Metal Resistance [brenda brunette and Sigr]

Moa slipped a second finger inside Hana's quim. She pursed her lips and blew a purring raspberry over her clit. Then she slipped her tongue inside the girl, tasting her juices.

It was a very erotic moment for the idol. It didn't matter that Hana was unable to do more to Moa's pussy. The singer/dancer was still wet and aroused. She involuntarily rolled her hips, grinding her wetness over Hana's mouth as she drove her tongue deeper into the girl. She rubbed her clit with her thumb as the tip of her tongue caressed the inner walls of her pussy.
Hana's breathing became more and more erratic, she moaned and gasped between Moa's legs, still savoring her idol out of instinct, out of need, out of thirst for more. As soon as Moa's assault doubled down, Hana knew she wasn't going to last long, continuing to lick the best she could even if now Moa was doing part of the job by grinding against her face.

"Keep-" Hana gasped. "Keep doing- I'm gonna-" her words turned into throaty moan, her body sinking in a sea of pleasure, reduced to a trembling mass as she came, embracing Moa's waist tight as she did so. It was the best orgasm of her life in the worst and weirdest situation she had even been, but the latter didn't matter as she rode her orgasm until she was flat down on the floor, trying to recover her breath while the naked and thin idol rested on top of her soft body.
Moa savored the girl's juices, licking them up as she came. She took a moment to tenderly kiss the inside of her thigh. She knew Hana needed some cuddling, but it was more urgent that the two of them get out.

Quickly, Moa leapt off of Hana. She crouched, still naked, and delivered a powerful kick to the barrier.

There was a crackling fizzle and then nothing. The barrier was down.

Moa reached a hand out to Hana. "Come on," she urged. "We have to get out of here, and I may still need your help."
Hana was aware of Moa getting up, as she missed the warmth of her limber body, something that prompted her to open her eyes and see her in another completely different kind of action. Moa was still beautiful, that wasn't up for discussion, but there was a different energy to her from the lovely one to the feisty one. With a kick the barrier was rendered useless even before Hana could sit on the floor, still recovering lied down, but there was no time to waste on pleasantries.

Reaching for the hand Moa was offering, Hana managed to get up, but she was feeling weak on the knees. "Ah-" she sighed, now that the spell of passion had faded out, she was terribly aware of their nakedness. Of course, in their life or death situation there was no place to care about that, specially if Moa needed her help with something else. "Oh-Okay..." Hana nodded, terribly blushed, following Moa through the ship still held to her hand.
Moa was aware of Hana's hesitation. She realized how she must feel, being exposed for the aliens to see. Including the insect-like one who lusted after her.

Moa gave Hana a quick but deep kiss. "You're beautiful," she assured the girl. "If we had nothing else to do, I'd make love with you all day. But I have a bad feeling about these particular aliens."

Moa paused, wondering how much to share with Hana. "It doesn't take a genius to see that I was a target for them. I have a feeling he has a bid on me. On all of Babymetal. Maybe more than one bid."

Moa looked around. There was no sign of their captors.

"There are a lot of aliens who would like to..." Moa hesitated "...own us."

And there it was. Moa couldn't be certain, of course, but she knew it was more than a little possible these aliens meant to sell her into slavery.

Moa kissed Hana once more, needing strength from her as much as she wanted to strengthen Hana. She craved the feel of the girl's meaty breasts mashed against her own.
Caught by surprise by Moa's brief but passionate kiss, Hana abandoned herself to the idol's attentions, her sweet words. Her hands went to Moa's hips, bringing the girl closer to her. She seemed worried, looking around, but there was little Hana could do for her except being as strong as possible so she wouldn't be a burden and give Moa her support and love. "You are not a thing to own, we are going to escape. You are strong, you are heroes, you got this" Hana said honestly, as the girls that had illuminated her life with their songs couldn't be trapped like that.

Hana's curvy figure squished against Moa's fit one for another kiss, another hug that made them feel strong, sure of themselves. That wasn't the end of them, they weren't going to end up as alien meat for sale when they had so much future in front of them. "I'm ready" Hana said, looking at Moa with determination. She may not fight, she may not have great powers, but she was going to do her best and help Moa so they could get out of there. What if they were naked in an alien ship? There was nothing that could stop their love for life, was there?
The two aliens entered suddenly. Segguffx leapt at the two girls, but Moa kicked him away savagely. Zanpar grabbed each of the girls with two arms. Moa struggled, but he was far too powerful. Segguffx had recovered. He scurried forward, his disgusting tongue flicking from between his mandibles. It slathered over Hana’s meaty breasts.

Moa bit down on Zanpar’s arm. The creature yelped, but he held tight to both girls. Segguffx’s tongue licked over Hana’s belly and down to her sex. He teased her opening before plunging inside her.

With a flicker of sparkles, Su and Yui suddenly teleported aboard the ship. In an instant kawaii beams flashed and both creatures fell unconscious.

Yui looked from one naked girl to the other. “Did we miss something?” she quipped.
Hana's optimism and courage didn't last long, as the aliens barged in all of a sudden, catching them unprepared. Sure, Moa kicked that horrible bug, but he was back on his feet soon enough and they couldn't escape the big one's grasp. "No! Stop! Don't you dare disgusting creature!" Hana struggled, wincing when the tongue touched her breasts. It was so awful and disgusting, but she couldn't do a thing. As his tongue started to move down, Hana panicked, her courage was completely gone and replaced with fear. "Please don't..." she begged as he teased her opening, teary eyed, not wanting to have that thing inside her. "Aaaah- no-" Hana couldn't help but moan, still sensitive from her time with Moa, her body responding to the stimulation even if she didn't want to. The muscly tongue made her feel so full and yet so tainted, but luckily it didn't last long, as the rest of Babymetal had come to the rescue, rendering their captors unconscious.

"Ah! Hah..." Hana sobbed and laughed at the same time, utterly scared by the awful experience that was awaiting her, relieved by the rescue of her idols and a bit amused by Yui's horrible timing for a joke. "You arrived just in time, although a few seconds earlier would have been better..." Hana cleaned her eyes with the back of her hands, then reached between her thighs to realize that more than a bit of Segguffx sticky drool was running down her leg. "Ewwww! I'm gonna need a million showers..." she said with disgust, "Can we- can we get out of here please?" Hana asked, wanting to leave that place behind, clean herself and finally cover her naked body.
Su-metal held out bracelets for both Moa and Hana. Soon the two naked girls were safely aboard the Kitsune.

"Thanks," Moa said sincerely. "You were a tremendous help." She kissed her fan tenderly. She wouldn't have minded getting intimate again, but Hana still had alien drool on her. Besides, Su and Yui would be teleporting aboard soon with Zanpar and Segguffx to put them in stasis. It was doubtful they would be able to use the same technique Moa and Hana had used to escape.

The sonic shower aboard the Kitsune felt exhilarating. It got the girls remarkably clean, and no towels were required. By the time they had both showered, Su was piloting the Kitsune to the GPA. Yui was following in the alien ship so it could be impounded.

"These are the only style of clothes we have on board," Moa said apologetically as she handed Hana a red and black outfit with a familiar cupcake skirt, "but we do have them in your size.

"Thanks again," Moa added. "I'm sure you and Tora-san are going to be very happy."

Then she kissed Hana again.
The sonic shower was another odd experience for Hana on that strange day that had gotten from pleasing to terrifyingly weird, even if it had a wonderful moment that crowned it all. Sonic or not, at least Hana felt clean of that disgusting alien's touch at last, so it was a plus, although she wondered if she was going to end up wandering around naked. Funnily enough, she didn't have to walk around naked, but mostly as some kind of fan cosplaying as them. "It's more than fine" Hana admitted, playing with the fluffy skirt. "A bit daring for me on a normal day maybe, but today is far from normal" she added with a smile.

Moa's remark about Hana being happy with Tora made her blush. Her imagination ran wild of course, since if Tora really liked her... if Tora really wanted her... Oh, the things they could do together. Far from adding wood to the fire, Moa's kiss was nice and somewhat familiar, something known that helped Hana to calm after what happened. She may have nightmares for a couple of days after Segguffx assault, but they would be gone soon, as everything had ended well.
With Zanpar and Seggufx safely in custody, the alien spaceship impounded, Babymetal took Hana back home. To Earth. To the island nation of Japan. The four girls teleported to a rehearsal hall in Tokyo. Each member of the idol group hugged Hana in turn, Moa last of all.

“This isn’t goodbye,” Moa whispered. “Call me. And let me know how things work out with Tora-san.”

A driver was there, ready to take Hana back to her home.

“We have to start our rehearsal,” Su reminded Moa gently. “We have the Fox Festival coming up.”

Moa gave Hana one last squeeze.
"Don't forget the sweets we bought" Hana remembered, since the driver had their bags there. There was also the clothes she had bought with Moa, but those could wait since she felt just fine dressed like that. "I'll talk to Tora, open my heart and see if we can be on the same page" Hana nodded, a bit worried but also optimistic. "Maybe I can convince her of coming to the concerts with me..." she said, sounding a bit dreamy. Hana returned the hug, it had happened so much in the last hours...
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