RP: Glee/The Flash: New Beginnings (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Blaine looked a bit surprised at the intimate gesture of him grabbing his face and holding it so he had to look at Sebastian. He let the other man speak, finally placing his hands over his where they cupped his cheeks. He smiled a little hearing that he would be open to the idea of kids, even if they weren't married. He listened quietly, giving him space to talk. Blaine pressed a soft kiss into his palm. "I only ever expect you to be the best version of you." he said softly "I forgive you, there is no reason to keep beating himself." He smiled at him. "I love our life together too and I can't want anything to change that right now either. i want us to finish learning what this relationship is first, and with all these new developments, we have to."

"Why don't reevaluate this question, down the road okay? We can keep the door open, not shut?" he offered quietly. "No pressure or anything. We can both work on ourselves and out relationship. I want this to be as strong as possible before we consider getting married...so I don't have to go through what happened last time, okay?" He suggested. "I love you and I am happy right here right now, I'm not throwing that away." Blaine's hands tightened on his. A single tear rolled down his cheek. "I really appreciate every time you open up to me."
Sebastian reached out and gently wiped away the tear that had fallen from Blaine's cheek. "I'm fine with us coming back to the marriage thing later. I don't want to take it off the table, we'll just put it aside for now, and see how things go between us." He leaned forward a moment later and then kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "How about we go back to the house we're renting and just relax for a while? Barry has all of our number's if he wants to call and talk for a bit." After speaking, he led the way back to the house they were renting, unlocked the door, and motioned the other man inside.

Once they were both inside, he closed and locked the door behind them. Slipping one of his hands into the curly haired man's hands once more. "I have an idea," He said softly, and led Blaine to their bedroom. "I know that we don't usually switch things up in the bedroom, but I was thinking maybe we could do that tonight. I know that you always bottom, but I was thinking that maybe you'd like to top tonight.." Sebastian said, and led his boyfriend to the bed, moving to sit down on the edge of it. The brunette fell silent a few moments later and just waited to see what Blaine would say.
Blaine was happy when Sebastian suggested going back home. It was well needed. The long day was already taking a heavy toll on his body despite the nap earlier. It was just emotionally draining. That always made him tired. But Blaine was suddenly wide awake when Sebastian had a suggestion leading them to the bedroom. He looked at Sebastian in kind of stunned silence for a long time. "Seb you hate being the bottom. You constantly remind me how much of a top you are. That you would rather die then bottom." He said slowly.

His eyes met Sebastian's. He was willing todo something he hated because he loved him. He swallowed hard. Blaine shifted a little bit side to side. "Your dead serious." He said in stunned awe. "If that's what you want, then I'd be more then happy to try it out with you. And if we both don't enjoy it doesn't have to happen again." Blaine took off his jacket, hanging it up carefully. "I want to do this because you want to, not because you feel like you owe me something. Because you don't."
"It's not like that," Sebastian assured him softly. "It's not that I feel like I owe you anything, it's that I feel like I owe it to both of us to give it a try and see how we feel about it. Does that make sense? If we don't like it, we won't do it again. But if we like it and you enjoy being on top, well, maybe we could switch out sometimes.." He suggested and then stood up a moment later, and started undressing. "Besides, you know by now that I very rarely do things that I don't like to do. Only when I have a good reason to do them. And this is a very good reason."

Once both of them had gotten rid of their clothes, he took one of Blaine's hands and led him to the bed, moving to sit down on it. A few moments later, the brunette pulled his boyfriend close and kissed him. "I want to try this with you. I trust you, and I know that we're both going to enjoy it. Just.. go slow, okay? I've never bottomed before and I'll need some time to get used to it." Sebastian kissed him a few more times and then said, "What kind of position do you want us to use tonight?"
Blaine smiled a little bit. He was finally beginning to understand where this gesture was coming from. Sebastian was trying to show him physically he trusted him and was trying to be more open with him. Being the bottom was a very vulnerable position to be in, which is why it always made sense Sebastian didn't want to be in that. His eyes focused on watching his partner undress. He started to undo his own clothing to join him.

He still let Sebastian lead, because that felt more natural in this moment, to make sure they were both comfortable. He kissed him back deeply, holding his face close to his. Blaine nodded. "Of course, we'll go slow, I don't want to hurt you" he agreed quietly. "And if its not working, we can stop at anytime." He reassured. Blaine kissed him deepening the kiss. He began to gently push him back into the bed. "Just normal missionary if thats okay, I want to be able to make sure you are okay" he whispered, starting to press kisses into his neck trailing down his chest.
"That's fine," Sebastian agreed, as they continued to kiss. He moaned softly as Blaine's lips moved to start kissing his neck, and then down his chest. "I'm definitely okay so far," The brunette said, as he ran his fingers though his boyfriend's hair, silently hoping that this would go well for them. If it did, then he was ready to make switching out a possible regular thing. It probably wouldn't be every day, but it would happen a few times a week, to give Blaine a feeling of more control in their relationship. He was trying to work on bettering himself. A little for himself, but mainly for his boyfriend.

"Tonight is about you being in control. Anything that you want to do, we're going to do, no questions asked. Like I said earlier, I trust you and I love you, and I know that you can read my
face and my body language, to know if something we're doing goes too far. Or if I'm just not comfortable with something. However, that doesn't mean I won't tell you if I'm having trouble
with something. But I don't see any problems or issues coming up tonight. It's about me making you happy. So you just tell me everything that you want us to do, and we will."
Blaine smirked, enjoying the sounds coming from Sebastian. He didn't often get a chance to hear them leave his lips. He continued trailing kisses down his chest. Blaine glanced up at him as he began talking again. "I love you too" he said softly. Blaine sighed, coming back up to kiss Sebastian, long and hard. "Its not just about me, its about figuring out how we fit together. You always make me happy. Doing something like this, isn't as important to me, as the fact you offered and want to try. Because I know how vulnerable this act makes you, and that is what means the world to me" He said firmly.

Blaine cupped his cheek. "We're just going to go slow, and whatever happens, happens. " he said softly. "I just want to be with you, every part of you." Blaine trailed his fingers down his chest, tracing soft patterns just about where Sebastian wanted him to touch. He then went back to pressing gently kisses down his body, stopping occasionally to kiss and nip at his skin. He could feel the nervous energy coming off of both of them, he used his other hand to give him a reassuring squeeze. "If it doesn't feel right, we can stop okay?" Blaine settled between his legs. He took his time, carefully pressing kisses onto his inner thighs. His eyes solely focused on Sebastian's face. He caressed his cock first for a little while before sliding his hand lower, lightly rubbing around his hole, probing it gently, not using much force to see how difficult this would be.
Moans fell from Sebastian's lips as his boyfriend caressed his cock. The moment the other man's fingers started to probe his hole, he froze up and remained that way for several minutes, before forcing himself to breath through the strange feeling. "I'm okay, you don't need to stop," The brunette assured his boyfriend. "Just takes a little getting used to is all," He said and nodded for Blaine to kept going. He focused on controlling his breathing, and on the fact that this was his boyfriend he was with, and he knew how much the other man loved him, and wouldn't do anything to purposely hurt him.

"I know," He said softly, nodding when Blaine said they could stop if it didn't feel right. "Just keep going unless I ask you to stop. I might make some weird sounds, but that's just me
trying to get used to this switch in our roles and positions. I'll let you know if I'm hurt or too freaked out to continue, but I'm neither of those things right now, so you can keep going." Sebastian settled his eyes onto Blaine's face, a smile coming over his lips as he took in how happy and excited this made his partner, and knew that he was doing the right thing.
Blaine kept.the small ministrations going. He kept slowly moving his single finger, trying to get him to loosen up some. But he remembered the first time he bottomed and how nervous he was. He went slow and just moved his finger carefully in and out. He woukd still keep his hand on his cock, giving him gentle reminder he should enjoy this.

Blaine eventually leaned up to kiss him. "I know your nervous, but I need you to relax and let me in." He murmurs quietly. "We aren't going to get anywhere further then just this if you dont. But we're just going slow, so if we don't get to that part tonight, it's okay." Blaine moved back down him, prepared to try again once Sebastian was ready. He wanted to be on the same page with him. "If this doesn't work, I can just give you a blow job."
"It's going to work," Sebastian said, determination in his voice as he said it. He took a few more breaths to steady his breathing and then nodded for Blaine to go ahead and try again. It made him feel better when Blaine leaned up to kiss him, immediately relaxing at the feeling of his boyfriend's lips against his. "I always feel relaxed when we kiss, so maybe we should keep doing this.." He suggested a few moments later, as the other man kept working his finger. Nodding at the curly haired man's words about relaxing enough to let him in. A smile came over his face at the other man's assurances.

"I'm feeling less nervous now," He said softly, and kissed Blaine once more. "Try again, and I think that I'm ready for you to keep going." Sebastian locked eyes with his boyfriend and after a few moments, nodded that the other man should try again. A moan left his lips as he felt his partner's finger probing his hole once more, feeling himself start to relax. "We'll get to the blow job part later. We're not giving up. I promised that you were going to top, and I don't break my promises." He said, and then kissed him again.
Blaine shifts his position to better kiss him, while still continuing the small movements. He shook his head a bit. "I don't want to hurt you, waiting until you get used to this feeling isn't breaking a promise" he murmured. Blaine kept their lips together, continuing the gentle probing of his hole. He was finally relaxing and that was a good sign. After awhile Blaine attempted to insert a second finger, keeping Sebastian's attention on him rather than what his hands were doing. Maybe the distraction is what was helping the other man. Blaine pulled back slightly. "How is that feeling?" he murmured. "Do you want to stop or keep going?"

Blaine was pretty sure Sebastian was enjoying himself, the soft moans coming from his lips as he moved his fingers in and out of him sent shivers down Blaine's spine. He had never heard the other man make any noises like that before. It was like a different side of him. Blaine shifted a little to be between his legs. Blaine carefully pulled his fingers out. "If you are ready, I'm ready." he said softly, leaning up to kiss him gently.
"It feels great," Sebastian said softly, smiling at Blaine when he pulled back from the kiss. "You're not hurting me, promise.." He assured his boyfriend. "You can keep going, I like the way it feels," the brunette said happily. "I'll let you know if that changes, or if anything gets to be too much." More and more moans fell from his lips as he felt the other man's fingers continuing to work his hole. The young man moved to lay back in the bed a little bit more and give Blaine more access to his hole and to any other part of his body that his boyfriend might want to touch.

"I'm ready," He said and nodded. Taking a few breaths to prepare himself. It was one thing to feel Blaine's fingers inside of his hole. They were slim and easy to accept. It was another thing entirely to feel a cock going into his ass. "Let's do this," Sebastian said and smiled, kissing the other man back and relaxing against the pillows on the bed. His moans grew louder and louder as his boyfriend slowly began to push his cock inside of him. "Keep going, I'm good." The brunette reached out and clasped Blaine's hand in one of his own.
Blaine settled between his legs, carefully spreading them a bit wide. His eyes trained on Sebastian. He slowly lined up his cock and gently push inside. It was tight, not uncomfortably so, but still really tight. Blaine was hesitant but feeling Sebastian take his hand tightly, he slowly eased in a little bit more, giving the other man time to adjust as he went. He leaned over and kissed Sebastian deeply. "You're doing so good" he whispered quietly. "You feel amazing"

And soon, Blaine had his whole cock inside of Sebastian. IT was a different experience, but it was not unwelcomed. He could see why Sebastian liked topping so much. He squeezed the other man's hand gently. "I can move, whenever you are ready" he said slowly, giving him another long kiss. And when Sebastian gave him the okay, he began to move slowly at first and then picking up just a little bit more speed. Blaine couldn't help but let a few moans of his own out.
Sebastian was happy that Blaine was enjoying himself. That was the whole reason they were doing this. Moans fell faster and louder from his lips as his boyfriend started to find a rhythm and continued to thrust in and out of his hole. "That feels great, babe.." He said softly, a smile on his lips as they kept moving against each other. The brunette moved his body back against the dark haired man, encouraging him to keep going and letting him know that everything was okay. "I'm alright. It's not as painful as it was in the beginning.." He said and reached out with one hand to run through his boyfriend's hair.

"I don't mind giving up control sometimes, as long as it's with you. I'm comfortable with you and I trust you. I haven't ever done this with anyone else. So that should tell you how special you are to me.." The young man said and then made a face. "See? I'm a sap now, and that's just gross. You have me feeling all these gooey, sappy, emotional and romantic feelings and I'm just not used to it. It's going to take some time before I don't cringe. It's not because of you. It never will be. You're the reason I do these things, and I'm glad to do it because it makes you happy."
Blaine was relieved to hear Sebastian's reassurances as they found a better rhythm. He pressed deeper into him. Blaine pressed gentle kisses into his face and neck. "I love you too" he said softly when he finished talking. He began to pick up speed. Blaine knew he wasn't going to be able to last long with this new sensation. Blaine moved a hand to stroke Sebastian between the two of them. His mouth moving back to kiss him deeply. "Seb, i don't know if i'm going to make it that long" he whispered breathlessly.

He groaned a little bit. He picked up the speed for the last little bit before falling off the edge. He collapsed on top of Sebastian. He gasped, his eye closed tightly.
It didn't take Sebastian long to come, too. A pleased smile was on his lips as Blaine came and then collapsed on top of him. He was fine to just lay there for a while and let his boyfriend
relax as they both took a few minutes to catch their breath. "How did you like us switching things up tonight?" The brunette asked softly, a few moments later. He laid back in the bed,
resting his head against the pillow. Turning his head to the side, to lock eyes with the other man. He was okay with the silence that fell between them, as they just rested together.

The young man lifted a hand and started tracing random nonsense patterns all over Blaine's skin. They didn't need to talk right now. It was all about enjoying each other's company and
not having to fill the air with constant chatter. They were comfortable with each other and that was what mattered. His eyes started to slip closed, and a few moments later, his hand that
was currently tracing over Blaine's skin, moved from the other man's face, down to grab one of his boyfriend's hands. "We should get some rest. There's no telling what's going to happen tomorrow."
Blaine looked up when Sebastain finally spoke to him after a long few minutes. He pushed some hair from his face and shrugged. "It was different. I would be open to doing it again." He said kissing him lightly. "I always enjoy when we mix things up, but I did miss you telling me what to do."

Blaine laid on him for awhile longer before rolling off of him. He placed an arm around Sebastian holding him close. He leaned in and kissed him gently. He smiled feeling his finger tips over his skin. He loved days when Sebastain felt like this. All touchy and wanting to be with him. It was always welcomed. Blaine yawn d a little bit when he suggested sleep. He nodded a little bit. "Barry probably has some adventurres planned. Maybe we'll meet the flash." He teased quietly.
"We can do whatever you want," Sebastian assured him. He wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist and pulled his boyfriend's back against his chest holding him close. His eyes remained close, and for a while he just listened to the sound of the other man's even breathing as he slept. As the brunette laid there holding his boyfriend while he slept, the young man couldn't
help but get the feeling that there was something off about his newfound twin brother. As kind as Barry seemed to be, he surely couldn't get away from them for his 'science emergency'
fast enough.

He laid there in bed for a few hours, trying to figure out what Barry was holding back. Because it was obvious that the other man was hiding something. Sure, he worked with science in his job, but something just felt wrong about what was said. It felt like it was an excuse. As a lawyer, it was Sebastian's job to be good at telling when people were lying to him. He could sense that Barry was lying. Well, maybe not lying but definitely holding something back. The young man wanted to figure out what it was before he and Blaine had to leave and return to Ohio.
The next morning, they slept in some, just catching up on well deserved rest. They both needed it. Blaine was the first awake, taking the chance to take a nice warm shower to wash off all the stress of the day prior. It was exactly what he needed. He then worked on seeing if he could find someplace near for breakfast. They hadn't bought anything for him to cook yet, so a little coffee shop would have to do. He let Sebastian sleep a bit longer.

That was when he saw Sebastian phone light up with some text messages. He glanced at the message, from Barry. It said a very simple, good morning, how are you and those things. It ended with a question of what they wanted to do for the day. Blaine sat beside Sebastian on the bed, peppering his face with kisses. "Baby, your brother is enthusiastically texting you. He's trying to see what we want to do."
Sebastian groaned, stretched, opened his eyes and then kissed Blaine back. He took a moment to let what his boyfriend was saying, sink in and then nodded. "I'll text him back in a few minutes. I just need to fully wake up." A few minutes later, true to his word, and once he was a little more functional, he texted Barry back. Saying good morning back, that he was fine,
but just not a morning person. His reply to what they wanted to do that was a simple, I have no idea. Why don't we meet somewhere for coffee for breakfast? After sending the texts, the young man turned back to his partner.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked and set his phone back down on the table, and turned to the other man. A few moments later, his arms went around the curly haired man's waist, pulling him close, kissing his lips over and over and over again. "We should both probably grab a shower before we leave to go and meet Barry for breakfast. But not just yet. I'm not done with you.." Sebastian said, as he traced his hand over Blaine's chest and just kept kissing him. "I can't believe that I'm actually saying this, but one of the best things about being with you is simply kissing you."
Blaine sat beside him on the bed as he was texting Barry. He smiled a little, lightly tracing patterns on his arm. He smiled when Sebastian turned back to him. He leaned over kissing him back smiling in between the kisses. "I grabbed a shower already while you slept in. I've been up awhile. I would have made breakfast but we have nothing to make" hr murmured between the kisses. Blaine carefully looped his arm around his neck chuckling a little bit. "Really? Just kissing me?" Blaine pulled back for a moment to look at him and he smiled softly. "That's kind of so cute." he teased. Blaine carefully pushed some hair from Sebastian's eyes.

"We don't really have enough time to do anything, so what if you put whatever you were planning on hold and surprise me tonight?" he offered carefully. "Because knowing you once we get started, we are never going to see your brother." Blaine teased, carefully starting to disentangle himself from the other man before pressing another long chaste kiss on his lips. "Unless you really only wanted to just kiss?"
Sebastian made a face. "I don't do cute," He said grumpily. "You're the one who's cute. I'm hot and sexy, and sarcastic, and an ass." The young man made another face when his boyfriend said that they didn't have time for sex. "You talk about getting distracted by sex like it's a bad thing. I've never heard you complain about it before, so why start now?" He asked, pushing Blaine back in the bed and kissing him, a smirk on his lips as they continued to kiss. Before finally, eventually groaning as he let the other man push him away from him once more.

He chuckled at Blaine's words. "I never really just want to kiss you. We both know that a single kiss always leads to more with us." After pressing one final kiss to his boyfriend's lips, the brunette got up from the bed, went to grab some of his clothes, and then headed off to take his shower. 20 minutes later, he was out of the shower, dried off and dressed, and sat down
on the bed as he slipped his shoes on. "I have no problem with surprising you tonight. But we should leave before I change our plans for tonight, to plans for right now.." Sebastian said
and smirked.
"Because usually, we don't have plans with other people so I don't mind. But this time, we are here to meet your brother and get to know him." he said shaking his head. "We didn't come all this way to just have sex." Blaine sat up when Sebastian finally conceded to his words. He smiled a little bit. Blaine worked on finishing getting ready to go out for the day. He checked Sebastian's phone seeing Barry sent them a nice place for breakfast they could go to. He was patiently waiting for his boyfriend to be completely ready. Blaine rolled his eyes. "There is no stopping your sex drive." he murmured, kissing his cheek.

They left the house soon after, heading to the little place Barry sent them. It was a sweet little restaurant. It was inside of a little house. Barry had a table for them when he arrived. He was sitting waiting for them. It was only Barry this time, he seemed to be looking over some maps and things to give them. He looked up and grinned seeing them. "Glad you guys found this place okay. I thought this might be fun, its a little hole in the wall, but its some of the most amazing food I have ever had." he said grinning. "Are you guys doing better today?"
"Thanks for inviting us, Barry." Sebastian said softly. When asked about how he and Blaine were doing, he shrugged. "We have a few things to work out, and we're working on it. But let's not talk about that. Why don't you tell us what you've been up to?" He picked up some menus and handed one to Blaine for him to search for what he wanted to eat. "You still keeping quiet about your feelings for your friend? I'm telling you, you'll never know how she feels about you unless you speak up. I'm sure you know that old sports saying, 'No pain, no gain'. Well, it applies to many other instances in life, too."

"You can't be afraid of rejection. Trust me, you get used it after a few times. Hell, when we were in high school, I flirted with with Blaine left and right and made a game out of how many times he would reject me in a day. I think the most amount of times was 50 times in one day. But what can I say? I'm persistent, and it eventually paid off in the end. I just had to wait
until he realized that ladyface," He quickly cleared his throat. "I mean Hummel, wasn't the one for him. So, I think you should stop being afraid and a pansy, and tell her how you feel."

"You love this woman and there's no downside to telling her how you feel. Sure, she might not feel the same, but you have to be willing to take that risk. If you don't ever make your
feelings for her know, you're going to kick yourself for the rest of your life. And I'm sure you know that." He stopped talking a moment later, and they all placed their orders with the
waitress, and waited until she had walked off. "Okay, now that I've done the supportive, sappy, nice crap for the day, let's talk about something else. How's the sports team here?"
Barry just stiffened as Sebastian began to speak. His eyes just kind of wide and stunned. They hadn't even said more then ten words before he began going on a tangent about Barry's love life. He shifted a little bit uncomfortably, processing the other man's words. "How did you know I was thinking about talk to her again about that?" he asked finally, his eyes intensely looking at his twin. "I haven't even mentioned it to my friends and you just watched in here and knew?" Barry shook his head a little bit. "But its probably not a good idea, she's just finished seeing somebody else..."

Barry shrugged when he mentioned sports teams. "They are okay?" he offered. "I don't really know a lot about them, that's more my adoptive father's realm of knowledge. But i do know the games are pretty fun. We've gotten free tickets once or twice and it's always a good time. I prefer baseball personally. We just usually can't fit it in." The waitress soon returned with their breakfasts. "Have you guys thought about anything else you want to see and do?"
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