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Is He A Lover or A Fighter? (Part 3) WF+GF

Owen smiled at Adri and waved to her which was more of him opening and closing his hand. He returned her kisses.

"No. I didnt want to leave him unsupervised. I'll do it now." He got up and gave Adri a kiss and smack on the butt on the way through. He got the seat from her car and put it in the truck.

"We are set." He told her and grabbed a drink for the road. "His diaper bag is packed."

"We will miss you man. Now you can have some peace and quiet." He smiled and shook his hand.

"Let's go. Im ready love."
Liam grabbed his suitcase and walked into the garage with them. Adri buckled Owen into his car seat and made sure he was nice and secure. She gave him a kiss and a toy to place with. “This truck is brand new. No messes, okay?” She told him and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

She got in the front seat and buckled in. She was ready to go. She plugged in the address to the GPS and sent some emails while he drove. “Hopefully I will get a reply back so when we get back home I can try to do some decorating for the cabin.” She smiled.

When they got to the fertility clinic, they were given some paper work to fill out. He told Liam he and Owen didn’t have to stay if he didn’t want too. They were called back at the same time to give blood. They would have the same doctor going over their genetics and telling them what they could pass on to children and they would have separate doctors when it came to fertility.
Jake grabbed Adri's suitcase and loaded it up for her. He looked at Liam. "Like my new wheels my girl got me? I have no idea what I've done for it but I love it!"

He got in and his hand rested on Adri's leg as he drove. "That will be nice. Can they send you virtual images of what it will look like?" He glanced back at Liam. "We found our cabin. It's purchased. Now Adge just has to get it decorated how she wants it. She's had an image for it since before we bought it. Are you spending the holidays with your family?"

Jake answered some of the questions out loud to be a goofball, giving them cheesy stupid answers. He went back with them to the blood and then when it was time for the other they gave him nothing cause they told him he could use his own phone. When he was done he cleaned up and went out to Liam and Owen and Adri if she was there.
“Yes. This Christmas is going to be exciting. I am hoping to have my daughter this year. I usually get her every other year and during the summer, but her mother...” He shrugged his shoulder. “It’s dofficult.” He said and shook his head.

“We have good lawyers if you ever need help.” Adri offered and looked at Jake.

They gave their blood together and then they went their separate ways. Her appointment took a little bit longer than his because after the ultrasound she was taken to get x-rays done

She went back to the main office and smiled at Jake. “Ready?” She asked. “How did it go?” She asked. She knew it might be awkward to talk about with Liam but she wanted to know. “We’re you able to do it?” She whispered and raised her eyebrows.

“We can grab something from chipotle before our flight. We will have to eat it in the car though and order it through the app.”
Jake wanted to invite them to the cabin but it was a family thing and he needed to bring it by Adri first. "How old is your daughter again?"

He nodded. "We do. We'd be happy to help. I can give them a call anytime."

Jake smiled at her when she came out. He picked up Owen and carried him out to the car. "It was alright. It's not the same...." He gave her a look. "No Adri, I just tried and then gave up." He rolled his eyes and nudged her. "Of course I did it." He talked quietly and Liam let them walk a bit ahead of him.

"Let's do it! I can always eat Chipotle. You know what I want love." Liam agreed that it was okay and he told her his order. "Oh babe...I want chips and salsa too. No queso."

Owen started blabbing about what he wanted.
“She just turned six.” He said proudly. “Thank you both. I just want her life to be as normal as possible. I miss her though.” He sighed.

She laughed, “I was just asking, jeez!” She bumped his hip and put an arm around his waist and smiled at him.

“I know what you want.” She agreed. “Liam what do you want from chipotle?” She asked and put his order into the app. “Are you going in?” She asked Jake. “No, nevermind. You’re not going in. If you go in we will miss our flight. I will go in.” She told him.

When they got to the car she told him which Chipotle to go to. “I got him food too. A little quesadilla. So someone is going to have to share with him.”
"Oh cute. That's cool man. I understand. We want to do the same for Owen and the future kids we have. We chose this life, they didn't." He smiled. "Seriously brother, anything you need let us know."

He stuck his tongue out at her. "You're just jealous cause you didn't get off."

"Hey! Why would you miss your flight? What would I do? Is it cause I'm so popular and people love me?" He grinned and nudged her being a goof.

Jake shook his head. "I'm not sharing with him. He's a little piggy." He looked at Owen, "No I'll share. He can have chips and stuff. We will make sure he doesn't starve. We're going to go home and work out aren't we O? After we drop off mommy and Liam? Tomorrow we will see grandma and grandpa."
“What size clothes does she wear? It looks like I won’t be getting a niece any time soon. I would love to take her out if there is ever a time she is out here and you have something to do.” She told him.

“Don’t be a butt. You know why? I’ll get off on the plane with out you.” She stuck her tongue out at him. “How do you like that?” She laughed.

“No owen needs to share with you. He can’t have an entire quesadilla. But you can have the half he doesn’t eat.”

She reached out and half Jake’s hand while he drove. When they got to Chipotle she went in and picked up theirfood. She had on big sunglasses to try and hide her face. She got out in less than thirty minutes which was less time than it would have taken Jake. “Isn’t there a park near the airport? Let’s go to that.” She looked at the time. They had an hour and half before they needed to be at the airport. They were going through first class security though so it wouldn’t take too long.
"Oh no Liam...don't tell her. She will spoil her like crazy. Or she will just kidnap her to take her shopping so she can spoil a girl. Even if you're not busy she'd kidnap her." He teased and winked at Adri with a smile.

He laughed. "You wouldn't on the plane. When you land...maybe but not the plane." He shook his head. "Not worried."

"Adri...I'm training. I'm not eating my bowl, chips, and half of his quesadilla. I will save it and he can eat it later depending wheat I eat for dinner. It's fine. I shouldn't even be eating Chipotle but I will just kick butt during the work out."

Jake took them to the park. He had a feeling Owen would want to play and not eat anyway now they were at the park. He got out and got Owen out of his seat. "Hey big boy! You hungry? Mommy has yummy food for us." He let Owen walk to a table they found to sit at but held his hand.
She stuck a tongue out at him “I am not going to kidnap her. I will take her shopping though. She can be normal with cute clothes. I don’t get to dress girls up. It’s not fair.” She told them.

“Chipotle isn’t that bad. And you get a bowl. You’re good.” She told him and rubbed his thigh.

Once he saw the park that was all Owen wanted to do. Adri cut his meal into tiny pieces and fed him. He ate but he was distracted by the park. “You have to eat first buddy. I don’t want to leave a grumpy baby with daddy.” She tried feeding him again and he pushed her hand away.

She let Jake try so she could eat too. Maybe the park wasn’t the best idea.
"Well you will when you start popping out my daughters. We're waiting on you here love." Jake teased with a chuckle.

He gave her a look. "It's a lot of calories. But thanks for the encouragement baby." He kissed her temple.

Jake appreciated not having a grumpy baby but if he got hungry later he could just give it to him to eat. He tried to feed him some of his bowl but he kept pointing to the park. "Two bites and then you can go play." Owen took two bites and with the second tried to get down. "Nope. Finish it first." Once he did Jake let him down.

He got up with his bowl to keep an eye on Owen but he was close enough not a lot could happen. It wasn't too busy.
“We are waiting on September, thank you very much.” She corrected. She was ready but for the sake of her parents and grandparents they were waiting until after they got married.

Adri was one she when Jake let him down to go play. She didn’t want him to be alone on the playground. She put her fork down and went with him not too long after. Liam was watching him as well but her mothering instincts kicked in and she just couldn’t sit by.

She watched him play and she coached him down the slide. She pointed at the swings and she took him over and pushed him for a little bit. She gave him a kiss every time he was close and then pushed him away. He loved it.

She looked up and saw the photographer watching them and taking pictures. She tickled Owen and let him out of the swing to run on the playground.
"Mmhmm keep telling yourself that love. Whatever you say." Jake knew it was why and he was fine with it. It was just fun to give her a hard time.

He sighed. "Babe I'm watching him." He told her softly and ate. With Liam and him there, nothing was happening to that boy.

Once Jake was done he threw his stuff away and went to play with Owen. "You know he's going to be in magazines now." Jake quietly told Adri. Owen wanted him to go down the slide so he did. Owen loved it. "Ready when its time go go for a melt down?"
“I know.” She said softly but she still could t let him run off and play on his own. He wasn’t even a year old. She wasn’t leaving him alone no matter how close the park was.

She nodded her head, “I know.” She looked at Owen who didn’t care. He was just happy to be playing. “He should be eating. He barely ate. He’s going to sleep in the car and then he’s going to be angry and hungry when he wakes up.” She told hake. “You shouldn’t have let him go play.” She said and looked at Jake.

“You can handle that meltdown.” She laughed. “I don’t want to deal with it.”
Jake rolled his eyes to him eating. "Babe he would have had a meltdown if I didn't. It was destined to have a meltdown no mater what." He shrugged. "He will eat. It will be fine. Babe he will eat when he's hungry."

"He has no idea..." Jake wrapped his arms around Adri from behind as Liam came over a bit closer to watch the other side of the park, by the photographer. "I don't want you to go." Jake whispered. "I know it will only be a couple days but I'll miss you." He kissed her temple.

"Don't worry I'll handle all meltdowns. Your boys will be alright. They we will come see you and it will be awesome." Jake smiled, as much as he loved their vacation, getting back to their norm. Even for Owen it would be good to get back to normal. "Are you done eating? I'll watch him if you aren't so you can eat. Otherwise go play with him before you have to go."
"I am just saying, he should be eating right now. He is going to have a meltdown and I will be on a plane." She knew he could handle Owen's meltdowns but it was so much easier to deal with them when they were together.

She smiled, "That doesn't make my job easier Boo." She said softly. "I don't want to go but I have too. I like working and that means traveling." She told him. "It sucks but it has to happen."

She nodded her head to being done eating. She had a few bites but she wasn't very hungry in the first place. She could try and take it on the plane with her.

They spent a little more time at the park for Owen's sake. Maybe if they got him really tired the meltdown wouldn't be as bad. They were wrong. He was in the swing when it was time to go and he was not ready to stop swinging. Adri was pushing him gently hoping he would go to sleep but he was just enjoying himself. She picked him up out of the swing and he held onto the chain. She had to pull his chubby fingers off of it which he really didn't like. He did his fake cry and went to Jake thinking he would take him back. He screamed and reached for the park as they took him back to the car.

"You think the Pap got a good photo of that?" Adri asked and shook her head.
"It would happen if he had food in his belly or not babe." He appreciated her trying to make it easier for him though.

"I know, I'm not saying it to make you feel bad. I hope you know that. But just wanted you to know I will miss you." He kissed her temple.

Jake carried him and chuckled. "Oh I'm sure they did. And I honestly don't care. Anyone who has a kid at the park, that kid won't want to leave." Jake rubbed his back. "It's okay big boy. We have to take mommy and Liam to the plane baby." He got strapped in before Jake got in the car.

He drove them to the airport and parked close to the door and got out, getting Owen out as Liam got their bags. Jake held Owen until he handed him to Adri so she could tell him bye.
It was a quick drive to the park and she was hoping that Owen would fall asleep on the ride. He did get quiet but he didn't fall asleep. When they got to the airport Adri could have said goodbye when he was in the car seat and given him plenty of kisses but Jake took him out instead.

She gave Owen a kiss and rub and another kiss. She gave Jake a kiss and a hug. "I love you and I will call you when we land." She told him and handed Owen back.

She rubbed Owens back and gave him one more kiss. "We have a nanny. He doesn't have to go with you everywhere. She is qualified, she is well trained. She is easily the best and we are paying her whether we use her or not. You want to train and I know you want to train hard so use her." She told him and gave him another.

"We will talk soon. I love you."
Jake knew he didn't have to get him out but he figured it would be better for the both of them. Owen did seem to like her hugs. Jake kissed her back and hugged with one hand. "Okay." He told her to the call after they landed.

She had a good point and he would like a break. "I will probably call her in the car so I can train." He kissed her back again a bit longer.

"Okay baby. I love you. Have a safe trip. Kick butt out there. I'm glad you're back to work killing it like you do. Send pics." He gave her another quick kiss. " want a hug brother?" He chuckled shaking his head but said bye to Owen.

"Wave bye buddy. Tell mommy bye." Owen open and closed his hand. "Bye baby."
"Bye Boos." She smiled and waved at Owen.

She and Liam got through security when she got the call that Victoria's Secret wanted her now. It was almost last minute because her manager was trying to work it out but Victoria's Secret was her first job and she had to do whatever they wanted before she could do anything else. She couldn't do the music video but at least she was still working.

She sent Jake a text about the change of plans and that she and Liam were going to New York instead. She didn't have to come home because the flight was only two hours out so they could hang out in a lounge until it was time for them to leave. While they waited she sent some more emails to designers for the cabin and she looked at the candidates that her manager picked to be her assistant.
Jake got Owen strapped in and he fussed a bit but fell asleep on the drive home. He got him home and in bed with the monitor on.

He talked to Adri, "So I'm taking Owen to LA alone? Or should I leave him here." The plan was for him to meet her in LA but since she wasn't going he wasn't sure what the plans were. "How long will you be in NY? I can figure O out. Don't worry."

Once he hung up with Adri he called the nanny to watch Owen and he headed to the gym.
“I’m still going to LA. I’m just going to anew York first.” She told him. “Bring him. I’ll be there a few days. And then I will be in LA for a couple nights. You don’t have to come to LA if you don’t want too though.” She told him. “I know you want to focus on training.”

The days seemed to fly by once she got to New York. She was working everyday. She called Jake and Owen in The afternoons when she was eating lunch and they weee eating breakfast. After that she went to LA and for there a day before they did.

Liam went home to Vegas since Adri had Nick and his security for the few days and Liam wanted to move out of the pool house. Adri and Nick had a day to hang out before she had to work. They stayed in the house for the most part.

He had his chef whip them up some dinner and then they kicked back and posted some videos on Snapchat and instagram. He pulled his guitar out and they sang ‘Lights Down Low’ on insta gram and people wanted a full version so she set up the camera and they did a full version of the song just for fun.
"Oh okay. Sounds good. Baby I have to come to LA to meet with Nick and his director for the show. Your boys will be there. I'm bringing the nanny so if we want to go out with Nick." He told her.

Jake stayed busy training extra hard and long taking advantage of Adri being away but spending time with Owen as well. They always had dinner and their evenings just them.

He got packed and was soon on the way with Owen and Emma. Owen did amazing on the plane, napping. Jake woke him up when they landed. "Want to see mommy?"

Owen lit up and nodded. They got off the plane and Jake looked for Adri.
Adri and Nick went to the airport to pick up Jake and Owen. Paparazzi were all over them. Their video was number 1 on YoTube trending. Rumors were starting about Adri and Jake being in an open relationship. It was ridiculous but it was funny at the same time.

When they saw Jake and Owen, she called Owen’s name and he looked for her. When he saw her his night blue eyes light up and he screamed MaMa. She walked over to them and gave Jake a kiss and then took Owen from his arms and gave him a kiss.

Nick shook hands with jake and gave him a Bro hug. Adri said hello to Emma and asked how Owen was. The potassium weren’t allowed in the airport so they were safe for now. Once hake and Emma got their bags it was a mad dash to the SUV.
Jake smiled when Owen lit up seeing Adri. If it wasn't so crowded, he'd let him run to her but he was a bit nervous letting him do that just yet. He kissed Adri back. "I missed you." Owen was all smiles.

The guys made sure they got to the SUV okay and Jake got Owen strapped in. "It looked like you guys have had fun. Nice video. Rumor is you're stealing my girl Nick. Am I going to have to kick your ass in the cage?" He was kidding and even gave Adri a wink but wanted it to sound legit.

Owen started talking up a storm on the drive back to Nick's. "When do we have our meeting brother?" Jake asked Nick.

"Adge how has work been?"
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