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Becoming a slave, a Rwby rp: Firestarter09 and xXRyuJunkieXx

Cinder nodded and then thought for a second. "What about my current appearance... Wont it raise alarms?" she asked her Mistress, the plan would work well, it was just Cinder current appearance that would set the little alarms in Neo that something was off, or it was a trap. Or something like that, she gasped slightly as her left tit was grabbed. "Oh mistress.. Not so rough."
"Oh....I'm sure we can find a bow for you." Phacia replied with biting down on Cinder's nipple. Once they covered up Cinder's new features they put their plan into action. Phacia remain on the floor close to the exit acting as if she was dragging herself out while Cinder alerted Neo for help.
Cinder quickly went and found Neo, telling her that Phacia had escaped, to which the mute simply nodded and followed along wigh Cinder, not knowing it was a trap, and that she would soon be a prisoner herself. "Just down this way, the hallway to the left." she told her comrade. "She couldn't have made it far, so it should be simple to recapture her."
Phacia's eyes widen in fear as she saw Neo coming her way. "! Stay away from me!" She yelled tears falling down her face. She was close from escaping this nightmare. She wasn't going to be dragged least that's what she wanted Neo to think. As soon as short lady got close enough Phacia used her cat like reflexes and stabbed her in the neck with a syringe, injecting her with some medicine knocking her out cold. She ordered Cinder to strip her and tie her to the bed. The two were going two have some fun with her.
Cinder complied with her mistress and carried the midget to the bed, strapping her down. She saw Phacia looking at the syringes at the table. "Mistress, lets have fun." Cinder purred happily, before she looked back at Neo, She was going to have lots of fun with Mistress and Neo.
Phacia was wondering what she would do with Neo first. She did want to see if the girl could scream. She knew how cruel this short girl which made breaking her even more fun. Of course Phacia wanted Neo to be awake for the ordeal and began rubbing her slit to wake her up.
Neo squirmed as her slit was ruhbed, the mute couldn't moan, or talk or scream, as the pleasure grew, she opened her eyes in panic, seeing Phacia standing over her, imposing herself and slightly frieghting the mute, she struggled in panic and mentally moaned, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Cinder playing with herself, and was quite surprised to see her current form. She looked back at Phacia in panic.
"Oh what's wrong? You seem, scared." Phacia said chuckling a bit as she saw the expression on Neo's face. It was an expression of fear and panic. "Don't worry. We're just going to have some fun." She grinned devilishly for in her hands were some electric nipple clamps. She placed them onto Neo's nipples and pressed a button sending a small jolt of electricity through the short girl's body. Sure it would hurt but not too much. It was mostly used for pleasure.
Neo eyes shot wide as she twitched a bit in pleasure with the tiny bit of pain she felt, it wasn't much, but it was there. She felt another sending waves of pleasure and small pain through out her body, she squirmed a bit, she looked at Phacia with a bit of panic, she had not expected this! She began to wonder why the faunus had done this, the mute had barely done anything to her, she felt another shock and mentally moaned once again, her pussy began to get wet.
"Well would you look at this. Someone actually likes pain." Phacia said as she pressed the button again holding it down a bit longer. "Don't worry, I'll make it real good for you." The can faunus could feel her cock getting real hard. She would soon deflower this girl, if Roman hadn't already. For now she would have fun tormenting Neo.
Neo squirmed more and more as she tried to escape, but couldn't the shocks began to increase, so did her pleasure, her pussy convolused more and more, as she began to cum, so much began to leak out if her, she heard Phacia whisper things into her ear, she noticed thatbshe was holding a syringe that she had labeld herself, cock grower. She panicked when saw it, was she going to inject herself or her. She didn't know and came.
Phacia wasn't going to use the syringe on herself. No her cock was big enough. She would use it on Neo though, to see if someone without a cock could grow one. Before she would that though she was going to fuck her. So without warning Phacia took her rock hard cock and slammed it into Neo's pussy not giving the woman a chance to recover after her orgasm.
Nei eyes shot open wide, as she was fucked helplessly, whilst still relatively strapped to a bed. Her pussy was stretched a bit, it hurt like fucking hell as her hymen was toren, stealing her virginity, surprisingly Roman Torchwick had not taken hers. Neos face went crossed eyed with pleasure as she felt the faunus, hit a sweet spot. Causing her pussy to clamp down nd sqeeuze tightly around the fat beast of a cock, she felt a hand on her left tit, and felt the nipple clamp being removed, only to receive a pinch a momment later on said nipple, sending waves pleasure an pain throughout the ute womans body.
Phacia began to thrust even harder into Neil's pussy. Man did it feel so good. After pinching her nipple she leaned down and bit it pulling on it real hard. She began to wonder what sounds Neo would make if she wasn't a mute.
Neo mentally moaned as her nipple was bit, she felt a finger run arcoss her next, across a faded scar that was the cause of her inability to speak, her walls tightend and contracted again, as she let lose a load of cum on to Phacia cock, before feeling a load of hot seed shooting up into her womb, as she was fucked by the bigger girl, things began to change inside herself, her DNA was slowly changing. She felt another bite at her nipple, this one a little softer, another thrust from Phacia hit her sweet spot again, causing her to go cross eyed.
All the chemicals that Cinder had injected into her was the reason why Phacia's sperm was transforming normal girls into catgirls. She was going to fill Neo up until her belly was nice and full. "Someone's enjoying themselves too much." Phacua said.
Neo moaned mentally more and more, as bumps on top of her head began to form, along with a bump at her tailbone as well. "Ugggh." came a raspy sound from the mut girl as she as fucked, her tongue hanging from the side, more hot seed being shot into her womb, as her pussy milked the cock worth, her girl juices coating it, basically lubbing it, Neo belly had expanded out a bit due to the cum filling her.
"Ah so you can make sounds." Phacia said chuckling a bit as she pulled herself out of Neo, her cock covered in her own cum and Neo's juices. "Aw.....your belly looks so cute, all filled up with my seed." The cat faunus began to rub Neo's belly a bit. "I hope your first time was good for you." She leaned down a planted a deep kiss onto her lips.
Neo rasply panted as she was kissed by Phacia, right now she was surprised she was making sounds at all, she had been cut at the throat before, which left a scar, which caused her inability to speak, she wondered why she was making noises, maybe whatever was happening to her was the cause of this, the changes continued as she was kissed, she felt Phacia tongue in her mouth, dominnating her own, her new set of ears were two different colors, one pink, the other brown, her tail was a mix of pink and brown.
"Aw look at the cute little cat ears you have." Phacia said as she began to rub them. Still she wasn't done with Neo yet. There was still the matter of the cock grower syringe. "Hmm.....I wonder what did will do to you." Without warning she injected it into Neo's neck and watched to see if it had any results.
Neo groaned rasply, as she started to convulse, her body spasming, as she felt hotter, her face going flush as she felt the heat pick up, hormones began to pick up, as new things formed, skin began to push iut abive her vagina, growing, she moaned rasply as the skin started to form a fresh new cock, skin also began to form a large ball sack, which would soon hold two testicles, her new cock stood erect, at least eight inches, she groaned as she felt her testicles drop into their sacks, as they did cum started to spew from her new appendage. Cinder had walked over to see what was happing to Neo.
"Well what do you know. Did stuff does work like that." Phacia said laughing a bit and she grabbed a hold of Neo's new cock and began to stroke it. "Time to milk the kitty cat." She hummed as she rubbed the tip of Neo's cock before slowly stroking her hand all the way down. "Mm.....Doesn't that feel good? A whole new type of pleasure for you."
Neo groaned and moaned, as her cock was pumped, the new sensitive organ was quickly responsive to the sitmulation that came from, pre-cum leaked fron the tip, more and nore began to leak out, soon covering Phacia hand. "HNGH!" Neo moaned rasply, as her cock twitched and spewed forth thick ropes of hot cum, which landed in Phacia face and hand. Neo panted slightly, her chest slowly going up an down. She watched as Phacia lick her hand clean seductively. Her eyes kept on Neo.
"Boy you sure came a lot. We could probably milk you for a bit." Phacia smirked a bit. She had seen such a machine in this hideout. What they were doing with one the cat faunus had no clue but she ordered Cinder to go fetch it. "Trust me you'll enjoy it......or your mind will snap from the pleasure. I could care less which comes first. So shorty, can you tell me your name?"
Cinder purred happily as she made her way to cock milker, she hoped that her mistress would modify her too.

Neo said her name raspy. "Neo." her face was red with embarrassment, she did not like being called shorty, it annoyed her to no end, She blushed madly as her small perky breast were poked. "Why are you like this?" She asked Phacia. "What did I do to you? Why?" She continued to ask.
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