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What makes a hero? Will. ((ThomasRHellsing x Applepoisoneer))

Thomas smiled but shook his head, he had four pans on the stove, grabbed a container, he opened it, and pulling a knife he cut it into half into cubes, and tossed it into one of the pans. He then repeated the process, with a different type of meat. Then a third time. He spoke easily, "Beef, Pork, Chicken, cubes all cooking."

The cook then took out some shrimp saying, "I tend to buy shrimp and de-vein them and "Butcher" them all the time. If nothing else you cn always just eat them. But they will go perfect with what I'm thinking of for our snack."

He then moved to the Friar, and began heating the oil. Once the meat was cooked, he used chop sticks to separate it out. Taking a hot pan from the stove he put water on it and rice. Grabbing a few carrots and cabbage, he took out dumpling and egg roll sheets. He cut the half of the meats he'd separated out super fine, and made a few dozen mixed beef dumplings and a dozen eggrolls. As he let those fry he moved to the rice which has cooked. Smiling he took out a large walk, and sprayed it down with soy sauce and oil. Filling it with the rice, the four meats, as well as carrots and peas. He decided to show off a bit as he plated, and after two scoops put a raw egg in the middle covering it. He smirked at her, "Old trick, the egg will end up fried because of the heat of the rice adding even more texture and flavor to the dish."

Thomas gave them both a large serving of the fried rice stir fry, adding in the dumplings so it looked like a smile emoji, with three eggrolls making up the smile. He put the rest into a plastic container. He then cooked up another half dozen cups of rice, but with tofu instead of the meat. Once he had the four containers tucked away he took out a new pair of chopsticks and said, "I figured we could take the rest to the tower, now time to eat."

The blond smiled, "I hope you liked it. I can cook alot of food, but asian is my favorite."
Thomas smiled, "I went to a few different teaching schools, when you're rich you can go pretty much anywhere. In Japan the art of cooking and making a bit of a performance out of it is considered as important in some schools as actually cooking. It helps alot, even if it takes a bit longer."
"It looks like it's worth it." She picked up one of the dumplings with a set of chopsticks. "When did you discover your ring?" The half demon knew it was quite a switch, but it was something she'd been wondering for a while now. He was, to the best of her knowledge, the youngest Lanterns in history. Though she would admit that her knowledge of the Lantern linage was limited at best.
Thomas chuckled a bit, "It's a bit of a story."

The Green Lantern lead her into the front room. Sitting down he said, "Most people only know the Hal Jordan Green Lantern. He was the one who was part of the League when it first began. But in truth, he was the second. Back before World War 2, a man named Alan Scott found a chunk of psyco-reactive meteorite. See the stuff Power Rings are made out of are in essence a very rare rock, that channels emotion. It's why their are rings for the whole color spectrum. Power Rings aren't really rings, they have a psychic bond with their wielder, and take on the shape of a ring because it's the most practical, but they do have other forms if a species doesn't have a hand."

The blond chuckled a bit, "Billions of years ago, after the Green Lanterns had been known about a dark power tried to destroy the only world where the psyco-reactive material was kept. The Guardians the sort of leader of the Green Lantern core managed to stop the being, however in the battle a "proto Ring" was lost, a chunk of the Psyco-reactive rock that was about the size of the human fist."

The teen looked down at his ring saying, "After floating through space the chunk of rock with limited sentience looked for the proper person, one with unbreakable will. It found Alan Scott, and when he touched it, it formed a far deeper bond then most rings do since the A.I. was very "Suggestible". Scott forged the ring and lantern himself. Because the Lantern was never mixed with the alloy to make it only able to focus green, it can wield other spectrum colors. Scott had a major fear of the ring corrupting him so he subconsciously took away his ability to hurt living objects. He could hold them, but not hurt them. Over time the weakness shifted to living wood."

The blond chuckled a bit, "Alan was one of the first heroes, he fought in World War 2 you know? But while the ring and magic slowed his aging, they didn't stop it. He died in the Cold War believe it or not. Sacrificed himself to save America."

Thomas gently rubbed the ring, "The Ring, which he'd taken off to do spy stuff ended up in an estate sale, and then the open market. Everyone thinking it was just a crystal ring. I was a bit of a fanboy and was getting training from Wild Kat. He had some pictures up and I saw the ring in it. A few months later I'm walking down the street, and figure it's a replica. So I pay the five grand and put it on. A few weeks later I'm walking down the street and I hear a scream. Turns out the Brotherhood of Evil or whatever was harassing Spoiler I think her name was? Anyway I tell them to back off, and the thugs charge me. I take out two or three then they hit me with this "Sonic Shotgun", and I go down. They begin to alternate shooting me and taunting me. Telling me how they are going to kill the girl, then kill Robin then kill the rest of the Titans. How Heroes end up in shallow graves. And I got angry, I got furious and breathed a blast of magma that killed all five of them, then I passed out."

Thomas gestured to the ring, "Psyco-kinetic rock. I was so angry I dipped into the red spectrum. But I saved myself and the heroine. I woke up on the Watch Tower. The League wasn't thrilled a kid found the ring, but when I'd tapped into the spectrum I'd bonded myself with the ring. They also couldn't legally take it away and the fact I was willing to take them to court over it helped persuade them."

Thomas chuckled a bit, "You're right, given the human life span, etc, I am the youngest Lantern, and arguably the most powerful. The Guardians weren't thrilled to train me, but they relented when I pointed out any of the other colors would be happy to do so. They helped teach me control, how to make artificial limiters. I also took up magic, and am, well a mid-level practitioner currently. My power makes up for my control issues at this point, but Fate said if I worked hard I had the potential to rival even him some day. See the "Crystal Ring" as I call it, isn't like other rings. They have massive power batteries. Mine is fed off of magic and the leylines of earth which are stored in the lantern. It limits me alot in space, and other places. Plus the more emotional power and sensation I have the stronger the result."
Raven nodded as she listened, taking in all that was said. "I'm a little surprised Batman didn't find a way to get it away from you." She allowed herself a little smile. "That's kind of his super power." She hadn't been expecting to hear the entire history of the ring, just the part where he'd recieved it. But she supposed she hadn't gotten the full history of the other Green Lanterns, so that was something to be greatful for.
Thomas blushed a bit, "He um sort of tried. But every time I saw him I sort of um, ran away like he was a pedophile clown and I was a genre savvy elementary school kid. Who also had his hair on fire."

The billionaire was blushing a bit before he said, "Come on, it's the goddamn Batman. He might just be some dude in a Bat costume, but compared to the shit he deal with I'm less then a rookie. I was like "Hells to the nope" and ran away. He said it was annoying, but showed I had some common sense. Alot of teen heroes would try to fight him and end up unconscious in less then a minute. I ran away and survived. Sure if I had to fight him I'd try, but I had no reason to fight him. He wanted to take my ring, best solution was to make that impossible."
Raven's eyes widened a little, and a snicker soon turned into a genuine laugh. It felt so good! Like a little escape of pent up pressure, like someone had turned a release vaulve on a boiler. But when she saw the curtains start to sway and the plates shiver a little, she cleared her throat and just settled for a smile. "Y'know, you're a lot more intelligent than I have you credit for. There are just so many of those-" She waved her hands half-heartedly. "radical, extreme teen boy architypes on the team that I guess I kind of lumped you in. I'm sorry."
Thomas nodded a bit, "I get it, and honestly I'll admit I just wanted to be alone with the hot goth who likes wearing a leotard. But yeah, the Green Lantern academy is pretty strict and has shown me alot. The simple truth is, sometimes if you're a cop, or a hero their are times to run away. Their's no shame in it. If I'm fighting Doomsday what can I hope to accomplish besides making a mess on his knuckles with my blood. A ring's power comes from the Will of an individual, and their imagination. If I don't think I can win a fight, that automatically means my will will be weaker."

Thomas ran a hand through his blond hair, "Of course, part of what makes a hero, is knowing when you have to stand tall. When you have to be the shield or the sword of justice and the law. That sort of iron, steel in your spine. That effects your will as well."

Thomas drank some of his drink before saying, "As a training exercise, I was sent to go on patrol with another Lantern. Well unknown to me, the test was supposed to be unwinnable. Teach a Lantern humility and see at the end of the day if you have the courage to be a Lantern. You spent a week with the other Lantern, and stayed with their family. Well, then a "Red Lantern" would attack, and drop your instructor within two minutes. You were supposed to either try and protect the family and lose "Dying", or attack the bastard, and end up "Dying". I went with a fighting retreat, the best option, although it split my focus. A Lantern's will is their power remember, a split will is a weaker one. But I used Matador tactics. Using shields or copies etc to distract while I moved us away."

The lantern took another swallow, "Well, the mother ended up getting separated, and "Incinerated". I got angry, no I got furious. My ring is different remember? And I'm an orphan. The woman and kids had been nice to me. To see her die, to see two more orphans in the galaxy, I lost it and tapped Red Power. Ended up vaporizing the training dummy with lava breath. Also cooked both my lungs, and probably would have died except the red rage kept me going. I beat the unbeatable test."
Raven was very still for a long, steady silence. One might've thought she was a statue, until she turned her head and spoke to the young blond. "Our powers are not so different in that regard." She began quietly. "I am not quite an orphan, but I've never had a real family. Yes, I had protection and basic care from the Monks of Azarath, but no one to truly teach me things I needed to know about people, about love." She closed her eyes and shook her head. "I guess that sounds incredibly cheesy coming from a goth in a leotard." She smiled, but it was humorless and wry, a self-deprecating gesture.
Thomas nodded, "I know, another reason why I was psyched to meet you. And to learn from you. As for the cheesy factor, yeah it's a bit true, but the simple truth is everyone has their scars. It's part of who we are. You aren't emo, you don't dwell on them. All the Titans have scars to one degree or another. Star Fire was a slave, and sold by her parents. Cyborg had half his form torn away. Robin is an orphan. You might seem emo, but in truth you just like dark colors. Your past is a part of you, but it doesn't define you. You don't let it."

He winked at her, "And I find that rather hot. Well that and the whole pale skin thing. Plus you know, leotard."
A little humor crept into her smile. "I'm glad I'm not the only stickler for nomenclature here. I don't let it bother me, but I've always felt the difference between emo and goth." She shrugged. "I don't really walk under the banner of either, but I do find the 'emo' crowd to be insufferable." She sighed. "And if I crumbled under the weight of my past, I would never get anything accomplished. That's just what I keep telling myself. Especially when I get angry." She looked him straight in the eye as she continued. "I know we all seem to be equal, the other four and I, I mean, but it's only because I have to run my powers through a kind of mental sieve. If I ever used all of my power at once, things would go haywire faster than I could reign it in."
Thomas nodded his head a bit as he said, "Honestly, I feel like "Goth" isn't so much a thing, although it was turned into a thing and mass marketed. But true goths were the outsiders you know? People who rather then marching to everyone else's drum enjoyed their own bag pipes, or flutes. Purple hair, or blood red. Black might be a part of it, but at the same time it really wasn't. Although I admit alot of the "Culture" appeals to me. Different colored hair, pale skin."

The lantern shrugged a bit as he said, "I feel like from what I've noticed of The Titans, each of you fits a stereo type, but more the positive sides of it then the negative. Cyborg is very much a jock and gear head, but at the same time he'd not cruel about it. Star Fire seems a bit ditzy, but the truth is you can see in her eyes it's not that she doesn't understand negativity, but that she literally refuses to let it drag her down."

Looking at her he said, "True, but you're potentially one of the most powerful magic users on Earth. You use solely your will to focus and shape your magic, with a Mantra adding to it. Surely you know how rare that is. Although I do understand, it's easier to thread a needle with fingers rather then a tornado after all."
Her smirk returned and rested. "I don't know why, but I've always had this... this kind of mental image of us as the Breakfast Club." She chuckled. "I've never told anyone about that except Cyborg, whom I knew would get it. But we couldn't figure out exactly where he fit." She shrugged her thin shoulders. "I think you're right when you say he's kind of a blend. And that Star chooses optimism. It always used to bother me how perky she was and how she seemed to always look on the bright side rather than grasp the reality of things. And then I went to Tamaran, and I think I understand her a lot more now."
Thomas nodded as he said, "Also, you have to remember her people. If they gain power from positive emotions, it's entirely possible they evolved to suppress negative emotions somewhat. After all, if positive emotions make them able to fly or shoot energy beams, then negative emotions might cause pain or even sickness. Likewise correct me if I'm wrong, but her people are mildly empathic right? So, if say I was sad, that might make everyone on my block mildly sad and sick, which in turn would make them sad, and then it would spread out. My sadness caused a literal plague."

He looked at her, "I figure it's entirely possible they evolved differently. After all Black Fire was considered a freak and unworthy of ruling because she couldn't fly. Also, to be fair, Star Fire's life is darker then any other Titan's to a degree. Both parents dead, after selling her to their enemies years of experimentation. Finally getting loose, only to be chased. Admit it, it sounds more like a villain's story then a heroes. But she refused to let it break her."

Blue eyes met Ravens, "Sure yours isn't a pleasant story, although the version I read wasn't super clear if you caused Azarath's fall, or if they fell trying to stop your father. But they opposed Trigon anyway, sooner or later they'd have clashed. It wasn't really your fault. Plus telling a half human not to feel emotions is the wrong way to do anything. Just look at the Jedi. Emotional control is one thing, but not feeling them just sets you up to break like a cheap glass figurine."

Thomas took a few drinks as he said, "Yeah I read The League's files on the Titans before I joined. Not sure if Hal or Bats told you. I wanted to make sure I didn't step on any social land mines."
Raven blinked, a little wide-eyed. "I don't think any of us got access like that when we joined. We all just had to jump in and learn as we went. I guess it's no wonder everyone kind of likes you; you did your homework. " She too took a few swallows. "As far as powers go-" She paused and seemed to be trying to compose herself to speak, keeping a little twill of laughter from slipping loose. "I don't know why, but every time I think of Star's flight, I'm always reminded of that bit of Peter Pan. Which is also a little darker than it lets on. But it especially comes to mind after she and I had a kind of body-swap experience...just, don't ask. It's a long story."

It occurred to Raven that this was one of the longest conversations she'd had in a very long time. It felt nice to just sit and chat, despite their recent encounter with the Hive. It was very mellowing.
Thomas nodded a bit as he said, "Yeah, I can see that. I also dig the breakfast club reference. Now all you have to do is quote Ghostbusters of Evil Dead and I'll beg you to have my babies."
Thomas smiled a bit, and allowed his eyes to glow a dark deep pink as he replied, "Yes. When someone asks you if you're a god you say yes. And although some might disagree, if they knew about this they wouldn't."

Having given the young goth the only warning he could manage he leaned forward and gently, but firmly pressed his lips to hers in a very not familial kiss. He was a bit hesitant, but from the glow in his eyes it wasn't because of fear on his part so much as not wanting to pressure the goth. He figured given Raven's emotional issues going slow would be the best idea, however, he did lightly but firmly run his tongue along her lower lip seeking permission to deepen the kiss.
It might've come as a shock if she hadn't egged him on; but having done so, Raven was expecting something. Still, it was best to take is slowly. She had never been in a situation (aside from perhaps the dragon Malkior) where she'd been quite so aroused. And while she knew the young lantern could probably handle it if things when a little nuts, she didn't want her father to get a foothold through her lust.

She leaned into him, parting her lips slightly to admit him. Her hands raised to grasp his shoulders.

For a moment, she paused and waited. The world didn't end. Trigon didn't come crashing through the ceiling to sweep them both up into hell. Maybe it was worth slackening her control, even just a little...
Thomas shifted the gothic half demon gently but firmly onto his lap. His tongue slowly tentatively, but surely pressing into her hot warm mouth. The blond lantern was a good kisser. Then again he'd mentioned being a bit of a womanizer. The erotic photos around the apartment showed his appreciation of the female form, even if they were more tasteful then lewd. His own tongue caressed the side of hers sensually. Meanwhile his right hand ghosted up her side, to rub and caress her right breast through the leotard she wore. His thumb grazing over her nipple. His left hand worked down to her ass, rubbing and squeezing her impressive lower body. His hand sliding under the thong for skin to skin contact.
Raven leaned into the kissing, allowing the young lantern's tongue in like a welcome guest. Tcaress of his hands made her a little nervous at first, but she'd eased into it when he'd started working her nipple. However, the hand rolling up her thigh and into her underwear made her shudder visibly, and a few glass vials, which were thankfully empty, popped like corn kernels.
Thomas focused, and whispered a spell, they would both feel like sliding through jello, however as it faded the room was backward. Thomas chuckled a bit, "The Mirror Dimension spell. Used for training or fighting when magic gets too destructive. I figure it will let you relax a bit, since none of the damage carries over. Plus it's private, and in essence sound proof."

The lantern kissed Raven's neck before saying, "Something tells me you're a screamer."

He then bit her the tendon in the left side of her neck hard, not enough to draw blood, but enough to leave marks. Then sucked the sensitive flesh hard. The Lantern rubbed her sex with his palm, slowly and sensually. His other hand still working her chest through her top. His mouth licking and sucking on her neck.
Raven let out a shuddering gasp and melted into him. He may not have read her mind, but he seemed to know what she liked best. She moaned in gratitude under his touch. The half-demon didn't know what kind of lover she was, but she could feel a cry of passion that had been building for ages, just dying to get out. She raised on of her legs and rested it on his hip, and rolled her head off to the side to allow him easier access to his neck.
Groaned, her body felt good against him, just the right amount of weight. He let his thumb ghost over her clit, palm still keeping up the pleasant friction he could tell she enjoyed. Grabbing her leotard he applied a bit of force, tearing it from her body. He leaned his head down, and took her left nipple into his mouth, lashing out with his tongue against it. His right hand rubbed, and squeezed her right one. His thumb moving over her nipple. Her uniform had bunched up at her waist, but it didn't seem to stop his hand. He wondered if Raven could feel his erection, rock hard in his sweat. He was a bit glad he hadn't bothered with ring energy clothes after his shower.
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