RP: Glee/The Flash: New Beginnings (greenandgold x Dairypie)

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you have this dopey lovesick look on your face most of the time. And when you have that look on your face, that's how I know you're thinking about
this woman you're in love with. You're pretty much an open book," Sebastian told his brother and then shrugged. "Well, unless this woman you're in love with can read you as well as I
can. I mean, you said that she was your best friend. So unless she's completely blind, I'm sure this woman at least suspects that you have romantic feelings for her." He said and ran a
hand through his hair.

"Oh, sorry." He said when Barry mentioned that his friend had just ended a relationship with another guy. "Well, just give her some time, then. Let her mourn the failed relationship, and just let her know that you're interested in her, and when she's ready, you'd like to be closer than friends. That's all you can really do." Sebastian stopped talking for several minutes as he listened to Barry talk about sports. "I'm gonna tell you something that Blaine always tells me. You work too much. You need to take some time for yourself and destress or you're going to burn out."

"Take an hour each day and do something that you enjoy. It doesn't have to be anything special or big. Just do something that you like to do, that you haven't done in a while. Go for a walk and people watch. Feed the birds, if you feel like it. Go to a movie, or a concert. But give yourself a break sometimes or you're not going to be good to anyone. Don't let yourself get stressed to the point of a health issue," Sebastian said softly. "You might think that everything falls to you to deal with, but the truth is that it doesn't. I'm sure there are others who can and would pick up the slack if you just asked."
Barry frowned deeply as Sebastian kept giving him life advice. He kept his attention down on his food. He shook his head a little bit. "It's a little more complicated then you think." He said firmly. "I can't just pass off what I do to someone else because there is no one else. It's just me." He shook his head. "I manage my stress well enough thank you and with the girl, she's known a long time how I feel and I remind her but she wants nothing to do with me that way and...I just have to be okay with that."

Blaine placed a hand tentatively on Sebastian's leg, trying to remind him to clam down and take a step back from this subject. "I was looking online and I see that you guys have a building where they filmed a scene from one of my favorite movies. I would love to go on a tour and maybe reenact the scenes" he offered trying to shange the subject "or we could go to the set museum. They have a new exhibit on jewlery. Sebastian you love sparkly things."
Sebastian sighed when he saw the look that was on Barry's face. "You're getting too defensive. Like I said earlier, you need to de-stress. You're letting a complete stranger get under your
skin and that's not wise. Look, why don't we just call it off, okay? Obviously we're two very different people. This isn't going to work if I have to edit everything I say so that I don't hurt
your feelings or someone else's. If you can't handle the truth, then maybe you need to figure out what your problem is. Thanks for the coffee." He said and got up a few moments later, dropping down enough money on the table for all of their food and a big tip.

He left the building and went to wait in the car, not planning on leaving Blaine behind if his partner got the idea to stay back and try to soothe Barry's hurt feelings. Sebastian wasn't that kind of person. He didn't have enough sympathy or empathy to knock himself out trying to please other people. It just wasn't who he was. And maybe this whole thing had been a mistake, the brunette couldn't help but think. He had never silenced himself or his thoughts or opinions about someone or a situation to keep from hurting someone else's feelings and he wasn't about to start now.

If they couldn't handle the truth, they were the one with the issue.
Blaine took his time trying to mend the distraught mess Sebastian had left. Barry looked so torn between a few things. Blaine tried to get him to talk about it, but Barry insisted it was nothing. Blaine finally headed out to the car and got in. "Seb, was all of that really necessary?" He asked shaking his head. "Barry was crushed. Have you ever seen a kicked puppy? Because that's what he was. Did you really mean everything that you said....?"

There was a hevavy silence between them in the car. Blaine watching his partner carefully. "I think Barry just gets defensive when we get close to whatever he is hiding and doesn't want to tell us. You can't just make someone come clean. Maybe he's super closeted, you don't know..." He sighed. "I assume you just want to go back to the house then?"
"Barry's not gay," Sebastian said firmly. "If he was gay, he would've had trouble keeping his eyes off your ass, and not once did they stray to your ass during the entire time we were all together." He sighed. "You know that I'm not a fan of coddling people, or pussyfooting around things. I say what I mean and I mean what I say, that way no one ever mistakes what I
mean. You of all people know that. As for a kicked puppy, maybe he needs to toughen up. Not everyone and everything is all sunshines and roses. I should've known that this wasn't
going to work."

"His gung-ho, sunshine and roses attitude makes me have to resist rolling my eyes. It's like the guy's been sheltered all his life." He ran a frustrated hand through his hair. "I hate this," Sebastian said softly. "I'm not good at letting people in, and I can't deal with someone who's such an opposite of what I am. You're more than enough of the sunshine and happiness
squad, and I'm grateful for it, and I love you. But I think this was too much, and just a bad idea. The guy's better off forgetting that we ever met. I'm not capable of being like him."

"I don't have it in me. I'm sorry," He said softly, reaching out and taking one of Blaine's hands into his. "I know you were looking forward to getting along with Barry and making some
new friends." Sebastian ran a hand over his face. "I think that maybe I should leave. And when we get back, I should move out. I'm keeping you from having a better life. A life that
you deserve," He said softly.
"Sebastian you are just hitting of a bit of a rough patch again. You guys are still trying to learn what bothers the other. What the right progression of things is. Maybe you just pushed too hard into his personal life and he isn't ready to open up either." He said firmly, shaking his head. He looked down at their hands his whole body tensing as Sebastian kept speaking. He inhaled sharply.

"Sebastian. Don't you dare." He snapped pulling his hand back as if he had been burned. "You can't just push me away too! That's not how this works! You have to actually try instead of just giving up. I thought we both agreed to work this out together. I think you and him are just not being as honest as you should be and it's hurting everyone involved." Blaine shook his head. "But if you really want to break up with me...I won't stop you anymore."
Sebastian sighed. "I just feel like I can't give you everything that you need. Every time I open up, it feels like more problems just crop up, and I don't know how to deal with it. I'm so used to not dealing with the things that bother me. Shoving it deep down inside and forgetting about it, or behind a wall and not poking at it. I love you, Blaine." He said softly, "But you deserve more than I'm capable of giving. This hasn't been fair to you, and I'm sorry. I'm trying, and I've been trying. I hope you know that. I'm just really messed up." He paused when Blaine said that he wasn't being honest.

"What are you talking about? I haven't lied or hidden anything from anyone. I don't do that kind of thing. You're always telling me not to be so blunt with people because it hurts their feelings and now you're telling me that I'm lying and keeping things from people? Well, which is it? One or the other, it can't be both. Either I'm too forward to the point of being an asshole, or you think I'm secretive and have been hiding something this whole time." Sebastian glanced down at their hands when Blaine pulled away from him. "If this is the end of it, then okay. But there's something you should know."

"You're the only person who's ever gotten this close to me. You might not think it's much, but it is to me. And you're probably tired of hitting your head against a brick wall, and that's fine. But you know that I don't trust easily. I don't know how. You keep telling me to talk about things, to stop pushing and being a jerk, but what you don't get, is that it's all I know. I didn't grow up with an adoptive father like Barry did. I was on my own most of my life, so if I can't do what you want, well, I'm sorry. I'm used to being on my own." After speaking, he fell silent, started the car and pulled out, starting the drive back to the house they were renting.
"Sebastian, I love you. I care about you. But you try until it gets too hard and then give up." he said softly as he began driving. He had spent alot of the time in the car silent. He wanted to make sure he had his words right before he spoke. "I think the fact Barry is keeping a secret from you, is rubbing you the wrong way so you keep lashing out." He said softly, looking out the window. "I don't mind you being forward, its something I fell in love with you about, just not everyone is used to that kind of bluntness. It takes time for other people to get used to you, they deserve the same chance for you to get used to them." he murmured softly.

"I just want you to be the best version of you. I don't want you to just push me away and just break up with me because its har.d I want you to breka up wiht me because you don't want to be with me anyore, not because you feel you are unworthy, but there is only so many times I can have this arguement with you. I'm happy with our life, I really am. I would live new friends and whatever, but it doesn't matter if I don't have you." he said sternly. "Sebastian, I was doing all this trying to make it work with you and your brother because maybe, its time you stop being on your own. He could be so good for you. To have more then one person to talk to, to have a family." He sighed. "I love you for you, even if you are stubborn and closed off and a jack ass. I just want you to love yourself some and maybe give having people there for you a chance. And if you don't want that, then I will go."
Sebastian remained silent, nodding as he listened to Blaine speak. His boyfriend was giving him a lot to think about. "I don't think that I'm ready for this. You said it yourself, I lash out because I know that he's lying and hiding something and that's my way of responding to that kind of behavior." He sighed softly as they pulled up in front of the house once more. "I'm
sorry that you had to play mediator between the two of us. At first I wasn't trying to be an asshole, I was trying to be helpful. But I shouldn't have bothered, just should have saved my breath."

He parked the car a few moments later, and they got out, locking the car and then heading inside the house once more. "I don't know how to play well with others. You know that very well. And when Barry got defensive when I was just trying to help, that made me feel defensive in response. I just think that if this is going to work, it might be better to do it as a long distance thing. Where we text and maybe do the lame sending cards for holidays thing, but we don't actually see each other face to face. I mean, what's to say that this isn't going to happen again?"
Blaine sighed a little, but nodded carefully. "Maybe neither one of you was as ready as you thought, it is a lot to get used too." he replied "I know you were trying to help, but he clearly didn't find it helpful in the moment. You don't like when strangers give you advice you didn't ask for either." He offered as they walked inside. "I know you think you are both so different, but i see some similarities sometimes." Blaine walked beside him inside, taking a seat on the couch. He shrugged a little bit. "He's your brother, this kind of fighting thing is always going to happen. That's just apart of life, and then eventually you forgive each other and things are good. But if you don't want to see him again, we don't have to. You should tell him though, he deserves that much."

Blaine watched Sebastian carefully, trying to see what the other man would decide to do. In the same way he couldn't force Blaine to dela with his own brother, he couldn't force that choice onto Sebastian. He needed to decide what was the right choice for him and what he wanted to do with this information, isntead of everyone pushing him in different directions. Blaine just leaned back on the couch, watching him. He had been looking forward to seeing more of the city, but probably soon, they would start packing to go home.
"Apparently I need to put my money where my mouth is. I'm always nagging you to give Cooper a chance, and have the two of you deal with all of your baggage, but when it comes time for me to put up or shut up, I bail like a fucking wuss." Sebastian sat down on the bed and rubbed a hand over his face. "What kind of similarities?" He asked curiously. He and Barry hadn't even known each other for a few days and Blaine could already find similarities between the two of them? How was that even possible? "Well, I guess if you count us both being defensive as a similarity, then sure."

The brunette let out a loud sigh. "If I do this, and I manage to get along with this goody two-shoes, then you have to do something for me. And no, for once I don't mean something sexual. If I have to deal with my brother and my issues, then you have to do the same. You have to call Cooper and the two of you have to talk. At the very least, you have to call him and try. I don't know if he'll answer, and if he doesn't, at least you reached out. Do we have a deal?" Sebastian asked, knowing that Blaine would try to get out of it, but he wasn't going to let that happen.
Blaine shrugged a little bit. "You both seem a little overprotective, you both care a lot about the people in your lives. You both can be a bit closed off." he said looking to him. He moved to sit beside him. "And both do the same thing when someone says something that rubs you the wrong way. You both scrunch your brows and clench a fist under the table hoping no one notices." Blaine reached out and took one of his hands. He frowned a little hearing he wanted something in return from Blaine. The frown settled on his lips at the mention of his dealing with his brother. "Sebastian...why couldn't be a sex thing?" he groaned a little. He looked at his boyfriend for a long time.

"If this really is what you need to actually try and make it work." he said softly. "I'll call him, once we finish this trip, once you and Barry figure this out, I'll do what you ask. Okay?" he promised shaking his head. "I must love you a lot to be willing to do this." He leaned over and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "I'm proud of you, you surprise me more and more everyday." He got to his feet and pulled him up. "But really, can we got to the art meusem? I really want to see the new exhibit on jewelry."
"Yes, we can go to the museum. While you fawn over the art, I'll just distract myself with shiny things like you mentioned earlier. Oh, and I'll spend lots of time staring at your ass. We both know that I could do that for hours and hours on end while you talk to the other fruits at the museum." After speaking, Sebastian turned to his boyfriend and pushed the other man down
onto his back on the bed. "No more talking about minor annoyances, now's the time for us to enjoy each other, and each other's bodies." A few moments later, he covered the other man's lips with his own.

Slipping a hand between their bodies, he wasted no time and started to stroke Blaine through his clothes for a while, before sliding his hand into his boyfriend's pants and boxers and stroking skin against skin. Sebastian moaned against the curly haired man's lips. He pulled away a moment later and met the other man's eyes. "You can top," The brunette said softly. "Just go slow." After speaking, he wasted no time and started to pull at his partner's clothes, unable to wait to get him naked. Once the clothes were gone, he traced his hands over Blaine's skin and waited for him to take control.
Blaine was a bit surprised when he was pushed suddenly back into the bed. He gasped a little bit feeling his lips pressed tightly against his and his hands starting to travel down his body. He let out a low moan feeling skin to skin contact. He let out a soft gasp, shaking his head. "Sebastian...." he groaned pulled back from the kisses. "I really...I really like doing this" he said in between kisses and the removal of his own clothing. "But...can i ask you a question?" he began slowly, carefully pushing him away. Blaine had a serious expression on his face.

"Why do we always end up like this...? In bed. I know you enjoy sex, and I do too. I do, but after we make real progress its just back to sex, like always." he said slowly. "Sebastian....you don't have to have sex with me every time we disagree and make up. You don't have to constantly feel like you need to prove you love me. I would just be happy just going to see the art. To just spend time with you and do that couplely stuff..." His voice trailed off, and he shook his head. "But that's what you ever want is it...?"
"Okay," Sebastian said softly. He released Blaine and sat up on the bed, his hands and arms dropping to his sides. "I express myself better through sex. The things that I feel but just can't say, well, I can say it better with actions. It's like that saying, 'actions speak louder than words.' So, when the emotional stuff or the relationship stuff gets to be too much for me to handle,
I resort to sex. Hoping that you'll understand what I have trouble with, or just can't say. I feel it, sure. But you know that I have trouble expressing myself, unless sarcasm or bitchiness is involved."

The young man paused for a few minutes as he listened to what his partner said. "We can do other things, just tell me what you have in mind," Sebastian said softly. He reached out for one
of Blaine's hands and took it into his own. Using his fingers to caress the skin of the other man's hand. Just remaining silent as he let the curly haired man figure out what he wanted to say. There was no rush and no pressure, he wouldn't do anything to make his boyfriend upset, or at least he'd do his best. That was really all that anyone could ask. He lifted Blaine's hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to it.
Blaine looked at him sadly when he pulled away. He honestly had a feeling that's what it came down to. He sat up beside him. "Oh Sebastian" he said softly..and now it made.so much more sense why they had so much sex. He sighed a little bit.."they don't have to be huge actions all the time, but I understand a little better now. I just want to make sure that it's not because you are using me for sex."

Blaine smiled as he felt Sebastian's hand in his. He stayed quiet as he felt the others fingers stroking the skin on his hand slowly. And then the soft press of.his lips. "Seb, that speaks to me just as loudly as having sex. When you hold.me close. When I just catch your gaze. That means just as much to me. I always know you love me honey." He scooted closer to him and kissed his cheek.
"If it was just about sex, I'd tell you. I've never had a problem being brutally honest with anyone before and I don't plan to start having a problem with it now," He told the other man
softly. Sebastian listened to Blaine speak and then he nodded at the other man's words a few moments later. "Why don't we go to that museum now?" He suggested a moment later,
moving to stand up and pull his boyfriend with him off the bed and to his feet once more. "Come on, let's get dressed up. I'll put on a monkey suit and we'll go out and relax."

"What do you say?" The brunette asked softly, and pulled the other man close, kissing his lips gently, letting the kiss linger, as he sighed softly against Blaine's lips. He wanted to make
it up to Blaine. His behavior with Barry earlier was uncalled for. He wasn't trying to be a jerk, but that was how things had ended up. He sighed inwardly, knowing that he'd eventually
have to track his brother down again and apologize for being a douchebag. Well, whatever. That could wait. Blaine came first in Sebastian's life, just as he always did and would.
Blaine's eyes went a bit wide when he suggested the museum. "Are you sure...? We could go back to what we were doing" he replied shaking his head. He couldn't help but grin when he mentioned he would dress up. He let Sebastian pull him up and kiss him. He returned the light kiss, just holding it there. It was nice and relaxing. It was perfect. He finally pulled back from his kiss and nodded. "I would really like that, thank you." he murmured. He pulled from his embrace and started to get redressed. He added a blazer to his outfit to not seem under dressed compared to his partner. And once Sebastian was dressed, they headed to the museum.

When they arrived it was bustling with excitement about the new exhibit. Blaine was all but dragging his boyfriend around. He took him from painting to painting, explaining them all to him. The collection at Central City was one of the largest he had ever seen. Soon they got to the next exhibit, so Sebastian would finally have something exciting to look at. The jewels were spread out in a variety of cases. They were all shapes and sizes. They were different colors. It was stunning the type of beauty they got to see and be up close to. That was when something strange seemed to be happening. There were a few figures in long trench coats, and suddenly, one of the cases was smashed and the jewels swiped from inside. The alarms began blarring loudly.
"Hit the floor and stay there. I'll be back," Sebastian said and he ran off after the three people in trenchcoats. He didn't want to risk Blaine getting hurt, but he also wasn't going to let Barry get hurt dealing with these people. They looked like serious business and even if his brother really was The Flash, he was sure that the other man wasn't bulletproof. He keyed in his brother's cell phone number, knowing that his phone could be tracked. The brunette approached the thieves and got the jump on one of them, jumping the man from behind and then punching him in the face.

As the man turned to face him and fight him, the man's arm rose and Sebastian caught sight of the gun just before a shot was fired into the ceiling. As soon as he heard the shot, he punched the gun in the face several times, pulled a low blow by kicking him in the crotch and then broke the man's nose, causing the gun to go flyin from the man's hand, right as Sebastian knocked him out. The other two men were still grabbing things, and he managed to stop one of them, before the final man shot him and took off. Thankfully the third man had had bad aim and only shot him in the leg.

The first two men were still unconscious when the police arrived, and Sebastian had taken off his jacket and placed it on his leg to stop the bleeding. He called Blaine's cell phone and told him that he was okay, asked how the other man was doing, and told him where he was, so that his boyfriend could join him before the ambulance arrived.
Barry was surprised when his phone started ringing to see it was his brother. He hadn't expected to hear from him ever again. He answered it quickly, but there was no answer just the sounds of shouting and gun shots. He quickly ran, well zoomed, to the lab. Cisco seemed ready to call him.

"How did you...there is a heist at the museum." Cisco began. Barry tossed his phone. Cisco glanced at it and nodded beginning to track the signal. "He there at the museum. Hopefully he's.not as reckless as you." Cisco calls before Barry was gone again in his suit this time.

Barry arrived to just a bit too late to grab Sebastian pull him out of the way of the shot, but he was able to grab the last bad guy as he was getting close to escaping. Barry brought him back to the scene of the crime, handing home over to the cops. He then looked to Sebastian and Blaine who were hugging by the abulance.

He could make out Blaine's voice. "You shouldn't have done anything! That was so stupid! You could have died! The flash arrived you could have just waited!"

Barry chuckled a little taking aomnt to decide whether he should check on them but opted instead to change and come back to see them as himself. Once he was in normal clothes he ran over to them. "Hey, I got your call is everything okay?" He asked pretending to be out of breath.
Sebastian sat there and let Blaine get it out. He knew that the yelling his boyfriend was doing was only because he was scared. The curly haired man barely ever yelled, except if he was extremely angry or scared. And in this case, it was both. Once he was sure that Blaine was done yelling, he took the other man's hands into his. "Breathe," He said softly, trying to get the other man to take a few breaths and calm down. "I didn't die, and it's just a gunshot wound. I'll be okay," He assured his boyfriend, squeezing his hands firmly. "As for not doing anything, that wasn't going to happen."

"The whole point of what I did was to distract them so that they didn't get anywhere near you or the others. It wasn't stupid. I made a conscious choice to protect you and I'd do it again in a heartbeat." Sebastian looked up when Barry arrived, nodding at his brother in greeting. "Everything's fine, but then you already knew that..." He said softly. The look in his eyes let his brother know that he knew the 'science emergencies' the other man had been running off to, was Flash related business. "Just a simple GSW in my leg," The brunette said. "Maybe tomorrow if you're not too busy and can find the time, I think we should talk."

"And not just about what happened before, but tonight, too." He said, leaving no doubt in his expression that he knew Barry's secret.
Barry shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. The look on Sebastian's face told him millions of things. Like, he had just ruined his secret identity, again. He swallowed nervously and let out a soft laugh. "I don't know how many people consider a bullet to the leg simple." he replied finally. "But I can, definitely fit you in tomorrow for a talk. Perhaps you want to come by the police station....?" he offered, trying to ignore the accusatory look on his brother's face. "I'm really sorry this happened Sebastian, I know I promised you Central City was safe..." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

Blaine had his arms crossed. "He's just an idiot with a hero complex." he said under his breath, clearly slightly upset with his partner. Blaine looked between the two men a little confused. There was a lot more going in the conversation then either of them was letting on. It was very tense. Someone called out to Barry then.

"That's...my foster dad, I should go help do CSI things, if you guys are sure you are okay." he said slowly, taking a few steps back. "I'll stop by the hospital later and make sure everything goes okay. Try not to get shot again." Barry tried to grin a little bit before quickly going over to Joe.

Blaine looked to him, "What the hell was that?"
"That's the only thing simple about this. Also, it doesn't matter what you said. It's more what you didn't say. Tomorrow is fine. I'll text you the address to the house that Blaine and I are staying in," He told his brother a moment later. "Shit happens, just move on and forget about it. You didn't cause this. Those idiots did." Someone called out to Barry, and Sebastian nodded. "Go do what you need to do." A few moments later, he was helped into the ambulance that had showed up, and he and Blaine, along with the EMT's were off to the hospital a few minutes later. Silence lingered in the ambulance as they went.

He made sure to keep a tight grip on Blaine's hands, to let his partner know that he really was okay. A little while later, they arrived at the hospital and Sebastian kissed Blaine, before he was wheeled off to have surgery and have the bullet removed from his leg. He really hoped that Blaine was okay. There wasn't anyone who would be with the other man while he was in surgery. He didn't want his boyfriend to be freaking out while he was in surgery and there was nothing that he could do to calm the other man.
Blaine was never really a fan of hospitals. It just was a hard place to be sometimes. Everyone seemed so solemn and sad. Even the people you'd expect to be happy, were so serious. He hadn't wanted to let go of Sebastian but the doctors insisted he stay. He was even told the words that only family could come out of the waiting room. He felt his stomach sink. He was going to be stuck not knowing for however long, just because they weren't married or anything. He spent some time pacing the room back and forth before settling into a chair with a magazine holding both of their phones.

Blaine sent a simple text to Barry, specifying the hospital they ended up at. It felt like forever he was in that waiting room before Barry came to join him. He brought coffee and some food. Blaine wasn't all that hungry but it was a nice gesture. He didn't ask what Sebastian seemed to be implying to his brother. He was more happy to not be entirely alone in a hospital waiting for good news. And now with his twin brother, they had an undeniable family member. Blaine would finally know what the hell was going on in there.
It was no time at all before Sebastian was brought back from surgery and set up in a room. The plan was for him to stay in the hospital for a day or two and get his strength back. And then he could return to the house that he and Blaine were renting while they were in Central City. His recovery time would vary sometime between 3 and 6 months, but he wasn't going to let that slow him down. The brunette looked up when the door to his room opened and a small smile came over his face when Blaine and Barry entered his room. "I asked one of the nurses on duty to find both of you ASAP, because I didn't want to leave you both waiting."

He held out a hand for Blaine to join him, and motioned for his brother to have a seat in the chair beside his bed. Once Blaine had carefully moved to sit beside him in the bed, he took one of his boyfriend's hands into his and squeezed it firmly. Looking at his brother he said, "How are the others that were at the museum? Was anyone else hurt?" The young man asked, concerned. After squeezing Blaine's hand, and moved his arm and carefully slipped it around the other man's waist, holding him close to soothe him. "What about your foster Dad? Are he and the rest of the CCPD okay?"
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