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Metal Resistance [brenda brunette and Sigr]

Moa was horrified by what she had just experienced, but Yui came running out of the production booth, her little breasts bouncing. She scooped up kitten NoNo and carried him out of the harsh studio lights.

Su woke up from where she had lain unconscious and covered with NoNo goo. "Hey, what's going on?" she asked confusedly.

"We have to get this little guy up to the Kitsune," Yui explained. "And we have to free the people in the basement."

"I'll do that," Moa offered.

"No offense," Yui said, "but maybe Su is better dressed for that."

Once they had released the crew from the basement, it was a relatively simple matter to have a message sent to the Galactic Protection Agency directly from the studio. They had a prison ship dispatched and within the hour, kitten NoNo was teleported aboard for transport to GPA headquarters.

The slime from Slippery Sumo wasn't easy to get off. Each girl took an extended shower before she was free of the slimy substance.

As Su toweled herself dry, she once again had the feeling something, or someone, was in her mind with her, sharing her experiences.
"No! Please don't!" NoNo begged all the time he had been in custody. "I know I've been bad and I'm sorry! But I didn't mean to!" the little slimy looked cute and sad trapped in the Kitsune. "I'll try to make up for it working for you! Please! It... it wasn't me..." he weakly protested. "My love for you it's true, so I wanted to be close, I went too far trapping those people in the basement..." he confessed. "But what it came after... it was like something was inside me! Pushing me to do all those things... horrible things... I'm sorry Moa..." he looked definitely beaten, moping on the floor, silently waiting for him to be sent away in punishment.
The Tokyo Dome roared with each and every song, enraptured wild with Babymetal's dazzling performance. People had been flocking to the stadium for hours, the close Suidobashi and Korakuen subway stations flooded with activity from fans, most of them clad in red, black and silver. Even if the Dome was packed, there were screens outside so even more people could follow the concert even if they hadn't managed to get one of the tickets. There was one single person though, that had been exceptionally lucky having a very special pass backstage.

Su-metal was singing No Rain, No Rainbow on stage, a solo song without a crazy choreography that almost served as a rest, something that was doubly true as it came just after Yui and Moa had sung Onedari Daisakusen and needed to catch their breath backstage a bit. The concert was going fantastically, and it was a welcome return to normalcy after what had been pretty hectic days. The gameshow incident had been quite unnerving, and NoNo's words about someone being inside him weren't quite believable, but they added a shine of oddity to it. At least it wasn't live, just taped to be aired later, so the only copy of what happened was on Babymetal's possession on the Kitsune and nobody else knew what happened.

Black Babymetal were drying the sweat and drinking a bit backstage when a stage hand approached them, looking at Moa. It was still a bit startling, but the girls were already familiar with at least the faces of most of the people that worked around them. "There is someone here looking for you, Moa-san" he said, "the winner of the date day with you" added. With all those missions, the promotion, the concert and NoNo's assault she had forgotten of that one, it was a ticket hidden on one of their products at random, one for each one of the three Babymetal members, and seemingly someone had found hers.

When the stagehand stepped aside, it revealed that maybe the winner wasn't the kind of fan that Moa expected, as quite a lot of them were male. Before her stood a nervous girl, a bit chubby but not much, definitely more shapely than athletic Moa. Clad in a Black Babymetal shirt and a red skirt, she seemed to be shaking nervous, an expected reaction from meeting her idol. The ticket gave you the right to go to all of the Tokyo Dome concerts with a VIP pass and a date day with the Babymetal member of choice on the next day. "I... ah... a p-pleasure to meet you" the girl bowed to Moa, clearly flustered after just meeting her.
"Hajimemashite*," Moa said, then bowed as she added, "Yoroshiku onegai shimasu*."

Moa opened another water bottle and took a huge swig, downing almost half the bottle in a single gulp. All three girls sweat profusely during a concert, and that fluid had to be replaced.

"I'm sorry," Moa said after her chug. "We go on again for Ijime, Dame, Zettai."

It suddenly occurred to Moa how very odd it was that a fan would take advantage of a VIP backstage pass during the concert. The winning ticket included access to the Mosh'sh**, and there was hardly a better place from which to watch the show.

Moa took the few minutes she had to entertain this fan. The girl was clearly nervous, and may have had a stutter on top of that. Moa tried to put her at ease.

"I'm Moa, of course, and this is Yui," she said gesturing to the other half of Black Babymetal.

"Yoroshiku onegai shimasu," Yui said with a slight bow.

"What's your favorite Babymetal song?" Moa asked, smiling her dimpled smile.

The instrumental bridge of No Rain, No Rainbow was playing onstage.

[Real World Update: Happy 18th birthday, Moa.]

*Traditional Japanese greetings used when people first meet. Roughly translates as It begins and Please look favorably upon me, respectively.

** Babymetal's version of a mosh pit.
"Arimoto Ha-Hana" the nervous girl introduced herself with a bow, looking at Moa completely mesmerized. "Ah! I love them all but... Ijime, Dame, Zettai is special to me..." Hana confessed, looking down for a moment, then back at Moa, taking a deep breath. "Meeting you is so crazy... like a dream. I already had a ticket for the concert, but I almost faint when I found the special ticket. And it was for the one I- for my favorite Moa-chan. A date day... it was just..." Hana started to slow her tirade, her shiny dark eyes that looked oh so bright while she talked at the beginning started to appear more and more dull.

"I just wanted to meet you before our da-date tomorrow..." Hana was terribly blushed, "but you don't have to do it if you don't want to!" she hurried to add. "I'd understand if you didn't... I mean, look at me..." the chubby girl looked a bit down again, her smile turning into a frown.

Happy Birthday Moa!
The girl was charming. Moa was certain the teen had a crush on her. And while Moa preferred boys, she still preferred girls to tentacles.

It was telling that Ijime, Dame, Zettai had a special meaning for her. The song was the group's anti-bullying song. Arimoto had probably been bullied, and the song had helped her though some tough times.

Moa put her arm around the girl. "Arimoto-chan," she said, "why wouldn't I go on a date with you?"

"Cue," Yui said.

The pre-recorded opening narration of Ijime, Dame, Zettai was already playing.

"Maybe I'll see you after the show, if not, tomorrow then," Moa called as she rushed to her place.
Hana turned beet red as soon as Moa had put an arm around her. It wasn't exactly a hug, well, it was nothing like a hug if she was honest, but for Hana it felt like a heartwarming embrace. "Ehhhhh-" she couldn't answer what Moa asked her, and as Yui warned it was time for them to go back to the scenario. "There is like a million reasons to not date me" she whispered for herself, as there was no way Moa could hear that as she ran to her position.

It was extremely awkward for her to stay there in the middle of the unseen part of the show, but it was at the same time pleasing. She had been in many Babymetal concerts, as many as she had been able to, but the backstage experience was something new. Everyone was so professional, worked so hard to make the show reach the hearts of that many people... Hana felt that seeing the trick behind the magic didn't broke the illusion, if anything it was all the more endearing. It wasn't just a wonder born of natural talent or a expensive setup, without hard work put in by all the team there would be nothing at all.

Seeing how much those people contributed gave Hana courage to stay the whole show and not run away as her shy heart seemed to want. "It was wonderful seeing it from here..." Hana gushed at the Babymetal trio once they were done and back there, her eyes fixed on Moa and forgetting that Su didn't know who she was.
Su smiled at the stranger.

"Su-san," Moa intoned, "This is Hana, the winner of the contest."

"Yoroshiku onegai shimasu," Su said with a slight bow.

Moa again put her arm around Hana. She turned her fan to face the stage. "This is my favorite part of a concert," Moa told her, "when we get to hear how much our fans enjoyed the show."

Throughout the Tokyo Dome, kitsune were thrown high. A chant of "En-co-re! En-co-re!*" went up. Lights played over the audience, building excitement and expectation. It went on for nearly four minutes.

Three stage hands were suddenly there, each helping one of the girls shoulder a dramatic black and red cape. The time for their encore was had arrived.

Su walked out solemnly, and the crowd cheered wildly. Yui and Moa followed.

The Kami Band struck the first chords of The One and the crowd's cheer grew almost deafening. The girls had already delivered their "We are Babymetal" ending after Ijime, Dame, Zettai, so all that was left was their final "See you!!" And with a little kick, the three exited the stage.

"I hope you liked that just as much," Moa said, taking Hana's shoulders in her hands and looking into her eyes, her cheeks dimpled as always. A stagehand was already taking the cape from her shoulders.

*Encore with a Japanese accent. American fans may recall audiences chanting "Ba-by Me-tal" and clapping their hands to indicate their desire for an encore. My admittedly limited research suggests this is a purely Western phenomenon.
"Aaah-" Hana sighed embarrassed, bowing to Su-metal and greeting her, completely distracted by Moa's presence. Her embarrassment didn't get any better when Moa once more enveloped her with an arm. "We did. It was wonderful" she said, looking at Moa with bright eyes, obviously including herself among the fans. A bit more calmer once they returned to the stage, Hana's lips formed the see you words as they said it, seeing that cute farewell from a new angle. The trio was soon back, even if Hana had trouble paying attention to all of them with Moa that close.

Seeing Moa smile was heartwarming, being the target of said smile completely disarming, and having her bright eyes looking at your own had Hana feeling weak on her knees. ""I lo- I lo-" she stuttered wildly, blushing from head to toe, taking Moa's hands in her own for support. "I loved it!" she shouted through her stuttering. Hana almost absentmindedly caressed Moa's hands, letting them go when she noticed how awkward the moment was.

"To-tomorrow, Shibuya, Hachiko, ten in the mo-morning" Hana managed to blurt the date's place and time, before running away, too embarrassed to face Moa in front of the rest of Babymetal and the stagehands all around them.

I had never seen the see you part, it was extremely cute.
I guess that you already know the spot chosen by Hana to start the date as it a pretty known one, if not, there will be more info in the next post.
And thus, the three girls were waiting by the famous statue at 9:50 a.m. the next day. Hana's date was technically with Moa, but Su and Yui would be there to greet Hana. Then they would leave.

None of the girls wore the familiar Babymetal costume. Instead, they each wore street clothes. Summers in Japan are warm, so all three wore shorts and T-shirts, as well as sunglasses to help keep them inconspicuous. Yui and Moa wore their hair loose, and Su had hers tied back in a ponytail. Moa's had not been curled, as it was for their concerts, so it hung naturally straight.

There was a bodyguard for each girl. They stood a short distance away, ready to leap to the girls' aid at a moment's notice.

There were also two limousines nearby, one for Moa and Hana, the other for Su and Yui.
Hana was nervously walking the distance between the Shibuya subway station and the Hachiko statue. She was wearing a white sundress with yellow flowers she kept tugging at, always thinking that it didn't sit quite well on her rounder and curvier figure, usually not accustomed to be showing her thick legs and constantly worrying about the length of the dress. The dress had a couple of cute patchwork pockets up front where she carried her usual stuff, so she was free of carrying a purse. At least the yellow sandals were comfortable, although having to take care and paint the toenails yellow as the ones on her hands was something she rarely did. She had styled her shoulder length hair to be a bit wavy instead of straight, so it framed her face a bit better. The final result was quite cute, but Hana was far from being happy with herself, even if she had done her best to not look bad next to Moa.

Her eyes opened wide in a mix of surprise, pleasure and confusion behind the white rimmed sunglasses she was wearing, but her face didn't hide the emotions anyways. Moa in street clothes and with the hair straight was as cute as ever, but she had a natural and approachable aura to her, like she was like any other girl. What Hana didn't expect was having the rest of Babymetal there with her. "Good morning" she bowed briefly. "I didn't know..." her head turned from Moa to Su and Yui and back a few times. It was silly, as she didn't expect for it to be a real date, just a treat to a fan, but she wanted to be with Moa alone. "I though we would be... a-alone" she fidgeted, nervous.
"Arigatou," Yui said sarcastically.

Su smiled. "We just wanted to greet you, the winner of the contest and our fan!" She gave a slight bow. "You will be alone with Moa, except for her bodyguard and the driver."

"Don't worry," Moa said, placing her hand on top of Hana's. "The bodyguard is here to keep both of us safe. His name is Hiroshi." She smiled her dimpled smile which silently declared everything would be all right.

"Have a good time," Su said. "See you!"

"See you!" Yui chimed in, grinning.

The two turned and walked toward their limo. Two of the bodyguards walked to meet them there.

Moa turned to Hana. "Was there anything you wanted to see first?" she asked.
"See you!" Hana greeted, tempted to mimic the farewell they did on the scenario, but being too shy to do so, not to mention that it would be inapropriate if they wanted to go along unnoticed. She was glad that the girls were nice enough to come and greet her, but she wanted to be with Moa and Moa alone. She was completely oblivious to Yui's tone or grin, since she was absorbed by Moa.

Hana then noticed the bodyguards, the limousine, it was totally crazy and dreamlike, and yet it was also completely real. "Ah, I have tried to make lots of plans in case it happened, and yet no one seemed to be good enough, and since I never had a real date I don't know where to-" Hana blurted, an answer turned into a crazy tirade that make her blush. "We can start with a place you like, or always wanted to visit or something... and when I manage to believe that I'm with you, I'll then dare to take you somewhere, is that al-alright?" Hana proposed, being totally nervous and inexperienced about it.
"It sounds like we need to talk," Moa said solemnly. "It sounds like you have a crush on me. A pretty big one. It's okay, I don't bite. You can relax."

Moa really did prefer boys, but, as has been noted, girls were preferable to tentacles. She knew this couldn't be much like a romantic date. The whole day was set up to prevent it. Besides, as an Idol singer, she was forbidden to date.

"Tell me one of your plans for a date," Moa said, hoping to get Hana to relax at least a little.
Hana was taken by surprise by how straightforward Moa was. "I-I do. I know that it can't be... but I dreamt about it, to think how it would be... even if I know that you don't feel the same, that you can't feel the same... I'd love to live that dream at least for one day" Hana tried clumsily to explain, fidgeting with the hem of her dress, looking down to her feet.

"I imagined us shopping around here in Shibuya, showing you one of the museums I love, eating sweets together..." as Hana tried to explain she grew more and more red, blushing like crazy. "Karaoke, hot sp-springs... perhaps a ho-ho-hotel..." she shook her head. "I know! I know! I'm not a pervert, it was just a fantasy!" she excused herself, looking ashamed at Moa.

"Anything will be fine, really, I know that you are busy and I don't want to impose" she said. "The last thing I'd want is for you to hate me..." she finished.
Sigr said:
Hana was taken by surprise by how straightforward Moa was. "I-I do. I know that it can't be... but I dreamt about it, to think how it would be... even if I know that you don't feel the same, that you can't feel the same... I'd love to live that dream at least for one day" Hana tried clumsily to explain, fidgeting with the hem of her dress, looking down to her feet.

"I imagined us shopping around here in Shibuya, showing you one of the museums I love, eating sweets together..." as Hana tried to explain she grew more and more red, blushing like crazy. "Karaoke, hot sp-springs... perhaps a ho-ho-hotel..." she shook her head. "I know! I know! I'm not a pervert, it was just a fantasy!" she excused herself, looking ashamed at Moa.

Moa put her arm around Hana. She really was a sweet girl. If things had been even a little different, there was a good chance she and Hana might at least be friends.

"If you listen to Babymetal's music," Moa said, "you'd know we don't hate." Not even squishy tentacled rapist monsters, she added silently. "And as for being busy, I'm supposed to spend the day with you. It's the only thing on my agenda.

"It sounds like you know all the fun things to do in Shibuya," Moa continued. "It might be fun for Moa Kikuchi to suddenly appear singing karaoke somewhere. And you know I love chocolate! Why don't you let the driver know where to drop us off first?"

She smiled her adorable dimpled smile.
Hana felt better this time that Moa got an arm around her, reassuring her that things were fine. "There is at least a couple of things we can do without needing to take the car, three if you count taking a picture with Hachiko" Hana said, still blushed but feeling a little bit better. With no pressure added, without high stakes on the date, it was easier to relax. After a funny selfie with both girls around Hachiko, it was time for Hana to take matters into her hands.

"First stop, chocolate for energy!" she said, clearly starting to enjoy herself. "There is a place just below us, more or less" Hana giggled, finding the fact a bit funny. "They had beautiful and tasty treats we can take with us" Hana said. A bit nervous and fidgety, she dared to hold Moa's hand, letting a soft sigh escape her lips since it was a huge step for her, and guiding her to their first stop. Taking a close entrance to the huge Shibuya subway station, Hana guided Moa along the crazy amounts of shops set up there, until they found what she was looking for.

"Here we are" Hana said, reaching Bel Amer desserts. It was just one of the locations of the wonderful chocolate experts, since that was a quite fancy passing place that attracted many people around Shibuya, specially women. The selection was wonderful and just looking at a small part of it made the mouth water. "Lets get some to eat now, some for later and a couple boxes that you can give Yui and Su" Hana said, clearly showing that she did love chocolate as well. "A bit of a sweet present to thank them for greeting me" she added.
Sigr said:
Hana felt better this time that Moa got an arm around her, reassuring her that things were fine. "There is at least a couple of things we can do without needing to take the car, three if you count taking a picture with Hachiko" Hana said, still blushed but feeling a little bit better. With no pressure added, without high stakes on the date, it was easier to relax. After a funny selfie with both girls around Hachiko, it was time for Hana to take matters into her hands.

"First stop, chocolate for energy!" she said, clearly starting to enjoy herself. "There is a place just below us, more or less" Hana giggled, finding the fact a bit funny. "They had beautiful and tasty treats we can take with us" Hana said. A bit nervous and fidgety, she dared to hold Moa's hand, letting a soft sigh escape her lips since it was a huge step for her, and guiding her to their first stop. Taking a close entrance to the huge Shibuya subway station, Hana guided Moa along the crazy amounts of shops set up there, until they found what she was looking for.

"Here we are" Hana said, reaching Bel Amer desserts. It was just one of the locations of the wonderful chocolate experts, since that was a quite fancy passing place that attracted many people around Shibuya, specially women. The selection was wonderful and just looking at a small part of it made the mouth water. "Lets get some to eat now, some for later and a couple boxes that you can give Yui and Su" Hana said, clearly showing that she did love chocolate as well. "A bit of a sweet present to thank them for greeting me" she added.
The bodyguard hustled to keep up with them. For a moment he feared they would take the subway, and was relieved when they stopped at Bel Amer.

"What a great idea," Moa said regarding Hana's suggestion. "You should choose the boxes for Su-san and Yui-san." Moa selected her own chocolates and, with a simple nod to Hiroshi, let the bodyguard know he should see that everything was paid for.
Even if she was delighted picking up stuff not only for herself but also for Su and Yui's gift boxes, Hana noticed Moa's gesture to the bodyguard. "Everything fine?" she asked, yet not worried but curious. Once she knew what the gesture meant, her mouth made a small pout that soon faded. "Aw, I wanted to buy them, but I guess that I won the date so I should be pampered, right?" she asked with a smile, feeling more comfortable around Moa.

"Mmmh, I love the dark chocolate ones with cherry" Hana said, stuffing her mouth with part of a small treat. "It's like bitter and brittle on the outside, but then all moist and crazy inside..." added, taking another bite. Hana was definitely having more fun than she was worrying at the moment, and it was kind of easy to find her enthusiasm about the little things a bit contagious.

"Did you like it?" Hana asked, hopeful. "The karaoke is just close as well, can we leave these on the car?" she asked, for a change of pace.
Moa liked all of the candies she tried, but she had a particular preference for the milk chocolate and caramel covered peanuts. She couldn't help but smile as the two of them enjoyed their treats, both because of the delicious chocolate and because Hana was beginning to relax.

"Hiroshi can take them to the car, if you want," Moa suggested. "Then he can meet us for karaoke. Where are we going?"
"Nice" Hana nodded, taking the boxes to Hiroshi. "Thank you" she bowed to him before turning to Moa. "It's here..." Hana doubted, as it was hard to point a way for a surface place while underground. "It's super close to Hachiko, there is a Big Echo building in a few steps" she explained. That one particular local in Shibuya wasn't even the biggest one in the area, but it was close enough so they could avoid getting into the busy crossing and making Hiroshi's work harder. Big Echo was one of the most commonly seen karaoke places, with varied themes of rooms so the clients could enjoy some drinks and karaoke in private.

Once back at the surface, Hana guided Moa to the nearby building, doubting to talk along the way but finally asking. "Does it feel odd? Being an idol I mean" Hana asked. "Having a bodyguard even if you are a galactic hero, and..." she blushed. "Not being able to... you know, having a..." Hana doubted how to put it. "Special friend..." she finally decided for. Soon they reached the place, where they would be professionally tended to in the front desk, then guided to a room of their choosing. Since it was early in the morning, most rooms would be free to pick from, as the business got booming in the afternoons and evenings.
Moa considered Hana's question.

"I've been an idol almost half my life," she admitted. "I don't really know any other way to be. Of course, I haven't been a 'galactic hero,' as you put it, for nearly as long, and until recently most of the world didn't know of the work Yui, Su, and i do outside of Babymetal. The bodyguard is a holdover from those days, but even so, I am not invincible. In fact, I'm just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary responsibility. If you cut me, I bleed.

"As for not having a boyfriend," she continued, not avoiding the masculine term as Hana had done, "between concerts, interviews, TV appearances, and saving the galaxy, when would I have time? Being my 'significant other' would make one the loneliest person on Earth." She flashed a dimpled smile at Hana. She meant to keep her answer light, but there was much truth in what she said.

"But what are we going to sing?" she asked, changing the subject. "I'd love to hear your voice. We could sing a duet if you like."
In the privacy of their karaoke room, Hana dared to briefly but tightly hug Moa, releasing her with a blushed face afterwards. "That can't be easy for you either, even if you always smile" she voiced, giving Moa some space. "At least you three have each other, must be like having sisters I guess" added, picking the tablet like remote with the song list. "Maybe later we can sing something bubbly and light like AKB48's Heavy Rotation or something similar but since this is a dream date..." Hana fidgeted, "I know it's kind of a free day away from work, even if it's not a real date, so it may be weird but..." continued, her talking never seeming able to get to the point. "Maybe singing Sis Anger or Onedari Daisakusen could be cool, maybe we could sing one of Su-metal's solo songs as well..." she proposed.
Sigr said:
In the privacy of their karaoke room, Hana dared to briefly but tightly hug Moa, releasing her with a blushed face afterwards. "That can't be easy for you either, even if you always smile" she voiced, giving Moa some space. "At least you three have each other, must be like having sisters I guess" added, picking the tablet like remote with the song list. "Maybe later we can sing something bubbly and light like AKB48's Heavy Rotation or something similar but since this is a dream date..." Hana fidgeted, "I know it's kind of a free day away from work, even if it's not a real date, so it may be weird but..." continued, her talking never seeming able to get to the point. "Maybe singing Sis Anger or Onedari Daisakusen could be cool, maybe we could sing one of Su-metal's solo songs as well..." she proposed.
"Well," Moa said, hesitating to brag, "I wrote Song 4. We could sing that, if you want. Of course, it is a childish song," she admitted.
"Childish is fine, I want something lighthearted" Hana nodded, picking Yon no Uta from the playlist. Letting herself go into the song, Moa could start to see how Hana could behave in a concert, as the girl started to bounce on the spot while singing, completely absorbed into it, trying her best to match Moa. Of course, even if Hana had a decent singing voice, she couldn't really compare to Moa, but that wasn't what karaoke was about. Once the song was over, Hana was beaming, eyes shining bright and a wide smile that crossed her face. "Wonderful!" she said. "Ahh, I'm thirsty now" she went to the drinks tab of the tablet to order something. "I'm thinking melon soda, what do you want?" Hana asked, quite more loosened up now than before.
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