. His grip on her waist became tighter, more desperate. “Fuck!” Nick breathed out, only a few seconds after she lowered herself onto him.

He was eager to return the kiss. He ended up reaching up to cup her face back, sort of thinking about making sure that she kept kissing him, that she could not pull away. His moans were not quieter, even with her mouth over his. Nick was not holding back right now. Anna was trying her hardest to look innocent, but Nick knew better! His cock was throbbing at this point. “Oh, babe… you’re driving me crazy.” He breathed out against her mouth, trying to slide his tongue into her mouth if she would allow it, trying to deepen the kiss as much as he could.
A giggle escaped Alicia's lips as Bryce asked her if she could possibly move a bit so that he could rub her feet. "Of course," she said in return as she slid her way out of his lap and settled on to the bed beside him. She made a show out of dragging her feet up towards him- toes against fabric, slow and deliberate, until they trailed one by one across his leg and towards his lap. Alicia was honestly surprised that Bryce had managed to go so long without asking her to do this, but she really didn't mind getting cozy and comfortable while Bryce tended to her feet.

She stayed close by, close enough that she could rest her arm loose around his back, and leaned in to kiss him again. This one was soft but passionate, filled with the love that she had for him. Bryce could make kinky be so sweet, and moments like this really showed that. Alicia hoped he knew that she enjoyed that part of their relationship as much as the rest of it. "I like being able to just hang out and be together like this," she said. "I wish things could have been different and we had been able to be young together in the kind of world that we grew up in... but there's no one I'd trust to have my back in a world like this. Part of me hopes this place is something good, it would be really nice to just.... have a place to be." She was just talking for for sake of talking now. "I don't want to run anymore. I don't want to lose any more people. Every day out there is a day I could lose you and I wish we didn't have to risk that."

- - - - -

The way Nick gripped at her, fingers pressed in to the skin so close to her hips, sent a good sensation down Anna's spine pushing her down, down, down until there was nowhere left for her to go. Between that and the way Nick kissed, deep and passionate, strung along with hot moans and heavy breathing, Anna felt rather satisfied with her handiwork. Nick could undoubtedly make her squirm just as much as she could him, that there was no denying, but she always ended up feeling so proud of myself. It was a good thing the house that burned down, because the pair didn't even have four walls around them to quiet their noises.

She slid away from him just as slowly as she'd gone down, lips and tongue meeting his with wild abandon. Once all that remained inside of her was the head of Nick's cock, she started to rock her body rhythmically up and down along him. Anna's cheek pressed in to the hand that Nick cupped it with, her head tilting slightly to the side and her tongue met his in the middle to kiss him passionately. They seemed to be clinging to each other - chest to chest, stomach to stomach, hands pulling each other in. It was passionate without being incredibly dirty, making it on the romantic side of the sex they had with each other. That suited the environment that they were in - candlelight and stars over head.
“I admire what you have said, Alicia. I think about the world we face right now. Sometimes, it feels difficult to see a life where we can just be, just live. For as long as I can remember, it has only been about survival. Well, to 99 percent of everyone around us, it is all about survival. You and I have always been able to find a way to truly live during these times. We take care of each other. We love each other. You make each day bearable and it does not feel like we are only surviving. That is the one thing I never want to lose. We still have our humanity and I know you are a big reason that I have mine.” This might be the most profound impact of all Alicia had on her husband.

“You are a beacon of hope for me. As long as you are in my life, I can see a future where not all is as fucked as it is now. I doubt that something ever changes the fact that we have to deal with the infected here on the ground. But I do not think we have to run forever. I do not think society has to die. I think we can build something special. It would be nice if this could be that place.” Bryce agreed, returning the kiss fully after he finished talking. No matter how dark it got, Alicia seemed to always have some light. That light managed to shine through Bryce, giving him hope that he would not have without Alicia in his life. What more could he say about this woman? She was pure perfection. She was everything he needed. “I never want you to change, babe. That’s my main priority other than just keeping you safe and happy. I want to make sure this world never gets the chance to change that wonderful, beautiful mind of yours. You are my hope.”


Even with nowhere left to go, Nick continued pushing her hips as if he wanted her to sink down even further! It was just a clear representation of how much Nick enjoyed having her body against his like this. It would never be enough for Nick. She always left him feeling satisfied. At the same time, he was always left wanting more. It was strange how it worked, but it did. Nick swore he was more turned on now than ever before. He figured a large part of it was due to the occurrences over the last week or so. From almost losing Anna to now having her back on top of him, healthy enough to ride his cock… it was a roller coaster. Thankfully, he could enjoy every single moment of it, allowing it to serve as a cathartic release of sorts.

When she raised up and decided to grind against the head, that did not cause Nick to quiet any. It only made him moan just as loudly as before. He decided to do his best to pleasure her from this position as well. His right hand dropped down as the other kept cupping her face while they kissed. That right hand returned to her clit, just as it had been a few moments ago. He started slowly rubbing her clit again in the same direction, at the same pace. He did not want her to feel neglected. Plus, he wanted to earn a few moans! He wanted to hear how good he made her feel.
Truly living and not just surviving, that was what Bryce had called to. To Alicia, “just surviving” was an incredibly apt way to describe the way that the world around them operated now. It was also true that she felt the need to make time to genuinely live, especially with Bryce involved. More and more people grew hardened each day and Alicia tried her damnedest not to let that happen - she was a silly hopeful dreamer of a girl, always wanting to see the good in things. The moments where that was difficult happened more often than not now, but she tried to keep that from breaking her spirit. Having Bryce at her side helped immensely, though.

“And you’re the reason why I can still feel light sometimes,” she returned after his little speech, that serene smile still on her face. “Really. I wouldn’t be able to do it without you. Even before this all happened, you got me through everything that could have broke me. You’ve always been the light shining in my life, too. All the times Nick disappeared, when my dad died, you’ve gotten me this far in to the end of the world. I probably would have gone crazy a long time ago if it wasn’t for you, babe. I need you as much as you need me.“

Alicia really, really liked that Bryce could still see some kind of future outside of their relationship. That was something that she wanted so badly, to have some semblance of a normal life even though it seemed like at best they would end up with society-lite with the dead around. It was better than giving up on the idea that humanity was saveable.

- - - - -

Nick knew exactly how to keep her from being able to think straight - dual stimulation was almost always so much better than just penetration or just clit play. Neither were bad, of course, but the combination could send a rush straight to Anna’s head so hard that she felt dizzy from pleasure. Every movement was intensified - every slow circle, every millimeter that Nick moved inside of her. Within moments she was moaning against his mouth, and the way that she rode him picked up pace.

Could he tell that she was just as strung out as he was? Anna might have been a quieter person than he was but she’d always leaned towards those heady gasps and sighs, softer vocalizations and heavy breaths that still made it crystal clear she felt euphoria. “Fuck,” she gasped as the head rush started to feel like it was going to trip her up - how in the world was she supposed to focus when Nick was treating her so well? That was part of the problem of being on top, taking the lead, being in any kind of control - there was always a point where she just wanted to lean back and take it because she couldn’t think straight enough do the work herself.

Anna was determined, though. The hand on Nick’s side trailed up his back, fingertips pressing in to the top of his shoulder when she reached it. She was between him and the fabric that still covered him, not caring an ounce that he was still clothed by that. In fact, she almost preferred it this way - there was something really stunning about the way he looked half-clothed and with an open shirt, clinging to her like she was giving him life. Her nails then raked down his back slowly and carefully, enough for a sensation but not enough to break skin, as his handiwork caused her to moan in to him again.
Seeing the good in all things was a talent. It was a talent Bryce sometimes lacked. It was a talent he only learned from Alicia. Even now, in a world so full of negativity and fear, he found the good in all things. Even after everything that happened, he thought about how they had a roof over their heads and a camp to call their own, even if it was only temporary. He did not expect the Clark crew to stay here forever considering how there were too many undesirables on the ranch. They would not want to surround themselves with these evil people.

When she told him that he was a reason she could still see the light sometimes it truly impacted Bryce. To know that such a bright, happy woman would not feel the same fullness in her heart without his presence made Bryce want to just kiss her again! “Thanks, babe. For the record, nothing would ever break Alicia Clark. You are the strongest woman I have ever met. You are the strongest person I have ever met, period. You have so much strength in the face of horrible tragedies. I’m honored to be part of what gives you strength, but I know you can do anything in this world that you set your mind to doing.”

Growing silent, Bryce decided it was time to turn attention towards her feet, just as he requested a few minutes before. He started by placing her bare feet against his lap, allowing her heels to rest right along his base. Then, he slowly pressed the tips of each finger into her sole or around her foot from where he held her, moving them slowly across her flesh.


When Anna rewarded him with those sexy moans, Nick started to smile even more. He always knew that dual stimulation was perfect. Nick believed he would be able to make her orgasm or at least give her a fun night without it. However, ick had always been so selfless in the bedroom. He was always thinking about what he could do in order to make Anna feel good. That often led him to the dual stimulation because he wanted every inch of his own body to be working toward making Anna feel good. This was one way to do it! Her moans encouraged him to continue, but he did keep the rubbing pace on her clit at a steady pace with both fingers to stimulate her the most.

He could feel every single inch of skin that her hand touched and brushed against when she raised it up to his shoulders. It felt good. It added to the wonderful sensation he experienced, being combined with the way she started to grind against his cock. He still felt the throbbing and pulsating continue as she pressed against him. Nick continued to gaze up into her eyes, not wanting to look away from her while this was going on. Nick pressed his body up against hers once more, trying to get every ounce he could squeeze from her!

“Oh…. Fuck.” Nick grunted when she raked her nails down his back. He enjoyed all touches from Anna, but that was especially chilling. The hand that was cupping her face now dropped back down to fondle her breasts again, allowing his hand to cup over her right breast. He would teasingly pinch her nipple, but not hard at all. Then, he released that nipple and moved his hand over to the left breast. “Anna, I’m getting so close.” Nick whispered, still looking up into her eyes as he felt himself teetering right on the edge already. Nick did not know how much of this he could take before he would explode
"I wouldn't be half as strong without you by my side," Alicia said, tossing the notion aside that she would be who she was without him as her rock. At the same time, the sentence also once again made it clear how important that Bryce was in her life. In a world like these, people needed someone to rely on and she really had been the luckiest girl in the world to have someone like Bryce on her side. She wouldn't want to be one of the people who tried to get in his way, especially when she was on the other side. Alicia nudged her husband with an elbow playfully.

She then let out a sigh as Bryce started to touch her feet. In reality she was surprised that it had taken him this long to start playing with and touching them after asking to, especially after how willing she had been to oblige his request. The way his fingertips grazed against her skin was a strange mixture of ticklish and pleasant - not ticklish enough to be a problem, but enough that she always found a little shiver shooting down her spine every time he touched them for the first time in a while. She stretched her toes out, and arched her feet to give him as good of access as possible to the appendages.

"You're always so good at this," she said to him. Like many things, Alicia hadn't figured herself the type to genuinely enjoy something like this. Tolerate maybe, especially in the case of a foot rub after a long day at work, but not genuinely enjoy and encourage. Of course, she also had never given it much a thought before Bryce, and it had been an uninformed opinion. Alicia liked to stay open minded and give everything a shot at least once, and so far it had worked out very much in her favour.

- - - - -

So close, already? Anna found herself feeling rather prideful - they had barely just begun. Of course there had been a lot of lead up to this moment - days of skating around each other, the way she had worked him up so carefully before they had even reached the point of penetration. She was close, too - so close she could feel it. After the way that Nick had pulled away from her earlier part of her was prepared for him to try to pull away from her again, but Anna knew better - she knew that he was all in now, and he'd already gotten what he wanted from the first time around.

The moan that escaped was the only way that she could reply, her head falling away from Nick's to rest her forehead on his shoulder as he drove her so wild that she came undone all around him. Anna's nails pressed harder in to the skin of his back, even the hand that held his cheek tightened - though she was a little more gentle when it came to Nick's face. She cried out in a moan as her core gushed around Nick's length, and she continued to rock up and down along him as she orgasmed, walls spasming around him. She didn't know which way to arch her hips - in to his hand or down along his cock. It was difficult, keeping a level enough head to keep going, but the way continuing to move seemed to amplify the sensations wracking her body made it all worth it.

She continued to moan in to Nick's neck as she rode her way through her peak, hands shaking and her whole body clinging tight to him.
“Only the best for my wife!” It was true. Everything Bryce did for Alicia was of top quality. Whether he was singing a song for her or making love to her, Bryce always gave every ounce of effort. For a while, he worried that this whole kinky sex and kinky romance would start roughly. He did not have experience with anyone else regarding this aspect. Alicia was truly his first. Thankfully, they were always on the same page. It hardly mattered that he was not experienced. It always seemed to work out for them. Besides, he spent enough time thinking about it and fantasizing about this, from the foot play to the bondage, to know exactly what he wanted to do and how to do it. Bryce did his research!

“I cannot believe I ever thought you might not like how I am into your feet. I mean, look at this. You get infinite foot massages. How did I ever think you might decline that option?” Bryce teased, although it was not nearly as simple as it sounded back before their relationship started. It was one of the most terrifying conversations ever. He had just been able to start a relationship with Alicia. What if she thought he was crazy for asking for something like this? What if their relationship had to end before it even started? Obviously, he had been worried without reason.

“Then again, massages are not the only thing I want to do with them, are they?” Bryce winked at her, recalling some other kinkiness they explored so far. He raised her feet up again and decided to place his hands onto her ankles, holding her feet still as he peppered soft kisses up and down her soles. Bryce liked to think that, even though kissing her feet was not exactly the usual massage, he hoped it still brought her a sense of joy and comfort, just as a rub would


Nick did not feel so prideful about his own state of arousal. He feared it might suck for Anna. She was the one being teased endlessly. Yet, here he was already close to the edge! He would hold out for as long as he possibly could. If Nick managed to do what he planned, this could last so much longer. Granted, the orgasm did not always signal the end of a fun night together. Either way, he wanted to draw this out as long as possible because he never wanted this night to end! Anna deserved more than just a few minutes, too, but damn… she was so fucking hot! He hoped she did take this all as a compliment. That’s exactly what it was.

Just when Nick thought he was going to disappoint her, he realized she was right there with him. He felt her walls clamping down, beginning to gush around his cock. That gave Nick all of the confidence and realization he needed. There was nothing to be ashamed about at all. They were both eager for this and they both seemed to be rather sensitive, needing just a little stimulation before being pushed to the edge of pleasure!

Not long after Anna’s peak started, Nick felt his own reaching. “Anna!” loudly, he cried out her name as he thrust his hips upwards, moaning as pleasure wracked his body. The throbbing and electric sensation started from the base of his cock and traveled to the tip. Then, he felt his tip pulsing as it released four spurts of his semen inside of Anna, filling her pussy, coating her, and mixing with her juices. As he rode out the feeling, he finally pulled his hand away from her clit since she was enduring the same pleasure, now reaching up to pull her towards him so he could initiate a passionate kiss.
"Bryce... even if I wasn't fond of the idea, you know I wouldn't make you feel bad about your interests. Of course I'm going to give you the opportunity to be every part of yourself with me, it just so happens that I'm way more in to every part of you than I had thought in the past. I think it just means we're perfect for each other." Alicia winked at her beloved. He really had turned her on to some things that she had never seen herself enjoying as much as she did, and the fact that it was him who was asking her to try those things was almost definitely the whole reason that things had worked out the way they had. Even had they never gotten together, a nightmare to think about how that their relationship was a reality, Alicia would likely had never trusted anyone else and scoffed at them if they had suggested she be tied up. She really was his in every single way.

"Mmm, you want to do a lot of things with them," Alicia said in return, an innuendo towards a lot dirtier things than the way he picked her foot up by the ankle and trailed his lips along the sensitive skin. This was one thing that she definitely had not planned to like - touching was one thing but kissing another - but after seeing how much happiness it had brought Bryce that first time around, Alicia was sold. The gentle touch of his lips was serene, and though it was much a much different sensation than the foot rub he'd started with it was still incredibly pleasant. Bryce did not have to worry about disappointing her, that much was for sure.

- - - - -

Anna took no offense - even if she hadn't peaked first Nick had never left her hanging, always willing to use his fingers and tongue in the moments when his dick wasn't up for it (any more). They'd also been smack fiends - sometimes it didn't matter how much someone wanted something, it just didn't happen. There was more to sex than just orgasm, as much as that was an incredibly fun and enjoyable part. She stilled as Nick pulled her in to him and pulled his hand away from her body, heaving as she tried to catch her breath through the pleasure that radiated through every inch of her body.

She continued to cling to him as he leaned in to kiss her, and she had to pull her head away from his shoulder in order to do so. She was eager to be all lips and tongue, kissing Nick with passion. Nearly every inch of them touched - her thighs tight around Nick's lips and his body still inside of her as she didn't dare to pull away yet, belly to belly and chest to chest. Only once she needed to pull away to breathe did she even try to speak again.

"Now wasn't that worth giving in?" Anna's words were distanced by still deep breaths, and she smiled wide at him. It was no secret that she loved the way Nick and his body reacted to her.
Bryce continued smiling at Alicia. Even though he did want to do kinkier things than just kiss her feet, those would wait for later. For now, all he planned to do was kiss and massage her feet with his hands. There would be so much time to play later. He had no worries about anything else right now. He even allowed his lips to wrap around one of her big toes, gently kissing the flesh before kissing right back down her soles. When every inch was covered, he allowed her feet to rest back against his lap as he thought about what they were going to do next. “I guess we really should work on getting to bed soon, shouldn’t we?” He asked quietly, looking deeply into her gorgeous, green eyes. He was content to do this for a while, but they would need some sleep.

They still had some time, right? There was no reason to rush it, so he returned to just massaging her feet, gently pressing his fingers against her soles. “I still cannot get enough of seeing you in that dress, by the way. You look so stunning in it. You really can rock any piece of clothing and make it look incredible.” Bryce wanted Alicia to know that. Even if she bundled up in 20 layers of clothing, she would look incredibly hot. She had such a hold over Bryce, he wondered if she even understood how attractive she looked to him. He tilted his head at her now, still massaging her feet so he could watch her reaction, hoping to see that vibrant smile on her face, that smile that he loved so dearly!


Anna was not the only one clinging right now. The way Nick held onto could have made one think Nick thought he might not ever hold Anna again if he released her. He did not want to move from this spot, ever. Nick wished they could stay here and enjoy each other all day tomorrow. Nick doubted that would be possible, but it was nice to dream. He realized that kissing her so passionately right now might have been a recipe for disaster for him considering how he could hardly breathe! He did manage to hold the kiss long enough, thankfully. He only pulled back after she did as well. The comment had him smiling and she had a great point. “Yeah, Anna. Totally worth it.”

Nick replied, his hands still resting against her, trying to keep her body pressed flat against his. “I hope you enjoyed that as well. That felt incredible for me. I don’t really even have the words to explain it. I’m trying to find them… but I don’t. Anna, you are amazing. I can’t ever lose you.” The last sentence was thrown in because of the desperate situation Anna found herself in not that long ago. The release of emotion was still happening for Nick and he just needed her to know how much this meant to him. Sex was not the only reason he could not lose her, of course, but this intimacy just made that comment appear on his lips.
Heading to bed was starting to seem like a good idea, wasn't it? The sun had been setting when they were on their way back to the cabin, and it seemed like time had gotten lost ever since because when Alicia spared a glance out the window, there wasn't a hint of any color left in the sky. Night had come after a long day, and they had been lucky enough to spend the entire time alone together, just being young and in love. It was the farthest thing from a wasted day, though technically nothing "productive" had come from it. Oh, well. There would be a thousand other days (hopefully) and each and every one, Alicia would gladly choose Bryce over anything else.

"I was really hoping that you would like it," Alicia said to her husband as he brought attention back to that sweet little dress she was wearing. The corners of her lips turned up in to a sweet smile, and Alicia really hoped that flush she felt building on her cheeks was subtle enough that Bryce wouldn't notice. She had nothing to be embarrassed about, but his compliments made her heart flutter. "You look stunning in anything too, by the way. And nothing at all - but I've never seen you not rock anything you've worn. We're one attractive couple, my love." Alicia didn't fight and try to claim she wasn't nearly as cute as Bryce seemed to think - that would have been a losing battle. No one had ever looked at her the way he had before.

- - - - -

And there he was being a sweetheart - Anna never knew how to treat moments like this, the ones where Nick was being sappy and emotional and acting the kind of way someone who loved someone acted. Part of her wished that she could be better at this kind of stuff, if only so Nick wouldn't have to feel like she wasn't on the same page as he was. Once upon a time, that had caused the pair a lot of trouble. In time he had seem to realize she was just... bad at things. Anna's relationship with Nick was the first and only one she had ever had and really, even after all this time she hadn't gotten that much better at it.

She didn't know how else to bring feeling in to the situation, so she leaned back just slightly - not enough to pull her body from his but enough that she would be able to look him in the face. For a moment she just looked at him, a musing expression on her face, as she moved her hand from his cheek to push some of his stray hair back behind his ear. "I'm... I'm sorry that I lied to you earlier, about not eating." Anna really did owe him an apology there, whether she'd done something big or small. "I just... I dunno. I didn't want you on my back about it. You're just trying to look out for me, though."
“Well, I always enjoy the opportunity to show off for you.” Obviously, Alicia loved to show off for him, whether it was by wearing a dress or tempting him with a look. Bryce enjoyed the same thing. If Alicia ever had something she wanted to see him wearing more of, he would oblige, just as she had done for him. “Yes, we are quite the attractive couple. I know we just make everyone we see jealous of us, and of our love.” Bryce did not fight the claim, either. He believed what he said, though. Not only did people tend to feel jealous of their attractiveness, but also their love. Seldom would anyone find a romance as happy and genuine as this. It was the romance almost everyone wanted.

Bryce could have sat here for hours without getting tired of doing this for Alicia. However, he just had to learn to stop himself at some point, she he finished up the last few minutes of massaging her feet, ending it with one more kiss to each of her soles. Once he managed to kiss her feet one more time, he just placed her legs back down to the side of his legs to give himself some room, also giving Alicia some room as well since they would have to move and get ready for bed. Bryce planned to get undressed down to his boxers like usual, but he wondered what Alicia had in mind for the finish tonight with her sleeping attire.


Nick was more than aware of the trouble Anna had during moments like these. Once upon a time, it had greatly impacted him. By now, he understood her so well that it really did not matter. Nick understood how she showed love, how she could tell him that she loved him. Sometimes, Nick wondered if he better say these sappy things less to not make her uncomfortable. That was the last thing he wanted. However, Nick could not just cut out his sappy side just as Anna could not suddenly be this sappy, emotional person. They had different love languages in some cases, but they always got the point across. Nick never worried about it too much. He decided to stop letting that fear control him, just showing her affection and love when it felt natural to him. There was never an expectation that she better do the same thing right back.

Nick shook his head when she apologized. “No, you don’t need to be sorry, Anna. I’m sorry that I annoyed you so much about that, about the shoulder. Everything. I know I have to be better about keeping your comfort in mind. I just really thought I was going to lose you and all I want to do is make sure that you never have to face something like that again. I’ll give you some room. I know you don’t like being smothered. I’m sorry.” Nick took the time to apologize as well and it was genuine.
“And I enjoy every moment that you do,” Alicia quipped back with that same little smile on her lips, watching her love with pure adoration throughout their conversation. It was true - she thought Bryce went above and beyond for her in any way possible and every single time he won even more of her heart, if that was even possible. Simultaneously, Alicia felt like she loved him as much as possible and like she came to love him even more with every day of their shared lives together. There wasn’t a single thing about Bryce that she couldn’t compliment.

A little whimper of a noise escaped the young woman’s lips when Bryce put down her feet and placed them gently to the side, getting ready to settle down for the night. The dress that she was wearing was a bit much for the night, she liked the feel of blankets and Bryce on her skin, and if they hadn’t been sharing the cabin with her family she would have gladly been nude. Unfortunately even though Madison wasn’t here right now, she could come back at any point… Because of that, she pulled the pretty dress of hers over her head and folded it up to put it away, standing nude before her husband as she dug out a low-cut tank top and some panties to throw on instead.

- - - - -

Anna, for the most part, did not Nick mind when was being sappy and sweet. She’d call him a cheese ball and flash him a (sometimes uncomfortable) smile, maybe feel him up in return. Love languages were a thing and they had very different ones, but as long as they could work that out it was fine. He would see her care in more physical aspects - not just sexually but in the way she had kept her arm around his waist as they’d walked down the street in the past, the way she pushed the hair out of his face every time she saw it. There was the way she’d almost always asked him to accompany her on the most benign of tasks, valuing touch and presence more than spoken word. Just as he needed to be okay with her methods, she needed to be okay with his as well though.

“It’s not… annoying.” Okay, it was a little bit - but that wasn’t the word she was looking for. Smothering was a bit more accurate, but still not quite there. Stressful was more like it, as strange as most people would find it to be stressed out by their partner trying to care for them. Anna pulled away from him and pressed a kiss to Nick’s forehead before half-rolling herself to the side so that she could lay on the ground and look up at the stars above them. “I don’t know if you’ve picked it up by now or not, but I don’t really trust seemingly good intentions. Like… I trust you, I do. You’ve gone through a lot with me and still been willing to be at my side. But something in the back of my head always screams danger at me.”
It was Bryce’s hope to one day have enough privacy where she could sleep nude. Bryce wanted the same thing for himself, too. The tank top and panties Alicia pulled on were both a nice consolation though! He remained in bed while she changed as he just kicked his clothes off to the side, deciding to deal with them later. It showed how she was more organized between them, folding up her clothes whereas he just tossed his clothes onto the ground. When the girl finally did return, he opened up his arms and pulled her right down onto the mattress beside himself. He did not even waste a second, his arms tightly wrapped around her body as he started to relax.

“And you really know how to make that tank top and underwear look good, too, babe.” Bryce quipped, wanting her to feel just how attracted he was to her, so he leaned down and started to kiss down her neck, now kissing across her shoulder as well. He was focusing on her skin, appreciating how the shirt was low-cut as well. “I love you so much, Alicia.” He purred lowly, his hands locking together behind her back, at the small of her back. He wanted to hold her forever. “You fit so perfectly in my arms, sweetheart.” The male murmured, looking back deeply into her eyes.


Did Nick ever pick up on Anna seemingly not being able to trust actions he took with good intentions? Oh, yes. He did. Nick picked up on that a long time ago. However, he tried to make sure that he never said anything about it. He should not have judged or made assumptions, so he let it simmer. He never addressed it. Now that she mentioned it, that gave Nick an opening. “Yeah, it has occurred to me. I’ve noticed.” Nick whispered in a gentle tone, trying to do his damn best to make sure that she did not think he was upset at her about it, or that he felt some sort of resentment about her acting this way. Nick understood they were different in many ways. One of those methods was trust.

“To be honest, I haven’t let it bother me. I just understand that you must have endured things in your life that made you feel this way. Maybe I did some of those things, maybe not. I just know when to give you space and when to press, usually. I just hope one day we can get that voice out of your head when we are together. I hope that I can show you that my intentions will always be good with you. I know that will be easier said than done. It is not on you. It is on me to show you that. It is on me to prove to you how much I care about you and how I would never dream of trying to hurt you or abuse your trust.” I sounded like a coping mechanism of some kind to Nick. He doubted she was just born with that predisposition to feel so strongly.
Alicia let out a laugh as Bryce just tossed his clothes to the side, but the organized person inside of her had to at least pick them up off the floor and leave them on top of where the rest of their stuff was stored. She didn’t mind that he was a bit messier. In a normal world it probably would have become something that lowkey irked her down the line, not enough to cause a fight but enough to be a small peeve, but it was the end of days. Who had the time to worry about something as dumb as where dirty clothes went?

She hopped in to the bed beside Bryce and immediately moved to her side so that she could face him. From where he was, he would have a great view of the cleavage that her tank top failed to hide - and from the way he remarked about how good she looked in, Alicia had a feeling that would not be a problem. She sighed as Bryce’s lips trailed down along the soft skin of her neck and sunk towards her bare shoulder, the only skin impeded from his touch being the inch-wide strap of her top.

“It’s almost like you were made to hold me just right,” Alicia said as she pressed her lips on the top of Bryce’s heads, unable to kiss him on the mouth with his lips lower down on her body. She slipped a foot between his calves and wrapped her arm around his waist as well, feeling like the safest and most comfortable person in the world there in his arms. “I love it. Keep me close and safe and warm, Bryce. I love you so much.”

- - - - -

“It’s not you,” Anna said, shrugging off that part of Nick’s concern. That was a half truth at best because she was on edge and prepared for a bomb to drop any day, throwing their fragile attempt to mend old wounds in the gutter, but there had always been bigger things at play with her. There were times where what Nick wanted or needed had been the least of her concerns, no matter how problematic that was. It wasn’t personal, but she’d never learned how to look after herself in the way she had needed to.

”Y’know, I was the sweetest kid once upon a time, you can even ask Molly,” Anna mused as she stared at the sky. Her body fought against talking at all, but there was this thing called ‘being vulnerable’ she was in theory supposed to be able to do. Just the inflection in her voice showed how mentally detached she was from the person she was talking about. ”And Molly? She saved my life. Like… literally. Multiple times, saved my life. I hated her for it, but she did it anyways until I stopped seeking out my own demise. Last night after you left for that thing with Troy - she tried to get me to hold the baby, and I freaked out. I’m… not as far gone from that person as I act like I am.”

Inside, Anna hated that she was opening her mouth at all. Especially bringing a somber end to a rather sweet little moment. But Molly had told her that she needed to be able to talk, and Nick knew nothing of her history besides “this shitty thing happened and led to another shitty thing”. Even then there had been no kind of feeling involved.
It was almost like an unspoken rule for Bryce. If Alicia pulled on a tank top, he would have to fill her flesh with his lips. He would have to cover her skin with kisses. She seemed to wear tank tops rather often, too. It was just another way she showed off for him, knowing how much he loved seeing her in this article of clothing. Tonight was no exception. It was almost like her wearing this article of clothing made her skin magnetic for his lips. Bryce would not have been able to stop kissing her even if he tried!

He enjoyed the feeling of her lips, no matter where it was. “Yes, babe. I do believe that I was made for this. I don’t think this is by accident.” He beamed at her, looking up from this position where he was now kissing across her collarbone. Yeah, they were not going to bed quite yet. Bryce was going to spend a decent amount of time just kissing her and touching her body before deciding to sleep. He believed it would help both of them rest better doing this, anyways!

“I love you, too, Alicia.” Bryce murmured, his heart beginning to beat even faster when she asked him to keep her safe. Yes, she seemed to be playing right into his hand! He loved protecting Alicia. He loved taking care of her. So, when she allowed him to take that protector role, he felt so damn happy. Bryce adored being her knight in shining armor. He would not have it any other way and he doubted Alicia would, either. “Comfortable like this, baby?” He asked, making sure that she was comfortable before they fell asleep.


Nick took Anna’s word for it when she said he had nothing to do with it. While he expected there was some truth to it, Nick knew he made many mistakes with Anna. At some level, Nick had to think that some of her concerns with fully trusting him were his own fault. Nick had talked about that before, how he recognized and realized some of the mistakes he made in the past. He just hoped that Anna would be able to forgive him, that they would be able to get past it. Nick still planned on working hard to prove himself to Anna, no matter what.

When she started talking, Nick could not believe it. Once every blue moon, she would talk to him and be vulnerable. He had not expected it. Then again, was it any shock that she decided to open up about something after sex? She did love physical intimacy, from sex to other physical acts. If anything was going to open the door for real conversation, it was probably sex. Nick never interjected. Instead, he gazed up into the sky as well, hoping it made her feel less uncomfortable with him looking away from her, but his attention was completely hers.

“Why do you think you freaked out about the baby?” Nick asked curiously. Obviously, there was no judgment. He was just trying to figure out what exactly she was getting at, what it all meant. Nick could see that person she used to be in her somewhere. He would bring that up later, but he figured if she was in the mood for talking, he would keep his own words to a minimum, letting her get out whatever she needed to say.
Alicia would joke that Bryce just liked seeing her boobs at every opportunity possible if he were to explicitly remark about her wearing a tank top, but all in all it was another thing that Alicia really appreciated about him. Tank tops were a practical, comfortable clothing option that she found incredibly comfortable for day to day use, so he got to see her in them (and see her breasts tucked inside of them) on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes they were underneath other layers, but they were almost always there.

”I’m always comfortable with you, but I know that you mean right now. Yes, I’m super comfortable right now, Bryce.” In that moment, with Bryce kissing all over her neck and shoulders close to her breasts, part of her entertained the idea of him passing out on her like that. Typically she would want to spoon or curl up to her husband’s side, but men deserved cuddly moments and sweetness and to fall asleep with a face full of boob as a comfortable pillow sometimes, too. Laying down and getting cozy was making it harder to ignore the fact that Alicia was ready for bed.

The young woman let out a yawn as she curled her fingers in her husband’s hair, idling twirling them around the adorable brown locks he had. Alicia really enjoyed playing with her husband’s hair.

- - - - -

It wasn’t crazy to think that sex was one of the things that could make Anna open up, as strange as it was - sexual intimacy was inherently vulnerable, and maybe the oxytocin of orgasm could be responsible for it. At least, that was what Anna would pawn it off as later on. She appreciated that he didn’t eye her up the whole time, too - she wasn’t about to draw attention to the fact that neither of them were looking at each other but that was easier to handle than any kind of eye contact would be.

She was quiet for a moment, staring at the sky with her lips parted, before she fidgetted around and pulled her top back down. Thankfully, Nick seemed to know to gently poke her in the right direction. “You know how I told you a while back about John? Liz, the kid.” Liz Dawson was not her mother, not by anything more than blood, and the child was not her sister. There was no hiding how uncomfortable she felt, between the tense tone in her voice and the stiffness in her limbs.

”I was knocked up, like.. a solid four months knocked up. I was starting to get a belly and everything, chalked it up to just getting chunky until this bitch at my high school who I thought was my friend straight up asked me.” The laugh that escaped Anna’s mouth was not one of humour. “Molly… helped me with that situation. And every day of my life after that, but I’ve never been around kids since.“
Once more, Bryce and Alicia shared a thought. He noticed how comfortable it was to rest his head right against her boobs. He felt such peace in that moment. There was no desire to move from this spot. “I think I’m just going to sleep right here if that’s okay with you.” Of course, if Alicia had an issue with it, he would move into a different sleeping position. If she did not have an issue with it, well, he would be excited to rest his head right here and fall asleep. Either way, he was getting tired. They had one of the most wonderful days together, a day that Bryce was never going to forget. He hoped it was just one day in a long line of days where they would make good memories on the ranch.

Meanwhile, as he waited for the answer, his arms stayed wrapped around her comfortably. They were as snuggled up as two people could be. Bryce swore there was not even an inch of his body not touching Alicia’s somewhere. That was exactly how he wanted it. If it were up to him, they would never stop touching, always at least holding hands or her having her hand on his waist. Truthfully, that’s almost how it was in reality, so Bryce already knew how much fun that would be. Here was no shortage of affection with this couple.


Wow. That was a bomb. Nick had not known of her pregnancy before. There were so many details of the story that she left out, though. Nick assumed it was done on purpose. If she wanted to divulge more information, he assumed she would. By helping her with the situation, he could only assume what that meant Molly helped her do. He had his own thoughts about who might have impregnated her based on what she said. Again, it was none of his business. At least, no more than she wanted to tell him.

“Thanks for sharing that, Anna.” Nick whispered, reaching out to grab her right hand for a brief moment, squeezing it, then letting it go. “I am sorry you had to go through that.” Nothing Nick could do or say would change the trauma she went through regarding kids. Hell, he never thought they were exactly the settling down, white picket fence, with 2 kids type of relationship anyways, but this really solidified it. He never thought about kids or a family. But if he did, there would be only one woman he would dream of that with.

“You know, I can see it. That person you used to be. You talked about her, how you’re not that far off. You’re right. I mean it when I say that you’re the best person I know. I don’t think you give yourself enough credit sometimes.” Nick felt it was important to say this. Anna needed to know how he saw her, how it was more than just a superficial feeling. “One day, I hope to show you enough, so you can see it, too.”
Alicia let out a little laugh - it was almost like she had telepathically given him the idea. “Of course,” she said as she moved to rest her shoulder around him, leaving her hand to rest around her husband’s shoulders. Bryce may seem like a tough guy, but Alicia loved the way that he seemed like a total sweetheart around her. He really was the best of all worlds, wasn’t he? Alicia was still nice and comfortable after repositioning so she was more than content to stay as is.

“May tomorrow be as good as today was,” she said to him as she had to fight back closing eyelids. It seemed that she was even closer to sleep than she had thought, but that was okay. Alicia planned to make the best of whatever would happen tomorrow, and like Bryce she was hoping that tomorrow and the days following would be just as good as today was. Even if things were a little ore busy, that would be okay. No matter what they would find time to be there for each other, and like always they would be attached at the hip. It would take a miracle to separate the pair - a lot of trouble, the kind that Alicia hoped they wouldn’t see for a long time.

”I… love you,” she whispered, her words trailing of as slumber came to take her. There was no better last moment of the day than to see her angel of a partner and be cuddled up to him.

- - - - -

Anna had left Nick to connect the dots, piecing together the information he needed to make the connections. If Nick took everything at face value the answers he wanted were spelled out. She took his hand as he reached for hers and tried to smile. The reaction could have been worse, that was for sure. It could have been a lot worse. Nick was not a bad person, though. Whether she admitted it or not, he was one of the most understanding people she had ever met.

“You want to know the kicker?” This time Anna finally looked towards him with an eyebrow raised, passing off the way he tried to say good things about her. She heard it, but cold only hold mental space for one thing or another at that moment. “When I saw them I did the math, there’s a solid like eighty percent chance she was carrying that kid when she kicked me out. Tossed her living, breathing, suffering child to the side to hold on to a ’picture perfect’ fantasy ‘cause she was dumb enough to create me with someone who wouldn’t stay and that just wasn’t the life she wanted to have.” The latter part of that was a harsh opinion rather than a fact, Anna didn’t really know jack shit about anyone’s motivations. There was definitely a story to be painted there.

”That… That’s what really fucked me up, the day you left. It was the messiest day I’d had in a long time.“ She winced as she even thought about it. Anna was the spitting image of the woman who had carried her, seen her eyes and her step-father’s hair on that child’s face. “That’s the day you would have found out everything, if things had been different, and it would have been messy. I was going to be messy no matter what.” She tacked on the last sentence so Nick didn’t have to feel bad about how that day had gone for him. There was no room for blame at this moment.
At his core, Bryce was truly just a big teddy bear! Although Bryce could take charge and show his strength, he loved nothing more than cuddling up with Alicia after a long day. Hugging her always brought him peace. At times, he could be on the different end of the spectrum. Since the world had fallen, he had to kill infected, even kill people to keep his family safe. Bryce was not a murderer, though. Each violent act took so much from him. It was nice to know he could be his kind, gentle self around Alicia. He never put on some macho, tough guy act. Around Alicia, he knew it never had to be that way.

That was one of the main reasons he loved Alicia so much. She allowed him to be himself and she still loved him for it. “Yes, tomorrow will be just as wonderful as today was. Every day with you is perfect.” It was the truth. Bryce felt this way and he was not exaggerating. Each day with Alicia felt like the new best day ever for him. His love for her was endless and he would never run out of it.

“I love you, too, Princess. Good night.” He kissed her one final time, his lips kissing right above her chest. This time, there was nothing sexual about it. It was just a gentle goodnight kiss. Then, his head rested back down in the same area as the sleep quickly took him over as well with the love of his life in his arms.


Nick assumed Anna would not dwell on the positive comments he had spoken about her. It was okay. Nick did not need her to thank him. He found ways to compliment her all the time. Sometimes, it was the way he touched her or kissed her. Sometimes, it was with words. Nick was never an overly sappy person. Still, compared to Anna, he spoke these things way more often. When she finally turned her head to look at him, Nick decided to turn his own head towards her as well, trying to look at her the same way she looked at him. Nick did not plan on initiating too much eye contact for the fear it might cause her to shut down again. Over the years, Nick learned how to gauge his eye contact and other interactions with Anna to keep her comfortable.

It always shocked Nick to hear stories about someone like Liz Dawson. In Nick’s case, his own mother had taken every step to get him help. Over the years, she could have kicked him out and said to hell with him. She never did even though Nick berated her, telling her that he was hopeless. So, to hear the story of Anna and what she had to endure, it hurt his heart. How could anyone dare do something so horrible to Anna? Sweet Anna. Ironically, Nick understood he hurt Anna in the past, but he was making up for that, and it was not on purpose, not to the level of kicking her out as Liz did.

Even if she had not blamed him for that messy day, Nick still felt guilty. When she finished speaking, he finally found his voice, treading carefully. “Thank you for telling me about this, Anna. I am sorry to hear about this. But you are more than that moment, than that situation. And no matter how messy it is, I am still here for you. I am not going anywhere.” Nick could not imagine the damage that did to her. So, he wanted her to know that he could see beyond that, that even if she felt small because of what other people did to her, he saw her differently.
Alicia always slept amazingly with Bryce in bed beside her or holding on to her, and tonight was no different. She had surprisingly sweet dreams - but when she would awake, she would find them bittersweet. The moments in her dreams weren’t that far of from the kind of day they had today but they had been so much more. The world had been normal and chaos had never struck. They‘d moved away to college together in his car, singing along to their favourite songs as they drove down the highway only to pull up to a little apartment and start a life together. There had been a shot of her talking Bryce in to dancing in the rain with her, sneaking kisses in between classes - closer to when she awake, they had even gotten a chance for a proper honeymoon.

So when she did awake in the morning, for a brief moment she felt rather melancholy. That only lasted until she saw him Bryce still laying on her chest. The dreams might have been fake but the life that they lived was not, and the definition of the best life possible might have changed but she knew that every single day they put their best foot forward to create the most wonderful life with each other.

Alicia’s eyes might have been open but that didn’t mean that she was ready to go to bed, especially with Bryce looking so comfy and serene. She gave him the lightest squeeze, not wanting to wake him prematurely, and then pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. She was going to stay nice and comfortable until he woke on his own - she didn’t think they had any kind of obligation today so screw it. They were going to stay in bed as long as they needed to, whether that meant that Bryce woke up two minutes or two hours from now.

- - - - -

Anna could see how carefully Nick was picking his words to avoid saying the wrong thing, and somehow that didn’t help her innate reaction that he was feeling pity for her. She didn’t talk in the past because she didn’t want that and didn’t want to be seen as weak, on top of the fact that it was an incredibly difficult topic to even think about. For years she had chosen drugs to shove everything in to the deep recesses of her mind where it couldn’t bother her. She had never learned how to separate who she was from the things she had gone through, and Nick might not have been the first person to say that she was more than her past (that belonged to Molly, who had spent years picking up the pieces of her) but that was the one thing that stuck with her.

Despite the innate feeling like she was lesser than, something she had struggled with since she was a child even behind the ‘I’m a bad bitch’ guise she’d grown in to at eighteen, Nick had still managed to find the right words somehow along the way. Molly had been right - as much as Anna wished she had never opened her mouth because as she laid there she was feeling like that damaged kid who was never going to amount to anything, she did seem to have more than one person that she could trust. That fact alone wasn’t enough to stop the way she could feel her hands shaking, tingling slowly spreading up her arms and spreading across her face from the tip of her nose. Start of a panic response - one she was going to have to try very carefully to work back down.

“I just… I don’t want to be that person defined by the bad shit that happened to them, and that’s all I’ve ever been. It fucked my head up and I ignored it for years but I can’t any more.” The apocalypse decided that for her, taking her favourite lover, heroin, out of her life. “And I need to do things right, this time. With you.” A lot of things could be explained - the hyper sexuality, erratic emotions, the way she could seem like an utter train wreck. Hell, she’d been diagnosed with a mental health disorder right after they had split but typical of Anna, especially at the time, she hadn’t given half a fuck. She was lucky that her good arm was between them so she grabbed at one of Nick’s hands, a rather forceful action that left her white-knuckled from how hard she squeezed. She wasn’t trying to hurt him, just find something to focus on.
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