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The Heir of Voldemort (Naomi David x SithLordOfSnark)

Child birth was excruciatingly painful. And long. She was very lucky she didn't need to get a Caesarean section, or C-section, given how long it took to give birth to hers and Draco's twin sons. She was grateful they were born healthy, and had a healthy birth weight, both clocked in at 6 pounds even. It was long, and exhausting, the birthing process, but she was glad. She got to hold her twins, her sons, and then they were bathed. Her fellow Kingsman were so happy, all eager to hold her twins after they were bathed and fed. They were heralded as the next generation of Kingsman, the generation to surpass the current generation when they came of age. The twins, they were identical twins, they both looked like a mirror image of their Father. The only exception was their eyes, the golden colored eyes were all hers. During her pregnancy, she had remade the items for Kingsman that would allow them to summon her at a moment's notice. After a month in the Kingsman world, it was time for her to go home, to face the fact that she was officially the school freak. After saying good bye to her good friends, and getting updated Kingsman and Statesman technology, she went back. This time, she arrived in her dormitory in a great flash of light, the light showing underneath her room door. As a joke, the Kingsman had made little onesies for the twins with stitching on the front that said 'Kingsman in Training'. Then she heard the knocking. She set them down gently on her bed, magically conjuring up guards on the sides and end of her bed to ensure that they didn't roll off or climb out of the bed, and she answered the door. Upon seeing him, Draco, her sweet love, her stress just melted away.
She happily hugged him back, and she kissed him back, and she spoke,"Shut the door behind you. I have a lot to tell you." Over her shoulder he would see the infants. She spoke,"It's still 2017, still Saturday, September 9th, right?" She was pretty sure not much time had passed, but she wanted to be sure. Time was weird when going between worlds.
Mary sat down on the bed, and she began to explain everything. Everything from the babies to what she could do. It took a long time to explain everything properly, from topics to the off spring of said topics, but she wanted to make sure she didn't leave anything unsaid. Her last words were,"We must keep the existence of our children a secret. Nobody can know, not even your friends." She was gently cuddling their infants. This was going to be a hard year, and she spoke,"I get around a lot. At first, travelling to these worlds was just a way for me to have more time to do homework. Hours, days, even months and years in these worlds is just a minute or two here. Then I realized that I could learn the magics and tricks of these other worlds. I wanted to grow stronger, to be better in every way."
"You are better in every way. You don't need to change." Draco said simply as he brushed a hand through her hair lightly and smiled at her. "Is it true that you are Voldemort's child?" He asked her, not realizing she didn't know who her parents were.
"Knowledge is power, and more so, knowing what to do with that knowledge is what makes you the best." she replied with a small smile as he stroked her hair. She had an odd, stricken look on her face when he asked her that question. She spoke,"I don't know who my Mother and or Father are. I'm an orphan, a foster child remember?" She was grateful for the fact that their children would know who exactly their Mother and Father were. Though to be fair, it would make sense that she was Voldemort's bastard. The prophecy spoke of a woman. She was female. The prophecy spoke of a snake, of the Heir of Slytherin, and she could speak Parseltongue. Now, she had done some studies while she was pregnant, and realized only descendants of Salazar Slytherin could speak Parseltongue. Incomplete as her information was, she had deduced that she had to be Voldemort's bastard, or at least descended from Slytherin himself. Then that would means that the twins were descended from Slytherin as well.
"Right. I forgot. I apologize." Draco told her with a smile as his hand slipped up to cup one of her large breasts and he kissed her deeply. "I've missed you.." He told her softly.
She deeply kissed him back, enjoying the feeling of one of his hands cupping her right breast. It was such a nice thing to feel. They had grown at minimum a cup size larger, and she spoke,"It's only been a few hours in this world, and ten or so months in the other world." In their next spare time, she would show him just how much power she had, how much knowledge she had. Maybe, just maybe, she would teach him what she knew. That or the easier option would be would show him the various worlds so he could learn directly from her teachers. Then onto the matter of properly introducing the twins to him. She carefully moved the twins to her lap, and she spoke,"Our sons... Vegeta Goku Lannister and Jaime Jon Lannister. I named them the way I did to honor the ones who trained me to be a better fighter. I chose the surname of a very good friend so that way, this name is not associated with whatever bloodline I am descended from. They can be just another face in the crowd, trying to fit in like everybody else."
"They are very handsome." Draco said as he leaned down to kiss each son on the top of their head. "I never thought of myself as a father, but I wouldn't give this back for the world." He told her softly.
"I made a wish a long time ago. The wish was that any and all of my descendants would be born healthy. I had no way of knowing that the wish came true until I actually became pregnant and gave birth. I won't know if it'll continue until we have grand children, and so on and so forth. My next wish was that any and all of my descendants would have all of my powers and abilities. Power that I gained in the past, power that I gain now, and power that I get in the future. My last wish was that after each fight, win or lost, I would get stronger, which means my descendants will get stronger in the same way as well. I've assured that my bloodline will survive and grow strong and healthy. That they know no bounds and limits to what they can do. I had genetic testing done on them, in the world where I was while I carried them. Their genetic code is as unstable as mine is. So far, the wish is coming true. The people I work with in that world are sworn to secrecy, and I trust them to keep the secret. Those mundanes are some of the best people I know." she spoke. If worst came to worst, and something in her blood was telling her that danger was approaching, she would split the twins up, and have her friends raise them in their own worlds, so that way if she was killed, or if one of the twins were killed in some horrid accident, the blood line would still survive.


It'd been almost a week since she had gotten back from the other world. It was now September 15, 2017. She had placed powerful enchantments upon her dorm room, placing strong enchantments to make it invisible and untraceable to anybody but herself and Draco. She had also placed powerful soundproofing enchantments on it, that way nobody could hear the twins when they cried. They were such strong and healthy babies. it was hard to balance school duties and being a Mother, but she did the best that she could. She was passing along the Divination Corridor, walking through walls like one of the ghosts. She was startled from her deep thinking by the creepy Divination Professor, Professor Trelawney. Professor Trelawney had a scary look on her face, and she grabbed her arm, and her voice sounded inhuman as she spoke...

"Born is the Wanderer! She is born from a bloodline most ignoble, most feared and hated! She is destined to grow great and powerful, to rise from the ashes of a near gone bloodline, rising like a phoenix rising from the ashes! She is destined to destroy her Father, the Dark Lord Voldemort, but she is not destined to do it alone! The Wanderer gains strength and wisdom from her travels to worlds and universes not belonging to the one she lives in, and will share her power amongst her followers! She and her followers are destined to defend those who cannot defend themselves! She and her beloved and her descendants will take the name of a family whose crest is a lion!"

Then Professor Trelawney tottered off, but that was enough to seriously disturb Mary. No wonder she had such a reputation amongst the students for being creepy. But it did confirm that her Father was Voldemort, something that was as equally disturbing as the woman itself. But the prophecy made sense to her, or at least, parts of it. The lion bit was coming true. The family crest of House Lannister was a lion, and indeed, their motto was Hear Me Roar. She had given her twins the surname Lannister rather than Morgenstern or Malfoy. She indeed wandered in between worlds, and gained strength and such from all the knowledge and training she received. But the fact that she would have followers seemed laughable. Who would follow Voldemort's daughter, pretty much the school freak now, even though she was still semi popular following that she secured the position of Seeker on the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team? But still, something had been troubling her all day. Something bad was going to happen today, or rather, very soon. The tarot cards from Cana had told her as much. The twins were fed and secure in her room, diapers and clothes were just changed, so they were taken care of for now.
Arriving at Mary's room, Draco knocked on the door before he let himself inside and smiled at her as he leaned in and kissed her. "I love you." It was the first time he'd said those words to her, but he meant them.
Mary knew it was Draco at the door when she heard the knock. Only he knew where her room was hidden. She had enchanted her room rather well. Magic was thick in the air in the room, and she happily kissed him back. She spoke,"I love you too Draco." She softly spoke,"Ran into the creepy Divination teacher earlier, Professor Trelawney. Not the centaur Firenze. I've heard everybody say that her prophecies are frauds and shit... But she issued me one earlier, and I don't think she was bull shitting me." She had her tarot cards spread out on the wall behind him, and the ones that were flipped up were ones that represented future danger, cards such as The Moon, The Tower, and the Nine of Swords. Great danger was ahead of them.
"The prophecy she spoke does not speak of danger, rather, it speaks of what I am destined to do. The prophecy confirms that I am Voldemort's bastard though, so there's that. It says that I am destined to destroy him, but I am not destined to do it alone." she replied, relaxing as he laid his soft heard on her shoulder. She softly spoke,"Born is the Wanderer! She is born from a bloodline most ignoble, most feared and hated! She is destined to grow great and powerful, to rise from the ashes of a near gone bloodline, rising like a phoenix rising from the ashes! She is destined to destroy her Father, the Dark Lord Voldemort, but she is not destined to do it alone! The Wanderer gains strength and wisdom from her travels to worlds and universes not belonging to the one she lives in, and will share her power amongst her followers! She and her followers are destined to defend those who cannot defend themselves! She and her beloved and her descendants will take the name of a family whose crest is a lion!" She spoke,"Sounds laughable, doesn't it? That somebody would follow me, expect me to lead them. If anybody wants to learn my tricks and shit, yeah, I'll teach them, but just the idea that somebody would want to have me lead them, to have me teach them, it seems ridiculous." She heard a faint boom in the distance, and her tarot cards seemed to rattle. She raised her right hand, and the lot of them flew into her hand, shuffling themselves into a neat deck. She seemed to be seeing something. Something that nobody else was seeing, and she got up, and spoke,"Requip: Knight!" There was a faint flash of light, and she was dressed in her Kingsman uniform, which had the nice gray suit jacket, a simple white dress shirt, grey dress pants, shined black shoes, and glasses were on her face. So mundane, and yet, through strenuous enchanting and mundane engineering, could take multiple blasts from the most powerful of mundane weapons and wizarding magic.

She was about to speak, but heard a louder boom, the windows on her room began to shudder. Then heard a few faint screams. She spoke,"Stay here. I'll go investigate." She got one of her bags out, rummaged around, and found a matching set of glasses. She handed it to him, and said,"Put it on, you'll be able to see what I see, hear what I hear. That way you can be by my side without physically being next to me." She ruffled the twins' hair, and put them in their play pen that she had constructed next to her bed. She left her room, beginning her investigations. She began running to the closest screaming. And laughing. Such cold and dark laughing. The screaming was behind a wall that was blocking her path. No matter for her, and she walked right through it, and straight into a fight with an odd looking wizard terrorizing a small group of students. Then it hit her. Death Eaters, the servants of Voldemort. But what were they doing here? She did not think more, she only reacted. Three cards appeared in her right hand, and she spoke,"Card Magic! Heaven, Reverse Death, The Mountain! Summoned Lightning!" The lightning that erupted from the Magic Seal in front of her was the strongest lightning that she had produced from the spell before, and that was saying something, as she had produced some truly spectacular results from using this Card Magic spell before. The lightning raced towards the Death Eater, blasting him or her away from the students. She quickly spoke,"Kids, get out of here, warn the teachers and everybody else that you find that we're being invaded!" The first years ran off in separate directions, and she looked impressed when she saw what remained of the Death Eater's body. A few body parts, but that was really it. Time to continue hunting.
Draco wasn't one to take orders, not from anyone, but when she basically demanded that he remain where he was, he couldn't help but listen as he watched her leave. He waited for her to return as he walked to the window and glanced outside.
The sky near the school suddenly turned an eerie shade of green, and those at the school could hear a faint shouting, somebody shouting,"Morsmordre!" A sign most feared arose in the sky, the Dark Mark. More screaming was heard. Mary wiped her forehead, not that there was any sweat to wipe away. Mary concentrated, changing the interface on her glasses. She had enchanted them to 'recognize' familiar souls in the school, such as students and other staff members. Since the pair of glasses she had was connected to the pair she had handed off to Draco, the lenses on his would change as well. From where he stood on the window, he would see a Death Eater as well, and one of the lenses on her pair would change as well since the twin glasses saw an enemy. Soon, he would hear her voice in his ears. She spoke,"You see the Death Eater outside my window? Go inside my bag, and use the Summoning Charm to Summon out a card deck. I've enchanted the deck to recognize you, so the magic in them will respond to you. Find the two cards Heaven and Wind, the cards are labeled. Pull the two out of the deck, open my window, and cast the spell Wind Edge. The result will be a massive wave of wind that'll shred the shit out of him or her. I can't go outside right now, I'm cleaning them out of the castle itself!" Tied to the cards would be a 'cheat sheet' of sorts, a quick reference guide to the spells that the card combinations would create.

She switched the smoke form to move faster, to clear the castle of Death Eaters. Since Ravenclaw Tower was on the Fifth Floor, she went up at top speed to the Seventh Floor, and began her work on the Floor. She saw an 'unfamiliar' group of souls, at least five, trying to bust into Gryffindor Tower. The poor Fat Lady stood steadfast, terrified as she was. She raised her wand, and roared,"Bombarda Maxima!" Instead of a simple gouge in the wall, an entire solid wall of stone was blasted. She watched the Death Eaters put up a myriad of defensive spells, one being Protego Maxima, Fianto Duri, Repello Inimicum, Protego Horribilis. Normally such a massive amount of defensive spells would make an impossible barrier to penetrate. Her smile turned wicked. Despite the masks on the five foes before her, she could smell their fear, almost see it twisted on their faces. She was suddenly swathed in a fuchsia colored light. She raised her arms, and she curled her fingers, and placed both of her hands together at the chest level facing the same direction. Now that the palm of one hand is on the back of the other, she was ready. She gathered ki, and she made her attack, and she roared,"Galick Gun!" The result was a powerful, huge, fuchsia-colored beam that emanated from her hands and body. The blast ripped through the air, and destroyed the protective barrier like it hadn't even been casted. The sound of the spells breaking was a shattering sound, like hundreds of glass sculptures shattering and breaking on a hard surface. The bastards were vaporized in an instant. She rushed to the Fat Lady, and quickly cast enchantments to repair her portrait. She quickly spoke,"Good Lady, how many other Death Eaters are in the Castle and on the campus grounds?" The Fat Lady spoke,"25." She spoke,"I killed 6 already, that brings it down to 19. Has the Ministry of Magic been notified?" The Fat Lady replied,"Yes, and Aurors are mobilizing! Staff members and of age students are battling them, but people are being killed where defenses are thin." Mary's face went white at the thought of her fellow students being killed, and she spoke,"Tell the other portraits this message, and tell them to pass it on to the staff members and students trying to repel the Death Eaters: If they see smoke and shadow zooming around, do not attack it. Mary Morgenstern is eliminating the Death Eaters one by one." The Fat Lady nodded, and ran out of her portrait to spread the word.

In different universes, three different people smiled. Vegeta, Prince of the Saiyans smiled, for he sensed that the little girl he had taught so long ago, the little girl who still came to visit to train with and fight with him, had successfully pulled off his signature attack. Cana Alberona, daughter of Fairy Tail Ace Wizard Gildarts Clive, smiled, for she sensed that the scrappy girl that had a love for learning and fighting had used one of her Card Magic spells to great success. Erza Scarlet, strongest female Wizard of Fairy Tail, smiled for she sensed that the proud fighter she had trained in her magic and swordsmanship, had used her Requip magic to great success. She cleared the rest of the Seventh Floor, the only enemies were the five ones she had just executed. The Sixth Floor was clear, and so was the Fifth, Fourth, and Third, though those floors were really trashed. Much to her intense sorrow, there were plenty of bodies. She quickly Conjured up white sheets to cover the deceased, to give them respect and dignity in death. The Second Floor was an active war zone. True to her word, the portraits were rushing into each other's frames, spreading the word. Dead bodies and severely wounded were all over the place, though students and staff were still bravely fighting. She concentrated, and things seemed to turn slow to her. How did Barry describe it? When you were going so insanely fast everything and everybody was just slow. She had experienced this sensation before, but what she felt right now was something different. It was like she was accessing a level of speed she had never before attained. She rushed the wounded to the Infirmary, though little did she realize, instead of black smoke and shadow, it had turned white. Poor Madam Pomfrey was already so busy with others dragged and or carried to the Infirmary. She had rushed 15 wounded to her. This day sucked so god damned hard. Where were the Aurors?

She rushed back, still in white smoke and shadow form, and made her way back to the Second Floor. She concentrated hard, and used her glasses to mark out the seven Death Eaters, and she spoke,"Requip: The Gunner! Magic Sniper Rifle!" She pulled a large sniper rifle out of her 'armory', and took aim. While her rifle wasn't as pretty looking as Bisca Connell's, it did what it was supposed to do. Hers was long and black and designed to intimidate on sight! She looked into her scope, and a Magic Seal erupted outwards, and she spoke,"Homing Shot!" Smaller Magic Seals appeared on her target's heads, and she took her shot. The shots exploded upon contact. This attack was truly spectacular. While it was essentially designed to kill in of itself, she only expected their heads to explode, but their whole bodies exploded. The force of the explosions sent the good fighters to the walls, but were uninjured none the less. She dispelled her rifle, sending it back to her 'armory'. She walked to one of the portraits, the person in it was a young boy, and spoke,"Are there any Death Eaters on the First Floor, Ground Floor, or the Dungeons?" The portrait replied,"No, but I hear that the rest of the Death Eaters are on the Grounds!" She slashed the numbers down to 12, or 11 if Draco had dealt with the Death Eater who had cast the Morsmordre spell. Now that she knew that all she had to clear out the grounds, things were much simpler now. Where Erza and Cana were, Bisca smiled as well.
Draco had no idea what was happening, but he continued to remain in Mary's room as he waited for her to return to him and tell him what he should do next. He was worried about her, but for some reason he couldn't move from his spot. When he was able to move again, he did as she had directed and walked over to her bag, pulling the required objects out and opening the window. "Wind Edge!" He shouted as loud as he could and watched the magic do its work.
Mary was impressed and pleased with the result of Draco casting the Card Magic spell Wind Edge. She certainly expected death to occur, it was a really strong spell. She expected the body to be busted up from being tossed around, but she never expected the level of carnage that ensued. The poor bastard got tossed around, but the wind really went to town on him or her, shredding the body as it tossed him or her around. The sound of the wind, it was howling, it sounded angry, as if a wind could even so as much as sound angry. The final result was a pile of blood, muscle, and bone. Definitely dead. He would hear her voice in his ears again, and she spoke,"Well done, my beloved Dragon!" Dragon was her pet name for him, as his name was the Latin word for Dragon. She was very proud and pleased. She was still inside the castle, and from his point of view, saw another Death Eater running toward his or her fallen comrade. She quickly spoke,"Shut the window, draw no further attention to yourself!" This was going to get ugly again, and she was glad. She had a love for battle, for better or worse.

In her smoke form, which was now black again, she rushed towards the Death Eater that had run to the fallen comrade. She had ascertained this new foe to be a female, the scream that erupted definitely sounded female. She whistled to her to get her attention, and when the Death Eater turned around, she spoke,"Requip! Stygian Iron Sword!" In her right hand appeared a sword as black as nightmare. It was made out of Stygian Iron, a metal that when used in combat could only be normally wielded by denizens of the Underworld and their children, but she had made a deal with the gods Ares, Hades, and Hecate. Well, it was more of a reward than anything else, but for helping escort their children to Camp Half-Blood when their normal escort was killed, she was rewarded with the ability to wield any and all possible magical weapons and magic spells of their world safely with no other requirements. Stygian Iron weapons became her personal favorites very quickly when it came to sword play. Like the blast of her Celestial Spirit, Caelum, it left no visible trace of a kill. She raised her left arm, and moved her fingers in an unmistakable gesture that signaled 'Come and get me'. The Death Eater rushed her, throwing Unforgivable Curse after Unforgivable Curse at her, which she merrily cut through with her sword. She was that fast. After a few minutes, the Death Eater stopped trying to Curse her, realizing the futility of her actions. Mary rushed forth, and impaled her upon the blade. The woman's essence was sucked into her sword, leaving nothing behind. Her sword was slick with the woman's blood. Now that she thought upon it, killing the Death Eaters was more merciful than anybody could give them in form of punishment. A fast death was better than being delivered to the Dementors. Better a fast death than escaping this battle with their lives to report to her father of her strength, and having him torture then kill them for their failure to subdue her.

She quickly cleaned her sword, and heard Hades's voice in her head. "Well done, child. She will be punished swiftly and be sent to the Fields of Punishment for her killing of your fellow students and your teachers. I only wish I could personally punish the rest of her comrades that you have already slain." It was weird when he talked to her like that through her sword, but still, it was one of the ways that the people of that world could contact her, one of which was through her swords and other weapons of that world. She liked Hades. Horribly misunderstood man, well, god. She got along well with him and his children due to the nature of her powers. She heard screams in the distance, and switched the interface on her glasses. Her blood ran cold when she saw that the screams were in the direction of the Greenhouses. The remaining Death Eaters were converging on the area. Then she remembered. Classes for Herbology had been cancelled all week and rescheduled for today due to 'badly behaved plants' and poor weather conditions. There were a crap ton of students there.

She rushed forwards again, dispelling her sword, her smoke form white once again. She would not let this carnage happen. She could not, and would not allow it. All of the students and poor Professor Sprout were now backed into Greenhouse One, and the Death Eaters were getting ready to execute them all. She reformed in front of her school mates and darling Professor Sprout, and she shouted,"Requip: The Knight! Adamantine Armor!" She knew she looked odd as hell in the Armor, but she didn't care. She closed together the shields attached to her elbows, and from them erupted a massive green Magic Seal that protected them. She had doubts that it could withstand the Killing Curse, but she had to try. If it could withstand a Jupiter Cannon blast, it could withstand the Killing Curse. After the barrage of the Death Eaters screaming the Killing Curse over and over again was done, her armor faded away, and she was in her plain Hogwarts robes again. She was pale and sweaty, but still very much able to fight. One could sense the horror emanating from the Death Eaters, nobody could defend against Killing Curses... Not unless you were Harry Potter, and he had survived the Curse. She spoke,"My turn." The sky grew dark, as if night time had come prematurely. The stars and planets seemed to shone brighter, as if infinite spotlights were shining upon them. Mary's forefingers were on her temples, and a massive red Magic Seal appeared behind her. The Memory-Make spell she was about to perform was the combination of the uncategorized spell Urano Metria and the Heavenly Body Magic spell Grand Chariot. Both were extremely destructive, and she was going to make them suffer. Seven lights appeared underneath the lot of them, this was in the shape of the Big Dipper constellation. She spoke,"Memory-Make! Grand Metria!" It was as if the stars and planets themselves had come to rain punishment upon the Death Eaters for their crimes. Avatars of the stars and planets rained down upon the Death Eaters, killing the lot of them at once, and leaving massive craters in the ground where they once stood. No bodies were left behind. Mary was exhausted, expending so much magic in such a short period of time wore her out. But still, Hogwarts was now safe. She weakly spoke, he would hear her voice in his ears again,"It's safe to come out. I killed 24 of them, you killed the 25th one, the last one." Overcoming their shock, the students began to cheer.
Draco had closed the window and when Mary returned to him, he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm so glad we're safe.." He told her with a smile as he brushed his lips againsts hers gently, his hands slipping down to just above her ass.
After she was done with her Memory-Make spell, the sky cleared, becoming normal again. But still, that Dark Mark in the sky needed to be dealt with. She walked to the spot where it had been cast, and she raised her hands to the sky, and spoke,"Deus Zero." She frequently used this sort of enchantment to negate other people's spells and enchantments if she had the time to do so. The Mark disappeared, and all was well with the sky again. In a short period of time, she had gone from being the school freak, the school pariah, to being the school hero. How quickly had the wheels of fortune turned! The students and Professor Sprout cheered, pretty much lifting her up and crowd surfing her all the way back to the castle. It was cool and all, but what she really wanted most right now was to be with Draco and her babies. The Aurors finally arrived, and the staff pretty much told them to leave, that the problem with the Death Eaters was taken care of, that they were all dead, all thanks to the incredible power of Mary Morgenstern. It wasn't all thanks to her, Draco had done his part as well, but she left that out. She didn't want the Aurors questioning him and discovering the twins. So then they began their questioning of her. How did she do it? How was she able to eliminate 25 Death Eaters? Her answer was that she used all of her knowledge at her disposal, knowledge that she had gained from her many teachers over the years, and that she had used her inborn abilities to assist as well. After they had finished their questioning of her, they left. Then the teachers began their questions and statements. No doubt she was a hero. No doubt she'd be getting a Special Award For Services To The School. No doubt that she'd be getting an Order Of Merlin, First Class for sure. But what worried Mary the most was that the Board of Governors would shut the school down and send everybody home. To her, that would be the most foolish thing to do, making it easier to pick students off one by one. Despite today's attack, Hogwarts was still the safest place. Another worry of hers was the ease that the Death Eaters had in infiltrating the school. There had to be a devil on the inside. How else would they have gotten in?

Another problem to attend to was collecting the bodies of the deceased staff members and students. No bodies left behind for the Death Eaters, they were all vaporized or too mangled to be identified. Fuckers had seriously trashed the school. It would take some time for the school to be properly repaired, even with many witches and wizards using the Mending Charm. It would also take time to actually clean the place up, getting rid of the blood stains and everything. Letters to the families of the deceased staff members and students would need to be written. Naturally, parents would want to pull their children out of school, even though she would advise against it, as the parents would be giving into fear, which was something that her Father thrived on. Creating and causing fear and terror. Classes would certainly be disrupted, which would be the perfect time for her to slip away unnoticed if she chose. Still though, she managed to slip away from the throngs of people clamoring for her attention, and made her way back to her dormitory, back to her beloved and their children. She wrapped her arms around him as she got to her room, shutting the door behind her. She whispered back,"I am glad too. But I know this is only the beginning. We need to train, gather up other wizards who will fight with us." Oh, she was tired, she was stressed, she needed a good hard fucking now.
Sliding his hands down to squeeze her ass, Draco pulled her body against his own with a smile as he kissed her deeply. "Whatever you want, love, just ask." He told her with a smile.
She smiled as he squeezed her shapely rear, and she hungrily kissed him back. Oh, had she missed this! She softly spoke, whispering to him due to their physical closeness,"Anything and everything, my darling Dragon. Anything and everything you have to offer!" Oh, she was long overdue for a good romp in the bed, and she was glad they were going to fuck now.
Draco kept a hand in hers and lead her over to the bed, pulling her down on top of himself as he kissed her deeply and kept his hands on her ass, groaning into her mouth as he turned her over and slowly slid his cock into her wet pussy, groaning in pleasure as he started pumping back and forth inside of her.
Mary was quick about throwing a sheet over the twins crib. Not that they'd understand that what she and Draco were about to do was exactly how they were made, but still. Then she was just as fast as getting naked. Oh, how she had missed this so very much! it felt so good to get on the bed, to get naked, to get ready to get a good hard fucking. She was merrily kissing with the passion of ten months of not seeing him. It felt so good to have her beloved's cock in her wet and wanting pussy, stretching her out. Her pleasure, aside from her face and body, was obvious in her moans.
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