Metal Resistance [brenda brunette and Sigr]

"I'm thinking... it's time to take the car" Hana said amused. "I mean, I've never been on a limo and I want to make as much use of it as I can today" she added with a little mischievous laugh. Being able to taste a bit of luxury for a day would be funny and interesting. "Well, there is also the fact that I love seafood and I'm starting to feel hungry so... I'm feeling a bit lazy for a moment" she admitted with a smile. Ready to leave the bags in the car and hop on it, Hana was happy to follow Moa and share a ride, even if brief, with her.
Hiroshi opened the door for the two of them. He wasn't the driver -- that was Hikaru. But he opened the door since he was already standing nearby.

Moa considered sitting beside the girl with a crush on her, but she decided to sit opposite her, facing her. That way, she figured, they could look into each other's eyes. She didn't want to lead Hana on, but anyway, it was looking like things between Hana and Tora-san would work out. And she was pretty sure the young contest winner would enjoy looking at her crush for the short ride to the restaurant.

Moa politely asked Hiroshi-san to ride in the front seat, which he was happy to do. That gave the girls more privacy, and Moa certainly didn't feel the need to have a bodyguard present right next to them.

About a light-year away from Moa and Hana, the Kitsune sped onward toward the unidentified craft.

"Sugoine!" Yui exclaimed as she glanced at the incoming telemetry. "That's one fast ship."

"How long until we intercept?" Su asked, intent on piloting the Kitsune.

Yui waited about half a second before replying, "It just passed us."

"Hei?" Su uttered in disbelief as she threw the tiny starship into full reverse.

Whatever it was, it was now headed straight for Earth.
"This thing is huge!" Hana sat on the limo, looking all around her. It was crazy that it could be a car like that, not to even talk about her being inside it. But the most insane part was the person sitting in front of her. Moa was so friendly and easygoing that by then it was kind of easy to slip a bit and forget who she was, even Hana and her crush could think of her from time to time as just a friend like any other. Now she was a bit blushed and conflicted, because her feelings for Moa were still there, but thanks to her the relationship with Tora could perhaps be fixed and go even further, so new feelings were starting to blossom inside Hana.

"It's so big that you can even lie down!" she admired, doing so by occupying all her seat. Her sundress rode up a bit until it was mid thigh, but Hana didn't seem to notice. "This is crazy comfortable, I know that it's a short trip but even then..." she admired it, still looking at Moa from her lying down position.
Moa smiled at her, seeing how the dress rode up her thigh.

"Lie down like that for Tora-san and she may not be able to keep her hands off you!" Moa said.

"There's drinks and snacks in the refrigerator," Moa told her, "and more snacks in the cabinet." She could remember her first time in a limo. How old had she been then? Nine? Ten?

"Zeroing in on a DNA match," Segguffx said.

Zanpar held up the single hair he had retrieved from the stage at the Tokyo Dome. It belonged to one of the trio, and he hoped it was Yui's. But any of the trio would suit his purposes.

The ship quietly slipped under every long range detection system on Earth and dove into the atmosphere.
"Lie down like what?" Hana wondered, looking around and noticing that her sundress had rode up her meaty thigh and was almost showing off more than it was prudent. "Ah!" she gasped in an embarrassed surprise, pulling the hem of the dress down, covering herself. "I didn't mean..." she started to excuse herself, but stopped, noticing that Moa didn't think that she meant it and gave it no importance. "Do you really think so?" she asked. "Can I be attractive?" Hana further questioned, sitting up from her lying down position just in front of Moa. "I mean, I know that you can't date... but... even just a bit, just for one day..." she mumbled, talking slowly to manage her nervous stuttering. "Would you be with a boy or a g-girl? And if you like girls would you... I mean, just hypothetically, a girl with a fuller figure..." she muttered, unsure on what to say. It wasn't as much as she was asking for Moa to touch her that way, although she would love so, even if it was a one day illusion, but she still doubted that an attractive and fashionable girl like Tora would be more than her friend.
The conversation had turned suddenly serious.

"You are attractive, Hana," Moa said, leaning forward.

"I prefer boys," she continued. "But I wouldn't be opposed to dating a girl. There are many more important things than how a person looks. What's in your heart? How do you treat others? These are important. These last. Looks fade, but simple kindness can become a legacy which goes on beyond your lifespan."

She reached out and touched Hana's knee.

"Target aquired," Segguffx announced. "She is moving. There is another with her."

Zanpar thought for a moment. Perhaps he could get two of the three. That would be even better.

"Bring them both up," Zanpar ordered.

Segguffx activated the teleport and in an instant Moa and Hana were no longer in the limo.

They were aboard an alien spacecraft.

Zanpar towered over them, his three eyes taking them in. Each eye was on a stalk, and he twisted them to examine the young women from several angles. Suggufx scampered up his tail and up the orange, bumpy skin of Zanpar's body to rest on his uppermost shoulder.

Zanpar waved his six arms menacingly. So it hadn't been Yui's hair, but Moa's. Not that it would make much difference. He didn't recognize the rotund girl with her. That wouldn't make much difference, either.

"Welcome," Zanpar growled, his crocodile-like mouth grinning, showing row upon row of sharp teeth.
Hana blushed and shivered, Moa saying that she was attractive was beyond her wildest dreams, and as she got closer and closer Hana's heart threatened to beat itself out of her chest. Moa reassured her, and even if she had heard the speech about things more important than looks like a million times, in Moa's voice was believable and endearing. As Moa touched her bare knee, Hana couldn't but stay perfectly still and gasp. If the date wasn't exactly going as Hana envisioned, but it was even better, things suddenly took a turn to weird.

"Aaah!" Hana screamed, not only surprised and disoriented by the sudden teleportation, but also terrified at the sight of those strange beings in front of them. His peeking eyes, those scary arms and the teeth... Hana thought for a moment she was going to faint, but she didn't. It may have been the scariest moment of her life, facing what at that moment were alien bullies with unknown purposes, but even then Hana instinctively stood between Moa and them protectively. "W-who are y-y-you? What d-do you w-want?" Hana stuttered wildly when asking, extending her arms in cross, keeping herself between them and Moa.
Moa was impressed with Hana’s bravery. Moa herself didn’t feel particularly brave. Her last encounter with an alien had involved tentacle rape.

Segguffx waved his antennae and clicked his mandibles. “I don’t know who the big one is,” he said to Zanpar, “but she’s cute! I like an aggressive woman. Can I keep her?”

“We’ll confine them,” Zanpar barked. “When her friends come to her rescue, we’ll have all three. Then you may keep the big one.”

With that, Zanpar seized the girls, using three hands for each.
It seemed that Moa was telling the truth and she was indeed attractive, although being called cute by a weird alien thing wasn't exactly the kind of compliment Hana hoped for. Why weren't they hot girls in tiger bikinis instead of weird monsters? Hana felt stronger with Moa by her side, but it seemed that Moa herself wasn't on her best moment, something that alerted Hana that things were going quite bad. "S-stop calling me big! I'm Hana!" she dared to protest, but the notion of being bait to lure the rest of Babymetal in worried Hana. "Aaah! Let me go!" she protested and struggled when that alien creature grabbed her, but to no avail as her strength wasn't nowhere near a match.

Seeing that Moa was worried, almost shocked, Hana wondered what had made the brave girl behave like that. "We'll be fine Moa, we'll be fine" she repeated trying to get Moa out of her slump, but also trying to bolster her own courage to face whatever those aliens had in store for them.
Moa had neither her Kawaii Beam nor her bracelet with her. She couldn't even play a Babymetal song in the hopes of subduing the aliens, and merely singing the vocals wouldn't set up the necessary harmonics. The metaphorical gears in her brain whirred as she tried to think of a plan.

Zanpar placed them in a stasis chamber, similar to the one aboard the Kitsune. It wasn't really a chamber, since it wasn't a separate room, and it wasn't really stasis, since Hana and Moa could move about within the field, but couldn't move beyond it.

Just before Zanpar activated the field, Segguffx leapt from his shoulder down with the girls.

Zanpar turned the field on, letting the insectiod do whatever it was he had in mind.

"Hello, Hana-chan," the turtle-sized creature said. "I'm Segguffx. It's a pleasure to meet you." He scurried up her body and rested on her shoulder, stroking her hair with one of his appendages.

"You really are beautiful," he clicked. "Let me see you better."

He began snipping at her clothes with his pincers, tugging with his legs and tearing with his mandibles, stripping her.
Moa had been silent since they were captured, and even if Hana wanted to think that it was a sign that she was hatching some kind of daring escape plan, she couldn't help but fear she was caught unaware and way over her head. The notion of seeing her idol and crush scared made Hana feel despair and lose heart, but perhaps she could be brave, she could be the one inspiring for once. "He-hello?" she said, unsure of what the alien's intentions were, although they would come clear soon enough. "Thanks but please, let us g-" Hana was starting to thank Segguffx for his compliment and about to plead to let them go, but her voice was cut short and her body froze for a moment as he cut away her cute white sundress.

"No!" Hana managed to yell, once the initial shock passed and she could react, freaked out. Grabbing the creature with her bare hands she threw him against the field containing them before falling to her knees, trying to cover her meaty body and white set of lace underwear with the shreds of her dress. "Stay away from us!" Hana yelled, trembling, her eyes starting to get wet, looking desperate for Moa to help somehow, her dream date turning into a nightmare.
Segguffx scrambled closer to Hana again. "Feisty!" he observed. "I like that. Now be a good girl and pull those panties down so I can see everything. You will be mine, you adorable round thing," he said. A disgusting purple tongue snaked out from between his mandibles and ran over them. "I'm going to give you a pleasure you've only imagined! You'll see in time."

With that, he called Zanpar to let him out, which the larger alien did.

When both had gone, Moa pressed her palms against the field, testing it. Then she stepped back and gave it a kick. The field gave, just a little bit. She turned to her date and fellow captive.

"Hana, I can overcome this field, but I'm going to need strength," she told her. She was suddenly very serious. "Kiss me," she said. "Make love to me. Give me the strength of your crush. Your passion."

With that, Moa closed the space between them, taking Hana's hands in her own.
"No..." Hana softly whimpered, the courage she had managed to amass running thing before the sturdiness of the horrible alien and his promises of the disgusting assault he intended to infringe on her. Luckily, their captors gave them pause, allowing her to breathe more calmly, still sitting down trying to cover her almost naked body with the shreds of her sundress.

Since the aliens had gone, it seemed that Moa had finally sprung to life, to action, pushing and testing the field that kept them there. It didn't seem to give up even an inch in Hana's eyes, so she had nothing to do but wait, clenching the remains of her dress a bit tighter when Moa looked at her seriously.

"You can? What can I do?" Hana's eyes got a little bit brighter, hopeful when Moa said that she could overcome the field. "Wha-? Whaaaaaaaaaaat?" she couldn't help but blush wildly and look wide eyed when Moa said that she had not only to kiss her, but to make love to her. To Moa.

Hana got up, the tattered dress falling from her tenuous grasp, standing there in her underwear completely baffled, as Moa approached and took hold of her hands. "I... I have n-never done... I don't know how..." she said, stuttering and nervous. "I m-mean... I've... with myself... you know?" she admitted, completely embarrassed. "And while I was... I may... may-maybe thought..." it was terrible to confess such a thing, as sometimes when she indulged herself her mind couldn't help but drift towards her beloved Moa, even unintentionally. "I'm sorry" she added, even perhaps her passion was the key to get them out of there.

"Will you... will you teach me how?" Hana asked, encouraged by her own need. It was the way out, but also it could be the way to realize her fantasies and move on. Of course she would still go on admiring Moa, and being friends if she wanted to, but it was perhaps a way to stop perving about her and maybe, just maybe, focus on rebuilding her relationship with Tora.

Trembling scared in her cute white underwear, Hana was a couple of steps of being fully naked, even if her underwear didn't hide much either. Most of her abundant curvy physique was already on sight, and the sheerness of her undergarments already showed hints to the big areolas around her nipples or that she shaved all her hair down there.
Moa stepped close and nuzzled Hana's ear. "Just do what comes naturally," she whispered. "Show me how you feel about me. That's what will give me strength."

Being an idol, Moa didn't exactly have a lot of experience herself. But she tongued Hana's ear as she let her hand slide along the girl's shoulder and down her upper arm.

"Tell me all the things you've wanted to tell me," Moa whispered. "Even the naughty ones. Touch me and caress me like you've always wanted."

Moa wrapped her arm around Hana's ample waist and pulled her into a deep kiss.
As Moa stepped closer than ever, her clothes caressed and tickled Hana's almost naked body. She was giving her permission to do what she wanted, to show her how she felt, and the mere notion was intoxicating. "Ah..." a small sigh of pleasure and surprise escaped her lips as Moa started to play with her ear, feeling her tongue graze it. If it wasn't for the situation it would be a dream made true, and it only got better when Moa not only gave her further permission to say anything naughty and touch her as she had always wanted, but she also hugged her and pulled Hana even closer.

"Mph-" a little startled moan sounded muffled, as Moa was not only kissing Hana, but it was also far from being a chaste kiss, as the little cute girl was stuffing Hana's mouth with her playful tongue. Hana's mind blanked, and her shyness and surprise soon melted into pleasure, as her own hands circled Moa's thin waist and hugged her against her meaty breasts, returning the kiss with a curious and naughty tongue.

"Hahh... hahh..." Hana gasped for air as the kiss ended, her breasts swaying up and down as she recovered from her first kiss being out of her wildest imagination. "You are so cute, so beautiful..." Hana whispered, ticking Moa's neck with her words and the tip of her tongue. It seemed that she was so driven with passion, so committed to not only give Moa what she needed to get them out of there but also indulge on her dream, that she wasn't even stuttering anymore. Hana's busy hands wandered under Moa's t-shirt, first caressing her fit and firm midriff while Hana planted kisses around Moa's neckline, but soon she took hold of the shirt and pulled it over Moa's head, wanting to see the girl of her dreams.
Moa raised her arms and let Hana pull off her T-shirt. She wore a sheer bra underneath. Not that her breasts were particularly large.

"And you," Moa whispered, responding to Hana's compliment. "So passionate. So sensual!" She cupped the girl's meaty breast, then brought her mouth to the nipple, suckling her gently.
Moa's petite and cute breasts, she was seeing Moa's delicious little titties and Hana felt about to go crazy on her, but it was the idol the one that succumbed to her bigger assets. Hana shivered as Moa sunk her face in that bountiful bosom, taking one of her nipples in her mouth in after undoing her bra's front clasp. Hana maneuvered her arms to get rid of the hanging bra, and soon circled Moa's back with them, unclasping her sheer lingerie piece while the girl enjoyed her tits.

Taking Moa's face from her breasts, Hana tenderly rose it with both hands to plant a kiss of her own, this time her tongue was the intruder, a gentle explorer of new grounds uncharted for her. As the kiss went deeper and deeper, Hana hugged Moa close, their bare chests pressing against each other, Hana's soft breasts pressed against her idol. "Hah, wonderful..." she sighed, breaking the kiss. "I want a taste too..." she whispered, a trail of kisses guiding her to the chin, then neck and finally Moa's breasts.

Cupping the little boobs with her hands, Hana groped Moa's petite mounds with passion. "Kawaii..." she mumbled before diving in, ticking her nipples in turn with her tongue, taking small nibbles here and there. "So wonderful..." she mused, resting her head for a moment in Moa's fit belly as she knelt down. Hana's hands rested on Moa's hips, above her shorts. "I want to see all of you, to taste all of you..." Hana confessed, so driven and passionate that she didn't even stutter, awaiting for permission to unwrap Moa bare.
Moa wasn't sure if her plan was giving her the strength she needed, though she felt it probably was. It was definitely making her wet. Hana might be shy and stuttering. She might not have the best singing voice. She might carry some extra kilos. But she was desirable. Far more desirable than she gave herself credit for being. Moa felt confident that Hana and Tora-san would be very happy together. That was, if Moa could get them out of their current situation.

When Hana said she wanted to taste all of her, Moa's wetness increased. The idol ran her fingers through Hana's hair.

"You don't have to," Moa breathed. "But I really, really want you to!"

She resisted the urge to unbutton her jeans, letting Hana set the pace for them.
Moa's fingers through her hair, the worked breath that carried her words, words of desire, all that was driving Hana mad to the point of gasping in anticipation. Given the green light, Hana clumsily got rid of Moa's pants, and so eager she was that she didn't even stop to admire her sheer panties as they were gone with the rest of the clothes altogether. As Moa kicked the clothes away, Hana was glaring at her pussy like it was a chocolate dessert. Slowly but surely she approached, sliding on the floor until she was practically between Moa's long legs, caressing her thighs with her hands, shaky breath escaping her lips and reaching her lower ones.

Hana kissed the inner part of Moa's thighs, feeling, tasting her wetness as it ran down along them. "Did I... did I do that?" she asked, seeing how excited her idol was. "Grab more of my hair, caress it, brace on it..." she gasped, pausing for a brief moment. "I'm going... I'm going to..." Hana couldn't even bear to say it, but she did indulge on her idea.

Taking hold of Moa's athletic buttocks, Hana leaned forward as she pushed the girl's hips forwards, diving mouth first into her pussy. There was no kisses, no tickling with the tip of the tongue, all too excited to pace herself she just opened her mouth wide and tried to almost drink off Moa, as she was a fountain of unending pleasure. Hana's tongue explored her insides as far as she could, as she breathed through her nose when she wasn't bumping it with Moa's clit in her eagerness. It was clumsy and completely devoid of technique, but it was the whole force of her crush, her passion, her nights of touching herself all in one, and she had just but begun.
"Yes," Moa purred when Hana asked, "you did that."

When Hana began working her pussy, Moa moaned long and low. Her lack of technique was more than made up for by her sheer desire. Moa grew even wetter. She moaned, cried out, even swore with pleasure.

"Oh, god, Hana!" She lifted her left leg and wrapped it around her fan's head, levering her hips, fucking Hana's tounge. She entwined her fingers in her lover's hair.

She tried to form words, to tell Hana of her impending orgasm, but her voice betrayed her, only allowing wordless moans of delight. Her leg tightened around her head and she squealed as she came, bucking her hips, coaxing even more pleasure from Hana's tongue.

She was panting and sweating, more than she had at any concert. Hana may have lacked finesse, but she had a raw talent for expressing her passion.
As Moa wrapped a leg around her, Hana had to work harder to help her keep balance, feeling closer, sinking deeper. It was everything she had imagined and then some, the warmth and the taste were things familiar to her as she had tasted herself after touching in the past, but it wasn't the same. Moa was sweet even down there, or so Hana's lust addled brain made her taste feel, as the idol's moans reached her muffled by her thighs. Sooner than expected, Moa started quivering and shaking, pulling Hana's face deeper and closer while Hana's fingers dug deep into that tight ass, grasping it as Moa exploded in her face.

Hana backed off a little bit, seeing how Moa was left barely standing and gasping for air. Her fit body glistened with wetness and sweat, the embodiment of sex for a fleeting moment. Hana was surprised, as she didn't just fulfill her dream, but she was also good enough to give pleasure to the idol of her dreams. Sure, the situation was far from ideal, but she still had done it, it still was Moa's wetness the one that made her own lips shine.

Getting up from the floor, Hana pulled off her drenched panties without a second thought. "I... I need" she mumbled, feeling a bit shy again. "Unless I come I think I may be going crazy" she confessed, feeling hornier than ever, waiting for what Moa wanted to do, needed to do.
Moa felt she was probably strong enough to escape their prison now. Hana had shown her the desire -- the unbridled passion -- she needed. But it was hardly fair of her to let Hana pleasure her without giving something in return. Besides, another few minutes probably wouldn't make much difference in their escape.

"Lay down," Moa urged her, caressing the skin of her ample body. As Hana laid back, Moa took one of her nipples into her warm mouth, sucking and nipping gently. Then she straddled her face, lowering her glistening sex to her mouth again. Only this time, she was in a position to 69. Moa lay forward, caressing Hana's thigh with her cheek and purring. With her fingertips, she gently parted Hana's lower lips. She could see her lover's wetness, and knowing Hana's desire was for her made her own pussy quiver.

Moa leaned close and ran the tip of her tongue over Hana's nether lips. She purred and cooed as she tasted her desire. She used the edge of her tongue in a saw-like motion, sliding it along Hana's wet cleft.
Hana obediently lied down, guided by Moa's words, urged by her caresses. How she touched her flesh, a faint graze here, a deep grope there, made Hana hold her breath in anticipation, shivering as Moa took one of her nipples in her mouth. "Ah, yes, good..." she whispered, welcoming the feeling of having the limber idol on top of her, enjoying her bountiful body. "Hmm?" Hana mumbled, confused at the sight of Moa's pussy as she straddled her face, taking a better look on her beautiful lips for the first time, since the one had been so rushed that she didn't even get a glance.

Feeling Moa explore between her legs, purring and caressing, gracefully parting her meaty pussy lips with her thin fingers was distraction enough to lose sight of Moa's pussy in front of her face. It was happening, Moa-metal was there with her, both of them completely nude and the idol was caressing her pussy with a lovely and delicate touch.

"Ahh-!" Hana cut her moan short by biting her lower lip, having difficulty to control the sounds she was making as Moa had started to lick her lips. "So- so good-" she managed to utter, bracing on Moa's hips above her head. "More... more... fingers..." Hana begged, trying to return to her attentions of Hana's pussy but too distracted by the new sensations she was experiencing to really do a proper job.
Moa realized she was pleasuring Hana to such a point that the girl couldn't focus or participate much. That turned Moa on all the more. She slipped her tongue inside the girl, working it back and forth, back and forth like a little cock. She could taste Hana's arousal. Back and forth. Back and forth she tongue fucked her.

Then she pulled her tongue out and flicked the tip over Hana's clit. As she did so, she let a finger slip into the girl's wet quim, searching for her G-spot.
Feeling Moa's tongue play inside her like a living thing was mind breaking, making her quiver and twitch. The surge of passion made her wanting to double her sloppy efforts on her part, starting to lap again at Moa's pussy, even if she was more moaning into it than really doing the work. When Moa stopped licking Hana's slit to attack her clit while driving a finger in, the chubby girl gasped between Moa's legs, feeling devoid of air for a moment. It was so different of playing with herself or having a toy there... so warm, so playful...

The experience made Hana wanting to match Moa's efforts but it was for nothing, as the most she could do was brace to the idol's hips and keep sloppily licking her. It was all so pleasurable and new that she couldn't handle herself for long. "The- there..." she whispered, struggling to get words out as Moa found a spot that made her knees tremble. "More... more... I'm so close..." she begged, feeling a warmth building up as Moa attacked her insides, Hana's fingers leaving white marks on Moa's flesh.
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