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RP: CM: Workplace Relationships: (randomname and greenandgold)

JJ spent her time talking to the press, and then talking to each of the victims families. She sat down with all of the officer's families, and talked about what was going on in their lives recently, if there had been any new people they had met. Things like that. After talking to all five of the families and taking notes, she excused herself and walked into the room where everything was set up. A few minutes later, she started to rattle off the information she had gotten from the officer's wives and children. "Three out of our five victims were known in the area, they're lifers apparently."

"I got the same story from each of these three officer's wives. Their husband's had made friends with someone new in town. A guy who had moved to town about two weeks ago. They had a bunch of the same interests in common, and also... um.." JJ glanced down at her notes, and then she turned back to the others. "These officers were all former substance abusers. One got hooked on heroin while undercover on a case in Atlanta. Another was tortured and forced to take cocaine in between being beaten. The third officer was someone who was a long time user."

"Got hooked on drugs as a kid, and never kicked the habit. Just got better at hiding it over the years, even from his co-workers and family."
The BAU knew more than they did when they first landed. The profession and substance abuse was common. It was possibly they were looking for an unsub that dealt with an officer that abused substances. All officers were also fathers and around the same age. Could the unsub have transferred feelings of his own father onto these men? Could the unsubs’ father have been an alcoholic police officer? At the time, it felt like the best theory so far. Spencer jotted notes down but before he knew it, they needed time for a lunch break.

Even though crime never rested, they did not help anyone on an empty stomach. Deciding to use this time with JJ, Spencer walked over to where JJ was at one of the desks working away on the files. Spencer pulled up a seat beside of her with a soft smile.

“What’s going on?” He asked, genuinely curious in her work. After she could explain everything, Spencer revealed the real reason he was here.

“We’re all going out for lunch. We can talk about the case at the diner. Do you want to go with us?” Spencer asked, titling his head at JJ as he heard the rest of the team getting ready to go.
"Hey Spence, JJ said and smiled at him when he pulled up a chair to join her and sat down. His smile matched her own. "I'm just going through family histories that the families gave me. Lots of files talking about trouble on the job, substance abuse, followed by troubles at home, and issues among co-workers. It's a lot to go through." When he spoke again and invited her to join him and the others for lunch, the blonde nodded. "I'd like that. I should take a small break and give my eyes a rest." She put the files in order by family name and family member in each family.

Then she place the files she had read into a box, took out a marker and sticky pad and made a note with the red marker and taped it to one boxes, marking it read. The blonde did the same with the other box but labeled that one to read. Once that was done, the young woman checked her pocket and made sure she had her gun, badge and wallet and once she was assured that she had everything, got up and then left the station with Spencer and the rest of the team. "How are you doing?" JJ asked Spencer a moment later, as they all walked into the restaurant together.
Spencer idly watched as JJ packed away her things and prepared to leave for lunch. After she was ready to go, the male grabbed her hand. The team had already left so it allowed JJ and Spencer to ride in the SUV together. Of course, he decided to hold her hand while they drove. It felt nice having this contact again after a long day away. Spencer found himself truly enjoying their time spent together, valuing every second. As they arrived to the restaurant, the male looked into her blue eyes, kissing her before exiting the vehicle. As they walked out, Spencer laced their fingers together and listened to her talk.

“I’m doing alright. I have a few more crime scene shots to look over when we get back. I think we’re getting somewhere though.” The male answered as they entered and found the large table where they could all sit down. Of course, Spence pulled up a chair beside of his girlfriend and sat down to look at the menu. Everyone was having their own conversations with one another so Spencer placed his hand onto JJ’s leg for an affectionate touch. “Where are you staying tonight, JJ? I would love to be with you wherever that is.”
JJ smiled when Spencer reached out and grabbed her hand, and squeezed his hand tightly, as it held hers. They walked to the SUV together, and she slipped into the driver's seat and drove them to the restaurant. When they arrived, she was surprised but pleased when he kissed her cheek. A smile came to her lips at the action, and then the two of them exited the vehicle, and laced their fingers together once more. She remained silent and listened as he spoke, nodding at his words. "Yeah, I agree. It's just a little slow going. I feel like there's a pattern but I haven't put my finger on it yet."

Once they had both walked inside, they joined their friends and co-workers at the table and sat down together. As they both browsed the menus while the others talked, a smile came to her as she felt one of Spencer's hands move onto her leg and rest there. The blonde made a quick decision on what she was going to eat, and then closed her menu and set it down on the table. She turned to Spencer, the smile still on her lips. "Penelope and I bunking together. I doubt she'll mind the extra company, though. You're one of her favorite people, boy genius." The young woman said teasingly.
Shortly after JJ’s choice, Spencer placed his own order. When the blonde informed him of their bunking details, it brought a confused look to Spencer’s face. He wondered why they weren’t bunking together. He wanted privacy but that was apparently not an option. “Well, that’s good. Even if she did mind, I’d still be there.” Spencer pointed out with a soft chuckle. He was quickly growing into a more comfortable role as a boyfriend. Spencer just needed a little assistance to get going. Now that they were really getting into their relationship, Spencer felt much better about himself.

When the food arrived, the team still talked about the case for a bit but they mostly ocncnetrated on eating their food and using this time to just talk with one another without any interruptions. Besides, it was not often that was possible anyways. They were always on the run. In about an hour, the team had all finished their meals and decided that it was time to go back to the station. “I’d like to pay for your meal, if you don’t’ mind JJ.” Spencer hoped she liked the sweet gesture. Of course, they could rotate and split the bill but for now, Spencer thought it was a nice move to pay for JJ’s food.
JJ smiled at him. "Hotch thinks that it's best to keep the rooming arrangements as they usually are for now, to give the rest of the team time to get used to the idea of us being together," She explained to him and then fell silent once more. The food arrived a few minutes later, and then they all spent some time talking about the current case, before everyone drifted off into smaller conversations with each other as they all ate their lunches. "Thanks Spence, I'd like that.. She said softly when he offered to pay for her lunch. After lunch was paid for and any leftovers were boxed up, they left the restaurant and returned to the police station.

The next few hours were spent pouring over case files old and new and looking for any similarities, and things that might be useful to help catch this cop killer. Eventually, most of the others had trickled out of the station over the next few hours, leaving only Spencer, JJ and Penelope. She was surprised when there was the sound of footsteps approaching her and then the other blonde sat down beside her and began a hurried and whispered conversation, which consisted of Penelope saying that she had gotten Morgan to pick Reid's pocket and she had switched their rooms.

Which now meant that Spencer and JJ would be bunking together in what was originally her and Penelope's room. A blush covered her cheeks even as she thanked her friend and bid the other blonde goodnight. A few minutes later, she walked over to Spencer and reached out to take one of his hands into hers. "I think that we should call it a night and get some rest. Penelope was sneaky and moved your stuff out of your room and put them in mine and hers, and now she took your room, and you're with me.." A smile came to her lips after she spoke, even though her explanation was a little all over the place.
Even though Spencer disagreed with Agent Hotchner’s decision, the genius respected his authority. It was honestly none of anyone’s business that JJ and Spencer were dating. Why did it matter for the team to have time to adjust? It made no sense but it was not Spencer’s place to say anything about it. This job was important to him, after all. The last thing he wanted was to lose it. After the food arrived, Spencer enjoyed his meal with JJ. Lunch had ended so Spencer took his receipt and JJ’s receipt to the counter and paid for the two bills. Even though he did not anticipate to do this often, it was just a common courtesy from the gentleman when he started dating a nice woman. Plus, he cared deeply about JJ and this was just a small act of kindness. The next few hours were the same as the last few hours. Spencer stayed late just like he normally did, but it was much easier than ever before since jJ was with him.

When Penelope sat beside of JJ, Spencer had no idea what was going on until JJ called him over and took his hands. He had no idea where this was going until she started talking about calling it a night and getting some rest. It made the doctor chuckle when JJ admitted how Penelope moved their things around and how Derek picked his pocket and switched key cards. Perfect. He knew they could count on Derek and Penelope for sure. Even though they were close with all team members, Spencer felt a little closer to Derek than the others save for JJ.

“I understand. That’s perfect. I’ll make sure to thank them when we get a chance. Let me finish up this last case and we can leave.” Just like he said, Spencer finished reading through another useless case file before tossing it into a pile and getting up, grabbing JJ’s hand and walking out with her towards his car. “Is there anywhere you need to stop before we get to the hotel?”
JJ smiled at Spencer as they got into the SUV a few minutes later. "I don't need to stop anywhere," She assured him a moment later, as she slipped on her seat belt and buckled up, as she got comfortable in the passenger seat. "We'll definitely have to thank Derek and Penelope for their sneakiness, and let them know that it's much appreciated." The blonde closed her eyes and then relaxed in the seat as he drove. At one point, she reached out with one hand and carefully took one of his hands into hers, leaving his other one free to continue driving. "I'm glad we're doing this."

She said as he continued to drive them to the hotel. "With that said, what do you want to happen when we get back to our shared room?" The young woman didn't want him to feel pressured either way. Them being together and spending time together had to be something that both of them wanted, otherwise it wasn't going to work. JJ was completely relaxed as she enjoyed this time with Spencer during the drive. The smile remained on her lips and she had a feeling that it wasn't going to go away anytime soon, which was fine by her. The blonde was happy with him.
“I’m glad we’re doing this as well. When we get back to our room, I don’t mind what we do. I prefer to just let it play out. I know for a fact I intend to kiss you and cuddle. I’m hoping to get comfortable and take off my clothes. If it turns into something else, then I’ll be more than happy to do it. If it doesn’t, that’s cool too. We could use the rest.” Either option was pleasing for Spencer. He wondered if JJ cared either way. “What do you want, JJ?” He did not want her pressured either way as well. Obviously, he had a hope for what it turned into. In fact, he might have wanted it to turn into a love-making session but for now he just kept that to himself so she had the option as well.

Honestly, the male was happy either way but he figured sex was a great escape for them. Besides, it wasn’t just sex. They had this deep connection already so Spencer knew it meant something instead of just finding pleasure. Linking their fingers together, he flashed her a smile as they sat at a stoplight now while he waited for her answer.
JJ smiled at Spencer as they arrived at the hotel, exited the SUV, and headed for their new shared room a few moments later. "I don't know what I want, except that I want to be with you.
So, I think that we should just play it by ear. We each grab a shower, change into some comfortable clothes, maybe have a snack, and curl up together with a movie. And then like you said,
if something happens, great. But if it doesn't, I'm okay with that, too. Like I said before, there's no pressure here. All I really want right now is to keep spending time with you and getting to know you."

"If things between us pick up and become more serious, maybe I could even go with you to visit your mother, and we can check on her together. But if you don't want that, that's okay, too.
I don't want to intrude on any time that you have with her. I know that your mother means a lot to you.." The blonde said softly as she took out the room key, unlocked the door, and then
the two of them entered the room a few moments later. "If you don't mind, can I grab a shower first? And once I'm done, I'll make sure and put that snack and movie together for us."
Spencer felt a mutual agreement with JJ. It hardly mattered what the specifics of their night would lead towards. As long as they were together, Dr. Reid could not be unhappy. Playing it by ear was the best thing to do. The plan sounded excellent: shower, snack, and a movie before getting some rest (or possibly doing something that would relax them in a different way). The idea of her visiting his mother was great. Spencer hoped his mother could be lucid enough during the visit as she was always asking about him meeting a young woman yet. Spencer was happy to finally say that he had. “You won’t intrude, JJ. I would love for you to meet her.” It was true, Spencer did not think she would intrude on anything at all.

After they entered the room together, Spencer nodded towards JJ. “Yeah, go ahead and shower first. I don’t mind.” After JJ started her shower, Spencer prepared his own, gathering his towels and fresh clothing to change into once he was done, now just waiting for JJ to finish, he sat on the bed and killed some time, happy to be sharing this room with his girlfriend.
JJ made sure not to linger as she took her shower, as she wanted to get back to Spencer quickly. She made sure to wash her hair and body twice thoroughly, and then exited the shower
and made short work of slipping on some girl boxers and a short shirt, before she dried her hair and then exited the bathroom. "It's all yours, Spence." The blonde said with a smile as
she walked back into the hotel room a few minutes later. "What kind of snack would you like?" Her long blonde hair cascaded over both of her shoulders in waves, and continued down
her body.

A few moments later, the young woman crossed the room to where he was standing. She stood on her tiptoes, kissed him, then pulled back and winked at him. "The sooner you grab
that shower, the sooner we can get to our fun.." The young woman said and teased him. She walked over to what she had claimed as her bed, and sat down on it, as she waited for
him to head to the shower. Once he had, she got up and put their snack together, before putting on a scary movie. There was nothing like the classics, and Nightmare On Elm Street
was one of them.
Spencer passed time by reading his newest book about English literature while waiting for JJ to return from her shower. Time flew by and the next thing Spencer knew, JJ was returning to the room. Offering her a smile, the male marked the page he was reading and placed the book into his backpack. Thinking about the question regarding snacks, Spencer told JJ about his favorite chips. The kiss and teasing comment was the extra motivation that the doctor needed to get his butt in gear. Quickly, the male grabbed towels and a change of clothing to prepare for the shower.

Within minutes, the male had showered himself and redressed in a shirt, boxers, and pajama pants. He ensured that his body was thoroughly washed, as was his hair. He loved having fun with JJ, as she put it, so he wanted to make sure that he was appealing for her tonight. When he returned to the hotel room, he dropped his dirty clothes into a separate bag so he could wash them tomorrow. With a smile, he returned to the bed and glanced towards the television. “What kind of movie did you pick out?” The male questioned, moving to wrap an arm around her.
JJ smiled as Spencer joined her and wrapped an arm around her waist. "I settled for Nightmare On Elm Street. Even though we deal with serial killers and all kind of sadists in our job, sometimes I just like to be scared spitless, and this series of movies does that to me and for me. The old horror classics are my favorites. And every year when some bozo gets it in his
head to try and remake a classic, it's never as good as the original. So every Halloween if I'm home, I tend to turn on one of the classics. You know, It, Chucky, Freddy, things like that."

"Last year I watched It with a neighbor and her boyfriend scared the living daylights out of us when he came home from work early that night." The blonde laughed at the memory. "But
this year, I can curl up with you and have you to protect me when I get scared.." She said and chuckled this time. "You'd think I'd hate these kind of movies, but it's only once a year, so
I figure it's not such a bad thing to watch them." The young woman stopped talking a moment later, and patted the space on her bed beside her. Then she held out the bag of Spencer's favorite chips that she had managed to get from the breakfast room of the hotel.
Although Spencer was not socially inclined, he still knew some of the classic movies. If he had to choose a favorite genre, the man would choose horror films. So, this was perfect. It just so happened that the doctor enjoyed Nightmare on Elm Street. If JJ truly felt scared during the movie like she suggested, the dark-haired male would enjoy cuddling with her and “protecting” her in his arms. As cheesy and corny as it sounded, Spencer always fantasized about that specifically. Somehow, his arms would be the protective shield his girlfriend needed while watching a scary movie. Spencer believed this would work out better than his imagination anyways.

Finally, he joined JJ on the bed and took a chip from the bag. After swallowing the food, Spencer wrapped his right arm loosely around JJ’s neck, pulling her head down onto his chest. When she hit the play button, he settled in underneath the covers with the blonde and felt excited for what would happen. Spencer imagined JJ squeezing his arms and hugging him so hard that he could not breathe. He knew JJ did not scare easy but it appeared these movies worked on her. To be honest, Spencer was excited for this little movie date night in the hotel room. It was not fancy, but it did not have to be. He felt himself falling for this woman quickly already.
JJ smiled and relaxed once Spencer joined her on the bed. She reached out to grab the bag of chips, rolled it up and closed it, then set them aside on the bedside table. Once they were out
of the way, the blonde got comfortable in the bed and moved to sit back against the headboard, and tugged him along with her. A few moments later, she was leaning into him, where she rested her head against his chest and his arm was curled around her neck once more. But this time, she reached out and grabbed the blankets, and pulled them over their bodies, as they cuddled into each other and got comfortable.

A little while later, she jumped and then buried her face into Spencer's chest, as Freddy Krueger slashed into another character in the movie with his razor fingers. The sound of the dying characters screams filled the room for several minutes until said character finally died, and the movie continued. The blonde slowly lifted her head from his chest and peeked out at the
movie, relaxing a bit now that the gruesome killing scene was over with. "There's more than one reason I watch these kinds of movies," She said and reached out to grab the remote and pause the movie.

"While yes, I do like to be scared by the movies, it also helps to remind me why I do this job. Sure, it's just a series of movies and it's not real. But what is real, is that there are people out
in the world that want to hurt others, and I just wanted to have some small part in stopping those people from hurting others. I know, it's cheesy, but that's how I feel."
The way JJ clung to Spencer’s arms and chest during the scary parts of the movie made the young man’s heart melt. Each time she clung, Spencer only tightened his grip around his girlfriend. When she paused the movie, he listened closely and watched with careful eyes, wondering how JJ was thinking. The explanation brought a smile to his lips and he leaned down to nuzzle his nose against hers. It was admirable and not cheesy at all. Spencer felt the same way. He might not have associated that thinking with scary movies, but he wanted to help others as well. It was the main reason he took this job.

“I get what you’re saying. I guess we all have to feel that way, at least a little. We risk our lives every day for people we don’t know to keep them safe. I like having a say in stopping some evil in this world. I love seeing families and friends reunited when we rescue them in time. I relate with that, JJ. It’s not cheesy at all. It just makes me adore you that much more. I swear, it feels like you get more perfect each day.” This was not an exaggeration or attempt at flattery either. This was the truth and Spencer truly felt that strongly about JJ.

Finally, he leaned down to steal another kiss from her lips, sliding his fingers through her long hair. “Is that it? Do you want to talk more or do you want to get back with the movie?” the doctor asked, happy to talk more if she wanted or get back into the movie and cuddling. Each second that passed made him grateful for sharing a room with JJ. His night could have been much different than it was.
JJ smiled at Spencer's words and then kissed him back once he had finished speaking. A few moments later, she grabbed the remote and turned the tv off, before tossing the remote aside and turning her attention back on him. "I have a better idea." A smirk formed on her lips after she spoke, and within moments, she disappeared under the blankets, which she made quick work of his pants and boxers, and wrapped her lips around his cock, where she started to suck him off. Her hands squeezed and fondled his balls, as she somewhat tried to recreate their scene from the restaurant where she had sucked him off under the table.

She made a little humming noise in her throat as she worked her mouth up and down on his cock. The blonde swirled her tongue over the slit, and flicked it a few times, before continuing to work her mouth on him. She had a feeling that it wouldn't be long before she felt Spencer's fingers in her hair and him pulling on it just like he had in the restaurant. Hopefully he would know and be okay with them being rough with each other, as she really wanted him to fuck her mouth and then her. Her hands continued to squeeze his balls in the hopes of riling him up nice and good.
Honestly, Spencer had no idea where this night was heading. It was not until the blonde ducked underneath the covers when the male developed a strong idea and sense of awareness. When her lips first wrapped around the head of his girth, the agent moaned out lowly. Sensing that she wanted things rougher than before, Spencer started to thrust his hips forward, sliding his cock deeper into his girlfriend’s mouth. Since he was lying down, flat onto his back, the force he used was not as physical as it could have been in a different position. Still, he was easily able to pump his hips and fuck her mouth.

It felt like the tip was reaching further inside of her throat than ever before. A smile was spread on his face and his hands tangled in JJ’s hair just like she expected. He alternated times between tugging on the locks, yanking on her hair, and merely stroking it. This made his breathing rapidly deteriorate into a type of heaving. God, her mouth felt so good and so warm on his cock – it was not something he ever felt before. This was too good. Spencer continued to moan, his cock throbbing and pulsing inside of her mouth. “JJ, I’m so close… “He warned her as he reached his climax, bucking upwards one more time to fill her mouth with his hot, sticky seed just like before.
JJ had enjoyed it as Spencer pulled on her hair and shoved his crotch/cock into her face and as deep into her mouth/down her throat as possible. Maybe it was some kind of sadistic tendency showing up late in her life, but the blonde really enjoyed it when he took control and used her how he liked. As soon as he had come, she eagerly drank down his juices, and then moved out from under the blankets. The young woman ran a hand over her mouth and then moved up the bed to kiss him. She leaned into him and pressed her body eagerly against his. "Spence.." She moaned his name softly as they kissed.

"Condoms?" The blonde asked as she pushed the blankets away from both of them and then covered his body with her own. She wasted no time and eagerly pressed her clothed body against his partially naked one so that there was no mistaking what she wanted them to do now. The young woman reached down with one hand and slipped it between their bodies. From there, she quickly had her hand encircle his cock and began to stroke it, wanting to make him feel good again. Her mouth met his and they continued to kiss as her hand just kept stroking his cock.
After the kiss, Spencer heard JJ mention condoms. “Yeah, just look in my bag, side pocket.” The male called out lazily. He did not feel spent yet, but that orgasm sure as hell took a lot out of him. It only made him grin, though. He loved feeling JJ on his body and he loved how eager she was to play tonight. He assumed that they might be done after the blow job but Jj was still full of energy. When she returned with a condom and they started kissing again, Spencer reached on her hair and tugged again. Another moan left his lips as her hand stroked his cock. Then, the male decided to work on undoing the buttons of her work shirt.

If anything, he loved that JJ worked with the media because she wore these sexy dresses and skirts all the time. It drove him wild. So, he opened up the shirt as far as he needed to before slipping a hand inside to start groping her breasts. “You’re so hot.” He breathed out against her lips, a smile on his face as he now moved to push the shirt off her body, wanting to get her nude as well.
JJ pulled out of the kiss, nodded at Spencer's words, and then moved to get the condoms out of his bag. A few moments later, she returned to the bed, removed one from the pack, and tossed the pack down on the bed. A grin came to her lips when they resumed kissing and he tugged on her hair again. She heard his moan a few moments later as she stroked him. She
felt his hands as they left her hair and moved to undo her shirt. As soon as his hand slipped inside her shirt and groped her breast, the blonde moaned loudly and leaned into his touch.

The young woman grinned at his words and eagerly lifted her arms to make it easier for him to get her shirt off without any trouble. "You're pretty hot yourself," the blonde told him, and
she kissed his lips as he continued to remove her clothes from her body. She had no problem with anything that was happening between them and couldn't wait to get to the really good
stuff. Her lips moved from Spencer's, down to his neck and she began to kiss the skin there. Soft moans came from her as she enjoyed the feeling of him touching her all over her body.
The next few minutes followed a certain pattern. Spencer kissed JJ: her lips, her neck, her collarbone. After a few kisses, he would stop and work on undressing the blonde. Within about five minutes, he had pulled her panties down, removing them from her hips and tossing them onto the ground. “Are you feeling anything in particular tonight, JJ?” Spencer asked his girlfriend as he worked on removing his shirt as well. Since they had not had sex much together, he felt they were still learning about the other. So, if JJ wanted to do something in particular tonight, then he would relent.

There was only one way to find out, and that was asking. While waiting for JJ to respond, he returned to kissing her and then undressing himself. When his hands were not removing his own clothing, they were roaming her body, touching her breasts and ass, and rubbing over her soft skin. Soon enough, the doctor had stripped himself nude. He used this time to remove the condom from the pack and quickly roll it onto his manhood so they were ready for the fun to begin tonight. Again, he started to kiss her neck, moving down the flesh slowly, grazing it with his teeth.
JJ loved the feel of Spencer's lips all over her body. She laughed softly when he kissed her neck and collarbone, finding that she felt ticklish when he kissed those areas. "For tonight, I was hoping that we could do both anal and regular. What do you think?" The blonde asked him, with a smile on her lips as she watched him undress and set his clothes aside. She loved seeing
her boyfriend naked. He was very sexy, and she was lucky that he felt about her, the same way she felt about him. Not just where it came to their looks, but when it also came to their feelings.

Once they were both naked and he resumed touching her body, she moaned softly and moved into his touch. "Thank you, Spence. For taking a chance on me. I know that you haven't had much luck with women in the past, but I want that to change. I love you, and I want to be with you for a long time. You're more than just my teammate. You're my best friend, and my boyfriend.." She said the words softly, and then continued to moan each time he moved and kissed a different part of her body. "You're the best thing to ever happen to me," The blonde
told him.
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