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Who You Gonna Call? (ThomasRHellsing x Applepoisoneer)

Bryan shrugged as he said, "As I said, I get it, being a ghostbuster is the jobs all kids want. When most kids crawl under the bed and cry, Ghostbusters kick that shit in the face. I've fought some Grindels, some Boogie Men, even a Sand Man or two. Trust me I get it. Just don't want you to go too crazy."

Soon they had pulled up onto the street in front of in infamous and famous former Fire House. THE Ecto-1 was in the bay. Someone was working on it, and cursing a bit. The sand colored haired "Rookie" called out, "Ello?"

The man turned out to be Winston, he smiled, "Bryan, been awhile. How are you today?"

Bryan shook his hand and did a one armed hug thing. The "Rookie" shrugged, "Good, in town for a job, figured I'd stop by empty my containment unit. Where are the others?"

Winston winced, "Egon is working in his off site lab. Peter and Ray are sleeping, they spent most of last night and this morning dealing with a goblin, or possibly a leprechaun. It was pranking people, but not caring about fatalities from such things. It lead them on a chase, and unfortunately it's ecto presence was enough to make a few dozen class 3's active. Both of them stank of burned slime and vaporization smoke."

Bryan winced as he said, "Ouch, one of those nights. Winston, this is my newest friend, and maybe a potential partner in the business sense, B.B. Wild. B.B., Winston Zeddmore, the common sense of the Ghostbusters."

The man shrugged saying, "Nice to meet you. Try to keep Richie here out of trouble. You need help Bry?"

Bryan shook his head, "I got it. Come on B.B., I'll show you the storage area it's sort of cool actually."
B.B. extended her hand and smiled, mentally smoothing her features and body language. "Pleased to meet you." She shook the gentleman's hand and followed the Rookie to the containment room.

"Man, that all sounded pretty intense." She mentioned when they were alone. "I'm used to taking on ghosts that are bound to one place."
Bryan nodded his head, "But the thing is, most spirits of the Fae, or Imp varieties are free roaming. That means they can move around. Or are too weak to form a bond with something. They are sort of tumble weeds while "bound" spirits are often weaker but have set up a sort of hole to the ghost realm."

The Ghostbuster ran a hand through his hair, "Honestly, the whole faith thing is really interesting. I bring it up because you mentioned dealing with spirits bound to places. Most exorcisms are done with The White God in mind these days. I wrote my thesis on paranormal psychology on the effects of deities, and spirits and how they over lap. For example, Gozer is a god, but was it a true god born in the primordial times, was it a god formed through worship, or was it some lesser spirit that took on a new form via them empowerment of belief. Then you figure in the multi-verse theory the guys have proven and yeah."

Bryan hooked the cylinder up to the containment unit, and began to empty it. Looking at her he said, "Some people say excorsists are a focus of whatever power they invoke. Others say they themselves have a gift and their belief is how they use it."
B.B. nodded, keeping her eyes locked on the workings of the containment unit. She had seen spirits dispelled in many different ways; some vanished in a bright light, some through a kind of interdimensional hole, and some even left through the front door.

"I tend to use more Eastern traditions when I exponge a spirit, but sometimes I have to change things up. Sometimes the difference between a successful and unsuccessful exorcism is based on the beliefs of the people who've been haunted, or even things surrounding whatever it is that I'm trying to get rid of. Like, if it's a spirit that believes itself to be a demon, then I whip out some Catholic mumbo-jumbulation and it drives them off. So, I guess it doesn't entirely matter what I believe."
Bryan looked up sharply, eyes suddenly focused, "Shh!"

He looked around almost panicking, before he forced himself to take a deep breath. Looking at her he said, "The Ghostbusters through their various adventures have attracted alot of attention, both from the divine and the infernal."

He pulled open his jumpsuit and showed her a wicked looking scar, it was jagged and ran from his left side to his right hip. It was a good inch and a half thick and must have been fairly deep at the time of being made. Looking at her he said, "There's a reason why I pay extra to have kevlar and chainmail added to my jump suit. Creatures of the inferno are very real, and more then one has tried to get the fame of getting a Buster's head at one point. Not to mention beings of the spirit realms trying to kill them or us. The Ghost Mob has sent the occasional hit team."

He looked at her, "Better to be safe then sorry when you're here. It might not quite be a hell mouth but a rediculous amount of beings are just looking for a way to screw us over. Given the sheer negative energy present at the well you know where, I'd rather not have to deal with an Infernal being manifesting as well."

Bryan hooked the cylinder into place, and the lights flashed, but soon the red light had turned green. He nodded a bit, "Looks good. Want to head to Starbucks or something? Then we can grab some take away and head to the Asylum. That's one of the few suckier things about working reverse everyone else."
"The Ghost mob?" She scoffed, finding it hard to believe that such a thing could exist. Then again, a giant marshmallow ravaged New York, so perhaps she shouldn't discredit anything the Rookie told her. But in her line of work, that was one sure way to get your precious time wasted.

She grinned at the mention of Starbucks. "Damn, coffee sounds magical right about now." She chuckled. "Have I mentioned that I've kind of got all the 'White Girl' stereotypes marked." She ran a few fingers through her blond ponytail and tucked the end back up into a bun.
Bryan nodded, "You've got to remember, that their is a Ghost World that exists like a reflection of our own. Most ghosts that are just "Beings" come from it. Likewise occasionally human spirits wander through. The Ghost Mob is a very real thing, one time they got super pissed at the Ghostbuster, and possessed some still living mobsters and called them out to a bust. Emptied Tommy guns into them. Straight up killed all four of them full of bullet holes."

The Rookie nodded, "They got better, see their are rules. The Dead aren't allowed to do that. So the let's call it God because that's easier to explain reversed time after they did him a favor. They being aware of the setup turned it around on the ghosts. Also, knowing that an infernal being set it up so he'd be able to enter the world without them getting in the way, they stopped his cult from summoning him."

He ran a hand through his hair as he said, "Did I mention this job is weird, and high stress? If it isn't gods or devils, it's ghosts banding together to try and murder you. Luckily I'm not gone after as much as the guys. Most specters just consider me a flunky."

He chuckled once they were back in the car he headed for the coffee shop.
B.B.'s face flushed and she felt a little pressure headache coming on. "I hope this doesn't make me sound like more of a new kid, but this is all mind-blowing stuff!" She raised a hand to her temple and massaged it a little. "I was always under the impression that poltergeists and ghostly beings that weren't entirely human were, well, y'know how chicken nuggets are made? Kind of like that, but with people's souls. But to know that there's an entire world where more corporal ghosts come from? It's like I've been doing it all wrong for so many years and no one's corrected me." She sighed and dropped her head in her hands. "I feel like a total moron."
Bryan shrugged a bit, "Nothing wrong with that reaction. Also you're not totally wrong in what you think either. In truth, atleast from what I know of, well."

He grabbed a white board, and wrote "Ghost" on it, then a root system, "Ghost Dimension", "Human Souls", "Summoned Creatures", "Bits of human Souls formed together", "Followers of gods/demons/devils". Nodding his head he spoke again, "All of these are creatures that we quantify as ghosts."

He looked at her, "I think you mostly deal with the for lack of a better term "Slurry Ghosts" and "Human Ghosts", because you can tell to some degree. Most Ghost Realm ghosts are more charactures then have actual character if that makes sense? Like mob ghosts, all talk like they are out of some 1920's mob movie with era appropriate clothing etc. They tend to come off a bit goofier, and show more intelligence, but it's sort of limited. Like a ghost like the might have the name "Granny Goodness" and take the shape of an old woman. But she isn't really, she had no name. She was never quite alive."

The Rookie Ghostbuster shrugged, "You aren't a moron, this is all just stupidly complicated. It's almost like the universe has had separate writers or something over the years, and needed new places to get ghosts from since having the Ghostbusters always fight the same sort of ghosts would be boring."

Bryan seemed to think, "That's not even getting into houses like the real Amityville, or WInchester house."

He looked at her, "I blame Psycokinetic energy. All energy exists right, maybe the reason it exists here, is because it exists in the ghost dimension. Sort of like radiation bleed through but different?"

Bryan laughed a bit, "At the end of the day I let Egon and Ray worry about the deep stuff. I just zap em, and trap em as long as a person pays."
The medium stood watching his explanation, feeling much better for having heard it. She smiled gratefully; in the same conversation, the Rookie had taken her world apart and put it back together. She hadn't known anyone else who might have done it. "Well, I think I'm content to deal with the slurry and whole people. Unless I actually end up initiated into the Ghostbusters. But we'll see." She grinned. "In either cawse, I'm enjoying working with you a lot more than I thought I would."
Bryan chuckled a bit, "You should be glad I'm around. I'm sort Winston tries, but he's been at this shit show so long even he doesn't have issues with gods, devils, or angels anymore. I still have a hard time figuring it all out. I prefer the more rational job. Point my particle thrower at something, shoot it, and throw it into the trap. Much easier that way. One reason why I travel. You're far less likely to run into crazy shit on the road then hanging around the in New York."

He looked at her, "Only worse place I know of is Chicago."
"I think I'm more afraid of the living in Chicago than the dead." B.B. laughed a little nervously. She shrugged. "I always liked the research elements of my studies, but I was never good enough at the mathematical aspects of it. So, I just went more into the practical application. Well, as practical a career as a medium can be considered."
Bryan nodded a bit smirking as he said, "Ok, valid point."

The rookie nodded his head as I said, "It is interesting the way history is, and works, and how it ties into haunting and such. I don't get too into it because it tends to be a bit depressing. After all, for their to be ghosts people had to die. People rare die happy."
Bryan nodded a bit as he said, "I feel like to some degree that's the different between your style, exorcists, and the Ghostbusters. No disrespect intended, but to you, this is still cool. You are a GHOST hunter. You research, and study, and have herbs that smell."

He chuckled a bit, "Being a Ghostbuster is showing up at 3 in the afternoon, the scent of burned hair, boiled slime, and ozone clinging to you like a fucking miasma of funk. Your cigerette dangling between your lips as you try to remember if Janine said this was a class 2 or a class 4. Wondering if you'll be able to grab the bastard and take a long lunch. your back hurts, you're got four more ghosts to catch before you can go home and shower and honest to god you would trade your soul, your first born, and your first love for a nice shower with unlimited hot water."

Bryan hand a hand through his short cropped hair, "I know it sounds odd, and I'm not trying to be a dick. But at the end of the day, to be a Ghostbuster is to be another New York exterminator, except instead of rat poison and traps you use lasers and traps."

The Rookie shrugged as he said, "I'm not trying to be cold, honestly I love my job, because of that level of it. The researching, the fact every ghost has a bit of a story, the fact I get to use a laser thrower. But at the same time in a way the science, the repeatedly doing it, takes all the mystisism out of it. If you told me I had to fight a god, after the moment of pants wetting terror, I'd be glad because that meant I got to charge the city for it. Their's a form for dealing with gods. Hell even a pay scale. Depending on size, pantheon, and whether I destroyed it, or just thwarted it's goal."
B.B. could feel the heat rise to her cheeks as he spoke of her career, and though he was right in regards to being a ghostbuster, it really felt as though he were brushing her off again. And just when she was starting to like him.

She sighed. "Do you think I was having lots of fun the last time we were in the thick of things?" She demanded quietly. "The correct answer is, no. But I'm going to go back there anyway, because it's my job. Maybe I don't use the same tech or get as much brand recognition as you, and maybe I don't know how to fight a god, but I do what I can, and I do it well." She inhaled deeply and turned her shoulder to him to calm herself down. Perhaps she was over reacting, and perhaps he didn't mean it to come off as belittling, but it really sounded like what she did wasn't a real job the way that being a ghostbuster was.
Bryan nodded a bit as he said, "I'm not trying to insult you, I openly said that before. But your way of getting rid of spirits, by it's very nature requires belief. A heaven, a hell, a prayer to something. You use mysticism. You are in a real way a priest."

He gestured towards his gear, "Being a Ghostbuster is about not giving a damn about that part of it. It's catching ghosts like rats because they are annoyances. Technically speaking the ghosts at the asylum have a right to be there. But we don't give a damn. Just keep that in mind alright?"

When they pulled up to the Starbucks he said, "Can you get me a largest size they have hot chocolate? I'm going to keep it running, the customer is paying mileage after all. And finding a parking spot is impossible."
Bryan nodded a bit as he said, "I'm not trying to insult you, I openly said that before. But your way of getting rid of spirits, by it's very nature requires belief. A heaven, a hell, a prayer to something. You use mysticism. You are in a real way a priest."

He gestured towards his gear, "Being a Ghostbuster is about not giving a damn about that part of it. It's catching ghosts like rats because they are annoyances. Technically speaking the ghosts at the asylum have a right to be there. But we don't give a damn. Just keep that in mind alright?"

When they pulled up to the Starbucks he said, "Can you get me a largest size they have hot chocolate? I'm going to keep it running, the customer is paying mileage after all. And finding a parking spot is impossible."
She decided it wasn't worth it to argue any further, and merely sighed and left the car. The line didn't take long for her to get their coffee and return to the car. She handed it over and sipped quietly at her own, recovering herself. She was determined not to let her feelings get in the way of their business, and she still thought there was maybe something she was missing. After all, belief in herself as well as an all-encompassing force was all she could ascribe to her technique.
Regardless of how she handled ghosts on her own, she had to admit the proton gun was the best way to handle this case.
Soon they had arrived in front of the hospital. Bryan winked at her as he pulled out his I-pod, and began to play "Black Betty". Moving around behind the Ecto he pulled on his jump suit, boots and gloves. Making sure the straps were on, he pulled on his pack, saying, "Get em ready."

He clicked his pack on the almost vibrating hum filled the air. Pulling the proton thrower he spoke to himself, "Get em steady."

He turned the activation grip and the thrower came to life. Smirking he said, "Get em Hard."

He flicked a switch with his thumb. Pulling on his Ecto-goggles he said, "Get ready Darlin, and act impressed when the show arrives alright?"

When he stepped into the hospital, they were met by two dozen ghosts of various types and levels. A being behind them snarled, "GHOSTBUSTER! You were a fool to give me time to gather my forces! You will fall here! My slave for eternity."

Bryan pulled out a Black and mild, lighting it he said, "Sure sure, here's my offer you arrogant undead son of a bitch. You go in the box willingly, or I put you in the box. Your choice."

The ghost snarled, "You truly believe you have a chance? Fool, The Cult of Shandor will never die. You will beg Gozer to allow you to die!"

The rookie shrugged, and slid a trap into the middle of the room, holding up his hand he said, "One"

The ghost doctor snarled, "Get him!"

The "rookie" pulled a short range transmitter from his pocket, putting it behind his back, and flipping an activation switch he spoke casually, "Two"

The ghosts charged him some grabbing debris, some attempting to tackle him however he spoke, without blinking, he said, as the nearest ghost was literally inches from him, "Three"

Instantly four beams and walls seemed to form. Bryan spoke, "You like? It's a Muon cage, I put the tethers down yesterday. I realized going after an intelligent being like you was dangerous. So I talked me beautiful partner here into giving you time to gather your forces. Your arrogant would bite you. You always were an arrogant man Doctor. Now, on it's own the containment cage lasts about 40 seconds, but you see it hyper-saturates the space inside with Muon particles. They stick to spooks, specters, and ghosts. In essence, turning the space inside into a charged area, and making it super easy to."

He turned around as ghosts pounded on the walls to the field saying to BB, "Don't look into the trap."

He then stomped the activation trigger under his foot, for a few seconds it was noon in the small space. The light far far brighter then normal. He then took his foot off of the trigger. Winking at BB he said, "Damn, 40 seconds and the inside become trash. Still not a bad field test right."

The Doctor ghost, who had been outside of the field was shocked, mouth open wide, he turned to fly away but Rookie was faster, drawing his proton thrower he fired one slime net to the left the Dr. jinked right but a second slime net to the right caught his shoulder jerking him around. Then a third nailed him dead center. The man cursed at him, but Bryan didn't seem to care as he moved over to the ghost. Grabbing the slime net he said, "When you get to the Unit, tell em Rookie sent you."

He then punted the ghost face first into the trap. Smirking a bit he said, "And that my dear lady, is that. Damsels saved, evil thwarted, now it's time to par-."

A massive echoing explosion occurred, instantly Rookie's PKE meter began to red line, and BB's senses would go off the chart. A MASSIVE Psychokinetic event had just occurred. The Rookie blinked and looked at BB, "Something tells me we're going to be getting over time this week. So shall we go see what my name sakes either caused or failed to stop? Pretty sure that was the New York National History Museum. Unless of course they normally have a 800 foot tall pillar of light display that I am not privy too?"
B.B. had started to feel unnecessary again, as this little Lost Arc trap of his had not required her effort at all. But after that blast of psychic energy, the one that hit her brain like a railroad spike, had gone off, she felt like she might be a little more help.

"Not unless there's a new Independence Day-themed exhibit." She retorted, and followed him back to the Ecto. "Do you think it's further Gozer-related shenanigans? Though I suppose that could be coincidental..."
Bryan shook his head, "Gozer is tired of our corner of the multi-verse. It keeps getting it's ass kicked. I won't say it's impossible, but I doubt it. Gods tend to bare grudges, but they also are only willing to put up with humiliating defeats so many times."

The Rookie moved to the door, emptying the trap into the portable containment unit he said, "You get in the drivers seat. And here, something tells me you'll need this."

He tossed B.B. a ghostbusters flight suit/jump suit. Along with gloves as he moved to the radio, making sure it was on speaker he said, "Talk to me Janine."

The red head replied back, "Massive P.K.E. spike at the natural history Museum. I've already sent the guys. You and your girlfriend up for making sure the house doesn't burn down while they deal with that?"

Bryan nodded, "We just finished the Asylum job, where's the nearest call?"

"Two blocks back into the main land, a big nosed green spook is attacking people near a hot dog cart."
B.B. nodded and kicked off her shoes as quickly as possible. She pulled on the suit one leg at a time and zipped it up. The heavy material made her feel more protected almost immediately, except that it was about three sizes too big. She tightened the belt as far as it would go, wich helped a lot. Then she wrapped the sleeves and pant legs a bit and stuffed them into the accompanying boots and gloves. She was giving them a little range of motion test when Janine spoke up.

"Girlfriend?" She demanded, though the half-a-smile she wore advertised that she wasn't truly angry. "What the hell have you been telling them, Rookie?" She asked as she slid into the driver's seat. She hadn't driven anything like the Ecto before; it was much bigger than what she was used to. But if there was a spook on the streets, she didn't wager she had much choice.
Rolled his eyes as he said, "Oh you know, how you're my consensual love slave, and we have hot passionate monkey sex that breaks hotel room beds at every chance."

He chuckled a bit as he said, "She's just busting my balls, because well I think she gets off on it. Then again she is a born and bred New Yorker, so that's almost a guarantee she does."

Bryan smiled, "You do look pretty good in that uniform though."

The Rookie smirked as a creature flew around, gnashing teeth around a hot dog cart. Bryan tapped the bash board, and smirked as a Play Station controlled slid out with a monitor. He shifted the stick until the creature was in the cross hairs, and then tapped the X button. The whole vehicle shook as a massive beam of protons nailed the creature dead center, and knocked it to the ground. He then made sure it was lined up and tapped the triangle, a slime net attached to a tether fired. He then held all four back buttons and again the vehicle again shuttered the digital head outs growing a bit dim, until the sound of a trap working shook the vehicle.

Bryan smirked at her, "Proton and Slime canon Mrk 5. Not super useful since it can't shoot in building. But I love using it when I can."

He took the radio saying, "What next Ginger?"

Janine replied, "Hospital four blocks from your current location is reporting multiple hostile entities. Be ready kid, the hospital is one of the oldest still operating in New York."

The Rookie nodded and said to B.B., "You heard the lady."
B.B. threw the Ecto into drive and headed for the hot dog cart. The smirk remained in place as she kept her eyes peeled for the spiritual activity. "Gee, do you think we can write off 'bed broken during monkey sex' as a business expense?" It was all she could do not to crack up while driving, but it might slow them down just a little.

The controller popped out and the vehicle shook from each of the slime canon blasts, but the blonde young woman kept the Ecto steady, until she got the signal to head toward the hospital.

"That's a fancy toy too." She mused. "Too bad we're probably going to have to park somewhere totally illegal and run in."
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