Metal Resistance [brenda brunette and Sigr]

"And she's out!" NoNo announced the obvious. "Twenty three seconds! Not bad for someone who liked the pouring rain as we can see it was the hot tank!" he continued while the steaming Moa got out of the water and down the steps. A stage hand, young girl in this case, gave Moa a towel, accidentally brushing her in the shoulder. The brief touch felt electric for a moment, maybe it was static from the headset and equipment she was wearing or just being sensitive after the scalding bath, but it felt a bit odd, even if not specially wrong.

"While Moa gets dried and joins back with us..." NoNo kept the show going while the stage hand returned with a black bathrobe, waiting for Moa to pick it up when desired. "Who is going to be next?" he wondered. "Will they face the pressure of the hot tank biting at their beautiful skin or would they try their chances with the cold one? Will they top brave Moa's time?" NoNo looked at the remaining pair, awaiting for one of them to step forward.
Moa gladly accepted the bathrobe, as the warm water on her skin made the air in the studio feel cool. The robe had a hood, which Moa appreciatively flipped up over her wet head, but it was terribly short. It would have been embarrassingly so, if Moa were not already wearing a bikini.

Yui waited for a second or two to give Su a chance to speak up first. She knew, however, that Su wouldn't.

After that brief pause, Yui stepped forward. "Hot tank!" she cried.

She ascended the steps to the red tank as the audience cheered. She took one quick look through the torn rice paper and then plunged in feet first.

(Meanwhile, in the real world, Yui turned 18 yesterday, June 20th.)
"Black Babymetal dives together!" NoNo celebrated, even if it wasn't exactly true, but at least Yui was ready to follow on Moa's footsteps since Su wasn't even budging. In the meantime Moa felt cozy and nice half covered by that bathrobe, feeling more excited and willing to have fun than she had expected to. Even the audience and the participants could see the steam rising from the hot tank, now that the rice paper sealing it was broken, it's secret seemingly exposed.

When Moa had taken it's sweet time building the hype and posing, Yui decidedly went up, energetic and determined. The steam felt nice as it raised up, maybe carrying a hint of floral perfume? Letting nothing scare the idol of millions and galactic hero, she plunged in the hot tank like nothing, hearing NoNo and the audience start the count as she splashed in. "One! Two! Three!" she heard from the inside, sounds muffled by the tank and liquid. It was really very hot, more than she expected, seeing that Moa didn't have an easy time enduring that.

Besides the too high temperature that made it uncomfortable, the truth was that it felt nice, welcoming, relaxing. It was hard to keep oneself there, but at the same time it had a pleasurable side to it, maybe related with offering a good show for the audience, maybe it was just the sense of freedom by floating around on the waters.
Sigr said:
"Black Babymetal dives together!" NoNo celebrated, even if it wasn't exactly true, but at least Yui was ready to follow on Moa's footsteps since Su wasn't even budging. In the meantime Moa felt cozy and nice half covered by that bathrobe, feeling more excited and willing to have fun than she had expected to. Even the audience and the participants could see the steam rising from the hot tank, now that the rice paper sealing it was broken, it's secret seemingly exposed.

When Moa had taken it's sweet time building the hype and posing, Yui decidedly went up, energetic and determined. The steam felt nice as it raised up, maybe carrying a hint of floral perfume? Letting nothing scare the idol of millions and galactic hero, she plunged in the hot tank like nothing, hearing NoNo and the audience start the count as she splashed in. "One! Two! Three!" she heard from the inside, sounds muffled by the tank and liquid. It was really very hot, more than she expected, seeing that Moa didn't have an easy time enduring that.

Besides the too high temperature that made it uncomfortable, the truth was that it felt nice, welcoming, relaxing. It was hard to keep oneself there, but at the same time it had a pleasurable side to it, maybe related with offering a good show for the audience, maybe it was just the sense of freedom by floating around on the waters.
Yui's head broke the surface of the water after only 14 seconds. She coughed and spluttered as if she might have swallowed some water. How had Moa been able to stand it? Yui was certain she could endure hotter temperatures than Moa, but it made no sense that the water could have gotten warmer. She clambered out quickly, shivering in the relatively cold air.
"Fourteen seconds!" NoNo announced. "That means young Moa is still on the lead!" he added, the audience clapping for both girls. A stagehand approached with a towel and a bit short bathrobe for Yui as well, that felt slightly tingly and happy, but seemingly not as excited as Moa, at least judging by her face.

"Now, for our captain and savior!" NoNo was wasting no time, keeping the show at a high pace. "Will she try to surpass Black Babymetal at their own game or dare into the untested waters of the cold tank?" he questioned, making the live audience cheer for her. "Su-metal! Su-metal! Su-metal!" they clapped, wanting to cheer for the seemingly shy girl into stepping forwards as her comrades did.

Su-metal could see that the warm tank was no joke if Yui had lasted so little, but they didn't seem unhappy about it. It was true though, that even if the cold tank had been untested, how bad could it be? After all, water wouldn't go below a certain temperature without turning into ice. The choice was still hers, so NoNo kept entertaining the audience as she took her time to think.
A new chant went up from the audience: "Red tank! Red tank!"

Su smiled, looking at her bandmates who simply looked back, leaving the decision up to Su.

"No, no," Su said, "Cold tank!"

A cheer went up from the crowd as she quickly climbed to the top of the ladder at the black tank. She looked down at the unfeeling rice paper covering the tank. She could do this. She could do this!

Suddenly she jumped feet first, tearing through the rice paper and plunging into whatever lay beneath.
She may have been bad with those kind of shows, but Su was still the captain of Babymetal and with push came to shove, she always gave her best. Teasing the audience, Su-metal picked the cold water tank for herself, throwing her body into the unknown, daring to go where her comrades didn't, showing that she was the leader for a reason. Her bright red bikini was a contrast with the black tank, as she jumped in without flinching.

Being a galactic hero meant that you had to go across the space, that great nothing that was mostly empty when it didn't hide dangers to jump at you, from an electrically charged nebula to an asteroid field. Every time one of the girls had to go outside the ship on a space suit to make a repair or sort out things, they were painfully aware of how empty and threatening the space could feel, how vulnerable they were on it.

Now, sinking in seemingly unending ice cold waters, Su-metal had a taste of that. Feeling as she was adrift in a black space, naked on the cosmic void, the freezing water felt numbing, as if not only stole the heat from her body, but also the will to live itself. Outside, light years away, the audience sounded distorted, muffled, almost inhuman at their chanting of numbers, each second feeling like it went for longer than the last one. Distant stars shone light in Suzuka's vision, soon understanding that they were lights to indicate the steps out of that empty, unwelcoming cosmos she had plunged in.

For how long could Su endure that loneliness, that biting cold, remained to be seen.
Cold in body, warm in heart, Su thought over and over. It was designed to help her endure the freezing water, finding her own inner warmth. Cold in body, warm in heart.

She made her way to the star-like steps which led back to the world beyond the rice paper barrier. She hadn't managed to keep track of the audience's count, so she had no idea how long she had been under.

Just before she broke the surface, she had a fleeting thought: something was in her mind with her, sharing her thoughts, her experiences.

Then she emerged and the crowd cheered. She shivered as she climbed down to the stage below and the waiting towel and bathrobe.
"Thirty seven seconds!" NoNo announced surprised, as Su-metal emerged from the chilled water tank, her pale skin shining under the spotlights of the studio. It turned out that she had been longer than expected down there, and had endured the test longer than anyone. With the odd feeling shaken over, that strange presence on her mind was no longer there, and things were mostly back to normal. She was still cold, and the towel and bathrobe were more than well received, but it didn't feel as much, like her body was somewhat numb and the cold didn't bother her that much. "We have a new ice queen it seems!" NoNo cheered, while the audience clapped.

Babymetal could hear the love, the devotion and admiration that the live audience had for them, and yet, it didn't come across the same for all the girls. Yui was seemingly getting a bit blushed and happy for it, while Moa was more excited and responsive, both girls feeling more than comfortable in their black bikinis. In the mean time, Su didn't seem to care much. It was fine of course, but she somehow seemed to be fine with or without it, nor caring much about what they thought.

NoNo, in his usual noisy fashion, was comparing their times to other previous visitors of the program and such, comparing favorably their marks with everyone else's, even if they weren't the best. Only Su had managed to set an historic record on the cold tank, and also take best overall for herself. Once all the tanks and props of the test were gone, NoNo approached the Roulette like a cartoon villain, tiptoeing to amuse the audience. "Roulette! Roulette! Roulette!" the public cheered again, sounding more and more in sync as the show progressed. NoNo made a curtsy, as obliging the audience, and activated it, soon prompting another test.

"Slippery Sumo!" NoNo announced, visibly excited.
As the audience chanted, Moa joined in, bouncing up and down. "Roulette! Roulette! Roulette!"

Yui looked at her friend. It was exciting, certainly. But Moa's reaction seemed a little over the top.

For Su, the chant might have well been a lullaby. She blinked sleepily at the audience, smiling. She looked as if she had just finished a very satisfying meal.

The girls all knew what Slippery Sumo meant. Moa fairly jumped, grabbing Yui as if to say she wanted to go against her bandmate in the first round. Su smiled, but judging by her expression, she could have been backstage at a concert during a Black Babymetal number.
The stagehands brought in the Slippery Sumo ring in mere moments, disappearing out of camera view as soon as possible. The three bathrobe clad girls could see that it was similar to an inflatable kids pool in height, displaying all sorts of garish colors, but it still had two main differences from such an object of amusement. First of all, its diameter was way wider than any known inflatable pool and it was way bigger than an official sumo ring. But most importantly it was the thing that gave the test the 'slippery' part of the name.

The so called ring was filled with sticky, squishy, slippery lotion. The clear and somewhat snotty fluid had the capability of sticking to anyone and anything that got submerged into it, but instead of acting like glue it made surfaces slippery and hard to grasp. All in all, it was akin to filling it with absurd amounts of lewd, sexual lube, although its use in the show was more demure than the usual one, even if considering who was going to fight was still enticing.

"Moa clearly wants to do a Black Babymetal featured fight! I was thinking of doing a free for all and let the best girl win, but I'm sure that the audience will like to hear any suggestions!" NoNo announced, having the most precious talent on a Japanese show: the ability to improvise if the changes made for a better show. "So what is going to be? Su looks too calm for a two against one handicap match, so I'm feeling generous today, it's your pick!" NoNo bowed. The usual rules of the show were simple, it was about looking goofy and perhaps enticing while fighting on there and trying to push out your rivals. The format of the fighting largely depended on how many guests they had, and for the ones that came alone the show tended to either dress the host in a fat sumo suit or bring in a real sumo fighter, but that day they had three fighters so it wouldn't be needed.
Shouts went up from the audience. Some wanted Black Babymetal, some wanted all three. A few suggested other combinations.

Soon, though, a single chant was heard above the din of the other voices. "All three! All three!"

Before NoNo-san could even speak, Moa climbed into the ring and immediately slipped and fell on her kawaii ass.

A laugh went up from the crowd, followed by a cheer.
Getting rid of the bathrobe and seemingly many inhibitions, Moa was eager to step into action and just went into the so called ring. Strange, squishy, sticky and slippery, the sumo pool's content reached up to mid calf, making every step difficult by having to waddle though the substance, yet prone to fall. Most bouts were exhausting and had the guests fighting on all fours sooner than later, but it remained to be seen how it would be with Babymetal on it. What was soon proven true, was how easy was to fall, as Moa didn't last long standing inside, soon ending up with her posterior drenched in that stuff.

The crowd went wild, rising up their chants of "All three" in both volume and pace, adding a clap to the beat. "Brave little Moa has stepped in, the live audience has made their wish clear and I'm sure that our fans at home will enjoy it!" NoNo continued with his host task. "Babymetal Free For All it is then!" he cheered, prompting the audience to clap and cheer wildly. "Our beautiful three guests will compete at the same time into the ring, trying to push each other out through any means!" he continued. "Who of them will be our Slippery Sumo champion?" he wondered, waiting for the other girls to step in and continue with the show.
Su and Yui shucked off their bathrobes and got into the slippery, gooey ring. Immediately, Moa tried to push both of them out.

There was much slipping, falling, and laughing from the three girls. Somehow in all the slippery fun, Moa's top came off, but she didn't seem to mind. Neither did Su. Only Yui wondered if they had cut to commercial, or were perhaps blurring her breasts out or something.

Moa pushed Su out. The older teen slid out onto her back, a slippery mess. She just lay there, giggling uncontrollably.
"Moa starts with an ambitious surprise push!" NoNo quickly went close, adopting the role of a sports announcer, acting as the commentator of the match. The audience was growing wilder and wilder, rowdier than ever, and NoNo himself seemed to be excited beyond what was usual for a host. The way he talked about every grapple, every shove that the girls made, grew lewder and lewder as the show continued.

"And Su-metal is out! The naked queen has managed to keep her clothes on this time but she's happy nonetheless!" NoNo said, bulging eyes soon going back to the topless Moa. "Our topless fairy has managed to push Su out, so bold with those budding breasts..." NoNo was positively drooling, seemingly having trouble to control himself, ogling Moa. "Will the other half of Black Babymetal match her attire?" he wondered, looking almost bloated in his lust. "Or will she keep her dignity while fighting her friend?" finished, waiting to see how the situation evolved.

No one in the staff, stagehands, cameras nor live audience noticed anything wrong or odd with the situation, all behaving like normal but more excited than they should be.
Su just remained where she was, giggling uncontrollably.

In the ring, Yui was trying to make sense of it all. It was all very exciting, lustful, even. But it made no sense. Why did NoNo talk like hentai*?
Why was everyone so very excited to see Moa exposed like this? Even Yui herself felt a strange compulsion to latch her mouth over Moa's nipple. That was odd. She'd never felt that way about Moa before, or any other girl.

"Moa, wait!" she cried, trying to voice her concerns to her bandmate, but the younger girl made a dive for her. The two struggled in the slippery slime, and at first Yui didn't even realize Moa had managed to get her top off as well.

"This shouldn't be happening," Yui cried, trying to get Moa to listen.

*a pervert
"Yes! This is perfect! Black Babymetal lesbian topless action!" NoNo cheered, more and more excited watching the show, the audience growing restless and riotous, something was definitely wrong there. "I wanted to wait more, but I can't! This is too much!" NoNo growled, his skin becoming blue and shiny. "I'll show you my true form!" he yelled, his voice a gurgle. The clothes ended floating and soon dissolved as NoNo revealed his true alien form, that of a giant blue slime the size of a small truck. "I got rid of everyone here, capturing them in the basement!" the NoNo slime kept talking, a wavy face appearing on the surface. "Then replaced everyone! With me!" he gloated, as stagehands, cameramen and even the audience turned into slime, crawling to join NoNo, making him bigger and bigger.

"I can produce a variety of liquids, including the so called water you so eagerly dove into!" NoNo was gloating, sure that Babymetal was in no shape of resisting him. "I always craved for Babymetal, specially you two... so cute... so naughty..." the blubbery alien was now the size of a bus, having absorbed back everyone he was replacing. Blue slimy tentacles extended from his form, threatening to grab and capture the heavy metal trio. For what purposes it was unknown, but judging from his acts it would be something lewd...
Yui’s eyes went wide. NoNo was an alien! And capturing innocent people could only mean he was a bad one. She wondered if he were on the GPA*’s wanted list.

Su’s giggles were subsiding, but she smiled as if the growing blue alien didn’t bother her in the least. If Yui didn’t know better, she’d say their leader was high. Drugged by the “water,” no doubt.

It seemed to have affected Moa as well. She had her hand in her bikini bottoms and was rubbing herself. (Different tank, Yui recalled.) Yui wondered why it hadn’t affected her and realized it had. She was aroused, turned on by Moa’s actions, by the penis-like tentacles writhing around her. But she had only been able to remain in the tank for a brief time. Its effect on her was limited.

Yui looked desperately from Su to Moa. She’d have to fight NoNo alone until the others recovered. Or find a way to snap them out of its spell.

All around her, tentacles wriggled, closing in.

And despite her best efforts, she felt a growing wetness between her legs.

*Galactic Protection Agency
One of NoNo's tentacles engorged and engulfed Su-metal, enveloping her in a warm, sticky soft embrace. The tentacles had a certain give, adapting if they were pushed, but just to a point, as escaping their grasp was no easy task. Soon, with the girl unconscious, NoNo released her, sticky and wet into an audience seat. "Unconscious won't bother me anymore" he said, having made sure of that with the odd substances he could generate. "Well, we all saw how tricky she can be, so we better make sure" NoNo said, thinking it twice, releasing a sticky substance from one of his tentacles that left Su-metal stuck on it with a hardening substance that almost seemed concrete.

"That way, I'll be able to enjoy you two without disturbances..." NoNo's slime face drooled. "Although kinky Moa is already getting a head start on us..." his gurgling voice was pure lust, seeing that the girl was already touching herself. "I'll be soon with you, Yui, just you wait" NoNo promised, his tentacles approaching Moa, focused on the alluring girl. Two of them grabbed her by the wrists, taking her hands away from her own sex, while another pair raised her from her ankles, effortlessly raising her in the air. "So wet..." NoNo mused, a huge slimy tongue appearing from his mouth, licking Moa with such force that he not only drenched her on his fluids, but also removed the last shred of fabric she had on, spitting her bikini bottoms to the floor.

"Ah... pink, pretty and tasty..." NoNo looked at Moa's precious naked form. A tentacle emerged from his body, it's tip having an unmistakable phallic shape. "You are so pretty... I'll be gentle" he said. It was quite weird hearing such a big monster talk so sweetly, but he seemed completely entranced with Moa and forgot about everyone else. "Ah, so tight, so inviting..." he moaned, pushing the tentacle into Moa's pussy, thrusting slowly and shallowly into her.
Sigr said:
One of NoNo's tentacles engorged and engulfed Su-metal, enveloping her in a warm, sticky soft embrace. The tentacles had a certain give, adapting if they were pushed, but just to a point, as escaping their grasp was no easy task. Soon, with the girl unconscious, NoNo released her, sticky and wet into an audience seat. "Unconscious won't bother me anymore" he said, having made sure of that with the odd substances he could generate. "Well, we all saw how tricky she can be, so we better make sure" NoNo said, thinking it twice, releasing a sticky substance from one of his tentacles that left Su-metal stuck on it with a hardening substance that almost seemed concrete.

"That way, I'll be able to enjoy you two without disturbances..." NoNo's slime face drooled. "Although kinky Moa is already getting a head start on us..." his gurgling voice was pure lust, seeing that the girl was already touching herself. "I'll be soon with you, Yui, just you wait" NoNo promised, his tentacles approaching Moa, focused on the alluring girl. Two of them grabbed her by the wrists, taking her hands away from her own sex, while another pair raised her from her ankles, effortlessly raising her in the air. "So wet..." NoNo mused, a huge slimy tongue appearing from his mouth, licking Moa with such force that he not only drenched her on his fluids, but also removed the last shred of fabric she had on, spitting her bikini bottoms to the floor.

"Ah... pink, pretty and tasty..." NoNo looked at Moa's precious naked form. A tentacle emerged from his body, it's tip having an unmistakable phallic shape. "You are so pretty... I'll be gentle" he said. It was quite weird hearing such a big monster talk so sweetly, but he seemed completely entranced with Moa and forgot about everyone else. "Ah, so tight, so inviting..." he moaned, pushing the tentacle into Moa's pussy, thrusting slowly and shallowly into her.
Moa moaned. NoNo's tentacle felt so good inside her. Her young pussy was wet, and though NoNo held her fast, she tried to move her hips against his shallow thrusts.

Yui had an idea. She couldn't be sure it would work, of course, but she had to try. While NoNo's attention was focused on molesting the other half of Black Babymetal, Yui slipped out of the ring and headed toward the back of the studio. NoNo had done away with all of the studio workers, but the equipment was still there. She had to find the production booth.

Yui would have run, but the slippery substance covering her body made even walking difficult. There were odd blue bits of writhing alien still in the audience seats, too. Parts of the same creature that hadn't gone back to the main body, or so Yui assumed.

She could see a rectangular window that looked out over the audience at the stage. Presumably that was where she wanted to be. She ducked and dodged tentacles, trying not to slip and slide back down the sloping house to the stage and the Slippery Sumo ring.
NoNo was too enthused about getting his coveted prize as to notice the absence of his would-be dessert in the feast he was enjoying. Focused on Moa, feeling how much she wanted it, the tentacle plunging in and out of her wetness moved faster, traveled deeper, even engorged as it went in. As the sloshing sounds reigned the scenario, another tentacle surged up, turning Moa's moaning and gasping into muffled pants as it fit in her mouth. It was so good, attacking his much desired girl in both ends, that NoNo couldn't almost believe it. There was still more he could do to please her, to explore her, so another two tentacles latched into her petite beautiful breasts, sucking on those hard nipples, ticking them into an unbearable hardness.

Risen by the alien appendages, the young singer was a sight to see, as NoNo became more and more forceful, vigorous, attacking her body with unrelenting pleasure and without knowing no exhaustion. There was still ways to go, though. One final tentacle appeared as the ones on her ankles split her legs wider. The one on her mouth became wilder in anticipation, sliding quickly in and out her throat, making the simple act of breathing difficult while the one in her pussy didn't slow it's hammering for a second. That new tentacle soon found its way to Moa's gorgeous ass cheeks, spanking them a couple of times with its gelatinous surface, leaving wide red marks on them before sticking the tip in the middle.

As his assault continued, NoNo kept spanking Moa, but it was clear that he didn't mean to limit his assault on her backside to a mere flogging of her cheeks. That horrible monster intended to dive into each and every hole of her unless Yui did something, and did it fast.
Yui reached the production booth. Thankfully, the door was unlocked. A quiet, peaceful hum filled the room, in stark contrast to the horror just beyond the window.

Yui looked around quickly. The studio had been planning to create a show for broadcast. Surely they would have cued up some of Babymetal's hits to play in and out of commercials.

She searched the massive console and the nearby shelves, but could find no CD's. She growled in frustration. The music was probably stored electronically, and the sound board (assuming it was a sound board) made no sense to her.

She redoubled her efforts, looking for a thumb drive. She didn't see one of those, either.

She sat at the console, pressing buttons and sliding faders in desperation.

She reserved a corner of her mind to consider what she might try if this plan failed.
Be it destiny, desperation or just sheer luck, Yui managed to fire a music queue that started to sound over all the studio and the stage. First item on the playlist was the short, bubbly jingle that was the show's theme. "What?" NoNo asked distracted, looking around, stopping his abuse of Moa's body. "Bah, doesn't matter, I'll be back to you my sweet Moa-chan..." his voice dripped lust and hunger, as he resumed his assault in her suspended form. The tentacle that was headed for her backside had been distracted by the music, so it was now folding and spanking her tender backside instead of going inside. "Soon, my love, soon..." NoNo announced, the tentacle on her back starting to drip a slippery substance from the tip, coating itself ready for Moa's backdoor.

As the show's jingle was finished, another completely different song started to echo though all the place. The narration distracted NoNo, and even Moa seemed to start becoming aware of what was going on. Soon, the first chords of Sis. Anger started to thunder around, stirring something inside both members of Black Babymetal. Maybe that could be enough to snap Moa off NoNo's influence, at least with Yui's help, but how could they deal with the gigantic watery creature?
Yui had hoped NoNo was one of the species who would be affected by Baymetal's music. As Sis. Anger began to play, she doubted it.

The music did seem to snap Moa out of whatever spell she had been under. She wriggled, trying to free herself, moaning around the tentacle which filled her mouth.

Yui had another idea. She quickly spun around and found a thermostat on the wall.

"Melt or Freeze?" she muttered to herself.

Yui remembered from basic science about the states of matter. Given a high enough temperature, a solid would melt. As a liquid cooled, it would eventually freeze, becoming solid. NoNo was somewhere between a solid and a liquid, more of a gel than either. If she could make the studio warm enough or cold enough, she might have a chance.

Of course, the thermostat could only do so much. Yui cranked the heat all the way up, then turned back to the console. Taking her best guesses, she attempted to turn all the studio lights on full.

In her kokoro* she feared it still wouldn't be enough. But it was better than doing nothing.

She hoped NoNo wouldn't warm up to painful temperatures while he was still inside poor Moa.

"Ah- so good..." NoNo moaned as Moa started to squirm on his grip, her movements becoming wilder and unpredictable. The amount of stimulation had been piling up on the alien as he assaulted the girl, being too excited to control himself. Making the dream of fucking his idols a reality, NoNo was feeling in heaven enveloping Moa with his appendages, feeling warm as the moment approached. The tip of his free tentacle grazed Moa's ass, ready to dive in that last hole, but it was too late. "I'm-" he gurgled, starting to spasm and shake, releasing a sticky white fluid from the tentacles. The one in her pussy shot several threads inside her, while the one in her mouth slipped out after a couple spurts, sending another two on her face after that. The appendage that was aiming to get into her backside didn't manage to do so, and ended up weakly painting her butt cheeks white.

"That was amazing... I hope you liked it my dirty Moa..." NoNo sighed, still holding her in the air, feeling empty and tired, too heated up. "It was... I feel..." he mumbled, feeling dizzy, disoriented. "What's going on? So hot..." NoNo's tentacles started to drip all over their length, losing girth as they did so, and soon Moa was free from their grip, landing on the lube pool safely but ending even more sticky than she already was. "Sorry! I didn't mean..." NoNo looked genuinely worried about Moa, despite what he had just done. "Yui? Where are you?" he asked, looking around desperate as he started to shrink and shrink, his fluids going up in a blue cloud of steam, too weak with the heat and after the orgasm to struggle. "What have you done!" he sounded angry, but the pitch was higher as he lost most of his body.

"I... I'm sorry! I surrender!" NoNo ended up squeaking, his once fearsome form reduced to the size of a little kitten, no more than a drop the size of a closed fist slowly trying to get away from the scenario. "I'll do whatever you want! Please!" he begged, looking a bit silly and even cute at that size.
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