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What makes a hero? Will. ((ThomasRHellsing x Applepoisoneer))

Thomas groaned as she came again on his hard throbbing cock, he held her close as he yet again let loose deep inside of her, a half dozen sprays of his essence filling her as he nearly collapsed. He was near his own limit. He figured he had maybe one more good orgasm in him before he was exhausted. This time, his legs aching from holding Raven up he decided to go with a more simple position. He gently dropped Raven onto the couch. Spinning/flipping her around so she was on her back, he took her legs and put her knees on his shoulders. Half bending the demi-demon in half before he drove his cock into her hard. Using their combined juices as lubricant he began to rut the beautiful half demon each thrust grinding into all the best places inside of her. The "Shlick Shlick" of flesh meeting flesh filled the room. Rutting her into the couch like a beast.
Raven gasped as he drove himself into her. The force of his thrusting drove her deeper and deeper into the plush fabric of the couch. She began to sweat a little, the scent of her a mix of floral perfume and heat. She closed her eyes and threw her head back as far as the cushions would allow. And while she opened her mouth, no sound but a rustle of breath could escape it. All the muscles in her groin contracted and released in harmony, sending waves of pleasure up her spine. Her creamy breast heaved as the final throws of passion rippled through her. "Thomas..." She half-whispered, half-sighed.
Thomas groaned low, pulling the beautiful half demon close as he felt his own release building with a tempo to hers. As her body contracted he felt his balls "tighten" spurt after spurt of his potent seed filling her hole. Groaning he rolled over and collapsed onto the couch. Shifting a bit so half of Raven's body was on his he kissed her neck saying, "How was that beautiful? You have fun?"
"I did." She breathed, whisking the beads of sweat from her forehead with her wrist. "More fun than I thought I'd have. Maybe I was feeding off of your energy? Anyway, I'm sure it'll be more fun when I know what I'm doing." She closed her eyes and rested her purple haired head on his chest and yawned. "What sort of stuff are you into?" She muttered sleepily.
Harry smiled petting her as he said, "Foot jobs, dirty talk, my partner being a bit of a slut, or more a bit forward. Blow jobs are always fun, so are tit jobs, I prefer tit jobs a bit because you can talk dirty while doing them."

He ran his hand through her hair, "Tying up a partner, and spanking them to various degrees is also fun."
Raven smiled, her large, dark eyes twinkling up at him. "Now who sounds like a slut?" She laughed. "I guess I'm not sure how I feel about being tied up, and I don't know how eager I am for a blow job, but the rest of it sounds fun. I think I could work with that." She laughed quietly. "I'm not used to taking the back seat when it comes to deciding what to do. For a while there, being a push-over meant the release of a hideous, planet-destroying demon. But maybe I can...give over control for a little while."

She sat up and looked at him very seriously. "I can trust you not to hurt me, can't I?" The way in which she spoke indicated that she would know if he were lying. And while she didn't feel he would ever betray her sensitivity that way, she wanted him to know that she was really putting herself out there for him to take, and what a big deal it was for her to do so.
Smirked at her, and kissed her on the cheek, "Only women are sluts. Don't you know, when you're a man sleeping around is a good thing."

He snorted a bit, before saying, "That's what they told me anyway. Remember Rae, my parents died young, so I sort of let Pop Culture raise me. Not all the way, but well to some degree. I admit I was a bit of a tool. Part of me wants to blame my parents dying, but I made choices. It wasn't emotional manipulation. I never made fake promises, or anything like that. I just threw around cash and that got a certain type of woman's attention. For what it matters The Core helped straighten me out a bit, showed me the differences between who I was and who I wanted to be."

Laying on the couch he said, "True, being tied up might be a bit different since we are day to day."

He gently pet her, before looking at her and saying, "Not really. Well, in a way. You're asking me a complicated answer and expecting a simple answer. Human beings, we hurt each other, we struggle for supremacy. We fight and clash. We are very much survivors. That being said, two people in a relationship, they are playing with fire, emotions love. I use the emotional spectrum to fight, so I understand it deeply. What exactly and how exactly do you mean?"

Looking at Raven he said, "If you're asking if I'm planning to kick you out of bed, then no, I would never do that. You matter to me. I'm not some man slut using you for my pleasure. I respect you too much for that both as a woman, and a heroine in your own right."

Gently he took her hand and placed it on his ring. Closing his eyes he focused and Raven would feel it. Love in it's truest form, a pink river of pure well sugar was the best term. The thing was as much as it was good, it also dangerous. On a distant planet a mother prepared a quick acting poison in her children's favorite meal, the sun was going super nova and a slow death awaited those left behind. In Blud Haven a man stood up as a gang banger threatened his daughter. It was a constant stream of emotional energy, too intense almost painful until he forced himself and thus her away from it. Kissing Raven's neck he said, "Love is volatile. Nobody cares if some moron insults them, it's the people we care about, who we love who's insults matter. I can't guarantee that we won't fight, that I won't miss your birthday or our anniversary because of hero stuff or company stuff. That a date might fall down, or not even be that good. That's our lives."

He held Raven close, "I know I'm taking the question a bit seriously. That I could have just said, "Yes you can trust me not to hurt you." but we both know love isn't that simple. Love can be messy, it can be holding your girlfriend's hair while she pukes after drinking a pint of vodka, or buying tampons at 3 A.M.. I am a hero, I could die tomorrow and that would hurt you."

He looked at her as he said, "I'm not totally sure what to say, but I want you to know I care for you, I respect you, I'd like to go out sometime. I don't think I love you yet, but what I feel is close to it. I respect you, and enjoy your company alot."
Raven couldn't help but snort a little herself at the idea of being raised by pop culture and fiction. But the more she thought about it, the more she recounted the number of times she'd found comfort and wisdom in the arms of the written word. Perhaps it wasn't so ridiculous after all.

"I get that there might be things we have to do as heroes that might put us in harms way. Or even courses of action we won't always agree on." She began, trying to draw the line between being a hero and being a person. "I guess I was more referring to...well, all of this." She gestured to the little pocket dimension around them, and rested her cheek against his chest again. "When you say you respect me, that's what I'm looking for." She sighed, already starting to come down from the adrenaline high that had overtaken her. "I think...I think I got a little carried away in sleeping with you. I practically just met you. But you, well you wanted it so much that I just wanted it too!"

She shut her eyes and allowed her hand to be rested over his ring. Instantly, she began to melt; she was icing, and he was a cinnamon bun. "Our powers compliment each other, which is probably good and bad in this case. Your feelings are amplified through the ring, and I'm already sensitive to them." She sighed.. "It's just something I'm going to have to work on controlling."
Thomas nodded a bit before gently easing the two middle fingers of his left hand into her. His thumb stroked her clit as he said, "You probably aren't wrong. But Rae, we're kids. 16 year olds, who could die tomorrow. My parents did, when they got into a wreck. Here one day, gone the next. I've always held onto the belief that it's better to live with no regrets then let them rest in your grave. Maybe we cut out some important parts, but nothing says we have to follow the path everyone else does."
Raven firmly but gently removed his hand from her, despite the electric tingle of energy it provided. "I'm not saying we get married, have kids, retire and move to Florida." She insisted. "I'm saying we go on a few dates and see if we can tolerate each other without the aphrodisiac of near-death experience. Maybe have a few conversations, share some books. Do something that doesn't involve quite so much thrusting before we get all hot-and-heavy again." She sighed. "I don't have any hangups about being a virgin or waiting until marriage or anything like that. I just want to be able to know you before I blow you." As soon as the words left her lips, she realized her last comment was more pointed and crass than she'd intended, but it was a perfectly blunt sentiment.
Thomas sighed, gently rubbing her knuckles with his thumb. His other hand around her waist he said, "I guess I can try that."

Looking at her a bit he said, "Sorry if I seem selfish, or like a bit of a prick. I just, well I don't know how to do that stuff you know? That is what I meant by dating, but well."

The blond ran a hand through his hair, "You were raised by your Mom right? And the Monks, who even though they didn't like you taught you basic stuff. Morality and what not."

His blue eyes looked at her, "To be fair, I get wanting to date and stuff, but well."

The blond blushed a bit, "I've never really done that. Like most people are taught how to date from their parents or whoever raised them. Me, I never really did that. When I hit puberty the head maid at the time hired me a hooker, and gave me a bottle of tequila. It's one reason why I'm better at sex then emotional stuff."

He gently kissed her neck again before saying, "I worry sometimes that I'm a bit shallow you know? Like a wading pool with it's occasional deep bits. I'm not dumb, I just prefer a simple life. I became a hero to help people, so I want to help people. I don't have some tragic back story, or brood. If something pisses me off I'm more likely to talk it out, or punch it in the mouth than brood on it. I just worry I'm not deep enough for you. Like I said, I'm not dumb, but I've found angsting over stuff doesn't do anything."
(OOC: Sorry, I've somehow managed to be concurrently busy and sick at the same time.. I'm kind of dragging myself along at this point, but I feel like you've waited long enough.)

"Believe me, my mother wasn't in the picture much." She told him, as she rolled her head around to allow him access to her neck. "And the Azarathian Munkhood figured I was better off not talking to anyone, let alone dating. So, I guess I've just had a lot of time to think about it. I've been alone with my thoughts for most of my life, so all this physical stuff is pretty new to me, as I'm sure you can tell. But I'm not saying I'm opposed to it. And I don't think you're dumb, or shallow for wanting it. I guess that's just some people's idea of a relationship. I just don't know if it's mine yet. So, I want to walk a little slower, I guess."
Thomas nodded his head once as he gently kissed her on the back of the hand, "I get it."

Looking at her he said, "Gods we are fucked up aren't we. On one hand, the two of us should know love better then anyone else, and to some degree we do. Your empathy, and my ring connection means we KNOW Love is real, we know it's a source of energy across the galaxy. We know it's a real physical thing."

The Lantern chuckled a bit, "But we are both fucked up emotionally in our own special ways. I like physical stuff because it's real. Before I had my ring it was what let me know it was there you know? But at the same time I understand your worry, that I'm using you for sex. Maybe focusing on sex more instead of doing the emotional stuff?"

Blue eyes looked into hers as he took a guess for her true worry. That she was just another bed filler for him. Looking at her a bit he said, "Honestly, I don't know what would be easier for you to start with. Physical or mental stuff. In a very real way your father and Slade raped you, or were planning to. To use you. It's not quite actual physical rape, but it's so close that I more then understand your sort of trust issues and worries about stuff."

He pet the beautiful goth as he said, "Just promise me you'll let things happen as you want. If YOU don't want sex for six months, I will try that. But I don't want it to be because Earth's backwards views of love say we shouldn't. Or something else says we shouldn't. I want it to be your choice ok? I think that's a fair compromise right?"

Thomas normally would never tell a woman he was willing to wait for the physical side of a relationship. Then again, he'd never really tried for a deeper relationship. He'd always made sure never to lie, or make false promises. The simple truth was, when you were rich it wasn't hard to find a bed mate for a night, in a city like Jump. C list actresses, wanna be actresses, women in a rough spot looking for cash, some women like finding rich guys and spending a weekend with them for a few grand. That wasn't even getting into thrill seekers and "Sluts" although he disliked the negative term. He was nervous, but he felt like a relationship with Raven, he had to take the large risk, for the hope of a large reward.
Although she would rather he not have brought up the psycho-physical sexual aspect of she, her father, and to a lesser extent, Slade's relationship, a light from deep within filled Raven's midnight-blue eyes. She felt as though the two of them were finally getting somewhere in terms of moving forward together, instead of just moving. "I completely agree. I really don't care what Western practices say we ought to do, and I've fine with just introducing intimacy little by little until we get to a point where we can just have sex naturally. I think it will happen, but let's just...try and ease into it."

She blushed a little and pointed her chin into the couch. "I just got so swept up in what you were feeling, I felt, I don't know...kind of drunk on it. And I liked that feeling, but I don't think I'm ready for it all the time."
Thomas nodded as he said, "I understand. The Emotional Spectrum is sort of well it's like a pool, it looks calm on the surface, but with under tows and currents that can pull you in. It's one reason why I prefer to be a Green Lantern, Will is well your Will Power. As opposed to say Hope, or Anger. There's a reason most Red Lanterns rip out their own hearts. Anger is powerful, but it's purely offensive and destructive both to the wielder and the target."

He kissed her cheek, "Their are various types of sex. Adrenaline fueled, aka Hate fucking, post fight screwing, Hotel trashing, but then their are also the slower more sensual types. I'm fine with going a bit slower with you. Honestly, part of me just worries you're going to do that smart person thing."

He leaned forward and kissed jewel as he said, "Smart people tend to talk themselves out of things they'd enjoy. It's their curse. I don't want you to do that. So talk to me if you have questions or ideas. Don't be afraid to just cut loose and do what you want."
She couldn't help but laugh at the truth of his words. She had already been talking herself out of continuing with him when his thought had made her stop and reconsider. Rolling toward him, she rested her chin against his, feeling the heat of his breath. "Now there's a dangerous thought. But, maybe a little controlled danger in the midst of all the uncontrollable danger won't make much of a difference when it comes to tipping me over the edge."
Thomas shrugged, pressing his lips to hers for a half a second, before saying, "I'm rich. To be rich, you have to be a bit selfish. If not people take advantage of you, and or you end up losing the money on foolish things. I might not be Lex Luthor smart, but I like to think I'm fairly wise."

Looking at her he said, "As for danger, sure it's there. I could screw Starfire, or you could screw Blackfire, or we could hurt eachother so bad it feels like our still beating hears have been carved out by glass."

He kissed her on the lips again before saying, "But, well, we're heroes. Every time you put on your outfit, you are potentially committing suicide. Slade, the Hive Five, Brother Blood, you think they'd stop if you called a time out? They are killers. They wouldn't lose sleep if they put you in the ground."

He pet her gently, "Sooner, or later they will probably get lucky. Look at the first and second blue Beatles, Hawkman and Hawk Girl, Aqua girl."

The blue eyed billionaire spoke again, "But, we aren't heroes for the fun of it. For the shits and giggles. We are heroes because all it would take for good men to succeed, would be up to stop. So, live each day like it's your last, have fun, and let your regrets lie. Shit happens, deal with it and move on. The problem is smart people like you tend to romanticize the past, tend to focus on it until shades of it follow you. I love you Raven, I want to date you, screw you, make love to you. I'll burn down anything or one who tries to get in the way of that, especially if it's some bull shit martyr complex of yours."
She gave him a long pause and a gentle stare after he'd finished his speech. Unable to help herself, she smirked superciliously. "How did you know I wanted to screw Blackfire?" She managed to keep her tone deadpan while cracking up inside. The whole thing was almost overwhelmingly absurd, and it eased her nerves to laugh about it internally.

"But really though," She began, once she could speak again. "I know how close we come every day; I'm reminded when I'm thrown through a window, I'm reminded when I nearly lose control and tear someone limb from limb, and I'm reminded when I'm with you like this. I've never really had 'a life' outside being a hero. And I think it puts dying into perspective a little more now that I've got something else going on. It's somehow more of a risk than it used to be."
Thomas winked at her and gave her ass a pinch as he said, "Empathic remember? I know you're into bad girls. Atleast a little bit. Plus I can tell you're a bit submissive."

He smirked letting her wonder if he was serious, or if he was screwing with her. Thomas chuckled a bit, "Because you know I'll totally kick in the doors to Hades and bring you back if your sexy ass dies?"
Raven raised an eyebrow, but smirked unapologetically. " For someone who doesn't do emotional stuff well, I'm glad you're attached enough to follow me into the underworld. " she rested a hand on each of his shoulders and scooted in to kiss him on the lips. "I'm starting to think I'd do the same for you. Who knows, we might find we like pomegranate."
Thomas shrugged, "My family has a legend. Old, it says basically "All Demons fear those that make Hell Cry, for where Hellsingers walk, even devils die."

At her kiss he couldn't resist pulling her against him. Pressing her lean but soft body against his lean muscular one. Only to groan as his hard cock was pressed against her. He growled low in her ear, tone full of depraved promises. A vision of him thrusting into her from behind, her on top riding him. He groaned out, "Can you atleast help me out? Your sexy mouth, hands, or um feet would be amazing."

The rich teen blushed, even as his cock twitched against her tummy.
Raven chuckled darkly as she danced her fingertips down the path of his tight, almost washboard abs. They trembled a little at the base of his shaft before she took a firm but gentle grip of his member and squeezed a little. "Oh, now I've got to see how someone does this with their toes." She began rolling the tight, veiny flesh back and forth in her strong digits, building up a rhythm before giving it a good yank. She found a pattern that grew faster and faster as time went by. Somehow, holding his dick in her hands did make her feel a bit more in control of matters and wasn't quite so...intense as all that came before. It was going at a speed she knew she could handle, even if she had to make him wait a little. That just made it all the sweeter to know that he was anticipating it.
Harry groaned low in pleasure as he said, "Oh fuck yeah baby, but not just up and down t-twist your wrist a bit as your rub where the h-head and shaft meet."

Emerald eyes met hers as he said, "A-And don't just do it baby. Actions are fun, but what makes sex unforgettable are the settings. Be a slightly naughty Raven. Comment on how big my cock is. How you're craving my seed already. Play the innocent girlfriend asking how she's doing. Don't worry about over thinking it, the point is to be a bit goofy."
Thomas groaned low in pleasure as he said, "F-Fucking hell baby, fucking hell that's so bloody hot. You looking all innocent and talking like that." His balls twitched, as his cock head dripped some pre cum. It was obvious he was enjoying himself as he leaned back to get more comfortable. Raven would feel his pleasure through her empathy.
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