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The Heir of Voldemort (Naomi David x SithLordOfSnark)

She was surprised by his sudden swiftness of him pinning her against his dorm room wall, but she enjoyed this final kiss none the less. She grinned, and nodded, and she left his dorm. It took a great deal of exploring the castle to find the Ravenclaw dormitory, but the time spent was worth it. What delighted her the most was to get into the place, you had to solve a riddle to gain entrance. The riddle she had to solve was hard and she liked a challenge. Took her a few minutes, but she gained entrance and found her way to the girls dormitory. From there, she found one of the dormitories for the seventh year girls, and was most delighted to find her things. She undressed and redressed in her bed things, and went to sleep, putting her wand on the night stand next to her.

The next day started out simple enough. Get dressed, grab her wand, make her way to the Great Hall to eat, which she did. She did eat, and got in line with other Ravenclaws to get her schedule. She got her schedule, and was most pleased. She had Charms, Defense Against The Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, Transfiguration, Care of Magical Creatures, and Ancient Runes. All subjects that she had gotten perfect grades on during her O.W.L.s when she had taken them at Beauxbatons. It was officially announced that Quidditch tryouts would take place after all classes were over today. She went back to the Ravenclaw dormitories, got her books and things and put them into her enchanted school bag. Could fit anything she wanted into it within reason and it altogether weighed like a feather. She went about her day with her classes, and enjoyed them a great deal.

Finally, with everything over, it was time for Quidditch tryouts for the Ravenclaw team. Slytherin was after the Ravenclaw team. There was quite a bit of a stir when people saw her broom, the Firebolt Supreme was very expensive and aside from expensiveness, a very difficult broom in general to get your hands on. Which lead many of her fellow Ravenclaws trying out for the team to ask her how she got her hands on the broom. To which she would shrug and say that she had a generous benefactor. She had made her way up to the Owlery in the middle of the night, and sent a letter to her benefactor to give Draco her Firebolt all wrapped up, but to attach a note that said to not unwrap the broom when he got it in the morning. She didn't know where her benefactor lived, but she trusted that the owl would get to her benefactor before morning, and that Draco would get her broom by breakfast. She had watched him all breakfast, and saw a team of splendid looking owls carrying the broom that was nicely wrapped up to the Slytherin table. She watched the owls deposit the broom into his lap and fly off. Little did she know that her benefactor had one upped her, and the wrapped broom was a new Firebolt Supreme.

She knew she would impress now, and trials began, and she tried out for all the positions. She gained many new fans, having done many insane and incredibly daring stunts with each tryout. Everyone was basically cheering her last name, Morgenstern. The Captain basically told her she could have whatever she wanted within the team. Oh, which position to choose? What should she do? She eventually said that she would take the position of Seeker, but she would be reserve member for all of the other positions. The Captain agreed. So this was what it felt like to be popular! It was an intoxicating feeling, but she knew she musn't let the feeling get to her head. Finally, the Ravenclaw team was formed, and it was announced when the first practice would be. Now, it was time for the Slytherin tryouts. Mary was sitting in the stands, waiting to see Draco tryout.
Draco still couldn't believe that she'd talked him into it. The things you would do for a little pussy, eh? He went through tryouts, not really expecting to make the team, but unable to wait until it was over so he could meet her back at his dorm and have more sex with her. He finished tryouts, every so often glancing at her in the stands as he winked at her.

OOC: I might be really tired, normally I can post more then that..
She was so proud to watch him whizzing around on the broom. He was a natural Quidditch player, more specifically, he was a natural Seeker, nothing escaped him. He had the Seeker position in the bag, and naturally, he got the position. She had a proud smile on her face as he winked at her. The smile turned into an expression of horror as a Bludger raced towards him and knocked him off of his broom. The Beaters were too slow in trying to put them away. The Cushioning Charm would take too long to cast. Any other charms and such would take too long to cast as well. She knew what she had to do. Using a spell from not this world at all, she teleported her broom back to her dorm. Then she turned into smoke and raced forwards to catch him. She was easily going more than 750 miles an hour as she rushed forth to get him. She caught him and collected his broom too and gently deposited them both on the ground. She turned back to flesh and blood, and spoke,"You okay?" Half the crowd looked horrified, the other half looked impressed.
Draco had seen many things that had seemed insane in his life, but that was definitely something else. "How..How did you learn to do that?" He asked once they were back on the ground, his eyes resting on her. She was beautiful, but she had powers that couldn't exist in this world.. unless.. No. She couldn't be.. She couldn't be related to Voldemort, there was no way. He smiled, trying to get rid of those thoughts, and he nodded. "I'm fine.. Thanks to you.." He told her with a smile.
She made a face, and spoke,"If anyone asks, tell them that it's a trick I picked up at Durmstrang." It wouldn't be too hard to believe, Durmstrang was a school that focused on Dark Magic, and what she did practically reeked of Dark Magic. She spoke,"I'm glad you're fine. Casting charms to slow your fall would have taken too long." She noticed not, but Draco's other two 'friends' had slipped away, and were on their way to the Owlery to report to Lord Voldemort on what they saw. If he thought turning into smoke was cool, he would like the tricks she picked up from other friends. She would show him in due time. She spoke,"Come on, let's get out of here." She needed a good hard fuck like last night.
"You don't have to ask me twice, if you're thinking what I'm hoping you are." Draco grinned teasingly as he took her hand and lead her off the Quidditch field. "Any idea where you'd like to go this time?" He asked with a playful grin, his hand slipping out of hers and down to teasingly squeeze her ass.
She laughed gently, still holding his broom, performing her other worldly trick to make the broom go away. In this case, it would go back to his dorm. She spoke,"I've heard of a place in this castle... I've already heard students call it The Room of Requirement, The Come and Go Room. I've heard people say it's on the seventh floor. I'd like to try there, provided nobody is using it." She smirked as he squeezed her firm rear. There was so much she needed to learn about this castle.
"The Room of Requirement sounds like a good idea." Draco said with a grin as he took her hand and practically dragged her along until they were on the seventh floor of the Castle and at the door to the aforementioned room.
She didn't mind that she was practically being dragged along to this place where they were going to have sex at. Her gold eyes were practically burning right now, so excited was she to have sex with him again. She spoke,"Right... I heard people say we need to walk past this area three times thinking of what we need... So shall we think... 'We need a place where we can have sex at where nobody will bother us...'?"
"That sounds about right." Draco playfully grinned at her as he nodded his head and walked past the area they were at three times, thinking exactly that, and suddenly a door appeared. "Looks like it worked, lover." He told her as he dragged her inside.
While they walked past the Room of Requirement the required three times, she pulled out a tube of lipstick and began to apply it to her lips. The color was a bright red, as promised, and by the time they were done walking past the area three times, she was done applying her lipstick and put it back in one of her pockets. Her lips looked perfect now. She was excited as she eagerly went inside the room. It was full of various scenarios, she was in heaven now.
Draco watched her silently as she applied the lipstick and he smiled, imagining how that would feel when her lips moved over his cock. He felt himself getting hard as he unzipped his pants and slid them off, standing there with his eyes roaming her silently. "You ready, baby?" He asked with a smile.
She was undressing as fast as she could. She gave him an eager face, and she spoke,"Certainly. Are you ready to use all of my holes?"
"I'm more then ready." Draco said with a smile as he slid both hands down to squeeze her ass, rubbing himself against her, his cock already hard as he kissed her deeply. "Why don't we start with you giving me a blowjob?" He asked with a grin.
She loved the way he was enjoying the soft yet firm and pale flesh of her ass cheeks. She hungrily kissed him back, and she replied,"Certainly, handsome!" She got down to her knees, and she began to lick his hard length up and down with her tongue like she was licking a sweet lollipop. She gave sweet and delicate attention to his balls using her fingers on her right hand.
Draco softly groaned, running his fingers through her hair as she began to work her mouth up and down his cock, his fingers curling tighter as she sucked and licked, playing with his balls. "Fuck, that feels so good.." He told her with a groan, glancing down at her.
Believe it or not, her good looks came from her Father's side of the family. Voldemort had been quite good looking before he turned to the Dark Arts to achieve his ends.

To her, it felt good to have Draco run his lovely fingers through her thick mane of hair as she orally pleasured him. Once she was satisfied with how wet his cock was, she slowly began to take his length into her mouth.
"That feels so good." Draco groaned softly as she continued to suck his cock, his hands resting on the back of her head as she took his length into her mouth and worked him over, sucking him harder. "Fuck, don't stop.." He groaned softly.
Her bright red lips were so lush and appealing, and just staining his cock such a nice shade of red as she lovingly sucked on his length. She was taking in more and more of his length, trying to take in every last inch of his member.
Draco kept his hands in her hair and continued to moan as she took his cock in and out of her mouth, his fingers tightening firmly in her hair as she moved up and down his shaft with her mouth. "Fuck, I'm going to cum.." He commented as he felt his cock growing in her mouth and doing just that.
She really loved how it felt to have his lovely fingers ensnared into her thick black mane. Her eyes grew wide when he came. She swallowed it all down, wanting to please him. Maybe she was his girlfriend, maybe just a booty call, but she was going to enjoy herself none the less.
"That was amazing, baby.. Can I fuck your ass now.. I love how it looks and want to see my cock being pushed in there.." Draco moaned at his words, feeling himself getting even more turned on.
She sweetly pulled back, licking her lips, and she spoke,"You most certainly can fuck my little ass! But first, shall we try the chains over there? Chain me up, doesn't that sounds like fun?" She hoped that turned him on further.
Draco grinned and nodded at her, glancing at the chains. "I think I like that idea." He told her with a smile as he walked over and tugged the chains from the wall, feeling how tight they were.
Nothing could truly restrain her, due to the nature of her abilities, but she wanted to be restrained, chained to the wall while he relentlessly fucked her tiny asshole. Oh, she wanted him to feel this pleasure!
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