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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

Jake gave her a nod about his hair being wavy. "Okay. I can handle that."

He wasn't too happy about having to get these tests done. He understood why she wanted them done but he still wasn't thrilled about it. Probably because he was just a bit worried what he would find out. "I want to retire when I don't find it fun for me anymore. When I don't want to go to work anymore." He shrugged.

After awhile he started to wake up and stretched. "Why is it I wake up and my family is gone?" He asked and smiled as he stretched again with a yawn. "How long was I out?" He asked before getting up.
“We aren’t talking about it right now.” She laughed. “But we will have this conversation soon.” She promised and they would both hear each other out and come to a sensible timeline of how their careers will go or at least figure out when they should talk about it again.

“Because your son was trying to fight you and I didn’t think you’d appreciate it since you weee sleeping and defenseless. Or the other scenario who’s be him hitting you and then you automatically hitting back and that wasn’t a good either.”

She smiled at him, “A couple hours. You needed it though. How do you feel? I ordered food. I got you a lemon and herb salmon filet. And I’m sorry but I got fettuccine Alfredo. I can eat it when you go to bed. I did get a salad too but I’m so sick of salads. Owen is going to eat chicken, broccoli and Mac and cheese. Lucky butt.” She squeezed his cheeks and he giggled.

He went to the She of the bed and Adri set him on the floor so he could run to Jake.
Jake picked Owen up. "You wanted to fight dad? What?!" He He playfully pretended to body slam him on the bed and tickle his belly. "Ha! Now what?!" He chuckled and picked him back up as Owen laughed.

"I feel okay. Just a bit groggy from sleeping but I'll be good once I'm fully awake." He gave Owen a kiss. "When did you wake up?"

"That's fine. Did you order me a salad too? Or veggies? Or both? I'm really hungry for some reason." He put Owen down. "What did you do while we were asleep?"
“I didn’t nap. He got up maybe twenty minutes ago.” She told him. “He’s up now. And full of energy. I’m surprised you didn’t hear him barking from this show.” She sighed pointing at Paw Patrol. “How is it that this is the only show he will sit down and watch? You better be a veterinarian when you grow up.”

“We both have a salad. I don’t know what your vehgies are but I do know you have some. Maybe asparagus. I don’t remember. “I sent Brian out for it. Should be here soon. Your parents went to explore. And my brothers are around here somewhere. But it’s just us three tonight.” She smiled.

“I worked my tail off. Trying to figure out a schedule for fashion week and make sure I am opening for wedding shows so I can get and idea or something for my gown. It does look like I’m pretty booked on shows for fashion week though boo. You’re going to have to come and see me.”
"It reminds him of his brother probably. He's been around four legged furry friends his whole life." He told her and sat on the bed with Owen. "You could pick a different show though kid. We've seen these all a thousand times."

He yawned and gave her a nod. "Okay. Cool. I just want a low key night so that's great. Is there maybe a movie we could watch with him?" Jake suggested but he was getting anxious for the fight. He wanted it to be go time.

"Okay. You need to figure out what you're wearing for our wedding before we both end up showing up at our wedding in our underwear." Jake couldn't get his tux till she picked her dress. He couldn't have the guys even get theirs cause he didn't know the style that he wanted. "What job offers did you get from VS show?"
“Moana!” She looked at Owen. “Do you want to watch Moana again!” Owen shook his head. “Fine. You little goober.” She scrolled through her Netflix on her phone and listed off the movies they could watch. Moana was still on the list but so was a bunch of other animated kids movies.

“I know. I know. I’m working on it Jake. I just have to figure out what I want. And then mom wants me in her dress still but that needs a major update if I do that. Which means I’d still have to find a designer. We have 9 nine months. And everything is custom for us. Have your guys get their black bottoms and jacket and we can figure out shorts and ties later. And black leather shoes. No shiny shoes. I think the girls are going to be in red. I’ve been loving red bridesmaid dresses.”

She rubbed her lips together and looked at him, “Teen Voguebhas this YouTube channel and they want to come to the house and ask me 90 questions about my life. So that’s happening after we get back. Should take a day and then that’s done. Balmain is looking for a new face. But so is everyone else right now. I have started planning my cosmetic line but I just needed like a checklist of what I want and then it will go full time after New Years. Probably after fashion week. I have quite a few fashion week shows. Not just walking but attending as well. I think he managed to get me to every single show. Which is wild. I will literally be gone five weeks straight. And then I come back for like two weeks and leave again for Victoria’s Secret shooting in the desert and then I come back and finish wedding planning.”

She rubbed his head. “I need you to figure out which shows you are going to fashion week. Like which places. I know New York won’t be too bad for you but I don’t know how much is too much for you. We really need to pick food, cakes and flowers when we go to biltmore. From there we need dresses and tuxes and I think the rest is on the planner.” She smiled. “Our wedding is coming together.” She kissed the top of his head.
Jake smiled when Owen told her no. Adri wasn't used to being told no and it kinda cracked him up.

"I will pick the shoes I want..." He told her. "It is my wedding too you know plus I'm going to be the one wearing the tux so I'm picking out what I like. I'm also only doing this once." He told her.

He thought about it. "So you won't get back to wedding planning until February at the earliest?" Their wedding kept getting put on the back burner and it was starting to get to him. If she really didn't want to do this or have time for it they needed to know now. He had no idea how she thought their wedding was coming together because there was still a lot not done. "Biltmore really wasn't a trip to do wedding planning but I guess we can do it while we are there. Maybe you feel like you only travel for work because you don't allow yourself time to do more than that..." He told her.

"I can't tell you now which destinations I can go. I don't know what work will be bringing. They still want me to do Ultimate Fighter with a fight after the season. We may be taping then...I don't know yet. Dana was going to see how the fight went."
"I can plan the wedding as I travel. We have the big things taken care of beside the dresses and tuxes, and cake, and food. But that is not hard to do. I know what photographer I want and the backup if I can't have him. I don't think we are doing an engagement party but I do know we live by a really beautiful golf course and we can take over for a Sunday brunch sort of thing if you want to do that. Entrainment is booked. The hotel for guests is booked. If you look at any sort of wedding timeline eight months before the wedding is when you really need to start cracking down and finding a gown. You knew I was going to wait until Bridal week to see what the trends were and what I liked in a dress. I have a nightstand covered in bridal magazines. You can't say I'm not doing my part." She said.

"I remember you saying we were going down there to check out the castle and taste some food. That is why it is after your fight and my show. We can find caterers and cake and we need to find flowers because flowers don't travel well. Why else would we be going to the place that we are getting married?" They wouldn't have Owen so they could make a day of wedding planning and then do whatever he had planned for the rest of the trip. "It won't take that long to pick food and cake. Biltmore has an in-house flower arrangement thing and we just go and figure out which arrangement we like and that's done."
"Okay. My bad. I guess I don't know anything about weddings. Do what you need to do." He shrugged.

He looked at her and sighed. "Yes Adri that's what I told you because it's near freaking impossible to ever try to surprise you. I didn't tell them we were coming to do that..." He sighed. "I'll make some calls after tomorrow. It's fine." He sighed and tried to clear his head.

Jake got up and grabbed a shirt and his shoes. "I'm going for a walk..." He said softly and walked to the door.
She put her head back against the headboard and bit her lip. Wedding planning was hard but that was why they hired a planner. All of the big things they had to take care of the little things the planer took care of so they could work. So they didn't have to sit and stress over stuff. She was a annnoyed that he really thoguth she didn't know what was going on with her wedding when he was the one that hadn't even looked at their wedding binder to see what they needed to get done.

"I don't like surprises. I want to know where we are going and what we are doing so stuff like this doesn't happen. It's leterally one day of wedding planning which you have been nagging at me to do and now you don't want to do it. We can push it back to after February but we are goign to Biltmore. We will be at the location of our wedding. When else is the perfect time to do this?" She asked.

Owen started to get off of the bed when Jake grabbed his shoes and she set him down on the floor. "Do you want me to leave or do you want ot take him with you?" She asked.
Jake didn't look at the binder because he knew what needed done. He had things on his end that he needed to do too. He didn't want to leave his guys hanging until the last minute to get their tuxes. He didn't want to wait until last minute because had a feeling like everything else, something would come up with work and it would continue to get pushed back.

He stopped. "Alright fine! You want to know why I wanted to take you to Biltmore? Because you love Christmas and Biltmore has one of the best Christmas displays in the country. They put up hundreds of trees and lights. And you are their guest of honor to turn all the lights on. And yes I wanted a day with you that I can just relax and be a couple. Not parents. Not working celebrities. Not two people planning a wedding. A couple to just enjoy each other. With no work and no families to deal with for just a little bit because I knew once we got back from working you will be gone again. Believe it or not can call the planner, I check in every few days..."

He looked at Owen and shook his head. This was the first time the entire trip where he needed a minute to himself and he couldn't get it. He picked him up and carried him out of the room with him.
That was something that she would have loved to know before so she could have the right dress for the occasion. "The only job I have is Teen Vogue and the only reason I took that was because they are coming to me. They are working with me. It's only for a day and then they are gone. We have like nine days between the time we get back from Biltmore tot he time we go to Denver. I am not going to work for those nine days. I think the problem here is you think I am so work minded that you think I am going to work for those nine days and then fly straight to Denver. I won't do that. I have put too much time and planning into making Christmas perfect. I am going to be there for every small hiccup that might happen. I want to spend time with family and with you and Owen." She told him.

"All of the jobs I have taken were for after New Years because Christmas is family and New Years we have whatever party we want to go to. I did that because I knew I would be gone for five weeks straight and I want to spend as much time as possible with you and family. I will work for five weeks come home and then come home and then work again. After that, I will be off for who knows how long with just little jobs here and there. You get used to that time of me being around all the time and then this happens when Fashion Week starts up again. It's not a surprise. It's not a surprise it happens every year. Last year at this time we had the same conversation. We just weren't planning a wedding on top of it." She took a breath and let it out slowly.

They really shouldn't be fighting. She didn't want to fight with him about her career when he should be focused on his. It was going to be a quiet night in and not because they were peaceful and cuddling. "Don't feel obligated to take him." She said.
Jake shook his head. "No I'm not necessarily thinking that. I am thinking you will be busy those nine days between going to Denver. Whether it being work or the holidays or whatever comes up yes I do think you are busy. Hell I'll probably busy getting stuff around for the holidays and who knows how I will be feeling." He shrugged.

"I'm not upset about the five weeks you will be gone. Like you said I knew it would happen. It will happen for years. I know this...just...forget it. You just tell me when you figured the dress out and I'll do my part. Okay? Great." He was starting to wonder with how things got pushed back if having babies would get pushed back too. He knew what he was getting into though so really it wasn't something he could complain about.

Jake looked at her. "I'm not having him have a meltdown cause I left him here..." He told her before leaving. Jake went down to the lobby and outside to go for a walk.
She would be busy when they got to Denver but that would be because of all of the presents she needed to wrap that were at the cabin right now. But that was why they were heading out a few days before everyone else. She needed to get a few more things for Jake and Owen but she had their big presents done.

They weren’t getting married tomorrow. In her head she had four months to find a dress or get a dress designed and be ready. She wouldn’t cut it down. Once she had the dress and told him the color he was set. All he needed was a color. She didn’t understand where this rush was coming from. They had plenty of time. But she let it go so he could walk.

She let them go and laid on the bed and continued to do work. Then she went to the front and watched TV. Her brothers came up for a little bit to talk. Brian came up with the food and the boys left to go to a club. She laid out dinner for them and watched TV until they came home.
Jake was never someone who liked waiting until the last minute. Plus who knew when last minute jobs would pop up.

What Romero said was getting to Jake a bit more than he liked. It did seem like she has no problem telling him how things were going to be and he had little say in some matters. The only thing he felt like he had full freedom on for the wedding was the honeymoon and he wondered if she'd complain about that too. Part of him felt like it was time for him to be a bit selfish.

Jake and Owen were gone awhile. He took him for a long walk to clear his head before returning to the hotel. When they got to their floor, he let Owen walk to their room and unlock the door. He ran in to find Adri. Jake tossed the key on the stand by the door. Going in he sat down on the sofa not saying anything.
Jake was never someone who liked waiting until the last minute. Plus who knew when last minute jobs would pop up.

What Romero said was getting to Jake a bit more than he liked. It did seem like she has no problem telling him how things were going to be and he had little say in some matters. The only thing he felt like he had full freedom on for the wedding was the honeymoon and he wondered if she'd complain about that too. Part of him felt like it was time for him to be a bit selfish.

Jake and Owen were gone awhile. He took him for a long walk to clear his head before returning to the hotel. When they got to their floor, he let Owen walk to their room and unlock the door. He ran in to find Adri. Jake tossed the key on the stand by the door. Going in he sat down on the sofa not saying anything.
Adri smiled when Owen ran in and she scooped him up and gave him a hug and kiss. “Hi buddy. Did you have a good walk?” She asked and tickled his sides. “Are you hungry? You want dinner?” She kissed temple and washed his hands before she set him at the booster seat so he could eat.

Jake was a grown man and would eat when he was hungry. She ate her salad and like she said she would, she didn’t eat the elfrrdo yet. She did have a bite while they were gone though.

“Your mom and Amy want to go shopping. Luke and John want to come up and do something with you. They sent it to us in a group chat. I didn’t know what to tell them.”
Jake forgot she got dinner and went to the table to sit by Owen. "Hi buddy. You hungry?" He kissed his head and started to eat.

"Alright. I'll text them" He told them he was okay to do whatever they wanted to but he was eating so give them a half hour.

He ate quietly. "You can just eat your pasta. It doesn't bug me." He told her but did appreciate her thoughtfulness on it. "Thanks for dinner." He told her but other than that kept quiet.
She shook her to the pasta. She craved it earlier. She didn’t want it right now. She’d stick to the salad to get something on her stomach and she’s eat it later if she wanted too.

“Welcome.” She said softly. She watched Owen eat his Mac and cheese noodle by noodle. At least he didn’t get any in his hair. He took one bath already. He didn’t need another.

“I’m going to get less dressed up.” She put her plate in the fridge and went into the bedroom to put on some jeans, a graphic crop top that said babe and blazer. She kept her heels because those were cute and it dressed the outfit up a little. She sent Amy and Eileen a text to figure out where they wanted to go so she could get a car ready.
He didn't understand why she was mad but let it go. He kept eating and watched Owen. He gave him some vegetables to eat too. He smiled at Owen.

"Is he staying here?" He asked Adri when she came back out. "They never said anything about him." He threw away his containers and when Owen was done he cleaned up the mess with a few wet wipes." He kissed his head and let him down.

Jake moved back to the couch and kicked off his shoes. "I hope they don't stick around long..." He said softly. "I just want to chill."
“He is staying. Your dad usually leaves around bed time so if he is here then they will leave sooner.” She gave Owen a kiss and told him to be good and told him good night.

She gave Jake a kiss on the head and grabbed her purse. “I’ll be back later.” She said softly and made sure she had the key to the room and her phone before she left.

The ladies went shopping and went to the baby store so they could see what cute little items they had for both Owen and the new baby. “Naming from what I saw with Jake and Layla is difficult. Have you two thought of a name yet?” She asked Amy. “He’s going to smell so good I can’t wait to meet him.” She smiled. “He’ll be so tiny.” She smiled and picked up a newborn outfit.
Jake turned on a movie for Owen since had no idea what the plan was. He watched the movie but also played with his toys with his pacifier in his mouth. He only really had it when he was tired or teething, it weirdly was helping him have something soft to chew on.

Amy smiled when she asked about names. "We have thought about names. I'm thinking of Declan. Deek for short. More so Declan Jakob, so DJ. I wanted to change the name spelling a bit to make it different. Luke likes Davis and Tyson. We both kind of like Lukas Jacob and call him LJ. We like the initial nickname. I suggested having a vote to see who likes what name best."

Luke and John arrived and Jake let them in. "What's going on? What did you want to do?" He asked them.
“No voting. This is about you two. You two have to figure out the name but if it helps I like Declan. DJ. That’s cute.” She smiled and reached out to rub her nephew.

“How are you feeling?” She asked. “Especially after all of that traveling. Are you coming to Denver or do you and Luke want to spend it alone? I’m fine either way. You will be missed but we can Skype while we open presents.” She smiled.

“I will be honest and tell you I am spoiling my nephew because you spoil yours. Two can play that game now.” She laughed.

The guys sat in the living room with Jake and Owen. Luke wanted to go through some combos while they had the chance. Then he sat and just chilled out with Jake. The option to watch some highlights was there but they wanted to hang out.

“I was a little jealous when your number one fan came backstage to say hello.” Luke told him. “Very cute. It’ll be a year or two before mine is doing that.” He chuckled.
"I like Declan too." She smiled. Eileen also liked it so it was a good vote for the three of them. "Thanks. I'll keep that in mind."

Amy sighed, "I'm tired. I do want to go to Denver though. I want to be around family. Once I get my fat butt there I can relax and keep my feet up. Which I will probably have to do. They are starting to swell." She giggled.

"Oh don't start this war otherwise our toys get louder with more batteries." She threatened. "Oh and those batteries come with the toys." She chuckled.

Jake looked over at Owen. "It was pretty cool. I'm sure your boy will be racing Owen to come see us in no time. Him being there though helped me keep my cool. Romero likes to run his mouth."
“Don’t stress about it. Do what you can do. Jake and I already spoke about. We would have wanted our first Christmas alone. So we understand honestly.” She smiled.

“But if you did come your feet would be up and everything would be brought to you. Like a queen.” She joked. “But Luke would be your servant. He did put you on that position.” She laughed.

“Batteries can go missing. Easily. You started the war. I will finish it.” She warned.

“He does. And his coach doesn’t keep him in line. If I ever saw you do that you’d be doing pull ups until you couldn’t feel your fingers.” He warned. “But how are you? You seem agitated. I hope this is you prepping for the fight.”
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