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Who You Gonna Call? (ThomasRHellsing x Applepoisoneer)

B.B. didn't appreciate the criticism, especially while she was trying to cover him. But she supposed if he had enough time to make a fishing analogy, than he probably wasn't so worried about timing.

The blast of psychokinetic energy had nearly knocked her over, but she pressed herself against the wall, managing to avoid falling and being hit by the door. She'd watched as the two male ghosts were netted and pulled into the trap. That done, she didn't hesitate to take aim and blast the giant female spectre square in the chest.
Bryan was used to working on his own, he had been for over a decade after all. So the idea he might need "Help" wasn't one that registered with him. He was glad to lighten his load, and have someone else back him up, but it didn't even occur to him someone might be worried about him. It would be a good thing to talk about when they weren't in the middle of a bust.

The female ghost held up her hand and gave a less then pleasant grin at B.B. Tossing her purse up the woman pulled out a .44 magnum. Bryan swore and tackled the medium to the ground as the ghost fired. The spectral gun didn't fire a bullet, rather a blob of slime, but with a savage telekinetic force behind it that tore open a chunk of concrete. He spoke to her, "If a ghost goes for a gun, assume it's a spiritual items. AKA one they were so used to carrying in real life it's imprint is with them on the other side. It's not a real gun, and probably would just knock you on your ass, maybe break some ribs, but it still wouldn't feel good."

The ghost fired two more shots above them making The Rookie cover his head before he rolled off, taking a knee he fired a stream at her. B.B.'s had seemed more annoying then truly catching he, while Bryan's wrapped around her arm she still seemed more annoyed. Bryan spoke, "Some spirits are too powerful for one stream alone. It's going to take both of us to wrap this bitch up. Throw a trap then stream her with me."
B.B. nodded and stood, pulling a trap from her belt and kicking it toward the floating woman. She activated it and the room filled with a bright light. That done, she threw a stream from her pack, careful not to cross it with the Rookie's. B.B. braced herself for anything and waited for the ghost trap to do it's thing.
The ghost snarled as both hands were grabbed with lines. Both ghostbusters leading her into the trap. She struggled but it was too late. Soon she was buster. Rookie wiped a bit of sweat off of his brow as he said, "Ok, Scoleri family locked back up, now, let's go put them in the containment unit and we can go looking for the other two."
B.B. was breathing hard and clutched her side to stay upright. "Great. You can drive, and take the scenic route." She would have felt uneasy about having such violent ghosts so close at hand, but she trusted the traps, and she felt like she needed the break. The newbie buster hoped he wouldn't judge her to harshly for not having the same kind of stamina as he did.

"I know I probably sound like the biggest wimp right now, but I could use a short breather." She leaned back in the seat and rested her head. "I've never had to deal with this many locations in one day."
Bryan nodded, "Take ten minutes or so. But we still have the two class 3's or 5's in the court house. 3's are ghosts that don't remember their human imprint. While 5's are conjured creatures. They tend to require a bit more detective work, but no reason not to catch some air."

He moved around and tossed her a large canteen saying, "Mountain Dew, Monster Energy Drink, four 5 hour energy drinks, and caffeine pills. I call it "The Buster's Best Bud.", the others call it a "Heart attack in a canteen."

He gestured and held a second military canteen to her, "This one is pure water, helps curb your actual thirst. I tend to do one swallow of triple B, for three to five swallows of water, and in that order. But your ratio is your own."
Bryan chuckled a bit as he said, "I'll admit it's a bit of an acquired taste. It's how I managed to graduate high school, and basically mutated my schedule to where I could be up 2 days straight."

The ghostbuster took four big swallows of the triple B, and downed a few swallows from his own water canteen. Looking at her he said, "Hydration is important, you don't realize it but you're constantly carrying around a fuck load of weight. One of the reasons why dodging is so awkward is that weight. Likewise I find it's better when you can to keep moving. 10 minutes without the gear will just make you notice it more when you pull it on. Oh and I'd suggest some cool down stretches when we finish for the day. Otherwise your joints will burn."
"I bet." She sighed, rolling her wrists around to pop them. "I know I already want like, two showers and a bath right now." She took a deep breath and drank another two swallows of the tripple B, and more than her fair share of the water. The effects of the high concentration of energy drink were already setting in, and her hands felt like they might start shaking.

"In a weird way, it reminds me a little of all the cons I used to go to when I was younger; wear a heavy costume, drink a lot of coffee, then realize 'oops, you're dehydrated!' So you just sip water the whole day when you get back, or suck on ice chips on your way home."
Bryan nodded his head a bit, "Honestly the sensation of ectoplasm dying against your skin is one of the worst. It doesn't help that it's unpleasantly warm. The smell also leaved something to be desired. It's the reason why I pay extra for a slime weave jump suit for myself. In the classic model like you're wearing not only is it on you but also under the jump suit. I've been told by some temps it's better not to wear underwear, because not only do you have to deal with the slime stains under your clothes, but it can actually get trapped in a bra."

He shook his head a bit, "Wearing a Slime Weave makes ghostly impacts more heavy. But atleast it keeps slime out of my underwear. Plus it's easier to wash and fairly stain resistant like leather or latex. The cloth jump suits have it bad."

He shrugged a bit and popped his back, "Oh remind me, and I'll give you some of my soap/shampoo to wash with. It's formulated to help break down slime in the shower."
"Oh, gross!" She squealed, turning to look at him. "I mean, I know it comes with the territory, but I don't even like getting crumbs in my bra, let alone ghostly residue." She sighed and started to watch the scenery pass them by. "I don't know, maybe a sports bra would help. I mean, I can't go without. They're...they're..." She struggled with the words that came next, not knowing how to say what she meant without sounding like she was patting herself on the back. "They're unmanageable without a bra." She finally spat out.
Bryan chuckled a bit as he said, "I wouldn't know. I'm a guy. Your guess is probably better then mine. I just know what I've been told. The feeling of slime crotch is awkward as hell on it's own in my personal opinion. But yeah. You ready to head into the court house and search down the other two, or you need a bit more of a break?"
Bryan shrugged, "I like it, but then again I live a job where I am sort of on call 24/7. So I've learned to deal with it."

He slid the ecto goggles down saying, "As for being tired I get it. Normally I'd call off the rest of the day, but given that massive wave, well let's just say we're probably going to be working over time the next few."

Bryan jerked around and fired four Boson Darts and two shock blasts. The being that had appeared calmly raised a hand. It's head slightly cocked to the side as it said, "Are you a god?"

Bryan nodded as he swallowed heavily, "Yup."

The being laughed a deep almost beautiful sound, "You are such a liar."

Bryan nodded a bit as the woman's form shifted, "Hm, such interesting things you mortals come up with."

The Rookie winced a bit, "Lady Tiamat, what may I do for you?"

The goddess of chaos of the Gozerian Pantheon sighed, "My brother is attempting to gain purchase here. Stop him. He needs to make all your mortals die, and well that's soooo boring. Stop him and hmm, I'll give you one boon. Fail, and well I'm pretty sure you'll wish I'd just killed you."

Bryan winced and nodded before suddenly the being just left. Bryan blinked, "Greeeat. That just happened."
At first, B.B. wanted to laugh. She'd heard the "are you a god" gag passed around the psci-community before. But then things were different. This ghost battle hadn't gone at all as she'd expected.

"Wait, what was the name you called her? Tiamat? Why does that sound so..." She stopped and thought a while. "She's a goddess, isn't she? So, was that actually her? Or just some ghost wearing the name?"
Bryan nodded, "Long story slightly less long, Tiamat is Gozer's sister. They HATE eachother and have a massive rivalry. Because of some stuff I sort of technically defeated Gozer. Since Tiamat is a goddess of chaos, she well does whatever she wants. I got some tattoos of worship to avoid being on her bad side and now from time to time she shows up and messes with me."
B.B. looked as though a truck had struck her. least one Goddess and God were real for sure. It raised a lot of questions she wasn't prepared to consider. Besides, there really wasn't time. If Gozer had really returned, it was all hands on deck. She tried to shake it off, and turned to the rookie.

"She didn't seem to notice me that time. But have you got any tips for when she does?"
Bryan shrugged, "Put your head between your knees and kiss your ass good bye? She's, well a goddess. All gods and goddesses are bull shit. But a chaos goddess, take those "Bullshit levels" and spin them around a few dozen times, then inverse them and spin them inside out. Super omega levels of bull shit."

He looked at B.B. and noticed a bit of fear in her eyes, "Oh, and don't worry it isn't Gozer, Gozer is typically identified as a female. With Gods and goddesses it's always a bit "Shakey", but no, if Gozer was coming we'd already be knee deep in marshmellow dog things trying to rip off our let's see."

Bryan pulled out his G-Pad, and soon the god had popped up, "Huh, Ziagazon, Sumerian War God, the bringer of madness and death. No picture of course. Hm, maybe some of Gozer's people decided to call him in? The info says he's pretty protective of his younger sisters."
"Gee, he sounds like a sweet guy." B.B. quipped as they headed back to the Ecto. "So, what do we do about him? How does one stop a god or god-like ghost?"

She leaned against the vehicle and thought. Obviously the original Busters had done it before, so it could be done. But this was literally her first day on the job. She hadn't even been formally hired yet! How would she be of any use?
Bryan chuckled, "Normally we throw them and the newbie into a ring, and only one comes out alive. You can do it right champ?"

He smirked a bit before saying, "I was mostly kidding. Honestly, with this guy, well most gods their are seals set up. Basically just like a salt circle for a medium, although alot more intense, intricate, and hard to open. Odds are the guys in grey are going to be handling that angle once we radio it in. Meanwhile you and me are going to be putting out the smaller "Fires" in the city."
A wave of relief passed over her, and she smiled, running a hand through her bangs. "Okay. Small fires, I can do. I was just running through all the research I'd ever done in my head and coming up blank on how to banish a god. Though the sealing thing you mentioned makes a lot of sense. Something like, lure them with a familiar object or location, open a portal and, I'm assuming, knock them through. Then cast a binding ritual to tie the whole thing up in a bow, right?" While B.B. was sure she'd missed something, as she'd apparently missed out on a lot of what the Ghostbusters had to offer, she felt confident enough to pose the solution, and didn't mind learning a thing or two. At least, if the person educating her wasn't a giant ass about it.
Bryan nodded, "Pretty much, normally we reverse the polarities by crossing the streams. It makes their super awesome portal go from pushing them in, to pulling them out. But well it's risky. There's a reason why it's impossible to cross the streams on our packs. A safety feature so to speak."

He chuckled as he said, "Now let's get into the court house and hunting those invisible bastards."

The rookie slid down his ecto-gogglges and headed inside.
B.B. adjusted the pack on her back, pulled up her pant leg and followed close behind. Now that she knew the senior Busters would be handling a godlike situation, battling simple class fours and fives didn't seem like such a trial. She kept her eyes peeled and her ears open as they entered the courthouse, letting her eyes adjust to the light, she raised the wand, but kept her finger off the button.
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