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Shantae and the Pharaoh's Legacy (StarMech & Dake21)


*Several Minutes Later*

Ein was walking around through the town while having the lamp underneath his person. He was thinking about whether to really go through with this or not and if he should really trust Risky still despite what happened between them early was "pleasing" to both. While he never really care for anyone else, he respected the Guardian Genie, Shantae at her job and usually stay away from her when doing thievery out of respect and also she doesn't try to catch him as well. Though now he would have to confront her soon and must use the lamp on means on defeating her, but how exactly though? "Geez....What make that pirate woman think I'll know on what to work with this thing here?...." He said as he sneakily took out his lamp out of his clothing, but not fully due to the fact he was sure that fisherman he stole this from might have already put an warrant on getting this property back to him and also he can't forget he have some dealings with the Major of the city too.

Which is why he will be sticking into the dark alleys of the town until he felt it was ready to come out in the open until then.
Ein abided his time hidden within the dark alleys of the Scuttle Town, waiting for the time. After an hour, he finally had clear visual of her.

Shantae was right in the open, looking around town as she pondered to herself. "But how am I even gonna find the thief? Usually there's some oddly-convenient character or clue that leads me into what i'm looking for, but so far nothing..." She said to herself as she crossing her arms.

this was the first time Ein had a closer and focused look on the Guardian Genie. The bright sunshine shining upon her as he watched from the shadows. Such a beautiful set of curves and a decent bust size, not as big as Risky's but still perky and healthy as it was held by her red top. Her curves and rear were something else however; Her hips wide and curves just right, while her cute butte was round and filled. The heat of the city making her sweat slightly, drops sliding slowly down her beautiful tan skin and down her cleavage, which enticed the thief

She was completely unaware of Ein's presence, so if he wanted to act or keep watching was up to him...
Ein must say she was clearly an attractive woman that's for sure, but couldn't get an real close up on her features from how far he was and nor does he care much since regardless, he needed to do his duty and do what he must on capturing her. Though, he still have no flipping clue on how to do that as the pirate woman just told him to use this to encased her, but he have no clue on how it works. All he knows is that there are inscriptions on the lamp and doesn't really know what the words mean, but understand how to say them to say the least for some reason. "Ok....I found her, but how do I seriously take her on as I have no clue at all on how to do that..." He said sighing about it as he hide in the shadows, but kept on keeping an eye on her on what she is doing.

"Hmmm....She is an Genie, so she could use magic to take me out with little effort and I also heard something crazy about her hair on her head too. I don't think I can't confront her to capture her especially with onlookers around us. I need to do an sneak attack and out of public eye..." He said to himself as he began thinking out an plan on capturing the young maiden genie.
((Was hoping he'd come up with a plan but that's fine.))

Similarly to Ein in a way, Shantae was up on her own dilemma as well. Sighing similarly, she continued to mutter to herself. "Nobody I ask has a clue to where to start. Hm, if its a thief, maybe he may start stealing something else? I guess? Maybe? Ugh, I'm definitely not good at this part of the adventure..."

She decided to the sorta-poor plan of heading to the shop and buy something really valuable with the saved gems from her previous adventures, in an attempt to lure him out. However, he noticed how to do just that, she was cutting through town by heading towards a secluded alley. The perfect spot for him to ambush her!
(It's fine. Sorry if you expected something else. Never really thought things through around this entirely.)

"Hmmm....Should I take this chance to get her?....Still worry about that magic and I still don't know how to work this thing..." He said looking at his lamp before sighing. "Well...You never know if you don't try and I probably won't get an better chance than this now." He said before using the shadows to follow after Shantae and reaching the area she was in. "Now then, I need to figure out how this work before I confront her right away." Ein said as he continue to slowly stalked her out of the shadows without Shantae being any the wiser on what was is going on right now.
Shantae continued to walk, unaware of Ein currently on her trail.

That was when she stepped into the confines of the alleyway. While not really shrouded by shadows, it was secluded enough from the people for him to make his move.

The Guardian Genie stopped as she felt a presence, looking around a bit worried. "Is anyone there...?" She asked.

she got nothing as a response. "Hm, maybe I'm worrying too much. I'm imagining things already. And I didn't even eat a tub of ice cream before bed this time..."
Good thing that Ein was an master of trickery and stealth after his years of thieving, so this was nothing to him, but he need to be quite carefully since he was facing the Guardian Genie this time. 'Alright...I have her in my sights, but again how do I work this thing?...' He said within his mind as he start checking and bringing his lamp out of his clothing. "Do I rub it or....Oops!" He said before accidentally dropping the lamp onto the ground in the alleyway. The sound of it dropping would be loud enough to reach the pointy ears of an certain individual nearby as Shantae heard the sound and Ein had no choice, but to stay still before she find his position as she began coming over nearby. 'Damnit...The time when I didn't want my fingers to be loose...' He said within his mind as he stay quiet nearby.
Shantae's cute long ears wiggled for a second, picking up the clanking sound of the Lamp falling. Turning back she found herself staring at nothing, thanks to Ein hiding in the nick of time.

However, things seemed fishy. "Hm...could have sworn I heard something..."

Shantae then started to look around their location, looking for the source of that clanking noise. It was a small lead of something going on, heck she didn't know if it'd lead her somewhere, but she had always been a curious young gal so might as well search somewhere, right?...

She started to look from place after place, shortening Ein's chances of remaining hidden, as sooner or later she'd end up finding him. That's when she finally noticed it: The Lamp! Right there in the open!

"Huh?...that was...surprisingly easy..." Shantae commented before approaching the artefact. The Half-Genie looked around to see if anyone was there. "Hello? Anyone? Hm...weird..."

Something seemed off. Usually she had to fight some kind of big boss battle whenever she had to get something like this. Still, it appeared to be the real deal, so she moved close, reaching in to grab it...
'That was close....Though....' He said within his mind as he look at Shantae from his position as she began examining the lamp and holding it right in his hands. 'What should I do now? She got the lamp in her hands and I don't know if I can take her on in an face to face confrontation....' He said within his mind as he thinks closely on what to do before remembering what Risky said about the Lamp. 'She said that it can take away her powers and also more, but couldn't unlock the full potential of it....She passed it to me knowing I would, but How?...' Ein said as he continue thinking about it. 'Could it be....Those inscriptions on it...Could they be the answer?" He said thinking about it as Shantae continue looking around to see if anyone was still there.
Shantae bended over and picked the lamp. Despite this being a moment of distress, Ein's gaze could escape the fact that as the Half-Geine leaned, he was getting a much closer and neater peek at her cleavage. Her wearing just her red top not doing much to hide it.

"I better take this back to Uncle Mimic...but still...this was so easy...." She muttered, still not convincing that everything was solved. "Besides, the Mayor still wants me to go find that thief...could it be the same thief? Ugh, here I am talking to myself out loud again."

the purple-haired woman sighed and continued to look around. Ein running out of time as she'd find him sooner or later. However, as Shantae held on the lamp. He could notice the strange encryptions carved upon it started to emit a faint glow.

It was strange, despite not really knowing how or was almost like he could read them....could they be connected to unlocking the Lamp's power?
Ein was contemplating within his mind on what to do before soon realizing that Shantae was planning to leave right now, thus making this an make it or break it decision right now on what he needed to do. 'Damnit!...I got no choice....' He said within his mind before rising up from his hiding spot when Shantae turn her back towards the area. "LEAS EINEG ELOHW!" Ein shouted few of the words inscribed onto the Lamp which caught Shanate's attention and would turned to see an young man in dirtyish street-like clothing in front of her shouting something at her. Both stood still as they waited for what would happen on both ends with Ein waiting to see what the Lamp would do while Shantae was waiting to see what the young seemingly "crazy"-like man would do.

The next several seconds, nothing would happen at all. If this was an western setting, an tumbleweed would come out of nowhere to do nothing going on at all and just an awkward moment between the two of them. Both sweatdropped to the situation at hand as it was really awkward with Ein being the first to say something. "Seriously?! It didn't work at all! Did that pirate woman tricked me?!" Ein shouted as he growl at this while Shantae would have some words of her own next. Though, neither would realize of the slow reaction taking place with the lamp in the hands of Shantae as it seem to be sending out an invisible glow that was slowly turning invisible as the two started talking to each other.

(Will say what will happen next in my next post, but do what you think would happen in Shantae, but don't have her notice the lamp just yet please :).)
Shantae was startled by the sudden shout. Turning around just in time to face him, unaware how the Lamp and its inscriptions had now started to glow brightly.

That's when she felt it. A powerful electric surge coursing her body. It was somewhat painful despite her managing to not wobbled at the sudden shock. Her eyes lightened up for a mere second as she felt something had hooked upon her very soul, as if invisible chains wrapped around it. But just as it came, it quickly faded away leaving her back to reality...

"What. was. that?" She asked in confusion. But then stared at Ein again and exclaimed. "Wait a're the thief who stole this Lamp, right? what did you do!?"
Ein realized she knew what was up and was planning to leave before Shantae used her whipping hair to stop him from leaving as she did one as warning and not to move. "Damnit! I will get that woman!" Ein said as he stood right where he was as Shantae began walking towards him while asking questions about why he is here and why he has the lamp. Of course, Ein wasn't an snitch and wouldn't say anything unless something good comes his way out of it. Though during the conversation between the two, something was going on with the lamp as it began to glow brighter and brighter with each second now and becoming visible enough for both of the two to see. "Huh?..." Ein said along with Shantae as the lamp was beginning to act funny than usual. Knowing her last experience with the lamp, Shantae immediately lets go of it and try to keep her distance away again as she didn't want o her powers to be sucked inside once more.

"What the?....What's going on?...." Ein said looking at it as bright light got even brighter before eventuality the lamp began slowly levitating into the air while having an large glow that was lighting up the area that Ein and Shantae were in, but still not big enough for the crowd of people in town to notice within he alleyway unless someone took an corner in there.
Shantae started to back away fearful. Last time something like this has happened, her magic was absorbed into the Lamp, not only created a malicious doppleganger or herself that she had to fight with Hair-whipping alone, but also made her temporally lose all her magic. She was in a inpass of thoughts; Stay and be possibly drained again by it or letting the thief go away with that power.

Either way, those thoughts vanished when the lamp displayed something new, this time the strange runes glowed alongside the lamp itself. Suddenly, a series of energy chains emerged from the tip, something that the Half-Giene have never seen the artefact do ever. Of course, ominous chains of magic were never ever a good sign, so she was ready to high-tail it out of there when the strange apparitions lunged directly at her.

"Eep!! H-hey!! Let me go!!! A-aah!!!"

The chains contorted around Shantae's body; Around her arms, her legs and other parts of ehr body, almost in a lewd manner. The chains dragged him along the ground, then the air, in direction of the Lamp. the purple-haired heroine struggled as much as she could, trying to push away or to free herself from her bindings, but it was no use. As she reached the lamp, her body was encased in pure light before she was then absorbed into the lamp, ending with the mysterious item dropping to the floor unceremoniously, the Guardian genie now gone.

The silence that followed filled Ein with dread. Did he...did he just offed the Guardian Genie!?! Did he seriously just aided one of Sequin land's biggest threats in succeeding? Despite his thieving ways, this was probably a case where guilt would raise rather quickly...
".......I did it?......I FUCKING DID IT!!!!" Ein shouted loudly as guilt doesn't seem to be anywhere near or close to him at all as he shouted into the heavens at what he just did. To think to all of the enemies of Shantae has faced and could have potential of beating her if they planned hard enough, turn out to be all for naught as the one who held the prize of beating the fair maiden genie was none other than an street thief only. Out of all of them, Ein was the only who succeeded and on his first encounter no else too. "I can't believe this...That woman was right about me able to do it! I can't believe beat Shantae the 1/2 Half-Genie Hero (Reference ;).)." He said as he happily shouted again, but less loud compare to his last shout. He proceed to walk towards the lamp and held it in his arms while he was still in disbelief that this little lamp here was holding in Scuttle Town's Guardian Genie within his hands.

"Wow....So I guess I should take this back to Risky now....Though?...How should I contact here?" He said as he knew that Risky was no longer near the port side after dropping and kicking him off her ship, so he wondered on how exactly should he go about to contacting her. "Geez...Do I wait out in port? Though that might be suspicious since people are walking around in broad daylight...Can't signal anything either...Hmmmm.....I "Wish" I have someone to talk to help me out with this?..." He said while rubbing the bottom of his chin with his free right hand. Little that Ein knew, what he said would conjure something unexpected to him as the lamp began glowing again, but in an smaller and visible scale compare to early that he didn't notice. The glow would last for few seconds before soon stopping. Once that was done, an small groaning-like sound began echoing out of the lamp that would reach the ears of Ein. "Hmmm?....What's that?..." He said looking around for the origin of the sound while not noticing that it was coming from inside the lamp itself.
" head...."

Although faint, it seemed like Shantae's voice was breaking through the confines of the Lamp, managing to reach the earsight of her current captor.

"What were those lights...and those chains....huh? W-where am I!?"

"Hey! Someone! Anyone!"

The Lamp wiggled softly. Possibly the Half-Genie trying to struggle her way out of it. however that quickly proved completely ineffective. She sighed. "Ooh, how am I gonna explain this to Uncle Mimic..."

She then realized who was possibly holding the item right now. The thief itself. "Hey you! what's the big idea? And how did you make the lamp do that? Get me out of here!!"
Ein would hear things a bit more clearly and realize it was a voice making that sound. "Hmmm?....Who's there?....Where are you?!..." Ein said as he was on his guard on where the voice was coming from. Whenever it came from, it sounds real close to him...Like REALLY close. It would be then he heard the voice to look down upon him in which he did, but all he saw was just himself, the ground, and the lamp in his arms. "Is this some type of joke-..." He said before she shouted again which he saw and felt the lamp moving against his arm. In that moment, Ein realized where the sound coming from and that was within the lamp. "What?....Is that you, Genie?..." He said as he raise the lamp with both his hands to eye-level to him to make sure he wasn't imagining things.
"Yes, its me! In the Lamp!!"

She seemed rather upset. But then again, who wouldn't be having been trapped by an ancient artefact of the magical persuasion? "Wait a minute...why you sound so surprised? You didn't know it could do that!?!"

Shantae didn't know what stung more. The fact that she was beaten so easily and trapped, or that it all happened by complete accident...

"Get me out of here! Please!! You made it work somehow, right? Maybe you can find a way for me to come out? Please? Pretty pretty pretty please?"

It was weird asking for the help of a thief, much less the one who trapped her inside in the first place. But she didn't have other options at the moment. she could only hope her capture wasn't THAT evil enough to keep her cramped inside the golden item.
"Whoa....Didn't know your allowed to talk while being like that....Weird...." Ein said as he looks upon this while shrugging about it while ignoring her words for the most part. "Sorry, I have my mission regrettable and I have to do what I need to do to keep on surviving. Sorry about your life, but I have my own too." He said to her while putting it underneath his armpit while he began walking into the dark alleys while thinking a way to how to contact his employer, Risky Boots. "Now...How can I find and contact her if I was a pirate?...." Ein said to himself lowly while Shantae continue nagging on what she wanted him to do and what was his purpose. If she could be quiet for a second, she could probably hear his words that he was saying to himself.
"Wait...a pirate?"

From within the lamp, Shantae gasped loudly. Considering what was the usual when it came to piracy and Sequin land. One answers jolted immediately through her mind. "A-are you taking me to Risky Boots!?"

The Lamp almost shook with how much she started to struggle and wave her arms and legs in desperation. "Please please don't take me to her! You have no idea what she could do with me trapped in this thing!!"

She tried her best to explain, for her sake and his. "Did she send you to do this? This may be a big plan to conquer all of Sequin land. You can't let her do that. Think of all the people that could suffer or het hust. besides, what'd you win from it?"
"I don't really care about anyone else other than myself. Why should you expect me to care about them when I am on the streets and no one gave an damn and dime when I was begging there. You have it easy as being the Guardian Genie compare to me, so I don't expect you to understand my case, but I do feel sorry for you at least." Ein said as he continue walking through the dark alleys while having her under his arm still. "I could speak to Risky on "easing" up on you so it won't be all bad on your end and maybe divert her away from a goal like that....Who knows?..." Ein said shrugging about it as he wasn't really serious about what he said and was just saying to past time while he waited for an sign to find the self-proclaimed Pirate Queen.
"Considering this is Risky we're talking about. She only does stuff for herself." Shantae explained, "She probably is tricking you and won't share any reward with you. You'd be basically handing me over with nothing to gain out of it! She may even hurt you!"

She took a deep breath, seeing that her words weren't getting through him. Perhaps she needed another approach. "What if...I help you out in exchange?"

The half-genie explained, "risky is probably gonna pull a trick on you, but if you help me out of here, I could totally give you a reward. I get quite a lot of jewels for performing at the Dance Hall. And...maybe I could offer you a place to stay! My lighthouse is pretty cozy. Or heck, maybe I can give a good word so whatever records you have get pardoned or something. Is not like the Mayor probably remembers anyways..."

A sudden bullet, passing right past Ein's head soon cut their conversation. Looking back, a trio of Tinkerbats were moving towards them. one carried a gun while the other two held their swords.

"Um, what was that?" Asked Shantae, unable to see the outside at the moment.

The pirate goons did not look like they wanted to talk...
Ein try to pay mind with the Guardian Genie as she tries to haggle with him on sparing her life as he takes her to Risky. Though he can't help, but feel what she said may have a point since he heard of Risky not the "trustworthy" person on making deals with and to turn your back on. So should he really take the chance and try to trust such an person and give her what she wants in the long run? "Hmmm...." Ein said as he thought about it consciously before he felt an sudden wind pass across his face and the sound of gunshot nearby. "What the?!..." Ein said as he quickly turned and see the direction of where it came from. Load and behold it is reveal that it came from an Tinkerbat with a gun in it's hand that was smoking a bit after just being shot moments. Behind the Tinkerbat were two more who were holding swords in their hands and coming onto the scene as a group.

"Hey! What the hell is wrong with you guys?! I got the Genie like you wanted!" Ein shouted at them, but the Tinkerbats were unfazed as they slowly began moving at him while the middle Tinkerbat getting ready to fired another shot at him to his groaned. "Don't tell me..." Ein said as he facepalm himself as he couldn't believe he was being betrayed by that bitch of an self-proclaimed Pirate Queen. Though, he could think about that later as he soon kick an nearby trash at the Tinkerbats and make an break for it while having the lamp under one of his arm as he ran.
Despite her current lack of vision, Shantae could infer from his words what was going on. "I told you. She probably ain't going to risk the lamp be used by anyone but herself!"

The Tinkerbats did not seem all that bothered by the trash thrown at them, quickly leaping past it and chasing Ein down. More shots were fired at his direction, barely avoiding his body which just riled his nervousness much more.

"We can take them!" Exclaimed Shantae, "Just get me out of here and I show them not to mess with you with some good hair-whipping!"
"I am not going to do that! I already been betrayed today, not in the mood to be betrayed for the second time! Thank you very much!" Ein said talking to her while narrowly dodging bullets left and right as his life depends on it. "Beside this isn't nothing I can't handle as this isn't the first time I been chase like an dog before." He said as he continue running out of the alleys and began heading into public crowd to try to lose them. They wouldn't be that stupid enough to shoot in an public and open crowd with authorities also out and about right now, would they? "I really hopes this works..." Ein said as he sneak around the crowd carefully and hope for the best.
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