RP: Glee/The Flash: New Beginnings (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Barry frowned, seemingly a bit hurt by Sebastian's comments about the superhero. "He's called The Flash now" he said softly, shaking his head. "But on a normal day you should be fine." Barry raised an eyebrow at the offer to stay the night to avoid the drive home. "I actually...took the train" he said slowly "but all the same I would appreciate not having to navigate public transit in an unfamiliar place in the late evening. I really appreciate your generosity. This has gone far better then I hoped.*

Blaine got to his feet. "So I'll get started on apparently steaks for dinner hm? I think we have some wine too." Blaine headed into the kitchen to begin making sure they had everything from the store. He had a little station set up and was preparing three steaks. They usually never had guests, so it was strange cooking for three people. But it was nice. Blaine wanted to make more friends and maybe this new twin was a good way to get Sebastian to open up to let people in.
"Look, what I said wasn't mean to insult the guy, if you've got some hero worship thing going on with him. I just don't like the idea of putting Blaine at risk, that's all. We've both been through a lot of crap to get to where we are now, both apart and together, and I don't want any accidents or hate crimes happening in Central City, to screw this up. I've been in love with Blaine for a long time, and he will always be my first priority over anyone else. It's nothing against you or anyone else, but I know Blaine and I love him. I don't know you or anyone else yet. I'm sure you feel the same way about a person or a few people back home."

After he said what he wanted to say, he stood up and motioned for Barry to do the same, once the other man had agreed to staying the night. "Follow me, I'll give you a tour of the house while Blaine makes dinner. We take turns making dinner every other night, but when it comes to steaks, Blaine's are way better than mine. Mine always come out way too overcooked, and
I figured it would be better to have him make them instead of me risking getting you both sick. Relax for a minute, and I'll be right back." Sebastian excused himself from the living room
for a moment and walked into the kitchen.

Seeing his boyfriend starting on the steaks, he walked up behind Blaine and slipped his arms around the other man's waist, kissing his neck and turning the dark haired man in his arms, kissing his lips. "Thank you for trying to be the peacemaker. I know that I have an issue with my temper, and you are always the best medicine for balancing me out."
Barry nodded. "I completely understand where you are coming from." he said slowly.Barry listened as he offered him a tour after he finished checking on the food. "That's fine, do what you need to do, I can entertain myself." Barry settled in his seat, checking his phone, sending off a few text messages updating everyone. He hadn't expected meeting him to be like this and for it to be so difficult to try to like him. They were both so different. Barry had kind of hoped for just magical kinship but nothing was ever that easy. He was beginning to wonder if this was even a good idea.


Blaine smiled softly feeling a pair of arms around his waist and a pair of lips on his neck. He let Sebastian turn him away from the stove briefly, kissing him lightly on the lips. "Your welcome, but you are making it very difficult for me to keep the peace. I think you owe me a favor though." He said sternly, before turning back to the stove. "What's on your mind about all this? How are you really doing? If you don't want to pursue this....you don't have to. You both...are very different." Blaine paused, fiddling with another pot on the stove top. "Can you hand me the salt?" He took the salt and added some to the pot. "He's seems like a really good guy though, a little misguided, but i think he's just excited."
"I'm reserving judgement until I see Barry in his natural habitat, back in Central City. Right now the only thing I actually think about him is that he's way too jittery to not be on some kind of medication or to not need some kind of medication. He has so much energy it makes me exhausted just sitting there talking to him. And his... peppiness..? Is not something I'm used to. I can tell by the disappointment on his face that he was hoping I'd be more like him. Disgustingly happy about everything and a joy to be around. But I've actually been through things and dealt with things he has no idea of."

"So I'm just more cautious, is all. And most people mistake that for me being a dick." Sebastian sighed, and breathed in deeply, inhaling the scent that was uniquely Blaine. "I might need you to keep me in check. Not because Barry's offensive or anything, but you know how I'm quick to jump to the wrong conclusion most times. I don't want to screw this up. You and he are the only family I have left, and I need you to keep me from being a complete asshole to this guy." He rested their foreheads together for a moment, then kissed Blaine and pulled back. "I'm going to give Barry a tour of the house. Yell if you need anything."
"Maybe peppiness is his way of coping with pain, like yours is to push everyone else away" he suggested quietly. "I mean you probably were hoping he'd be a bit more like you, you just have to find the one thing you both have in common and go from there." Blaine stirred another pot, shifting slightly to attended to another dish on the counter. "Sometimes you can be a dick though, but I guess that's one of the many reasons you keep me around. To make sure, people understand you are actually a good person under the facade." He returned the kiss and smiled. "I'll do my best, I always do. Just try to find something to talk about without arguing." Blaine patted his arm, shooing him out of the kitchen.


Barry was frowning at his phone, seeming to be working on a puzzle when Sebastian returned. He typed a few more things before sending off the message. He got to his feet when Sebastian returned. He smiled. "You said a tour right?" he asked, trying to taper some of his excitement, as suggested from a few text messages. "Your house is really nice, I am so used to the small houses near the city, I was surprised when I came by it." He followed behind Sebastian taking in the house. He smiled a bit seeing some of the photos on the wall. They were primarily of the couple and art. There was a lot going on though, two very distinct styles smashed together, but it worked. "How long have you and Blaine been together?" he asked as they neared the end of the tour. "Seems like you've been friends awhile."
"We've been friends since high school and together for a few months.." Sebastian said, as he showed Barry around the house, pointing out each room and explaining the pictures on the wall. "When we were in high school, Blaine was dating this guy that I couldn't stand. My jealousy was off the charts. And the guy didn't even deserve him. They were together 4 years and were engaged to get married, but it fell through when the guy decided they were too young to get married. So Blaine ended up going on a trip to New York, and I was there for a business meeting for my firm. We ran into each other at Madison Square Garden and from there, hooked up, and then spent a few hours catching up."

"The following day we had to part ways, but decided that once I got back here to town, we would consider giving things between us a real shot. So we spent more time together, and decided to move in together, oh about six months ago? And we've been living together ever since. It's an adjustment, living with someone. And Blaine doesn't let me get away with being an ass. He's good at balancing me out. He's.. special. Always has been. We had.. real bad history between us from high school, but I'm grateful that we managed to get past it.. Sebastian said softly, and he continued the tour.
Barry listened quietly to their story. He smiled a little bit. It sounded a bit like a movie, reconnecting with someone after all the time and to already be living together. It sounded nice. "That's a really touching story, its good that you found someone who makes you so happy and to be the opposite to you." He offered. "It's always important to take ownership of your own faults to be able to move past them, I find myself doing that more and more recently." Barry walked beside him through the house, looking it over. It was a nice modest house. But still large enough for guests or if they ever planned for children. "You have a very nice home, thanks again for giving my crazy story a chance Sebastian." This is normally when Barry would attempt to hug someone, but he knew that was a no go. "I think you'll like Central City, its kind of like New York, but better. Is there anything you and Blaine like to do?"

They were returning back to the living room then, finishing the tour of the house. Blaine was setting up in the dinning room. Smells of food wafted through the home. Barry sniffed the air. "Smells amazing" he said grinning. "I can't wait to eat." They made their way into the dinning room. Blaine was still moving in and out between the kitchen and the other room bringing out the few side dishes he made and then finally the steak.

"I think we are ready to eat" Blaine finally declared, nodding as he looked over the plates.
Sebastian watched Barry as they finished the tour of the house and then returned to the living room. "Thanks," He said softly. "It took us a while to get where we are now, but I'm glad that we finally made it here." The young man paused when Barry thanked him for giving the two of them a chance to get to know each other. "You don't need to thank me. I'm glad to finally have met you. I just think you should know that I'm not an easy person to get to know. I think the term Blaine uses sometimes is that I can sometimes be 'difficult' to get along with." He said and chuckled softly.

A few minutes later, the three of them sat down to eat dinner together. "Thanks babe," The young man told his boyfriend softly, and slipped one of his hands into Blaine's under the table and squeezing it, before pulling his hand away once more so that they could eat. Silence fell between all of the men as they ate, and for the first time since Barry had showed up, it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. There was a lot on Sebastian's mind currently, and he knew that there would be time to process everything later. But right now, his focus was on Blaine and Barry.

They were about to go to an unfamiliar place and meet a bunch of strangers. Hopefully this getting to know each other thing, wouldn't go as badly as Sebastian feared it would.
It was an amazing dinner. Sebastian didn't oversell his boyfriend's amazing talent at all. Barry was more then happy to early every single dish in front of him. That just made Blaine smile from ear to ear. He had never eat his food with such enthusiasm. They we're nearing the end of the meal when Blaine finally spoke.

"So Barry do you have a significant other we will be meeting when we go out there?" He asked calmly and honestly very curious. "Since you met me right away I felt it was only fair to ask."

Barry's face fell ever so subetly. He took a drink from his glass. "Not currently. I'm single at the moment. I am a bit hung up on someone so dating hasn't really worked out in my favor. I'm a bit busy anyways." He said finally shrugging a little bit. "You guys will just be meeting my makeshift.family and they are the ones who really matter." He smiled and Blaine nodded carefully glancing to Sebastian.
Sebastian swallowed a bite, picked up his napkin and wiped his mouth before speaking. "When we get to Central City and once Blaine and I have had a chance to get settled in, is there
a certain place you're going to want us to meet you at?" He asked and then folded his napkin properly once more, and placed it back on his lap. "I have a passing familiarity with the city, though it's been a while since the last time I was there. We'll need to pick up a few maps, or I can probably try and find some kind of app on my cell phone to help us get around town."

Once he had said that, Sebastian glanced at his brother. "Why don't you tell us about this woman you're in love with? I assume its a woman, or the gay thing wouldn't have thrown you as much as it did in the beginning. What's her name? What's she like? She's gotta be pretty great if you're self admittedly in love with her." He paused for a moment and then said, "This woman you're in love with? Have you told her? And if not, how come? The only way you're ever going to know how she feels about you in return, is if you bite the bullet." He laughed softly. "I have the exact opposite problem. I tend to talk to much about the reasons I like and love Blaine."
"It probably just easiest if you guys meet me at Jitters, the local coffee shop. That's where everyone hangs out and its not too hard to get to once you get into the city." He replied. "And if that doesn't work, my friend and I could always come pick you up to drive you around" He offered. Barry looked down at his plate when asked to continue talking about the person he is interested in. He laughed softly. "Iris West. She's a reporter, strong willed, loud, funny, kind, and smart." he said finally. "I've been in love with her since I was like ten. And she knows, the whole worlds basically knows. Apparently I am shit at hiding it." Barry took another long drink. He shook his head. "But she's not interested in me that way, we're just best friends." There was a subtle tone of sadness to his voice. "I'll find someone else soon, just in between girlfriends right now."

Blaine nodded. "Maybe its time for a change of pace?" he offered. "Sometimes after pining for someone for so long, I found it helpful to impulsively hook up with someone. That someone happened to be Seb. And look where we are now." He shrugged "But sometimes it just takes time for the other person to realize that they loved you too the whole time." Blaine got up, clearing empty plates. "I got some ice cream, if you are interested."

"I would love some, thank you." he replied smiling. That was when Barry's phone began to ring, he checked the caller ID. "I'm sorry I have to take this." He got to his feet, answering the phone in the other room.
RE: RP: Glee/The Flash: New Beginnings (greenandgold x Dairypie)

Sebastian remained silent for a bit, and listened to Barry and Blaine talk. And once his brother's phone rang, and Barry excused himself to take the call, the young man turned to his boyfriend. "Well, what do you think so far? I haven't been an ass, right? We've been managing to get along, even though I don't really know what we'd have in common," He admitted
and then shrugged. "I don't know what to talk to him about," The brunette said to Blaine a few moments later, while Barry was still on the phone. "I've never really forced myself to communicate with breeders outside of complete necessity, like in public grocery stores or things like that."

"I don't know enough about him to keep an actual conversation going. And while I enjoyed when he spoke about the woman that he liked, now I'm not sure where to go from here. I'm
not saying that I don't want to keep talking. I just don't know what to talk about. Sports seems so cliched, and so I've hit a wall kind of, since we don't know all that much about each
other yet. Maybe we should just find and put on a movie to cover the awkwardness?" Sebastian ran his fingers through his brown hair, in nervousness, which was a first for him, as he
was rarely nervous about anything.

He reached out for one of Blaine's hands, holding it in his own and needing the comfort.
Blaine smiled." You've been doing very well" he said shaking his head. "Don't call them breeders, that's rude. He's just a normal person, who happens to prefer sex with women. It's just like getting to know a gay guy. Ask him about what kind of movies he likes. Maybe he likes music like you and me." Blaine offered Blaine watched his boyfriend for the first time ever get flustered. It was adorable. He was trying so hard to get his brother to like him. "Just keep asking him details about his life and what his hobbies and interests are. There must be something you both love to do." Blaine reassured, squeezing his hand tightly. "He seems to be having a fine time, I wouldn't worry about it. There are bound to be awkward parts, but once you get through that, it will be easier."

Barry finally returned, looking a little frustrated. "I'm really sorry about that. There was a.....science emergency back home." he replied, taking a seat back at the table. "They can't seem to get on without me sometimes, even though they encouraged me to take the time off to come meet you." Barry shook his head, smiling a little bit. "Where were we? Sebastian, tell me more about your job. What exactly kind of law do you work in?" Barry was working to get the conversation moving again, but also as far away from what he did for a living as possible. They fell into a good rhythm going back and forth about what they did and enjoyed. That's when they discovered they both had a fondness for old musicals.
"My specialty is family law. Divorces, adoptions, wills, minor emancipation, things like that. I do defense work on the side, and I do pro bono work sometimes, as well. Mainly for women's shelters, things like that." Sebastian said then they continued to talk about different things for a while. "And I know it's one of the most cliched things ever, but I do have a fondness for old musicals. I don't watch them as much as I used to, but there's still a few that I convince Blaine to sit through a few times a month," He said and then smiled. The three of them kept talking
for a while, before he finally noticed the time.

"We should all get some rest. Blaine and I are going to finish packing for the trip, and then we're going to head to sleep. If you need something in the middle of the night, don't hesitate to knock on our door and let us know. I'm a light sleeper," Sebastian told Barry, as the three of them got up and got ready to part ways for the night. Since he wasn't really the touchy feely
type with anyone but Blaine, he simply nodded good night to Barry, and then made his way around the house checking the doors and windows and making sure that they were locked and secured.
Barry nodded " I don't think I'll be needing anything. I'm probably just going to crash. I spent most of today travel and just need some rest." He got to his feet. "Thank you again for your hospitality." He nodded "goodnight" he said before heading to the guest room.

Blaine patted Sebastian's shoulder, leaning up to kiss his cheek. "See maybe you guys have some things in common after all. It just takes time. I told you nothing to worry about." He walked with him to their bedroom to begin packing for the long trip. Blaine say on the bed flooding the clothing into the suitcase as Sebastian tossed things to him. "I think he's really nice. We should see if he wants to do the holidays with us." He said slowly.
"It would probably be a good idea to plan for the week before or the week after Christmas. Barry probably already has plans with his family for the holidays, and we don't need to butt in
on that. We'll figure something out." Sebastian said, as he tossed some more stuff to Blaine for him to pack. An hour later they had finished packing and set their suitcases aside and got
into bed. The young man wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, holding him close and kissing him. "Thank you.." He said softly to the other man. "You're making this easier for me to
handle. Like you usually do, by balancing me out."

"You're good at that and you always have been. I just want to make sure that you know how much I appreciate you." Sebastian pressed a sweet kiss to Blaine's lips, as his hands wandered down his boyfriend's body, happily and eagerly caressing the shorter man's skin. "Am I going to have to gag you tonight, or will you manage to keep your moans low and not freak out my brother?" The words were said with a smirk on his lips, as he started kissing and gently nipping at the skin of Blaine's neck, and as his fingers wasted no time with the buttons on his boyfriend's shirt.
Blaine laid back, curled into Sebastian's side. He laughed a little bit. "You've been thanking me every chance you get today. I just do it because I love you." He reminded smiling, "I'll keep doing it until you don't want me to anymore." Blaine smiled into the kiss, returning it gently. Blaine felt his hands trailing down his body, he inhaled a little bit. "Seb, we really.....really shouldn't" he said softly, fighting back a mos. feeling his mouth in his neck. "Sebastian...." he whimpered quietly.

Blaine put his hands through his hair, tugging him gently to bring his lips back to his. He kissed him deeply. It didn't take long for Blaine to stop fighting his advances and let Sebastian finish removing his shirt. They had stopped in the middle earlier and with everything going on, he had forgotten how much he was enjoying his boyfriend. He paused for a moment. "Are you sure? What if Barry needs something? I mean, I don't want to make things more awkward with him."
"I told Barry to knock on the door if he needs anything. If he ends up needing anything while we're having sex, that's fine. I'll take care of what he needs, and then I'll get back to pounding you and making you scream..." He said the words with a smirk on his lips, as his hands went down Blaine's body and pulled at his boyfriend's pants and then boxers, eagerly and quickly discarding them. "I swear, if I could keep you naked all the time, I sure as hell would.." The young man whispered, as he moved down his boyfriend's body, kissing and nipping at the skin.

Starting at Blaine's nipples, and moving down his body. Kissing his stomach, his hips, his legs. After several minutes Sebastian wasted no time and took Blaine's cock into his mouth, running his tongue along the slit, as his hands squeezed and played with the other man's balls. He also moved his mouth up and down his boyfriend's cock, tightening his lips around it. The young man moved one of his hands back up the curly haired man's body and tugged on one of Blaine's nipples, loving the moans and other sounds that left the dark haired man's lips. He could never get enough of the sounds his partner made.
Blaine helped him remove the remaining articles of clothing from his body. "I know you would. You are a bit insatiable when it comes to sex." He murmured, let out soft moans feels his teeth in his skin. Blaine watched him intently as he traveled down his body. The anticipation was killing him, and when Sebastian's lips finally made contact with his cock, he let out a low moan. Blaine immediately remembering their company kept a hand firmly pressed over his mouth, trying to muffle some of the sound. He couldn't seem to keep them from coming. Between the aching slow speed he used to the teasing twists on his nipples. Blaine was hyper aware of being caught and that seemed to make it all the more exciting for Sebastian, he kept pushing all the right buttons to get him to moan louder despite his efforts not to.

Blaine put his hands into his lovers brown hair. "Seb, baby, please." He moaned softly "stop teasing me." He pulled him up trying to bring his lips to meet his own. He kissed Sebastian deeply, reaching to pull of Sebastian's shirt. He wasted no time going for his pants and boxers next. Blaine always made fun of Sebastian for being so adamant about having frequent sex in the beginning but once they got going, he was the one pushing them to go a bit faster. He always was so needy to have him close.
"No one can blame me for being obsessed with you and your body. From your curly hair that I love to pull on during sex, to your dark chocolate eyes, and then to your hot, fuckable body. Anyone who wouldn't want to do you 24/7 has to be out of their damn mind. Most of the time I get hard just looking at you. Of course, I'm sure it also helps that I love you..." Sebastian
said the last part softly. He still wasn't that good at talking about his actual feelings outside of attraction, but he was working on it. Slowly but surely. He would do anything to keep making Blaine happy.

After one more kiss to Blaine's lips, he rolled his boyfriend over onto his stomach, and rubbed his cock against the other man's ass, teasing him one more time, before finally pushing his cock inside of the shorter man, and moaning as he filled the dark haired man's ass up. "I love you, and I love fucking you.." Sebastian whispered in his partner's ear, as he moved his hips against Blaine, his balls slapping the other man's ass, as he fucked him.
Blaine always enjoy the lists of praises he always received during sex. That was something he was good at, making him feeling wanted and desired. Never did he question whether or not his partner wanted him or found him attractive. He was told every day and more so during sex. He did miss kind of tender sex but that's not what Sebastian was comfortable with yet. Blaine had accepted that ages ago. "I love you too" he said turning the long kiss.

Blaine inhaled sharply, feeling Sebastian's body pressed against his, the anticipation of what to come was undeniable. He let out a low moan feeling him slowly enter him. He closed his eyes relaxing just letting the pleasure wash over him. "I love when you fuck me" he agreed. They once tried the other way but both parties agreed this was how they fit best together and Sebastian liked the control it offered. Blaine moved his body slightly to meet the thrusts, giving just enough friction to his cock. He whimpered out quietly, trying to keep himself from being too loud.
Sebastian pressed sweet kisses all over Blaine's neck, as he moved his hips back and forth as he fucked his partner. His favorite thing was having the other man like this. Bent over and slipping his cock in and out of the dark haired man's magnificent ass. He wasn't used to feeling the things that he felt for the other man, and was glad that Blaine understood him, since
most people didn't. His boyfriend understood that when they were together like this, he let his body do the talking, telling Blaine how much he loved him. It was what worked best for them.

They understood each other. And though he knew that his partner deserved to hear that he loved him all the time, he still had trouble with it. Sure, Sebastian told Blaine that he loved him every night before they went to bed, but he knew that wasn't enough. That it wasn't fair to the other man. So, he tried to show his boyfriend how he felt. When they first got together, he
had made sure to mention that he was mainly an 'action speak louder than words' kind of guy. In the hopes it would help Blaine understand that while he felt all kinds of amazing things for
the other man, he had trouble expressing it in words.

But he liked to think that he was getting better at expressing himself. Sebastian wasn't big on public displays of affection, unless it involved them having sex in public and pissing off lots of heterosexuals. And sure, he was largely opinionated when it came to the topic of Blaine and his brother, Cooper, and how they should get over whatever old issues held them back. But it wasn't his place to butt in. For now. But he had promised himself that if Blaine and Cooper didn't spend time together or at least call each other on the phone within the next month of so,
then he was going to get involved.

He planned to fly to LA, and talk some sense into Cooper. Tell him how much Blaine missed his older brother, and how it was stupid to waste time fighting and arguing over something that
had happened years ago. Maybe it would work, and maybe it wouldn't. But whatever happened from that point on, it wouldn't be from a lack of trying to help his partner on his part.
Blaine tilted his head to look back at Sebastian. He hand felt his hands tighten on him and his pace change ever so slightly. The other man looked deep in thought, almost as if he was lost to it. That was something else that was common about this. He didn't know how to fully express the emitions so sometimes he would get lost in the moment in thought. Blaine took the moment to moan loudly. "Sebastian, I love Helen you do that, please, faster." He begged quietly. That usually brought the other man back, without forcing him to talk about his thoughts and feelings.

Blaine wished that he would be let in more by now. But that day would come soon enough. He just had to trust asbeastian that when the time came, he would finally be the one person to finally understand him completely. Blaine let out a another grown feeling his pace finally picking up. He was getting close. He moved back to meet Sebastian's movements.
"You're sneaky and evil.." Sebastian told his boyfriend, being pulled out of his thoughts when the other man mentioned a woman's name. Knowing that any mention of women while they were in bed, would pull him out of his thoughts, and force his attention right back on Blaine. He kissed the other man's lips. "What am I going to do with you?" The young man asked teasingly. "You always know how to get me out of my head and put my attention right back where it needs to be.." He said and then thrust harder and faster, slamming his hips against Blaine, with his balls slapping his boyfriend's ass.

Without waiting for more encouragement, he reached around his partner's body and slipped his hand around the dark haired man's cock, jerking him off, as he fucked him hard and fast. Wanting the other man to enjoy it, and to be able to get off soon. Sebastian worked his hand up and down Blaine's cock, loving being able to be close to the man he had been in love with
for years. He knew that the time would come when he'd feel comfortable talking to his boyfriend and let him in. They were getting closer and closer the longer they were together. It would
just take a little more time until he felt ready to finally tell Blaine everything.
Blaine grinned into the kiss, feeling him begin to move faster and harder Blaine gasped feeling Sebastian's hand come and wrap around him. Sebastian always knew the right buttons to push and when to push them. Blaine was sure Sebastian knew his body, better then he knew it. "Sebastian, fuck" he said quietly under his breath, still trying to keep the sounds to a minimum, but it was extremely difficult from the attention and urging Sebastian was giving him. As he got closer to the edge, he couldn't help but get a little louder. His voice begging Sebastian to go faster and murmured terms of affection before he finally reached orgasm, tensing around his partner. He laid there panting, feeling Sebastian work to finish himself off quickly after.

They stayed ontop of each other for awhile, before pulling apart and rolling to their sides to lay together. Blaine always insisted on cuddling after sex, that was the one form of affection he needed from Sebastian if he was still going to be closed off verbally. To just lay there with him listening to his heart beat, jsut solidified that they were together and in this moment. It never really needed any words to be spoken. He closed his eyes, breathing out a long sigh. "how are you?" he asked softly. "You seemed pretty distracted back there"
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