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Who You Gonna Call? (ThomasRHellsing x Applepoisoneer)

Bryan winked at her, "Oh, I can guarantee it. Trust me."

He laughed again a bit saying, "Well what can I say, I'm well aware of my own limitations, and have no problem bringing in devices to finish the job should I prove unable to achieve the desired results."

The Rookie smiled a bit as he said, "That's what the sirens and flashers are for. Pull up somewhere close, and we can leave them flashing. Although you should try and avoid the ambulance lanes."
As focused as she was on getting them to their destination, it took B.B. a little longer than she thought it should have to get the joke, but she cracked a smile as she pulled her vehicle into the expectant mother's space.

"I don't think too many women will be clamoring to deliver just now." She justified aloud as she threw it in park. Though she supposed he wasn't going to ask for an explanation.
Bryan nodded his head, "Atleast not with ghosts and spooks raising hell. Honestly any births within a month or so were probably kick started. Humans might deny ghosts and demons and such, but they still follow ancient breeding patterns. Children born in March, April, and May ideally. Sure all year round babies are born now, but their's a reason for that. Things that still walk in the dark always have, and just like recently born deer or any animal is a predator's choice, the same is true for humans."

He got out and moved to the back, opening it he said, "Babies are sensitive to shifts in the psychic plane. Some people think that this implies all humans have psychic potential, but belief and lack of working on it erodes the abilities. After all, it could be argued a con man is a bit empathetic, etc. People who work to master a skill even in a round about way might develop a slight edge because of that."

The Rookie Ghostbuster pulled out the mrk 3 pack he'd bought for B.B., it had a proton stream, boson dart, slime stream slime line, and slime net function but that was it. He tossed the hundred pound pack to her saying, "Her this on and cinched up and I'll turn you on."
Between the deceptive weight of the pack and the fact that it (at least in her mind) was a ticking time bomb of radiation, she was a little wary of him just tossing it to her. But she trusted that he wouldn't do it unless it were safe, and sinced up the belt. Once it was on her back, it felt much more manageable than in her arms, though it was still heavier than what she was used to, which was nothing.

She cracked a smirk as she backed toward him for an easier activation. "I think I see the appeal of the shoe box and bathrobe belt model now."
Bryan nodded, "Much easier to carry around. In truth, they do have a smaller model with the same capabilities. The thing is, it's always a war between size and toughness. On a bad day a Ghostbuster could end up thrown on their pack, or the pack thrown into walls a dozen times. Lighter weight by necessity means means less strong. Also more expensive. I figured if you took up my offer to join my franchise, then I'd consider buying you a smaller one as a welcoming gift."

The Rookie turned a dial and flipped a switch. A heavy low humming filled the air. In a worried tone Bryan said, "Oh shit."

He was silent for about three seconds afterwards before laughing as he said, "Sorry, sorry, I couldn't resist, everything is fine. Let's go bust some heads. In the metaphysical sense of course."

The Rookie Ghostbuster headed towards the doors, calling out as he reached the E.R., "Somebody call the"

He was cut off as a nurse was floated through the air upside down. Screaming her lungs out, luckily figuratively. Bryan raised his Neutrona wand and triggered the stud, sending a Boson dart into the space above her dangling feet. The nurse was released and the spirit became visible. It's bulky purple form was displeased, and it grabbed a chair raising it high and hurling it at Bryan, who dodged, and fired a dark matter stream at the creature. It lifted up another chair, but it was moving slower and froze before it could throw it. The Rookie fired the shotgun Dark Matter Blast at the creature, quick venting his pack he then threw a capture stream on it, and threw a trap. Bringing the struggling spirit into it.

Meanwhile B.B. would face her own spook upon entering the hospital the ghost would try to tackle her as she entered the building from the side.
B.B. froze, tensing her muscles at Bryan's reaction to the humming. When he revealed that it was just a joke, she scowled. "Gee, maybe I should send your molecules on separate vacations this year."

She rushed after him, watching him get just inside the door before he had to start busting. She readied the proton thrower in case he needed help, but soon had her own spook to contend with. It flew at her from one of the side walls and and grasped at one of her arms. The fledgling buster slammed her forearm against a wall to dislodge it, probably doing more harm to herself than the ghost, but it did release her and regroup for another attack.

She raised the wand and fired on him. "Back up, you sorry excuse for Nacho cheese!" The little spirit reacted to the proton stream by bloating and eventually bursting like a gas bubble, coating everything in about a ten foot radius with orange slime. Trying to ignore the disgust and revolsion she felt, B.B. pulled the reusable trap from the side of the pack and kicked it out in front of the already re-forming spirit. "Trap open!" She called as a warning before activating it.
Bryan smirked, "Not bad rookie try to."

He blinked as he saw the oddest ghost he'd ever seen floated through the air. The Balloon sticking out it's tongue. The Ghostbuster shot it with a slime tether, and shot the tether at B.B.'s trap. Letting it get sucked in too. He looked at her, "See what I mean? What the hell a ghost balloon with a ghost arm holding it. Is it someone's soul, or a manifestation of something? Gods above ghosts are weird."

A spirit ran out into the hallway, spotting both ghostbusters it turned and took off running away. Bryan looked at B.B., "Make sure you get a sample of that, and."

He was cut off when a loud echoing shriek came from the lady's bathroom. Blinking at B.B. he said, "Looks like you're up partner. Have fun, I'm chasing after the runner. I'm on radio frequency four if you get finished quick."

Bryan then took off. When B.B. entered the bathroom she'd find an odd sight a woman screaming like she was being murdered, her legs and a skirt sticking out of the bowl of the toilet ghost. However, the woman's head was sticking out of the bowl. It was obvious the ghost wasn't solid, but it wasn't totally spectral either so the results was a woman half "eaten" by the toilet, legs flailing. Of course the ghost was slowly gaining solidity. It had no doubt been a low level spirit echo, until the massive pulse of P.K. energy had brought it to "Life". Seeing her the toilet shot a stream of urinal cake blue slime at her, and began trying to hop away. Woman still kicking and struggling.
B.B. barely had time to process her feelings before a jet of blue slime was shot in her direction. She leaped out of the way to avoid it, and in doing so, gave the toilet spirit a way past her. It fumbled, trying to get itself through the door, but eventually wriggled free. B.B. fired up the bosson dart thrower and shot two into the back of the toilet tank. The whole thing fell apart; not in a burst of slime, but a pile of parts. She hit it with a blast of proton energy, and it was ready for the trap. Again, she kicked it toward the ghost through the bathroom door and sprang it, careful not to look into the trap.
The woman shrieked as the ghost went down the trap, "About damn time. Do you know how much this dress cost, and my shoes. I'll see you in court!"

The woman did an about face and stomped off. Bryan had warned her people in New York had issues.

Meanwhile Bryan was just closing his trap having grabbed the runner, only to freeze as his warning senses hollered "Duck!". As he did he felt as much as saw the thick green slime connect where he'd just been swearing he rolled and got himself up. Dodging more blasts of green slime. Bryan realized he was being pushed back towards where he came from, and threw a slime grenade back. Almost tackeling B.B. as she left the bathroom he said, "Get ready, we've got People Busters. Don't let their slime hit you, it's a paralytic and increases fear a hundred fold."

Sure enough four familiar looking beings were moving down the hallway, what looked like modified proton gun firing a green slime with black and red veins. An orderly wasn't quick enough to dodge and it covered him like fire fighting foam, but obviously hardening. EEKgon then thre a trap which looked like a separate ghost skeletal hands opening and pulling the human inside.

Bryan spoke quickly, "I call them EEKgon, PetAAAH, RAAAH, and Deadmore."

He fired a Boson dart down the hallway, only to see something behind him and throw himself backwards, wincing as something popped in his back he blinked. This being looked like him, but with half it's face burned off, and the left side of it's body covered in flaming Marshmellow gunk. The "Rookie" blinked, "Oh come on, this is bull, I've never died."

He saw the ghost him shifting aim and rolled to the side, firing Dark matter shots at his ghostly copy.
B.B. was stunned for a moment. She stood trying to puzzle out the existence of ghostly beings that were not the souls of those who died, or anthropomorphic creatures, but doppelgangers! The psychic didn't have long to wonder at them, as they were beginning to put human lives in danger.

She was about to fire on them, when another ghostly being appeared. B.B. looked from Bryan to the ghost and back to Bryan. "Is that supposed to be you? And more importantly, is that you supposed to be covered in burning marshmallow?"

The Humanbusters originals were still progressing toward them, taking the opportunity to trap another human who hadn't gotten away in time. B.B. launched a slime net over the four of them, but Deadmore managed to slip away before it caught the other three.. "Damn it, what the hell are these guys?"
Bryan spoke quickly as he fought a "Duel" with his own ghostly copy, "Gozer crossing over was a massive P.K.E. surge event. Ghosts are in essence copies of people, or can be. The original GB's had an issue with the "Stain" animating their uniforms for lack of a better word. I've never put much thought into it, but if such spirits went into the ghost realm and continued absorbing Psyco-kinetic energy odds are they'd become stable entities on their own."

The Rookie swore as he felt a few drops of the slime drip onto his arm and foam up growing larger. Deciding he needed to deal with the issue NOW, he threw himself forward into the stream of gunk pushing through his arm pushed up the sprayer, as he dropped the trap, and slammed the activation pedal. Looking away and blinking away the bright flash as he said, "Damnit I looked in the trap B.B."

He closed the trap, took a few seconds to catch his air. Then began yanking himself from the capture slime. Luckily the PeopleBuster's pack and trap remained. He tossed the trap into a chair, and grabbed the pack, which looked like a tank of the slime, with weird ghostly remains, an eye and a few fingers floating in it. He spoke to B.B., "Cover me!"

He then turned and with a low groan tossed the 3/4ths full tank at the group. Already tearing free from the slime net. He brought his wand to the tank and fired a boson dart at it, making it explode and send the slimey foamy mess everywhere. He smirked as he said, "Can you trap them, I'll cover you? I could be wrong on the whole stain thing, like I said sometimes how this stuff happens is unknown."
B.B. tried not to panic when Bryan admitted that he'd glanced into the trap. She'd expected something more instantaneous, like Raiders of the Lost Ark face-melting instantaneously. She kicked her trap out toward the remaining PeopleBusters.

"Trap Open!" She called as she stomped on the button. The PeopleBusters still scratched and clawed at the tiled floor, but were inevitably sucked into the trap. B.B. brushed away the slime that had splattered one side of her face with her sleeve. "That was kind of surreal."
Bryan chuckled a bit, "Babe, the reason you don't look into the trap is because, well it's bright as fuck. Like welding torch bright. Just looking at it out of the corner of your eye blinds you temporarily. But it isn't like going to suck out your soul or anything. Plus the ghosts being temporarily shifted to a different form for "Storage" is a bit weird."

The rookie nodded, "Oh you mean the Peoplebuster thing... Yeah, yeah they are. The Ghostbusters aren't sure what they are for sure. They try not to think on it. Seeing my own version I sort of get why."
Though she wouldn't admit to it aloud, B.B., like many others in the public, had thought looking into the trap had much deeper consequences than it apparently did. Still, she decided to play as though it hadn't confused her.

She strode toward him and rested a hand on his shoulder. "I can see why too," She raised the proton wand attached to the pack. "and don't call me babe." She smiled daringly, and moved on.
Rookie smirked and replied by giving her a smack on the ass, and saying, "Ok Babe."

The Rookie then moved over to the traps and opened them, releasing the people. About a dozen had been "Busted". He pulled out a clip board and had a few witnesses sign it. Moving towards the Ecto he spoke, "We'll send the city a bill. But what, 4 Class 4's, and three 3's, that's no, 4 3's, 12 grand, plus 20 grand, forgot their were 5 4's, so, 32 grand, not counting the class 3 we drive by busted so, 35 grand in a few hours work. Not bad right B.B.?"
Nodded a bit before laughing, "That's not counting the Asylum payment. Plus if you think the day is over you're wrong. It's been about 45 minutes."

He picked up the radio, "Hit us Ginger, next call?"

Two Class 5's, possibly three at the court house. Plus Two class 4's. It's the Scolerri family."
B.B. thought a while, "I'm not confident enough in my abilities to handle more than two class 5's on my own." She admitted uncomfortably. "And I have no idea who the...Scolerri? Who they even are. So, splitting up might be a bad idea." She sighed and brushed herself off a little. "So, who do you think is the bigger threat? We should deal with them first."

The psychic thought she was perhaps getting a better feel for what it was like to be a Ghostbuster. She, when working alone, would make no more than two calls a day, and it would take several hours to exercise a spirit. Zapping them was, by far, easier. And now that she knew there were spirits that were, in no way,related to those that had died, it seemed like a much more responsible method of dispatch.
Bryan spoke easily, "The Scolerri brothers, were a pair of two bit rapists and murders. Their mother "Mama Scolerri" was the brains behind the gang. They hit jewelry stories and such. The boys managed to get rolled up in a murder, and got the chair. The Mama died heart broken and alone. She was planning to bust the boys out before she had a heart attack. The three spirits were the first known manifestations of red slime. Honestly I'm a bit surprised, I guess they escaped during one of the containment unit's breaches."

He looked at B.B., "Stay close. On their own the Boys are just violence and cruelty, like kids who set cats on fire but never grew up. But Mama, she's fairly smart, and much more the slit your throat with a smile type. Winston dealt with her while the other three dealt with the brothers when they first manifested."

He nodded to B.B. to head for the court house.
"Geez," B.B. grumbled. "and I complain about my mother." She sighed and took off for the court house. "But y'know what bothers me more than the murder and the robbery? How does a woman know her children are raping other women, and is totally cool with that?" She wouldn't completely take her eyes off the road, but did award herself a shake of the head. "I am going to take great pleasure in blasting them."
The Ghostbuster shrugged a bit, "Some Mom's don't give a damn. Hell look at my parents. They consider me a kid who never grew up traveling the country and blowing their money in the name of some crack pot science that everyone claims is made up. Yet they still me fed, and pay for new equipment. My older brother was a real hard ass about it, until he bought this hotel and decided to hold Christmas in it."

Bryan smirked a bit, "It was known as "The Butcher's Overlook", a serial killer ran it, and spent decades stuffing corpses in the dry wall. The local cop was paid off by him. The guy died of old age. Bro bought it because he figured it would be a decent little money maker. He had it all gussied up, because "Ghosts aren't real". Low and behold he told us all to arrive on the winter Solstice, since it's a few days before Christmas."

The Rookie chuckled, "Imagine his shock when the doors were covered in blood that hardened harder then stone, and every ghost that was in the place came alive and started throwing chairs. I just sat their smirking. One of them lifted one of my nieces up and he finally apologized, finally said I was right. I pulled my Proton pack and got to work. He's still a bit annoyed my nephews want to be Ghostbusters rather then Moguls like him when they grow up. I let him off with a slightly reduced bill since I've been banging his wife for years."

Bryan shrugged a bit, "Also to be fair, she probably knew her kids were dumber then bricks."
For just a few seconds, B.B. took her eyes off the road to stare at him. But, she didn't know his brother, and surely didn't owe him any favors. So the shock burst out into laughter. "Gods, you are such a horn-dog!"

They pulled out front of the Court House, and could already see there was trouble a-brewing. People fled from the open door, crashes could be heard from within, and bright flashes light up the windows like lightning. Having figured out the drill by now, B.B. rounded to the back of the Ecto and pulled on the pack again, replacing her balance with its weight.

"Let's break-up this touching family reunion." She seemed to delight in her own spite as she spoke.
Bryan shrugged a bit as he said, "Not my fault carrying around almost a ton of equipment makes my legs, back, thighs, and core muscles tight. I have a six pack. This job has so much shit thrown at you, if you don't want multiple concussions, then you learn to stay in shape."

As Bryan and B.B. moved towards the court house the lanky Scoleri Brother shot by, carrying a screaming woman upside down. Her panties on display as her skirt was effected by gravity. The ghost holding her by her ankles. The rookie drew a slime grenade and tossed it at the woman and ghost. The detonation made the ghost drop the woman and shake his head. She was about forty feet up Bryan grabbed her, as he said, "B.B., watch your stream I don't want my face burned off. I'll throw the trap. Don't put him in just yet, let's see if we can lure one of the other ones out here."

Soon enough a spirit floated out, calling out for her boy. Seeing the ghostbusters Mama Scoleri got pissed, reaching into her purse. Bryan began raining Bosob Darts down on her however.
B.B. took aim at the sleeker brother, even as he had the woman in the air, but she didn't want to risk hitting her, so she'd held off until Bryan had caught the falling damsel like a baseball pro. The psychic then blasted the ghost who had turned to flee.

When the mother appeared, she turned her stream on her as well, hoping to weaken both of them, she decided to try and alternate what she was shooting at. She knew that there was one scumbag spectre lurking around somewhere, but if you killed the queen, an infestation always grew weaker.
Bryan swore as he saw her change her target. Shaking his head a bit he fired his own stream at the tall lean one saying, "B.B. what the hell? General bit of advice. Your stream is like a fishing line. Taking it off of a ghost allows it to ESCAPE. Never do it, unless another one is about to attack you and you have no choice. Switching between targets lets them gang up on you."

Suddenly both court house doors were torn off of the hinges as the fatter brother tore from the court house, tearing the doors out of the walls with psychokinetic energy. The rookie swore, raising his wand, he slammed the ghost HARD into the ground, visibly stunning him before turning, ducking on of the hundred pound plug thick wooden doors. The other he boson darted in the center. He then fired a slime net at the bigger brother. It went intangible, but that let the two dark matter blasts slam into it, bouncing it off of the wall. Bryan then fired a slime net capturing it. Turning he shot another slime net over the recovering slim brother. Then a slime tether pulled the two ghosts into eachother. He then fired another slime tether from the ghosts to the trap and smirked as both were pulled into the trap.

The female ghost was pissed off as she saw this letting out a roar and sending out a wave of kinetic energy.
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