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Who You Gonna Call? (ThomasRHellsing x Applepoisoneer)

She followed him in, and stood by while he got registered. She'd already come before heading out to the site. "I think a quick shower, and then that drink." She sighed, letting the fatigue settle in. Her stomach started to growl and grumble like a class 3. The comparison made her smile,and ran a few fingers through her dusty blonde hair. "Maybe some dinner wouldn't hurt."
Bryan nodded to her, and said, "Ok, let's meet back down here in twenty minutes. We can shower, and head to the bar. I'm pretty sure they are serving breakfast at this time of night."

The rookie smiled at her and waved a bit. Heading for the elevator. It was almost thirty minutes later when he'd ended up in the lobby again. The trek to his room was a bit farther then he'd thought. He'd taken a quick but efficient shower. He was wearing dark green, purple and black "Camo" cargo pants. A black no ghost T-shirt, and a black leather bomber jacket. He smelled of Irish Spring, with a hint of ozone and grape flavored tobacco. He seemed taller. He yawned loudly and got a slightly pitying look from the woman behind the desk. No doubt she was used to people who worked night shifts. He pulled out his smart phone, and remembering the contact number he had for the psychic, for safety reasons texted her, "I'm headed to the restaurant, I'll get us a table. Lol, trying to move so I don't pass out, that warm shower felt really good."

There was a small diner/resturant attached to the hotel's lobby. There were maybe half a dozen to a dozen tables. It wouldn't be hard to spot him given it was four thirty in the morning according to his rolex, and he was the only one there. He ordered a glass of grape vodka, two shots of vanill vodka, and a Mountain Dew, with a medium steak and bacon and sausage omlette. He downed his shots first, but alternated the soda and grape vodka.

He knew his form was a bit bad, but honestly this whole thing had sort of spiraled. He was expecting them to just grab something after the bust. Actually showering and seeing his bed had driven home how tired he was. But he didn't want to be a dick and cancel. There were some post bust drinks where he went in jump suit and proton pack still on. When you'd had a bad night, the fucks were all long given.
B.B. had showered quickly, managing to get all the dust and grime out of her hair and from under her fingernails. The hot water really lulled her into sleep, but she shook it off, reminding herself that she had made plans. There hadn't been a post-bust drink that she hadn't spent alone, and she had to admit, it was nice.

The psychic, who was perhaps a little addicted to fragrance, among other things, washed with rose-scented body wash, shampoo and a lotion/body spray afterward. While she'd been packing, she hadn't thought about clothing, but she was glad she'd brought something that wasn't jeans. It was a black, stretchy sweater dress that stopped just above her knee. She put her hair up, which made her look older, and wore green and black striped stockings, which somehow made her seem younger.

She smiled at the text, and replied as she was on her way out. She found the Ghostbuster in the booth and slid in across from him. "God, I think I could eat like a horse and drink like a fish." She chuckled. "And maybe sleep like a log."
Bryan nodded a bit as he said, "I didn't super think this out. I half figured we'd just walk in still in our ghost busting gear. It tends to not amuse other people, but after some nights, I am out of fucks to give. Going up to shower made me have to fight to head back down here. You're good company, but I'd swear my bed is singing a siren's song."

He sipped on his vodka, before saying, "Also I'm sure you know this, but don't drink too much. We've got to go back to the damn asylum tonight. Being around a proton pack with a hangover is a bitch."

Soon the waitress approached and he let her order. Getting a refill on his drinks. He was always thirsty after a bust, and tried not to drink much during it because it was a pain to take it off and pee.
(OOC: I'm really sorry I haven't replied, but I had kind of a keyboard disaster, and have to share a keyboard with a friend of mine.)

The psychic ordered a martini and a cosmo, as well as a plate of dinner. "I consider myself a pretty capable drinker, but I'll take your word for it." She laughed and leaned back in the booth. "If I can catch a little post-meal cat-nap, I'll be good to take on the rest of this...this...seemingly endless parade of human atrocity masquerading as medical help." She wasn't sure where the description had come from, but she opened her mouth and there it was.
Bryan nodded a bit, "Honestly I feel like Ghostbusters see the worst of humanity more then cops. After all, cops atleast can try to find the ones responsible for rape and murder. Me? I get to clear out the slave pens a hundred years later. Or bust the spirit of the woman whose corpse her murderer put in the wall. Or a few years back in Maine, there was a orphanage Marm who had a mental illness. Her response to the kids going hungry one Christmas was to drug them with a paralytic, douse them in karosine, then locks the doors and light the building on fire."

The rookie ghostbuster shook his head, "That was a "Fun" bust. The spirits suffering and fear was so great that it managed to build the orphanage. Or bring it across as a spectral reflection. Through sheer dumb luck a new orphanage was built there. So I got to spend Christmas eve and Christmas battling demented orphan ghosts that could breath paralytic slime, or fire, and throw fireballs, and saving orphans."

Bryan shook his head as he said, "Although by far the worst bust I went on was one out in the desert. See, people kept going missing, so a small town hired me to find out what was up. Turned out there was a family of cannibals mutated through toxic sludge. A skin walker had abducted and screwed various women over time, making a sort of twisted village. Like back before America existed. For literally decades they'd been inbreeding and abducting people to eat. They were twisted evil things that almost came out of a horror movie. I ended up busting the bastard frying the family members that were "Alive" and busting their ghosts. I was locked up for a few hours the town thinking I'd lost it, then they found the bones."

Bryan shivered a bit, "Acres of them, ranging from Native American to some college kids a few weeks missing in a freezer. That was one of the worst."

The "Rookie" Ghostbuster went back to eating a bit before saying, "Point is, since ghosts tend to resonate from people who die in fear, we tend to see the worst humanity has to offer. However, unlike cops it's not right after. It's 25, 50, 100 year later, or more. We come in, and zap them with atomic fire, and lock them in a tiny box. See why I prefer to think it's only a portion of the soul that remains behind?"
(OOC: Again, I'm really sorry, I went to a convention this weekend and no one could get the internet to work. I think it was too many people trying to use it at once. But I'm back.)

The psychic sipped her drink and shivered inwardly. "In some ways it's kind of worse than catching them while they're alive. They've had time to fester; time to obsess endlessly on that one thing that, well, that made them ghosts. No other distractions, until they're completely crazed. Clearly, by that point my talking strategy has gone out the window and I have to push them out with rituals. It takes a little longer than that proton pistol, but I am no scientist. I guess I feel stronger using the elements that I'm comfortable with, though the tech is a nice relief too."

She continued to pick at her food until it was mostly gone, as were her drinks. "So, what kinds of stuff do you do that doesn't involve ghostly companions?"
Bryan smiled a bit, "Mostly whatever I want. It's not like ghost busting is super hard. It's rough sure, but like you pointed out no complicated exorcism that let's a spirit throw me out of a window or something. I tend to set up busts about a week or so between stops. So I have plenty of travel time. While ghost sightings are an issue all across America, Mexico, and Canada, without a class eight to "Tip the scales" physical manifestations are somewhat rare."

He swallowed some of his drink, "It's like "Go bust a class four" or "Zap a class one". When I do that I've got anywhere from a week to a month to just enjoy a town or city. Sometimes it means hanging out in a hotel, other times seeing the sights. Once or twice a year I end up on a BIG bust like the Asylum. Sometimes more, but they are fairly rare. Alot of people want to hire me for either lesser busts, or talk shows and such. It's actually paid off a time or two, Doctor Spangler isn't the only one to have postulated about the idea of catching a ghost, just the first to put alot of time and effort into it. Minor upgrades to my equipment occur from time to time, helping reduce weight, or increase power."

Bryan chuckled a bit, "Sorry, I know you wanted to talk about something else. Work is most of my life. It comes from being a traveling person. I wonder about when and where I need to go etc. But yeah, I've enjoyed most cities in the U.S.. It's surprisingly nice."
B.B. nodded, sipping at the mostly watery remains of her drink. "I've been a bit of here, there, and everywhere. I think my favorite places are all in the kind of New England area. Although they seem to be the ones to have the oldest ghosts. There and New Orleans." She stopped and thought a while. "I don't think I've ever run across a Native American ghost, that I know of. "
Bryan nodded, "I feel like, and keep in mind this is a bit racist, that English people sort of took the heart out of their dead alot more then other cultures. London is alot like New York, if a corpse fell in a building foundation, just build on it. In alot of places Londson is one of the oldest and most vile cities in the world. Blood and suffering stain every brick in some places."

He shook his head a bit, "Alot of other cultures have a more noticable respect for the dead. Native Americans included. Although to be fair, Skin Walkers are a fucking nightmare. Shape shifting creatures 8 to 14 feet tall. I'm not even sure if you could get rid of one thought. They tend to look more like serial killers then traditonal spirits."

He smiled a bit and said, "Oh The Big and Easy. There's a town where you can't throw a bottle without someone of some talent. Some are scary good, some just powerful enough to get into trouble."
agree!" B.B. nodded emphatically. "And China, though I've never been there, seems to be a mix of both. Like, they had great reverence for their dead when they had time. There are hundreds if not thousands of people whom now call the Great Wall their tomb. And yet a sorcerer would get paid a small fortune to retrieve the soul of someone who died far from their home. It's kind of crazy."

(Typed on my phone)
Bryan nodded, "I also think that the steadiness and respect of what they go to matters. The Great Wall was made at a time when even attempting to build something like that was dangerous and a risk. It also took life times. Finally the respect for it is there. The Great Wall of China, one of the top 8 wonders of the world. That gives it a sort of respect and dignity."

He chuckled a bit, "Now compare that to some poor builder in the 20's. Not killed because he had to be, but because his bosses were in too big a hurry and too damn cheap to buy proper safety equipment. His building torn down and built over a dozen times in a decade or two. No respect given."

The "Rookie" Ghostbuster added, "Oh and that's not even getting into the magic added to The Great Wall, the Terracotta defenders and such."
She nodded. "I've seen a lot of cases where someone was just sealed into the foundation, or even lost in the demolition process. It's criminal, and yet no one will ever be able to call them on it." She reached her arms out to either side and popped her shoulders. "Well, should we try getting a little cat nap in before going back?"
Bryan shrugged a bit, "You've got to remember back in the old days no one cared. Oh some 4.00 and hour chump got made into red mist from a mistimed explosion. No one cared. It wasn't uncommon, most skyscrapers lost one or more people. Unions and being able to sue helped make companies care somewhat. After all you hit them in the purse pouch, then they start to give a damn."

He smiled a bit, "More then a cat nap, the sun isn't all the way up yet, and we can't head back out until night, so a nice bit of sleep during the day."
Bryan chuckled a bit, "Vampire reference?"

Their were alot of things that used grave dirt before his head jerked up, "You are kidding right? Dealt with a nasty vampire once in San Paulo, it was messy."

The GB nodded, "I have in penciled in for a week. Depends on how everything goes."
B.B. burst into somewhat nervous laughter, she hadn't thought he would take it so seriously. "I'm only kidding. I don't bite...much." She stood up and straightened her clothing. "Well, hopefully it'll go twice as fast with both of us working on it, and even faster than that if you let me keep using that blaster."
Bryan chuckled a bit as he said, "I figured you were. But it never hurts to make sure. It's not like it would super matter to me. When you've been a ghostbuster as long as I have you learn to see the world in greys. Makes it easier to do my job."

He nodded as he stood up and yawned a bit, popping his back and stretching out as he said, "Yeah I think I'm going to head up as well."
She walked alongside him from the dining area back up to the elevator. The two of them managed to hold a comfortable silence most of the way, and it was nice. B.B. felt very content to just hang out; work didn't have to be all they talked about, or even ghosts for that matter. She smiled at him before passing into her own room and giving a little, whimsical wave goodnight. "Don't let the Class fives bite." She joked, and shut the door.
Bryan chuckled at her and waved as he headed into his room, stripping down to his boxers he yawned and soon had let sleep claim him.

Roughly 10 hours later he woke up and headed for the bathroom, it was 4 or so in the afternoon. He checked in with the people at the hotel, and was glad to see his new gear had arrived. He then moved down to the Ecto and began to make sure his traps were cleaned and Pack was charged. Yawning a bit as he did so.
B.B. dressed quickly and hurried out to Bryan's Ecto, not necessarily in a hurry to go back, but not wanting to keep him waiting either. ", afternoon, I guess. Can I help with anything?" She didn't have much experience with Ghostbuster's tech, but she'd learned enough about PKE meters and such in her secondary studies to assure that she wouldn't hold one upside down.
Bryan shook his head, "Most of it is what they call "Propitiatory tech", what that means is "Held together with duct tape and bubble gum". I don't really care what you see or even if you tried to copy it, but alot of my gear is finicky."

He gestured towards his proton pack, "I had to tighten the came atomic capacitor on that again. Plus double check the slime tank. I've been working on the newest pack I got, but it needs time to charge up."

He gestured towards the newest pack, it was noticeably smaller although still heavy looking and gold plated. The read outs seemed digital rather then analog as he said, "Apparently the Boys in Grey have been up to some crazy hyjinks since my last order. Met two sets of alternate dimensional Ghostbusters and studied their gear to make enhancements to mine. The Proton Thrower is 20% more powerful, they've also developed a trap that can hold multiple entities, so long as they are caught within a certain time frame."

The sandy blond hair man spoke, "I was thinking if you were down, you could come with me to empty my portable containment unit. The number of spirits was higher then I figured and I'm approaching the current maximum storage."
The entire ride, B.B. was on pins and needles. What strange new world was she rushing toward? Sharing the thread of ghosts and demons was the only thing connecting the two, but it was enough of a connection to bind the two. She smiled across the wide vehicle at the Rookie. "I can't help feeling fan-girly." She chuckled. " I know that's dumb, but I'm sure I'll get it out of my system before we get there."
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