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RP: CM: Workplace Relationships: (randomname and greenandgold)

Dec 22, 2014
United States
It was a cloudy Sunday morning in October for Quantico, Virginia. Around seven in the morning, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid woke from his slumber. Today was special because it marked his first date with Jennifer Jareau. Now, they might work on the same team but JJ was only their media liaison. Besides, the FBI was surprisingly lax with rules about dating co-workers. After consuming a light breakfast, the Doctor showered and shaved. His hair was longer and almost ragged looking so he combed it to a more peaceful state while still capturing the wild aura of his long, unruly hair.

The male dressed in a pair of nice blue jeans, a Washington Redskins Kirk Cousins jersey with a long-sleeved Washington Redskins undershirt underneath the jersey. Why was he wearing this to a date? Well, before their dinner in the afternoon, the pair were attending a football game. They both liked the Washington Redskins. Today, the Redskins had a home game against their division rival the Philadelphia Eagles. It was a perfect connection for the two individuals. At first glance, the handsome and dorky Spencer Reid might not look like a sports fanatic: but he was.

In fact, the only reason he owned a television set was to watch games and sports talk shows. It was truly one of the few contemporary aspects of life that he enjoyed. Sharing this with JJ was incredible. The male did not always feel comfortable around women: especially beautiful women, but being in such an atmosphere eased his anxiety. The game was a 1:00 game in the afternoon. They had to make the drive from Quantico and into Landover, Maryland. Getting to the stadium early was necessary to explore different things they had around FedEx Field along with finding their seats easily.

Once Spencer was dressed and ready to go, he exhaled deeply and exited his apartment. He drove his car from his apartment to JJ’s. He was surprised that JJ even agreed to go with him honestly. She was way out of his league yet Gideon somehow managed to convince Spencer to ask her. He would have never known that she was a fellow Redskins fan. Spencer pulled into the parking lot of her apartment about ten minutes before their designated time. He was always punctual. From there, he entered into the building and found her room number. After readying himself, Spencer knocked on the door and waited for JJ to answer.
She woke to a dark morning. Her alarm went off at 8 am, which let her know that she had half an hour to eat breakfast and then get going to the gym, before she was due to meet with Spencer for their first date. A smile came over her face as she thought about Spencer. He was a sweet, special man. They hadn't known each other for very long, but what she was learning about him, she really liked. Jennifer Jareau was the media liaison for the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit, where Supervisory Special Agent Dr. Spencer Reid.. or Spence, as she liked to call
him, worked.

Spencer's intelligence was through the roof, and one of his best qualities. His memory was just as sharp as his intelligence. But the thing that stuck out the most to her, was his kindness
and how quiet he usually was. When it came to the other members of their team, he could be a little closed off, and that was something Jennifer hoped to change for him. After a quick breakfast which consisted of cereal and a banana, she headed off to the gym for her usual morning exercise, and once that was done, returned home to her apartment to shower and get
ready for her date with Spencer.

They were going to a Redskins game, her favorite team. The blonde slipped into the shower and cleaned up, before slipping on a bra and her underwear, followed by a white tank top, a
team jersey, some jeans and her favorite shoes. The young woman ran a brush through her long blonde hair, and checked it in the mirror once, smiling as she took in her outfit, her blue
eyes twinkling with happiness. JJ pulled her hair up into a ponytail, grabbed her house keys and then exited her bedroom, smiling when she heard the knock on her door a moment later.

She walked over to the door, peeked through the peephole, and then unlocked it and smiled at the sight of him. "Hey Spence, you look great.." JJ said and then she stood on her tiptoes
and pressed a kiss to one of his cheeks. "Let me just lock up and then we'll be ready to go." After speaking, she turned around and pulled her keys from her purse, locking the door to
her apartment and then following him as he led her out of her apartment building and to his car.
The sight of JJ left Spencer breathless. Wow. Even while dressed in something so simple, the woman looked outstanding. A light blush spread to his face when her lips contacted his cheek. “Thank you, JJ. You look incredible yourself.” Spencer replied genuinely, his mouth nearly gaping at her beauty. The agent waited until JJ had locked her apartment. When she turned to follow him, Spencer led the way. His kindness showed because he held every door open for JJ, even the door to the passenger seat of his car. He could not help but steal a few glances at JJ’s backside because those jeans she was wearing really took Spencer’s breath away.

Before long, he joined the blonde inside the car. He turned the key into the ignition and they were on the move. “I’m so excited about today, honestly. I am happy to have the most beautiful date at the game today.” Spencer added, hoping to flirt with her. Besides, he did want something permanent with JJ. This was not done just for shits and giggles. No. Spencer truly wanted to make something with this woman. She was beautiful, kind, intelligent… and so far, Spencer found her to be flawless. How could one woman be so beautiful? It hardly seemed fair.

While they were driving towards D.C. and then towards Landover, Maryland, Spencer did not rush the trip. They had plenty of time and he simply wanted to enjoy today. “You really do look beautiful, by the way. I love seeing your smile.” Spencer commented, grinning towards JJ. “Feel free to play with the radio. My music taste is diverse. I like almost anything.” Whenever possible, Spencer did steal a glance at JJ. It was almost like he needed to continue checking if this was real or not. It seemed too good to be true.

When Spencer first saw JJ at work, he nearly passed out. She was wearing a tight skirt and it made Spencer think about quite un-gentlemanlike thoughts. He had never had much confidence with women but he hoped it could be different with JJ. The last thing he wanted was to blow this chance. Today, they could attend the game, have a dinner, and hopefully get to know each other. If that happened, then Spencer figured they were on the right path. He hoped to start a relationship with her as he knew it would not impact their jobs negatively. It would make them better if anything.
JJ was all smiles, loving how much of a gentleman Spencer was. Thanking him each time he held a door open for her. Most men didn't do that anymore, so it was nice to see that he was one of the few men who still did. "Thanks Spence," The blonde said softly, once she was seated in his car. Before long, they were both seated and buckled up and Spencer started to drive. His words had her smiling once more. "You're flirting," The young woman said softly, reaching out to playfully ruffle his hair. "I couldn't wait for today, either. I'm excited at the chance to spend time with you outside of work, and keep getting to know you."

The trip to Landover was a nice one. They chatted about their friends, about their families, and just different things they liked to do. JJ was having a good time, and there was no pressure, which was a good thing. "Thanks Spence," She said again, when he complimented her. "You clean up really nice, too." As soon as he mentioned her smile, the blonde couldn't help it when
she felt one break out across her face again. "I'll do that," She said, when he told her that she could play with the radio. Reaching over and turning the knob a few times until the soft sounds of jazz came through the speakers.

"Everything okay?" She asked, noticing that he glanced at her off and on, shifting his focus between her and the road. JJ wasn't worried about his driving, but she was concerned that something might be wrong.
Well, Spencer never took JJ for a jazz girl. That was interesting to learn and it made him blush a shade of red when she ruffled his hair. The male had always been unsure about physical contact but it was wanted with JJ after the earlier kiss and the feeling of her hand threading through his locks. When she asked if something was wrong, Spencer figured there was no hiding it. “Everything is great, I promise. I’m just going to be honest with you. I don’t thrive in these situation. I’m just amazed that I am with the most beautiful woman I have ever seen on a date. It is overwhelming: in a good way.”

This was partly flirtation and partly an attempt just to see JJ smile. Regardless of the motivation, it was genuine. Spencer truly thought the world of JJ. “It’s not just your looks, either. During our time together at work I see how kind you are and how intelligent you are. I just find myself attracted to you on every level and I’m happy to get the chance to deepen that knowledge about you.” Spencer added on as they were stopped at a light so he used the chance to turn and look at her, flashing a smile her way.

After admitting this to JJ, he turned back to look at the road while he was driving. “So, how many games have you been to before?” Spencer asked, deciding to start their conversations off with something simple.
JJ nodded when Spencer said that everything was fine. "You're cute when you turn that nice shade of red when you blush.." She said, teasing him gently. The teasing wasn't mean spirited. Just fun natured teasing between new friends. "With the kind of compliments that you've been giving me, with how much of a sweet guy you are, how much of a gentleman you are, and
how cute you are, I can't understand why you don't have a long line of women banging down your door. They're apparently blind to what a catch you are." Another smile was on her lips at his words.

"If at any time you feel uncomfortable or change your mind, all you have to do is let me know and we'll call it off. There's no hard feelings," The blonde said, and reached out a hand to gently squeeze one of his arms, as he drove. The action wasn't enough to jerk his hands or arms and risk anything with the wheel. She nodded at his words once more, thanking him for his kind words. "You know, you really should smile more often. You're handsome period, but when you smile, it really brings out your eyes and makes you even more handsome, and seem relaxed."

As Spencer turned back to the road, JJ answered his question. "I've been to quite a few since I moved to DC. I try to go to at least one or two every month when things aren't too hectic at the BAU. Sometimes I can, and sometimes I can't. But it doesn't matter. I still cheer the team on the next time I take in a game. How about you? I was surprised but happy when you asked me for a date and I learned that you are a Redskins fan, too. Do you go to games often?"
“I don’t know how the rest of today will go but I can promise you one thing: I will not ask to call this off. This is truly a dream come true for me.” Spencer promised JJ with a smile. Now she was dishing out compliments and it made him continue blushing like crazy. If she liked it though, then he did not mind. Plus, he never thought his smile was that attractive. He never had many reasons to smile anyways: that seemed to change with JJ. He was happy to learn she went to games often. Perhaps if this date went well, they could attend many more games in the future. She asked him about his experience at games and he blushed slightly.

“Honestly, I have never been to a professional football game before. As much as I love the team, I just have never thrived in social situations. I’ve never been that close to tens of thousands of people at once. I always wanted to go see a game but I never had anyone that wanted to go with me. I would never go by myself: I would feel too anxious and nervous. I don’t like crowds but I think I can make an exception today.”

Yes, Spencer could certainly get over that fear today. “So, I hope you don’t mind giving me a tour and showing me different things to do before the game starts. I hear the hot dogs are really good though. Even if we have our dinner date afterwards, I think it would be only reasonable to get something at the Field, too.” Spencer added with a shrug of his shoulders. So far, JJ had been bold with him: all the kisses and touching. Spencer did not want her to think he disliked it so he decided to have a bold act all on his own. Reaching down, he laced his hand with JJ’s and held it while he drove, waiting to see if she did not like it or if she was fine with it.
A little while later they got to the field. JJ wasted no time pointing things out and showing Spencer around. Giving a little bit of background on her favorite players on the team as they continued to walk. The had separated from each other to get out of the car, but once they were back side by side, she didn't hesitate to take one of his hands into hers once more as
they walked around. "You don't need to be anxious or nervous when we're in the stands in our seats, surrounded by the many other fans. If you start to feel like it's too much, let me
know and I'll go over some relaxation techniques that I know."

"It might help you to better cope with being around so many people. Don't be afraid to talk to me, okay?" An easy smile was on her lips as she talked, just happy to spend some time
together with Spencer outside of a work setting. She hoped that he would enjoy his first game in person, and that maybe they could go to more games together in the future. When it
got closer to starting time for the game, they went and got some hot dogs and drinks, and then found their seats and settled in for the game. As the game started and excitement rose,
JJ was not afraid to jump up and cheer loudly when the Redskins got a touchdown.

She also wasn't afraid to jump up and yell at the ref if she thought that he made a bad call, or boo at the other team. It was all in good fun. Though a few times JJ caught Spencer staring
at her, so she sat down and gave him an embarrassed smile. "Sorry. I get kinda get caught up in the excitement of the game sometimes.." The blonde said and reached out for his hand
once more, taking it back into her own. A happy smile returned to her lips as she enjoyed the rest of the game with Spencer. She was happy that they had decided to do this together.
When they arrived at the football field, Spencer paid attention. Being a diehard fan, he read about everything online that was located at the field but he had never seen it in person. It was glorious. Happily holding her hand, Spencer told her all about his favorite players and favorite Washington Redskins football memories he had seen throughout his life. “Thank you for helping me relax, JJ. I think I will be fine once I get into the game. When the human body gets their adrenaline rushing, it makes the body feel much more capable of handling high stress situations: that’s our fight or flight response that also helps us perform under pressure. In this case…” The doctor suddenly stopped.

One attribute that he hated about himself was his rambling. There had been many times where a team member had to tell Spencer to stop talking because he would go off on a tangent. Not that Spencer meant to, but his knowledge was just so broad and he enjoyed talking about certain things. Plus, he talked much faster and more nonsensical when he was feeling nervous. Honestly, the biggest cause of his anxiety now was not the crowd: but fear of messing up with JJ was the cause. “I am sorry. I ramble a lot. Sorry.” He muttered quietly, a tint of red flaring to his cheeks again. “Thank you. I will talk to you often. You have a beautiful smile by the way.”

When they ordered hot dogs and drinks, Spencer gladly ordered a couple hotdogs and some lemonade for the game. The male enjoyed the food and enjoyed the game. He cheered with JJ but was not nearly as loud and vocal. It was cute. They both had the same desire and passion for this team and that was incredible. “Don’t be sorry. I really like this. I think it’s hot.” Spencer admitted with a chuckle. When there was a TV commercial and nothing was going on, he looked onto the screen. There was a kiss cam going around and it suddenly landed on himself and JJ. He turned to JJ with wide eyes. However, he took the risk and decided to grab both of her hands before leaning down and slowly pressing his lips against JJ’s, hoping that she did not grow upset because of him kissing her lips.
"I have an idea," JJ said kindly, noticing how Spencer had cut himself off when he started to ramble a little. "Any time that you get nervous or embarrassed, all you have to do is squeeze my hand, and focus on me. I'll help you relax again, and then you can continue to enjoy the game. How does that sound?" She waited a few moments before speaking again. "Your intelligence
is one of the best things about you. I like that you know so much about so many different things. There's nothing wrong with sharing that information, but I do have a suggestion. Sometimes when you really get into what you're saying, you speak so quickly that it's difficult for others to understand you."

"I know that you're excited and there's nothing wrong with that. My suggestion is to take a breath, or a few breaths, and then resume talking about whatever you were saying before. This way it'll calm you a little, and you'll speak at a normal pace once more, and other people will understand what you're saying, okay? I hope that I haven't hurt your feelings by saying this.
As for the rambling, it doesn't bother me." She smiled at his next words. "Good, because I don't ever want you to feel uncomfortable around me." A small blush of her own came over her cheeks when he said that she had a beautiful smile.

"Thanks," She said softly. They ordered hot dogs and drinks, and after possibly embarrassing herself by her loud cheering and booing when she got carried away, sat back down beside Spencer. "I tend to get carried away sometimes," The blonde admitted and shrugged. When there was a break in the game, she started scanning the field around them, noticing a kiss
cam and was about to point it out to Spencer. A laugh left her lips when the kiss cam landed on her and Spencer. They both stared at each other in surprise for a few moments, before
he took both of her hands and kissed her.

They remained locked together in the kiss for several moments, and as they were kissing, she cupped his face in her hands. Eventually, JJ pulled back from the kiss and smiled at Spencer.
She glanced at the kiss cam to see it replaying their kiss over and over, and laughed softly, before leaning into his side and just relaxing against him.
Although Spencer appreciated JJ offering him advice, it made him feel weak. This was a grown man being given advice and lessons on how to speak properly. It was embarrassing to him but JJ did not seem to mind all that much. He appreciated that and was thankful for how genuine she was trying to help him. Could a woman be more perfect than this? The agent highly doubted it. He could only imagine what it would be like if they were truly in a relationship together. This date seemed to have gone well so far but he hoped it would only continue.

After the kiss during the cam ended, he saw that it bounced to a different area of the stadium. His breathing was ragged despite the short duration of the kiss. His lips felt like they were on fire as did every part of his body: especially his crotch. He could not look away from JJ’s eyes when she cuddled into him as one of his arms wrapped around her neck. The kiss left Spencer speechless with a huge grin on his face and a blush on his cheeks. That was better than he had ever imagined it: kissing JJ was something he thought about often.

“Wow. That was… amazing. I was worried you would be upset that I kissed you.” Spencer admitted bashfully. “I… I enjoyed that but I don’t want to only kiss you when we’re on a kiss cam. I hope we can arrange for that to happen often.” He added with a little sweet sound in his voice. As the game continued, it was soon halftime. He took the piece of her hotdog that she had not eaten yet and decided to hold it to her lips so she could eat from his hand as it just seemed like another romantic thing to do.

On the field, the cheerleaders were doing a stunt but he could not take his eyes of JJ because she was more beautiful than any cheerleader he had seen. “I am having so much fun right now.” He whispered as he fed her until she finished and the game returned to action in the second half. He continued to cheer right alongside JJ as the game ended with the Redskins winning on a last second field goal.
"Well, you don't have to be worried anymore. I have no problem with you kissing me. For the kiss cam, or for any other reasons." She said easily, and reached out to playfully tug on a strand of his long hair, before pushing it out of his face and behind his ear. She had noticed the effect their kiss had on him, but decided to not mention it, since she didn't want to possibly embarrass him. When he lifted the remaining piece of her hot dog to her lips, she carefully bit into it, making sure not to bite him on accident. The blonde chewed and swallowed the bite, took a sip of her lemonade, and then turned back to Spencer happily.

"I had a great time," JJ said smiling, as they sat there in their seats once the game had ended, letting the others in the stadium trickle out while they just remained relaxed in their seats. "Thank you for inviting me to the game with you." Once everyone else had finished clearing out the stadium, the two of them got up from their seats and headed for Spencer's car. She
waited as he unlocked it, and opened the door for her, thanking him again and then getting into the car and buckling up. "So, how did you like taking in your first Redskins game in person?"
Upon hearing JJ confirm that he could kiss her whenever he wanted, a smile grew on Spencer’s face. He was so happy that she said this. “And thank you for coming with me. I was so excited when you agreed to join me.” He responded while in the stadium. From there, he walked out to his car with her right by his side, lightly holding onto her hand while they walked. He held the doors open for her and soon climbed into the driver’s seat as well. As he looked towards her eyes when she asked how his first game was, Spencer could only answer with one action. He could not use words right now but he could use action. Instead of speaking, he leaned over the console and grabbed one of her hands, pressing a sweet kiss onto her lips.

During the kiss, his long, ruffled hair brushed against JJ’s cheeks as it fell over his head. He let out a soft noise of happiness into her mouth as they continued kissing. Spencer only pulled back after a few minutes, squeezing her hand. “I had the best time of my life. It’s all thanks to you, JJ. Thank you. Now, what would you like us to do? I know we did eat here at the stadium. Do you just want to go somewhere for now until later in the evening when we can have dinner? If so, where would you like to go?”
JJ was all smiles as she listened to Spencer speak. Once she thought that he was done speaking she said, "How about we go and see a movie? Are there any out you've been wanting
to see?" The young woman pushed her blonde hair out of her face as she relaxed back into the passenger seat of his car. An easy smile remained on her lips as she watched him drive. Everything about their time together so far was nice. They had had a nice time talking before the game, then they had enjoyed their first game together, and now they were about to
do something else together, once they decided what that was.

"Or, if you don't feel like putting up with another crowd, maybe we could go back to your place and just hang out and relax for a few hours before dinner? There's no pressure on either of these things. They're just a few suggestions. I'm open to hearing any ideas that you might have in mind for us to do together. And don't be shy about suggesting anything. The worst that could happen is that you could suggest something I have no idea about, and I'd either ask you to explain what it was, or I'd ask you to suggest that we do something else. So, what would
you like to do?"
After some thinking, Spencer made his decision. “I think I’d like for us to return to my place until dinner.” After waiting for the blonde to either confirm or deny his suggestion, Spencer turned his car on the proper streets. He lived in an apartment. It was nothing special. On the off chance that JJ might come to his place, he did spend time cleaning. The only real mess in his apartment now was his desk with papers thrown everywhere. The male did not even own a computer but he did have a TV just for sports. Once they entered, he held the door open for her and turned the lights on. More than anything, he had tons of books. Most books were about science or math or something educational while a fair share of his books were about sports as well – but he had nothing that was fiction.

“Make yourself at home, JJ. Feel free to look around. I know it’s not much. I know I’m not really up on all the modern day styles but I hope you can enjoy it for the time being.” He chuckled softly, hanging up his jacket for now as he slowly pulled off his jersey, revealing the shirt underneath it while waiting for JJ to just look around.
"Can I make a suggestion?" JJ asked as she walked around Spencer's apartment, taking in the place, and marveling at just how many books he owned. She had always known that he was a big reader, and this just confirmed what she knew. The blonde gently ran the finger of one of her hands, down several spines of the books on a row on one of his bookshelves. She turned around and looked at him as she spoke. "While your place is wonderful, it doesn't really show who you are, Spence. It just shows your intelligence. But you're much more than that."

The blonde looked around, getting a few ideas. "I know how much you love your mother, so maybe you should put out some pictures of her, and of the two of you together. Not to upset you, but just to remind yourself that you guys have had some good times together. The same goes for the team. I know that we all don't always get along, but I know that we all consider each other family. I'm pretty sure that Penelope can get some team pictures for us, if it was made known that you were interested. And what about brightening up the place a bit?" She asked him
a moment later.

JJ walked over to the curtains and pulled them open, letting some light into the living room. "Obviously you don't have to do any of this as it's just a suggestion. But I'm hoping that you'll at least give my words some consideration. I'm not trying to boss you around or anything, I just think it might make you a little happier. I know that it's hard not being able to see your mother as much as you'd like, but maybe seeing pictures of her, or of the two of you happy together, will help you get through each day." The young woman said and then gave him a small smile.

"At my place, I put out some pictures of my sister Rosaline, and of us together when we were kids. Sometimes after a really hard case, I find myself focusing on them and some of the happy memories that she and I shared together when we were kids," The blonde said softly. She chuckled softly, dropped the subject, and then resumed walking around the apartment. "If you really liked going to the Redskins game, then the next time we go to one, we'll get some pendant's and hang them up around here, if you're okay with that.." She said, and walked back over to Spencer and smiled at him.
“Sure. Suggest away!” Spencer responded as he watched JJ walk around his apartment and touch his books. She said that his place did not show who he was. He was more than just his intelligence and that alone made the male blush softly. It was nice to hear JJ say that and he was interested in what ideas she had. It was not like Spencer had skill in decorating rooms or anything. He had no creative ideas on how to make his apartment look more like him so he was willing to hear anything JJ wanted. She talked about his mother and having pictures that showed good times together. The same concept applied to the team. They were family and Spencer actually liked that idea more than he thought he would. Usually seeing or thinking about his mother got him depressed as he tried to help her battle her disease but there were so many good pictures that reminded him of happy times in a photo album.

The male smiled at JJ in return and did not think she was being bossy at all. In fact, he loved the ideas. Spencer appreciated her telling him about Rosaline. She already explained who she was and what happened to her. The way she spoke about the next time they went to a game, they would bring something back from the game for Spencer to use in his apartment. The way she spoke about it was so strong and matter of fact as if they were definitely going to another game together. It made Spencer happy that JJ enjoyed time with him that much. The male would love to shop for decoration on his walls with JJ at their next game together. Hopefully, it was sometime this season.

“JJ, thank you for your suggestions. I know I don’t have to do them but I think I will use them all. I have many pictures of my mother. I bet I can get plenty of pictures for the team as well. I also agree with your idea on some Redskins gear to spice up the apartment. I have another idea, too.” He started and then paused, hoping she would be open to the idea. “How about a picture of us? I… I really like you and I enjoyed today. I don’t have a smartphone or anything like that. Could we take a picture and can you help me do whatever it is electronically where I could hang it up in my apartment?” Spencer asked, hoping she would not mind a picture of just them together as that was his most desired decoration right now.
JJ smiled when Spencer asked if they could take a picture together and hang it up in his apartment. "I'll do you one better, though it'll require us to make a few trips through town. Since my cell phone is a smartphone, I can take pictures with it. I already have my phone synced to my laptop at my place, so I can take the picture of us here and then we can go to my place and I can upload it from my phone, to my computer, then to a flash drive, and we can take it to a store and print the picture out, and then come back here and put it up wherever you like. We can even take more than one picture if you want."

She pulled her cell phone out of her pocket a few moments later, fiddled with it for several moments until it was ready to take some pictures. Then the blonde walked over to Spencer and kissed him, taking her time, enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers, using her hand with the cell phone in it, to snap a picture of them kissing. The young woman set her phone down
on a nearby table a moment later, and continued to kiss him. "More pictures after," JJ whispered against Spencer's lips. She wasn't sure what would or should be the stopping point, but
right now, didn't care.

The blonde kept the kiss going, and moved towards the couch backwards, falling onto it on her back, with Spencer hovering over her. They separated once she had landed on the couch
and their eyes remained locked together, and a smile came over her lips, as she reached out a hand to him. "Spence? Are you okay with us doing this? We don't have to if it makes you uncomfortable." She could see his pupils dilated with arousal, which she was sure matched her own.
Spencer was like a little kid on Christmas when JJ told him that she could take a picture of them and help him hang it up in his apartment. Even though he was young and a genius, his intelligence did not span to electronics. Spencer was very old-fashioned. “I think that sounds like a great idea. I’d love to take as many pictures as you want.” Spencer admitted though he was pulled from his thoughts when JJ kissed him. After she took a picture of them kissing, he was more than eager to kiss her as well. He had no idea what the stopping point would be either. It was not like he had much experience with this.

He tripped over JJ and fell onto the touch as well and continued to kiss her. His eyes were lidded with arousal as well. “I am okay with this. Are you? I love kissing you. I don’t think I could ever get tired of this.” He admitted with a soft grin on his face. After saying that, Spencer wrapped his arms tightly around the blonde’s waist so their bodies could become closer while they kissed. Neer di dhe think that JJ would want a hot, make-out session with him. This was better than any fantasy he had about her: there were plenty.

The smile continued growing on his face and Spencer could not contain his happiness. One hand of his was wandering lower onto her back, resting on her ass as the other hand gently crawled up her back. Moans left his lips again as he grinned at her during the kiss. “Sorry…” he whispered after a moan. “I… I can’t help myself. I just really like kissing you.” The doctor admitted with a shy smile as he pulled back, just to look into JJ’s eyes. “I wouldn’t mind if this was how we passed the time until dinner.” Spencer added, loving the idea of kissing JJ and holding her in his arms.
"Spence," JJ said softly. "I didn't just mean the kissing. I was asking if you wanted us to do more than that, just keep kissing, or stop altogether.." She said gently, explaining what she had meant so that he would hopefully follow her train of thought and realize that she was talking about them having sex together. The blonde didn't want to embarrass him and she also didn't want to come on too strong, either. She relaxed her body against his, loving the feel of his arms wrapped around her. A chuckle left her when she felt his hand move to rest on her ass.

"You don't have to be shy," She told him and smiled. "I don't have a problem with you touching me. And if I did, I'd have no problem telling you so." The sound of his moans made a little shiver of pleasure run through her body. "No need for apologies, I'm not complaining." The blonde said, when he apologized to her. "I like kissing you, too." JJ whispered, looking back into
his eyes as he looked into hers. "Neither would I," She said when he mentioned them passing the time by continuing to kiss until dinner. "Maybe we can even get to know each other a little better," She said and flirted with him.
It was a little embarrassing when Spencer realized what JJ was asking. Again, it showed how inexperienced the male was. “Oh, I am sorry, JJ. I’ve never been good at this. I’ve never had many experiences.” Spencer admitted, hoping that JJ would not find this unattractive. Reid did know that a woman loved it when their man knew how to please them. Unfortunately, Reid was afraid that he would screw up. When or if they had sex, what if he did not know how to make JJ feel good? Would she be patient enough to let him learn? Or would she just want to stop? That was his biggest worry though he tried to quell those negative voices in his mind.

Since she said there was no problem with him touching her and they could get to know each other a little better, he had an idea. “Alright. Let’s do this.” Spencer nodded his head. “Let’s just keep kissing and touching. We can see where it leads us.” Maybe if they went with what was natural, he could just let things flow freely and not worry about his next move. His hands went down to the hem of JJ’s shirt and he started tugging upwards. He did not ask permission. Instead, he started raising her shirt. If JJ did not want this, he knew that she would tell him. Maybe this did not exactly mean he wanted to fuck her right now, but it meant he wanted to explore her body – it included seeing her body as well.
JJ wasted no time raising her arms above her head so that Spencer could remove her shirt. A smile was on her lips and once he had taken off her shirt and tossed it aside, she leaned in and slowly kissed his lips. "You doing okay?" The blonde asked as she reached out with one hand and cupped his cheek gently. "We don't have to do anything that you're not comfortable with," She assured him. "There's no expectations, except that we kiss a lot. And there's no pressure about anything. I just want you to feel relaxed with me, okay? Anytime you're not comfortable, just say so."

"I want to make you happy," She said, and then kissed him again, kissing him several more times after speaking. "If you're nervous, you don't need to be. All we're doing right now, is having you touch my body and me kissing you. We don't have to do anything more until or if you're ready. I'm happy just to be here with you, kissing you and spending time with you." Her hand that cupped his cheek, remained there and the smile on her lips grew wider. "We'll go as slowly as you want or need. All you have to do is tell me what you want us to do and we're going to do it."
“Yes, I am alright. I know we don’t have to do anything I’m not comfortable with. I don’t feel any pressure. Let me know if you are uncomfortable as well. I don’t want you to feel pressured either.” Reid appreciated that JJ wanted to take it slow for him. Conversely, Spencer did not want to do anything that JJ did not like either. Plus, he did not want to go too slowly for JJ. “You will always make me happy. I understand.” Reid whispered quietly while looking deep into her gorgeous eyes. The only thing he did not like now was how JJ kept talking and wouldn’t be quiet so Spencer decided he would just lean down and tell her to be quiet with his lips.

During the kiss, Reid boldly moved his hands onto her breasts and squeezed onto the flesh firmly. The male moaned out quietly into her mouth, sliding his tongue inside as well. Spencer did what came natural to him as he squeezed the flesh of her breasts, digging his palms into her bra. Spencer paid close attention, kissing her passionately and paying attention to if she moaned or how she reacted to the kiss at all. There was nothing more that he wanted than to make her happy. Things were going great so far and Spencer was gaining more confidence so he pinned JJ’s tongue down underneath his own to try and take control.
A chuckle left her lips when Spencer dipped his head to kiss her lips. She could tell by his body language that he wanted her to stop talking, and the blonde was happy to do so when he started to kiss her again. JJ moaned into the kiss when she felt his hands move to her breasts and squeeze them firmly. The sound of his moans mixing with her own moans was hot. As
soon as he slipped his tongue into her mouth, she wasted no time flicking her own tongue against his, before sucking on his tongue a moment later. Her moans grew louder the more he squeezed her breasts.

Her eyes were locked on his and after enjoying the feeling of their kisses and the feeling of Spencer's hands on her breasts, she made it known that it was okay for him to do more. The
blonde took his hands into her own, moving them from her breasts and to her back so that he could unsnap her bra. She was happy to let him take control when he pinned her tongue underneath his own as they continued to kiss. His hands on her body caused a shiver of pleasure to go down her spine, and JJ couldn't wait to do more with him.
Spencer’s confidence built rapidly. He wrapped his hands around JJ’s back and unclasped the straps of her bra. When the material fell from her breasts, Spencer explored further. Pulling back from kissing her lips, Spencer wrapped his lips around JJ’s nipples. The male was not exactly experienced, but he was not clueless. With his teeth nipping into her areola, Spencer acted natural, and that natural desire led him to suck on JJ’s nipple. His left hand cupped JJ’s opposite breast so he was still giving attention to both. Watching her nipples harden was arousing for Spencer and he was starting to think they might do more than just touch.

After the doctor pulled back from JJ’s breast, he simply switched the locations of his mouth and hand. This time, his lips wrapped around the other nipple and his right hand continued fondling the previous breast where his mouth left a couple love bites. This happened for at least five minutes before Spencer pulled back, offering JJ a wink. “Do you like this so far?” He asked, wanting an honest opinion. He wrapped one hand around JJ’s wrist and brought her hand to his own body. “I want you to touch me, too. I want to feel what it’s like to have you touch me.”
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