RP: Glee/The Flash: New Beginnings (greenandgold x Dairypie)


Mar 8, 2017
Sebastian Smythe had never been one to censor himself. He always said what he thought, no matter who his words offended. And even after a few months of living with Blaine, that hadn't changed. No matter how much his favorite curly haired midget wished for it to happen. A smirk was on his lips as he finished getting dressed for the day, and then walked outside to watch
his boyfriend unload a few things from his car. The male leaned against the door frame. The sight of Blaine's tight jeans hugging his ass, had the taller man's cock stirring under his slacks.

He let out a loud whistle and laughed at the blush that covered Blaine's cheeks. For as long as the two of them had known each other, the dark haired man had been reserved when it came
to relationships, both familial and romantic. But Sebastian refused to let that stop him. He was bound and determined to get his boyfriend to stop holding back the things he felt and thought. It was something they had argued over countless times over the years. They had been friends in high school, when Blaine was dating that Teletubbie, Hummel. But thankfully that train wreck was out of their lives.

Another loud whistle left his lips, and then a smirk formed on his lips as Blaine waved him off, trying to get him to stop. But that didn't stop him. An idea suddenly came to Sebastian, and within moments, he was walking down the driveway and stepped up behind his boyfriend. The brunette slipped his hands around Blaine's waist and pulled the other man's body against his.
He moaned in the short man's ear, as the curly haired man's ass pressed against his crotch, which he thrust into. "I love your ass," Sebastian said in no uncertain terms, not bothering to
lower his voice, or make his actions look like anything but what they were.

If anyone was outside and saw them together, they would definitely get an eyeful, which he didn't mind.
Blaine Anderson, hadn't really pictured himself ending up back here in Ohio. After spending some time in New York he found he missed the slow pace of the Midwest. How everyone had their own lives and you could just enjoy it. He also hadn't really thought that life would be so tied to Sebastian's. It had started off as an innocent one night stand post break up and here they were, living together.

Blaine was unloading some groceries when he heard a familiar whistle behind him. A flush ran across his cheeks, he didn't turn to acknowledge him. Sebastian was overtly affectionate. And it had somewhat boosted Blaine's confidence but he still wasn't a fan of flaunting anything or talking about their private life. Another Whistle, and Blaine just waved a hand in the air, shaking his head.

He was grabbing the last bag, he felt a apair of hands wrap around his waist. It was a familiar form pressing against his whole back. He inhaled sharply. Blaine felt the blush on his cheeks deepen. His hands tensing around the handles of the bags. "Sebastian....." He began slowly., His voice shaky. "We are outside." He reminded. Blaine was still tense, trying to ignore his own desire for the other man. They were in their front used for Christ's sake
"C-can you help me get these inside? Before the ice cream melts?" He asked, finally breaking free from the other man's hold.

"Did you get the mail.yet?" He asked, not looking at his boyfriend.
"You're so easy to get to," Sebastian teased his boyfriend, once the other man had pulled away and out of his grasp. "As for us being outside, who cares? Maybe a show from us will wake
up the people of this sleepy old town." At Blaine's request, he took the bags and turned to bring them inside. "Mail's on the table. 5 bills, which I already opened and paid on my cell phone. And a letter from Cooper, that I didn't touch, because I know that what you and your brother discuss is none of my business." After speaking, he headed inside with the bags and immediately went into the kitchen and began to put everything away.

Once that was done, he moved to sit down on the couch and waited for Blaine to join him. When the other man had put away the bag of groceries he had left, and walked into the living room, the brunette reached out and grasped his hand and pulled him onto his lap. After the shorter man was seated on his lap, Sebastian lowered his head so that their lips met in a rough kiss. He also wasted no time in rubbing his hands firmly over his man's crotch, moaning against his mouth, and slipping his tongue along his curly haired lover's lower lip. "I'm gonna screw your brains out," He told Blaine.
Blaine bristled at his comment, just shaking his head. "I rather like where we live and don't want to get kicked out. Again." he warned. Blaine began putting the groceries away, briefly glancing at the letter from his brother. Nothing of great importance, just a letter checking in on him. Things between his brother could be tense at times, but it was a nice gesture. He made a mental note to send a reply. Once everything was put away he went to the living room to see what trouble Sebastian had gotten himself into. Blaine was a bit startled to be pulled into his lap.

The rough kiss that followed, elicited a soft groan from him. Blaine could feel his hands working to elicit a response from his crotch. And with him, it didn't take much. Blaine met his gaze for a moment. "We have other things we are supposed to get done today.." he said slowly. "We can't just keep having sex every moment we're together" he tried to argue, but he was caressing Sebastian's chest running his fingers over the buttons. He leaned in kissing the other man deeply again, unable to help himself.
Sebastian merely chuckled at his boyfriend's warning. It was downright adorable when Blaine tried to be serious. The sound of his partner's moan, had a smirk turning up his lips. He could never get enough of the other man's moans. At the curly haired man's words, he gave him an innocent look. "What other things? I don't know what you're talking about. The only thing that
I have to do today, is tie you to the bed and fuck you until you pass out." The idea of that, causing a boner to form in his slacks. Of course, everything about Blaine caused him to have a boner.

That's just how hot the other man was. He laughed loudly at Blaine's words, when his boyfriend said that they couldn't keep having sex every moment they were together. "Who do you think you're talking to? Have you ever met me? You should know by now that I can never get enough of you, or your ass." Another chuckle left his lips, once he felt Blaine starting to caress his chest. "I knew that you wouldn't be able to resist how hot I am." He was happy to kiss the shorter man a moment later, knowing that he had won. Having successfully distracted his boyfriend from whatever else they had to do today.
Blaine's breath hitched as Sebastian talked about all the things he wanted to do to him, and the friendly reminder he was serious, pressed firmly against his ass. "You can never get enough of having sex, with anyone. If I finally agreed to a threesome or one of those other crazy suggestions, you would be on cloud nine." he murmured against his lips. He leaned their foreheads together, breathing the scent of him in. Blaine fingered the buttons finally undoing a couple of them. "Just a quickie, okay?" he said finally caving. He kissed him deeply again, his hands undoing the rest of the buttons, enabling him to get his hands over his lovers chest, feeling the skin.

That was when they were interrupted, by the doorbell. Blaine shifted. "Are you expecting anymore?" he murmured. "I'm not. I did not have company on our list of things that need to be done." They returned to kissing and touching, assuming it was just a salesmen. That was when the doorbell rang again. Blaine sighed, he started to get off of Sebastian. "We should see who it is, if they are still ringing out doorbell it must be important."
Sebastian chuckled and nodded at Blaine's words. "You know me so well. And it took me a while, but I finally realized the flaw in my plan for a threesome. It would require me to share you with another guy, and you know how I hate sharing what's mine. So for now, no threesomes.." He said regrettably. He happily kissed his boyfriend back. Their foreheads pressed together
and their eyes were locked on each other. A small rare smile was on his lips. Well, it used to be rare. Before he had met Blaine, he had rarely smiled. But once they had become friends
all those years ago, that had changed.

And ever since they had met, he couldn't help but smile any time the other man was around. Not just when they were friends, but he was smiling even more since they had gotten together. "You know I'd never turn down a quickie," He mumbled as Blaine fingered the buttons on his shirt. The taller man wasted no time slipping his hands down his boyfriend's body and starting
to pull at the other man's shirt. They kissed deeply, and Sebastian let out a moan once his shirt was pried open and he felt Blaine's hands on his skin. A loud curse left his lips moments later when the doorbell rang.

His fingers tightened on Blaine's shirt when his boyfriend shifted and started to move away. "Didn't invite anyone over. Since you didn't either, screw them. Just ignore it," He whispered, pulling the other man into a kiss once more. Sebastian cursed under his breath when the doorbell rang again and the other man pulled away and then moved off of him. "If they're still
ringing the doorbell, they're just persistent as hell and about to be bitched out.." He said, sighing in annoyance, and getting up to follow Blaine to the door.
Blaine took a moment to adjust his shirt and then his pants. What if the person at the door was some kind of girl Scout? That would not look good for them. Blaine could feel the anger coming off of a Sebastian in waves. He rubbed his arm. "I'll iust ttell them we aren't interested." He replied "and then we can pick up where we left off." He frowned intently , finally reaching the door. "Hello?"

And there outside the door, stood Sebastian. But not. He could have been his clone. "Oh hi, I didn't mean to disturb you I just...I'm looking for a guy, Sebastian I think? He looks kind of like me. Oh I'm Barry by the way." He said exctendimg his hand. There was a nervous energy about him.

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Sebastian" he called, "you should actually come and talk to them. I think it might be important." He opened the door wider to allow his boyfriend to stand beside him.
Sebastian let out a dramatic sigh, fixed his clothes and then walked over to the door. Once Blaine opened the door wider to reveal the other person who stood on the other side of it, he paused for a moment and stared at the other man, one who looked exactly like him. "It's like looking in a fun-house mirror. Hate those things," He said and then finally stepped forward.
"Who the hell are you?" The young man asked bluntly. He had been taught manners by his adoptive parents as a child, but he rarely ever used them. Instead, choosing to focus more on
being honest to a fault, even at the expense of pissing people off or making them uncomfortable.

"We already gave a large donation to charity this year," He said, and then sniffed in disgust, at the sight of the other man in ratty clothing with the logo S.T.A.R. Labs on the front. He had always been a brand whore, and wasn't ashamed of it. Looking at the doppelganger that shared his face and seeing him wearing clothes that made him look like a hobo, physically pained Sebastian, so he turned away from the door. "Go sell your sob story to some other sucker that actually has a heart. Blaine, shut the door and let's go." He didn't want his boyfriend wasting
his time over a fake sob story.
Barry frowned a little seeing the other man. he seemed overly dressed for the occasion of being at home. He shifted uncomfortably at the comment "My name is Barry Allen. I'm from Central City." He began, holding out a hand for him to shake. His frowned deepened as the other man brushed him off. "You really are a bit of douche like we thought" he said under his breath shaking his head."I'm not trying to see you anything. I'm your twin brother."

Blaine hesitated at the command to shut the door. "Seb, maybe you should hear him out. He looks crazy like you. And he came a far way to talk to you." He urged softly, looking between the two of them. " It can't just be some crazy coincidence."

Barry watched the two men discussing. He sighed. "Your birthday is March 14 1989. You were adopted but your parents pretend you don't know and so do you. You have a rare blood type. Do I need to continue? I wouldn't be here if I wasn't serious."
Sebastian laughed when this 'Barry' guy called him a douche. "If you think that offends me, it doesn't. Our friends call me that on a regular basis, because they can't handle honesty and my blunt personality. So, get over it." He fell silent a moment later and listened to Blaine speak. "Central City is in Illinois, which is 6 hours away. I'd hardly say that's a long way. But fine, he can stay. For the simple sake of curiosity." He stepped back from the door and motioned the other man inside, and to take a seat in the living room. Once their guest had stepped inside the house, he closed the door behind them, and followed into the living room.

"All you've told me is that you're basically a decent computer hacker, who was able to hack the adoption system and get into my records. Do you have any actual proof to back up your claims, besides the fact that you look like my doppelganger? Or were you just expecting me to take you at your word alone? Some random guy that shows up at my door, claiming to be some long lost twin. I mean, honestly. It sounds like some cheesy Lifetime movie. Don't look so upset that I didn't jump up in excitement at your words. I'm a lawyer, I don't take anything seriously without credible proof."
Barry took a seat in one of the arm chairs across from the couch, the other two men sat across from him. They all had a very tense air about them. "My adoptive father works for the police" he replied shaking his head. "And trust me I would know if I was your doppelganger. I have lots of experience with that." He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a tightly folded slip of paper. He unfolded it and smoothed it out. It was birth certificates for both of them and a photo. "I didn't want to believe it either" He pushed the papers across to him. "But I figured, its better to know then to go your whole life wondering what if. Our...birth father, died unexpectedly a couple months ago. That's when he told me, otherwise I probably would never be here."

Blaine leaned over slightly to look at the papers. They looked real and not forged. Blaine glanced to Sebastian to try and read his expression. "They look real, and I kind of believe him, why come out here just to pull this kind of stunt if it wasn't true?" He looked at the photo closely and shrugged. He stood. "Can I get you something to drink Barry? Or a snack?" He offered, wanting to remove himself from what really wasn't a conversation he was meant to be hearing.

"I could use some water, thank you" Barry answered, sitting with his hands in his lap wringing his fingers back and forth.
"I don't know what to say," Sebastian admitted as he picked up the folded pieces of paper and read them over. He paused as Barry said that their birth father had died recently. "I'm sorry.
It must be hard, losing him a few years after our mother died..." The young man said softly. After reading the papers, he handed them back to the other man. "Okay, I guess I'm starting
to believe that you're telling the truth. What do you expect to come out of this?" He asked the other man. He wasn't being rude, he just wanted to know what Barry's goal was with this.

"Before this goes any further, there are a few things you should know. I won't tolerate homophobia, racism, sexism, or judgement of any kind. If you have a problem with any of that, you're more than welcome to walk right back out the door. I have more than enough issues of my own from dealing with my adoptive parents, I don't need or want any other issues, you might bring to the table. Other than that, I guess you're welcome around here... if you want... sometimes.." Sebastian said, and shrugged. He wasn't sure how to deal with the fact that he suddenly had a brother. A twin brother, at that.
Barry shrugged when asked the question of what he wanted out of this. "I figured it wouldn't hurt to know my own flesh and blood but if you don't want to know me I understand and respect that. I have already got a little makeshift family going on back home but I couldn't go any longer not knowing who was walking around with my face. Didn't seem fair to keep it from you either." Barry said looking him over. He shifted slightly in the chair.

"I don't think I'm any of those things considering the make up of my friend group alone." He said chuckling. "None of that has ever really bothered me or anyone else I close with." Barry nodded very seriously "I wouldn't want to drag you into my drama either. It would make life a little more complicated than it already is. We can just start with getting to know each other then? Tell me more about yourself."
"There's not much to tell. I was adopted when we were babies. The agency told my adoptive parents that the Allen's had twins, but wouldn't be able to afford caring for two babies, and so
I had been put up for adoption. After that, I spent the first 5 years getting to know my adoptive parents. Or at least, as well as anyone could know them. When I was 10, they started going out of town a lot, supposedly on business trips. But I found out later that my adoptive father was banging his secretary, and my adoptive mother was sleeping with my adoptive father's best friend."

"So, they left for a few weeks at a time. Went on cruises and things like that. After I turned 12, they didn't bother trying to pretend like it was anything else. They'd just say, they were going to meet their current hookup, or their boyfriend or girlfriend. I'd usually see them about, oh what, once every 4 months? They left money for me to get groceries and anything else I needed.
I was to reach out to the neighbor's if there was any kind of emergency. I ended up devoting all my time to school, having decided early on that I was going to make something of myself and not end up selfish like they had."

"As you obviously know, I don't have the best manners. There wasn't really anyone around to teach me, nor do I even care to learn them. Being upfront and blunt has worked well for me
all of my life so far, so I don't see a reason to change or stop now. If someone can't handle something that I say, then that just means they need to take a closer look in the mirror and fix whatever the problem is. Anyway, from the time I was 14 until the time I was 17 I went to an all boy's school during my high school years, and that's where I met Blaine. Dalton Academy."

"The friends I made there, were all the family I needed. I graduated from Dalton, went to college for my law degree. I went to New York for a while, bumped into Blaine after a few years of lost contact, and we had a one night stand. After that, we spent some time together, decided to give a relationship a go, and moved back here to Ohio, and moved in together. I got a job at
a decent firm, and here we are."

"What about you?"
Barry listened quietly to his story frowning. It wasn't the happiest either, which he found really upsetting. He had kind of hoped for something more for his twin not the same kind of heartache. At least he seemed happy now.

"Me? Well...mom died and then dad. I've been staying with kind of like an adoptive father Joe West. I've been best friends with his daughter, forever. So it just kind of made sense when things got complicated. I did really well in school. I was always really into science. I went to school to become a Crime Scene Investigator and that't what I do now. I work with the police force and its really rewarding. In my spare time I work at S.T.A.R. Labs helping my friends with assorted projects. I get to be at the forefront of new science and that has always been a dream of mine."

"A couple of years ago I got struck by lightning and that has made life even more complicated then before." He paused. "But now, everything had been finally seeming to be going on a good path when I found out about you. Came as a total shock. I still live in the same city I grew up in and I love it there. I wouldn't change it. You will have to visit some time. Central City has some interesting sights. I'm not dating anyone currently, because that is also very complicated, but i won't bore you with that"

Barry grinned. "I think that maybe we can figure this out. I didn't mean to interrupt your day like this. I just didn't have a phone number and I thought in person would be the best way to do this." He rubbed the back of his neck
"It's fine," Sebastian said and then shrugged. "Blaine has this whole list of things we're supposed to do today. I wasn't planning on doing anything from his list. I was just going to convince him to ignore everything and everyone else and just stay in bed." He paused as the rest of what Barry had said, sunk in. "It sucks that you lost both of them. I hope that you have someone you talk to about them.." The brunette said, as he looked over his brother once more. It was still so weird, knowing that he had a brother. It was going to take some time to get used to, the young man knew that.

"So, does your adoptive father and all of your friends know that you found all of this information, and drove all the way out here to meet me? What did they say when or if, you told them?" Sebastian asked, finding himself curious. "As for visiting Central City, we'll see. I don't think it's a good idea for me to just drop by out the blue. You might be busy with work or something.
If anything, it'd probably be much better for both of us to to discuss the best time for me to drop in for a visit. Don't want to add any issues or stress to a complicated situation that you already have going on."
"I have a good support network" Barry replied thoughtfully, thinking about all of his friends out in Central City. "I wasn't going to seek you out but my friend recently lost his brother. He insisted we find you so I didn't have to be so alone. They all know about you. I am kind of terrible at keeping secrets, st least from them." Barry twiddled his thumbs in his lap, chuckling s little bit. "They were all pretty shocked, I honestly had enough surprises for s few days after finding out. That's why it took me so long to find you. I was deciding if I really wanted more complications." Barry nodded. "Well we can work better on planning our time together. I won't suddenly ruin your plans again."

Blaine finally returned with some glasses of water and some snacks. He set them on the table. "You haven't killed each other, so I am taking this as a good sign. I didn't hear any shouting or profanities so I am guessing we found a middle ground?" He asked, looking to Sebastian. He took a seat back on the couch. "This will definitely make for a good story at Christmas."
"Don't worry about my plans," Sebastian told Barry. "I can always put them off until later. I'm on vacation for the next two weeks. And outside of whatever my favorite curly haired midget tries to talk me into doing, I have no other plans. I usually work about 63 hours a week at my law firm. So, a break was needed. My boss actually had to tell me to take the next two weeks
off for my vacation or I'd risk losing it. So I said, what the hell, why not? So, if you want to talk or anything else, I'm available at any time for the next two weeks." He said and shrugged a
few moments later.

He pulled something out of his pocket and leaned over the coffee table, holding it out to Barry. "This is my card. It has the number to my private line at the law firm, the phone number
to the main line here, and my 5 cell phone numbers. If there's ever an emergency, and you need to get a hold of me ASAP, call the number to my private line at the law firm." Once Sebastian had handed his card to Barry, he sat back against the couch and lapsed into silence, not really sure what to talk about next. Grateful when Blaine finally came back with water and snacks.

"What he actually means, is that he's glad I wasn't a prick, and didn't say anything too offensive and that we didn't come to blows. But, Blaine's actually too nice to say that, so I will." He looked at his boyfriend and shrugged. "We're working on it," The brunette told him and reached out, taking one of Blaine's hands into his own, when the other man resumed his seat on the couch once more. He groaned at Blaine's next words. "Can't we just keep with the tradition of grossing the other Warbler's out with stories about our sex life? That's much more entertaining.." Sebastian said, and smirked at Blaine.
Barry looked at the card before sliding it into the pocket. "Thanks, it could always come in handy to know a lawyer." he said smiling. "I'll test you sometime so you have my number in case you have any...science emergencies" Barry laughed a bit, taking up the glass of water. "If you really have two weeks off it seems like a good time to visit Central City if you want. I can put in for a few days off, if your interested. No point in making either one of us do a long trip for no reason." He offered. He looked between Blaine and Sebastian. They were kind of sweet together in a weird way, but it was still really odd to watch your twin holding hands with a man when you yourself were not gay. The one way to make his life even more confusing.

Blaine's face went red at the mention of their sex life. "No one thinks that's entertaining except you" he said in an angry whisper, shaking his head. "I think a trip to Central City would be fun. We've never gone before. And then you really can't go to work. I'm on summer break from the school. Its seems perfect to me." He teased softly Blaine squeezed his hand "Besides, I won't get in your way of getting to know your family. The garden can wait and repainting the upstairs bedrooms."
"Given that you work in law enforcement, I'm not as concerned to hear you say that, as I would be, if you didn't." Sebastian nodded when Barry said that he would text him his number for science emergencies. "A science emergency? That sounds interesting. Have you dealt with many science emergencies in the last few years?" He wasn't being a jerk, he was simply curious. Though there was a small smirk on his lips. The young man fell silent as Barry started to speak. "That would be fine." He paused for a moment and then said, "Do you know of any houses
that are for rent in Illinois?"

"And I tend to always look for gay friendly neighborhoods to avoid issues. I have no problem defending myself or Blaine if it comes down to it, but I'd prefer to avoid issues like that if I can. Especially if it means that I don't meet your adoptive father and his daughter for the first time by getting into a fistfight with some homophobic ass who still hasn't learned to keep to their mouth shut and just mind their own damn business." He glanced over at Blaine, and smirked when his boyfriend started to blush. "Aww, Blaine, come on. Where's your sense of humor?" Sebastian asked, and then he stroked his thumb over his boyfriend's hand to soothe him.

"Alright," He said after a few minutes of deliberation. "We'll go to Central City. I'm curious to see what kind of mischief I can cause over there and how many heteros we can piss off while we're there." The young man looked at Blaine. "You are part of my family, and you're never in the way. So get that thought out of your mind. You and I are a package deal. If anyone has
a problem with it, then tough shit for them. As for the garden and painting, it'll still be here when we get back. Besides, you know how good I am at coming up with excuses with getting
out of mundane things like that," He said and grinned.
Barry made a face at the request for houses to rent. "Not off hand but hold on. I have a friend who will know more about that then I do." He sent off a few texts. He frowned "and now he probably thinks I'm gay...." Barry shook his head "that will be alot of explaining todo when I get back."

Blaine sighed and shook his head. "Not every place we travel to has to be battle against Injustice. You don't always have to be the hero." He pointed out. "When are we.planning to go there, tonight? Tomorrow? Next week?" He asked looking to Sebastian. "And is renting a house necessary can't we just stay in a hotel like normal people?"

That was when Barry perked up. "My friend found some.in a good neighborhood, let me send them along to you." Barry began, sending them to the email on the business card he had given him. "You are welcome whenever really, stay howwvee long you want. Whatevwe is comfortable for you. And I want to stress Central City is really progressive, so I don't think you'll have to go on many gay crussades as far as I can tell."
"All you have to do is tell them that you're not. That you were asking for information for your brother that you just found out about. And if they don't believe you, that's their problem." Sebastian said, not seeing an actual problem. "And who cares if you were? You're sitting in my living room with my partner and I. If the gay thing is such an issue, then we don't have
to go to Central City." He said and then shrugged. "The whole point of this is for us to spend some time together and get to know each other, but if you're uncomfortable, then nothing
has to happen."

He turned to look at Blaine. "It's not about being a hero, Blaine. It's about us being able to feel safe and not like we have to watch our backs against homophobic people in an unfamiliar
place. I'm thinking we'll leave tomorrow afternoon. My vacation officially starts tomorrow, and I had the day off today, so there's still the full two weeks to use. I'll call Wes and ask him
to keep an eye on the place for us while we're gone. This way the house doesn't get completely neglected for the two weeks that we're gone. As for a hotel, that's not practical for our purposes."

"It's cheaper for us to just rent a house for a single lump sum. If we stayed in a hotel, then we'd have to pay a few different outrageous amounts per night and that would just be a huge waste of money." He laughed a moment later. "You know that we're anything but normal," Sebastian reminded his boyfriend. He stopped talking when Barry started to talk once more. The young man scanned his phone once his brother started to send him listings. "It's not about a crusade. Like I said, it's just about us feeling safe."
Barry shook his head. "I don't have problem with the gay thing." he said quickly "I just have been fighting rumors like that since high school and really dont want them to get started again." He replied. trying to not make his newly found brother angry. It was becoming clearer and clearer, that he was temperamental about that issue. He shook his head. "Trust me, you will be plenty safe. I can promise that. We've got i guess a superhero, roaming around the city, so I really don't think you'll have anything to worry about."

Blaine only raises his eyebrow at that. "uh huh, sure." he replied, "Do you need a place to stay for the night? And then we can all head down tomorrow? Save gas and all that?" he asks. "It makes more sense to me, then you heading home tonight and having to come find us when we arrive the next day. I can make something for dinner." Blaine looked between the two men. "That way we can all get to know each other before we go spend two weeks in your home city." Blaine shifted a little bit feeling some tension between them.
"People will see us both in town and know that you're not gay," Sebastian said, ready to drop the issue, not wanting to argue or fight. A frown came over his lips when Barry mentioned that they had some kind of superhero in Central City. "What? That streak thing? No thanks. I'd rather depend more on myself to watch Blaine's back and my own, than rely on some random stranger who may or may not show up when things get hairy. Surely you can understand my concern, about waiting for someone I don't know, to show up and rescue me. That might work
for some people, but I know how to protect myself and Blaine."

"Sure, the guy shows up out of the blue and helps people, and that's great, but I'm going to make sure that we're never in a situation where we need that kind of help." He stopped talking when Blaine started to speak, and nodded along with his boyfriend, when the other man invited Barry to stay the night. "Blaine's right. It's another 6 hour drive back to Central City. There's no use making a late night trip. We have a large guest bedroom with a connected bathroom that you're welcome to use tonight." Once he was sure that his boyfriend was done speaking, Sebastian said, "Blaine makes the best steaks in Ohio, with some kind of secret sauce that he won't tell me about. So, you're welcome to stay, if you like."
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