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The Heir of Voldemort (Naomi David x SithLordOfSnark)

Draco took her hands and chained her to the wall with her ass facing him. "Thrust your hips back and push your ass out a bit more." He told her as he started stroking his cock to make sure he stayed hard.
She was smiling as she faced the wall, and she was nice and chained. Too bad she couldn't spread her pretty ass cheeks for her darling Draco. She sweetly pushed her hips back, and pushed out her ass as far out as she could. She wiggled her behind, hoping to keep him nice and hard for when he fucked her little hole.
Draco moved back until he was right behind her as he slid one hand to the cheek of her ass and pulled her asshole apart with his hand and groaned in pleasure as he pushed his lipstick covered cock into her tight little asshole, his cock definitely hard as a rock as it pushed slowly into her.
She was smiling as Draco pulled apart her pale cheeks to begin to fuck her puckered hole. She slowly groaned as he began to push his rock hard cock inside of her. She hoped her ass hole brought him as much pleasure as her mouth and pussy did.
"God, baby, you have such a nice little ass." Draco told her as he continued to fuck her, thrusting his cock in and out of her ass as she was chained to the wall, his hands cupping her large tits as he fucked her asshole from behind.
She purred, enjoying his sweet compliments. It hurt at first, she was pretty sure cocks were not meant to be in ass holes, but still, they made it work. Of course, having her large breasts fondled during anal sex helped. She spoke,"And don't you forget it darling!"
"If you keep letting me fuck you like this, I doubt I could." Draco teased as he continued fondling her large tits as he fucked her asshole from behind, groaning with every deep thrust inside of her.
She giggled, and moaned, enjoying how she was being used and treated. Draco was her man, and nobody else's. God, while it still hurt to a degree, anal sex was fantastic! She was hot, she was in need, and she was close to climax!
Draco slid his hands up until they were on her breasts and he continued to fuck her asshole, groaning with pleasure with every thrust into her ass. "God, Mary, you feel so good." He told her with a low groan.
His hands were so nicely fitting around her pert breasts, so warm and wonderful to the touch. She was lewdly moaning as she was just relentlessly enjoying her asshole. She cried out in joy, and she came very hard, and he wasn't even fucking her sweet pink pussy. She softly spoke,"And it feels just incredible to have you inside me!"
She sighed in utter contentment when he finally came in her ass, and she spoke,"Darling, we're going to have one hell of a school year, that much I can promise you!"
"Oh, believe me, I know." Draco grinned at her as he slowly slid his cock out of her ass with a pop. He pondered keeping her chained there while he tortured and teased her nipples, as he kept his gaze lingering on her hot naked body.
She sighed in sheer contentment when he pulled out of her sweet little hole with a pop. They would have a hell of a semester.

As time went by during the week, after classes, Quidditch practices, and homework was done, Mary and Draco were banging. Anywhere and everywhere they could. Sex was a lot of fun for both of them, but she really enjoyed it when he came inside of her! It just felt really good to feel his hot seed rushing inside of all of her holes, but her favorite hole to have him cum in was her pussy! Little did she know that there would be unforeseen consequences to having unprotected sex.

Finally, it was Saturday. Last day of the week. No Quidditch practice, no homework, no nothing. She was planning on spending the day roaming the grounds, exploring. She had actually found new special places, much like the special places she had found at Durmstrang, Beauxbatons, and Ilvermorny. Time was really funny with these places though. Then she heard screaming, and began running towards the sounds of the screaming. She whistled when she saw the cause. Clearly some idiot had cast an Engorgement Charm on some poor unsuspecting snake he or she had found slithering in the grass and lost control of it. By the look of it, it was an adder, or Vipera Berus. And it was venomous. She didn't show this ability often, mainly because she knew it would freak people out, but she had no choice. The poor thing looked pretty angry and scared too. It was starting to snap at students. She rushed in front of the snake, gently speaking in Parseltongue to it,"Please calm down. You are frightening several people." If possible, the snake had a surprised look on its face, and it replied,"One of the students used what I think you call an Engorgement Charm on me. I just want to be made my normal size again." She nodded, and pointed her wand at the snake, saying,"Reducio!" She used the Shrinking Charm on the snake, returning the poor creature to its normal size. It very quickly slithered away to avoid further torture by stupid students. People gave her horrified looks. Realizing what she had done, she turned into smoke and flew off into the forest to one of those 'special places'. She knew exactly where she was going. To a different version of London, to a group known as Kingsman, where her code name was Morgan le Fay.
Draco had been looking all over the place for Mary, but when he had been unable to find her he simply went back to the Slytherin Common Room and flicked through channels on TV, expecting her to show up for a hot round of sex when she felt horny enough. He knew it wouldn't be too long, but he couldn't help but worry about her.
One of Draco's fellow Slytherins had witnessed what had happened, and rushed to the Common Room to tell him. Meanwhile, his two 'friends', Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, were off to the Owlery to write to Lord Voldemort on what they saw. Said Slytherin rushing to the Slytherin Dormitory to tell Draco what had happened finally arrived, and his words were practically spilling over each other,"Your lady love Mary speaks Parseltongue! She's Voldemort's brat! She's the Heir of Salazar Slytherin! She ran off to the Forbidden Forest!"

Mary reformed her body, finally becoming solid flesh and blood again. She was at one of those 'special places' she had found earlier in the week. She realized she just simply couldn't appear in this alternative London wearing Hogwarts garb, she calmed herself, and spoke,"Requip: Knight!" God bless Erza Scarlet for teaching her this one. Requip allowed her to store items in a pocket dimension so she could easily summon it at any time, even during battle, which gives her a high level of flexibility in combat. Despite the fact that there was only so much that the pocket dimension could store, the space allotted served her purposes. Requip could be used for simple or combat-related purposes. Some users just choose to use it to change their clothing. More skilled users, like herself and Erza, were able to Requip different weapons in battle, and could Requip armors in the midst of battle. She looked to be a proper lady now, what with a nice gray suit jacket, a simple white dress shirt, grey dress pants, shined black shoes, and glasses were on her face. She placed her hand on the large oak tree in front of her, and the tree seemed to absorb her, and all went black. When she awoke, she knew she was in the Kingsman shop, in one of the dressing rooms, as a matter of fact.
"Who have you told?" Draco spoke his words calmly. He knew that if word got back to certain people, his relationship with Mary would never be allowed to continue, so he wanted to know who had been informed about his girlfriend being the daughter of Voldemort. Not that he truly believed it, but there was definitely something about her.
"I didn't say anything to anybody. Everybody saw what happened. Some twits used an Engorgement Charm on a snake, got it super big. Anyway it was scared and angry and was snapping at people. She calmed it down by talking Parseltongue to it. She reversed the Engorgement Charm on the poor thing and it slithered off. Then Mary went poof and went to the Forbidden Forest!" said the classmate.


Mary noticed little things about the dressing room. Everything was shiny and new, like it had been rebuilt. Perhaps in her time gone, the Kingsmen had remodeled the shop. It was possible, these mundanes had a ridiculous amount of money. Their American counterparts had even more money than the Kingsmen. She left the dressing room, and to her surprise, she saw one of the Statesman, agent Tequila! But he was dressed like a Kingsman. A good amount of time had to have passed since she was last here. She didn't know. Time was funny. Whatever amount of time that passed in the foreign worlds essentially equated a moment or two in her world. Then the timelines would 'catch up' so to speak. Stuff was super weird.
"Good. See to it that you don't speak of this. I will speak to her." Draco told the Slytherin, making it clear that his word was not to be gone against. He brushed a hand silently through his hair before speaking again. "Leave me now. I have things to do." H demanded.
"Good luck on finding her in the Forest." he spoke, leaving. He was loyal to Draco for one thing only. Years back, when they were still young children, before Draco's father had been carted off to Azkaban, Lucius had saved his Father's life, creating a blood debt between the two families. Had he had any sisters, the debt would have been satisfied by an arranged marriage, but alas, he only ever had brothers, so the debt were repaid by him being Draco's informant and the like. Once he was gone, Draco's bed seemed to rattle ever so slightly. The bed itself wasn't the reason for the rattle, but a bag under his bed was rattling. It was one of Mary's bags, full other her things and the like. She'd have to answer a lot of questions from Draco if and when she came back, because her bag held many things that clearly weren't from any where nearby.


"You know that you're pregnant, right?" Tequila spoke. Mary's face went bright red, and she spoke,"I highly doubt that's the case. Even if I was, how would you know?" He pointed to his glasses, and continued in his smooth Southern drawl that was starting to show signs of English accent,"Glasses have been upgraded by the new Merlin and Ginger Ale." Mary raised her eyebrows, and she spoke,"New? What happened." He then explained what had happened during her absence. Turned out that the original agent Galahad, Harry Hart, had survived the headshot from Valentine, been picked up by Statesman. Then he explained how almost the entirety of Kingsmen had been wiped out by a crazed woman named Poppy Adams. A whole bunch of things had followed, and the sweet agent Merlin had sacrificed himself to save the younger agent Galahad, Gary Unwin, or Eggsy, as he preferred to be called, and the older agent Galahad. The world was saved, he explained, and Eggsy married Crown Princess Tilde of Sweden. From what she could gather, this debacle happened a few days before she left this world to go back to her own. Time wise now, it seemed to be about six or so months after these events happened. It was nice to hear though how sweet Ginger Ale got promoted to a field agent role at Statesman, her new handle being agent Whiskey. To the Statesman, she was agent Vodka. To the Kingsman, she was known as Morgan le Fay. But still... Hearing the fact that she was pregnant was quite a shock to her. But then again, given the fact that they didn't use protection, how could she not be pregnant?
Draco moved to the floor and pulled the bag out from under the bed, opening it and looking inside before rifling through it to see what his lovely girlfriend had been hiding.
The bag stopped rattling once he picked it up and opened it. The first things he touched were books. Lots of big and heavy textbooks. One had a title called 'Yakuma Eighteen Battle Gods Magic And How It can Be Used In Conjunction With Territory Magic'. Another had a title called 'The Ultimate Magic Of The Stars'. Another had a title called 'Elemental Magics'. Another had a title called 'Slaying Magics'. Another had a title called 'Maker Magic And All Of Its Known Variants'. Another book had a title called 'Heavenly Body Magic'. He would also find odd looking sets of armor, but clearly designed for a female, and also designed to take heavy amounts of damage. The armors and books were gift, rewards for her help by the world's inhabitants. She had learned their magic and won their respect. There were a great deal of textbooks near the top of her bag, which by now seemed obvious had an Undetectable Extension Charm cast upon it.

The next few things he would find were a strange looking eyepiece. Half went over the ear, the other part when over the eye. This one looked like it was meant for the left ear and eye. Mary had enchanted it to be much more than just something that could scout out power levels, how strong somebody was. The next object was seemingly a detecting device of sorts, but it was off. She had enchanted it to be far stronger than what its current specifications were. Then he would find an odd looking set of armor. Clearly designed for a woman, but it was armor none the less. This item was enchanted as well to not only take the normal damage it could take, but other sorts of damage as well, including magic and damage from mundane weaponry as well, and it was over all strengthened as well. She had more than one set of each item, spares, as they were. These items were given to her as gifts from a prince and his wife as thanks. She hadn't been to their world in a bit, she would go there soon enough. A small book fell out of one of the sets of armor, it was a cook book, the inside of it was signed,"Enjoy! Chi-Chi.". She had asked her for a cook book of her recipes since that woman could make the best food. It had to be said, her food was more delicious than what the house elves here made.

Then he would find mundane weapons, guns, ammo, knives, swords, and a few other exotic weapons, all enchanted of course to do more damage, though damage dealing enchantments weren't the only charms and such placed upon them. Then he would find a few suit bags. No matter which way the bag was tilted or shaken or anything, the bags would remain perfectly straight, leaving their contents unwrinkled and the like. In them, he would find fancy woman's clothing, the sort a proper lady would wear when going to a business function or similar event. He'd also find several pairs of plain mundane glasses amongst them, these items originating from the world she was in right now. These glasses, from both America and Britain, were fantastic spy tools. Enchanted of course, though they were an older model compared to what was being used right now. There were other bottles in the bag, but the contents were liquid, some had a VV label on them, others had a WB label on them, and others had a VV and a WF label on them, meaning the contents were mixed. Lastly, he would find a few bottles of purple powder, each tightly sealed, and with warnings to not open at all unless necessary. Charmed to prevent accidental openings. There were a few more bottles, but the contents were black powder, also with warnings to not open unless necessary. Like the purple bottles, they were charmed to prevent opening unless necessary. At the very bottom of the bag, he would find money, lots of it. But it wasn't wizarding money. Mundane money, and some other currencies that seemingly didn't belong to the area. Then he would finally find clothes, mundane and wizarding alike. Mary was clearly the sort of person that got around.


Some time had passed since she had entered the world of Kingsman. After she was taken to the new mansion, it was a very long and very boring debrief. She didn't like this. There were way too many new faces. Only ones she recognized were Tequila, now the new Lancelot, and senior Galahad. She was more than miffed that nobody even called her in to take care of the threat of Poppy Adams, given that she had left them the means to summon her in case of extreme dire emergency. Then she was reminded that said means to summon her with were destroyed when the missiles hit and destroyed the mansion and shop.

Some more time passed after that, she had been on mission after mission. She felt happy. She loved being a Kingsman, a Statesman, she worked for both agencies. It made her happy to protect the world, to keep peace in the world. Now it had been about six months, and now she was getting what mundanes called an ultrasound and an amniocentesis. God almighty that gel rubbed all over her belly was so crazy cold. But to her great joy, it was discovered she was having twin boys. A few weeks after, the results from the amniocentesis test was done. The twins, their genetic codes were just as 'unstable' as hers. She took that to mean that they'd have powers like hers. She was very top heavy now. What she really wanted to hear was that they didn't have any horrible genetic diseases or anything, which she heard, so she was glad for that.
"Who the fuck is this girl?" Draco asked out loud before closing the bag and leaving the room. He needed to find her before someone else did, because he needed answers and he didn't trust anyone else to get those answers.
Mary had already decided on what she would name the twin sons she and Draco would be having. Vegeta Goku and Jaime Jon. She chose the names very carefully, and for very specific reasons. Vegeta and Goku taught her how to fight, despite the fact that she wasn't a Saiyan like them. They respected the fact that she wanted to grow stronger, that she wanted to be the very best that nobody ever was. She was so happy that they had taught her to use her ki, to fly using her own inborn abilities and fly with using her ki. They had also taught her how to use her ki to form energy blasts like they could do. The training was grueling, demanding, exhausting, but in the end, it was all worth it. Her physical training was later enhanced by the Kingsman. Aside from the gifts from Vegeta and Bulma, Mary had wishes for the Dragon Porunga, the wishes were a reward after helping the lot of them out. She had learned. Her first wish was that any and all of her descendants would be born healthy. Her next wish had been that any and all of her descendants would have any and all of her abilities and powers, past, present, and future. Her final wish was that after each fight, win or lose, she would get stronger in every way with no bad side effects. As a small thanks for giving her so much, she had promised Vegeta and Goku that she would name one of her sons if she had any after them. Onto the name Jaime Jon. Being in Westeros and Essos was a strange time, but they were times well spent. Initially, she travelled to other worlds for extra time to spend on her school work, because hours, even days and months and years in these worlds were merely minutes passed in her own. Jaime Lannister was the first man she met in Westeros. He immediately knew she was special, and hired her on to take care of fights and things that he could not take care of due to time constraints and or distance constraints. He had hired her to be his messenger as well, given how fast she could move when she was smoke and shadow. He had also shown her how to talk in the languages of Westeros and Essos, and was the one who taught her to fight with blades. She liked how his surname sounded, Lannister. It rolled off the tongue. She had last seen him during his bitch of a sister's coronation. There was just something about Cersei she had never liked. She did respect her cunning and ambition, and in a way, pitied her. The woman never really had a chance to make her own choices, and consequentially become controlling and over bearing. Then during a mission to the far North, she had met a bastard like herself, his name was Jon Snow. The two of them had mutually bonded under the fact that they were both bastards, and that while he didn't know who his Mother was, at the time she knew neither her Mother or Father. The last time she had seen him, he was the new King in the North. Because she respected both men so much, she had promised both of them separately that if she had a son, she would give the son their name. Her pregnancy was progressing nicely, and she was now on rest, her superiors in Kingsman forbidding her from doing any other missions. It was nice to have the quiet, but she loved the adrenaline rush that the missions gave her. Little did she know, aside from the prophecy that the Sorting Hat had issued, she was subject of another prophecy under the subject 'Wanderer'. She was due any day now.
Draco left his room and headed towards hers. They hadn't seen each other in awhile and he was starting to get worried that something had happened. He knocked on her door and waited for her to answer.
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