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Shantae and the Pharaoh's Legacy (StarMech & Dake21)

Ein was half-listening to what she said and was prepare to move on ahead before hearing her stomach growl and just smirk at her. "I guess I am not the only one who is famished, huh? You sure you don't want me stealing some grub real quick? It will be faster." He said teasing her before nodding a bit despite not into the idea much. "Also sure we will see your Uncle, but let's eat first like you said though and I promise I won't steal anything if your paying." He said as he smiles at her, but would have his other hand behind his back and fingers crossed on that. Shantae wouldn't noticed this as she nods and they began heading to the town now and was neither the wiser about it.

*Several Minutes Later*

Shantae and Ein were at a restaurant in the middle of Sequin Town and was enjoying their time so far as they began enjoying some delicious meal from the place. This is probably his first time in life to be in a place like this, so it was all new to him and to think he wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the Guardian Genie, Shantae. He was staring at her on why she was being this nice to him after all say and done from yesterday. He never met someone this nice and caring for his position before so it was really new to him. He also didn't notice how openly he was staring at Shantae when she soon spoke about it.

"Sorry, just not used to this stuff...." Ein said as he looks away and began looking at the food before he started eating it.
Shantae smiled. Somehow, this felt nice. "Oh, don't worry about it. Just enjoy it."

With quite the hectic life filled with adventure, moments to relax like these were always welcome. And seeing Ein in a much positive light, much more calm and less freaked out, made her somewhat happy. It definitely made her feel like her hunch was right; That he was more than just so mean, angry thief thug.

After a while, the food was fully consumed by our two heroes. Glasses and plates empty, the Half-Genie sighed in relief. "that was real good. You had the right idea of going here first; I'm feeling way better now."

A restaurant worker quickly approached for the food's payment, which Shantae happily obliged with a nice sum of gems. With that settled she turned back to the young lad and said, "So, ready to go to the Workshop now? I'm sure Uncle Mimic is so focused on research that he probably didn't even noticed we went for a bite."
"I guess so, but again better not be a trap." Ein said as he stretches as he got out of his chair he been sitting for hours at the restaurant before he began walking away with Shantae with the Lamp in hand. "By the way....Thanks for this....Not many try to pay for my meal, I just simply steal it away like everyday life to live. So having been fed like I was a somebody felt kinda off to me, but felt....Nice I guess..." Ein said as he try to be courteous with her as they walk together. "Though, don't read too much of what I am saying...Still not 100% with you guys and I will react and put you back here if something is really up down the line. Already been betrayed in my life, so I will take precautions to assure that I will stay life through all of this." Ein said as he held up the lamp as a warning, but wasn't in a menacing way, more on nonchalantly type of deal.
"Fair enough." Shantae smiled back as she said. He was still being super cautious and forward about it, but overall, she was just happy she managed to see a good side of him.

The two eventually made their way to Mimic's Workshop. In there they found a mess of papers upon the floor and walls as the old man seemed concentrated on his desk, checking at something.

Sky was standing against a wall as her eyes shifted to the newcomers. "Everything good?"

"Yeah. Sorry if we took too long. We just went get something to eat." Explained Shantae.

"Huh? I didn't even notice." Mimic admitted while still not turning, "I been so concentrated in deciphering this thing but I think i finally go it!"

He eagerly stepped off his seat to reveal what he was appraising; A strange chunk of stone with strange glyphs encrypted on it.

"Um, what's that?"

"An ancient tablet that was found in the excavation Sky's Father was overseeing. Well...a chunk of it, at least." Uncle Mimic explained. "I send for the rest to be delivered in the upcoming days, but there have been some delays due to sailing. Some boats have been reporting to have gone missing as of late and the archaeologist guild is being a bit cautious on sending any big valuables, but they'll come around once the worry cools off."

"But wait, if that's just a peace, does that mean we still have no idea what to do about the Lamp?" Asked the purple-haired girl in worry. However, Mimic simply chuckled as he quickly answered. "Fortunately for us, this peace had enough in it for me to gather some info. It speaks of an ancient safe located "deep within the green..." where we may get some more answers. And just happens that passing merchants have sighted that within Glamsap Woods, not very far from here, there's an old cave with glyphs almost identical to these ones. In other words, some kind of ancient tomb or safe must be buried there!"

"Awesome! I can go and check the place out then. Sealed Tombs usually tend to lead to something important in most of my adventures." Pointed out Shantae. However, before she ran off to start the road to the woods, she was interrupted by Mimic once more.

"However, I'd advice you take Ein here with you. From another bit I was able to decipher, it mentions something about "Only the scent of shadows can open the locks" guess, meaning that some semblance of dark magic may be required to open that tomb; And since our friend here happens to have activated the Lamp in a similar way, well, he may be the key to solve this whole fiasco."
Ein was yawning out to the whole conversation as while it was important, he just couldn't get into it much, but did got the jiss of it so far though. He then started ot pay attention when Uncle Mimic advise her to take him along on her adventure to the Sealed Tombs which make him raise a eyebrow. "Huh?....Uhhh...I don't think I can do that. While am flatter you all want me to be so much involved, I am not really that special when it comes to archeology or have time to be doing some treasure hunting-like scenario right now." Ein said as he rubs the back of his head. "Beside, you said it has something to do with Dark Magic and last time I check, I can't do any magic of the sorts except street magic if I have to say." Ein said thinking about it. "Still don't know how the inscriptions will work by my will as I barely got it right when I use it on Shantae." Ein said telling them all.

"Also sorry about that again..." Ein said turning to Shantae who didn't seem to be bothered much by it. "Plus, I don't know if Shantae is interested in teaming with me since form the sounds of it, she seems to be a loner when doing this on her own most of the time. Don't want to feel like I am slowly her down in the long run." Ein said as he put his arms behind his head nonchalantly.
"I understand this kind of stuff is not usually up your alley, but the matter is that we don't have many options at our disposal. You managed to activate something within the Lamp, with glyphs almost exact to the ones in this tablet piece and the tomb beneath the woods; Something not even Risky, who also possesses some level of Dark Magic, managed to do that." Explained Uncle Mimic. "I may not know the hows and whys, but it is hard to ignore these ancient artefacts just happen to resonate with you for some reason..."

"Besides, you got her in this mess. Stop trying to weasel your way out of it and fix it." Sky added with a frown which made the Half-Genie quickly to speak with the bird-tamer to cut out the cross attitude. It wasn't helping after all...

Uncle Mimic simply ignored it and continued speaking to Ein directly, "Shantae's power consist mostly of Light Magic, as most Genies do, so in her lonesome she will never be able to get through the Tomb's entrance. Besides, her powers currently seem to have decreased, which puts her in a bit more danger.

Shantae sighed, "I can't seem to even activate my Transformation Magic."

"I can imagine as a thief you have been in your fair share of tussles, so it'd be preferable if she could get some support this time." Uncle Mimic said, "But I can understand being so cautious, so how about we make it so there's something you can gain out of this?"

The girls rose eyebrows at the last bit. The bearded inventor grinned before moving towards a pile of boxed on the back, leaning over as if searching for something. "Now where did I put that ugly was somewhere around...A-ha!!"

From there he took out what it seemed to be an old vase. A very tacky and ugly one at that, filled with crazy colors that made it clash with everything in the room...or any room for that matter. Truly a fashion catastrophe!!

"Um...what's that?" Sky asked.

"Oh, this ugly thing was gifted to me by the Mayor for service to the town a few years back." Mimic explained. "Personally, I think its hideous. Mayor Scuttlebutt truly has the worst eye for gifts. However...Last time I checked, this ugly thing goes for exuberant prices on the right markets, legal or otherwise. I have no idea why, though..."

He continued, "Someone could easily take it, sell it, and get a massive sum of gems that could last for a fair share of time. Now, I'm stuck with it cause it was a gift and that's just good courtesy. But if our down-on-his-luck friend here helps us in solving this situation, I could always say that this valuably knickknack just happened to have been stolen overnight by some mysterious unknown individual and not press charges. That unknown individual easily capable to pawning it off and take off with the riches, if you get what I'm saying..."

The old man grinned, "As I said; You help us; We help you. Unlike that no-good pirate, I tend to not go sour on my promises."

Shantae turned to Ein as well before speaking. "so what do you say, Ein? I don't mind if you tag along; I could use the help..."
"Hmmmm......" Ein said as they give him a tempting offer with the vase in hand. "You sure that it still good nowadays in the today's world? It's a few years old, so don't know if he still sells as much as it used to." Ein said as he turned to Uncle Mimic about it.

"You have my word as a scientist that it's still prime condition and also you should know with unique "work-of-art" like these, the older it gets, the more it price raised when you sell it. So think of how much you can sell this for if I got this a few years back." Mimic said as he tries to persuade Ein some more.

"Hmmmm.....Alright then, I will go along on the adventure. Though better keep your word, old man. I am not in the mood to be swindle again like my last provider did." Ein said as he extend his hand for a handshake to show if they have a deal while making threat, but a mildly one though.
"Cross my heart." Uncle Mimic reassured the young thief. "Now, you two youngings better head Glamsap Woods while there's still light in the sky. That way you can avoid the tougher monsters that tend to roam around those parts."

Shantae gave her Uncle a nod before turning towards her avian-tamer friend, "Sky, could you and Wrench give us a lift? you know, with that transformation trick he does."

Sky nodded, "Sure thing. you two follow me outside." With that she walked outside with her bird partner flying alongside her. Uncle Mimic turned to the two once more to wish them good luck.

"Good Luck, you two. A be careful. We may not know for sure what could lie inside of that tomb."

"Hey, no need to worry, uncle. You know things always work out in the end." Shantae reassured him with a happy smile.

She and Ein stepped outside the Workshop to see Sky preparing something with her bird.

"Alright Wrench. Do you thing!"

To Ein's amazement, Wrench was suddenly engulfed in a poof of smoke, before enlarging itself to an enormous size, enough for people to ride on him!!

"Alright. Hop in" Ordered Sky as she leaped upon Wrench with Shantae following suit.

However, it seems the enormous bird had other plans for Ein. Before he could try to climb him, Wrench quickly drove his head down and snapped his beak upon the back of his clothing, lifting him and holding him up this way.

Sky grinned at the image and even Shantae couldn't help but giggle a bit, although she was more discreet about it. "Hey think on the bright side. Wrench hasn't tried to peck your eyes or something, so I guess he likes you." Said Sky.

With a pull of his harness, Wrench started to flap his wings, taking the three heroes into the air. Despite his current predicament, Ein could still admire the view he had from Scuttle Town in the air. there was something majestic about it...
"Deal then." Ein said as he began shaking hands with Uncle Mimic before turning his attention back onto the others. Though he would become skeptical on hearing them getting a lift from Sky's bird companion as how was he going to do that exactly? "Uhh...I know I am new to the group, but how exactly is this bird suppose to give us a lift and also you named him Wrench? Why?" Ein said turning to Sky.

"1. You will see. 2. It's none of your business, now let's go." Sky said as she quickly answered him, but in more of a tone as she didn't really trust him yet after everything.

"Geez...I really feel like you all won't betrayed me for sure..." Ein said as he rolled his eyes to Sky's attitude as they walk out together with Shantae.

"Now, Now...Let's not all fight here. We are working together after all." Shantae said as she tries to be peacemaker between them.

After the small spat, Sky let Wrench do his thing as soon a poof of smoke engulfed him before he came out of it as a gigantic bird that was almost as big as a house to the shock of Ein. "W-What the?! How was he able to do that?!" Ein said as he never heard of a bird being able to transform and making itself larger.

"That's a secret." Sky said while winking about it towards Shantae who merely giggled at Ein's reaction. The pair began climbing up onto the bird and leaving Ein in his own world as he looks at Wrench for a bit before calling out to him.

"Come on, Ein. Don't worry, Wrench is a sweetheart." Shantae said while waving at him.

"Sweetheart to you, but I don't know how he feels about me..." Ein said as he slowly and calmly approach the larger bird as he get near the rider side to seat with the girls. So far everything was fine until suddenly Wrench bend down and grabbed Ein by his clothing with his big beak and then began to held him by his mouth to his displeasure. "Ahh! What the hell?!" Ein said as he tries squirming out of the bird's grasp, but the large bird have a tight grip on him.

Sky and Shantae merely giggled at the display before Sky began to comment to him. "Wow...Lucky me..." Ein said as he crossed his arms about this, still displease about his situation. When the girls were done enjoying his situation, Sky began giving Wrench the signal and he began flapping his arms to fly. "I swear to God if you drop just for laughs or revenge, I am soooooooo....Going to haunt you in the afterlife..." Ein said while having a bit worried look on his face as they began taking off to the skies. While he wonders if he was safe in this position or not, he still admire how high up they were and got a front row seat so-to-speak when looking at the ground below.

It was truly amazing sight as everyone below became ants before he couldn't see anyone at all and just the lands only. "Man...We are really high up...Looks....Kinda nice...." Ein said smiling about it as he continue looking downward.
"Nothing beats soaring if you ask me." Sky replied to Ein's current amazement over the landscape. Surprisingly, she was speaking to him in a rather understanding tone, zero traces of snark or angry towards him in that exchange. "The soft winds, the great view. Its almost peaceful with all the usual crazyness that happens on the ground..."

"But I guess this is no time to be reflective, you two need to get to Glamsap Woods. Luckly, it ain't very far, just a bit past the Scarecrow Fields. Let's move on Wrench!"

The bird gave a nod in agreement, a soft nod to not really cause the young thief to be bounced or jerked around (too much at least...). With another hard flap of wings, the enormous avian cruised the skies as the grass below seemed to be going in rapid motion; The group traversed through the land in record time and with almost no air sickness.

It didn't take long before reaching an open zone amongst the many tree, a perfect land spot to drop off the two protagonists. Wrench descended slowly, his feet reaching upon the green grass below. Now no longer in the air, the bird simply opened its beak and let Ein drop like a sack of potations. Luckily the hight wasn't big so the result was simply comical. Shantae, in the meanwhile, simply leaped off his back with no problems.

"The trees seem to really gather up ahead, the Tomb must be over there." Shantae commented.

"I bet for sure." Sky added, "That's why I can't drop you right there, too many tree close together for Wrench to really get a good landing spot. Here..."

The blonde maiden threw a small shiny object to the Half-Genie. At close inspection she recognized it as a whistle. "You know the drill. Once you're done just blow so i can give you a ride back. Good luck, Shantae."

"Thanks." Replied the genie.

"And you..." Sky turned towards Ein, "I'd say "stay out of trouble" but, honestly, that tends to follow Shantae whenever she goes in an adventure. So...just don't try to cram her into a lamp again or anything, got it?"

With that, the bird tamer gave her goodbyes, shooting once more into the air with the king-sized Wrench and leaving our two sort-of-intrepid heroes to their own devices.

"See? It wasn't all bad...right?" Shantae said with an awkward soft chuckle, trying to lighten the mood and simply sighing at Ein's grumpy expression.

But bickering aside, the story had to move and so they did; Starting to traverse the somewhat thick forest. Tree branches filled with leaves acting as some sort of roof, condensing the sunshine into simple beams of light that broke through the foliage.

The encounters they face were easy. Nothing but small (and by small I mean the size of a corgi) sized cyclops snakes as well as out-of-bedtime bats. None of these creatures could get past Shantae's hair whip which simply launched each one into the stratosphere. Some lunger at Ein but he was able to dispatch them with ease as well.

"You really seem you have the hang of this." Shantae commented right as they ventured deeper and deeper. That's when they reached what seemed like a cave entrance, with a huge stone door blocking the way. "This gotta be the place..." said the Half-Genie, "those symbols are just like the ones in the lamp..."

"Now we just need to think how to open it..."

((just getting through the boring parts. You can make Ein somewhat activate it. But don't make it actually open it cause I wanna write a much funnier way they get in...))
"Whoa! Hey watched it now!" Ein said as he tries to hang on when Wrench was nodding as they zoom across the clouds and blue sky. It wouldn't take them long until they eventuality reach their destination and landed near it. Once they land, Wrench would let go of Ein and have him fall in a comical way on the ground without warning. "Oww....Thanks for dropping me gently...." Ein said as he rubs his butt as he felt the most pain there, but it wasn't that bad to stop him from standing up and brushing himself off. He then let the girls talk things out for a bit before Sky hand her a whistle to call her and Wrench when they are ready to leave the area. She says her goodbyes for now and tell her thoughts to them especially to Ein himself who merely rolled his eyes while he listened to her. "Yeah, Yeah...You can go now. You can scold me later when we come back..." Ein said as he picks one of his ears with his finger.

Once Sky and Wrench soon left, it was now all Shantae's and Ein's adventure now on what they needed to do. They began venturing onward to their destination while facing few hindrances on the way like small creatures and obstacles to get by, but all in all, it wasn't that bad. Shantae though gave Ein compliments of how well he was getting adjusted to this despite being his first time out of the town and on an adventure like this one before. "Yeah, nothing really faze me much when you live on the streets nowadays." Ein said shrugging about it before they eventuality reach in front of a large cave entrance with a stone door in their pathway with the same inscriptions as the one on the lamp. "Seems like we are here....So now what?..." Ein said as he crossed his arms and lay against one of the large boulders that were onto the sides.

"Still don't know if it be that easy to open this and unlock it like I did with the lamp that you guys seem to think of me as the main key of things..." Ein said thinking about it.

(I get you don't worry. Let me know when you want them to reach their objective soon.)
It didn't take long for something to happen at that moment. As Ein placed his back against one of the rocks on the side of the gate, it softly started to jitter, increasing vibrations with each second.

The thief backed away back to Shantae's side as glowing glyphs manifested upon the granite, spreading through the rocky walls all across the gate and through the boulders on the other side.

"I guess Uncle was right on his hunch. Still think it was just a coincidence you activated the Lamp." Shantae said as the two watched the encryptions light up in a green glow. A strong rumbling was felt, scaring the birds upon the tree and rustling the leaves and bushes nearby. The two protagonists awaiting for the entrance to open to venture in when the rumbling stopped....and the gate haven't moved an inch...

"...Well that was anticlimactic. What was all that for then?"

That's when the two felt something missing. Something important... ground...

Ein and Shantae only had a few seconds to look down to see that there was another old gate that the rumbling revealed, right underneath their fight. Like a cartoon, it took a small fraction of time before gravity went into the effect and the two immediately felt down the shute.


The two shout as down they went. A long way down. Fantasy physics saving them from any harm as the two landed hard on the rough yet surprisingly soft ground.

"Ugh..." Shantae groaned as her head buzzed after the fall. "Seriously? Who builds a Tomb like that?..."

The Half-Genie would have said more but was interrupted by her own gasp when she opened her eyes. Both Ein and her were frozen by their current situation.

Here was Shantae, having landed right on top of him. Ein's back against the floor while her hands stood softly on his chest. The thief's had one hand wrapped around her waist while the other was placed upon her shapely rear. The two had their faces real close, lips mere inches away; They were able to feel the other's soft breathing as their bodies did not respond.

A bright shade of red engulfed Shantae's cheeks as the two's gaze locked upon eachother, as if time had stopped. She felt her heart speeding up a bit, unsure of why or why wasn't she moving. The two stood there, staring at eachother real close for what felt like a long time (even if it wasn't) before control over their bodies finally returned.

"A-aah!" Shantae quickly backed off him, her face red. Quickly off his lap and bringing her hands back to herself she stuttered. "S-sorry! Are you alright?"
"I told you it wouldn't be easy like how it was the lamp, so let's either find somewhere else to go to or get out of here." Ein said as he was about to leave before they heard a strange sound coming from somewhere close, but couldn't put their finger on where it was coming from. "What's that?....I don't see anything off...." Ein said as they both look around, but nothing was happening in front of them, but they still felt something off. It wouldn't be until the felt light breezes underneath their bodies and feel like the ground wasn't there before realizing it actually wasn't as they look downward. They would see nothing, but darkness below as what Shantae activated which seems to be either a secret passageway or trapdoor. "Wow...Screw you clichés...." Ein said as he comment along with Shantae before they began falling downward into the darkness.

They will eventuality hit the ground, but luckily (Plus cartoon physics), they survived their fall with little to no injuries at all except feeling sore perhaps. "Oww....Shit...Is this what you do for a living?" Ein said as he groaned to the pain a bit while his eyes were closed. He could feel something on him while groping something physical and squishy. It wouldn't take long for his eyes to open and looking at Shantae literally face to face as her body was right on top of his. Ein eyes grew a bit widen as so did Shantae as they realize how close their faces and bodies were in a embarrassing situation, causing him to blush a bit. "Umm....Uhhh...." Ein said while not realizing where his hands were as one was on her waist while the other was feeling up her plump rear as she straddle his body.

"Could you....Please get off...." Ein said as he looks away from her to hide his blush while realizing where his hands were in that moment and began moving them away as well. Shantae would realize the situation more and quickly get off of him before asking in concern if he was alright. "I am fine...Don't worry about it. How about yourself?" He said as he began to get up and brush himself off while speaking to her.
"I'm fine..." Shantae responded, the blush's intensify fading but part of it still there. Adventure high and lows were things she was used to (surprises like a sudden trapdoor aside) but something about doing so with a young man at this age was definitely putting her in an unusual spot, causing her pulse to accelerate.

She simply dismissed it as she got up alongside him. "Usually these kind of entrances are way more straightforward. But at least we're in so we better take a look."

The Half-Genie started walking, with the young thief probably following suit. They were now crossing a long hallway made out of the rocky walls of the cavern. One would normally assume this was just one of the area's natural cave structurs, except that a look one could see the old marble floor under their feet, indicating this tunnel was man-made.

The tight corridor gave away to a squared more open space. There was another stone gate greeting them. "I get it. That other gate above probably was a trick for people trying to raid the Tomb, this must be the real entrance." Shantae concluded.

However, much to their misfortune, a couple of ancient pillars and debris were currently covering said entrance, too heavy to lift out of the way.

"Hm..." Shantae looked around, for another way to get through. That's when her eyes widened at the sight of a small hole near the corner. "Over there. There seems to be another way in."

Kneeling down near the hole, she checked to find a small crawling passage that appeared to go deeper into the ruins. Turning to Ein she exclaimed. "Follow me." With that, the purple haired gal got on all fours and crawled inside.

Assuming the young lad did the same, the two would face a somewhat long passage, having to crawl their way through. But for Ein in particular, he'd have to endure the sight of Shantae's plump rear swaying and wiggling with each of their movements. Such a round and curvaceous beauty of a sight, right and so close in front of him...

((I'm evil XD))
(You are lol.)

Ein shrugs as he regained his composure before they began continue their adventure on the ancient ruins of a forgotten civilization. He listens to what she had to said about the place and what she thinks, but honestly Ein didn't really care much about places like these and was more caring about getting back alive and getting that deal that Shantae's Uncle promised him. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah....Let's just get what we want and get out before we get trapped or something...." Ein said as he began walking ahead of her a bit as he wasn't wasting much time. While the place did interest him a bit, but he can't ignore the dangers that comes from it more than stealing stuff within town. They will eventuality come across the next stone door in their pathway which the environment is similar to the last one a bit except pile of crumbled debris from the area was blocking their way from getting close to the door.

"Well I guess we can got that way obviously....What should we do now?" Ein said as he looked around along with Shantae until she called out to him and told him that she founded a secret passage, but in a form of a narrow hole that is big enough to fit them both, but they will have to crawl into it. "Uhhh....Idk if we should go through that...." Ein said as he really didn't feel comfortable on trying it out, but Shantae would convince him otherwise on trying it out. Without much choice in the matter, Ein concede with crawling through the small tunnel along with Shantae. "I really hope this isn't a waste of time..." Ein said sighing about it as he crawl inside the passage. So far, so good it wasn't as bad as he thought, but there was still trouble adjusting due to his height and size compare to Shantae a bit.

Speaking of which who he was traveling behind after her. The only view he got out of this was just the side of the tunnels and her huge bottom staring at him in the face that was making him flustered somewhat and turned away as he crawls. He got to admit though, for someone still in her teen years, her lower body was on a mature level as it could even compete with adult women or maybe above them a bit. Makes him wonder if Shantae is like this due to either magic or just because she is a Half-Genie in her veins. This thought in his mind along with looking away would distract him on not noticing that Shantae for some reason stopped in her tracks and was about to alert Ein on the situation at hand. Though Ein would found himself, preferably his face pressed against something soft and squishy with a odd smell to it. "Mmph!" Ein said as he mumbled through whatever was against face and in his way.

'Augh!...What is this?! Is it one of those creatures from before latching onto my face?!" Ein said within his mind in annoyed and bit concerned feeling as he didn't want anything to happened to his face or to him in general on what the creature would do. So by human instinct, he move one of his hand to groped whatever was on his face to remove it and himself off from it. To the feeling and texture, it was definitely something soft and squishy to the touch while having a odd smell to it. Whatever it is, it didn't seem like it was hurting him, so he wonder what exactly could it be. 'Hmmm....This doesn't feel like a monster....It feels more like a-..." Ein said before he heard some sounds in front of him which seems to be coming from in front of him and wonder what they were if they coming from a creature or something else.

'What's that?...' He said within his mind again and try to speak through whatever was on his face to see if Shantae was ok, but in the end, he rather felt whatever on his face moving a bit more out of it as he mumbled his words through it. 'Mmph...What's with this thing?....' He said within his mind as this made him feel more of it as he let his hand feel up more above and below. 'Wait a minute...This almost feel like someone's....' Ein said before slowly gaining a idea of the position he was in.

"E-E-Ein!...P-Please let go of me! R-Remove yourself at once!" Shantae shouted with a huge blush on her face while trying to hold something back. It was then revealed that Ein's face wasn't pressed up on some random creature, but instead the big ass of Shantae's which shocked Ein dearly when he heard this. "C-C-Crap! S-Sorry!" He said, but forgot that his face was still on her plump bottom, thus him mumbling his words through her rear have been sending vibrations underneath the whole time and making her and her body feel quite "off".

(But so am I ;P. Would you like to continue this as something "else" could happen to help get more "fanservice" out of this and another position too lol?)
((Sure! Go ahead.))

Shantae had simply stopped for a moment to catch her breath, the small crawling tunnel ending up longer than she anticipated. But as she was about to continue on she was surprised by something pushing hard against her butt making her yelp.

"Eeep!!" She exclaimed, as Ein drove his face into her rear. Her face flushed as it seemed he didn't get the hint until moments later, his face wiggling against it.

She warned him and asked to move away, which he gladly apologized. However, as he spoke, his facial movements rubbed against her lower areas. Her more sensitive part which caused her breathing to accelerate and her body to feel hotter.

"E-ein what are you..a-ah...doing? M-move back please." She begged, in between soft pants as her slit was accidentally rubbed, causing jolts of pleasure to course through her.
Before anything could be done about their position, the ground below them began to give way, causing them to lose their balance and once again fall into another hole into the ancient ruins. 'Oh man! Not again!" Ein shouted as him and Shantae fall together once more. As they fall into the depths, they would land on something that luckily broke their fall and cushion their impact to the ground. They weren't hurt much, but there were some groans and moans from the landing and something else going on with the two. "Owww...Geez...This almost doesn't feel like it's worth the trouble of doing this just for a antique vase..." Ein said groaning while feeling something heavy on his body, but wasn't that much concern about it as he was about himself. "Now where are w-...Mmph!" Ein said as he was about to rise his head up before something got onto his face again and was pushing back against the material that was cushioning them.

'W-What is this?!....Wait is it...." Ein said while trying to understand the situation before feeling something messing with his lower area below and some groaning to boot.
Shantae was blushing brightly as the head of her current companion was rubbing between her legs. But before they were able to move apart from eachother the ground underneath them broke away, making them fall down once more.

"Ugh, trust me, I usually don't fall down as much in these kind of trips..." Luckily for them they appeared to have landed on something soft. The room was somewhat dark, so Shantae touched with her hands to find out what had saved their fall. They appeared to have landed on a small mountain of cushions! Convinient!

"Ein? You there?" She asked as the darkness was not allowing him to see him clearly, that's when the half-genie touched around and felt something less cushioned underneath her. Her hand explored around before touching upon some kind of bulge. A rather big and hard bulge.

"W-what is this?...E-Ein?" She asked around while still touching it, rubbing a bit even.
Ein could feel something touching his nether regions while he was trying to move his face out of Shantae's big rear again, but sadly it wasn't happening much due to Shantae putting her weight a bit as she thought his face was something to sit on within the darkness. "Mmmph! S-Shantae!" He said as he tried to talk through her adult-shaped derriere, but all that came out was mumbles and sending the similar vibrations she was feeling early in the tunnel into her lower body.

"A-Ahhh...W-What?!..." Shantae said as she almost groaned out the sensation while still feeling up around Ein's crotch zone, but due to the darkness, she wouldn't be able to see what she was really touching, so the situation at the moment was a bit oblivious to her. Ein was trying his best to ignore the feeling and resist feeling her hands down there, but his body was slowly betraying him as his crotch area was slowly sporting a bulge that was getting bulgier by the minute unless something was done about this situation, but how really?

'N-No! K-Keep calm! I-Ignore it!...' Ein said as he tries to mentally restraint himself below his lower body while trying to focus on getting out from under Shantae the same time.
However, Shantae continued rubbing it, pushed by a mysterious thought to do so. However, she did started to piece everything together and immediately after she yelped in realisation of what she was doing, slipping and tumbling to the side and off Ein.

"I was touching y-y-you..I-I'm sorry!" She quickly apologised, although her nervousness showed a bit of anger as she also mentioned, "B-but you were also touching me! I didn't know what to do and we can barely see anything!!"

It was awfully convenient that as soon as she spoke, two torches located at each end of the room appeared to gain a sprouting flame each like art of magic...yeah, possibly magic.

The half-Genie simply facepalmed. "Seriously?! Now this dungeon is definitely toying with us!!" She groaned, "Ugh, at least there's an open door over there. Let's just go."

She quickly helped the young thief back to his feet and the two continued through the small open gate in the room. Their trail finally leading them to some kind of strange shrine. Glyphs adorning every wall around them as a strange looking tablet seemed to be placed upon a pedestal in the middle of the room.

"..Huh? No boss fight? That seems way too convenient." Shantae muttered, "Something's wrong about this..."

However, after the silly shenanigans, Ein probably just wanted to rgab the artefact and go back to Mimic already...
Ein got up on his own and didn't need Shantae's help on the matter. In fact, he was now keeping his distance as away from her as possible, but not being too far off from her. "I-I am fine! Let's just keep going on ahead, alright?!" Ein said as he shouted, but not in a angry way, but more like annoyish or so while blushing and moving on ahead of her. They will soon eventuality reach the end of the line with the passage way and so far they haven't face any creatures and things have been quiet...Perhaps too quiet as of late. "Looks like we are at another dead-end like place, so what's the call on things, Ms. Experience?" Ein said as he turned to Shantae, but still kept his distance away from her in case something like early will happen again between them. Shantae remarked on the shrine where it seems to be holding a strange object which could be what they been looking for all this time.

"Great, let's leave and get out of here." Ein said as he impatiently went after it without disregard of what could happen as he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible.

But Shantae's call was in vain, as Ein had already pushed his hands forward and grasped upon the ancient tablet. As his fingers touched the old stone, a small jolt crossed his entire body. Not like it was coated of electricity tho, but rather, something within the stone gave a short but strong sting to his head, like a bad headache.

It went away as soon as it came, but the rumblings around the room sure didn't. Glyphs in the pillars surrounding the stone started to illuminate, as so did the marks on the walls. From the corner of her eye Shantae noticed how Ein's Lamp also seemed to rattle, as if resonating with the magic she was now starting to perceive. Was it Dark magic? Light magic? Something about it was hard to pinpoint...

That's when the young bandit heard a voice, a low toned voice, echo through his mind:

"One that has breached through this ancient tomb...This sacred map holds the key to find a powerful treasure...but having disturbed its peace one shall be tested, to endure this curse..."

A strange mist enveloped the room, not to thick, but enough to dose it with a mixture of pink and slight purple. Before our two heroes could ever react, part of the magic fog was absorbed by their bodies, beyond just inhaling.

"W-what is this...?" Exclaimed Shantae as she grabbed Ein and quickly pulled him and herself out of the room with the tabled still being held by the thieving young man. They were now back to the room with the pillows and cushions, now visible by torchlights, and they had the special item they were searching, but something was strange...

Shantae could feel her skin warming up, her cheeks reddening ever so slightly as a strange shivering feeling crossed across her body. "Ein...something's wrong...that fog felt strange, are you alright?" She was managing to combat it, or at least cool it down, but no matter how herd she tried it was still there, warming and heating her body with some personal ich. She stroked her long ponytail over and over to calm herself down.

"Ein?...Ein?" The Half Genie asked as she didn't get a responce, her eyes shifting to see the young lad in a much worse state. Perhaps it was her Genie blood, or perhaps another reason entirely, but while Shantae, while still feeling it creeping over, seemed to calm this strange magic, Ein's reaction appeared to be much stronger....

The thieving teen felt his body on fire. Not as in actually engulfed in flamed, but heated; Like a hot night when his hormones tended to rise up and urge for some relief. His mind being enveloped by a strong desire...a lust, that was driving him crazy. He could feel his cock getting really hard, his bulge fully visible underneath his clothes as his eyes shifted to lock on Shantae.

He needed release...he needed to satisfy his lust was so strong that he was not noticing how his wrappings appeared to be glowing of a faint emerald green color. Something about Shantae was making the feelings that were already present after their previously lewd shenanigans on their way here, increase a thousand fold. He needed to do something, to her...he needed her....

((Now the fun beging...))
Ein quickly took the artifact off it's placeholder without hesitation and began to turn back around to walk off with it. "There! It's done! Now let's get out of here, shall we!" He said, but sadly what Ein didn't know in Adventuring 101, you shouldn't take items from center area that look suspicious to the naked eye or hence you activate a trap around or within the ancient ruins. In this case, it happened, but not without feeling something seemingly from the artifact first as Ein soon felt a searing pain coming to his mind as it gave him a growing headache. "Oww....Augh!...What is this?!" He said as he held his head against the palm of his hand. Though as quickly as it came, it soon vanished and he then heard a mysterious and somehow familiar voice yet again, but it was a bit different one than the feminine one he was used too.

"What is this?! Who are you?!" Ein shouted both mentality and out loud while not realizing what going on in his surroundings as marking on the walls beginning to react and soon a mysterious fog began appearing within the area. "Huh?...What the?...." Ein said as he look around his surroundings and see fog coming around him, accidentally inhaling some in the process. It wouldn't be until after Shantae pulled him out is when he noticed some "changes" to his body after the inhalement. 'W-What?!...' He said as he held his mouth a bit. 'M-My body...What is this sensation?....' He said as he could feel his body getting hotter and while his cheeks forming a slow blushed. He wasn't paying attention at all about Shantae's predicament, but he did turned to her, but once he did he felt new "urges" coming from deep within him, something he can't really explained about.

'W-Why am I f-feeling this way.....W-Why am I feeling t-this way when I am looking at h-her?...' He said thinking about it more while feeling the similar sensation he was before when Shantae was on top of him, causing him to react and moving away from Shantae to keep his space from her. 'I-I can't do this!...I can't a-accept this feelings!...T-They don't feel n-natural!...' He said within his mind as he continue walking away from her. His mind was being strong about this while his body want to do the opposite, so it was a struggle for control on which was the right thing to do at the moment.

(Yep, don't worry it will happen. Though I think I take a bit more control this time around on Ein please.)
Shantae's mind seemed like a blur. Hard to focus. Every second that passed made her body feel hotter, her hands unconsciously started to caress up her hips and stomach. Her fingers sliding across her skins generating jolts of excitement within her.

"I-I can't...control..myself..." She muttered to herself. As much as she tried, every time she turned her gaze away of Ein she found herself staring at him once again. his face, his eyes, his body. soemthing about him was making quite the attarction, the half-genie feeling her folds moistening at mere sight of him.

"N-no...I shouldn't...." She thought, her legs slowly, almost wobbingly, starting to move on their own. Her hands caressed up her chest, a soft grope causing her to gasp slightly by the feeling that created. She continued to move towards Ein, unable to stop herself.

"E-ein...." She muttered once reaching him. She was trying her best to stop herself, but whatever curse they were placed upon was too strong. Her hand slowly reached the young thief, one placing on his shoulder while the other on his hip. Shantae's breath was heavier, her body trembling while her hand caressed down his shoulder and across his chest.

Lust was filling her. She needed release, a primal urge to just let him do whatever he wanted.

"Ein..." She muttered again, her mind starting to surrender. His probably as well...
Ein was trying to walk away from the area, but his body was still feeling the intensity of the sensation messing with his body. Ein's legs felt wobbly each time he kept walking and didn't know how to make them stop. He just felt his movements going slowly as he pushed forward while using his hand against the wall as support for him. 'Ahhh...M-My heart...It's beating rapidly by the minute...What exactly was that f-fog?!' He said within his mind as he continue walking away, but soon stopped once he felt an hand touching his shoulder. He turned to see it was none other than Shantae who was able to get ahold of him before he could even try to get far. "Y-You fool...Don't touch me!" He said as he tries to get out of her grasp, but Shantae was keeping her gripped tight for some reason to not let him go.

This made him turned to her and try to let go of her by force, but in response to that, both of the two began looking into each other eyes deeply and could feel the growing sensation getting stronger within their bodies. 'A-Ahhh....N-Nooo....M-My body is reacting strongly near her...' He said within his mind as he continue to look at her more while trying to resist the urge of putting his hands around her while Shantae was doing slowly putting her hands onto him while calling out his Ein. 'N-No!...I-I shouldn't g-give into this....It's w-wrong....W-We just m-met...' He said thinking about it strongly, but he could slowly feel his mind slowly losing it and taking away his sense of the situation while his arms slowly caressed around Shantae's lower back a bit as they get closer without looking away from each other for even a moment's notice.

'I-I-I mustn't.....B-But....Her face....Her body....' Ein said as his mind slowly giving way for the growing heated desire within his body as he was now mere inches away from her smooth lips. 'I-I....M-Must....' Ein said as without further ado, he place his lips against Shantae's and began to kiss her passionately while fully wrapping his arms around her back in the process.
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