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Shantae and the Pharaoh's Legacy (StarMech & Dake21)

...Of course that didn't work.

The townspeople ran away scared as soon as the Tinkerbats stepped into the public eye, more of then adding to their ranks. The nefarious pirate goons simply swing their swords and shot into the air recklessly, with zero care for any bystanders.

If it weren't for their convenient NPC status this'd have been a way more grim sight. But either way, it was a problematic one for the escaping thief as they were still on his trail and ganging on him.

" realize that I was basically the only one protecting Scuttle Town, right?" Shantae commented from inside her confines.

The Tinkerbats continued their chase. One of them throwing a cocktail bottol past Ein and into a set of barrels, setting them on fire quickly and blocking his escape.

"Look, I promise you I won't turn you in and I'll give you somewhere to stay. For real. No tricks, no backstabs." The half-genie bargained, "I...feel you're not that bad of a guy. But just running away won't stop them, and worse, you'll end up endangering the whole town. So please, I ask you with all my heart. Will you let me out and do something good today?"
"Damnit!" Ein said as he continue running while now running with the mob of people who were running away from the Tinkerbats right now. "I don't care! I am not going to trust someone else after just being betrayed!" Ein shouted at the lamp while he continue running with the mob of people. Though soon they will began to disperse away from Ein and the Tinkerbats would have an clear vision on their objective now. After one of the citizens accidentally knock over an barrel of oil that slide across the ground area, one of the Tinkerbats would use an cocktail bottle and toss it overhead Ein and onto the spilled oil up ahead. "Huh?..." He said before seeing the cocktail bottle burst onto the oil spill and rising flames were now in full appearance and blocking his escape route, preventing him from getting away from them any longer.

"Crap! What do I do now?" Ein said as he try to think about it, but couldn't due to Shantae continue to speak to him and plead about letting her out in exchange to help him out. "I just got betrayed! What is wrong with you?!...Why should I give my trust to you when I know for damn sure you aren't just going to throw me into jail or attack me for doing this to you? I know I would if someone mess me up that bad!" Ein said shouting at the lamp which Shantae could hear him loud and clear within there. "Give me one good reason I should trust you other than Tinkerbats right in front of us?" Ein said as he look at the lamp and waited for an response from her which so far she haven't said anything for some seconds while Tinkerbats were closing in on them both.

"I thought so....I guess I have to save myself and look after only myself alone...." Ein said as he have his guard up and prepare to have an scrapping with the Tinkerbats once more. If he was going down, he would go down fighting at least.
Shantae fell into a silence. Despite being unable to see him, she could feel the harshness and sadness in his words. He was right; Why would he trust her after how Risky betrayed him? Much less how he tended to live every day...

She wished she could showed he could trust her, but in her current position all she had was words, and words weren't enough...

With his exit blocked by flames, the Tinkerbats wasted no time and rushed at him. Bringing up their blades they attacked at the young thief. While able to avoid most of them, a particular swing to his side caused him to drop to his knees in pain.

The pirate minions had their chance, moving closer, ready to snag the lamp away from his currently-wounded self. Ein's vision started to blur, as it seemed the attack hit deeper than he originally thought.
Without no more words to bother him as he thinks, Ein went on the attack on Tinkerbats and try to send them packing with his own might as his last resort. While being an thief, he wasn't an slouch when it comes to fighting as when you leave poor in the streets, you have to learn an thing or two to survive around here. His bandages around his body actually help him out with that as he was capable of whipping and wrapping around anything to his heart's content even people...Well...Strange beings like the Tinkerbats...He could never understand what they are and probably won't anytime soon. He use his bandages on whipping them away and to keep their distance while also using them to wrapped around one of them and send it flying into a bunch of barrels.

"Hah! You guys ain't tough!" Ein said gloating at this, but this would cost him as the one with an gun began shooting at him, which cause him to keep his guard and move around being shot at. Though, he wouldn't realize the other Tinkerbat with an sword who began slashing around his sides. "Oh Shit!" Ein said as he came at an full stop and began dodging around the Tinkerbats blade, but will have to keep it up as the other Tinker Bat was also shooting repeatedly at him simultaneously, causing the young man to duck and weave a whole lot of their combination attacks. He was successful for the most part, but one of his foot soon tripped over an debris from the chaos, which cause him to become unbalanced and thus while inadvertically dodging another bullet, he was incapable of dodging an sword slash from the other Tinkerbat.

The slash happened around his chest and he felt great pain of being cut down like that. "Auggghhh!!" Ein shouted before taking an step back and falling onto his knees while holding onto his chest where the Tinkerbat slashed him at. He felt liquidish substance pouring out and he looked down to see it was his own red blood coming out of his body. He could feel his body getting weaker and his mind along with his eyes feeling blurry due to the amount of blood loss spilling out. "I thought...This hurts more....On the outside....." Ein said before falling on the ground in an pool of his own blood while dropping the lamp next to him. The Tinkerbats could see they have succeeded on killing the young man and being able to retrieve the lamp. They all came together especially the one that was thrown into barrels early as they check to see if Ein was really dead before taking the lamp away.

Though, Ein wasn't truly dead yet, but was getting there. His mind and vision were still hazy, but he could still see the Tinkerbats as they began to walk away from him and let him bleed to death. "I hate this....Always bad things come my way....Even when I was born...." Ein said as he think about his last moments and memories of his past and childhood began to come into fruition. "Fuck...How did it all come to this?....I guess I am naturally unlucky....Can't be no other reason...." Ein said as he could feel his mind and vision fading some more. "I guess....It's time to head into the depths of earth where I belong....I doubt I will be up there in the clouds....My limits were send to me the moment I was given this terrible life....Augh....." Ein said as he is about to blackout, but got one last thing to say. "I w-wish....F-For....S-Some.....H-Help.....S-Someone I can......Trust for once....In......My.......Life......" Ein said before blacking out and laying on the ground now motionless as he accept the end of his life.

Though, little that he knew, his last word would trigger something as the lamp began glowing once more in the possession of the Tinkerbats. They didn't noticed at first, but the light began growing brighter and brighter until they eventuality noticed, but didn't have time to prepared as something seemingly was about to happen.
"Huh? What happened?...Thief guy, are you still there? What happened?" The faint voice from the lamp was barely hearable as it was snatched away from Ein.

The Tinkerbats had finally done it! In despite of their usual failures and mishaps, as villainous goons tend to do, as well as the young thief's attacks which managed to take out a fair share of them for such a simple unprepared scamp, they still managed to best him and snag the precious magic lamp from his soon-to-kick-the-bucket grasp.

With the Lamp and its captured prize unable to fight back, soon their master Risky Boots would have all the powerful magic she needed and no people to stand against her, finally allowing her to rule Sequin Land under her merciless iron fist!

This was it! The final act! The Curtain Call! The Tale's End! Game Over screen time with no Continue prompt to save you! And other overly exaggerated terminology to say as this sad sad story comes to an end....

...Or it would...if it not for Ein's words to resonate deep within the Mystical Lamp....

As the Tinkerbats carried the artefact away from the lad, the newfound runes encrypted in it started to once again glow. They didn't notice at first, too one-track minded to even check if their target was truly dead, much less notice something odd until its too late. The glow intensified, covering the whole lamp as it started to shake and bob around, causing the designated Tinkerbat to loose grip on it.

With a powerful golden glow, the Lamp leaped on tis own into the air, floating at mystical swirls of magic seemed to dance around it. The Lamp shook more and more, as if about to burst. The pirate goons backed away, silent as always, but with dumbfounded expressions on their faces; No idea how to react to what was just happening.

The Lamp jerked upwards before spewing a beam of light into the sky, disappearing into the clouds before descending down upon the ground, a mass of light landing right between them all.

A shape of light became more distinguishable, gaining the curved shape and the long hair of the lamp's previous prisoner. As her eyes opened, the light gave away to reveal her in one piece.

The Half-genie Hero was back!

"I'" She muttered softly as she looked down to see her hands again. Her awe soon ceased, however, when she looked back and saw the injured Ein. She frowned and then stared at the pack of Tinkerbats.

"Well now you've done it!!" Shantae proclaimed as she pointed straight at them. "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did with some hair-whipping retribution!"

In his still blurry, but conscious vision, Ein could see the dame in the red dancing outfit, standing in front of him. As the pirate goons leaped at her, she remained still fearless.


Thrusting her head forward, she unleashed her trademarked hair-whipping upon a Tinkerbat. One smack immediately sending the critter flying away from the battlefield. Then came a couple of second whippings, sending another one out.

The scene started to shift from a somber one to one of victorious determination. Music possibly blasting through nothingness in a Dance Through the Danger theme if it weren't for this cursed written format of storytelling. The Tinkerbats attacked mercilessly, but it was clear that Shantae had fought them before, and knew their tricks and tactics.

The half-genie swung her hair again, this time using it to grab upon the wrist of a Tinkerbat, then jerk him hard to slam into another, then hair-whipping them both away. Dodging the slicing of a blade, she leaped back and rose her arms, bringing her wrist close together. "Fireball!!" She shouted as she casted a powerful fire shot that impacted the incoming gun-wielding baddies. Wasting no time after, she rushed forward and kicked one in the face, followed by another whipping.

Tinkerbats were flying left and right, disappearing as cartoonish twinkles in the sky. Soon enough, the entire squadron was cleared out and the Half-Genie gal stood as the victor.

"That was a lot of them.." She said with a few soft pants, unable to deny they gave her quite the workout. Perhaps Risky had been training them or something? Or maybe they received a power-up somehow?

But her thoughts quickly shifted to something else, or rather, someONE else. She rushed to Ein's side, as his vision finally gave out. Her voice of concern only buzzing as he drifted into black...

One would think that after putting her through captivity, dismissing her pleads and willingly trying to sell her over to the one of the biggest criminals in Sequin land, she should just simply leave the young ruffian who drag her into this mess and let fate take its course, but not Shantae. meaning every word and promise she gave beforehand, she wasted no time in picking him up and running to find someone who could aid him...

"Someone, anyone!! He needs help right now!! Somebody please help him!!"



" sweet little Ein..."

"...I wish I did not have to do this..."

"...I wish I could say I will see you again but...but I must do keep you keep you from him..."​

"...I just hope you will forgive me...and that you will be fine on your own..."



The serene sound of the ocean waves and the faint cries of flying seagulls made Ein slowly open his eyes. The unknown feminine voice from his dream disappearing as he was brought back to reality. His body felt weak at first, but quickly regained the strength to move.

He was no longer at the alleyway where he thought he was doomed, but rather in someone's home. By the look of the structure, he appeared to be in the second roof of some kind of small lighthouse.

He was currently laying on a soft hammock, many cushions placed upon his back. The Magic Lamp resting on his side. He could see the sunlight going through the window, as well as a rope to descend to the first floor and some stuff like books and comics resting upon a nearby table. high above him was also a line which was currently holding a few items of clothing, probably hung to dry off. Some white pijamma bottoms, some blue and white stripped bikini swimsuit top, even some cute red panties...

But then his mind quickly hit him to focus. The wound!! Shouldn't he be, like, totally bleeding out right now? A quick look down revealed that his damage was completely gone! Not even a scar or slice on him. He felt great.

The door downstairs was unlocked, and he could barely hear some mumblings outside of the house, but very faint.

Did the Half-Genie brought him here? Was this her home?
Ein felt himself going into pure darkness after losing consciousness, saw nothing at all, but pitch dark as if it was nighttime or something. Ein couldn't move or do anything except hearing an familiar voice echoing out in the empty space. 'W-Who are you?....W-Where am I?....Is this Heaven....Or Hell?...' Ein said as he spoke out into the darkness of he voice that was talking to him. He couldn't help, but feel like he heard that voice before somewhere, but he don't know where. Before he could think more about who voice is that, it began to died down and lower itself as if it was moving away. 'N-No...W-Wait! Please come back here! I have questions!' He said to the mysterious and now lowering voice. Out of nowhere, a flash of light happened which send Ein into shock to the point he work up out of his unconscious state.

"AHHH!....Ahh...." Ein shouted as his eyes opened widely and then felt an shift in gravity as he began to fall down from where he seems to be laying on. "Ow...Uhhh...." Ein groaned as he lay on the ground for several seconds and felt what feels to be a floor. "Mmmm....What happened?...." Ein said as he began to get up and rubs his head before taking a look around. "Also where am I?..." He said as he seems to be within an building of sorts, someone's room no less as he could see someone's material around the area even their clothing. "Uhhh....I know I don't leave in a place like this that's for sure...." Ein said before spotting the undergarments of somebodies and began to blush about it a bit, but for some reason they felt oddly familiar to him as he kept looking around.
Wandering around the house, and with the Lamp in tow, eventually he walked close enough to the opened door to hear the sound of voices going on outside.

Stepping out, he was greeted by the bright sunshine of the afternoon. A glance back reassured him that, yes, he had indeed woken up at the lighthouse by the bay near Scuttle Town. The calm sounds of the ocean waves soothing him into the day while his feet stepped on the wooden, but durable, bridge that connected the small isle to the beach and into the town...

However what he noticed the most when stepping out was the familiar sight of the Half-Genie standing right there by said small wooden bridge. She appeared to be speaking with a couple of people: One was a somewhat old man of long white beard and yellow spectacles. Of course, as we already introduced him early in the story, this was her Uncle Mimic.

"So, did you find anything, uncle?" Asked Shantae.

Mimic stroke a bit of his beard as he started speaking. "Well, it has been a bit difficult, I must admit. I tried to study the Lamp a bit more, but it everytime we take it away it keeps magically teleporting back into the Lighthouse to where our little guest sleeps. Quite unusual..."

"It certainly never did that before..." Commented another young woman standing by Shantae's right. A gal of somewhat brighter skin tone and amber colored eyes. Her height just slightly above the half-genie by a mere inch, as well as slightly bit bustier. She had a pair of big bangs of blonde hair that stuck out of her blue-ish purple hood and small cape as well as what seemed like a lightblue bandana underneath. She also wore a pair of egg-shapped earrings as well as a rather colorful top that showed off her bust and midriff and a pair of simple grey pants and brown boots. A bird donning similar colors, stood quietly upon her shoulder, its stare one of determination and focus.

This was one of Shantae's Best Friends, the professional Bird-Tammer known as Sky; And the hawk-like bird on her was known as Wrench.

"Indeed. And those glowing runes were not there before, seem to have appeared only once he rub upon the Lamp. Call it some crazy guess, but perhaps it somehow knew who was holding it at the time? That young man may be more than meets the eye, I say..." Mimic continued.

"I still don't know why did we drag him all the way here rather than a cell. Considering this is all his fault for working with that Pirate..." Sky replied with her arms crossed. Shantae, however, quickly turned to her in response. "I promised him I wouldn't do that and I'm sticking by it! He looks like someone who just had a bad hand of luck, to be honest. He probably just got swayed into working with Risky. Rudeness aside..."

Sky simply sighed and shook her head. "You really do try see the good in everyone. But that has always worked for you so I guess its fine."

Shantae giggled back, "That's how I roll."

"Still, the fact that Risky seek him to get the Lamp seems like another point to my guess; Perhaps she learned that the boy and the Lamp shared some kind of connection, whatever it is...and those feel I have seen them before somewhere..."

"Really? Can you recall where?" The half-Genie beauty asked her Uncle.

"Well there was this one archeological excavation Sky's Father told last Summer where--"

As his gaze finally locked upon Ein once it turned its head, Wrench yelped and flapped his wings as it leaped off Sky's shoulder, hovering above them all. This alerted everybody and turn and see the young thief boy.

"Oh, seems he finally woke up." said Uncle Mimic surprisingly calm, while Sky was more tense, like ready for a fight if it fell down to it. Shantae, however, looked relieved.

"Seems the Bathhouse's water worked pretty good. It healed him fully!" She said.
Ein merely looked at them from his position after being found out. He stare for a few minutes before he began walking away to the opposite direction and passed her house, despite the fact Shantae said hello to him cheerfully.

"He doesn't seem like much of an talker that's for sure..." Uncle Mimic said as he looks at the boy walking away while seeing Shantae calling out to him again. "Shantae, are you really sure to trust this man after what happened? I don't know if you should lean trust on him fully yet." Uncle Mimic said as he worried for his genie niece.

'I need to get out of here...' Ein said within his mind as he continue walking away with the lamp in hand as he want nothing to no longer to do with this. Heck, he is planning to either send the lamp back in sea or sell it to someone else once he leaves the area and resume his life.
"Hey wait up!!"

Despite warnings, Shantae quickly came after him. As she knew her way around, the young half-genie woman was able to catch up with Ein quickly and stopping him when she spoke.

"Please. As I said, I promised I wouldn't trick you if you stayed. You can eve stay at the lighthouse if you want, but we really need you; you're the only one who can hold that Lamp now and we gotta take care of it before Risky finds a way to use it. Please..."

She seemed genuinely distressed and Ein could see it in her eyes. The young thief, despite everything, starting to feel something within his chest. Guilt? Perhaps empathy? He wasn't sure...

"I' you. But you gotta give me a chance." Shantae extended her hand in friendship, "My name is Shantae. And I'd like to know yours..."
Ein would have run away, but was still feeling sore for some reason on his body, so wasn't able to run away. Guess the magical hot springs weren't enough to heal everything completely especially a wound as deep as his. He soon have to stop in his tracks and let her catch up to him. "Look whatever your going to say, I am not in the mood of teaming up after just being betrayed. I thank you at least for saving my life, but that doesn't mean I fully trust you. Though don't worry, you won't see me ever again and I will even dispose of this lamp in my hands too." He said telling her before hearing what she have to said. He still couldn't believe how friendly and trusting she was to him when he was the one who locked her in a lamp and started this ordeal of bringing her apart of this.

"Have anyone ever told you your too trusting? I get your friendly person and all, but no one is this trusting and opening." Ein said staring at her. "Also she won't be able to use this as I was told by her face to face she wouldn't be able to, so you won't worry on her doing the same thing I did to you.....By the way, sorry on that." Ein said rubbing the back of his head while looking away from her. He never met someone this friendly or this trusting in his life, so it was beginning to make him feel awkward about the situation along with feeling something else in his being, but don't know how to put it. He was wondering in his thoughts before his attention was caught by her when she asked for his name and extended an handshake to him. "....*Sigh*....Your really too trusting, Shantae...." Ein said as he gentle put her hand away.

"If you want to take it slow, sure, but let's not go there just yet. The name is Ein. Nice to meet you." He said while giving an sly smile that was barely visible.
Shantae nodded. "I understand. Still nice to meet you Ein." Still she smiled softly at the notion that they were at least in better terms.

" *Ahem* If I could interrupt you for a second..."

Uncle Mimic, with Sky following behind, soon arrived to the spot. "Now, while I'm sure you have your reasons, and shady affiliations aside, I have to agree with my niece in you staying."

He explained, "It won't be so simple. From what I was able to gather from inspecting that lamp, it'll simply teleport back to you if you try to get rid of it. This making you a big target for Risky to get back at you. Also, there's the possibility that Shantae, in some way, is still connected to it after being trapped inside, meaning if you or someone else tries to destroy it, it could also harm her as well."

"My magic does feel a bit strange. After the fight it felt like I grew a bit weaker than before..." Shantae muttered.

"Exactly. Look, you're free not to believe, but we have been dealing with Risky Boots for quite a while, and if there's something that woman is good at is planning ahead as much as possible in order to succeed. Perhaps she already knew that you had some talent at awakening the power of the Lamp, so I doubt she'll simply let you be."

"But what can be do, uncle?" Asked Shantae.

"Well, as I was mentioning before, something about the lamp's runes remind me to some information Sky's father got from an archaeological dig some time ago. The lamp might as well share a connection with it." Uncle Mimic explained. "I'd have to check his notes, but perhaps there's a way to somehow return the lamp to a dormant state and sever its connection to you and Shantae. That way, we can get rid of that nefarious thing for good."
"Your joking?...." Ein said looking at him while taking glances onto the lamp in his hands.

"I can assure you I don't ever joke when it comes to serious situations like these, young man." Uncle Mimic said as he fixed his glasses a bit.

"Well, why don't I just simply say same words and it can undo everything. Should be easy since it seems to only respond to me anyway." Ein said staring at it. "Could be worth a shot at least if that's fine with you all?" Ein said turning to them.
"That could be a possibility..." Mimic replied.

"Well, his wish freed me from inside the lamp so what do we have to lose, right?" Added Shantae.

Meanwhile, Sky simply shook her head. "You would think you'd try this earlier..."

Regardless of opinions, everybody awaited for Ein to call upon the Lamp to free the Half-Genie from its control...

((Spoiler alert, it won't work. Besides this gives me a reason for Ein to stick around. That way we can go into some funny and lewd shenanigans. We been too serious as of late XD))
(Alright then, I try to be more humor and such with Ein if you want him to get out of being serious, but we got to make his development and others flow through though xD.)

"Ok....Ummmm....I wish for Shantae to be free from the lamp." Ein said casually as he waited for the Lamp to do something, but so far nothing happened the past few minutes.

"It doesn't seem to allow that type of wish..." Uncle Mimic said as he saw nothing happening.

"Let me try again. I wish for Shantae to be freed from the lamp." Ein said with an bit more tone in his voice this time, but so far nothing didn't really happened right away. "Oh come on! It worked the first two wishes, why this one is hard to do?! I WISH for SHANTAE to be FREE from the FUCKING LAMP!!!!" Ein shouted while this time with more tone in his voice while shaking the lamp rapidly to get it to work before stopping, but still nothing happened at all.

"Oh come on....This is just embarrassing me...." Ein said looking at this.

"Kinda too late on the embarrassing part there..." Sky said with a bit mocking in her toned to him.

"Don't make me use a wish to put you in here along with Shantae now..." Ein said turning to Sky and was not in the mood to be make fun off.
((Well, when it needs to be series be serious. I don't mind that. I just felt this was the right time to inject some funny. Also i don't mind you using the other characters from time to time, as long as I get to sue the girls most of the time, that was a good response from Sky XD))

"Can't say we didn't try..." Sighed Shantae.

"Hm. Perhaps whoever created this trinket was aware of someone trying to wish this." Mimic pondered while stroking his beard again. "I guess the only way is to find something powerful enough to break the binding the Lamp has on you two. It's getting late so i'll head back to my workshop and check Sky's father's notes and learn as much as possible; Hopefully I can find a solutiong by tomorrow morning. In the meanwhile, Ein might as well spend the night at the lighthouse."

"I guess so--say what now?" Asked Shantae.

"Well, you offered him that, if I recall."

"Yeah, but I was generalising. I just assumed you could get him a spot at your house or something, Uncle. You make it less awkward."

"My room is already filled enough to machines to really make space. Besides, this be a lesson for you, young lady, "You made your bed, so you sleep in it", or so the saying goes."

The half-genie groaned. "I guess it could be much worse. And at least Ein will have a place to stay."

"Next time try to be less specific with your charity." Sky added, "I should go as well. Someone has to get Bolo out of that air duct..."

"He is stuck there still!?" Shantae asked surprised.

"He thought he could us his foot to yank his head out and now he is even more stuck in there. Figures. Anyways, see you tomorrow. And try to keep an eye on him; Who knows if he may be up to something..." Sky waved the others goodbye before she and Wrench walked back into town. Uncle Mimic also headed back to his workshop to find a solution to the current dilemma, leaving Shantae and Ein to their lonesome. A somewhat awkward silence soon followed.


Shantae pondered. She had never really had someone else sleeping at her house except for that time she, Sky and Rottytops had that slumber party. "I better make a bed for you to sleep in. I imagine you still need some rest."
(Sure thing, you can have major control with the girls and other characters. Just trying my best to move things along since hard to have Ein say more when he is one person. Btw, got something to talk to you about in PM.)

Ein was still messing with the lamp to even hear what the others were saying except for the part of him staying with Shantae which he didn't know how to feel about that one bit while working with the lamp. Once everyone left and leave the two alone, they began turning to each other and try to get the awkward silence out of the air.

"Yeaaah....No. I like the hospitality, but we taking this slow, so best I sleep where I usually sleep and that is in an dark alley within my cardboard box and yes, it's pathetic, but what can I do." Ein said as he began walking back to town.

"But what if Risky and the Tinkerbats already know where you live and would think to look for you there?" Shantae said as she makes a point. "Since they didn't get the Lamp back, they will surely try to look for you in town again and do you really want another experience like what happened to you early?" Shantae said as she tries to convince Ein about reconsidering on what he said.

Ein began thinking about her words and have no choice, but to admit she does have a point, but he doesn't want to seem like he is taking advantage or being an begger or something, so it was hard to say about what he should do. He merely turned his way to while scratching his head before saying something. "Maybe I could stay over, but I don't know if I should or not inside your home. Don't have anything I can sleep outside or something?" Ein said as he was a bit nervous as this would be his first time spending at female's place all alone with them and didn't know how things could go about with this.
"Look, I'm not gonna rest well if you're sleeping outside! That's just mean!" Exclaimed Shantae before grabbing him by the arm and comically dragging him inside.

She also felt somewhat nervous, having never taken a guy, much less someone around her age, into her home, as night felt, alo--better not think about that.

"You can stay on the lower floor if you want, but might as well take the chance to have a steady roof above your head for once." she insisted. "Specially given you're not fully healed yet, so please try to cooperate. I'll make you a bed..."

Some time later, she finished with the preparations. Now Ein had a comfy and soft bed made out of multiple pillows and a nice sheet. "Is it good?" She asked with a smile before walking towards the rope that would lead her upstairs. "I'm gonna go change so, um, call if you need anything else I guess..."

With that, the half-genie climbed up the rope and out of Ein's vision. the young lad was now alone to his thoughts; Despite everything, having a cozy place to sleep was nice, as well as an actually comfy bed.

however, the warm feeling of gratitude suddenly shifted when he started to hear sounds. Perhaps it was his great hearing, due to years of thieving, but he was able to hear every movement of cloth, even bit of clothe being unclasped as it then fell to the floor. Hearing her as she undressed, it made his imagination run wild, as well as his body to increase in heat...

((Time to lewd it up bit, haha.))
(How much lewd? You want them to be intimate or just doing some fanservice here XD?)

Ein sweatdropped to her grabbing his arm and escorting him inside her home. She was truly an trusting person to the degree to have let an guy who was sorta her owner because of the lamp and let him sleep in her place as if nothing happened between them. Once they enter inside, she lay down some ground rules between them and what he can and can't do, but in an friendly manner and wasn't much rules than you peg there would be for being guest in someone's home. After some small talk and so forth, Shantae set up a bed for him to sleep and lay in. When that was done, she then tell him if he needs anything, he could just call for her. "Uhhh....Thanks for this, Shantae. Never thought I be spending an night in the Guardian Genie's place. I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything, don't worry." He said smiling at her, but quite a bit vague one.

Shantae smiled at him and nods before taking her leave and heading upstairs to take care of her own business. During that, Ein will go to lay in bed and try to recollect all his thoughts and why all of this had to happen to someone like him. Hard to believe his life is changing all because of this special Lamp in his hands that seems to relate to him out of anyone else around. "Man....What a long day....Ahhh....I need to just rest and relax and think about this later..." Ein said as he tries to close his eyes and go to sleep, but couldn't do to hearing strange sounds coming upstairs and wonder what that might be. He never had a roommate before, so this was new to him. In fact, he never had an girl around him for this long to begin with either, so that was also a new experience for him as well.

"This is going to take awhile to get used to..." Ein said thinking to himself before he hear the sounds of clothing falling to the floor and can only imagine what's going on up there. "A LONG while to get used to...." He said with a small blush on his face as he tries to get some sleep again.
As night fell upon Scuttle Town, the young thief and the guardian genie soon fell into slumber. The crazy happenings of today having drained their energies rather quickly.

And their sleep, amongst their usual dreams, something slip through; A strange kind of dream, just like the one Ein experienced beforehand. However, this time it manifested within the dreams of both our heroes...

"...You seem rather excited today..."

"...Oh, I see...Well...they are rather impressive..."

"...They are really beautiful...and some of the kindest souls you'll ever meet in your life..."

"...They are so powerful, they can even grant wishes..."


"...N-no, I'm sorry. But you can't come..."

"...I know you're sad, but this is just, um, not the right time, dear..."

"...I promise day, I'll take you to see a Genie with your very own eyes..."


Meanwhile, at the open sea...

The sound of a soft splash followed by a blissful moan soon echoed through Risky Boots' grand pirate ship.

The villainous Pirate Queen was at her personal chambers, sinking her naked body upon the warm and soapy waters of her personal Bathtub/Throne with nothing but the faint candlelight illuminating her room. Her purple hair flowing down, released from her pirate hat and bandanna.

The spring waters and milks that simmered in her tub enriched with magical herbs and minerals that kept her body from wrinkling one bit, no matter how long she stood inside; As well as to keep her skin beautiful and smooth...

"Ahh~♥" Risky moaned in delight. "Nothing like a relaxing hot bath after hours of masterful planning and diabolical treachery~"

She then playfully lifted her smooth and beautiful leg up and out the water, letting it hang there to soak the colder air as the water drops slid softly down her thigh. A soft giggle escaped lips while she continued talking to herself.

"By now, that street rat must have followed my instructions and met with the half-genie she-brat already. If those ancient texts were correct, the awakened power of the Lamp must have captured that purple-haired annoyance inside of it alongside all her magic..."

She smirked devilishly as her hands washed across her leg, then reaching and softly wash her body, making it shiver in delight. "With her out of the picture and her magic on my control, I'll have no more trouble in bringing the miserable worms who live in this land to their knees. And with that boy fully enticed, the next step of the plan shall go without a hitch..."

"Oh, today has simple been delightful~♥"

Her hands caressed her body, slowly grasping her ample bossom and giving it a soft squeeze. All this evil today have left her quite...eager. Her recall of her "bargaining session" with the young thief also putting her in the mood (not that she'd admit to herself). Slowly sliding her hand inside the water, her fingers tentatously approached her lower area. A couple of deep breaths escaped her lips as the fingertips slowly rubbed upon her eager slit, almost as if electrifying when the pleasure passed through her whole body. "Mmm~" She moaned, ready to continue with more in her blissful self-relief of stress...

That is until a couple of Tinkerbats bursted the door open unannounced, prompting the Pirate Beauty to yank her hand away from her core and stop what she was doing as she furiously glared at her goons. "Oh, you better have a good reason to interrupt my private bath if you want to get out of here with your lives intact!!" She said in the most threatening tone she had.

The two Tinkerbats stood silent. Or so for us, at least; perfectly able to understand them as if they have said full lines of dialogue. Her eyes widened at what she was hearing.

"What? What's this about the plan being compromised?! Explain yourselves NOW!!" She ordered.

Once again, another silent response only Risky could seem to know what they were saying.

"An attack? I orderer no attack of the sort! That lousy thief was suppose to bring the Lamp to me first! Backstabbing him wasn't in the plan at least until I could get my hands on it without disappearing, or at least till he lead us to the other relic!!"

The Pirate Queen was furious. "You imbeciles!! Do you always have to ruin everything!!?"

If she had her gun at hand, she'd have enoiyed to fill these two good full of bullet holes, but alas, she decides to contain her anger.

"Now the she-brat is free AND that moronic bandit is on to us! Ugh, This puts the entire plan at risk. I'll now have to make that lousy street rat to cooperate by force. Now, continue deciphering those ancient manuscripts while you keep tabs on the boy's movements as well as the half-genie's, but do not engage without my say so. And bring those traitor Tinkerbats to the brig. I'll punish them personally later!!"

The pirate goons nodded before taking their leave, leaving Risky to her lonesome once more. She sank her body into the soap bubble-filled waters fully, up to her chin. Her mood now completely spoiled. "Damn it all. The Tinkerbats disobeying my orders like that?, there must be something else at play here. Whoever is behind this with will rue the day that it messed with the Queen of the Seven Seas!!"


Back on Scuttle Town...

Light broke through the lighthouse as Shantae yawned awake. Rubbing her eyes, she cleared her vision as the strange dream still lingered in her drowsy head.

"What was all that about...?" she muttered softly. She quickly shook her head to bring herself back at reality. That voice, unlike Ein, was entirely unfamiliar to the young half-genie. "All that excitement from yesterday must have my mind out of whack or something...or could it be that ice cream sandwich I ate before bed...anyways..."

She stretched with a relaxing groan as she felt the warm sunshine touch her skin. He hair was untied, flowing down free from her usual ponytail. She was wearing a set of white pijamas; A somewhat loose top and some cute pijama buttons. Slightly translucent, the contours of her beautiful body could be visible when the light hit just right.

It was a brand new day and hopefully Uncle Mimic had found something that'd help her and Ein to break the magic of the Lamp so things could return to normal, or at least, as normal as it gets around these parts.

Of course, she couldn't face the day or upcoming adventure still dressed in her cute jammies, right? As such, she then placed a set of her usual red dancer outfit nearby and started to undress out of her sleep wear. Her beautiful tan-skinned body now fully visible for the world to see; The young girl forgetting that this day she was NOT the only one inside this lighthouse...
"W-Wait....Come back....T-There still more I wish to talk to you about....Don't....D-Don't leave me...." Ein said within his sleep as he was talking a bit loudly, but not too loud that it echo around Shantae's place, just enough within the area as he groaned and moaned in his occurring dream. The voice ever so felt comforting to him, but he didn't know why it make him feel this way and also why it felt awfully familiar to him to begin with. "Mmmm.....Damnit.....No...." Ein said within his mind as he continue to rolled around within his sleep during the events of this dream.

Meanwhile, Shantae have just awoken from her own slumber and have started to undress as she began removing her pajamas clothing of her person, but she soon stopped once she heard a sound. "Hello?...Anyone there?...." Shantae said while feeling a bit scared if someone was in her place, but soon forgot that she wasn't alone anymore and that Ein was downstairs sleeping. "Oh, that's right. I have a guest. Silly me." Shantae said to herself, but could hear groaning and moaning coming from downstairs and wonder if the young thief was doing alright as it sounds like something was bothering him.
"I really need to get used to that..." Shantae muttered to herself. In deep thought. "In a way this is the first time I bring a boy home, right? I mean, not in that way, but still..."

The half-genie quickly halted her ponderings when she continued to hear Ein's groaning downstairs. Taking a deep sigh, she quickly continued her undressing, remaining naked just a couple of seconds before putting on some panties, followed by her classic red dancer pants and her bikini-like top. Finally, but not least importantly, she made her hair back into her trademark ponytail stile that she used to whip her foes and look good doing it, now fully ret-2-go and to tackle the day.

In a quick leap she quickly landed on the first floor to find Ein rolling and tumbling into his makeshift bed. The young purple-haired woman looked down on him while tilting her head ever so slightly. "What got into him...?"

The thief seemed to relax which brought the guardian genie some comfort. It was probably just an strong dream, she thought; Not really any danger. He was now back to sleeping calmly...

That's when her eyes started to focus on his currently peaceful face. Unable for a quick but soft giggle to escape her. "He looks so different when sleepy. Really peaceful...And I guess, somewhat good-looking..."

For some reason, her gaze was not moving away from him, slowly descending down his exposed chest, as he was currently sleeping shirtless. His tan body surprisingly well muscled, chiseled probably from all the acrobatics he had to pull off as a thief. That, mixed with his nice-looking face, was making the half-genie feel...odd...

Shantae was around that age where her more hormonal impulses were manifesting in full swing. However, those have never been a problem before; Possibly because of the usual lack of boy her age (Except Bolo, who's platonic friendship and idiotic mind made him completely not-her-type). But now, there was one and a very nice-looking one sleeping right in her home. It was practically natural for some reaction to be felt...

Shantae could feel her cheeks redden and warm when she realized she had been staring at him almost for a entire minute. She quickly shook her head to bring herself back fully. "Ugh, I'm just idling here without reason. I better just wake him up..."

With that the Half-Genie was about to extend her hand to softly shake him awake, when Ein once again drifted into troubled dreams, rolling around in turmoil as he did before. But before Shantae could worry, she was caught by surprise; The young thief, suddenly lunging his torso up and forward, and her hand leaping into her chest.

"H-hey!!" exclaimed Shantae, "what are you d--aah!~"

A sharp gasp escaped her lips when Ein's hands squeezed down. Both of them groping as the half-genie's soft chest, casing her body to tremble involuntarily. The young male thief opened his eyes to find himself back to reality...while still holding upon Shantae's chest. A minute of awkward silence followed....

...following a blushing and angry Shantae delivering a hard slap to Ein's face, throwing him off her and into the ground. "W-What do you think y-you're doing!?!" She exclaimed with cheeks bright red.
"Oww....What the hell is up with you?" Ein said as he turned to her while rubbing his cheek, but was more interested on wondering what happened in his dream. He remember chasing the voice within his mind and calling out for it until he eventuality grab onto something within his mind that had a soft feel to it, but couldn't understand what exactly was it. He soon find himself awake and near Shantae who out of nowhere hit him in the face for some reason as now he has an red handprint mark from her slap. "Also why were you over me? Your not one of those types who have a creepy obsession of watching over others in their sleep?" Ein said as he began to get up and stretch a bit, showing off his body in the process especially his opened vest-like top that shows his toned upper body.

"Anyway, I am starving. I am going to go get something to eat, so you don't have to worry about me invading too much of your space." He said as he continue stretching before stopping and went to fetch his lamp first to take it with him.

(Could you link me the links of Ein's appearances again please?)
((Like This but with the wraps, the exposed chest under the vest and slightly more unkept clothing.))

"I was checking on you." Shantae exclaimed angrily, her cheeks bright red. "You were tumbling and mumbling in your sleep about something. And when I tried to wake you up you leaped at me and fondled me, you jerk!!"

Despite being upset, her eyes couldn't help but drift to Ein's body for a single second, but quickly focused back as she pouted.

The thief then started to walk away with Lamp in tow, prompting the Half-Genie to follow. "H-hey!" She said now worried. "Wait for me."

She was quick to reach him before speaking, "I'm suppose to keep an eye on you, right? Besides, I'm pretty sure if you go to the store alone, the Shopkeeper may know your face...and he does have a lot of pointy sword, if you wanna know."

"Look." She explained as she placed her hands upon her shapely hips, "I'll stay with you so you don't get arrested or something and even pay for something you can eat, if it means you won't be going around there stealing. But after that we head to my Uncle's Workshop, alright? We still need to find out how we can stop this Lamp's magic..."
"I did?....Welp sorry about that. I wouldn't have done that then if I knew you were near me." Ein said nonchalantly as he dismissed it and went his merry way towards the town, but only to be stopped when Shantae called out to him and told him that he wasn't allowed to steal anymore and she will pay everything in exchange in what they get. Also that they need to meet up with her Uncle before they go into town to shop stuff. "Tch....Do you have any idea how long I been stealing? I hardly get caught in my track record." Ein said smirking about it a bit. "Also not much fun if we just pay for it. I rather steal the items away honestly." Ein said as he scratch the back of his head about it while looking at Shantae. "Also you sure we need to head there now to your Uncle's place? I am still not 100% in trusting you guys, so you and the others better not plan on doing something to me that would hurt me to get you out of the contract with the lamp since that probably won't work either." Ein said as he put a hand on his waist while staring Shantae down a bit.
Shantae frowned at how nonchalantly his response was. Simply shrugging off the fact he basically and eagerly groped her in his sleep. However, she still kept her upbeat attitude as she continued to follow him.

"But that's not the point. You could way more than just stealing." She commented. "And yes we have to go. Do you want to cut off this curse and be free of Risky possibly wanting to kill you? Then we should head to my Uncle's workshop right n--"

The sound of a rumbling stomach, however, quickly made the Half-Genie stop.

"Um...I guess we can go after we get something to eat..." She said while blushing.


The two were now sitting by a table outside, next to a restaurant by Main Street. The two enjoying some delicious food, previously paid by Shantae.

"Mmm..." She eagerly ate alongside the young thief. Ein's eyes seemed to be drawn to her happy face. Despite his snarky and rough attitude, she still had no trouble using her money to pay for his food, nor harm him for the mess that, in all honesty, was his fault.

Something about her was making his heart beat faster, despite not knowing what.

"...huh? Something wrong? You're just staring at me its kinda weird." Commented Shantae, making Ein realise he was idly staring.
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